1{* $Id$ *}
3{if $prefs.feature_file_galleries eq 'y'}
4	{if !isset($tpl_module_title)}
5		{if isset($module_rows) && $module_rows gt 0}
6			{capture assign=tpl_module_title}{tr _0=$module_rows}Last %0 Podcasts{/tr}{/capture}
7		{else}
8			{assign value="{tr}Newest Podcasts{/tr}" var="tpl_module_title"}
9		{/if}
10	{/if}
11	{tikimodule error=$module_params.error title=$tpl_module_title name="last_podcasts" flip=$module_params.flip decorations=$module_params.decorations nobox=$module_params.nobox notitle=$module_params.notitle}
13		{if $nonums != 'y'}<ol>{else}<ul>{/if}
14			{section name=ix loop=$modLastFiles}
15			<li>
16				<div class="module">
17					<a class="linkmodule" href="tiki-download_file.php?fileId={$modLastFiles[ix].fileId}" {if $verbose eq 'n'}title="{$modLastFiles[ix].description|escape:'html'}"{/if} onclick="return false;">
18						{$modLastFiles[ix].name|escape:'html'}
19					</a>
20				</div>
21				<div class="module podcast">
22					{if $mediaplayer ne ""}
23						{if $modLastFiles[ix].path ne ""}
24							<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="{$mediaplayer}?mp3={$prefs.fgal_podcast_dir}/{$modLastFiles[ix].path}" width="190" height="20">
25								<param name="movie" value="{$mediaplayer}?mp3=files/{$modLastFiles[ix].path}">
26							</object>
27							{if $verbose eq 'y'}
28								<div class="moduledescription" >
29									{$modLastFiles[ix].description|nl2br}
30								</div>
31							{/if}
32						{else} {* This probably means it is not an mp3, or it was not uploaded into a file gallery of type "Podcast (Audio)" *}
33							{tr}This is likely not a podcast file.{/tr}
34						{/if}
35					{else}
36						{tr}The path to a podcast player is required.{/tr}
37					{/if}
38				</div>
39			</li>
40			{/section}
41		{if $nonums != 'y'}</ol>{else}</ul>{/if}
43		{if $link_url neq ""}
44			<div class="lastlinkmodule" >
45				<a class="linkmodule" href="{$link_url}" >{if $link_text neq ""}{tr}{$link_text}{/tr}{else}{$link_url}{/if}</a>
46			</div>
47		{/if}
49	{/tikimodule}