1{* $Id$ *}
3<div class="media">
4	<div class="mr-4">
5	<span class="float-left fa-stack fa-lg margin-right-18em" alt="{tr}Changes Wizard{/tr}" title="Changes Wizard">
6		<i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-up fa-stack-2x"></i>
7		<i class="fas fa-flip-horizontal fa-magic fa-stack-1x ml-4 mt-4"></i>
8	</span>
9	</div>
10	<br/><br/>
11	<div class="media-body">
12		{tr}You are reaching the end of the <em>Changes Wizard</em>{/tr}.
13		{tr}Since you are upgrading, you probably had a previous installation of Tiki for a while, and you may already have some experience using a few Tiki features, at least{/tr}.
14		<br/><br/>
15		{tr}That's why we would like to <strong>ask you to send us some feedback about your usage of Tiki</strong>, while having the chance to connect in the future with other Tiki Admins near you in the Tiki Community{/tr}.
16		{capture name=likeicon}{icon name="thumbs-up"}{/capture}
17		<a href="http://doc.tiki.org/Connect" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}Send feedback & Connect:{/tr}
18			<p>{tr}Tiki Connect is a way to let the Tiki project know how it is being used, and which parts people like or would like fixing (or explaining).{/tr}
19			<br/><br/>
20			{tr}Once '<em>Tiki Connect</em>' is enabled, when you click the '<strong>Send Info</strong>' button below you will be connected with <em>mother.tiki.org</em>, which is where the data will be collected.{/tr}
21			<br/><br/>
22			{tr}You can also send feedback about Tiki by checking the '<em>Provide Feedback</em>' checkbox (once <em>Tiki Connect</em> is enabled), next to the '<em>Show on admin login</em>' above.{/tr}
23			{tr}Icons will appear next to all the preferences where you can 'like' {$smarty.capture.likeicon|escape}{/tr}
24			<br/><br/>
25			{tr}Click to read more{/tr}
26	">
27			{icon name="help" size=1}
28		</a>
29		<fieldset>
30			<legend>{tr}Connect{/tr}</legend>
31			{icon name="admin_connect" size=3 iclass="float-sm-right"}
32			{preference name="connect_feature"}
33			<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="connect_feature_childcontainer">
34				<div class="t_navbar btn-group form-group row">
35					{button _script="#" class="btn btn-primary" _text="{tr}Send Info{/tr}" _title="{tr}Send the data{/tr}" _id="connect_send_btn"}
36					{button _script="#" class="btn btn-primary" _text="{tr}Preview info{/tr}" _title="{tr}See what is going to be sent{/tr}" _id="connect_list_btn"}
37					{if empty($prefs.connect_site_title)}
38						{button _text="{tr}Fill form{/tr}" class="btn btn-primary" _title="{tr}Fill this form in based on other preferences{/tr}" _id="connect_defaults_btn" _script="#"}
39					{/if}
40				</div>
41				{preference name="connect_send_info"}
42				<div class="adminoptionboxchild" id="connect_send_info_childcontainer">
43					{preference name="connect_site_title"}
44					{if $prefs.connect_send_info eq "y" and empty($prefs.connect_site_title)}
45						{remarksbox type="errors" title=""}
46							{tr}Site title is required{/tr}
47						{/remarksbox}
48					{/if}
49					{preference name="connect_site_email"}
50					{preference name="connect_site_url"}
51					{preference name="connect_site_keywords"}
52					{preference name="connect_site_location"}
53					<div class="adminoptionboxchild" style="padding-left:5em;">
54						{$headerlib->add_map()}
55						<div class="adminoptionboxchild map-container" style="height:250px;width:400px;" data-geo-center="{defaultmapcenter}" data-target-field="connect_site_location"{if $prefs.connect_server_mode eq "y"}
56							data-icon-name="tiki" data-icon-src="img/tiki/tikiicon.png"
57							data-icon-size="[16,16]" data-icon-offset="[-8,-16]" data-marker-filter=".geolocated.connection"{/if}>
58						</div>
59					</div>
60				</div>
61				{preference name="connect_send_anonymous_info"}
62				<div class="adminoptionboxchild"{if $prefs.connect_server_mode neq "y"} style="display:none;"{/if}>
63					<strong>{tr}Advanced settings{/tr}</strong> {tr}Exposed to assist testing and development{/tr}
64					{preference name="connect_frequency"}
65					{preference name="connect_server"}
66					{preference name="connect_last_post"}
67					{preference name="connect_server_mode"}
68					{preference name="connect_guid"}
69				</div>
70			</div>
71		</fieldset>
72	</div>