3 * Template for a Facebook story entry. Expects the following to be set:
4 *
5 * $this->actorImgUrl        URI to the actor's pic.
6 * $this->actorProfileLink   Full link <a ...>Text</a> to FB Profile
7 * $this->message            The body of the post
8 * $this->attachement        Attachement array
9 * $this->postId             The postId
10 * $this->postInfo           Text to display for post info (post time etc...)
11 * $this->likesInfo          Text to display for the Like info (You and one other person etc...)
12 */
14<div class="hordeSmStreamstory">
15  <div class="hordeSmAvatar"><img width="48px" height="48px" src="<?php echo $this->actorImgUrl ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->actorName ?>" /></div>
16  <div class="hordeSmStreambody">
17    <?php if (!empty($this->icon)): ?>
18      <img alt="[image]" src="<?php echo $this->icon ?>" />
19    <?php endif;?>
20    <?php if ($this->privacy->value == 'SELF'): ?>
21     <img alt="[PRIVATE]" src="<?php echo Horde_Themes::img('locked.png') ?>" />
22    <?php endif; ?>
23    <?php echo $this->actorProfileLink . $this->actorName?></a>
24    <div class="hordeSmStreamMessage">
25      <?php echo empty($this->message) ? '' : $this->message;?>
26      <div class="fbattachment <?php echo !empty($this->attachment->description) ? 'solidbox' : '' ?>">
27        <?php if (!empty($this->attachment)): ?>
28          <div class="fbmedia">
29            <div class="fbmediaitem fbmediaitemsingle">
30              <?php echo $this->attachment->link ?><img alt="[image]" src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->attachment->image) ?>" /></a>
31            </div>
32          </div>
33          <?php if (!empty($this->attachment->name)):?>
34            <div class="fbattachmenttitle">
35              <?php $this->attachment->link . $this->attachment->name?></a>
36            </div>
37          <?php endif;?>
38          <?php if (!empty($this->attachment->caption)):?>
39            <div class="fbattachmentcaption"><?php echo $this->attachment->caption?></div>
40          <?php endif;?>
41          <?php if (!empty($this->attachment->description)):?>
42            <div class="fbattachmentcopy"><?php echo $this->attachment->description?></div>
43          <?php endif;?>
44          <?php if (!empty($this->place)): ?>
45            <div class="fbattachmentcopy">
46              <?php echo $this->place['link'] . $this->place['name'] ?></a>
47              <?php if (!empty($this->with)): ?>
48                <?php echo _("With "); ?>
49                <?php foreach($this->with as $with): ?>
50                  <?php echo $with['link'] . $with['name']?></a>
51                <?php endforeach; ?>
52              <?php endif; ?>
53            </div>
54          <?php endif; ?>
55        <?php endif; ?>
56      </div>
57    </div>
58    <div class="hordeSmStreaminfo"><?php echo $this->postInfo?></div>
59    <div class="hordeSmStreaminfo" id="fb<?php echo $this->postId?>"><?php echo $this->likesInfo?></div>
60  </div>
62<div class="fbcontentdivider">&nbsp;</div>