1{* $Id$ *}
3{title help="My Account"}{tr}My Account{/tr}{/title}
5{include file='tiki-mytiki_bar.tpl'}
8{capture name=my}
9	{if $prefs.feature_wiki eq 'y' and $mytiki_pages eq 'y'}
10		<div id="content1" class="content clearfix mb-4">
11			<h4>{if $userwatch eq $user}{tr}My pages{/tr}{else}{tr}User Pages{/tr}{/if}</h4>
12			<div class="table-responsive">
13				<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
14					<tr>
15						<th>
16							<a href="tiki-my_tiki.php?sort_mode={if $sort_mode eq 'pageName_desc'}pageName_asc{else}pageName_desc{/if}">{tr}Page{/tr}</a>
17						</th>
18						<th>{tr}Creator{/tr}</th>
19						<th>{tr}Last editor{/tr}</th>
20						<th>
21							<a href="tiki-my_tiki.php?sort_mode={if $sort_mode eq 'date_desc'}date_asc{else}date_desc{/if}">{tr}Last modification{/tr}</a>
22						</th>
23						<th></th>
24					</tr>
26					{section name=ix loop=$user_pages}
27						<tr>
28							<td class="text">
29								<a class="tips" title=":{tr}View{/tr}" href="tiki-index.php?page={$user_pages[ix].pageName|escape:"url"}">{$user_pages[ix].pageName|truncate:40:"(...)"}</a>
30							</td>
31							<td class="username">
32								{if $userwatch eq $user_pages[ix].creator}{tr}y{/tr}{else}&nbsp;{/if}
33							</td>
34							<td class="username">
35								{if $userwatch eq $user_pages[ix].lastEditor}{tr}y{/tr}{else}&nbsp;{/if}
36							</td>
37							<td class="date">
38								{$user_pages[ix].date|tiki_short_datetime}
39							</td>
40							<td class="action">
41								<a class="tips" href="tiki-editpage.php?page={$user_pages[ix].pageName|escape:"url"}" title=":{tr}Edit{/tr}">
42									{icon name='edit'}
43								</a>
44							</td>
45						</tr>
46					{/section}
47				</table>
48			</div>
49				<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
50					<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$user_pages|@count}</span></a></li>
51				</ul>
52		</div>
53	{/if}
55	{if $prefs.feature_galleries eq 'y' and $mytiki_gals eq 'y'}
56		<div id="content2" class="content clearfix mb-4">
57			<h4>{if $userwatch eq $user}{tr}My galleries{/tr}{else}{tr}User Galleries{/tr}{/if}</h4>
58			<div class="table-responsive">
59				<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
60					<tr>
61						<th>{tr}Gallery{/tr}</th>
62						<th style="width:50px"></th>
63					</tr>
65					{section name=ix loop=$user_galleries}
66						<tr>
67							<td class="text">
68								<a class="tips" title=":{tr}View{/tr}" href="{$user_galleries[ix].galleryId|sefurl:gallery}">
69									{$user_galleries[ix].name}
70								</a>
71							</td>
72							<td class="action">
73								<a class="tips" href="tiki-galleries.php?editgal={$user_galleries[ix].galleryId}" title=":{tr}Edit{/tr}">
74									{icon name='edit'}
75								</a>
76							</td>
77						</tr>
78					{/section}
79				</table>
80			</div>
81			<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
82				<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$user_galleries|@count}</span></a></li>
83			</ul>
84		</div>
85	{/if}
87	{if $prefs.feature_articles eq 'y' and $mytiki_articles eq 'y'}
88		<div id="content3" class="content clearfix mb-4">
89			<h4>{if $userwatch eq $user}{tr}My Articles{/tr}{else}{tr}User Articles{/tr}{/if}</h4>
90			<div class="table-responsive">
91				<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
92					<tr>
93						<th>{tr}Article{/tr}</th>
94						<th style="width:50px"></th>
95					</tr>
97					{section name=ix loop=$user_articles}
98						<tr>
99							<td class="text">
100								<a class="tips" title=":{tr}Edit{/tr}" href="{$user_articles[ix].articleId|sefurl:article}">
101									{$user_articles[ix].title}
102								</a>
103							</td>
104							<td class="action">
105								<a class="tips" href="tiki-edit_article.php?articleId={$user_articles[ix].articleId}" title=":{tr}Edit{/tr}">
106									{icon name='edit'}
107								</a>
108							</td>
109						</tr>
110					{/section}
111				</table>
112			</div>
113			<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
114				<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$user_articles|@count}</span></a></li>
115			</ul>
116		</div>
117	{/if}
119	{if $prefs.feature_trackers eq 'y' and $mytiki_user_items eq 'y'}
120		<div id="content4" class="content clearfix mb-4">
121			<h4>{if $userwatch eq $user}{tr}My User Items{/tr}{else}{tr}User Items{/tr}{/if}</h4>
122			<div class="table-responsive">
123				<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
124					<tr>
125						<th>{tr}Item{/tr}</th>
126						<th>{tr}Tracker{/tr}</th>
127					</tr>
129					{section name=ix loop=$user_items}
130						<tr>
131							<td class="text">
132								<a class="tips" title=":{tr}View{/tr}" href="tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId={$user_items[ix].trackerId}&amp;itemId={$user_items[ix].itemId}">
133									{$user_items[ix].value}
134								</a>
135							</td>
136							<td class="text">
137								<a class="tips" title=":{tr}View{/tr}" href="tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId={$user_items[ix].trackerId}">
138									{tr}{$user_items[ix].name}{/tr}
139								</a>
140							</td>
141						</tr>
142					{/section}
143				</table>
144			</div>
145			<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
146				<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$user_items|@count}</span></a>&nbsp;</li>
147				<li><a href="#">{tr}Comments{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$nb_item_comments}</span></a></li>
148			</ul>
149		</div>
150	{/if}
152	{if $prefs.feature_messages eq 'y' and $mytiki_msgs eq 'y'}
153		<div id="content5" class="content clearfix mb-4">
154			<h4>{tr}Unread Messages{/tr}</h4>
155			<div class="table-responsive">
156				<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
157					<tr>
158						<th>{tr}Subject{/tr}</th>
159						<th>{tr}From{/tr}</th>
160						<th>{tr}Date{/tr}</th>
161					</tr>
163					{section name=ix loop=$msgs}
164						<tr>
165							<td class="text">
166								<a class="tips" title=":{tr}View{/tr}" href="messu-read.php?offset=0&amp;flag=&amp;flagval=&amp;find=&amp;sort_mode=date_desc&amp;priority=&amp;msgId={$msgs[ix].msgId}">
167									{$msgs[ix].subject}
168								</a>
169							</td>
170							<td class="text">
171								{$msgs[ix].user_from}
172							</td>
173							<td class="date">
174								{$msgs[ix].date|tiki_short_datetime}
175							</td>
176						</tr>
177					{/section}
178				</table>
179			</div>
180			<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
181				<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$msgs|@count}</span></a></li>
182			</ul>
183		</div>
184	{/if}
186	{if $prefs.feature_tasks eq 'y' and $mytiki_tasks eq 'y'}
187		<div id="content6" class="content clearfix mb-4">
188			<h4>{if $userwatch eq $user}{tr}My tasks{/tr}{else}{tr}My Tasks{/tr}{/if}</h4>
189			<div class="table-responsive">
190				<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
191				<tr>
192					<th>{tr}Tasks{/tr}</th>
193				</tr>
195				{section name=ix loop=$tasks}
196					<tr>
197						<td class="text">
198							<a href="tiki-user_tasks.php?taskId={$tasks[ix].taskId}">
199								{$tasks[ix].title}
200							</a>
201						</td>
202					</tr>
203				{/section}
204			</table>
205			</div>
206			<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
207				<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$tasks|@count}</span></a></li>
208			</ul>
209		</div>
210	{/if}
212	{if $prefs.feature_forums eq 'y' && $mytiki_forum_topics eq 'y'}
213		<div id="content7" class="content clearfix mb-4">
214			<h4>{if $userwatch eq $user}{tr}My forum topics{/tr}{else}{tr}User forum topics{/tr}{/if}</h4>
215			<div class="table-responsive">
216				<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
217					<tr>
218						<th>{tr}Forum topic{/tr}</th>
219						<th>{tr}Date of post{/tr}</th>
220					</tr>
222					{section name=ix loop=$user_forum_topics}
223						<tr>
224							<td class="text">
225								<a class="tips" title=":{tr}View{/tr}" href="tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId={$user_forum_topics[ix].threadId}">
226									{$user_forum_topics[ix].title}
227								</a>
228							</td>
229							<td class="date">
230								{$user_forum_topics[ix].commentDate|tiki_short_datetime}
231							</td>
232						</tr>
233					{/section}
234				</table>
235			</div>
236			<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
237				<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$user_forum_topics|@count}</span></a></li>
238			</ul>
239		</div>
240	{/if}
242		{if $prefs.feature_forums eq 'y' && $mytiki_forum_replies eq 'y'}
243		<div id="content8" class="content clearfix mb-4">
244			<h4>{if $userwatch eq $user}{tr}My forum replies{/tr}{else}{tr}User forum replies{/tr}{/if}</h4>
245			<div class="table-responsive">
246				<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
247					<tr>
248						<th>{tr}Forum reply{/tr}</th>
249						<th>{tr}Date of post{/tr}</th>
250					</tr>
252					{section name=ix loop=$user_forum_replies}
253						<tr>
254							<td class="text">
255								<a class="tips" title=":{tr}View{/tr}" href="tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId={$user_forum_replies[ix].threadId}&amp;forumId={$user_forum_replies[ix].object}">
256									{$user_forum_replies[ix].title}
257								</a>
258							</td>
259							<td class="date">
260								{$user_forum_replies[ix].commentDate|tiki_short_datetime}
261							</td>
262						</tr>
263					{/section}
264				</table>
265			</div>
266			<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
267				<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$user_forum_replies|@count}</span></a></li>
268			</ul>
269		</div>
270	{/if}
272	{if $prefs.feature_blogs eq 'y' && $mytiki_blogs eq 'y'}
273		<div id="content9" class="content clearfix mb-4">
274			<h4>{if $userwatch eq $user}{tr}My blogs{/tr}{else}{tr}User Blogs{/tr}{/if}</h4>
275			<div class="clearfix mb-4">
276				<div class="table-responsive">
277					<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
278						<tr>
279							<th>{tr}Blog{/tr}</th>
280							<th style="width:50px"></th>
281						</tr>
283						{section name=ix loop=$user_blogs}
284							<tr>
285								<td class="text">
286									<a class="tips" title=":{tr}View{/tr}" href="{$user_blogs[ix].blogId|sefurl:blog}">{$user_blogs[ix].title}</a>
287								</td>
288								<td class="action">
289									<a class="tips" href="tiki-edit_blog.php?blogId={$user_blogs[ix].blogId}" title=":{tr}Edit{/tr}">
290										{icon name='edit'}
291									</a>
292								</td>
293							</tr>
294						{/section}
295					</table>
296				</div>
297				<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
298					<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$user_blogs|@count}</span></a></li>
299				</ul>
300			</div>
301			<div class="clearfix">
302				<h4>{if $userwatch eq $user}{tr}My blog Posts{/tr}{else}{tr}User Blog Posts{/tr}{/if}</h4>
303				<div class="table-responsive">
304					<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
305						<tr>
306							<th>{tr}Blog post{/tr}</th>
307							<th style="width:50px"></th>
308						</tr>
310						{section name=ix loop=$user_blog_posts}
311							<tr>
312								<td class="text">
313									<a class="tips" title=":{tr}View{/tr}" href="{$user_blog_posts[ix].postId|sefurl:blogpost}">{$user_blog_posts[ix].title|escape}</a>
314								</td>
315								<td class="action">
316									<a class="tips" href="tiki-blog_post.php?postId={$user_blog_posts[ix].postId}" title=":{tr}Edit{/tr}">
317										{icon name='edit'}
318									</a>
319								</td>
320							</tr>
321						{/section}
322					</table>
323				</div>
324				<ul class="nav nav-pills float-right">
325					<li><a href="#">{tr}Records{/tr} <span class="badge badge-secondary">{$user_blog_posts|@count}</span></a></li>
326				</ul>
327			</div>
328		</div>
329	{/if}
334{if $smarty.capture.my|strip:'' eq ''}
335	{tr}To display the objects you created or contributed to:{/tr} <a href="tiki-user_information.php#contentuser_information-2">{tr}My Items{/tr}</a>