1{* $Id$ *}
3<div class="media">
4	<div class="mr-4">
5	<span class="float-left fa-stack fa-lg margin-right-18em" alt="{tr}Changes Wizard{/tr}" title="Changes Wizard">
6		<i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-up fa-stack-2x"></i>
7		<i class="fas fa-flip-horizontal fa-magic fa-stack-1x ml-4 mt-4"></i>
8	</span>
9	</div>
10	<br/><br/><br/>
11	<div class="media-body">
12		{tr}Here you can see listed other features and settings that were not included in the previous sections{/tr}.
13		<fieldset>
14			<legend>{tr}Ratings in Forums{/tr}</legend>
15			{icon name="admin_rating" size=3 iclass="float-sm-right"}
16			<ul>
17				<li>
18					{tr}New option per forum: "User information display > <strong>Topic Rating</strong>" by each user{/tr}
19					<a href="http://doc.tiki.org/Rating" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}Topic Rating by each user:{/tr}
20						{tr}Since Tiki12.2, there is a new forum setting to allow the optional display of the Rating by each user to that forum thread topic in each reply{/tr}.
21						<br/><br/>
22						{tr}This setting is useful to ease the task to reach consensus on deliberations (in forum threads) by identifying in a more clear way the position (topic rating) of each person on that topic at each moment on the discussion{/tr}.
23						<br/><br/>
24						{tr}Click to read more{/tr}
25					">
26						{icon name="help" size=1}
27					</a>
28				</li>
29			</ul>
30		</fieldset>
31		<fieldset>
32			<legend>{tr}Sysadmin Tasks{/tr}</legend>
33			{icon name="admin_search" size=3 iclass="float-sm-right"}
34			<b>{tr}Search Index{/tr}</b>:
35			<ul>
36				<li>
37					{tr}You can rebuild the unified search index (feature '<b>Advanced Search</b>') by visiting example.com/tiki-admin.php?page=search&rebuild=now or through setting a <b>cron job</b>{/tr}
38					<a href="http://doc.tiki.org/Cron+Job+to+Rebuild+Search+Index" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}Cron Job to Rebuild Search Index:{/tr}
39						{tr}Starting in Tiki9, if you had a large site you should set up a Cron job to regularly rebuild the search index.{/tr}
40						<br/><br/>
41						{tr}Starting in Tiki11, the syntax to rebuild the search index changed{/tr}.
42						{tr}Example{/tr}
43						<pre>0 0 * * * cd /path_to_tiki;php console.php index:rebuild</pre>
44						{tr}Click to read more{/tr}
45					">
46						{icon name="help" size=1}
47					</a>
48				</li>
49			</ul>
50			{icon name="terminal" size=3 iclass="float-sm-right"}
51			<b>{tr}Console{/tr}</b>:
52			<ul>
53				<li>
54					{tr}Starting in Tiki11, <b>console.php</b> script exists to help you administer your Tiki or <em>MultiTiki</em> instance via the command line{/tr}.
55					<a href="http://doc.tiki.org/Console" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}Console (console.php script):{/tr}
56						<br/><br/>
57						{tr}Example: Database update{/tr}
58						<pre>php console.php database:update</pre>
59						{tr}Or:{/tr}
60						<pre>php console.php d:u</pre>
61						<br/><br/>
62						{tr}In case of Tikis with domains <code>site1.example.com</code> & <code>site2.example.com</code>, in a <em>MultiTiki</em> setup, append an argument like <code> --site=sitename.example.com</code>{/tr}
63						<pre>php console.php d:u --site=site1.example.com</pre>
64						<pre>php console.php d:u --site=site2.example.com</pre>
65						<br/><br/>
66						{tr}Click to read more{/tr}
67					">
68						{icon name="help" size=1}
69					</a>
70				</li>
71			</ul>
72			{icon name="envelope-o" size=2 iclass="float-sm-right"}
73			{icon name="clock-o" size=2 iclass="float-sm-right"}
74			<b>{tr}Mail Queue{/tr}</b> & <b>{tr}Daily Reports for User Watches{/tr}</b>:
75			<ul>
76				<li>
77					{tr}Starting in Tiki12.2, console.php also handles the feature <strong>Mail Queue</strong>, which has been also fixed, and it is a very useful feature in Tikis with heavy load of notification email sending{/tr}.
78					<a href="http://doc.tiki.org/Mail+Queue" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}Mail Queue:{/tr}
79						{tr}When Tiki has many notification emails to send upon new changes in your site (e.g. a new calendar event), the site may seem unresponsive for some seconds until the whole mail delivery is finished{/tr}.
80						{tr}The more users or groups subscribed to receive notification emails for changes in that object, the longer that unresponsive time just after the user has clicked the submit button{/tr}.
81						<br/><br/>
82						{tr}You can prevent that unresponsive time by means of setting Tiki to store notification emails in an email queue (see <strong>Settings > Control Panels > General > General Preferences > Mail > Mail sender > STMP</strong>, and <strong>Mail Delivery > Queue</strong>), and request the server to process the email sending based on a cron job{/tr}.
83						<br/><br/>
84						{tr}Example: Send the Mail Queue{/tr}
85						<pre>php console.php mail-queue:send</pre>
86						{tr}Or:{/tr}
87						<pre>php console.php m:s</pre>
88						<br/><br/>
89						{tr}Click to read more{/tr}
90					">
91						{icon name="help" size=1}
92					</a>
93				</li>
94				<li>
95					{tr}And since Tiki12.3, console.php also handles <strong>Daily Reports for User Watches</strong>, which finally allows this feature to be used in '<em>MultiTiki</em>' setups{/tr}.
96					<a href="http://doc.tiki.org/Daily+Reports" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}Daily Reports for User Watches:{/tr}
97						{tr}This feature which allows users to choose to received notification emails grouped in a periodic digest with the frequency they choose (daily, weekly, ...){/tr}.
98						<br/><br/>
99						{tr}Example: Send the Daily Report{/tr}
100						<pre>php console.php daily-report:send --site==site1.example.com</pre>
101						<pre>php console.php daily-report:send --site==site2.example.com</pre>
102						{tr}Or{/tr}
103						<pre>php console.php d:s --site==site1.example.com</pre>
104						<pre>php console.php d:s --site==site2.example.com</pre>
105						<br/><br/>
106						{tr}Click to read more{/tr}
107					">
108						{icon name="help" size=1}
109					</a>
110				</li>
111			</ul>
112		</fieldset>
113		<fieldset>
114			<legend>{tr}Other Features{/tr}</legend>
115			<div class="admin clearfix featurelist">
116				{preference name=conditions_enabled}
117				<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="conditions_enabled_childcontainer">
118					{preference name=conditions_page_name}
119					{preference name=conditions_minimum_age}
120				</div>
121				{preference name=feature_docs}
122				{preference name=feature_draw}
123				<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="feature_draw_childcontainer">
124					{preference name=feature_draw_hide_buttons}
125					{preference name=feature_draw_separate_base_image}
126					<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="feature_draw_separate_base_image_childcontainer">
127						{preference name=feature_draw_in_userfiles}
128					</div>
129				</div>
130			</div>
131		</fieldset>
132	</div>