2   {
3      "ret" : 0,
4      "name" : "compressWhitespace",
5      "input" : "",
6      "type" : "tfn",
7      "output" : ""
8   },
9   {
10      "ret" : 0,
11      "type" : "tfn",
12      "input" : "TestCase",
13      "name" : "compressWhitespace",
14      "output" : "TestCase"
15   },
16   {
17      "name" : "compressWhitespace",
18      "input" : "Test\\u0000Case",
19      "type" : "tfn",
20      "ret" : 0,
21      "output" : "Test\\u0000Case"
22   },
23   {
24      "output" : "Test Case",
25      "ret" : 0,
26      "type" : "tfn",
27      "input" : "Test Case",
28      "name" : "compressWhitespace"
29   },
30   {
31      "output" : " Test Case ",
32      "ret" : 1,
33      "input" : "  Test  \t   Case  ",
34      "name" : "compressWhitespace",
35      "type" : "tfn"
36   },
37   {
38      "name" : "compressWhitespace",
39      "input" : "This is a   test case with a tab \t, vtab \u000b, newline \n, return \r, formfeed \f, and a NUL\\u0000 in it with a CRLF at the end.\r\n",
40      "type" : "tfn",
41      "ret" : 1,
42      "output" : "This is a test case with a tab , vtab , newline , return , formfeed , and a NUL\\u0000 in it with a CRLF at the end. "
43   }