1<form method="post" name="contacts" id="contacts" action="<?php echo Horde::url('browse.php') ?>">
2<input type="hidden" name="source" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(Turba::$source) ?>" />
3<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($page) ?>" />
4<?php echo Horde_Util::formInput() ?>
5<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="linedRow">
7 <tr>
8<?php $col_count = count($this->columns) + 1; if ($this->showMark): $col_count++; ?>
9  <th class="turba-browse-icon item" width="1%" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="document.contacts.checkAll.checked = !document.contacts.checkAll.checked; SelectAll();" nowrap="nowrap"><label for="checkAll" class="hidden"><?php echo _("Check All/None") ?></label><input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" name="checkAll" onclick="document.contacts.checkAll.checked = !document.contacts.checkAll.checked; SelectAll();" <?php echo Horde::getAccessKeyAndTitle(_("Check _All/None")) ?> /></th>
10<?php endif; ?>
11<?php if ($this->showEdit): $col_count++; ?>
12  <th class="turba-browse-icon item" width="1%"><span class="iconImg editImg" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(_("Edit")) ?>"></span></th>
13<?php endif; ?>
14<?php if ($this->showVcard): $col_count++; ?>
15  <th class="turba-browse-icon item" width="1%"><span class="iconImg vcardImg" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(_("Download vCard")) ?>"></span></th>
16<?php endif; ?>
17<?php if ($this->showGroup): $col_count++; ?>
18  <th class="turba-browse-icon item" width="1%"><span class="iconImg groupImg" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(_("List")) ?>"></span></th>
19<?php endif; ?>
20  <?php $s_url = Horde::selfUrl(true)->remove(array('sortadd', 'sortby', 'sortdir')); for ($i = 0, $imax = count($this->columns); $i <= $imax; ++$i): ?>
21    <?php $columnlabel = $GLOBALS['attributes'][$i == 0 ? 'name' : $this->getColumnName($i)]['label']; ?>
22  <th class="<?php echo ($this->showSort && $this->isSortColumn($i)) ? 'selected' : 'item' ?> leftAlign" width="<?php echo $width ?>%" nowrap="nowrap">
23<?php if ($this->showSort): ?>
24   <?php if ($this->isSortColumn($i)): ?>
25      <?php $sortdir = $this->getColumnSortDirection($i); ?>
26      <?php $changetitle = sprintf(_("Change %s sort to %s"), $columnlabel, $sortdir == 0 ? _("descending") : _("ascending")) ?>
27      <a class="widget" title="<?php echo $changetitle ?>" href="<?php echo $s_url->copy()->add(array('sortadd' => 1, 'sortby' => $i, 'sortdir' => abs(1 - $sortdir))) ?>"><?php echo $this->getColumnSortImage($i) ?></a>
28      <?php $changetitle = sprintf(_("Sort by %s only"), $columnlabel) ?>
29      <a class="widget" title="<?php echo $changetitle ?>" href="<?php echo $s_url->copy()->add(array('sortby' => $i, 'sortdir' => abs(1 - $sortdir))) ?>">
30   <?php else: ?>
31      <?php $sorttitle = sprintf(_("Sort by %s, then by %s"), $this->getSortOrderDescription(), $columnlabel) ?>
32      <a class="widget" title="<?php echo $sorttitle ?>" href="<?php echo $s_url->copy()->add(array('sortadd' => 1, 'sortby' => $i, 'sortdir' => 0)) ?>"><?php echo $this->getColumnSortImage($i, $sorttitle) ?></a>
33      <a class="widget" title="<?php echo sprintf(_("Sort by %s"), $columnlabel) ?>" href="<?php echo $s_url->copy()->add(array('sortby' => $i, 'sortdir' => 0)) ?>">
34   <?php endif; ?>
35<?php endif; ?>
36   <?php echo $columnlabel ?>
37<?php if ($this->showSort): ?></a><?php endif; ?>
38  </th>
39  <?php endfor; ?>
40 </tr>
42<tbody id="QuickFinderEmpty" style="display:none">
43 <tr>
44  <td colspan="<?php echo $col_count ?>">
45   <?php echo _("No contacts match the current filter.") ?>
46  </td>
47 </tr>
49<tbody id="QuickFinderContacts">