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6    "resource":"lua",
7    "title":"Testing action :: SecRuleScript (1/4)",
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40    "expected":{
41      "audit_log":"",
42      "debug_log":"",
43      "error_log":"",
44      "parser_error":"Failed to load script: Failed to compile script 'test-cases/data/match"
45    },
46    "rules":[
47      "SecRuleEngine On",
48      "SecRuleScript test-cases/data/match-ops.lua \"id:1,t:lowercase,t:none\""
49    ]
50  },
51  {
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56    "title":"Testing action :: SecRuleScript (2/4)",
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89    "expected":{
90      "audit_log":"",
91      "debug_log":"",
92      "error_log":"",
93      "parser_error":"Failed to load script: Failed to compile script "
94    },
95    "rules":[
96      "SecRuleEngine On",
97      "SecRuleScript /bin/echo \"id:1,t:lowercase,t:none\""
98    ]
99  },
100  {
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105    "title":"Testing action :: SecRuleScript (3/4)",
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135        "Content-Length":"length\n\r"
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141      "error_log":"",
142      "parser_error":"",
143      "http_code": 404
144    },
145    "rules":[
146      "SecRuleEngine On",
147      "SecRuleScript test-cases/data/match-log.lua \"id:1,t:lowercase,t:none,status:404,deny\""
148    ]
149  },
150  {
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152    "version_min":300000,
153    "version_max":0,
154    "resource":"lua",
155    "title":"Testing action :: SecRuleScript (4/4)",
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183      "headers":{
184        "Content-Type":"text\/xml; charset=utf-8\n\r",
185        "Content-Length":"length\n\r"
186      }
187    },
188    "expected":{
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190      "debug_log":"Running \\(disruptive\\)     action: deny",
191      "error_log":"",
192      "parser_error":"",
193      "http_code": 404
194    },
195    "rules":[
196      "SecRuleEngine On",
197      "SecRuleScript test-cases/data/match.lua \"id:1,t:lowercase,t:none,status:404,deny\""
198    ]
199  }