2  {
3    "enabled":1,
4    "version_min":300000,
5    "title":"Tmp file retained for @inspectFile (1/2)",
6    "resource":"lua",
7    "client":{
8      "ip":"",
9      "port":123
10    },
11    "server":{
12      "ip":"",
13      "port":80
14    },
15    "request":{
16      "headers":{
17        "Host":"localhost",
18        "User-Agent":"curl/7.38.0",
19        "Accept":"*/*",
20        "Content-Length":"330",
21        "Content-Type":"multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
22        "Expect":"100-continue"
23      },
24      "uri":"/wheee/f%20i%20l%20e%20",
25      "method":"POST",
26      "body":[
27        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
28        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"name\"",
29        "",
30        "test",
31        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
32        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"name2\"",
33        "",
34        "test2",
35        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
36        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filedata\"; filename=\"small_text_file1.txt\"",
37        "Content-Type: text/plain",
38        "",
39        "This is a very small test file..",
40        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
41        "Content-Disposition: form-data; filename=\"small_text_file2.txt\"; name=\"small2.txt\" ",
42        "Content-Type: text/plain",
43        "",
44        "This is another very small test file that contains the search content abcdef..",
45        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2--"
46      ]
47    },
48    "expected":{
49      "debug_log":"Returning from lua script: abcdef.*Rule returned 1",
50      "http_code":403
51    },
52    "rules":[
53      "SecRuleEngine On",
54      "SecRequestBodyAccess On",
55      "SecTmpSaveUploadedFiles On",
56      "SecUploadKeepFiles Off",
57      "SecUploadDir /tmp",
58      "SecTmpDir /tmp",
59      "SecRule FILES_TMPNAMES \"@inspectFile test-cases/data/inspectFile-abcdef.lua\" \"id:1,phase:2,deny,status:403\""
60    ]
61  },
62  {
63    "enabled":1,
64    "version_min":300000,
65    "title":"Tmp file retained for @inspectFile (2/2)",
66    "resource":"lua",
67    "client":{
68      "ip":"",
69      "port":123
70    },
71    "server":{
72      "ip":"",
73      "port":80
74    },
75    "request":{
76      "headers":{
77        "Host":"localhost",
78        "User-Agent":"curl/7.38.0",
79        "Accept":"*/*",
80        "Content-Length":"330",
81        "Content-Type":"multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
82        "Expect":"100-continue"
83      },
84      "uri":"/wheee/f%20i%20l%20e%20",
85      "method":"POST",
86      "body":[
87        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
88        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"name\"",
89        "",
90        "test",
91        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
92        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"name2\"",
93        "",
94        "test2",
95        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
96        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filedata\"; filename=\"small_text_file1.txt\"",
97        "Content-Type: text/plain",
98        "",
99        "This is a very small test file..",
100        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2",
101        "Content-Disposition: form-data; filename=\"small_text_file2.txt\"; name=\"small2.txt\" ",
102        "Content-Type: text/plain",
103        "",
104        "This is another very small test file that does not contain the search content.",
105        "----------------------------756b6d74fa1a8ee2--"
106      ]
107    },
108    "expected":{
109      "http_code":200
110    },
111    "rules":[
112      "SecRuleEngine On",
113      "SecRequestBodyAccess On",
114      "SecTmpSaveUploadedFiles On",
115      "SecUploadKeepFiles Off",
116      "SecUploadDir /tmp",
117      "SecTmpDir /tmp",
118      "SecRule FILES_TMPNAMES \"@inspectFile test-cases/data/inspectFile-abcdef.lua\" \"id:1,phase:2,deny,status:403\""
119    ]
120  }