2  {
3    "enabled": 1,
4    "version_min": 209000,
5    "version_max": -1,
6    "title": "JSON array should be handled even without a key (1)",
7    "url": "https:\/\/github.com\/SpiderLabs\/ModSecurity\/issues\/1576",
8    "client":{
9      "ip":"",
10      "port":123
11    },
12    "request":{
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22      "body": [
23        "{",
24        "   \"foo\":\"bar\",",
25        "   \"mod\":\"sec\",",
26        "   \"ops\": [",
27        "       [\"um\", \"um e meio\"], ",
28        "       \"dois\",",
29        "       \"tres\",",
30        "       { \"eins\": [\"zwei\", \"drei\"] }",
31        "    ],",
32        "   \"whee\": \"lhebs\"",
33        "}"
34      ]
35    },
36    "server":{
37      "ip":"",
38      "port":80
39    },
40    "expected":{
41      "debug_log": "zwei\" \\(Variable: ARGS:json.ops.array_3.eins.array_0"
42    },
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45        "SecRequestBodyAccess On",
46        "SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type \"application/json\" \"id:'200001',phase:1,t:none,t:lowercase,pass,nolog,ctl:requestBodyProcessor=JSON\"",
47        "SecRule ARGS \"asdf\" \"id:'200441',phase:3,log\""
48    ]
49  },
50  {
51    "enabled": 1,
52    "version_min": 209000,
53    "version_max": -1,
54    "title": "JSON array should be handled even without a key (2)",
55    "url": "https:\/\/github.com\/SpiderLabs\/ModSecurity\/issues\/1576",
56    "client":{
57      "ip":"",
58      "port":123
59    },
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71        "[",
72        "   \"one\",",
73        "   \"two\",",
74        "   \"three\"",
75        "]"
76      ]
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78    "server":{
79      "ip":"",
80      "port":80
81    },
82    "expected":{
83      "debug_log": "three\" \\(Variable: ARGS:json.array_2\\)"
84    },
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88        "SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type \"application/json\" \"id:'200001',phase:1,t:none,t:lowercase,pass,nolog,ctl:requestBodyProcessor=JSON\"",
89        "SecRule ARGS \"asdf\" \"id:'200441',phase:3,log\""
90    ]
91  },
92  {
93    "enabled": 1,
94    "version_min": 209000,
95    "version_max": -1,
96    "title": "JSON array should be handled even without a key (3)",
97    "url": "https:\/\/github.com\/SpiderLabs\/ModSecurity\/issues\/1576",
98    "client":{
99      "ip":"",
100      "port":123
101    },
102    "request":{
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111      "method":"POST",
112      "body": [
113        "{",
114        "   \"foo\":\"bar\",",
115        "   \"mod\":\"sec\",",
116        "   \"ops\": {",
117        "       \"um\": \"um e meio\", ",
118        "       \"dois\": \"tres\",",
119        "       \"quatro\": \"cinco\",",
120        "       \"seis\": {",
121        "           \"dez\": \"onze\",",
122        "           \"doze\": \"treze\"",
123        "       }",
124        "    },",
125        "   \"whee\": \"lhebs\"",
126        "}"
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132    },
133    "expected":{
134      "debug_log": "treze\" \\(Variable: ARGS:json.ops.seis.doze\\)"
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138        "SecRequestBodyAccess On",
139        "SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type \"application/json\" \"id:'200001',phase:1,t:none,t:lowercase,pass,nolog,ctl:requestBodyProcessor=JSON\"",
140        "SecRule ARGS \"asdf\" \"id:'200441',phase:3,log\""
141    ]
142  }