1{* $Id$ *}
3<div class="media">
4	<div class="mr-4">
5		{icon name="check" size=2} {tr}Congratulations{/tr}. {tr}You are done with the admin wizard{/tr}.<br>
6	</div>
7	<div class="media-body">
8		<fieldset>
9			<legend>{tr}Next?{/tr}</legend>
10			<ul>
11				<li>{tr _0="tiki-wizard_admin.php?stepNr=0&url=tiki-index.php"}Choose another <a href="%0">Wizard</a> to continue configuring your site as admin{/tr}.</li>
12				{if $prefs.feature_wizard_user eq 'y'}
13					<li>{tr _0="tiki-wizard_user.php"}Visit the <a href="%0">User Wizard</a> to set some of your user preferences as a user{/tr}.</li>
14				{/if}
15				<li>{tr}Or click at the button <strong>Finish</strong> to end the admin wizard and go back to the where you were{/tr}.</li>
16			</ul>
17		</fieldset>
18	</div>