1{* Display the list of available translations for an object and manage its translations *}
2{** Currently works for the following object types: 'article' and 'wiki page' **}
4{if empty($submenu) || $submenu neq 'y'}
5	<div class="btn-group">
6		{if $prefs.lang_available_translations_dropdown neq 'y' }
7			{* For all object types: First show the translate icon and on hover the language of the current object *}
8			{if ! $js}<ul class="cssmenu_horiz"><li>{/if}
9			<a href="#" class="btn btn-info btn-sm dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-hover="dropdown" title="{tr}Translations{/tr}">
10				{icon name="translate"}
11			</a>
12		{else}
13			<div class="dropdown">
14				{* For all object types: Show everything as a dropdown for visibility *}
15				{if ! $js}<ul class="cssmenu_horiz"><li>{/if}
16				<button class="btn btn-info btn-sm dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-hover="dropdown">
17					{icon name="translate"} {$trads[0].langName|escape} ({$trads[0].lang|escape})
18				</button>
19		{/if}
21	{if ! $js}<ul class="cssmenu_horiz"><li>{/if}
22	<a tabindex="-1" href="#">
23		{icon name="translate"} {tr}Translation...{/tr}
24	</a>
26	{* ..than on hover first show the list of translations including the current language highlighted *}
27	{if empty($trads[0].lang)}
28		<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu">
29			<h6 class="dropdown-header">
30				{tr}Translations{/tr}
31			</h6>
32			<div role="separator" class="dropdown-divider"></div>
33			<div class="dropdown-item">
34				<em>{tr}No language assigned{/tr}</em>
35			</div>
36			<div role="separator" class="dropdown-divider"></div>
37			{if $object_type eq 'wiki page' and ($tiki_p_edit eq 'y' or (!$user and $prefs.wiki_encourage_contribution eq 'y')) and !$lock}
38				<a class="dropdown-item" href="tiki-edit_translation.php?page={$page|escape}">
39					{tr}Set page language{/tr}
40				</a>
41			{elseif $object_type eq 'article' and $tiki_p_edit_article eq 'y'}
42				<a class="dropdown-item" href="tiki-edit_article.php?articleId={$articleId|escape}">
43					{tr}Set article language{/tr}
44				</a>
45				<div role="separator" class="dropdown-divider"></div>
46			{/if}
47		</div>
48	{else}
49		<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu">
50			<h6 class="dropdown-header">
51				{tr}Translations{/tr}
52			</h6>
53			<div role="separator" class="dropdown-divider"></div>
54			{* First the language of the object *}
55			{if $object_type eq 'wiki page'}
56				<a href="tiki-index.php?page={$trads[0].objName|escape:url}&amp;no_bl=y" class="dropdown-item tips selected" title="{tr}Current language:{/tr} {$trads[0].objName}">
57					<em>{$trads[0].langName|escape} ({$trads[0].lang|escape})</em>
58				</a>
59			{elseif $object_type eq 'article'}
60				<a href="tiki-read_article.php?articleId={$trads[0].objId}" title="{tr}Current language:{/tr} {$trads[0].objName}" class="dropdown-item tips selected">
61					<em>{$trads[0].langName|escape} ({$trads[0].lang|escape})</em>
62				</a>
63			{/if}
64			{* Show the list of available translations *}
65			{section name=i loop=$trads}
66				{* For wiki pages *}
67				{if $object_type eq 'wiki page' and $trads[i] neq $trads[0]}
68					<a href="tiki-index.php?page={$trads[i].objName|escape}&no_bl=y" title="{tr}View:{/tr} {$trads[i].objName}" class="dropdown-item tips {$trads[i].class}">
69						{$trads[i].langName|escape} ({$trads[i].lang|escape})
70					</a>
71				{/if}
72				{* For articles *}
73				{if $object_type eq 'article' and $trads[i] neq $trads[0]}
74					<a  href="tiki-read_article.php?articleId={$trads[i].objId}" title="{tr}View:{/tr} {$trads[i].objName}" class="dropdown-item tips {$trads[i].class}">
75						{$trads[i].langName|escape} ({$trads[i].lang|escape})
76					</a>
77				{/if}
78			{/section}
79			{* For wiki pages only: Show a link to view all translations on a single page *}
80			{if $object_type eq 'wiki page' and $prefs.feature_multilingual_one_page eq 'y' and $translationsCount gt 1}
81				<div role="separator" class="dropdown-divider"></div>
82				<a href="tiki-all_languages.php?page={$trads[0].objName|escape:url}&no_bl=y" title=":{tr}Show all translations of this page on a single page{/tr}" class="dropdown-item tips">
83					{tr}All languages{/tr}
84				</a>
85			{/if}
86			{* For wiki pages only: List of machine translation candidates if feature is switched on *}
87			{if $object_type eq 'wiki page' and $prefs.feature_machine_translation eq 'y'}
88				<div role="separator" class="dropdown-divider"></div>
89				<h6 class="dropdown-header">
90					{tr}Machine translations{/tr}
91				</h6>
92			{* List machine translation candidates for available language of the site *}
93				{foreach from=$langsCandidatesForMachineTranslation item=mtl}
94					<a href="tiki-index.php?machine_translate_to_lang={$mtl.lang|escape}&page={$page|escape:"quotes"}&no_bl=y" title="{$mtl.langName|escape} ({$mtl.lang|escape})" class="dropdown-item tips">
95						{$mtl.langName|escape} *
96					</a>
97				{/foreach}
98			{/if}
99			{* Translation maintenance *}
100			{capture}
101				{if $object_type eq 'wiki page' and $tiki_p_edit eq 'y'}
102					<div role="separator" class="dropdown-divider"></div>
103					<a class="dropdown-item tips" href="tiki-edit_translation.php?page={$trads[0].objName|escape:url}&amp;no_bl=y" title=":{tr}Translate page{/tr}">
104						{tr}Translate{/tr}
105					</a>
106					<a href="{bootstrap_modal controller=translation action=manage type='wiki page' source=$page}" class="dropdown-item attach_detach_translation tips" data-object_type="wiki page" data-object_id="{$page|escape:'quotes'}" title=":{tr}Manage page translations{/tr}">
107						{tr}Manage translations{/tr}
108					</a>
109				{elseif $object_type eq 'article' and $tiki_p_edit_article eq 'y'}
110					<div role="separator" class="dropdown-divider"></div>
111					<a class="dropdown-item" href="tiki-edit_article.php?translationOf={$articleId}" title="{tr}Translate article{/tr}">
112						{tr}Translate{/tr}
113					</a>
114					<a href="{bootstrap_modal controller=translation action=manage type=article source=$articleId}" class="dropdown-item attach_detach_translation tips" data-object_id="{$articleId|escape:'quotes'}" data-object_type="article" title="{tr}Manage article translations{/tr}">
115						{tr}Manage translations{/tr}
116					</a>
117				{/if}
118			{/capture}
119			{if !empty($smarty.capture.default)}{* Only display the header if there's content *}
120				{$smarty.capture.default}
121			{/if}
122		</div>
123	{/if}
124	{if ! $js}</li></ul>{/if}
125{if empty($submenu) || $submenu neq 'y'}
126	{if $prefs.lang_available_translations_dropdown eq 'y' }
127		</div>
128	{/if}
129	</div>