1#!/usr/bin/env perl
2use strict;
3use warnings;
4use 5.0100;
6# script to translate some bits of the git configuration test suite into a perl
7# test suite
9my $prepend = 1;
11while (<>) {
12    if ($prepend) {
13        # header test stuff
14        say "use File::Copy;";
15        say "use Test::More tests => 75;";
16        $prepend = 0;
17    }
18    # translate lines like:
19    # test_expect_success 'mixed case' 'cmp .git/config expect'
20    # leaves more complicated test_expect_success lines alone
21    elsif (/test_expect_success ('[^']+') 'cmp ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)'/) {
22        my $config = $2 eq '.git/config'? 'gitconfig' : $2;
23        say "is(slurp(\$${config}), \$${3}, ${1});";
24    }
25    # translate cat'ing text into the 'expect' file into uninterpolated
26    # heredocs in the $expect var
27    elsif (/cat (>+) ?(expect|\.git\/config) << ?\\?EOF/) {
28        given ($2) {
29            when ('expect') {
30                say "\$expect = <<'EOF'";
31            }
32            when ('.git/config') {
33                say "open FH, '$1', \$config_filename or die \"Could not open \${config_filename}: \$!\";";
34                say "print FH <<'EOF'";
35            }
36        }
37    }
38    # add semicolon after heredocs
39    elsif (/^EOF$/) { print; say ';'; }
40    # echoing into expect puts that string into $expect
41    elsif (/^echo (?:'([a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)'|([^\s]+)) > expect/) {
42        say "\$expect = '$1';";
43    }
44    # translate some git config commands into Config::GitLike code
45    elsif (s/^git config//) {
46        if (/--unset ([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)(?: ["']?([a-zA-Z0-9 \$]+)["']?)?$/) {
47            # filter can be empty
48            my($key,$filter) = ($1, $2);
50            say "\$config->set(key => $key, filter => '$filter', filename => \$config_filename);"
51        } elsif (/([a-zA-Z0-9.]+) ["']?([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)["']?(?: ["']?([a-zA-Z0-9 \$]+)["']?)?$/) {
52            # filter can be empty
53            my($key,$val,$filter) = ($1, $2, $3);
55            print "\$config->set(key => '$key', value => '$val', ";
56            print "filter => '$filter', " if $filter;
57            say "filename => \$config_filename);";
58        }
59    }
60    # translate cp commands into copy()s
61    elsif (/^cp .git\/([^\s]+) .git\/([^\s]+)/) {
62        say "copy(File::Spec->catfile(\$config_dirname, '$1'),";
63        say "     File::Spec->catfile(\$config_dirname, '$2'))";
64        say " or die \"File cannot be copied: \$!\";";
65    }
66    # translate rm into unlink
67    elsif (/^rm .git\/(.+)$/) {
68        say "unlink File::Spec->catfile(\$config_dirname, '$1');";
69    }
70    # translate test description into a diag
71    elsif (/^test_description=('.+')$/) {
72        say "diag($1);"
73    }
74    # this really means "load this other config file that is not
75    # $config_filename" and then compare it to $expect
76    elsif (/^GIT_CONFIG=([^ ]+) git config ([^ ]+)(?:(?: > (output))?| ([^ ]+))/) {
78        my($conffile, $cmd) = ($1, $2);
79        say "my \$$conffile = TestConfig->new(confname => '$conffile');";
80        if ($3 eq 'output') {
81            # like git config -l (though the output won't be exactly the same
82            # in cases where there's more than one var in the file since
83            # dump is sorted and -l isn't)
84            say "my \$$3 = \$$conffile->dump;";
85        } else {
86            say "\$${conffile}->set(key => '$cmd', value => '$3', file => File::Spec->catfile(\$config_dirname, ${conffile}));";
87        }
88    }
89    # stuff that can just be canned
90    elsif (/^(?:#!\/bin\/sh|#|# Copyright|\. \.\/test-lib.sh|test -f .git\/config && rm \.git\/config|test_done)/) { }
91    # print any unknown stuff for manual frobbing
92    else { print; }