1{* $Id$ *}
3<div class="media">
4		<div class="mr-4">
5			<span class="float-left fa-stack fa-lg margin-right-18em" alt="{tr}Changes Wizard{/tr}" title="Changes Wizard">
6			<i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-up fa-stack-2x"></i>
7			<i class="fas fa-flip-horizontal fa-magic fa-stack-1x ml-4 mt-4"></i>
8			</span>
9		</div>
10	<br/><br/><br/>
11	<div class="media-body">
12		{tr}Main new and improved features and settings in Tiki 21.{/tr}
13		<a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki21" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp text-info" title="{tr}Tiki21 (LTS):{/tr}
14			{tr}This is an LTS version.{/tr}
15			{tr}As it is a Long-Term Support (LTS) version, it will be supported for 5 years.{/tr}
16			{tr}Many libraries have been upgraded.{/tr}
17			<br/><br/>
18			{tr}Click to read more{/tr}
19		">
20			{icon name="help" size=1}
21		</a>
22		<fieldset class="mb-3 w-100 clearfix featurelist">
23			<legend>{tr}New Features{/tr}</legend>
24			{preference name='object_maintainers_enable'}
25			<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="object_maintainers_enable_childcontainer">
26				{preference name='object_maintainers_default_update_frequency'}
27			</div>
28			{preference name='pwa_feature'}
29			{preference name=vuejs_enable}
30			<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="vuejs_enable_childcontainer">
31				{preference name=vuejs_always_load}
32				{preference name=vuejs_build_mode}
33				{preference name=tracker_field_rules}
34			</div>
35			{preference name='twoFactorAuth'}
36		</fieldset>
37		<fieldset class="mb-3 w-100 clearfix featurelist">
38			<legend>{tr}New Wiki Plugins{/tr}</legend>
39			{preference name=wikiplugin_preference}
40		</fieldset>
41		<fieldset class="mb-3 w-100 clearfix featurelist">
42			<legend>{tr}Improved Plugins{/tr}</legend>
43            {preference name=wikiplugin_list}
44		</fieldset>
45		<fieldset class="mb-3 w-100 clearfix featurelist">
46			<legend>{tr}Other Extended Features{/tr}</legend>
47			<div class="adminoption form-group row">
48				<label class="col-sm-3 col-form-label"><b>{tr}Console{/tr}</b>:</label>
49				<div class="offset-sm-1 col-sm-11">
50					{tr}New actions can be performed.{/tr}
51					<a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki21#Console">{tr}More Information{/tr}...</a><br/><br/>
52				</div>
53			</div>
54			<div class="adminoption form-group row">
55				<label class="col-sm-3 col-form-label"><b>{tr}Contacts{/tr}</b>:</label>
56				<div class="offset-sm-1 col-sm-11">
57					{tr}CardDAV support has been added.{/tr}
58					<a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki21#Contacts_-_CardDAV_support">{tr}More Information{/tr}...</a><br/><br/>
59				</div>
60				<label class="col-sm-3 col-form-label"><b>{tr}Calendars{/tr}</b>:</label>
61				<div class="offset-sm-1 col-sm-11">
62					{tr}CalDAV support has been added.{/tr}
63					<a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki21#Calendar_-_CalDAV_support">{tr}More Information{/tr}...</a><br/><br/>
64				</div>
65			</div>
66			<div class="adminoption form-group row">
67				<label class="col-sm-3 col-form-label"><b>{tr}Risky Preferences{/tr}</b>:</label>
68				<div class="offset-sm-1 col-sm-11">
69					{tr}Some of Tiki's preferences are quite powerful (and thus dangerous) and should be used only by experts.{/tr}
70					{tr}These risky preferences are disabled and hidden by default, since Tiki 21.{/tr}
71					{tr}Only the system administrator can make them visible through Tiki's system configuration file.{/tr}
72					<a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Risky-Preferences">{tr}More Information{/tr}...</a><br/><br/>
73				</div>
74			</div>
75			<div class="adminoption form-group row">
76				<label class="col-sm-3 col-form-label"><b>{tr}Roles{/tr}</b>:</label>
77				<div class="offset-sm-1 col-sm-11">
78					{tr}Roles make Groups Management and Permissions setting easier.{/tr}
79					{tr}Think of Roles as a permissions template which you can apply to Categories.{/tr}
80					<a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Roles">{tr}More Information{/tr}...</a><br/><br/>
81				</div>
82				<label class="col-sm-3 col-form-label"><b>{tr}Templated groups{/tr}</b>:</label>
83				<div class="offset-sm-1 col-sm-11">
84					{tr}Templated groups are groups that follow the same pattern as a template.{/tr}
85					{tr}They have similar types of members, permissions, group's assets, etc.{/tr}
86					<a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Templated-Groups">{tr}More Information{/tr}...</a><br/><br/>
87				</div>
88			</div>
89			{preference name=feature_webmail}
90		</fieldset>
91		<i>{tr}And many more improvements{/tr}.
92			{tr}See the full list of changes.{/tr}</i>
93		<a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki21" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}Tiki21:{/tr}
94			{tr}Click to read more{/tr}
95		">
96			{icon name="help" size=1}
97		</a>
98	</div>