3 * @package tikiwiki
4 */
5// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
7// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
8// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
9// $Id$
13if (empty($prefs['feature_jpgraph'])) {
14	$prefs['feature_jpgraph'] = 'n'; //optional package does not go througp prefs
17$categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ');
18$contributionlib = TikiLib::lib('contribution');
20$commentslib = TikiLib::lib('comments');
23$access->check_permission_either(['tiki_p_view_actionlog', 'tiki_p_view_actionlog_owngroups']);
25if (isset($_REQUEST['checked'])) {
26	$checked = is_array($_REQUEST['checked']) ? $_REQUEST['checked'] : [$_REQUEST['checked']];
27	// Ban IP adresses of multiple spammers
28	if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'ban') {
29		$mass_ban_ip = implode('|', $checked);
30		header('Location: tiki-admin_banning.php?mass_ban_ip_actionlog=' . $mass_ban_ip);
31		exit;
32	} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'remove' && $tiki_p_admin == 'y'
33		&& $access->checkCsrfForm(tra('Remove selected actions?')))
34	{
35		$rowsDeleted = 0;
36		foreach ($checked as $action) {
37			$result = $logslib->remove_action($action);
38			$rowsDeleted += $result->numRows();
39		}
40		if ($rowsDeleted) {
41			$msg = $rowsDeleted === 1 ? tra('The selected action has been deleted from the log')
42				: tr('%0 actions have been deleted from the log', $rowsDeleted);
43			Feedback::success($msg);
44		} else {
45			Feedback::error(tr('No actions were deleted from the log'));
46		}
47	}
50$auto_query_args = [
51		'actionId',
52		'startDate_Day',
53		'startDate_Month',
54		'startDate_Year',
55		'endDate_Day',
56		'endDate_Month',
57		'endDate_Year',
58		'selectedUsers',
59		'selectedGroups',
60		'list',
61		'sort_mode',
62		'categId',
63		'find'
64		];
65$categories = $categlib->getCategories();
67if (! empty($_REQUEST["action_log_type"])) {
68	$action_log_type = $_REQUEST["action_log_type"];
69} else {
70	$action_log_type = '%';
73if (! empty($_REQUEST["action_log_ip"])) {
74	$action_log_ip = $_REQUEST["action_log_ip"];
75} else {
76	$action_log_ip = '%';
79if (! empty($_REQUEST["action_log_action"])) {
80	$action_log_action = $_REQUEST["action_log_action"];
81} else {
82	$action_log_action = '%';
85$confs = $logslib->get_all_actionlog_conf();
86$action_log_conf_selected = $logslib->get_actionlog_conf($action_log_type, $action_log_action);
87$nbViewedConfs = 0;
89if (isset($_REQUEST["find"])) {
90	$find = $_REQUEST["find"];
91} else {
92	$find = '';
94$smarty->assign('find', $find);
95if (! isset($_REQUEST['offset']) || ! empty($_REQUEST['export'])) {
96	$offset = 0;
97} else {
98	$offset = $_REQUEST["offset"];
100if (isset($_REQUEST['max'])) {
101	$maxRecords = $_REQUEST['max'];
102} else {
103	$maxRecords = $prefs['maxRecords'];
106if ($tiki_p_view_actionlog == 'y') {
107	if (isset($_POST['save']) && $access->checkCsrf()) {
108		foreach ($action_log_conf_selected as $index => $conf) {
109			if (isset($_REQUEST['v_' . $conf['code']]) && $_REQUEST['v_' . $conf['code']] == 'on') { //viewed and reported
110				$logslib->set_actionlog_conf($conf['action'], $conf['objectType'], 'v');
111			} elseif (isset($_REQUEST[$conf['code']]) && $_REQUEST[$conf['code']] == 'on') {
112				$logslib->set_actionlog_conf($conf['action'], $conf['objectType'], 'y');
113			} else {
114				$logslib->set_actionlog_conf($conf['action'], $conf['objectType'], 'n');
115			}
116		}
117		global $actionlogConf;
118		unset($actionlogConf);
119		$confs = $logslib->get_all_actionlog_conf();
120		$action_log_conf_selected = $logslib->get_actionlog_conf($action_log_type);
121		$cookietab = 1;
122	}
123} else {
124	if (isset($_POST['save']) && $access->checkCsrf()) {
125		$_prefs = 'v';
126		foreach ($action_log_conf_selected as $index => $conf) {
127			if ($conf['status'] == 'v' || $conf['status'] == 'y') { // can only change what is recorded
128				if (isset($_REQUEST['v_' . $conf['code']]) && $_REQUEST['v_' . $conf['code']] == 'on') { //viewed
129					$_prefs .= $conf['id'] . 'v';
130				} else {
131					$_prefs .= $conf['id'] . 'y';
132				}
133			}
134		}
135		global $actionlogConf;
136		unset($actionlogConf);
137		$confs = $logslib->get_all_actionlog_conf();
138		$action_log_conf_selected = $logslib->get_actionlog_conf($action_log_type);
139		$tikilib->set_user_preference($user, 'actionlog_conf', $_prefs);
140		$cookietab = 1;
141	} else {
142		$_prefs = $tikilib->get_user_preference($user, 'actionlog_conf', '');
143		if (! empty($_prefs)) {
144			foreach ($confs as $i => $conf) {
145				if ($confs[$i]['status'] == 'v' || $confs[$i]['status'] == 'y') {
146					if (preg_match('/[vy]' . $confs[$i]['id'] . '([vy])/', $_prefs, $matches)) {
147						$confs[$i]['status'] = $matches[1];
148					}
149				}
150			}
151		}
152	}
153	global $actionlogConf;
154	$actionlogConf = $confs;
157foreach ($confs as $conf) {
158	if ($conf['status'] == 'v') {
159		++$nbViewedConfs;
160	}
162$smarty->assign('nbViewedConfs', $nbViewedConfs);
163if (empty($nbViewedConfs)) {
164	$cookietab = 2;
167$smarty->assign_by_ref('actionlogConf', $confs);
169if (! empty($_REQUEST['actionId']) && $tiki_p_admin == 'y') {
170	$action = $logslib->get_info_action($_REQUEST['actionId']);
171	if (empty($action)) {
172		Feedback::error( tra('Must specify actionId'));
173	} else {
174		if (isset($_POST['saveAction'])&& $access->checkCsrf()) {
175			if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') {
176				if ($contributionlib->update($action, empty($_REQUEST['contributions']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['contributions'])) {
177					$logslib->delete_params($_REQUEST['actionId'], 'contribution');
178					if (isset($_REQUEST['contributions'])) {
179						$logslib->insert_params($_REQUEST['actionId'], 'contribution', $_REQUEST['contributions']);
180					}
181					if (isset($_REQUEST['contributors'])) {
182						$logslib->insert_params($_REQUEST['actionId'], 'contributor', $_REQUEST['contributors']);
183					}
184				} else {
185					$smarty->assign('error', 'found more than one object that can correspond');
186				}
187			}
188			if (empty($_REQUEST['cat_categories']) && !empty($action['categId'])) {
189				$logslib->update_category($_REQUEST['actionId'], 0);
190			} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['cat_categories'])) {
191				$old_categ = $action['categId'];
192				if (!in_array($action['categId'], $_REQUEST['cat_categories'])) {
193					$logslib->update_category($_REQUEST['actionId'], $_REQUEST['cat_categories'][0]);
194				}
195				if (count($_REQUEST['cat_categories']) > 1) {
196					$action['params'] = $logslib->get_action_params($_REQUEST['actionId']);
197					$action['contributions'] = $logslib->get_action_contributions($_REQUEST['actionId']);
198					foreach ($_REQUEST['cat_categories'] as $cat) {
199						if ($cat != $old_categ) {
200							$logslib->add_action($action['action'], $action['object'], $action['objectType'], $action['comment'], $action['user'], $action['ip'], '', $action['lastModif'], '', '');
201						}
202					}
203				}
204			}
205		} else {
206			$smarty->assign_by_ref('action', $action);
207			if ($action['objectType'] == 'wiki page') {
208				$contributions = $logslib->get_action_contributions($action['actionId']);
209				$info = $tikilib->get_page_info($action['object']);
210				$contributors = $logslib->get_wiki_contributors($info);
211				$tcontributors = [];
212				foreach ($contributors as $c) {
213					$tcontributors[] = $c['userId'];
214				}
215				$smarty->assign_by_ref('contributors', $tcontributors);
216			} elseif ($id = $logslib->get_comment_action($action)) {
217				$contributions = $logslib->get_action_contributions($action['actionId']);
218			} else {
219				$contributions = $contributionlib->get_assigned_contributions($action['object'], $action['objectType']); // todo: do a left join
220			}
222			$cont = [];
223			foreach ($contributions as $contribution) {
224				$cont[] = $contribution['contributionId'];
225			}
226			$_REQUEST['contributions'] = $cont;
227			include ('contribution.php');
228			$contributions['data'][] = [
229					'contributionId' => 0,
230					'name' => ''
231					];
232			if (! empty($_REQUEST['startDate'])) {
233				$smarty->assign('startDate', $_REQUEST['startDate']);
234			}
235			if (! empty($_REQUEST['endDate'])) {
236				$smarty->assign('endDate', $_REQUEST['endDate']);
237			}
238			if (! empty($action['categId'])) {
239				foreach ($categories as $i => $cat) {
240					if ($action['categId'] == $cat['categId']) {
241						$categories[$i]['incat'] = 'y';
242					}
243				}
244			}
245		}
246	}
248if ($tiki_p_list_users == 'y') {
249	$users = $userlib->list_all_users();
250	$groups = $userlib->list_all_groups();
251} else {
252	$users = [$userlib->get_user_id($user) => $user];
253	$groups = $tikilib->get_user_groups($user);
254	$groups = array_diff(
255		$groups,
256		[
257			'Anonymous'
258		]
259	);
260	$_REQUEST['selectedUsers'] = [$user];
262$selectedGroups = [];
263foreach ($groups as $g) {
264	$selectedGroups[$g] = 'y';
266$smarty->assign_by_ref('users', $users);
267$smarty->assign_by_ref('groups', $groups);
268$smarty->assign_by_ref('categories', $categories);
269foreach ($categories as $categ) {
270	$categNames[$categ['categId']] = $categ['name'];
272$smarty->assign_by_ref('categNames', $categNames);
274if (isset($_REQUEST['list']) || isset($_REQUEST['export']) || isset($_REQUEST['graph'])) {
275	@ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
276	$url = '';
277	$selectedUsers = [];
278	if (isset($_REQUEST['selectedUsers'])) {
279		foreach ($users as $key => $u) {
280			if (in_array($u, $_REQUEST['selectedUsers'])) {
281				$url .= "&amp;selectedUsers[]=$u";
282				$selectedUsers[$key] = 'y';
283			} else {
284				$selectedUsers[$key] = 'n';
285			}
286		}
287	}
288	$smarty->assign('selectedUsers', $selectedUsers);
289	if (isset($_REQUEST['selectedGroups']) && ! (count($_REQUEST['selectedGroups']) == 1 && $_REQUEST['selectedGroups'][0] == '')) {
290		$selectedGroups = [];
291		foreach ($groups as $key => $g) {
292			if (in_array($g, $_REQUEST['selectedGroups'])) {
293				$url .= "&amp;selectedGroups[]=$g";
294				$selectedGroups[$g] = 'y';
295				if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y' || $tiki_p_view_actionlog_owngroups == 'y') {
296					$members = $userlib->get_group_users($g);
297					foreach ($members as $m) {
298						$_REQUEST['selectedUsers'][] = $m;
299						$selectedUsers[$m] = 'y';
300					}
301				}
302			} else {
303				$selectedGroups[$g] = 'n';
304			}
305		}
306		$smarty->assign_by_ref('selectedGroups', $selectedGroups);
307	}
308	if (! isset($_REQUEST['selectedUsers']) || (count($_REQUEST['selectedUsers']) == 1 && $_REQUEST['selectedUsers'][0] == '')) {
309		$_REQUEST['selectedUsers'] = '';
310	}
311	if (! isset($_REQUEST['categId']) || $_REQUEST['categId'] == 0) {
312		$_REQUEST['categId'] = '';
313	} else {
314		$url .= '&amp;categId=' . $_REQUEST['categId'];
315		$smarty->assign('reportCateg', $categNames[$_REQUEST['categId']]);
316	}
317	$showCateg = $logslib->action_is_viewed('*', 'category');
318	$smarty->assign('showCateg', $showCateg ? 'y' : 'n');
319	$showLogin = $logslib->action_is_viewed('login', 'system');
320	$smarty->assign('showLogin', $showLogin ? 'y' : 'n');
321	$showbigbluebutton = $logslib->action_is_viewed('Joined Room', 'bigbluebutton');
322	$smarty->assign('showbigbluebutton', $showbigbluebutton ? 'y' : 'n');
323	if (isset($_REQUEST['startDate_Month'])) {
324		$startDate = $tikilib->make_time($_REQUEST['Time_Hour'], $_REQUEST['Time_Minute'], $_REQUEST['Time_Second'], $_REQUEST['startDate_Month'], $_REQUEST['startDate_Day'], $_REQUEST['startDate_Year']);
325		$url .= "&amp;start=$startDate";
326	} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['startDate'])) {
327		$startDate = $_REQUEST['startDate'];
328	} else {
329		$startDate = $tikilib->make_time(0, 0, 0, $tikilib->date_format('%m'), $tikilib->date_format('%d'), $tikilib->date_format('%Y'));
330	}
331	$smarty->assign('startDate', $startDate);
332	if (isset($_REQUEST['endDate_Month'])) {
333		$endDate = $tikilib->make_time($_REQUEST['end_Hour'], $_REQUEST['end_Minute'], $_REQUEST['end_Second'], $_REQUEST['endDate_Month'], $_REQUEST['endDate_Day'], $_REQUEST['endDate_Year']);
334		$url .= "&amp;end=$endDate";
335	} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['endDate'])) {
336		$endDate = $_REQUEST['endDate'];
337	} else {
338		$endDate = $tikilib->make_time(23, 59, 59, $tikilib->date_format('%m'), $tikilib->date_format('%d'), $tikilib->date_format('%Y'));
339	}
340	$smarty->assign('endDate', $endDate);
342	if (isset($_REQUEST['export'])) {
343		header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
344		header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tiki-actionlogs_stats.csv"');
345		echo "user,date,time,action,type,object,category,categId,ip, unit,+,-,contribution\r\n";
346		for (;;) {
347			$results = $logslib->list_actions('', '', $_REQUEST['selectedUsers'], $offset, $maxRecords, 'lastModif_desc', $find, $startDate, $endDate, $_REQUEST['categId']);
348			if (empty($results['data'])) {
349				break;
350			}
351			$csv = $logslib->export($results['data']);
352			echo $csv;
353			$offset += $maxRecords;
354		}
355		die();
356	}
357	if (isset($_REQUEST['export_bbb'])) {
358		header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
359		header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tiki-actionlogs_bbb_stats.csv"');
360		echo "user,object,Time in bigbluebutton (in minutes)\r\n";
361		$logins = $logslib->list_actions('', 'bigbluebutton', $_REQUEST['selectedUsers'], 0, -1, 'lastModif_asc', $find, $startDate, $endDate, false);
362		$stay_in_big_Times = $logslib->get_bigblue_login_time($logins['data'], $startDate, $endDate, $actions);
363		if (! empty($logins['data'])) {
364			$csv = $logslib->export_bbb($stay_in_big_Times);
365			echo $csv;
366			$offset += $maxRecords;
367			die();
368		}
369	}
370	$results = $logslib->list_actions('', '', $_REQUEST['selectedUsers'], $offset, $maxRecords, 'lastModif_desc', $find, $startDate, $endDate, $_REQUEST['categId']);
371	$actions = &$results['data'];
372	$actions_cant = $results['cant'];
373	$actions = $logslib->get_more_info($actions, $categNames);
374	$contributorActions = $logslib->split_actions_per_contributors($actions, $_REQUEST['selectedUsers']);
375	if (! empty($_REQUEST['selectedUsers'])) {
376		$results = $logslib->list_actions('', '', '', $offset, $maxRecords, 'lastModif_desc', $find, $startDate, $endDate, $_REQUEST['categId']);
377		$allActions = &$results['data'];
378		$allContributorsActions = $logslib->split_actions_per_contributors($actions, '');
379	} else {
380		$allActions = $actions;
381		$allContributorsActions = $contributorActions;
382	}
383	$userActions = $logslib->get_stat_actions_per_user($contributorActions);
384	$smarty->assign_by_ref('userActions', $userActions);
385	$objectActions = $logslib->get_stat_actions_per_field($actions, 'object');
386	$smarty->assign_by_ref('objectActions', $objectActions);
387	$groupContributions = $logslib->get_stat_contributions_per_group($allContributorsActions, $selectedGroups);
388	$smarty->assign_by_ref('groupContributions', $groupContributions);
389	$userContributions = $logslib->get_stat_contributions_per_user($contributorActions);
390	$smarty->assign_by_ref('userContributions', $userContributions['data']);
391	if ($showCateg) {
392		$statCateg = $logslib->get_action_stat_categ($actions, $categNames);
393		$smarty->assign_by_ref('statCateg', $statCateg);
394		$volCateg = $logslib->get_action_vol_categ($actions, $categNames);
395		if (isset($_REQUEST['unit']) && $_REQUEST['unit'] == 'kb') {
396			$volCateg = $logslib->in_kb($volCateg);
397		}
398		$smarty->assign_by_ref('volCateg', $volCateg);
399		$volUserCateg = $logslib->get_action_vol_user_categ($contributorActions, $categNames);
400		if (isset($_REQUEST['unit']) && $_REQUEST['unit'] == 'kb') {
401			$volUserCateg = $logslib->in_kb($volUserCateg);
402		}
403		$smarty->assign_by_ref('volUserCateg', $volUserCateg);
404		$typeVol = $logslib->get_action_vol_type($volCateg);
405		$smarty->assign_by_ref('typeVol', $typeVol);
406		$statUserCateg = $logslib->get_actions_per_user_categ($contributorActions, $categNames);
407		$smarty->assign_by_ref('statUserCateg', $statUserCateg);
408	}
409	if ($showLogin) {
410		$logins = $logslib->list_logs('login', $_REQUEST['selectedUsers'], 0, -1, 'lastModif_asc', '', $startDate, $endDate, $actions);
411		$logTimes = $logslib->get_login_time($logins['data'], $startDate, $endDate, $actions);
412		$smarty->assign_by_ref('logTimes', $logTimes);
413	}
414	if ($showbigbluebutton) {
415		$logins = $logslib->list_actions('', 'bigbluebutton', $_REQUEST['selectedUsers'], 0, -1, 'lastModif_asc', $find, $startDate, $endDate, false);
416		$stay_in_big_Times = $logslib->get_bigblue_login_time($logins['data'], $startDate, $endDate, $actions);
417		$smarty->assign_by_ref('stay_in_big_Times', $stay_in_big_Times);
418	}
419	if (isset($_REQUEST['unit']) && $_REQUEST['unit'] == 'kb') {
420		for ($i = count($actions) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
421			if (isset($actions[$i]['add'])) {
422				$actions[$i]['add'] = round($actions[$i]['add'] / 1024);
423			}
424			if (isset($actions[$i]['del'])) {
425				$actions[$i]['del'] = round($actions[$i]['del'] / 1024);
426			}
427		}
428	}
429	if (isset($_REQUEST['sort_mode'])) {
430		list($col, $order) = explode('_', $_REQUEST['sort_mode']);
431		$sort = [];
432		foreach ($actions as $a) {
433			$sort[] = isset($a[$col]) ? $a[$col] : '';
434		}
435		array_multisort($sort, ($order == 'desc') ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC, $actions);
436		$smarty->assign('sort_mode', $_REQUEST['sort_mode']);
437	}
438	$smarty->assign_by_ref('actionlogs', $actions);
439	if (isset($_REQUEST['unit'])) {
440		$url .= '&amp;unit=' . $_REQUEST['unit'];
441	}
442	$smarty->assign('url', "&amp;list=y$url#List");
443	if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') {
444		if (empty($_REQUEST['contribTime'])) {
445			$_REQUEST['contribTime'] = 'w';
446		}
447		$contributionStat = $logslib->get_stat_contribution($actions, $startDate, $endDate, $_REQUEST['contribTime']);
448		$smarty->assign_by_ref('contributionStat', $contributionStat['data']);
449		$smarty->assign_by_ref('contributionNbCols', $contributionStat['nbCols']);
450		$smarty->assign_by_ref('contribTime', $_REQUEST['contribTime']);
451	}
454if (isset($_REQUEST['graph'])) {
455	$contributions = $contributionlib->list_contributions(0, -1);
456	$legendWidth = 0;
457	foreach ($contributions['data'] as $contribution) {
458		$legendWidth = max($legendWidth, strlen($contribution['name']));
459	}
460	$legendWidth = $legendWidth * 7 + 20;
461	$xUserTickWidth = 0;
462	foreach ($userContributions['data'] as $u => $val) {
463		$xUserTickWidth = max($xUserTickWidth, strlen($u));
464	}
465	$xUserTickWidth = $xUserTickWidth * 7;
466	$xGroupTickWidth = 0;
467	foreach ($groupContributions as $g => $val) {
468		$xGroupTickWidth = max($xGroupTickWidth, strlen($g));
469	}
470	$xGroupTickWidth = $xGroupTickWidth * 7;
471	$yTickWidth = 0;
472	foreach ($contributionStat['data'] as $contribution) {
473		$yTickWidth = max($yTickWidth, $contribution['add'], $contribution['del']);
474	}
475	$yTickWidth = "($yTickWidth).0";
476	$yTickWidth = strlen($yTickWidth) * 7;
477	$widthWeek = 70 * $contributionStat['nbCols'] + 100 + $legendWidth;
478	$widthTotal = 70 + 100 + $legendWidth + $yTickWidth;
479	$height = 250;
480	$widthUser = 70 * $userContributions['nbCols'] + 100 + $legendWidth + $yTickWidth;
481	$widthGroup = 70 * count($groupContributions) + 100 + $legendWidth + $yTickWidth;
482	$space = 20;
483	if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
484		require_once('lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php');
485		require_once('lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php');
486		require_once('lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_mgraph.php');
487		$imagegallib = TikiLib::lib('imagegal');
488		$ext = 'jpeg';
489		$background = new MGraph();
490		$background->SetImgFormat($ext);
491		$background->SetFrame(true, 'black');
492		$background->SetMargin(10, 10, 10, 10);
493	} else {
494		require_once('lib/sheet/grid.php');
495		require_once('lib/graph-engine/gd.php');
496		require_once('lib/graph-engine/pdflib.php');
497		require_once('lib/graph-engine/ps.php');
498		require_once('lib/graph-engine/graph.pie.php');
499		require_once('lib/graph-engine/graph.bar.php');
500		require_once('lib/graph-engine/graph.multiline.php');
501		$graphType = 'BarStackGraphic';
502		$ext = 'jpg';
503		$background = new GD_GRenderer(max($widthUser, $widthWeek), 8 * $height, $ext);
504		$legendWidth = 300;
505	}
506	include_once('lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.tiki_short_date.php');
507	$period = ' (' . smarty_modifier_tiki_short_date($startDate);
508			$s = smarty_modifier_tiki_short_date($startDate);
509			$e = smarty_modifier_tiki_short_date($endDate);
510			$period = ($s != $e) ? " ($s-$e)" : " ($s)";
511			$accumulated = (isset($_REQUEST['barPlot']) && $_REQUEST['barPlot'] == 'acc') ? true : false;
512			$series = $logslib->draw_contribution_user($userContributions, 'add', $contributions);
513	if ($series['totalVol']) {
514		if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y') {
515			$title = tra('Users Contributions: Addition');
516		} else {
517			$title = sprintf(tra('%s Contributions: Addition'), $user);
518		}
519		if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
520			$graph = new Graph($widthUser, $height + $xUserTickWidth);
521			$graph->img->SetImgFormat($ext);
522			$logslib->graph_to_jpgraph($graph, $series, $accumulated, $_REQUEST['bgcolor'], $_REQUEST['legendBgcolor']);
523			$graph->img->SetMargin(40 + $yTickWidth, 40 + $legendWidth, 50, 40 + $xUserTickWidth);
524			$graph->title->Set($title);
525			$graph->subtitle->Set($period);
526			if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y') {
527				$graph->xaxis->SetTitle(tra('Users'), 'center');
528				$graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xUserTickWidth);
529			}
530			$graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(90);
531			$graph->yaxis->title->Set(tra($_REQUEST['unit']));
532			$graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yTickWidth);
533			$graph->setFrame(true, 'darkgreen', 2);
534			$background->Add($graph, 0, 0);
535			if (! empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) {
536				$logslib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $graph, $ext, $title, $period);
537			}
538		} else {
539			$renderer = new GD_GRenderer($widthUser, $height, $ext);
540			$graph = new $graphType;
541			$graph->setData($series);
542			$graph->setTitle($title);
543			$graph->draw($renderer);
544			imagecopy($background->gd, $renderer->gd, 0, 0, 0, 0, $renderer->width, $renderer->height);
545		}
546	}
547			$series = $logslib->draw_contribution_user($userContributions, 'del', $contributions);
548	if ($series['totalVol']) {
549		if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y') {
550			$title = tra('Users Contributions: Suppression');
551		} else {
552			$title = sprintf(tra('%s Contributions: Suppression'), $user);
553		}
554		if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
555			$graph = new Graph($widthUser, $height + $xUserTickWidth);
556			$graph->img->SetImgFormat($ext);
557			$logslib->graph_to_jpgraph($graph, $series, $accumulated, $_REQUEST['bgcolor'], $_REQUEST['legendBgcolor']);
558			$graph->img->SetMargin(40 + $yTickWidth, 40 + $legendWidth, 50, 40 + $xUserTickWidth);
559			$graph->title->Set($title);
560			$graph->subtitle->Set($period);
561			if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y') {
562				$graph->xaxis->SetTitle(tra('Users'), 'center');
563				$graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xUserTickWidth);
564			}
565			$graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(90);
566			$graph->yaxis->title->Set(tra($_REQUEST['unit']));
567			$graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yTickWidth);
568			$graph->setFrame(true, 'red', 2);
569			$background->Add($graph, 0, ($height + $space + $xUserTickWidth));
570			if (! empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) {
571				$logslib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $graph, $ext, $title, $period);
572			}
573		} else {
574			$renderer = new GD_GRenderer($widthUser, $height, $ext);
575			$graph = new $graphType;
576			$graph->setData($series);
577			$graph->setTitle($title);
578			$graph->draw($renderer);
579			imagecopy($background->gd, $renderer->gd, 0, ($height + $space), 0, 0, $renderer->width, $renderer->height);
580		}
581	}
582			$series = $logslib->draw_week_contribution_vol($contributionStat, 'add', $contributions);
583	if ($series['totalVol']) {
584		if ($_REQUEST['contribTime'] == 'd') {
585			$title = tra('Total Contributions Addition per Day');
586			$title2 = tra('Days');
587		} else {
588			$title = tra('Total Contributions Addition per Week');
589			$title2 = tra('Weeks');
590		}
591		if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
592			$graph = new Graph($widthWeek, $height);
593			$graph->img->SetImgFormat($ext);
594			$logslib->graph_to_jpgraph($graph, $series, $accumulated, $_REQUEST['bgcolor'], $_REQUEST['legendBgcolor']);
595			$graph->img->SetMargin(40 + $yTickWidth, 40 + $legendWidth, 50, 40);
596			$graph->title->Set($title);
597			$graph->xaxis->SetTitle($title2, 'center');
598			$graph->yaxis->title->Set(tra($_REQUEST['unit']));
599			$graph->subtitle->Set($period);
600			$graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yTickWidth);
601			$graph->setFrame(true, 'darkgreen', 2);
602			$background->Add($graph, 0, 2 * ($height + $space) + 2 * $xUserTickWidth);
603			if (! empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) {
604				$logslib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $graph, $ext, $title, $period);
605			}
606		} else {
607			$renderer = new GD_GRenderer($widthWeek, $height, $ext);
608			$graph = new $graphType;
609			unset($series['totalVol']);
610			$graph->setData($series);
611			$graph->setTitle($title);
612			$graph->draw($renderer);
613			imagecopy($background->gd, $renderer->gd, 0, 2 * ($height + $space), 0, 0, $renderer->width, $renderer->height);
614		}
615	}
616			$series = $logslib->draw_week_contribution_vol($contributionStat, 'del', $contributions);
617	if ($series['totalVol']) {
618		if ($_REQUEST['contribTime'] == 'd') {
619			$title = tra('Total Contributions Suppression per Day');
620			$title2 = tra('Days');
621		} else {
622			$title = tra('Total Contributions Suppression per Week');
623			$title2 = tra('Weeks');
624		}
625		if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
626			$graph = new Graph($widthWeek, $height);
627			$graph->img->SetImgFormat($ext);
628			$logslib->graph_to_jpgraph($graph, $series, $accumulated, $_REQUEST['bgcolor'], $_REQUEST['legendBgcolor']);
629			$graph->img->SetMargin(40 + $yTickWidth, 40 + $legendWidth, 50, 40);
630			$graph->title->Set($title);
631			$graph->xaxis->SetTitle($title2, 'center');
632			$graph->subtitle->Set($period);
633			$graph->yaxis->title->Set(tra($_REQUEST['unit']));
634			$graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yTickWidth);
635			$graph->setFrame(true, 'red', 2);
636			$background->Add($graph, 0, 3 * ($height + $space) + 2 * $xUserTickWidth);
637			if (! empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) {
638				$logslib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $graph, $ext, $title, $period);
639			}
640		} else {
641			$renderer = new GD_GRenderer($widthWeek, $height, $ext);
642			$graph = new $graphType;
643			unset($series['totalVol']);
644			$graph->setData($series);
645			$graph->setTitle($title);
646			$graph->draw($renderer);
647			imagecopy($background->gd, $renderer->gd, 0, 3 * ($height + $space), 0, 0, $renderer->width, $renderer->height);
648		}
649	}
650			$series = $logslib->draw_contribution_vol($contributionStat, 'add', $contributions);
651	if ($series['totalVol']) {
652		$title = tra('Total Contributions: Addition');
653		if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
654			$graph = new Graph($widthTotal, $height);
655			$graph->img->SetImgFormat($ext);
656			$logslib->graph_to_jpgraph($graph, $series, $accumulated, $_REQUEST['bgcolor'], $_REQUEST['legendBgcolor']);
657			$graph->img->SetMargin(40 + $yTickWidth, 40 + $legendWidth, 50, 40);
658			$graph->title->Set($title);
659			$graph->subtitle->Set($period);
660			$graph->yaxis->title->Set(tra($_REQUEST['unit']));
661			$graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yTickWidth);
662			$graph->setFrame(true, 'darkgreen', 2);
663			$background->Add($graph, 0, 4 * ($height + $space) + 2 * $xUserTickWidth);
664			if (! empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) {
665				$logslib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $graph, $ext, $title, $period);
666			}
667		} else {
668			$renderer = new GD_GRenderer($widthTotal, $height, $ext);
669			$graph = new $graphType;
670			$graph->setData($series);
671			$graph->setTitle($title);
672			$graph->draw($renderer);
673			imagecopy($background->gd, $renderer->gd, 0, 4 * ($height + $space), 0, 0, $renderer->width, $renderer->height);
674		}
675	}
676			$series = $logslib->draw_contribution_vol($contributionStat, 'del', $contributions);
677	if ($series['totalVol']) {
678		$title = tra('Total Contributions: Suppression');
679		if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
680			$graph = new Graph($widthTotal, $height);
681			$graph->img->SetImgFormat($ext);
682			$logslib->graph_to_jpgraph($graph, $series, $accumulated, $_REQUEST['bgcolor'], $_REQUEST['legendBgcolor']);
683			$graph->img->SetMargin(40 + $yTickWidth, 40 + $legendWidth, 50, 40);
684			$graph->title->Set($title);
685			$graph->subtitle->Set($period);
686			$graph->yaxis->title->Set(tra($_REQUEST['unit']));
687			$graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yTickWidth);
688			$graph->setFrame(true, 'red', 2);
689			$background->Add($graph, 0, 5 * ($height + $space) + 2 * $xUserTickWidth);
690			if (! empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) {
691				$logslib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $graph, $ext, $title, $period);
692			}
693		} else {
694			$renderer = new GD_GRenderer($widthTotal, $height, $ext);
695			$graph = new $graphType;
696			$graph->setData($series);
697			$graph->setTitle($title);
698			$graph->draw($renderer);
699			imagecopy($background->gd, $renderer->gd, 0, 5 * ($height + $space), 0, 0, $renderer->width, $renderer->height);
700		}
701	}
702			$series = $logslib->draw_contribution_group($groupContributions, 'add', $contributions);
703	if ($series['totalVol']) {
704		$title = tra('Groups Contributions: Addition');
705		if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
706			$graph = new Graph($widthGroup, $height + $xGroupTickWidth);
707			$graph->img->SetImgFormat($ext);
708			$logslib->graph_to_jpgraph($graph, $series, $accumulated, $_REQUEST['bgcolor'], $_REQUEST['legendBgcolor']);
709			$graph->img->SetMargin(40 + $yTickWidth, 40 + $legendWidth, 50, 40 + $xGroupTickWidth);
710			$graph->title->Set($title);
711			$graph->subtitle->Set($period);
712			$graph->xaxis->SetTitle(tra('Groups'), 'center');
713			$graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(90);
714			$graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xGroupTickWidth);
715			$graph->yaxis->title->Set(tra($_REQUEST['unit']));
716			$graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yTickWidth);
717			$graph->setFrame(true, 'darkgreen', 2);
718			$background->Add($graph, 0, 6 * ($height + $space) + 2 * $xUserTickWidth);
719			if (! empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) {
720				$logslib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $graph, $ext, $title, $period);
721			}
722		} else {
723			$renderer = new GD_GRenderer($widthGroup, $height, $ext);
724			$graph = new $graphType;
725			$graph->setData($series);
726			$graph->setTitle($title);
727			$graph->draw($renderer);
728			imagecopy($background->gd, $renderer->gd, 0, 6 * ($height + $space), 0, 0, $renderer->width, $renderer->height);
729		}
730	}
731			$series = $logslib->draw_contribution_group($groupContributions, 'del', $contributions);
732	if ($series['totalVol']) {
733		$title = tra('Groups Contributions: Suppression');
734		if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
735			$graph = new Graph($widthGroup, $height + $xGroupTickWidth);
736			$graph->img->SetImgFormat($ext);
737			$logslib->graph_to_jpgraph($graph, $series, $accumulated, $_REQUEST['bgcolor'], $_REQUEST['legendBgcolor']);
738			$graph->img->SetMargin(40 + $yTickWidth, 40 + $legendWidth, 50, 40 + $xGroupTickWidth);
739			$graph->title->Set($title);
740			$graph->subtitle->Set($period);
741			$graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(90);
742			$graph->xaxis->SetTitle(tra('Groups'), 'center');
743			$graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xGroupTickWidth);
744			$graph->yaxis->title->Set(tra($_REQUEST['unit']));
745			$graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yTickWidth);
746			$graph->setFrame(true, 'red', 2);
747			$background->Add($graph, 0, 7 * ($height + $space) + 2 * $xUserTickWidth + $xGroupTickWidth);
748			if (! empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) {
749				$logslib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $graph, $ext, $title, $period);
750			}
751		} else {
752			$renderer = new GD_GRenderer($widthGroup, $height, $ext);
753			$graph = new $graphType;
754			$graph->setData($series);
755			$graph->setTitle($title);
756			$graph->draw($renderer);
757			imagecopy($background->gd, $renderer->gd, 0, 7 * ($height + $space), 0, 0, $renderer->width, $renderer->height);
758		}
759	}
760	if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
761		$background->Stroke();
762	} else {
763		ob_start();
764		$background->httpOutput("graph.$ext");
765		$content = ob_get_contents();
766		ob_end_flush();
767	}
768			die;
769} elseif ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
770	$smarty->assign(
771		'bgcolors',
772		[
773				'white',
774				'gray',
775				'silver',
776				'ivory',
777				'whitesmoke',
778				'beige',
779				'darkgrey'
780		]
781	);
782	//get_strings tra('white'), tra('gray'), tra('silver'), tra('ivory'), tra('whitesmoke'), tra('beige'),tra('darkgrey')
783	$smarty->assign('defaultBgcolor', 'whitesmoke');
784	$smarty->assign('defaultLegendBgcolor', 'white');
785	$imagegallib = TikiLib::lib('imagegal');
786	$galleries = $imagegallib->list_galleries(0, -1, 'name_asc', $user, '');
787	$smarty->assign('galleries', $galleries['data']);
790if (empty($_REQUEST)) {
791	$startDate = $tikilib->make_time(0, 0, 0, $tikilib->date_format('%m'), $tikilib->date_format('%d'), $tikilib->date_format('%Y'));
792	$endDate = $tikilib->make_time(23, 59, 59, $tikilib->date_format('%m'), $tikilib->date_format('%d'), $tikilib->date_format('%Y'));
793	$smarty->assign('startDate', $startDate);
794	$smarty->assign('endDate', $endDate);
796$smarty->assign_by_ref('offset', $offset);
797$smarty->assign_by_ref('cant', $actions_cant);
798$smarty->assign_by_ref('maxRecords', $maxRecords);
799$action_log_types = $logslib->get_actionlog_types();
800if (! empty($_REQUEST['action_log_type'])) {
801	$smarty->assign('action_log_type', $_REQUEST['action_log_type']);
803if (! empty($_REQUEST['action_log_ip'])) {
804	$smarty->assign('action_log_ip', $_REQUEST['action_log_ip']);
806if (! empty($_REQUEST['action_log_action'])) {
807	$smarty->assign('action_log_action', $_REQUEST['action_log_action']);
809$smarty->assign('action_log_conf_selected', $action_log_conf_selected);
810$smarty->assign('action_log_types', $action_log_types);
811$smarty->assign('action_log_actions', $logslib->get_actionlog_actions());
813if (isset($_REQUEST['time'])) {
814	$smarty->assign('time', $_REQUEST['time']);
816if (isset($_REQUEST['unit'])) {
817	$smarty->assign('unit', $_REQUEST['unit']);
819// Display the template
820$smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-admin_actionlog.tpl');