1{* $Id$ *}
2{if $wpSubscribe eq 'y'}
3	{if empty($subscribeThanks)}
4		{tr}Subscription confirmed!{/tr}
5	{else}
6		{$subscribeThanks|escape}
7	{/if}
9	<form name="wpSubscribeNL" method="post">
10		<input type="hidden" name="wpNlId" value="{$subscribeInfo.nlId|escape}">
11		{if empty($user)}
12			{if !empty($wpError)}
13				{remarksbox type='errors'}
14						{$wpError|escape}
15				{/remarksbox}
16			{/if}
17			<div class="form-group row">
18				<label class="{if $inmodule}col-md-12{else}col-md-3{/if} col-form-label" for="wpEmail">{tr}Email{/tr} <strong class='mandatory_star text-danger tips' title=":{tr}This field is mandatory{/tr}">*</strong></label>
19				<div class="{if $inmodule}col-md-12{else}col-md-9{/if}">
20					<input type="email" class="form-control" id="wpEmail" name="wpEmail" value="{$subscribeEmail|escape}">
21				</div>
22			</div>
23		{/if}
24		{if !$user and $prefs.feature_antibot eq 'y'}
25			{include file='antibot.tpl' antibot_table="y" showmandatory="y" form="$inmodule"}
26		{/if}
27		<div class="form-group text-center">
28			{if empty($subcribeMessage)}
29				<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="wpSubscribe" value="{tr}Subscribe to the newsletter:{/tr} {$subscribeInfo.name}">
30			{else}
31				<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="wpSubscribe" value="{$subcribeMessage|escape}">
32			{/if}
33		</div>
34	</form>