1{extends 'layout_view.tpl'}
3{block name="title"}
4	{title}{$title|escape}{/title}
7{block name="content"}
8	{remarksbox type="warning" title="{tr}Deprecated{/tr}"}
9		{tr}To export tracker or tracker items please{/tr} <a href="tiki-admin.php?page=trackers&highlight=tracker_tabular_enabled" class="alert-link" target="_blank" title="{tr}enable{/tr}">{tr}enable{/tr}</a> {tr}and use{/tr} <a href="tiki-tabular-manage" class="alert-link" target="_blank" title="{tr}Tracker Tabular{/tr}">{tr}Tracker Tabular{/tr}</a>. {tr}It is easy to use, optimised and far more powerful.{/tr}
10		{tr}For complete documentation, please visit{/tr} <a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Tracker-Tabular" class="alert-link" target="_blank" title="{tr}Tracker Tabular{/tr}"> {tr}Tracker Tabular{/tr} {icon name="documentation"}</a>
11	{/remarksbox}
13	{accordion_group title="{tr}Export Tracker Items{/tr}"}
14	<form class="simple no-ajax" action="{service controller=tracker action=export_items trackerId=$trackerId filterfield=$filterfield filtervalue=$filtervalue}" method="post">
15		<div class="form-group row mx-0">
16			<label>{tr}Filename{/tr}</label>
17			<input type="text" value="Tracker_{$trackerId|escape}.csv" disabled="disabled" class="form-control">
18		</div>
19		<div class="form-group row mx-0">
20			<label for="encoding mx-0">{tr}Charset encoding{/tr}</label>
21			<select name="encoding" class="form-control">
22				<option value="UTF-8" selected="selected">{tr}UTF-8{/tr}</option>
23				<option value="ISO-8859-1">{tr}ISO-8859-1 Latin{/tr}</option>
24			</select>
25		</div>
26		<div class="form-group row mx-0">
27			<label for="separator">{tr}Separator{/tr}</label>
28			<input type="text" name="separator" value="," size="2" class="form-control">
29		</div>
30		<div class="form-group row mx-0">
31			<label for="delimitorL">{tr}Delimitor (left){/tr}</label>
32			<input type="text" name="delimitorL" value="&quot;" size="2" class="form-control">
33		</div>
34		<div class="form-group row mx-0">
35			<label for="delimitorR">{tr}Delimitor (right){/tr}</label>
36			<input type="text" name="delimitorR" value="&quot;" size="2" class="form-control">
37		</div>
38		<div class="form-group row mx-0">
39			<label for="CR">{tr}Carriage return inside field value{/tr}</label>
40			<input type="text" name="CR" value="%%%" size="4" class="form-control">
41		</div>
43		<div class="form-check">
44			<label>
45				<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="dateFormatUnixTimestamp" value="1">
46				{tr}Export dates as UNIX Timestamps to facilitate importing{/tr}
47			</label>
48		</div>
49		<div class="form-check">
50			<label>
51				<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="keepItemlinkId" value="1">
52				{tr}Export ItemLink type fields as the itemId of the linked item (to facilitate importing){/tr}
53			</label>
54		</div>
55		<div class="form-check">
56			<label>
57				<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="keepCountryId" value="1" >
58				{tr}Export country type fields as the system name of the country (to facilitate importing){/tr}
59			</label>
60		</div>
61		<div class="form-check mb-4">
62			<label>
63				<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="parse" value="1">
64				{tr}Parse as wiki text{/tr}
65			</label>
66		</div>
68		<fieldset>
69			<legend>{tr}Generic information{/tr}</legend>
70			<div class="form-check mt-0">
71				<label>
72					<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="showItemId" value="1" checked="checked">
73					{tr}Item ID{/tr}
74				</label>
75			</div>
76			<div class="form-check">
77				<label>
78					<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="showStatus" value="1" checked="checked">
79					{tr}Status{/tr}
80				</label>
81			</div>
82			<div class="form-check">
83				<label>
84					<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="showCreated" value="1" checked="checked">
85					{tr}Creation date{/tr}
86				</label>
87			</div>
88			<div class="form-check mb-4">
89				<label>
90					<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="showLastModif" value="1" checked="checked">
91					{tr}Last modification date{/tr}
92				</label>
93			</div>
94		</fieldset>
96		<fieldset>
97			<legend>{tr}Fields{/tr}</legend>
98			{foreach from=$fields item=field}
99				<div class="form-check mt-0">
100					<label>
101						<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="listfields[]" value="{$field.fieldId|escape}" checked="checked">
102						{$field.name|escape}
103					</label>
104				</div>
105			{/foreach}
106		</fieldset>
107		<div class="form-group row mx-0">
108			<label for="recordsMax">{tr}Number of records{/tr}</label>
109			<input type="number" name="recordsMax" value="{$recordsMax|escape}" class="form-control">
110		</div>
111		<div class="form-group row mx-0">
112			<label for="recordsOffset">{tr}First record{/tr}</label>
113			<input type="number" name="recordsOffset" value="1" class="form-control">
114		</div>
115		<div>
116			<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="{tr}Export{/tr}">
117		</div>
118	</form>
119	{/accordion_group}
120{accordion_group title="{tr}Quick Export{/tr}"}
121	<form method="post" class="simple no-ajax" action="{service controller=tracker action=dump_items trackerId=$trackerId}">
122		<p>{tr}Produce a CSV with basic formatting.{/tr}</p>
123		{remarksbox type="info" title="{tr}Note{/tr}" icon="bricks"}
124			<p>{tr}If you use field types such as 'User Preference', 'Relations' or 'Items list/Item link', please export your items through the next section below 'Export Tracker Items'{/tr}</p>
125		{/remarksbox}
126		<div>
127			<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="{tr}Export{/tr}">
128		</div>
129	</form>
131	{if isset($export)}
132	{accordion_group title="{tr}Structure{/tr}"}
133	<form class="simple" action="" method="post">
134		<div class="form-group row mx-0">
135			<label for="export">{tr}Tracker Export{/tr}</label>
136			<textarea name="export" id="export" class="form-control" rows="20">{$export|escape}</textarea>
137		</div>
138		<div class="description">
139			{tr}Copy the definition text above and paste into the Import Structure box for a new tracker.{/tr}
140		</div>
141	</form>
142	{service_inline controller='tracker' action='export_fields' trackerId=$trackerId}
143	{/accordion_group}
144	{accordion_group title="{tr}Profile Export{/tr}"}
145	<form method="post" class="simple no-ajax" action="{service controller=tracker action=export_profile trackerId=$trackerId}">
146		<p>{tr}Produce YAML for a profile.{/tr}</p>
147		{remarksbox type="info" title="{tr}New Feature{/tr}" icon="bricks"}
148			<p><em>{tr}Please note: Experimental - work in progress{/tr}</em></p>
149			<p>{tr}Linked tracker and field IDs (such as those referenced in ItemLink, ItemsList field options, for instance) are not currently converted to profile object references, so will need manual replacement.{/tr}</p>
150			<p>{tr}For example: $profileobject:field_ref${/tr}</p>
151		{/remarksbox}
152		<div>
153			<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="{tr}Export Profile{/tr}">
154		</div>
155	</form>
156	{/accordion_group}
157	{/if}