1{* $Id$ *}
2{if empty($iListExecute)}{assign var=iListExecute value=$id|replace:'wplistexecute-':''}{/if}
3{if isset($tableparams.title)}
4	<div class="list-table-heading">{wiki}{$tableparams.title|escape}{/wiki}</div>
6{if $actions}
7<form method="post" action="#{$id}" class="form-inline" id="listexecute-{$iListExecute}">
9{if not empty($column.field)}
10	{$column = [$column]}{* if there is only one column then it will not be in an array *}
12{if isset($tableparams.allowtableexpansion) && $tableparams.allowtableexpansion eq 'y'}
13	{button href='javascript:void(0)' _type="primary" _class="btn btn-primary btn-sm table-expand-toggle" _icon_name="caret-square-right" _title="{tr}Expand table{/tr}"}
14	{jq}
15		$(".table-expand-toggle").click(function(){
16			var $this = $(this);
17			if ( $this.data('expandStatus') != 'expanded' ) {
18				$this.data('expandStatus','expanded');
19				var $parentdiv = $(this).parent('div');
20				$parentdiv.find('div.table-responsive').each(function () {
21					$(this).removeClass('table-responsive').addClass('table');
22				}); // end each
23				$this.attr('title','{tr}Restore layout{/tr}');
24				$this.find(".icon").setIcon("caret-square-left");
25			}else{
26				$this.data('expandStatus','responsive');
27				var $parentdiv = $(this).parent('div');
28				$parentdiv.find('div.table').each(function () {
29					$(this).addClass('table-responsive').removeClass('table');
30				}); // end each
31				$this.attr('title','{tr}Expand table{/tr}');
32				$this.find(".icon").setIcon("caret-square-right");
33			}
34		});
35	{/jq}
37{if isset($tableparams.shownbitems) && $tableparams.shownbitems eq 'y'}
38	<div class="nbitems">
39		{tr}Items found:{/tr} <span class='badge badge-secondary'>{$count}</span>
40	</div>
42<div {if $id}id="{$id}-div" {/if}class="table-responsive ts-wrapperdiv" {if $tsOn}style="visibility:hidden;"{/if}>
43	<table {if $id}id="{$id}" {/if}class="table normal table-hover table-striped" data-count="{$count}">
44		<thead>
45		{$header=false}
46		{foreach from=$column item=col}
47			{if !empty($col.label) or !empty($col.sort)}
48				{$header=true}
49				{break}
50			{/if}
51		{/foreach}
52		{if $header}
53			{$fieldcount = 0}
54			<tr>
55				{if $actions}
56					{$fieldcount = 1}
57					<th>
58						<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input listexecute-select-all" name="selectall" value="">
59						<input type="hidden" name="objects{$iListExecute}[]" value="" class="listexecute-all">
60					</th>
61				{/if}
62				{foreach from=$column item=col}
63					{$fieldcount = $fieldcount + 1}
64					<th{if not empty($col.class)} class="{$col.class}"{/if}>
65						{if isset($col.sort) && $col.sort}
66							{if !empty($sort_jsvar) and !empty($_onclick)}
67								{$order = '_asc'}
68								{if !empty($smarty.request.sort_mode) and stristr($smarty.request.sort_mode, $col.sort) neq false}
69									{if stristr($smarty.request.sort_mode, '_asc')}
70										{$order = '_desc'}
71									{elseif stristr($smarty.request.sort_mode, '_nasc')}
72										{$order = '_ndesc'}
73									{elseif stristr($smarty.request.sort_mode, '_desc')}
74										{$order = '_asc'}
75									{elseif stristr($smarty.request.sort_mode, '_ndesc')}
76										{$order = '_nasc'}
77									{/if}
78								{/if}
79								{$click = $sort_jsvar|cat:'=\''|cat:$col.sort|cat:$order|cat:'\';'|cat:$_onclick}
80								{if isset($col.translatelabel) && $col.translatelabel == 'y'}
81									{self_link _onclick=$click _ajax='y' _sort_arg='sort_mode' _sort_field=$col.sort}{$col.label|tra|escape}{/self_link}
82								{else}
83									{self_link _onclick=$click _ajax='y' _sort_arg='sort_mode' _sort_field=$col.sort}{$col.label|escape}{/self_link}
84								{/if}
85							{else}
86								{if isset($col.translatelabel) && $col.translatelabel == 'y'}
87									{self_link _sort_arg=$sort_arg _sort_field=$col.sort}{$col.label|tra|escape}{/self_link}
88								{else}
89									{self_link _sort_arg=$sort_arg _sort_field=$col.sort}{$col.label|escape}{/self_link}
90								{/if}
91							{/if}
92						{else}
93							{if isset($col.translatelabel) && $col.translatelabel == 'y'}
94								{$col.label|tra|escape}
95							{else}
96								{$col.label|escape}
97							{/if}
98						{/if}
99					</th>
100				{/foreach}
101			</tr>
102		{/if}
103		</thead>
104		<tbody>
105		{foreach from=$results item=row}
106			<tr>
107				{if $actions}
108					<td>
109						<input type="checkbox" name="objects{$iListExecute}[]" class="checkbox_objects form-check-input" value="{$row.object_type|escape}:{$row.object_id|escape}">
110						{if $row.report_status eq 'success'}
111							{icon name='ok'}
112						{elseif $row.report_status eq 'error'}
113							{icon name='error'}
114						{/if}
115					</td>
116				{/if}
117				{foreach from=$column item=col}
118					<td{if not empty($col.class)} class="{$col.class}"{/if}>
119						{if isset($col.mode) && $col.mode eq 'raw'}
120							{if !empty($row[$col.field])}{$row[$col.field]}{/if}
121						{else}
122							{if !empty($row[$col.field])}{$row[$col.field]|escape}{/if}
123						{/if}
124					</td>
125				{/foreach}
126			</tr>
127		{/foreach}
128		</tbody>
129		{if !empty($tstotals) && $tsOn}
130			{include file="../../tablesorter/totals.tpl" fieldcount="{$fieldcount}"}
131		{/if}
132	</table>
134{if $actions}
135	<div class="row w-100">
136		<div class="col-sm-1">
137			<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" title="{tr}Apply Changes{/tr}" id="submit_form_{$id}" disabled value="{tr}Apply{/tr}">
138		</div>
139		<div class="col-sm-4">
140			<select name="list_action" class="form-control" id="check_submit_select_{$id}">
141				<option></option>
142				{foreach from=$actions item=action}
143					<option value="{$action->getName()|escape}" data-input='{$action->requiresInput()}'>
144						{$action->getName()|escape}
145					</option>
146				{/foreach}
147			</select>
148		</div>
149		<div class="col-sm-4" id="list_input_container_{$id}">
150		</div>
151		<input type="text" name="list_input" value="" class="form-control" style="display:none">
152	</div>
157	var countChecked = function() {
158		if ($('#{{$id}}-div .checkbox_objects').is(':checked')) {
159			if($('select#check_submit_select_{{$id}}').val()){
160				$('input#submit_form_{{$id}}').prop('disabled', false);
161			}
162		} else {
163			$('input#submit_form_{{$id}}').prop('disabled', true);
164		}
165		var header_checked = $('#{{$id}}-div .checkbox_objects').not(':checked').length == 0;
166		$('#listexecute-{{$iListExecute}} .listexecute-all').val(header_checked ? 'ALL' : '');
167	};
168	$('#listexecute-{{$iListExecute}} .listexecute-select-all').removeClass('listexecute-select-all')
169		.on('click', function (e) {
170			$(this).closest('form').find('tbody :checkbox:not(:disabled)').each(function () {
171				$(this).prop("checked", ! $(this).prop("checked"));
172			}).promise().done(function(){ countChecked(); });
173		});
174	$('#listexecute-{{$iListExecute}}').find('select[name=list_action]')
175		.on('change', function() {
176			var valueSel = $('select#check_submit_select_{{$id}}').val();
177			if(valueSel == ''){
178				$('input#submit_form_{{$id}}').prop('disabled', true);
179			} else {
180				if($('#{{$id}}-div .checkbox_objects').is(':checked')){
181					$('input#submit_form_{{$id}}').prop('disabled', false);
182				}
183			}
184			var params = $(this).find('option:selected').data('input');
185			if( typeof params === "object" && typeof params[0] === "object") {
186				$("#list_input_container_{{$id}}").load(
187					$.service('tracker', 'fetch_item_field', params[0]),
188					function () {
189						$(this).tiki_popover().applyChosen();
190					}
191				).show();
192			} else if( params ) {
193				$(this).siblings('input[name=list_input]').show();
194				$("#list_input_container_{{$id}}").hide();
195			} else {
196				$(this).siblings('input[name=list_input]').hide();
197				$("#list_input_container_{{$id}}").hide();
198			}
199		});
200	$( "#{{$id}}-div .checkbox_objects" ).on( "click", countChecked );
201	countChecked();
202	$('#listexecute-{{$iListExecute}}').submit(function(){
203		feedback(tr('Action is being executed, please wait.'));
204		$(this).tikiModal(" ");
205		var filters = $('#list_filter{{$iListExecute|replace:'wplistexecute-':''}} form').serializeArray(),
206			inp, i;
207		for(i = 0, l = filters.length; i < l; i++) {
208			inp = $('<input type="hidden">');
209			inp.attr('name', filters[i].name);
210			inp.val(filters[i].value);
211			$('#listexecute-{{$iListExecute}}').append(inp);
212		}
213		var trackerInputs = $("input,select,textarea", "#list_input_container_{{$id}}").serializeArray();
214		if (trackerInputs) {
215			for (i = 0; i < trackerInputs.length; i++) {
216				inp = $('<input type="hidden">');
217				inp.attr("name", "list_input~" + trackerInputs[i].name);	// add tracker inputs as an array "inside" list_input
218				inp.val(trackerInputs[i].value);
219				$('#listexecute-{{$iListExecute}}').append(inp);
220			}
221			$("#listexecute-{{$iListExecute}}").remove("input[list_input]");
222		}
223	});
227{if ! empty($downloadable)}
228	{if $actions}
229	<br>
230	{/if}
231	<form method="post" id="listexecute-download-{$iListExecute}">
232		<input type="hidden" name="download" value="1">
233		<input type="hidden" name="tsAjax" value="y">
234		<input type="submit" name="submit" value="{tr}Download{/tr}" class="btn btn-primary">
235	</form>
238	$('#listexecute-download-{{$iListExecute}}').submit(function(){
239		var $form = $(this);
240		$form.find('input[name^=filter]').remove();
241		$('.tablesorter-filter').each(function(i,el){
242			var column = $(el).data('column'),
243					value = $(el).val();
244			if( value ) {
245				$('<input type="hidden" name="filter['+column+']">')
246					.val(value)
247					.appendTo($form);
248			}
249		});
250	});