1{* $Id$ *}
3<div class="media">
4	<div class="mr-4">
5		<span class="fa-stack fa-lg" style="width: 100px;" title="Configuration Wizard">
6			<i class="fas fa-cog fa-stack-2x"></i>
7			<i class="fas fa-flip-horizontal fa-magic fa-stack-1x ml-4 mt-4"></i>
8		</span>
9	</div>
10	<div class="media-body">
11		{icon name="structure" size=3 iclass="float-sm-right"}
12		<h4 class="">{tr}Hierarchical organization of wiki pages{/tr}</h4>
13		{tr}Structures organize a group of wiki pages into a tree or book that can be easily navigated by users. Creating a structure is the fastest method for creating multiple pages at once. It's a great way to make a book, as well as to allow users to create new pages that will be automatically found in a common table of contents. New pages can inherit permissions from the structure homepage{/tr}.
14		<br><br>
15		<fieldset>
16			<legend>{tr}Structures options{/tr}</legend>
17			<div class="admin clearfix featurelist">
18				{preference name=feature_wiki_open_as_structure}
19				{preference name=feature_wiki_make_structure}
20				{if $isCategories eq true}
21					{preference name=feature_wiki_categorize_structure}
22				{/if}
23				{preference name=feature_wiki_multiprint}
24				{preference name=feature_listorphanStructure}
25				{preference name=feature_wiki_no_inherit_perms_structure}
26				{preference name=feature_wiki_structure_drilldownmenu}
27				{preference name=wiki_structure_bar_position}
28			</div>
29			<br>
30			<em>{tr}See also{/tr} <a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Structures" target="_blank">{tr}Structures{/tr} @ doc.tiki.org</a></em>
31		</fieldset>
32	</div>