1{if $showtitle ne 'n'}{$menu_info.title|escape}<br>{/if}
2<form method="post" action="{$ownurl}">
3	{ticket}
4	<input type="hidden" name="polls_pollId" value="{$menu_info.pollId|escape}">
5	{if !empty($showresult) && $showresult ne 'link'}<input type="hidden" name="showresult" value="{$showresult|escape}">{/if}
6	{if $tiki_p_vote_poll ne 'n' && ($user || $prefs.feature_poll_anonymous == 'y' || $prefs.feature_antibot eq 'y')}
7		{section name=ix loop=$channels}
8			<div class="form-check">
9				<input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="polls_optionId" value="{$channels[ix].optionId|escape}"{if $polls_optionId == $channels[ix].optionId} checked="checked"{/if}>
10				<label class="form-check-label" for="polls_optionId">{tr}{$channels[ix].title|escape}{/tr}</label>
11			</div>
12		{/section}
13	{else}
14		<ul>
15			{section name=ix loop=$channels}
16				<li>{tr}{$channels[ix].title|escape}{/tr}</li>
17			{/section}
18		</ul>
19	{/if}
20	<div class="mt-2">
21		{if $prefs.feature_antibot eq 'y' && $user eq ''}
22			{include file='antibot.tpl' antibot_table='n'}
23		{/if}
24		{if $tiki_p_vote_poll ne 'n' && ($user || $prefs.feature_poll_anonymous == 'y' || $prefs.feature_antibot eq 'y')}
25			<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm mb-2" name="pollVote" value="{tr}Vote{/tr}"><br>
26		{/if}
27		{if $tiki_p_view_poll_results == 'y' and $showresult ne 'always' and $showresult ne 'voted'}
28			<a class="linkmodule" href="tiki-poll_results.php?pollId={$menu_info.pollId}">{tr}View Results{/tr}</a><br>
29			({tr}Votes:{/tr} {$menu_info.votes})
30		{/if}
31	</div>
32	{if $prefs.feature_poll_comments and $comments_cant and !isset($module_params)}
33		<br>
34		{include file='comments_button.tpl'}
35	{/if}