1{assign var="row" value=$results[0]}
2{assign var="maxRows" value=1}
3<style type="text/css">
4	.product th {
5		text-align:right;
6		vertical-align: top;
7		padding-right: .5em;
8	}
10<table class="product">
11	<tr itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">
12		<td rowspan="14" style="padding-right: 2em; min-height: 600px;">
13			{* values from the {list} plugin in Smarty here are surrounded with ~np~ tags which are removed later, hence the nonp modifiers *}
14			{$img = ','|explode:$row.images|nonp}
15			{if $img}
16				<div class="item-img-outer" style="min-width:360px;min-height:360px;">
17					<a class="item-img" href="tiki-download_file.php?fileId={$img[0]}&display" title="{$row.title}" data-box="[p]box">
18						<img itemprop="image" src="tiki-download_file.php?fileId={$img[0]}&display&height=350" height="350" />
19					</a>
20				</div>
21			{else}
22				<div class="item-noimg" style="width:350px;height:350px;text-align:center;">
23					Image coming soon
24				</div>
25			{/if}
26		</td>
27		<td colspan="2">
28			<h1 itemprop="name">{$row.name}</h1>
29		</td>
30	</tr>
31	<tr>
32		<th>
33			Product Code:
34		</th>
35		<td>
36			<span itemprop="serialNumber">{$row.object_id}</span>
37		</td>
38	</tr>
39	<tr>
40		<th>
41			Category:
42		</th>
43		<td>
44			<span itemprop="category">{$row.category}</span>
45		</td>
46	</tr>
47	<tr>
48		<th>
49			Status:
50		</th>
51		<td>
52			{if $row.stock|nonp gt 0}
53				<strong>In stock</strong>
54				<meta itemprop="availability" content="InStock">
55			{else}
56				<em>Awaiting stock</em>
57				<meta itemprop="availability" content="OutOfStock">
58			{/if}
59		</td>
60	</tr>
61	<tr>
62		<th>
63			<strong>Price:</strong>
64		</th>
65		<td>
66			<strong itemprop="price">{$row.price}</strong>
67			<!-- meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="USD" can't access prefs here sadly :(-->
68		</td>
69	</tr>
70	<tr>
71		<th>
72			&nbsp;
73		</th>
74		<td>
75			{if $row.stock|nonp gt 0}
76				{include file="templates/examples/shop/add_to_cart.tpl"}
77				<meta itemprop="acceptedPaymentMethod" content="http://www.heppnetz.de/ontologies/goodrelations/v1#PayPal">
78			{/if}
79		</td>
80	</tr>
81	<tr>
82		<th>
83			&nbsp;
84		</th>
85		<td>
86			{$row.description}
87		</td>
88	</tr>
89	<tr>
90		<td colspan="3">
91			{if count($img) > 1}
92				{for $i = 1; $i< count($img); $i++}
93					<a class="item-thumb" href="tiki-download_file.php?fileId={$img[$i]}&display" title="{$row.name}" data-box="[p]box">
94						<img src="tiki-download_file.php?fileId={$img[$i]}&thumbnail" width="120" height="120" />
95					</a>
96				{/for}
97			{/if}
98		</td>
99	</tr>
101{pagination_links resultset=$results}{/pagination_links}