1{* $Id$ *}
3{remarksbox type="tip" title="{tr}Tip{/tr}"}
4{tr}To add/remove image galleries, go to "Image Galleries" on the application menu, or{/tr} <a class="alert-link" href="tiki-galleries.php">{tr}Click Here{/tr}</a>.
6{tr}You can upload images of a size of {/tr}{$max_img_upload_size|kbsize}. {tr}Alter the php.ini variables file_uploads, upload_max_filesize, post_max_size and database variables (max_allowed_packet for mysql) to change this value{/tr}.
9{tabset name="admin_gal"}
10	{tab name="{tr}Features{/tr}"}
11		<br>
12		<form id="galfeatures" action="tiki-admin.php?page=gal" method="post">
13			{ticket}
14			<br>
15			<div class="form-group col-lg-12 clearfix">
16				<div class="float-sm-right">
17					<input
18						type="submit"
19						class="btn btn-primary tips"
20						form="galfeatures"
21						name="galfeatures"
22						title=":{tr}Apply changes{/tr}"
23						value="{tr}Apply{/tr}"
24					>
25				</div>
26			</div>
27			<fieldset>
28				<legend>{tr}Activate the feature{/tr}</legend>
29				{preference name=feature_galleries visible="always"}
30			</fieldset>
31			<fieldset>
32				<legend>{tr}Galleries features{/tr}</legend>
33				{preference name=home_gallery}
34				{preference name=feature_gal_rankings}
35				{preference name=feature_image_galleries_comments}
36				{preference name=feature_gal_slideshow}
37				<div class="adminoptionbox">
38					{preference name=gal_use_db}
39					<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="gal_use_db_childcontainer">
40						{preference name=gal_use_dir}
41					</div>
42				</div>
43				{preference name=gal_use_lib}
44				{preference name=gal_match_regex}
45				{preference name=gal_nmatch_regex}
46				<div class="adminoptionbox">
47					{preference name=feature_gal_batch}
48					<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="feature_gal_batch_childcontainer">
49						{preference name=gal_batch_dir}
50					</div>
51				</div>
52				{if $prefs.feature_categories eq 'y'}
53					{preference name=feature_image_gallery_mandatory_category}
54				{/if}
55				{preference name=gal_image_mouseover}
56				<div class="adminoptionbox">
57					{preference name=preset_galleries_info}
58					<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="preset_galleries_info_childcontainer">
59						{preference name=maxRowsGalleries}
60						{preference name=rowImagesGalleries}
61						{preference name=thumbSizeXGalleries}
62						{preference name=thumbSizeYGalleries}
63						{preference name=scaleSizeGalleries}
64					</div>
65				</div>
66			</fieldset>
67			<fieldset>
68				<legend>{tr}Gallery listing configuration{/tr}</legend>
69				{preference name=gal_list_name}
70				{preference name=gal_list_parent}
71				{preference name=gal_list_description}
72				{preference name=gal_list_created}
73				{preference name=gal_list_lastmodif}
74				{preference name=gal_list_user}
75				{preference name=gal_list_imgs}
76				{preference name=gal_list_visits}
77			</fieldset>
78			<fieldset>
79				<legend>{tr}Comments settings{/tr}</legend>
80				{preference name=image_galleries_comments_per_page}
81				{preference name=image_galleries_comments_default_order}
82			</fieldset>
83			<br>
84			<div class="form-group col-lg-12 text-center">
85				<input
86					type="submit"
87					class="btn btn-primary tips"
88					form="galfeatures"
89					name="galfeatures"
90					title=":{tr}Apply Changes{/tr}"
91					value="{tr}Apply{/tr}"
92				>
93			</div>
94		</form>
95	{/tab}
96	{tab name="{tr}Manage images{/tr}"}
97		<br>
98		<form id="galremove" action="tiki-admin.php?page=gal" method="post">
99			{ticket}
100			<br>
101			<fieldset>
102				<legend>{tr}Remove unused images{/tr}</legend>
103				<div class="form-group row">
104					<label class="col-form-label col-sm-4">
105						{tr}Remove unused images in the system gallery{/tr}
106					</label>
107					<div class="col-sm-8">
108						<button
109							type="submit"
110							class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"
111							form="galremove"
112							name="rmvorphimg"
113							value="1"
114							onclick="confirmSimple(event, '{tr}Remove orphan images?{/tr}')"
115						>
116							{tr}Remove{/tr}
117						</button>
118						<span class="form-text">
119						{tr}Remove images not being used in wiki pages, articles or blog posts{/tr}
120						</span>
121					</div>
122				</div>
123			</fieldset>
124		</form>
126			{if $prefs.gal_use_db eq 'n'}
127				{$label = "{tr}Move images from database storage to filesystem storage{/tr}"}
128				{$value = 'to_fs'}
129			{else}
130				{$label = "{tr}Move images from filesystem storage to database storage{/tr}"}
131				{$value = 'to_db'}
132			{/if}
133		<form id="galmove" action="tiki-admin.php?page=gal" method="post">
134			{ticket}
135			<input type="hidden" name="mvimg" value="{$value}">
136			<fieldset>
137				<legend>{tr}Move images{/tr}</legend>
138				<div class="form-group row">
139					<label class="col-form-label col-sm-4">{$label}</label>
140					<div class="col-sm-8">
141						<select name="move_gallery" class="form-control">
142							<option value="-1">{tr}All galleries{/tr}</option>
143							<option value="0">{tr}System Gallery{/tr}</option>
144							{section name=ix loop=$galleries}
145								<option value="{$galleries[ix].galleryId|escape}">{$galleries[ix].name|truncate:20:"...":true}</option>
146							{/section}
147						</select><br>
148						<button
149							type="submit"
150							class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"
151							form="galmove"
152							name="mvimg"
153							value="{$value}"
154						>
155							{tr}Move{/tr}
156						</button>
157					</div>
158				</div>
159			</fieldset>
160		</form>
161			{* Don't see a function that does this
162						{if $prefs.gal_use_db eq 'n'}
163							<div class="form-group row">
164								<label class="col-form-label col-sm-4">
165									{tr}Move images from old filesystem store to new directory{/tr}
166								</label>
167								<div class="col-sm-8">
168									<input type="text" name="gal_use_dir" value="{$prefs.gal_use_dir|escape}" size="50" disabled="disabled">
169									<br>
170									<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" name="newdir" value="to_newdir">
171										{tr}Move{/tr}
172									</button>
173								</div>
174							</div>
175						{/if}
176						{if isset($movedimgs) and $movedimgs}
177							<div class="form-group row">
178								<div class="offset-sm-4 col-am-8">
179									<td colspan="3">{tr}Moved{/tr} {$movedimgs} {tr}Images{/tr}</td>
180								</div>
181							</div>
182						{/if}
183			*}
184	{/tab}