1with Ada.Text_IO;                       use Ada.Text_IO;
2with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;             use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
3with UnZip.Streams;                     use UnZip.Streams;
4with Zip;
6procedure Test_UnZ_Streams is
8  --  Test archive extraction as an *input* stream.
10  procedure Test_Input_Stream is
11    f: Zipped_File_Type;
12    s: UnZip.Streams.Stream_Access;
13    c: Character;
14    a: constant String:= "tuttifru.zip"; -- Archive created by test_uza.cmd
15    n: constant String:= "$12Defl5.tmp"; -- Compressed file in that archive
16  begin
17    Open( File           => f,
18          Archive_Name   => a,
19          Name           => n,
20          Password       => "tralala",
21          Case_sensitive => False
22    );
23    s:= Stream(f);
24    while not End_Of_File(f) loop --  We just output the contents of file
25      Character'Read(s,c);        --  named in 'n' to standard output
26      Put(c);                     --  character by character
27    end loop;
28    Close(f);
29    --
30  exception
31    when Zip.Zip_file_open_error =>
32      Put_Line( "Can't open archive [" & a & ']' );
33    when Zip.File_name_not_found =>
34      Put_Line( "Cannot find [" & n & "] in archive [" & a & ']' );
35    when UnZip.Wrong_password      =>
36      Put_Line( "Password doesn't fit!" );
37  end Test_Input_Stream;
39  --  Test archive extraction as an *output* stream.
41  procedure Test_Output_Stream(suffix: String; trash_dir: Boolean) is
42    o: Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type;
43    z: Zip.Zip_info;
44    a: constant String:= "detailed_results.zip"; -- Created by Demo_csv_into_zip
45    n: constant String:= "flood/oveRSEas/auSTRalasia_fd.csv";  --  we check case-unsensitiveness
46  begin
47    Create(o, Out_File, "demo_data_" & suffix & ".csv");
48    Zip.Load(
49      info           => z,
50      from           => a
51    );
52    Extract(
53      Destination      => Stream(o).all,
54      Archive_Info     => z,
55      Name             => n,
56      Ignore_Directory => trash_dir
57    );
58    Close(o);
59  exception
60    when Zip.Zip_file_open_error =>
61      Put_Line( "Can't open archive [" & a & ']' );
62    when Zip.File_name_not_found =>
63      Put_Line( "Cannot find [" & n & "] in archive [" & a & ']' );
64  end Test_Output_Stream;
67  Test_Input_Stream;
68  Test_Output_Stream("with_dir", False);
69  Test_Output_Stream("without_dir", True);
70end Test_UnZ_Streams;