1{* $Id$ *}
2{if $prefs.feature_contribution eq 'y'}
3	{if count($contributions) gt 0}
4		<div class="form-group row">
5		{if $contribution_needed eq 'y'}
6			<span class="mandatory_note highlight">
7		{/if}
8			<label for="contributions" class="col-sm-3 col-form-label">{tr}Type of contribution:{/tr}</label>
9		{if $prefs.feature_contribution_mandatory eq 'y'}
10			<strong class='mandatory_star text-danger tips' title=":{tr}This field is mandatory{/tr}">*</strong>
11		{/if}
12		{if $contribution_needed eq 'y'}
13			</span>
14		{/if}
15			<div class="col-sm-6">
16				<select id="contributions" name="contributions[]" multiple="multiple" size="5" class="form-control">
17					{section name=ix loop=$contributions}
18						<option value="{$contributions[ix].contributionId|escape}"{if $contributions[ix].selected eq 'y'} selected="selected"{/if} >{if $contributions[ix].contributionId > 0}{$contributions[ix].name|escape}{/if}</option>
19						{assign var="help" value=$help|cat:$contributions[ix].name|cat:": "|cat:$contributions[ix].description|cat:"<br>"}
20					{/section}
21				</select>
22				<a title="{tr}Help{/tr}" {popup text=$help|replace:'"':"'" width=500}>{icon name='help'}</a>
23			</div>
24		</div>
25		{if $prefs.feature_contributor_wiki eq 'y' and $section eq 'wiki page' and empty($in_comment)}
26			<div class="form-group row">
27				<label for='contributors' class="col-sm-3 col-form-label">{tr}Contributors{/tr}</label>
28				<div class="col-sm-6">
29					<select id="contributors" name="contributors[]" multiple="multiple" size="5" class="form-control">
30						{foreach key=userId item=u from=$users}
31							{if $u ne $user}<option value="{$userId}"{if !empty($contributors) and in_array($userId, $contributors)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$u}</option>{/if}
32						{/foreach}
33					</select>
34				</div>
35			</div>
36		{/if}
37	{elseif $tiki_p_admin eq 'y'}
38		{tr}No contribution records found.{/tr}
39	{/if}