1{* $Id$ *}
2<div class="media">
3	<div class="mr-4">
4		<span class="fa-stack fa-lg" style="width: 100px;" title="Configuration Wizard">
5			<i class="fas fa-cog fa-stack-2x"></i>
6			<i class="fas fa-flip-horizontal fa-magic fa-stack-1x ml-4 mt-4"></i>
7		</span>
8	</div>
9	<div class="media-body">
10		{icon name="admin_login" size=3 iclass="adminWizardIconright"}
11		<h4 class="mt-0 mb-4">{tr}Configure the log-in, registration and validation preferences for the new accounts{/tr}</h4>
12		<fieldset>
13			<legend>{tr}Registration and log-in options{/tr}</legend>
14			<div style="position:relative;">
15				<div class="adminoptionbox clearfix featurelist">
16					{preference name=allowRegister}
17					{preference name=validateUsers}
18					{preference name=validateRegistration}
19					{preference name=feature_banning}
20					{preference name=useRegisterPasscode}
21					<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="useRegisterPasscode_childcontainer">
22						{preference name=registerPasscode}
23						{preference name=showRegisterPasscode}
24					</div>
25				</div>
26			</div>
27			<br/>
28			<em>
29				{tr}Add a <b>User and Registration tracker</b>{/tr}
30				<a href="http://doc.tiki.org/User+Tracker" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}User and Registration tracker: You can use trackers to collect additional information for users during registration or even later once they are registered users.{/tr}
31				{tr}Some uses of this type of tracker could be{/tr}
32				<ul>
33					<li>{tr}To collect user information (such as mailing address or phone number){/tr}</li>
34					<li>{tr}To require the user to acknowledge a user agreement{/tr}</li>
35					<li>{tr}To prevent spammer registration, by asking new users to provide a reason why they want to join (the prompt should tell the user that his answer should indicate that he or she clearly understands what the site is about).{/tr}</li>
36				</ul>
37				{tr}The profile will enable the feature 'Trackers' for you and a few other settings required. Once the profile is applied, you will be provided with instructions about further steps that you need to perform manually.{/tr}">
38				{icon name="help"}
39				</a> :
40				<a href="tiki-admin.php?ticket={ticket mode=get}&profile=User_Trackers&show_details_for=User_Trackers&repository=http%3a%2f%2fprofiles.tiki.org%2fprofiles&page=profiles&preloadlist=y&list=List#step2" target="_blank">{tr}apply profile now{/tr}</a> ({tr}new window{/tr})
41			</em>
42			<br/><br/>
43		</fieldset>
44		<div class="row">
45			<div class="col-md-6">
46				<fieldset>
47					<legend>{tr}Username{/tr}</legend>
48					{preference name=login_is_email}
49					{preference name=lowercase_username}
50				</fieldset>
51			</div>
52			<div class="col-md-6">
53				<fieldset>
54					<legend>{tr}Password{/tr}</legend>
55					{preference name=forgotPass}
56					{preference name=change_password}
57					{preference name=min_pass_length}
58				</fieldset>
59			</div>
60		</div>
61		<em>{tr}See also{/tr} <a href="tiki-admin.php?page=login" target="_blank">{tr}Login admin panel{/tr}</a></em>
62	</div>