1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <stdexcept>
21 #include <folly/File.h>
22 #include <folly/portability/GFlags.h>
23 #include <folly/system/MemoryMapping.h>
24 #include <thrift/lib/cpp2/frozen/Frozen.h>
25 #include <thrift/lib/cpp2/protocol/Serializer.h>
26 #include <thrift/lib/thrift/gen-cpp2/frozen_constants.h>
28 DECLARE_bool(thrift_frozen_util_disable_mlock);
29 DECLARE_bool(thrift_frozen_util_mlock_on_fault);
31 namespace apache {
32 namespace thrift {
33 namespace frozen {
35 class FrozenFileForwardIncompatible : public std::runtime_error {
36  public:
37   explicit FrozenFileForwardIncompatible(int fileVersion);
fileVersion()39   int fileVersion() const { return fileVersion_; }
supportedVersion()40   int supportedVersion() const {
41     return schema::frozen_constants::kCurrentFrozenFileVersion();
42   }
44  private:
45   int fileVersion_;
46 };
48 /**
49  * A FreezeRoot that mallocs buffers as needed.
50  */
51 class MallocFreezer final : public FreezeRoot {
52  public:
MallocFreezer()53   explicit MallocFreezer() {}
55   template <class T>
freeze(const Layout<T> & layout,const T & root)56   void freeze(const Layout<T>& layout, const T& root) {
57     doFreeze(layout, root);
58   }
appendTo(std::string & out)60   void appendTo(std::string& out) const {
61     out.reserve(size_ + out.size());
62     for (auto& segment : segments_) {
63       out.append(segment.buffer, segment.buffer + segment.size);
64     }
65   }
67  private:
68   size_t distanceToEnd(const byte* origin) const;
69   size_t offsetOf(const byte* origin) const;
71   folly::MutableByteRange appendBuffer(size_t size);
73   void doAppendBytes(
74       byte* origin,
75       size_t n,
76       folly::MutableByteRange& range,
77       size_t& distance,
78       size_t alignment) override;
80   struct Segment {
81     explicit Segment(size_t size);
SegmentSegment82     Segment(Segment&& other) : size(other.size), buffer(other.buffer) {
83       other.buffer = nullptr;
84     }
86     ~Segment();
88     size_t size{0};
89     byte* buffer{nullptr}; // owned
90   };
91   std::map<const byte*, size_t> offsets_;
92   std::vector<Segment> segments_;
93   size_t size_{0};
94 };
96 /**
97  * Returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes required to freeze
98  * this object with a minimal layout. Actual bytes required will depend on the
99  * alignment of the freeze buffer.
100  */
101 template <class T>
frozenSize(const T & v)102 size_t frozenSize(const T& v) {
103   Layout<T> layout;
104   return LayoutRoot::layout(v, layout) - LayoutRoot::kPaddingBytes;
105 }
107 /**
108  * Returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes required to freeze
109  * this object with a given layout. Actual bytes required will depend on on
110  * the alignment of the freeze buffer.
111  */
112 template <class T>
frozenSize(const T & v,const Layout<T> & fixedLayout)113 size_t frozenSize(const T& v, const Layout<T>& fixedLayout) {
114   Layout<T> layout = fixedLayout;
115   size_t size;
116   bool changed;
117   LayoutRoot::layout(v, layout, changed, size);
118   if (changed) {
119     throw LayoutException();
120   }
121   return size;
122 }
124 template <class T>
serializeRootLayout(const Layout<T> & layout,std::string & out)125 void serializeRootLayout(const Layout<T>& layout, std::string& out) {
126   schema::MemorySchema memSchema;
127   schema::Schema schema;
128   saveRoot(layout, memSchema);
129   schema::convert(memSchema, schema);
131   *schema.fileVersion_ref() =
132       schema::frozen_constants::kCurrentFrozenFileVersion();
133   out.clear();
134   CompactSerializer::serialize(schema, &out);
135 }
137 template <class T>
deserializeRootLayout(folly::ByteRange & range,Layout<T> & layoutOut)138 void deserializeRootLayout(folly::ByteRange& range, Layout<T>& layoutOut) {
139   schema::Schema schema;
140   size_t schemaSize = CompactSerializer::deserialize(range, schema);
142   if (*schema.fileVersion_ref() >
143       schema::frozen_constants::kCurrentFrozenFileVersion()) {
144     throw FrozenFileForwardIncompatible(*schema.fileVersion_ref());
145   }
147   schema::MemorySchema memSchema;
148   schema::convert(std::move(schema), memSchema);
149   loadRoot(layoutOut, memSchema);
150   range.advance(schemaSize);
151 }
153 template <class T>
freezeToFile(const T & x,folly::File file)154 void freezeToFile(const T& x, folly::File file) {
155   std::string schemaStr;
156   auto layout = std::make_unique<Layout<T>>();
157   auto contentSize = LayoutRoot::layout(x, *layout);
159   serializeRootLayout(*layout, schemaStr);
161   size_t initialBufferSize = contentSize + schemaStr.size();
162   folly::MemoryMapping mapping(
163       file.dup(), 0, initialBufferSize, folly::MemoryMapping::writable());
164   auto mappingRange = mapping.writableRange();
165   auto writeRange = mapping.writableRange();
166   std::copy(schemaStr.begin(), schemaStr.end(), writeRange.begin());
167   writeRange.advance(schemaStr.size());
168   ByteRangeFreezer::freeze(*layout, x, writeRange);
169   size_t finalBufferSize = writeRange.begin() - mappingRange.begin();
170   ftruncate(file.fd(), finalBufferSize);
171 }
173 template <class T>
freezeToString(const T & x,std::string & out)174 void freezeToString(const T& x, std::string& out) {
175   out.clear();
176   Layout<T> layout;
177   size_t contentSize = LayoutRoot::layout(x, layout);
178   serializeRootLayout(layout, out);
180   size_t schemaSize = out.size();
181   size_t bufferSize = schemaSize + contentSize;
182   out.resize(bufferSize, 0);
183   folly::MutableByteRange writeRange(
184       reinterpret_cast<byte*>(&out[schemaSize]), contentSize);
185   ByteRangeFreezer::freeze(layout, x, writeRange);
186   out.resize(out.size() - writeRange.size());
187 }
189 template <class T>
freezeToString(const T & x)190 std::string freezeToString(const T& x) {
191   std::string result;
192   freezeToString(x, result);
193   return result;
194 }
196 template <class T>
freezeDataToString(const T & x,const Layout<T> & layout)197 std::string freezeDataToString(const T& x, const Layout<T>& layout) {
198   std::string out;
199   MallocFreezer freezer;
200   freezer.freeze(layout, x);
201   freezer.appendTo(out);
202   return out;
203 }
205 template <class T>
freezeToStringMalloc(const T & x,std::string & out)206 void freezeToStringMalloc(const T& x, std::string& out) {
207   Layout<T> layout;
208   LayoutRoot::layout(x, layout);
209   out.clear();
210   serializeRootLayout(layout, out);
211   MallocFreezer freezer;
212   freezer.freeze(layout, x);
213   freezer.appendTo(out);
214 }
216 /**
217  * mapFrozen<T>() returns an owned reference to a frozen object which can be
218  * used as a Frozen view of the object. All overloads of this function return
219  * MappedFrozen<T>, which is an alias for a type which bundles the view with its
220  * associated resources. This type may be used directly to hold references to
221  * mapped frozen objects.
222  *
223  * Depending on which overload is used, this bundle will hold references to
224  * different associated data:
225  *
226  *  - mapFrozen<T>(ByteRange): Only the layout tree associated with the object.
227  *  - mapFrozen<T>(StringPiece): Same as mapFrozen<T>(ByteRange).
228  *  - mapFrozen<T>(MemoryMapping): Takes ownership of the memory mapping
229  *      in addition to the layout tree.
230  *  - mapFrozen<T>(File): Owns the memory mapping created from the File (which,
231  *      in turn, takes ownership of the File) in addition to the layout tree.
232  */
233 template <class T>
234 using MappedFrozen = Bundled<typename Layout<T>::View>;
236 template <class T>
mapFrozen(folly::ByteRange range)237 MappedFrozen<T> mapFrozen(folly::ByteRange range) {
238   auto layout = std::make_unique<Layout<T>>();
239   deserializeRootLayout(range, *layout);
240   MappedFrozen<T> ret(layout->view({range.begin(), 0}));
241   ret.hold(std::move(layout));
242   return ret;
243 }
245 template <class T>
mapFrozen(folly::StringPiece range)246 MappedFrozen<T> mapFrozen(folly::StringPiece range) {
247   return mapFrozen<T>(folly::ByteRange(range));
248 }
250 template <class T>
mapFrozen(folly::MemoryMapping mapping)251 MappedFrozen<T> mapFrozen(folly::MemoryMapping mapping) {
252   auto ret = mapFrozen<T>(mapping.range());
253   ret.hold(std::move(mapping));
254   return ret;
255 }
257 /**
258  * Maps from the given string, taking ownership of it and bundling it with the
259  * return object to ensure its lifetime.
260  * @param trim Trims the serialized layout from the input string.
261  */
262 template <class T>
263 MappedFrozen<T> mapFrozen(std::string&& str, bool trim = true) {
264   auto layout = std::make_unique<Layout<T>>();
265   auto holder = std::make_unique<HolderImpl<std::string>>(std::move(str));
266   auto& ownedStr = holder->t_;
267   folly::ByteRange rangeBefore = folly::StringPiece(ownedStr);
268   folly::ByteRange range = rangeBefore;
269   deserializeRootLayout(range, *layout);
270   if (trim) {
271     size_t trimSize = range.begin() - rangeBefore.begin();
272     ownedStr.erase(ownedStr.begin(), ownedStr.begin() + trimSize);
273     ownedStr.shrink_to_fit();
274     range = folly::StringPiece(ownedStr);
275   }
276   MappedFrozen<T> ret(layout->view({range.begin(), 0}));
277   ret.holdImpl(std::move(holder));
278   ret.hold(std::move(layout));
279   return ret;
280 }
282 template <class T>
283 [[deprecated(
284     "std::string values must be passed by move with std::move(str) or "
285     "passed through non-owning StringPiece")]] MappedFrozen<T>
286 mapFrozen(const std::string& str) = delete;
288 template <class T>
mapFrozen(folly::File file,folly::MemoryMapping::LockMode lockMode)289 MappedFrozen<T> mapFrozen(
290     folly::File file, folly::MemoryMapping::LockMode lockMode) {
291   folly::MemoryMapping mapping(std::move(file), 0);
292   folly::MemoryMapping::LockFlags flags{};
293   flags.lockOnFault = FLAGS_thrift_frozen_util_mlock_on_fault;
294   mapping.mlock(lockMode, flags);
295   return mapFrozen<T>(std::move(mapping));
296 }
298 template <class T>
mapFrozen(folly::File file)299 MappedFrozen<T> mapFrozen(folly::File file) {
300   return mapFrozen<T>(
301       std::move(file), folly::MemoryMapping::LockMode::TRY_LOCK);
302 }
304 } // namespace frozen
305 } // namespace thrift
306 } // namespace apache