1{extends 'layout_view.tpl'}
2{block name="title"}
3	{title}{$title|escape}{/title}
5{block name="content"}
6	{include file='access/include_items.tpl'}
7	<form method="post" id="confirm-action" class="confirm-action" action="{service controller=$confirmController action=$confirmAction}">
8		{include file='access/include_hidden.tpl'}
9		<div class="form-group row">
10			<label class="col-form-label" for="remove_users">{icon name='users'} {tr}Remove users{/tr}</label>
11			<div>
12				<input class="form-control" type="checkbox" id="remove_users" name="remove_users" checked="checked" disabled="disabled">
13			</div>
14		</div>
15		{if $prefs.feature_wiki_userpage == 'y'}
16			<div class="form-group row">
17				<label class="col-form-label" for="remove_pages">{icon name='admin_wiki'} {tr}Remove the users' pages{/tr}</label>
18				<div>
19					<input class="form-control" type="checkbox" id="remove_pages" name="remove_pages">
20					<div class="form-text">
21						{tr}Remove the user pages belonging to these users{/tr}
22					</div>
23				</div>
24			</div>
25		{/if}
26		{if $prefs.feature_trackers eq 'y'}
27			<div class="form-group row">
28				<label class="col-form-label" for="remove_items">{icon name='trackers'} {tr}Delete user items from these trackers{/tr}</label>
29				<span class="text-danger">{tr}Warning: Experimental{/tr} {icon name='warning'}</span>{* TODO remove warning before 15.0 *}
30				<div>
31					{object_selector_multi type='tracker' _separator="," _simplename="remove_items"}
32					<div class="form-text">
33						{tr}Select trackers here to have items in them which are "owned" by these users deleted{/tr}<br>
34						{tr}Important: If you set trackers to store user's information, "User" and "Group" tracker items related to this user will be deleted automatically{/tr}
35					</div>
36				</div>
37			</div>
38		{/if}
39		{if $prefs.feature_use_fgal_for_user_files eq 'y'}
40			<div class="form-group row">
41				<label class="col-form-label" for="remove_files">{icon name='file'} {tr}Delete user files{/tr}</label>
42				<span class="text-danger">{tr}Warning: Experimental{/tr} {icon name='warning'}</span>{* TODO remove warning before 15.0 *}
43				<div>
44					<input class="form-control" type="checkbox" id="remove_files" name="remove_files">
45					<div class="form-text">
46						{tr}Delete the users' file galleries and all the files in them{/tr}
47					</div>
48				</div>
49			</div>
50		{/if}
51		{if $prefs.feature_banning eq 'y'}
52			<div class="form-group row">
53				<label class="col-form-label" for="ban_users">{icon name='ban'} {tr}Ban users{/tr}</label>
54				<div>
55					<input class="form-control" type="checkbox" id="ban_users" name="ban_users">
56					<div class="form-text">
57						{tr}Checking this option and clicking OK will redirect you to a form where the selected users are marked for IP Banning.{/tr}
58					</div>
59				</div>
60			</div>
61		{/if}
62		{include file='access/include_submit.tpl'}
63	</form>