3 * @package tikiwiki
4 */
5// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
7// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
8// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
9// $Id$
11About the design:
12tiki-check.php is designed to run in 2 modes
131) Regular mode. From inside Tiki, in Admin | General
142) Stand-alone mode. Used to check a server pre-Tiki installation, by copying (only) tiki-check.php onto the server and pointing your browser to it.
15tiki-check.php should not crash but rather avoid running tests which lead to tiki-check crashes.
18use Tiki\Lib\Alchemy\AlchemyLib;
19use Tiki\Package\ComposerManager;
21// TODO : Create sane 3rd mode for Monitoring Software like Nagios, Icinga, Shinken
22// * needs authentication, if not standalone
23isset($_REQUEST['nagios']) ? $nagios = true : $nagios = false;
24file_exists('tiki-check.php.lock') ? $locked = true : $locked = false;
25$font = 'lib/captcha/DejaVuSansMono.ttf';
27$inputConfiguration = array(
28	array(
29		'staticKeyFilters' => array(
30			'dbhost' => 'text',
31			'dbuser' => 'text',
32			'dbpass' => 'text',
33			'email_test_to' => 'email',
34		),
35	),
38// reflector for SefURL check
39if (isset($_REQUEST['tiki-check-ping'])) {
40	die('pong:' . (int)$_REQUEST['tiki-check-ping']);
44function checkOPCacheCompatibility()
46	return ! ((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0', '>=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0', '<')) //7.1.x
47		|| (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0', '>=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.19', '<')) // >= 7.2.0 < 7.2.19
48		|| (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0', '>=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.6', '<'))); // >= 7.3.0 < 7.3.6
51if (file_exists('./db/local.php') && file_exists('./templates/tiki-check.tpl')) {
52	$standalone = false;
53	require_once('tiki-setup.php');
54	// TODO : Proper authentication
55	$access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin');
57	// This page is an admin tool usually used in the early stages of setting up Tiki, before layout considerations.
58	// Restricting the width is contrary to its purpose.
59	$prefs['feature_fixed_width'] = 'n';
60} else {
61	$standalone = true;
62	$render = "";
64	/**
65	 * @param $string
66	 * @return mixed
67	 */
68	function tra($string)
69	{
70		return $string;
71	}
73	function tr($string)
74	{
75		return tra($string);
76	}
79	/**
80	  * @param $var
81	  * @param $style
82	  */
83	function renderTable($var, $style = "")
84	{
85		global $render;
86		$morestyle = "";
87		if ($style == "wrap") {
88			$morestyle = "overflow-wrap: anywhere;";
89		}
90		if (is_array($var)) {
91			$render .= '<table style="border:2px solid grey;' . $morestyle . '">';
92			foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
93				$render .= '<tr style="border:1px solid">';
94				$render .= '<td style="border:1px black;padding:5px;white-space:nowrap;">';
95				$render .= $key;
96				$render .= "</td>";
97				$iNbCol = 0;
98				foreach ($var[$key] as $key2 => $value2) {
99					$render .= '<td style="border:1px solid;';
100					if ($iNbCol != count(array_keys($var[$key])) - 1) {
101						$render .= 'text-align: center;white-space:nowrap;';
102					}
103					$render .= '"><span class="';
104					switch ($value2) {
105						case 'good':
106						case 'safe':
107						case 'unsure':
108						case 'bad':
109						case 'risky':
110						case 'info':
111							$render .= "button $value2";
112							break;
113					}
114					$render .= '">' . $value2 . '</span></td>';
115					$iNbCol++;
116				}
117				$render .= '</tr>';
118			}
119			$render .= '</table>';
120		} else {
121			$render .= 'Nothing to display.';
122		}
123	}
126// Get PHP properties and check them
127$php_properties = false;
129// Check error reporting level
130$e = error_reporting();
131$d = ini_get('display_errors');
132$l = ini_get('log_errors');
133if ($l) {
134	if (! $d) {
135		$php_properties['Error logging'] = array(
136		'fitness' => tra('info'),
137		'setting' => 'Enabled',
138		'message' => tra('Errors will be logged, since log_errors is enabled. Also, display_errors is disabled. This is good practice for a production site, to log the errors instead of displaying them.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
139		);
140	} else {
141		$php_properties['Error logging'] = array(
142		'fitness' => tra('info'),
143		'setting' => 'Enabled',
144		'message' => tra('Errors will be logged, since log_errors is enabled, but display_errors is also enabled. Good practice, especially for a production site, is to log all errors instead of displaying them.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
145		);
146	}
147} else {
148	$php_properties['Error logging'] = array(
149	'fitness' => tra('info'),
150	'setting' => 'Full',
151	'message' => tra('Errors will not be logged, since log_errors is not enabled. Good practice, especially for a production site, is to log all errors.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
152	);
154if ($e == 0) {
155	if ($d != 1) {
156		$php_properties['Error reporting'] = array(
157			'fitness' => tra('info'),
158			'setting' => 'Disabled',
159			'message' => tra('Errors will not be reported, because error_reporting and display_errors are both turned off. This may be appropriate for a production site but, if any problems occur, enable these in php.ini to get more information.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
160		);
161	} else {
162		$php_properties['Error reporting'] = array(
163			'fitness' => tra('info'),
164			'setting' => 'Disabled',
165			'message' => tra('No errors will be reported, although display_errors is On, because the error_reporting level is set to 0. This may be appropriate for a production site but, in if any problems occur, raise the value in php.ini to get more information.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
166		);
167	}
168} elseif ($e > 0 && $e < 32767) {
169	if ($d != 1) {
170		$php_properties['Error reporting'] = array(
171			'fitness' => tra('info'),
172			'setting' => 'Disabled',
173			'message' => tra('No errors will be reported, because display_errors is turned off. This may be appropriate for a production site but, in any problems occur, enable it in php.ini to get more information. The error_reporting level is reasonable at ' . $e . '.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
174		);
175	} else {
176		$php_properties['Error reporting'] = array(
177			'fitness' => tra('info'),
178			'setting' => 'Partly',
179			'message' => tra('Not all errors will be reported as the error_reporting level is at ' . $e . '. ' . 'This is not necessarily a bad thing (and it may be appropriate for a production site) as critical errors will be reported, but sometimes it may be useful to get more information. Check the error_reporting level in php.ini if any problems are occurring.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
180		);
181	}
182} else {
183	if ($d != 1) {
184		$php_properties['Error reporting'] = array(
185			'fitness' => tra('info'),
186			'setting' => 'Disabled',
187			'message' => tra('No errors will be reported although the error_reporting level is all the way up at ' . $e . ', because display_errors is off. This may be appropriate for a production site but, in case of problems, enable it in php.ini to get more information.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
188		);
189	} else {
190		$php_properties['Error reporting'] = array(
191			'fitness' => tra('info'),
192			'setting' => 'Full',
193			'message' => tra('All errors will be reported as the error_reporting level is all the way up at ' . $e . ' and display_errors is on. This is good because, in case of problems, the error reports usually contain useful information.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
194		);
195	}
198// Now we can raise our error_reporting to make sure we get all errors
199// This is especially important as we can't use proper exception handling with PDO as we need to be PHP 4 compatible
202// Check if ini_set works
203if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
204	$php_properties['ini_set'] = array(
205		'fitness' => tra('good'),
206		'setting' => 'Enabled',
207		'message' => tra('ini_set is used in some places to accommodate special needs of some Tiki features.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
208	);
209	// As ini_set is available, use it for PDO error reporting
210	ini_set('display_errors', '1');
211} else {
212	$php_properties['ini_set'] = array(
213		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
214		'setting' => 'Disabled',
215		'message' => tra('ini_set is used in some places to accommodate special needs of some Tiki features. Check disable_functions in your php.ini.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
216	);
219// First things first
220// If we don't have a DB-connection, some tests don't run
221$s = extension_loaded('pdo_mysql');
222if ($s) {
223	$php_properties['DB Driver'] = array(
224		'fitness' => tra('good'),
225		'setting' => 'PDO',
226		'message' => tra('The PDO extension is the suggested database driver/abstraction layer.')
227	);
228} elseif ($s = extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
229	$php_properties['DB Driver'] = array(
230		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
231		'setting' => 'MySQLi',
232		'message' => tra('The recommended PDO database driver/abstraction layer cannot be found. The MySQLi driver is available, though, so the database connection will fall back to the AdoDB abstraction layer that is bundled with Tiki.')
233	);
234} elseif (extension_loaded('mysql')) {
235	$php_properties['DB Driver'] = array(
236		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
237		'setting' => 'MySQL',
238		'message' => tra('The recommended PDO database driver/abstraction layer cannot be found. The MySQL driver is available, though, so the database connection will fall back to the AdoDB abstraction layer that is bundled with Tiki.')
239	);
240} else {
241	$php_properties['DB Driver'] = array(
242		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
243		'setting' => 'Not available',
244		'message' => tra('None of the supported database drivers (PDO/mysqli/mysql) is loaded. This prevents Tiki from functioning.')
245	);
248// Now connect to the DB and make all our connectivity methods work the same
249$connection = false;
250if ($standalone && ! $locked) {
251	if (empty($_POST['dbhost']) && ! ($php_properties['DB Driver']['setting'] == 'Not available')) {
252			$render .= <<<DBC
253<h2>Database credentials</h2>
254Couldn't connect to database, please provide valid credentials.
255<form method="post" action="{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}">
256	<p><label for="dbhost">Database host</label>: <input type="text" id="dbhost" name="dbhost" value="localhost" /></p>
257	<p><label for="dbuser">Database username</label>: <input type="text" id="dbuser" name="dbuser" /></p>
258	<p><label for="dbpass">Database password</label>: <input type="password" id="dbpass" name="dbpass" /></p>
259	<p><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" value=" Connect " /></p>
262	} else {
263		try {
264			switch ($php_properties['DB Driver']['setting']) {
265				case 'PDO':
266					// We don't do exception handling here to be PHP 4 compatible
267					$connection = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass']);
268					/**
269					  * @param $query
270					   * @param $connection
271					   * @return mixed
272					  */
273					function query($query, $connection)
274					{
275						$result = $connection->query($query);
276						$return = $result->fetchAll();
277						return($return);
278					}
279					break;
280				case 'MySQLi':
281					$error = false;
282					$connection = new mysqli($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass']);
283					$error = mysqli_connect_error();
284					if (! empty($error)) {
285						$connection = false;
286						$render .= 'Couldn\'t connect to database: ' . htmlspecialchars($error);
287					}
288					/**
289					 * @param $query
290					 * @param $connection
291					 * @return array
292					 */
293					function query($query, $connection)
294					{
295						$result = $connection->query($query);
296						$return = array();
297						while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
298							$return[] = $row;
299						}
300						return($return);
301					}
302					break;
303				case 'MySQL':
304					$connection = mysql_connect($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass']);
305					if ($connection === false) {
306						$render .= 'Cannot connect to MySQL. Wrong credentials?';
307					}
308					/**
309					 * @param $query
310					 * @param string $connection
311					 * @return array
312					 */
313					function query($query, $connection = '')
314					{
315						$result = mysql_query($query);
316						$return = array();
317						while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
318							$return[] = $row;
319						}
320						return($return);
321					}
322					break;
323			}
324		} catch (Exception $e) {
325			$render .= 'Cannot connect to MySQL. Error: ' . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage());
326		}
327	}
328} else {
329	/**
330	  * @param $query
331	  * @return array
332	  */
333	function query($query)
334	{
335		global $tikilib;
336		$result = $tikilib->query($query);
337		$return = array();
338		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
339			$return[] = $row;
340		}
341		return($return);
342	}
345// Basic Server environment
346$server_information['Operating System'] = array(
347	'value' => PHP_OS,
350if (PHP_OS == 'Linux' && function_exists('exec')) {
351	exec('lsb_release -d', $output, $retval);
352	if ($retval == 0) {
353		$server_information['Release'] = array(
354			'value' => str_replace('Description:', '', $output[0])
355		);
356		# Check for FreeType fails without a font, i.e. standalone mode
357		# Using a URL as font source doesn't work on all PHP installs
358		# So let's try to gracefully fall back to some locally installed font at least on Linux
359		if (! file_exists($font)) {
360			$font = exec('find /usr/share/fonts/ -type f -name "*.ttf" | head -n 1', $output);
361		}
362	} else {
363		$server_information['Release'] = array(
364			'value' => tra('N/A')
365		);
366	}
369$server_information['Web Server'] = array(
370	'value' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']
373$server_information['Server Signature']['value'] = ! empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'] : 'off';
375// Free disk space
376if (function_exists('disk_free_space')) {
377	$bytes = @disk_free_space('.');	// this can fail on 32 bit systems with lots of disc space so suppress the possible warning
378	$si_prefix = array( 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB' );
379	$base = 1024;
380	$class = min((int) log($bytes, $base), count($si_prefix) - 1);
381	$free_space = sprintf('%1.2f', $bytes / pow($base, $class)) . ' ' . $si_prefix[$class];
382	if ($bytes === false) {
383		$server_properties['Disk Space'] = array(
384			'fitness' => 'unsure',
385			'setting' => tra('Unable to detect'),
386			'message' => tra('Cannot determine the size of this disk drive.')
387		);
388	} elseif ($bytes < 200 * 1024 * 1024) {
389		$server_properties['Disk Space'] = array(
390			'fitness' => 'bad',
391			'setting' => $free_space,
392			'message' => tra('Less than 200MB of free disk space is available. Tiki will not fit in this amount of disk space.')
393		);
394	} elseif ($bytes < 250 * 1024 * 1024) {
395		$server_properties['Disk Space'] = array(
396			'fitness' => 'unsure',
397			'setting' => $free_space,
398			'message' => tra('Less than 250MB of free disk space is available. This would be quite tight for a Tiki installation. Tiki needs disk space for compiled templates and uploaded files.') . ' ' . tra('When the disk space is filled, users, including administrators, will not be able to log in to Tiki.') . ' ' . tra('This test cannot reliably check for quotas, so be warned that if this server makes use of them, there might be less disk space available than reported.')
399		);
400	} else {
401		$server_properties['Disk Space'] = array(
402			'fitness' => 'good',
403			'setting' => $free_space,
404			'message' => tra('More than 251MB of free disk space is available. Tiki will run smoothly, but there may be issues when the site grows (because of file uploads, for example).') . ' ' . tra('When the disk space is filled, users, including administrators, will not be able to log in to Tiki.') . ' ' . tra('This test cannot reliably check for quotas, so be warned that if this server makes use of them, there might be less disk space available than reported.')
405		);
406	}
407} else {
408		$server_properties['Disk Space'] = array(
409			'fitness' => 'N/A',
410			'setting' => 'N/A',
411			'message' => tra('The PHP function disk_free_space is not available on your server, so the amount of available disk space can\'t be checked for.')
412		);
415// PHP Version
416if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<')) {
417	$php_properties['PHP version'] = array(
418		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
419		'setting' => phpversion(),
420		'message' => 'This PHP version is somewhat old. Tiki 12.x LTS or 15.x LTS can be run, but not newer versions. Please see http://doc.tiki.org/Requirements for details.'
421	);
422} elseif (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', '<')) {
423	$php_properties['PHP version'] = array(
424		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
425		'setting' => phpversion(),
426		'message' => 'This version of PHP is good, and Tiki versions between 15.x LTS and 18.x LTS will work fine on this version of PHP. Please see http://doc.tiki.org/Requirements for details.'
427	);
428} elseif (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0', '<')) {
429	$php_properties['PHP version'] = array(
430		'fitness' => tra('good'),
431		'setting' => phpversion(),
432		'message' => 'This version of PHP is good, Tiki 18.x - Tiki 20 will work fine on this version of PHP. Please see http://doc.tiki.org/Requirements for details.'
433	);
434} elseif (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0', '<')) {
435	$php_properties['PHP version'] = array(
436		'fitness' => tra('good'),
437		'setting' => phpversion(),
438		'message' => 'This version of PHP is good, Tiki 19.x - Tiki 21.x will work fine on this version of PHP. Please see http://doc.tiki.org/Requirements for details.'
439	);
440} else {
441	$php_properties['PHP version'] = array(
442		'fitness' => tra('good'),
443		'setting' => phpversion(),
444		'message' => 'This version of PHP is recent. Versions 19.x and newer will work fine on this version of PHP. Please see http://doc.tiki.org/Requirements for details.'
445	);
448// Check PHP command line version
449if (function_exists('exec')) {
450	$cliSearchList = array('php', 'php56', 'php5.6', 'php5.6-cli');
451	$isUnix = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') ? false : true;
452	$cliCommand = '';
453	$cliVersion = '';
454	foreach ($cliSearchList as $command) {
455		if ($isUnix) {
456			$output = exec('command -v ' . escapeshellarg($command) . ' 2>/dev/null');
457		} else {
458			$output = exec('where ' . escapeshellarg($command . '.exe'));
459		}
460		if (! $output) {
461			continue;
462		}
464		$cliCommand = trim($output);
465		exec(escapeshellcmd(trim($cliCommand)) . ' --version', $output);
466		foreach ($output as $line) {
467			$parts = explode(' ', $line);
468			if ($parts[0] === 'PHP') {
469				$cliVersion = $parts[1];
470				break;
471			}
472		}
473		break;
474	}
475	if ($cliCommand) {
476		if (phpversion() == $cliVersion) {
477			$php_properties['PHP CLI version'] = array(
478				'fitness' => tra('good'),
479				'setting' => $cliVersion,
480				'message' => 'The version of the command line executable of PHP (' . $cliCommand . ') is the same version as the web server version.',
481			);
482		} else {
483			$php_properties['PHP CLI version'] = array(
484				'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
485				'setting' => $cliVersion,
486				'message' => 'The version of the command line executable of PHP (' . $cliCommand . ') is not the same as the web server version.',
487			);
488		}
489	} else {
490		$php_properties['PHP CLI version'] = array(
491			'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
492			'setting' => '',
493			'message' => 'Unable to determine the command line executable for PHP.',
494		);
495	}
498// PHP Server API (SAPI)
499$s = php_sapi_name();
500if (substr($s, 0, 3) == 'cgi') {
501	$php_properties['PHP Server API'] = array(
502		'fitness' => tra('info'),
503		'setting' => $s,
504		'message' => tra('PHP is being run as CGI. Feel free to use a threaded Apache MPM to increase performance.')
505	);
507	$php_sapi_info = array(
508		'message' => tra('Looks like you are running PHP as FPM/CGI/FastCGI, you may be able to override some of your PHP configurations by add them to .user.ini files, see:'),
509		'link' => 'http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.per-user.php'
510	);
511} elseif (substr($s, 0, 3) == 'fpm') {
512	$php_properties['PHP Server API'] = array(
513		'fitness' => tra('info'),
514		'setting' => $s,
515		'message' => tra('PHP is being run using FPM (Fastcgi Process Manager). Feel free to use a threaded Apache MPM to increase performance.')
516	);
518	$php_sapi_info = array(
519		'message' => tra('Looks like you are running PHP as FPM/CGI/FastCGI, you may be able to override some of your PHP configurations by add them to .user.ini files, see:'),
520		'link' => 'http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.per-user.php'
521	);
522} else {
523	if (substr($s, 0, 6) == 'apache') {
524		$php_sapi_info = array(
525			'message' => tra('Looks like you are running PHP as a module in Apache, you may be able to override some of your PHP configurations by add them to .htaccess files, see:'),
526			'link' => 'http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.changes.php#configuration.changes.apache'
527		);
528	}
530	$php_properties['PHP Server API'] = array(
531		'fitness' => tra('info'),
532		'setting' => $s,
533		'message' => tra('PHP is not being run as CGI. Be aware that PHP is not thread-safe and you should not use a threaded Apache MPM (like worker).')
534	);
537// ByteCode Cache
538if (function_exists('apc_sma_info') && ini_get('apc.enabled')) {
539	$php_properties['ByteCode Cache'] = array(
540		'fitness' => tra('good'),
541		'setting' => 'APC',
542		'message' => tra('APC is being used as the ByteCode Cache, which increases performance if correctly configured. See Admin->Performance in the Tiki for more details.')
543	);
544} elseif (function_exists('xcache_info') && ( ini_get('xcache.cacher') == '1' || ini_get('xcache.cacher') == 'On' )) {
545	$php_properties['ByteCode Cache'] = array(
546		'fitness' => tra('good'),
547		'setting' => 'xCache',
548		'message' => tra('xCache is being used as the ByteCode Cache, which increases performance if correctly configured. See Admin->Performance in the Tiki for more details.')
549	);
550} elseif (function_exists('opcache_get_configuration') && (ini_get('opcache.enable') == 1 || ini_get('opcache.enable') == '1')) {
551	$message = tra('OPcache is being used as the ByteCode Cache, which increases performance if correctly configured. See Admin->Performance in the Tiki for more details.');
552	$fitness = tra('good');
553	if (! checkOPCacheCompatibility()) {
554		$message = tra('Some PHP versions may exhibit randomly issues with the OpCache leading to the server starting to fail to serve all PHP requests, your PHP version seems to
555		 be affected, despite the performance penalty, we would recommend disabling the OpCache if you experience random crashes.');
556		$fitness = tra('unsure');
557	}
558	$php_properties['ByteCode Cache'] = array(
559		'fitness' => $fitness,
560		'setting' => 'OPcache',
561		'message' => $message
562	);
563} elseif (function_exists('wincache_fcache_fileinfo')) {
564	// Determine if version 1 or 2 is used. Version 2 does not support ocache
566	if (function_exists('wincache_ocache_fileinfo')) {
567		// Wincache version 1
568		if (ini_get('wincache.ocenabled') == '1') {
569			$sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
570			if ($sapi_type == 'cgi-fcgi') {
571				$php_properties['ByteCode Cache'] = array(
572					'fitness' => tra('good'),
573					'setting' => 'WinCache',
574					'message' => tra('WinCache is being used as the ByteCode Cache, which increases performance if correctly configured. See Admin->Performance in the Tiki for more details.')
575				);
576			} else {
577				$php_properties['ByteCode Cache'] = array(
578					'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
579					'setting' => 'WinCache',
580					'message' => tra('WinCache is being used as the ByteCode Cache, but the required CGI/FastCGI server API is apparently not being used.')
581				);
582			}
583		} else {
584			no_cache_found();
585		}
586	} else {
587		// Wincache version 2 or higher
588		if (ini_get('wincache.fcenabled') == '1') {
589			$sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
590			if ($sapi_type == 'cgi-fcgi') {
591				$php_properties['ByteCode Cache'] = array(
592					'fitness' => tra('info'),
593					'setting' => 'WinCache',
594					'message' => tra('WinCache version 2 or higher is being used as the FileCache. It does not support a ByteCode Cache.') . ' ' . tra('It is recommended to use Zend opcode cache as the ByteCode Cache.')
595				);
596			} else {
597				$php_properties['ByteCode Cache'] = array(
598					'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
599					'setting' => 'WinCache',
600					'message' => tra('WinCache version 2 or higher is being used as the FileCache, but the required CGI/FastCGI server API is apparently not being used.') . ' ' . tra('It is recommended to use Zend opcode cache as the ByteCode Cache.')
601				);
602			}
603		} else {
604			no_cache_found();
605		}
606	}
607} else {
608	no_cache_found();
612// memory_limit
613$memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit');
614$s = trim($memory_limit);
615$last = strtolower(substr($s, -1));
616$s = substr($s, 0, -1);
617switch ($last) {
618	case 'g':
619		$s *= 1024;
620		// no break
621	case 'm':
622		$s *= 1024;
623		// no break
624	case 'k':
625		$s *= 1024;
627if ($s >= 160 * 1024 * 1024) {
628	$php_properties['memory_limit'] = array(
629		'fitness' => tra('good'),
630		'setting' => $memory_limit,
631		'message' => tra('The memory_limit is at') . ' ' . $memory_limit . '. ' . tra('This is known to support smooth functioning even for bigger sites.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
632	);
633} elseif ($s < 160 * 1024 * 1024 && $s > 127 * 1024 * 1024) {
634	$php_properties['memory_limit'] = array(
635		'fitness' => tra('unsure') ,
636		'setting' => $memory_limit,
637		'message' => tra('The memory_limit is at') . ' ' . $memory_limit . '. ' . tra('This will normally work, but the site might run into problems when it grows.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
638	);
639} elseif ($s == -1) {
640	$php_properties['memory_limit'] = array(
641		'fitness' => tra('unsure') ,
642		'setting' => $memory_limit,
643		'message' => tra("The memory_limit is unlimited. This is not necessarily bad, but it's a good idea to limit this on productions servers in order to eliminate unexpectedly greedy scripts.") . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
644	);
645} else {
646	$php_properties['memory_limit'] = array(
647		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
648		'setting' => $memory_limit,
649		'message' => tra('Your memory_limit is at') . ' ' . $memory_limit . '. ' . tra('This is known to cause issues! Ther memory_limit should be increased to at least 128M, which is the PHP default.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
650	);
653// session.save_handler
654$s = ini_get('session.save_handler');
655if ($s != 'files') {
656	$php_properties['session.save_handler'] = array(
657		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
658		'setting' => $s,
659		'message' => tra('The session.save_handler should be set to \'files\'.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
660	);
661} else {
662	$php_properties['session.save_handler'] = array(
663		'fitness' => tra('good'),
664		'setting' => $s,
665		'message' => tra('Well set! The default setting of \'files\' is recommended for Tiki.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
666	);
669// session.save_path
670$s = ini_get('session.save_path');
671if ($php_properties['session.save_handler']['setting'] == 'files') {
672	if (empty($s) || ! is_writable($s)) {
673		$php_properties['session.save_path'] = array(
674			'fitness' => tra('bad'),
675			'setting' => $s,
676			'message' => tra('The session.save_path must writable.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
677		);
678	} else {
679		$php_properties['session.save_path'] = array(
680			'fitness' => tra('good'),
681			'setting' => $s,
682			'message' => tra('The session.save_path is writable.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
683		);
684	}
685} else {
686	if (empty($s) || ! is_writable($s)) {
687		$php_properties['session.save_path'] = array(
688			'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
689			'setting' => $s,
690			'message' => tra('If you would be using the recommended session.save_handler setting of \'files\', the session.save_path would have to be writable. Currently it is not.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
691		);
692	} else {
693		$php_properties['session.save_path'] = array(
694			'fitness' => tra('info'),
695			'setting' => $s,
696			'message' => tra('The session.save_path is writable.') . tra('It doesn\'t matter though, since your session.save_handler is not set to \'files\'.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
697		);
698	}
701$s = ini_get('session.gc_probability');
702$php_properties['session.gc_probability'] = array(
703	'fitness' => tra('info'),
704	'setting' => $s,
705	'message' => tra('In conjunction with gc_divisor is used to manage probability that the gc (garbage collection) routine is started.')
708$s = ini_get('session.gc_divisor');
709$php_properties['session.gc_divisor'] = array(
710	'fitness' => tra('info'),
711	'setting' => $s,
712	'message' => tra('Coupled with session.gc_probability defines the probability that the gc (garbage collection) process is started on every session initialization. The probability is calculated by using gc_probability/gc_divisor, e.g. 1/100 means there is a 1% chance that the GC process starts on each request.')
715$s = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
716$php_properties['session.gc_maxlifetime'] = array(
717	'fitness' => tra('info'),
718	'setting' => $s . 's',
719	'message' => tra('Specifies the number of seconds after which data will be seen as \'garbage\' and potentially cleaned up. Garbage collection may occur during session start.')
722// test session work
725if (empty($_SESSION['tiki-check'])) {
726	$php_properties['session'] = array(
727		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
728		'setting' => tra('empty'),
729		'message' => tra('The session is empty. Try reloading the page and, if this message is displayed again, there may be a problem with the server setup.')
730	);
731	$_SESSION['tiki-check'] = 1;
732} else {
733	$php_properties['session'] = array(
734		'fitness' => tra('good'),
735		'setting' => 'ok',
736		'message' => tra('This appears to work.')
737	);
740// zlib.output_compression
741$s = ini_get('zlib.output_compression');
742if ($s) {
743	$php_properties['zlib.output_compression'] = array(
744		'fitness' => tra('info'),
745		'setting' => 'On',
746		'message' => tra('zlib output compression is turned on. This saves bandwidth. On the other hand, turning it off would reduce CPU usage. The appropriate choice can be made for this Tiki.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
747	);
748} else {
749	$php_properties['zlib.output_compression'] = array(
750		'fitness' => tra('info'),
751		'setting' => 'Off',
752		'message' => tra('zlib output compression is turned off. This reduces CPU usage. On the other hand, turning it on would save bandwidth. The appropriate choice can be made for this Tiki.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
753	);
756// default_charset
757$s = ini_get('default_charset');
758if (strtolower($s) == 'utf-8') {
759	$php_properties['default_charset'] = array(
760		'fitness' => tra('good'),
761		'setting' => $s,
762		'message' => tra('Correctly set! Tiki is fully UTF-8 and so should be this installation.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
763	);
764} else {
765	$php_properties['default_charset'] = array(
766		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
767		'setting' => $s,
768		'message' => tra('default_charset should be UTF-8 as Tiki is fully UTF-8. Please check the php.ini file.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
769	);
772// date.timezone
773$s = ini_get('date.timezone');
774if (empty($s)) {
775	$php_properties['date.timezone'] = array(
776		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
777		'setting' => $s,
778		'message' => tra('No time zone is set! While there are a number of fallbacks in PHP to determine the time zone, the only reliable solution is to set it explicitly in php.ini! Please check the value of date.timezone in php.ini.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
779	);
780} else {
781	$php_properties['date.timezone'] = array(
782		'fitness' => tra('good'),
783		'setting' => $s,
784		'message' => tra('Well done! Having a time zone set protects the site from related errors.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
785	);
788// file_uploads
789$s = ini_get('file_uploads');
790if ($s) {
791	$php_properties['file_uploads'] = array(
792		'fitness' => tra('good'),
793		'setting' => 'On',
794		'message' => tra('Files can be uploaded to Tiki.')
795	);
796} else {
797	$php_properties['file_uploads'] = array(
798		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
799		'setting' => 'Off',
800		'message' => tra('Files cannot be uploaded to Tiki.')
801	);
804// max_execution_time
805$s = ini_get('max_execution_time');
806if ($s >= 30 && $s <= 90) {
807	$php_properties['max_execution_time'] = array(
808		'fitness' => tra('good'),
809		'setting' => $s . 's',
810		'message' => tra('The max_execution_time is at') . ' ' . $s . '. ' . tra('This is a good value for production sites. If timeouts are experienced (such as when performing admin functions) this may need to be increased nevertheless.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
811	);
812} elseif ($s == -1 || $s == 0) {
813	$php_properties['max_execution_time'] = array(
814		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
815		'setting' => $s . 's',
816		'message' => tra('The max_execution_time is unlimited.') . ' ' . tra('This is not necessarily bad, but it\'s a good idea to limit this time on productions servers in order to eliminate unexpectedly long running scripts.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
817	);
818} elseif ($s > 90) {
819	$php_properties['max_execution_time'] = array(
820		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
821		'setting' => $s . 's',
822		'message' => tra('The max_execution_time is at') . ' ' . $s . '. ' . tra('This is not necessarily bad, but it\'s a good idea to limit this time on productions servers in order to eliminate unexpectedly long running scripts.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
823	);
824} else {
825	$php_properties['max_execution_time'] = array(
826		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
827		'setting' => $s . 's',
828		'message' => tra('The max_execution_time is at') . ' ' . $s . '. ' . tra('It is likely that some scripts, such as admin functions, will not finish in this time! The max_execution_time should be incresed to at least 30s.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
829	);
832// max_input_time
833$s = ini_get('max_input_time');
834if ($s >= 30 && $s <= 90) {
835	$php_properties['max_input_time'] = array(
836		'fitness' => tra('good'),
837		'setting' => $s . 's',
838		'message' => tra('The max_input_time is at') . ' ' . $s . '. ' . tra('This is a good value for production sites. If timeouts are experienced (such as when performing admin functions) this may need to be increased nevertheless.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
839	);
840} elseif ($s == -1 || $s == 0) {
841	$php_properties['max_input_time'] = array(
842		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
843		'setting' => $s . 's',
844		'message' => tra('The max_input_time is unlimited.') . ' ' . tra('This is not necessarily bad, but it\'s a good idea to limit this time on productions servers in order to eliminate unexpectedly long running scripts.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
845	);
846} elseif ($s > 90) {
847	$php_properties['max_input_time'] = array(
848		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
849		'setting' => $s . 's',
850		'message' => tra('The max_input_time is at') . ' ' . $s . '. ' . tra('This is not necessarily bad, but it\'s a good idea to limit this time on productions servers in order to eliminate unexpectedly long running scripts.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
851	);
852} else {
853	$php_properties['max_input_time'] = array(
854		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
855		'setting' => $s . 's',
856		'message' => tra('The max_input_time is at') . ' ' . $s . '. ' . tra('It is likely that some scripts, such as admin functions, will not finish in this time! The max_input_time should be increased to at least 30 seconds.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
857	);
859// max_file_uploads
860$max_file_uploads = ini_get('max_file_uploads');
861if ($max_file_uploads) {
862	$php_properties['max_file_uploads'] = array(
863		'fitness' => tra('info'),
864		'setting' => $max_file_uploads,
865		'message' => tra('The max_file_uploads is at') . ' ' . $max_file_uploads . '. ' . tra('This is the maximum number of files allowed to be uploaded simultaneously.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
866	);
867} else {
868	$php_properties['max_file_uploads'] = array(
869		'fitness' => tra('info'),
870		'setting' => 'Not Available',
871		'message' => tra('The maximum number of files allowed to be uploaded is not available')
872	);
874// upload_max_filesize
875$upload_max_filesize = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
876$s = trim($upload_max_filesize);
877$last = strtolower(substr($s, -1));
878$s = substr($s, 0, -1);
879switch ($last) {
880	case 'g':
881		$s *= 1024;
882		// no break
883	case 'm':
884		$s *= 1024;
885		// no break
886	case 'k':
887		$s *= 1024;
889if ($s >= 8 * 1024 * 1024) {
890	$php_properties['upload_max_filesize'] = array(
891		'fitness' => tra('good'),
892		'setting' => $upload_max_filesize,
893		'message' => tra('The upload_max_filesize is at') . ' ' . $upload_max_filesize . '. ' . tra('Quite large files can be uploaded, but keep in mind to set the script timeouts accordingly.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
894	);
895} elseif ($s == 0) {
896	$php_properties['upload_max_filesize'] = array(
897		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
898		'setting' => $upload_max_filesize,
899		'message' => tra('The upload_max_filesize is at') . ' ' . $upload_max_filesize . '. ' . tra('Upload size is unlimited and this not advised. A user could mistakenly upload a very large file which could fill up the disk. This value should be set to accommodate the realistic needs of the site.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
900	);
901} else {
902	$php_properties['upload_max_filesize'] = array(
903		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
904		'setting' => $upload_max_filesize,
905		'message' => tra('The upload_max_filesize is at') . ' ' . $upload_max_filesize . '. ' . tra('This is not a bad amount, but be sure the level is high enough to accommodate the needs of the site.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
906	);
909// post_max_size
910$post_max_size = ini_get('post_max_size');
911$s = trim($post_max_size);
912$last = strtolower(substr($s, -1));
913$s = substr($s, 0, -1);
914switch ($last) {
915	case 'g':
916		$s *= 1024;
917		// no break
918	case 'm':
919		$s *= 1024;
920		// no break
921	case 'k':
922		$s *= 1024;
924if ($s >= 8 * 1024 * 1024) {
925	$php_properties['post_max_size'] = array(
926		'fitness' => tra('good'),
927		'setting' => $post_max_size,
928		'message' => tra('The post_max_size is at') . ' ' . $post_max_size . '. ' . tra('Quite large files can be uploaded, but keep in mind to set the script timeouts accordingly.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
929	);
930} else {
931	$php_properties['post_max_size'] = array(
932		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
933		'setting' => $post_max_size,
934		'message' => tra('The post_max_size is at') . ' ' . $post_max_size . '. ' . tra('This is not a bad amount, but be sure the level is high enough to accommodate the needs of the site.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
935	);
938// PHP Extensions
939// fileinfo
940$s = extension_loaded('fileinfo');
941if ($s) {
942	$php_properties['fileinfo'] = array(
943		'fitness' => tra('good'),
944		'setting' => 'Loaded',
945		'message' => tra("The fileinfo extension is needed for the 'Validate uploaded file content' preference.")
946	);
947} else {
948	$php_properties['fileinfo'] = array(
949		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
950		'setting' => 'Not available',
951		'message' => tra("The fileinfo extension is needed for the 'Validate uploaded file content' preference.")
952	);
955// intl
956$s = extension_loaded('intl');
957if ($s) {
958	$php_properties['intl'] = array(
959		'fitness' => tra('good'),
960		'setting' => 'Loaded',
961		'message' => tra("The intl extension is required for Tiki 15 and newer.")
962	);
963} else {
964	$php_properties['intl'] = array(
965		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
966		'setting' => 'Not available',
967		'message' => tra("intl extension is preferred for Tiki 15 and newer. Because is not available, the filters for text will not be able to detect the language and will use a generic range of characters as letters.")
968	);
971// GD
972$s = extension_loaded('gd');
973if ($s && function_exists('gd_info')) {
974	$gd_info = gd_info();
975	$im = $ft = null;
976	if (function_exists('imagecreate')) {
977		$im = @imagecreate(110, 20);
978	}
979	if (function_exists('imageftbbox')) {
980		$ft = @imageftbbox(12, 0, $font, 'test');
981	}
982	if ($im && $ft) {
983		$php_properties['gd'] = array(
984			'fitness' => tra('good'),
985			'setting' => $gd_info['GD Version'],
986			'message' => tra('The GD extension is needed for manipulation of images and for CAPTCHA images.')
987		);
988		imagedestroy($im);
989	} elseif ($im) {
990		$php_properties['gd'] = array(
991				'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
992				'setting' => $gd_info['GD Version'],
993				'message' => tra('The GD extension is loaded, and Tiki can create images, but the FreeType extension is needed for CAPTCHA text generation.')
994			);
995			imagedestroy($im);
996	} else {
997		$php_properties['gd'] = array(
998			'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
999			'setting' => 'Dysfunctional',
1000			'message' => tra('The GD extension is loaded, but Tiki is unable to create images. Please check your GD library configuration.')
1001		);
1002	}
1003} else {
1004	$php_properties['gd'] = array(
1005		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1006		'setting' => 'Not available',
1007		'message' => tra('The GD extension is needed for manipulation of images and for CAPTCHA images.')
1008	);
1011// Image Magick
1012$s = class_exists('Imagick');
1013if ($s) {
1014	$image = new Imagick();
1015	$image->newImage(100, 100, new ImagickPixel('red'));
1016	if ($image) {
1017		$php_properties['Image Magick'] = array(
1018			'fitness' => tra('good'),
1019			'setting' => 'Available',
1020			'message' => tra('ImageMagick is used as a fallback in case GD is not available.')
1021		);
1022		$image->destroy();
1023	} else {
1024		$php_properties['Image Magick'] = array(
1025			'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1026			'setting' => 'Dysfunctional',
1027			'message' => tra('ImageMagick is used as a fallback in case GD is not available.') . tra('ImageMagick is available, but unable to create images. Please check your ImageMagick configuration.')
1028			);
1029	}
1030} else {
1031	$php_properties['Image Magick'] = array(
1032		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1033		'setting' => 'Not Available',
1034		'message' => tra('ImageMagick is used as a fallback in case GD is not available.')
1035		);
1038// mbstring
1039$s = extension_loaded('mbstring');
1040if ($s) {
1041	$func_overload = ini_get('mbstring.func_overload');
1042	if ($func_overload == 0 && function_exists('mb_split')) {
1043		$php_properties['mbstring'] = array(
1044			'fitness' => tra('good'),
1045			'setting' => 'Loaded',
1046			'message' => tra('mbstring extension is needed for an UTF-8 compatible lower case filter, in the admin search for example.')
1047		);
1048	} elseif ($func_overload != 0) {
1049		$php_properties['mbstring'] = array(
1050			'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1051			'setting' => 'Badly configured',
1052			'message' => tra('mbstring extension is loaded, but mbstring.func_overload = ' . ' ' . $func_overload . '.' . ' ' . 'Tiki only works with mbstring.func_overload = 0. Please check the php.ini file.')
1053		);
1054	} else {
1055		$php_properties['mbstring'] = array(
1056			'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1057			'setting' => 'Badly installed',
1058			'message' => tra('mbstring extension is loaded, but missing important functions such as mb_split(). Reinstall it with --enable-mbregex or ask your a server administrator to do it.')
1059		);
1060	}
1061} else {
1062	$php_properties['mbstring'] = array(
1063		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1064		'setting' => 'Not available',
1065		'message' => tra('mbstring extension is needed for an UTF-8 compatible lower case filter.')
1066	);
1069// calendar
1070$s = extension_loaded('calendar');
1071if ($s) {
1072	$php_properties['calendar'] = array(
1073		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1074		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1075		'message' => tra('calendar extension is needed by Tiki.')
1076	);
1077} else {
1078	$php_properties['calendar'] = array(
1079		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1080		'setting' => 'Not available',
1081		'message' => tra('calendar extension is needed by Tiki.') . ' ' . tra('The calendar feature of Tiki will not function without this.')
1082	);
1085// ctype
1086$s = extension_loaded('ctype');
1087if ($s) {
1088	$php_properties['ctype'] = array(
1089		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1090		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1091		'message' => tra('ctype extension is needed by Tiki.')
1092	);
1093} else {
1094	$php_properties['ctype'] = array(
1095		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1096		'setting' => 'Not available',
1097		'message' => tra('ctype extension is needed by Tiki.')
1098	);
1101// libxml
1102$s = extension_loaded('libxml');
1103if ($s) {
1104	$php_properties['libxml'] = array(
1105		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1106		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1107		'message' => tra('This extension is needed for the dom extension (see below).')
1108	);
1109} else {
1110	$php_properties['libxml'] = array(
1111		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1112		'setting' => 'Not available',
1113		'message' => tra('This extension is needed for the dom extension (see below).')
1114	);
1117// dom (depends on libxml)
1118$s = extension_loaded('dom');
1119if ($s) {
1120	$php_properties['dom'] = array(
1121		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1122		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1123		'message' => tra('This extension is needed by Tiki')
1124	);
1125} else {
1126	$php_properties['dom'] = array(
1127		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1128		'setting' => 'Not available',
1129		'message' => tra('This extension is needed by Tiki')
1130	);
1133$s = extension_loaded('ldap');
1134if ($s) {
1135	$php_properties['LDAP'] = array(
1136		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1137		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1138		'message' => tra('This extension is needed to connect Tiki to an LDAP server. More info at: http://doc.tiki.org/LDAP ')
1139	);
1140} else {
1141	$php_properties['LDAP'] = array(
1142		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1143		'setting' => 'Not available',
1144		'message' => tra('Tiki will not be able to connect to an LDAP server as the needed PHP extension is missing. More info at: http://doc.tiki.org/LDAP')
1145	);
1148$s = extension_loaded('memcached');
1149if ($s) {
1150	$php_properties['memcached'] = array(
1151		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1152		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1153		'message' => tra('This extension can be used to speed up Tiki by saving sessions as well as wiki and forum data on a memcached server.')
1154	);
1155} else {
1156	$php_properties['memcached'] = array(
1157		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1158		'setting' => 'Not available',
1159		'message' => tra('This extension can be used to speed up Tiki by saving sessions as well as wiki and forum data on a memcached server.')
1160	);
1163$s = extension_loaded('redis');
1164if ($s) {
1165	$php_properties['redis'] = array(
1166		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1167		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1168		'message' => tra('This extension can be used to speed up Tiki by saving wiki and forum data on a redis server.')
1169	);
1170} else {
1171	$php_properties['redis'] = array(
1172		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1173		'setting' => 'Not available',
1174		'message' => tra('This extension can be used to speed up Tiki by saving wiki and forum data on a redis server.')
1175	);
1178$s = extension_loaded('ssh2');
1179if ($s) {
1180	$php_properties['SSH2'] = array(
1181		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1182		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1183		'message' => tra('This extension is needed for the show.tiki.org tracker field type, up to Tiki 17.')
1184	);
1185} else {
1186	$php_properties['SSH2'] = array(
1187		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1188		'setting' => 'Not available',
1189		'message' => tra('This extension is needed for the show.tiki.org tracker field type, up to Tiki 17.')
1190	);
1193$s = extension_loaded('curl');
1194if ($s) {
1195	$php_properties['curl'] = array(
1196		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1197		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1198		'message' => tra('This extension is required for H5P.')
1199	);
1200} else {
1201	$php_properties['curl'] = array(
1202		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1203		'setting' => 'Not available',
1204		'message' => tra('This extension is required for H5P.')
1205	);
1208$s = extension_loaded('json');
1209if ($s) {
1210	$php_properties['json'] = array(
1211		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1212		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1213		'message' => tra('This extension is required for many features in Tiki.')
1214	);
1215} else {
1216	$php_properties['json'] = array(
1217		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1218		'setting' => 'Not available',
1219		'message' => tra('This extension is required for many features in Tiki.')
1220	);
1224*	If TortoiseSVN 1.7 is used, it uses an sqlite database to store the SVN info. sqlite3 extention needed to read svn info.
1226if (is_file('.svn/wc.db')) {
1227	// It's an TortoiseSVN 1.7+ installation
1228	$s = extension_loaded('sqlite3');
1229	if ($s) {
1230		$php_properties['sqlite3'] = array(
1231			'fitness' => tra('good'),
1232			'setting' => 'Loaded',
1233			'message' => tra('This extension is used to interpret SVN information for TortoiseSVN 1.7 or higher.')
1234			);
1235	} else {
1236		$php_properties['sqlite3'] = array(
1237			'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1238			'setting' => 'Not available',
1239			'message' => tra('This extension is used to interpret SVN information for TortoiseSVN 1.7 or higher.')
1240			);
1241	}
1245$s = extension_loaded('openssl');
1246$msg = tra('Enable safe, encrypted storage of data such as passwords. Required for the User Encryption feature and improves encryption in other features, when available.');
1247if ($s) {
1248	$php_properties['openssl'] = array(
1249		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1250		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1251		'message' => $msg
1252	);
1253} else {
1254	$php_properties['openssl'] = array(
1255		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1256		'setting' => 'Not available',
1257		'message' => $msg
1258	);
1262$s = extension_loaded('mcrypt');
1263$msg = tra('MCrypt is abandonware and is being phased out. Starting in version 18, Tiki uses OpenSSL where it previously used MCrypt, except perhaps via third-party libraries.');
1264if (! $standalone) {
1265	$msg .= ' ' . tra('Tiki still uses MCrypt to decrypt user data encrypted with MCrypt, when converting that data to OpenSSL.') . ' ' . tra('Please check the \'User Data Encryption\' section to see if there is user data encrypted with MCrypt.');
1267	//User Data Encryption MCrypt
1268	$usersWithMCrypt = check_userPreferencesMCrypt();
1270if ($s) {
1271	$php_properties['mcrypt'] = array(
1272		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1273		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1274		'message' => $msg
1275	);
1276} else {
1277	$php_properties['mcrypt'] = array(
1278		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1279		'setting' => 'Not available',
1280		'message' => $msg
1281	);
1285if (! $standalone) {
1286	// check Zend captcha will work which depends on \Zend\Math\Rand
1287	$captcha = new Zend\Captcha\Dumb;
1288	$math_random = array(
1289		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1290		'setting' => 'Available',
1291		'message' => tra('Ability to generate random numbers, useful for example for CAPTCHA and other security features.'),
1292	);
1293	try {
1294		$captchaId = $captcha->getId();    // simple test for missing random generator
1295	} catch (Exception $e) {
1296		$math_random['fitness'] = tra('unsure');
1297		$math_random['setting'] = 'Not available';
1298	}
1299	$php_properties['\Laminas\Math\Rand'] = $math_random;
1303$s = extension_loaded('iconv');
1304$msg = tra('This extension is required and used frequently in validation functions invoked within Zend Framework.');
1305if ($s) {
1306	$php_properties['iconv'] = array(
1307		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1308		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1309		'message' => $msg
1310	);
1311} else {
1312	$php_properties['iconv'] = array(
1313		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1314		'setting' => 'Not available',
1315		'message' => $msg
1316	);
1319// Check for existence of eval()
1320// eval() is a language construct and not a function
1321// so function_exists() doesn't work
1322$s = eval('return 42;');
1323if ($s == 42) {
1324	$php_properties['eval()'] = array(
1325		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1326		'setting' => 'Available',
1327		'message' => tra('The eval() function is required by the Smarty templating engine.')
1328	);
1329} else {
1330	$php_properties['eval()'] = array(
1331		'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1332		'setting' => 'Not available',
1333		'message' => tra('The eval() function is required by the Smarty templating engine.') . ' ' . tra('You will get "Please contact support about" messages instead of modules. eval() is most probably disabled via Suhosin.')
1334	);
1337// Zip Archive class
1338$s = class_exists('ZipArchive');
1339if ($s) {
1340	$php_properties['ZipArchive class'] = array(
1341		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1342		'setting' => 'Available',
1343		'message' => tra('The ZipArchive class is needed for features such as XML Wiki Import/Export and PluginArchiveBuilder.')
1344		);
1345} else {
1346	$php_properties['ZipArchive class'] = array(
1347		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1348		'setting' => 'Not Available',
1349		'message' => tra('The ZipArchive class is needed for features such as XML Wiki Import/Export and PluginArchiveBuilder.')
1350		);
1353// DateTime class
1354$s = class_exists('DateTime');
1355if ($s) {
1356	$php_properties['DateTime class'] = array(
1357		'fitness' => tra('good'),
1358		'setting' => 'Available',
1359		'message' => tra('The DateTime class is needed for the WebDAV feature.')
1360		);
1361} else {
1362	$php_properties['DateTime class'] = array(
1363		'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1364		'setting' => 'Not Available',
1365		'message' => tra('The DateTime class is needed for the WebDAV feature.')
1366		);
1369// Xdebug
1370$has_xdebug = function_exists('xdebug_get_code_coverage') && is_array(xdebug_get_code_coverage());
1371if ($has_xdebug) {
1372	$php_properties['Xdebug'] = array(
1373		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1374		'setting' => 'Loaded',
1375		'message' => tra('Xdebug can be very handy for a development server, but it might be better to disable it when on a production server.')
1376	);
1377} else {
1378	$php_properties['Xdebug'] = array(
1379		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1380		'setting' => 'Not Available',
1381		'message' => tra('Xdebug can be very handy for a development server, but it might be better to disable it when on a production server.')
1382	);
1385// Get MySQL properties and check them
1386$mysql_properties = false;
1387$mysql_variables = false;
1388if ($connection || ! $standalone) {
1389	// MySQL version
1390	$query = 'SELECT VERSION();';
1391	$result = query($query, $connection);
1392	$mysql_version = $result[0]['VERSION()'];
1393	$s = version_compare($mysql_version, '5.5.3', '>=');
1394	if ($s == true) {
1395		$mysql_properties['Version'] = array(
1396			'fitness' => tra('good'),
1397			'setting' => $mysql_version,
1398			'message' => tra('Tiki requires MariaDB >= 5.5 or MySQL >= 5.5.3')
1399		);
1400	} else {
1401		$mysql_properties['Version'] = array(
1402			'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1403			'setting' => $mysql_version,
1404			'message' => tra('Tiki requires MariaDB >= 5.5 or MySQL >= 5.5.3')
1405		);
1406	}
1408	// max_allowed_packet
1409	$query = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet'";
1410	$result = query($query, $connection);
1411	$s = $result[0]['Value'];
1412	$max_allowed_packet = $s / 1024 / 1024;
1413	if ($s >= 8 * 1024 * 1024) {
1414		$mysql_properties['max_allowed_packet'] = array(
1415			'fitness' => tra('good'),
1416			'setting' => $max_allowed_packet . 'M',
1417			'message' => tra('The max_allowed_packet setting is at') . ' ' . $max_allowed_packet . 'M. ' . tra('Quite large files can be uploaded, but keep in mind to set the script timeouts accordingly.') . ' ' . tra('This limits the size of binary files that can be uploaded to Tiki, when storing files in the database. Please see: <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/File+Storage">file storage</a>.')
1418		);
1419	} else {
1420		$mysql_properties['max_allowed_packet'] = array(
1421			'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1422			'setting' => $max_allowed_packet . 'M',
1423			'message' => tra('The max_allowed_packet setting is at') . ' ' . $max_allowed_packet . 'M. ' . tra('This is not a bad amount, but be sure the level is high enough to accommodate the needs of the site.') . ' ' . tra('This limits the size of binary files that can be uploaded to Tiki, when storing files in the database. Please see: <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/File+Storage">file storage</a>.')
1424		);
1425	}
1427	// UTF-8 MB4 test (required for Tiki19+)
1428	$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`character_sets` WHERE `character_set_name` = 'utf8mb4';";
1429	$result = query($query, $connection);
1430	if (! empty($result[0]['COUNT(*)'])) {
1431		$mysql_properties['utf8mb4'] = array(
1432			'fitness' => tra('good'),
1433			'setting' => 'available',
1434			'message' => tra('Your database supports the utf8mb4 character set required in Tiki19 and above.')
1435		);
1436	} else {
1437		$mysql_properties['utf8mb4'] = array(
1438			'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1439			'setting' => 'not available',
1440			'message' => tra('Your database does not support the utf8mb4 character set required in Tiki19 and above. You need to upgrade your mysql or mariadb installation.')
1441		);
1442	}
1444	// UTF-8 Charset
1445	// Tiki communication is done using UTF-8 MB4 (required for Tiki19+)
1446	$charset_types = "client connection database results server system";
1447	foreach (explode(' ', $charset_types) as $type) {
1448		$query = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_" . $type . "';";
1449		$result = query($query, $connection);
1450		foreach ($result as $value) {
1451			if ($value['Value'] == 'utf8mb4') {
1452				$mysql_properties[$value['Variable_name']] = array(
1453					'fitness' => tra('good'),
1454					'setting' => $value['Value'],
1455					'message' => tra('Tiki is fully utf8mb4 and so should be every part of the stack.')
1456				);
1457			} else {
1458				$mysql_properties[$value['Variable_name']] = array(
1459					'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1460					'setting' => $value['Value'],
1461					'message' => tra('On a fresh install everything should be set to utf8mb4 to avoid unexpected results. For further information please see <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/Understanding+Encoding">Understanding Encoding</a>.')
1462				);
1463			}
1464		}
1465	}
1466	// UTF-8 is correct for character_set_system
1467	// Because mysql does not allow any config to change this value, and character_set_system is overwritten by the other character_set_* variables anyway. They may change this default in later versions.
1468	$query = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_system';";
1469	$result = query($query, $connection);
1470	foreach ($result as $value) {
1471		if (substr($value['Value'], 0, 4) == 'utf8') {
1472			$mysql_properties[$value['Variable_name']] = array(
1473				'fitness' => tra('good'),
1474				'setting' => $value['Value'],
1475				'message' => tra('Tiki is fully utf8mb4 but some database underlying variables are set to utf8 by the database engine and cannot be modified.')
1476			);
1477		} else {
1478			$mysql_properties[$value['Variable_name']] = array(
1479				'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1480				'setting' => $value['Value'],
1481				'message' => tra('On a fresh install everything should be set to utf8mb4 or utf8 to avoid unexpected results. For further information please see <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/Understanding+Encoding">Understanding Encoding</a>.')
1482			);
1483		}
1484	}
1485	// UTF-8 Collation
1486	$collation_types = "connection database server";
1487	foreach (explode(' ', $collation_types) as $type) {
1488		$query = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_" . $type . "';";
1489		$result = query($query, $connection);
1490		foreach ($result as $value) {
1491			if (substr($value['Value'], 0, 7) == 'utf8mb4') {
1492				$mysql_properties[$value['Variable_name']] = array(
1493					'fitness' => tra('good'),
1494					'setting' => $value['Value'],
1495					'message' => tra('Tiki is fully utf8mb4 and so should be every part of the stack. utf8mb4_unicode_ci is the default collation for Tiki.')
1496				);
1497			} else {
1498				$mysql_properties[$value['Variable_name']] = array(
1499					'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
1500					'setting' => $value['Value'],
1501					'message' => tra('On a fresh install everything should be set to utf8mb4 to avoid unexpected results. utf8mb4_unicode_ci is the default collation for Tiki. For further information please see <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/Understanding+Encoding">Understanding Encoding</a>.')
1502				);
1503			}
1504		}
1505	}
1507	// slow_query_log
1508	$query = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'slow_query_log'";
1509	$result = query($query, $connection);
1510	$s = $result[0]['Value'];
1511	if ($s == 'OFF') {
1512		$mysql_properties['slow_query_log'] = array(
1513			'fitness' => tra('info'),
1514			'setting' => $s,
1515			'message' => tra('MySQL doesn\'t log slow queries. If performance issues are noticed, this could be enabled, but keep in mind that the logging itself slows MySQL down.')
1516		);
1517	} else {
1518		$mysql_properties['slow_query_log'] = array(
1519			'fitness' => tra('info'),
1520			'setting' => $s,
1521			'message' => tra('MySQL logs slow queries. If no performance issues are noticed, this should be disabled on a production site as it slows MySQL down.')
1522		);
1523	}
1525	// MySQL SSL
1526	$query = 'show variables like "have_ssl";';
1527	$result = query($query, $connection);
1528	if (empty($result)) {
1529		$query = 'show variables like "have_openssl";';
1530		$result = query($query, $connection);
1531	}
1532	$haveMySQLSSL = false;
1533	if (! empty($result)) {
1534		$ssl = $result[0]['Value'];
1535		$haveMySQLSSL = $ssl == 'YES';
1536	}
1537	$s = '';
1538	if ($haveMySQLSSL) {
1539		$query = 'show status like "Ssl_cipher";';
1540		$result = query($query, $connection);
1541		$isSSL = ! empty($result[0]['Value']);
1542	} else {
1543		$isSSL = false;
1544	}
1545	if ($isSSL) {
1546		$msg = tra('MySQL SSL connection is active');
1547		$s = tra('ON');
1548	} elseif ($haveMySQLSSL && ! $isSSL) {
1549		$msg = tra('MySQL connection is not encrypted');
1550		$s = tra('OFF');
1551	} else {
1552		$msg = tra('MySQL Server does not have SSL activated.');
1553		$s = 'OFF';
1554	}
1555	$fitness = tra('info');
1556	if ($s == tra('ON')) {
1557		$fitness = tra('good');
1558	}
1559	$mysql_properties['SSL connection'] = array(
1560		'fitness' => $fitness,
1561		'setting' => $s,
1562		'message' => $msg
1563	);
1565	// Strict mode
1566	$query = 'SELECT @@sql_mode as Value;';
1567	$result = query($query, $connection);
1568	$s = '';
1569	$msg = 'Unable to query strict mode';
1570	if (! empty($result)) {
1571		$sql_mode = $result[0]['Value'];
1572		$modes = explode(',', $sql_mode);
1574		if (in_array('STRICT_ALL_TABLES', $modes)) {
1575			$s = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES';
1576		}
1577		if (in_array('STRICT_TRANS_TABLES', $modes)) {
1578			if (! empty($s)) {
1579				$s .= ',';
1580			}
1581			$s .= 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES';
1582		}
1584		if (! empty($s)) {
1585			$msg = 'MySQL is using strict mode';
1586		} else {
1587			$msg = 'MySQL is not using strict mode.';
1588		}
1589	}
1590	$mysql_properties['Strict Mode'] = array(
1591		'fitness' => tra('info'),
1592		'setting' => $s,
1593		'message' => $msg
1594	);
1596	// MySQL Variables
1597	$query = "SHOW VARIABLES;";
1598	$result = query($query, $connection);
1599	foreach ($result as $value) {
1600		$mysql_variables[$value['Variable_name']] = array('value' => $value['Value']);
1601	}
1603	if (! $standalone) {
1604		$mysql_crashed_tables = array();
1605		// This should give all crashed tables (MyISAM at least) - does need testing though !!
1606		$query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE engine IS NULL AND comment <> "VIEW";';
1607		$result = query($query, $connection);
1608		foreach ($result as $value) {
1609			$mysql_crashed_tables[$value['Name']] = array('Comment' => $value['Comment']);
1610		}
1611	}
1614// Apache properties
1616$apache_properties = false;
1617if (function_exists('apache_get_version')) {
1618	// Apache Modules
1619	$apache_modules = apache_get_modules();
1621	// mod_rewrite
1622	$s = false;
1623	$s = array_search('mod_rewrite', $apache_modules);
1624	if ($s) {
1625		$apache_properties['mod_rewrite'] = array(
1626			'setting' => 'Loaded',
1627			'fitness' => tra('good') ,
1628			'message' => tra('Tiki needs this module for Search Engine Friendly URLs via .htaccess. However, it can\'t be checked if this web server respects configurations made in .htaccess. For further information go to Admin->SefURL in your Tiki.')
1629		);
1630	} else {
1631		$apache_properties['mod_rewrite'] = array(
1632			'setting' => 'Not available',
1633			'fitness' => tra('unsure') ,
1634			'message' => tra('Tiki needs this module for Search Engine Friendly URLs. For further information go to Admin->SefURL in the Tiki.')
1635		);
1636	}
1638	if (! $standalone) {
1639		// work out if RewriteBase is set up properly
1640		global $url_path;
1641		$enabledFileName = '.htaccess';
1642		if (file_exists($enabledFileName)) {
1643			$enabledFile = fopen($enabledFileName, "r");
1644			$rewritebase = '/';
1645			while ($nextLine = fgets($enabledFile)) {
1646				if (preg_match('/^RewriteBase\s*(.*)$/', $nextLine, $m)) {
1647					$rewritebase = substr($m[1], -1) !== '/' ? $m[1] . '/' : $m[1];
1648					break;
1649				}
1650			}
1651			if ($url_path == $rewritebase) {
1652				$smarty->assign('rewritebaseSetting', $rewritebase);
1653				$apache_properties['RewriteBase'] = array(
1654					'setting' => $rewritebase,
1655					'fitness' => tra('good') ,
1656					'message' => tra('RewriteBase is set correctly in .htaccess. Search Engine Friendly URLs should work. Be aware, though, that this test can\'t checked if Apache really loads .htaccess.')
1657				);
1658			} else {
1659				$apache_properties['RewriteBase'] = array(
1660					'setting' => $rewritebase,
1661					'fitness' => tra('bad') ,
1662					'message' => tra('RewriteBase is not set correctly in .htaccess. Search Engine Friendly URLs are not going to work with this configuration. It should be set to "') . substr($url_path, 0, -1) . '".'
1663				);
1664			}
1665		} else {
1666			$apache_properties['RewriteBase'] = array(
1667				'setting' => tra('Not found'),
1668				'fitness' => tra('info') ,
1669				'message' => tra('The .htaccess file has not been activated, so this check cannot be  performed. To use Search Engine Friendly URLs, activate .htaccess by copying _htaccess into its place (or a symlink if supported by your Operating System). Then do this check again.')
1670			);
1671		}
1672	}
1674	if ($pos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'tiki-check.php')) {
1675		$sef_test_protocol = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
1676		$sef_test_base_url = $sef_test_protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $pos);
1677		$sef_test_ping_value = mt_rand();
1678		$sef_test_url = $sef_test_base_url . 'tiki-check?tiki-check-ping=' . $sef_test_ping_value;
1679		$sef_test_folder_created = false;
1680		$sef_test_folder_writable = true;
1681		if ($standalone) {
1682			$sef_test_path_current = __DIR__;
1683			$sef_test_dir_name = 'tiki-check-' . $sef_test_ping_value;
1684			$sef_test_folder = $sef_test_path_current . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sef_test_dir_name;
1685			if (is_writable($sef_test_path_current)&&! file_exists($sef_test_folder)) {
1686				if (mkdir($sef_test_folder)) {
1687					$sef_test_folder_created = true;
1688					copy(__FILE__, $sef_test_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tiki-check.php');
1689					file_put_contents($sef_test_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess', "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteRule tiki-check$ tiki-check.php [L]\n</IfModule>\n");
1690					$sef_test_url = $sef_test_base_url . $sef_test_dir_name . '/tiki-check?tiki-check-ping=' . $sef_test_ping_value;
1691				}
1692			} else {
1693				$sef_test_folder_writable = false;
1694			}
1695		}
1697		if (! $sef_test_folder_writable) {
1698			$apache_properties['SefURL Test'] = array(
1699			'setting' => tra('Not Working'),
1700			'fitness' => tra('info') ,
1701			'message' => tra('The automated test could not run. The required files could not be created  on the server to run the test. That may only mean that there were no permissions, but the Apache configuration should be checked. For further information go to Admin->SefURL in the Tiki.')
1702			);
1703		} else {
1704			$pong_value = get_content_from_url($sef_test_url);
1705			if ($pong_value != 'fail-no-request-done') {
1706				if ('pong:' . $sef_test_ping_value == $pong_value) {
1707					$apache_properties['SefURL Test'] = array(
1708						'setting' => tra('Working'),
1709						'fitness' => tra('good') ,
1710						'message' => tra('An automated test was done, and the server appears to be configured correctly to handle Search Engine Friendly URLs.')
1711					);
1712				} else {
1713					if (strncmp('fail-http-', $pong_value, 10) == 0) {
1714						$apache_return_code = substr($pong_value, 10);
1715						$apache_properties['SefURL Test'] = array(
1716							'setting' => tra('Not Working'),
1717							'fitness' => tra('info') ,
1718							'message' => sprintf(tra('An automated test was done and, based on the results, the server does not appear to be configured correctly to handle Search Engine Friendly URLs. The server returned an unexpected HTTP code: "%s". This automated test may fail due to the infrastructure setup, but the Apache configuration should be checked. For further information go to Admin->SefURL in your Tiki.'), $apache_return_code)
1719						);
1720					} else {
1721						$apache_properties['SefURL Test'] = array(
1722							'setting' => tra('Not Working'),
1723							'fitness' => tra('info') ,
1724							'message' => tra('An automated test was done and, based on the results, the server does not appear to be configured correctly to handle Search Engine Friendly URLs. This automated test may fail due to the infrastructure setup, but the Apache configuration should be checked. For further information go to Admin->SefURL in your Tiki.')
1725						);
1726					}
1727				}
1728			}
1729		}
1730		if ($sef_test_folder_created) {
1731			unlink($sef_test_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tiki-check.php');
1732			unlink($sef_test_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess');
1733			rmdir($sef_test_folder);
1734		}
1735	}
1737	// mod_expires
1738	$s = false;
1739	$s = array_search('mod_expires', $apache_modules);
1740	if ($s) {
1741		$apache_properties['mod_expires'] = array(
1742			'setting' => 'Loaded',
1743			'fitness' => tra('good') ,
1744			'message' => tra('With this module, the HTTP Expires header can be set, which increases performance. It can\'t be checked, though, if mod_expires is configured correctly.')
1745		);
1746	} else {
1747		$apache_properties['mod_expires'] = array(
1748			'setting' => 'Not available',
1749			'fitness' => tra('unsure') ,
1750			'message' => tra('With this module, the HTTP Expires header can be set, which increases performance. Once it is installed, it still needs to be configured correctly.')
1751		);
1752	}
1754	// mod_deflate
1755	$s = false;
1756	$s = array_search('mod_deflate', $apache_modules);
1757	if ($s) {
1758		$apache_properties['mod_deflate'] = array(
1759			'setting' => 'Loaded',
1760			'fitness' => tra('good') ,
1761			'message' => tra('With this module, the data the webserver sends out can be compressed, which reduced data transfer amounts and increases performance. This test can\'t check, though, if mod_deflate is configured correctly.')
1762		);
1763	} else {
1764		$apache_properties['mod_deflate'] = array(
1765			'setting' => 'Not available',
1766			'fitness' => tra('unsure') ,
1767			'message' => tra('With this module, the data the webserver sends out can be compressed, which reduces data transfer amounts and increases performance. Once it is installed, it still needs to be configured correctly.')
1768		);
1769	}
1771	// mod_security
1772	$s = false;
1773	$s = array_search('mod_security', $apache_modules);
1774	if ($s) {
1775		$apache_properties['mod_security'] = array(
1776			'setting' => 'Loaded',
1777			'fitness' => tra('info') ,
1778			'message' => tra('This module can increase security of Tiki and therefore the server, but be aware that it is very tricky to configure correctly. A misconfiguration can lead to failed page saves or other hard to trace bugs.')
1779		);
1780	} else {
1781		$apache_properties['mod_security'] = array(
1782			'setting' => 'Not available',
1783			'fitness' => tra('info') ,
1784			'message' => tra('This module can increase security of Tiki and therefore the server, but be aware that it is very tricky to configure correctly. A misconfiguration can lead to failed page saves or other hard to trace bugs.')
1785		);
1786	}
1788	// Get /server-info, if available
1789	if (function_exists('curl_init') && function_exists('curl_exec')) {
1790		$curl = curl_init();
1791		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://localhost/server-info');
1792		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
1793		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
1794		$apache_server_info = curl_exec($curl);
1795		if (curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) {
1796			$apache_server_info = preg_replace('%^.*<body>(.*)</body>.*$%ms', '$1', $apache_server_info);
1797		} else {
1798			$apache_server_info = false;
1799		}
1800		curl_close($curl);
1801	} else {
1802		$apache_server_info = 'nocurl';
1803	}
1807// IIS Properties
1808$iis_properties = false;
1810if (check_isIIS()) {
1811	// IIS Rewrite module
1812	if (check_hasIIS_UrlRewriteModule()) {
1813		$iis_properties['IIS Url Rewrite Module'] = array(
1814			'fitness' => tra('good'),
1815			'setting' => 'Available',
1816			'message' => tra('The URL Rewrite Module is required to use SEFURL on IIS.')
1817			);
1818	} else {
1819		$iis_properties['IIS Url Rewrite Module'] = array(
1820			'fitness' => tra('bad'),
1821			'setting' => 'Not Available',
1822			'message' => tra('The URL Rewrite Module is required to use SEFURL on IIS.')
1823			);
1824	}
1827// Check Tiki Packages
1828if (! $standalone) {
1829	global $tikipath;
1831	$composerManager = new ComposerManager($tikipath);
1832	$installedLibs = $composerManager->getInstalled();
1834	$packagesToCheck = array(
1835		array(
1836			'name' => 'media-alchemyst/media-alchemyst',
1837			'preferences' => array(
1838				'alchemy_ffmpeg_path' => array(
1839					'name' => tra('ffmpeg path'),
1840					'type' => 'path'
1841				),
1842				'alchemy_ffprobe_path' => array(
1843					'name' => tra('ffprobe path'),
1844					'type' => 'path'
1845				),
1846				'alchemy_unoconv_path' => array(
1847					'name' => tra('unoconv path'),
1848					'type' => 'path'
1849				),
1850				'alchemy_gs_path' => array(
1851					'name' => tra('ghostscript path'),
1852					'type' => 'path'
1853				),
1854				'alchemy_imagine_driver' => array(
1855					'name' => tra('Alchemy Image library'),
1856					'type' => 'classOptions',
1857					'options' => array(
1858						'imagick' => array(
1859							'name' => tra('Imagemagick'),
1860							'classLib' => 'Imagine\Imagick\Imagine',
1861							'className' => 'Imagick',
1862							'extension' => false
1863						),
1864						'gd' => array(
1865							'name' => tra('GD'),
1866							'classLib' => 'Imagine\Gd\Imagine',
1867							'className' => false,
1868							'extension' => 'gd'
1869						)
1870					),
1871				),
1872			)
1873		),
1874		array(
1875			'name' => 'php-unoconv/php-unoconv',
1876			'preferences' => array(
1877				'alchemy_unoconv_path' => array(
1878					'name' => tra('unoconv path'),
1879					'type' => 'path'
1880				)
1881			)
1882		)
1883	);
1885	$packagesToDisplay = array();
1886	foreach ($installedLibs as $installedPackage) {
1887		$key = array_search($installedPackage['name'], array_column($packagesToCheck, 'name'));
1888		if ($key !== false) {
1889			$warnings = checkPreferences($packagesToCheck[$key]['preferences']);
1890			checkPackageWarnings($warnings, $installedPackage);
1892			$packageInfo = array(
1893				'name' => $installedPackage['name'],
1894				'version' => $installedPackage['installed'],
1895				'status' => count($warnings) > 0 ? tra('unsure') : tra('good'),
1896				'message' => $warnings
1897			);
1898		} else {
1899			$packageInfo = array(
1900				'name' => $installedPackage['name'],
1901				'version' => $installedPackage['installed'],
1902				'status' => tra('good'),
1903				'message' => array()
1904			);
1905		}
1906		$packagesToDisplay[] = $packageInfo;
1907	}
1909	/**
1910	 * Tesseract PHP Package Check
1911	 */
1913	/** @var string The version of Tesseract required */
1914	$TesseractVersion = '2.7.0';
1915	/** @var string Current Tesseract installed version */
1916	$ocrVersion = false;
1917	foreach ($packagesToDisplay as $arrayValue) {
1918		if ($arrayValue['name'] === 'thiagoalessio/tesseract_ocr') {
1919			$ocrVersion = $arrayValue['version'];
1920			break;
1921		}
1922	}
1924	if (! $ocrVersion) {
1925		$ocrVersion = tra('Not Installed');
1926		$ocrMessage = tra(
1927			'Tesseract PHP package could not be found. Try installing through Packages.'
1928		);
1929		$ocrStatus = 'bad';
1930	} elseif (version_compare($ocrVersion, $TesseractVersion, '>=')) {
1931		$ocrMessage = tra('Tesseract PHP dependency installed.');
1932		$ocrStatus = 'good';
1933	} else {
1934		$ocrMessage = tra(
1935			'The installed Tesseract version is lower than the required version.'
1936		);
1937		$ocrStatus = 'bad';
1938	}
1940	$ocrToDisplay = array(array(
1941						 'name'    => tra('Tesseract package'),
1942						 'version' => $ocrVersion,
1943						 'status'  => $ocrStatus,
1944						 'message' => $ocrMessage,
1945					 ));
1947	/**
1948	 * Tesseract Binary dependency Check
1949	 */
1951	$ocr = Tikilib::lib('ocr');
1952	$langCount = count($ocr->getTesseractLangs());
1954	if ($langCount >= 5) {
1955		$ocrMessage = $langCount . ' ' . tra('languages installed.');
1956		$ocrStatus = 'good';
1957	} else {
1958		$ocrMessage = tra(
1959			'Not all languages installed. You may need to install additional languages for multilingual support.'
1960		);
1961		$ocrStatus = 'unsure';
1962	}
1964	$ocrToDisplay[] = array(
1965		'name'    => tra('Tesseract languages'),
1966		'status'  => $ocrStatus,
1967		'message' => $ocrMessage,
1968	);
1970	if ($ocrVersion !== 'Not Installed') {
1971		$ocrVersion = $ocr->getTesseractVersion();
1972	} else {
1973		$ocrVersion = false;
1974	}
1976	if (! $ocrVersion) {
1977		$ocrVersion = tra('Not Found');
1978		$ocrMessage = tra(
1979			'Tesseract could not be found.'
1980		);
1981		$ocrStatus = 'bad';
1982	} elseif ($ocr->checkTesseractVersion()) {
1983		$ocrMessage = tra(
1984			'Tesseract meets or exceeds the version requirements.'
1985		);
1986		$ocrStatus = 'good';
1987	} else {
1988		$ocrMessage = tra(
1989			'The installed Tesseract version is lower than the required version.'
1990		);
1991		$ocrStatus = 'bad';
1992	}
1994	$ocrToDisplay[] = array(
1995		'name'    => tra('Tesseract binary'),
1996		'version' => $ocrVersion,
1997		'status'  => $ocrStatus,
1998		'message' => $ocrMessage,
1999	);
2000	try {
2001		if (empty($prefs['ocr_tesseract_path'])	|| $prefs['ocr_tesseract_path'] === 'tesseract') {
2002			$ocrStatus = 'bad';
2003			$ocrMessage = tra(
2004				'Your path preference is not configured. It may work now but will likely fail with cron. Specify an absolute path.'
2005			);
2006		} elseif ($prefs['ocr_tesseract_path'] === $ocr->whereIsExecutable('tesseract')) {
2007			$ocrStatus = 'good';
2008			$ocrMessage = tra('Path setup correctly.');
2009		} else {
2010			$ocrStatus = 'unsure';
2011			$ocrMessage = tra(
2012				'Your path may not be configured correctly. It appears to be located at '
2013			) . $ocr->whereIsExecutable(
2014				'tesseract' . '.'
2015			);
2016		}
2017	} catch (Exception $e) {
2018		if (empty($prefs['ocr_tesseract_path'])
2019			|| $prefs['ocr_tesseract_path'] === 'tesseract'
2020		) {
2021			$ocrStatus = 'bad';
2022			$ocrMessage = tra(
2023				'Your path preference is not configured. It may work now but will likely fail with cron. Specify an absolute path.'
2024			);
2025		} else {
2026			$ocrStatus = 'unsure';
2027			$ocrMessage = tra(
2028				'Your path is configured, but we were unable to tell if it was configured properly or not.'
2029			);
2030		}
2031	}
2033	$ocrToDisplay[] = array(
2034		'name'    => tra('Tesseract path'),
2035		'status'  => $ocrStatus,
2036		'message' => $ocrMessage,
2037	);
2040	$pdfimages = Tikilib::lib('pdfimages');
2041	$pdfimages->setVersion();
2043	//lets fall back to configured options for a binary path if its not found with default options.
2044	if (! $pdfimages->version) {
2045		$pdfimages->setBinaryPath();
2046		$pdfimages->setVersion();
2047	}
2049	if ($pdfimages->version) {
2050		$ocrStatus = 'good';
2051		$ocrMessage = tra('It appears that pdfimages is installed on your system.');
2052	} else {
2053		$ocrStatus = 'bad';
2054		$ocrMessage = tra('Could not find pdfimages. PDF files will not be processed.');
2055	}
2057	$ocrToDisplay[] = array(
2058		'name'    => tra('Pdfimages binary'),
2059		'version' => $pdfimages->version,
2060		'status'  => $ocrStatus,
2061		'message' => $ocrMessage,
2062	);
2064	try {
2065		if (empty($prefs['ocr_pdfimages_path']) || $prefs['ocr_pdfimages_path'] === 'pdfimages') {
2066			$ocrStatus = 'bad';
2067			$ocrMessage = tra('Your path preference is not configured. It may work now but will likely fail with cron. Specify an absolute path.');
2068		} elseif ($prefs['ocr_pdfimages_path'] === $ocr->whereIsExecutable('pdfimages')) {
2069			$ocrStatus = 'good';
2070			$ocrMessage = tra('Path setup correctly');
2071		} else {
2072			$ocrStatus = 'unsure';
2073			$ocrMessage = tra('Your path may not be configured correctly. It appears to be located at ') .
2074				$ocr->whereIsExecutable('pdfimages' . ' ');
2075		}
2076	} catch (Exception $e) {
2077		if (empty($prefs['ocr_pdfimages_path']) || $prefs['ocr_pdfimages_path'] === 'pdfimages') {
2078			$ocrStatus = 'bad';
2079			$ocrMessage = tra('Your path preference is not configured. It may work now but will likely fail with cron. Specify an absolute path.');
2080		} else {
2081			$ocrStatus = 'unsure';
2082			$ocrMessage = tra(
2083				'Your path is configured, but we were unable to tell if it was configured properly or not.'
2084			);
2085		}
2086	}
2088	$ocrToDisplay[] = array(
2089		'name'    => tra('Pdfimages path'),
2090		'status'  => $ocrStatus,
2091		'message' => $ocrMessage,
2092	);
2094	// check if scheduler is set up properly.
2095	$scheduleDb = $ocr->table('tiki_scheduler');
2096	$conditions['status'] = 'active';
2097	$conditions['params'] = $scheduleDb->contains('ocr:all');
2098	if ($scheduleDb->fetchBool($conditions)) {
2099		$ocrToDisplay[] = array(
2100			'name'    => tra('Scheduler'),
2101			'status'  => 'good',
2102			'message' => tra('Scheduler has been successfully setup.'),
2103		);
2104	} else {
2105		$ocrToDisplay[] = array(
2106			'name'    => tra('Scheduler'),
2107			'status'  => 'bad',
2108			'message' => tra('Scheduler needs to have a console command of "ocr:all" set.'),
2109		);
2110	}
2112	$smarty->assign('ocr', $ocrToDisplay);
2114// Security Checks
2115// get all dangerous php settings and check them
2116$security = false;
2118// check file upload dir and compare it to tiki root dir
2119$s = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');
2120$sn = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, -14);
2121if ($s != "" && strpos($sn, $s) !== false) {
2122	$security['upload_tmp_dir'] = array(
2123		'fitness' => tra('unsafe') ,
2124		'setting' => $s,
2125		'message' => tra('upload_tmp_dir is probably inside the Tiki directory. There is a risk that someone can upload any file to this directory and access it via web browser.')
2126	);
2127} else {
2128	$security['upload_tmp_dir'] = array(
2129		'fitness' => tra('unknown') ,
2130		'setting' => $s,
2131		'message' => tra('It can\'t be reliably determined if the upload_tmp_dir is accessible via a web browser. To be sure, check the webserver configuration.')
2132	);
2135// Determine system state
2136$pdf_webkit = '';
2137if (isset($prefs) && $prefs['print_pdf_from_url'] == 'webkit') {
2138	$pdf_webkit = '<b>' . tra('WebKit is enabled') . '.</b> ';
2140$feature_blogs = '';
2141if (isset($prefs) && $prefs['feature_blogs'] == 'y') {
2142	$feature_blogs = '<b>' . tra('The Blogs feature is enabled') . '.</b> ';
2145$fcts = array(
2146		 array(
2147			'function' => 'exec',
2148			'risky' => tra('Exec can potentially be used to execute arbitrary code on the server.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki does not need it; perhaps it should be disabled.') . ' ' . tra('However, the Plugins R/RR need it. If you use the Plugins R/RR and the other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.'),
2149			'safe' => tra('Exec can be potentially be used to execute arbitrary code on the server.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki needs it to run the Plugins R/RR.') . tra('If this is needed and the other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.')
2150		 ),
2151		 array(
2152			'function' => 'passthru',
2153			'risky' => tra('Passthru is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki does not need it; perhaps it should be disabled. However, the Composer package manager used for installations in Subversion checkouts may need it.'),
2154			'safe' => tra('Passthru is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki does not need it; it is good that it is disabled. However, the Composer package manager used for installations in Subversion checkouts may need it.')
2155		 ),
2156		 array(
2157			'function' => 'shell_exec',
2158			'risky' => tra('Shell_exec is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki needs it to run PDF from URL: WebKit (wkhtmltopdf). ' . $pdf_webkit . 'If this is needed and the other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.'),
2159			'safe' => tra('Shell_exec is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki needs it to run PDF from URL: WebKit (wkhtmltopdf). ' . $pdf_webkit . 'If this is needed and the other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.')
2160		 ),
2161		 array(
2162			'function' => 'system',
2163			'risky' => tra('System is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki does not need it; perhaps it should be disabled.'),
2164			'safe' => tra('System is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki does not need it; it is good that it is disabled.')
2165		 ),
2166		 array(
2167			'function' => 'proc_open',
2168			'risky' => tra('Proc_open is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki does not need it; perhaps it should be disabled. However, the Composer package manager used for installations in Subversion checkouts or when using the package manager from the <a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Packages" target="_blank">admin interface</a> may need it.'),
2169			'safe' => tra('Proc_open is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki does not need it; it is good that it is disabled. However, the Composer package manager used for installations in Subversion checkouts or when using the package manager from the <a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Packages" target="_blank">admin interface</a> may need it.')
2170		 ),
2171		 array(
2172			'function' => 'popen',
2173			'risky' => tra('popen is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki needs it for file search indexing in file galleries. If this is needed and other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.'),
2174			'safe' => tra('popen is similar to exec.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki needs it for file search indexing in file galleries. If this is needed and other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.')
2175		 ),
2176		 array(
2177			'function' => 'curl_exec',
2178			'risky' => tra('Curl_exec can potentially be abused to write malicious code.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki needs it to run features like Kaltura, CAS login, CClite and the myspace and sf wiki-plugins. If these are needed and other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.'),
2179			'safe' => tra('Curl_exec can potentially be abused to write malicious code.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki needs it to run features like Kaltura, CAS login, CClite and the myspace and sf wiki-plugins. If these are needed and other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.')
2180		 ),
2181		 array(
2182			'function' => 'curl_multi_exec',
2183			'risky' => tra('Curl_multi_exec can potentially be abused to write malicious code.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki needs it to run features like Kaltura, CAS login, CClite and the myspace and sf wiki-plugins. If these are needed and other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.'),
2184			'safe' => tra('Curl_multi_exec can potentially be abused to write malicious code.') . ' ' . tra('Tiki needs it to run features like Kaltura, CAS login, CClite and the myspace and sf wiki-plugins. If these are needed and other PHP software on the server can be trusted, this should be enabled.')
2185		 ),
2186		 array(
2187			'function' => 'parse_ini_file',
2188			'risky' => tra('It is probably an urban myth that this is dangerous. Tiki team will reconsider this check, but be warned.') . ' ' . tra('It is required for the <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/System+Configuration" target="_blank">System Configuration</a> feature.'),
2189			'safe' => tra('It is probably an urban myth that this is dangerous. Tiki team will reconsider this check, but be warned.') . ' ' . tra('It is required for the <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/System+Configuration" target="_blank">System Configuration</a> feature.'),
2190		 ),
2191		 array(
2192			'function' => 'show_source',
2193			'risky' => tra('It is probably an urban myth that this is dangerous. Tiki team will reconsider this check, but be warned.'),
2194			'safe' => tra('It is probably an urban myth that this is dangerous. Tiki team will reconsider this check, but be warned.'),
2195		 )
2196	);
2198foreach ($fcts as $fct) {
2199	if (function_exists($fct['function'])) {
2200		$security[$fct['function']] = array(
2201			'setting' => tra('Enabled'),
2202			'fitness' => tra('risky'),
2203			'message' => $fct['risky']
2204		);
2205	} else {
2206		$security[$fct['function']] = array(
2207			'setting' => tra('Disabled'),
2208			'fitness' => tra('safe'),
2209			'message' => $fct['safe']
2210		);
2211	}
2214// trans_sid
2215$s = ini_get('session.use_trans_sid');
2216if ($s) {
2217	$security['session.use_trans_sid'] = array(
2218		'setting' => 'Enabled',
2219		'fitness' => tra('unsafe'),
2220		'message' => tra('session.use_trans_sid should be off by default. See the PHP manual for details.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
2221	);
2222} else {
2223	$security['session.use_trans_sid'] = array(
2224		'setting' => 'Disabled',
2225		'fitness' => tra('safe'),
2226		'message' => tra('session.use_trans_sid should be off by default. See the PHP manual for details.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
2227	);
2230$s = ini_get('xbithack');
2231if ($s == 1) {
2232	$security['xbithack'] = array(
2233		'setting' => 'Enabled',
2234		'fitness' => tra('unsafe'),
2235		'message' => tra('Setting the xbithack option is unsafe. Depending on the file handling of the webserver and the Tiki settings, an attacker may be able to upload scripts to file gallery and execute them.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
2236	);
2237} else {
2238	$security['xbithack'] = array(
2239		'setting' => 'Disabled',
2240		'fitness' => tra('safe'),
2241		'message' => tra('setting the xbithack option is unsafe. Depending on the file handling of the webserver and the Tiki settings,  an attacker may be able to upload scripts to file gallery and execute them.') . ' <a href="#php_conf_info">' . tra('How to change this value') . '</a>'
2242	);
2245$s = ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
2246if ($s == 1) {
2247	$security['allow_url_fopen'] = array(
2248		'setting' => 'Enabled',
2249		'fitness' => tra('risky'),
2250		'message' => tra('allow_url_fopen may potentially be used to upload remote data or scripts. Also used by Composer to fetch dependencies. ' . $feature_blogs . 'If this Tiki does not use the Blogs feature, this can be switched off.')
2251	);
2252} else {
2253	$security['allow_url_fopen'] = array(
2254		'setting' => 'Disabled',
2255		'fitness' => tra('safe'),
2256		'message' => tra('allow_url_fopen may potentially be used to upload remote data or scripts. Also used by Composer to fetch dependencies. ' . $feature_blogs . 'If this Tiki does not use the Blogs feature, this can be switched off.')
2257	);
2260if ($standalone || (! empty($prefs) && $prefs['fgal_enable_auto_indexing'] === 'y')) {
2261	// adapted from \FileGalLib::get_file_handlers
2262	$fh_possibilities = array(
2263		'application/ms-excel' => array('xls2csv %1'),
2264		'application/msexcel' => array('xls2csv %1'),
2265		// vnd.openxmlformats are handled natively in Zend
2266		//'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' => array('xlsx2csv.py %1'),
2267		'application/ms-powerpoint' => array('catppt %1'),
2268		'application/mspowerpoint' => array('catppt %1'),
2269		//'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' => array('pptx2txt.pl %1 -'),
2270		'application/msword' => array('catdoc %1', 'strings %1'),
2271		//'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' => array('docx2txt.pl %1 -'),
2272		'application/pdf' => array('pstotext %1', 'pdftotext %1 -'),
2273		'application/postscript' => array('pstotext %1'),
2274		'application/ps' => array('pstotext %1'),
2275		'application/rtf' => array('catdoc %1'),
2276		'application/sgml' => array('col -b %1', 'strings %1'),
2277		'application/vnd.ms-excel' => array('xls2csv %1'),
2278		'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint' => array('catppt %1'),
2279		'application/x-msexcel' => array('xls2csv %1'),
2280		'application/x-pdf' => array('pstotext %1', 'pdftotext %1 -'),
2281		'application/x-troff-man' => array('man -l %1'),
2282		'application/zip' => array('unzip -l %1'),
2283		'text/enriched' => array('col -b %1', 'strings %1'),
2284		'text/html' => array('elinks -dump -no-home %1'),
2285		'text/richtext' => array('col -b %1', 'strings %1'),
2286		'text/sgml' => array('col -b %1', 'strings %1'),
2287		'text/tab-separated-values' => array('col -b %1', 'strings %1'),
2288	);
2290	$fh_native = array(
2291		'application/pdf' => 18.0,
2292		'application/x-pdf' => 18.0,
2293	);
2295	$file_handlers = array();
2296	if (! $standalone) {
2297		$tikiWikiVersion = new TWVersion();
2298	}
2300	foreach ($fh_possibilities as $type => $options) {
2301		$file_handler = array(
2302			'fitness' => '',
2303			'message' => '',
2304		);
2306		if (! $standalone && array_key_exists($type, $fh_native)) {
2307			if ($tikiWikiVersion->getBaseVersion() >= $fh_native["$type"]) {
2308				$file_handler['fitness'] = 'good';
2309				$file_handler['message'] = "will be handled natively";
2310			}
2311		}
2312		if ($standalone && array_key_exists($type, $fh_native)) {
2313			$file_handler['fitness'] = 'info';
2314			$file_handler['message'] = "will be handled natively by Tiki &gt;= " . $fh_native["$type"];
2315		}
2316		if ($file_handler['fitness'] == '' || $file_handler['fitness'] == 'info') {
2317			foreach ($options as $opt) {
2318				$optArray = explode(' ', $opt, 2);
2319				$exec = reset($optArray);
2320				$which_exec = `which $exec`;
2321				if ($which_exec) {
2322					if ($file_handler['fitness'] == 'info') {
2323						$file_handler['message'] .= ", otherwise handled by $which_exec";
2324					} else {
2325						$file_handler['message'] = "will be handled by $which_exec";
2326					}
2327					$file_handler['fitness'] = 'good';
2328					break;
2329				}
2330			}
2331			if ($file_handler['fitness'] == 'info') {
2332				$fh_commands = '';
2333				foreach ($options as $opt) {
2334					$fh_commands .= $fh_commands ? ' or ' : '';
2335					$fh_commands .= '"' . substr($opt, 0, strpos($opt, ' ')) . '"';
2336				}
2337				$file_handler['message'] .= ', otherwise you need to install ' . $fh_commands . ' to index this type of file';
2338			}
2339		}
2340		if (! $file_handler['fitness']) {
2341			$file_handler['fitness'] = 'unsure';
2342			$fh_commands = '';
2343			foreach ($options as $opt) {
2344				$fh_commands .= $fh_commands ? ' or ' : '';
2345				$fh_commands .= '"' . substr($opt, 0, strpos($opt, ' ')) . '"';
2346			}
2347			$file_handler['message'] = 'You need to install ' . $fh_commands . ' to index this type of file';
2348		}
2349		$file_handlers[$type] = $file_handler;
2350	}
2354if (! $standalone) {
2355	// The following is borrowed from tiki-admin_system.php
2356	if ($prefs['feature_forums'] == 'y') {
2357		$dirs = TikiLib::lib('comments')->list_directories_to_save();
2358	} else {
2359		$dirs = array();
2360	}
2361	if ($prefs['feature_galleries'] == 'y' && ! empty($prefs['gal_use_dir'])) {
2362		$dirs[] = $prefs['gal_use_dir'];
2363	}
2364	if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries'] == 'y' && ! empty($prefs['fgal_use_dir'])) {
2365		$dirs[] = $prefs['fgal_use_dir'];
2366	}
2367	if ($prefs['feature_trackers'] == 'y') {
2368		if (! empty($prefs['t_use_dir'])) {
2369			$dirs[] = $prefs['t_use_dir'];
2370		}
2371		$dirs[] = 'img/trackers';
2372	}
2373	if ($prefs['feature_wiki'] == 'y') {
2374		if (! empty($prefs['w_use_dir'])) {
2375			$dirs[] = $prefs['w_use_dir'];
2376		}
2377		if ($prefs['feature_create_webhelp'] == 'y') {
2378			$dirs[] = 'whelp';
2379		}
2380		$dirs[] = 'img/wiki';
2381		$dirs[] = 'img/wiki_up';
2382	}
2383	$dirs = array_unique($dirs);
2384	$dirsExist = array();
2385	foreach ($dirs as $i => $d) {
2386		$dirsWritable[$i] = is_writable($d);
2387	}
2388	$smarty->assign_by_ref('dirs', $dirs);
2389	$smarty->assign_by_ref('dirsWritable', $dirsWritable);
2391	// Prepare Monitoring acks
2392	$query = "SELECT `value` FROM tiki_preferences WHERE `name`='tiki_check_status'";
2393	$result = $tikilib->getOne($query);
2394	$last_state = json_decode($result, true);
2395	$smarty->assign_by_ref('last_state', $last_state);
2397	function deack_on_state_change(&$check_group, $check_group_name)
2398	{
2399		global $last_state;
2400		foreach ($check_group as $key => $value) {
2401			if (! empty($last_state["$check_group_name"]["$key"])) {
2402				$check_group["$key"]['ack'] = $last_state["$check_group_name"]["$key"]['ack'];
2403				if (isset($check_group["$key"]['setting']) && isset($last_state["$check_group_name"]["$key"]['setting']) &&
2404							$check_group["$key"]['setting'] != $last_state["$check_group_name"]["$key"]['setting']) {
2405					$check_group["$key"]['ack'] = false;
2406				}
2407			}
2408		}
2409	}
2410	deack_on_state_change($mysql_properties, 'MySQL');
2411	deack_on_state_change($server_properties, 'Server');
2412	if ($apache_properties) {
2413		deack_on_state_change($apache_properties, 'Apache');
2414	}
2415	if ($iis_properties) {
2416		deack_on_state_change($iis_properties, 'IIS');
2417	}
2418	deack_on_state_change($php_properties, 'PHP');
2419	deack_on_state_change($security, 'PHP Security');
2421	$tikiWikiVersion = new TWVersion();
2422	if (version_compare($tikiWikiVersion->getBaseVersion(), '18.0', '<') && ! class_exists('mPDF')
2423		|| version_compare($tikiWikiVersion->getBaseVersion(), '18.0', '>=') && ! class_exists('\\Mpdf\\Mpdf')) {
2424		$smarty->assign('mPDFClassMissing', true);
2425	}
2427	// Engine tables type
2428	global $dbs_tiki;
2429	if (! empty($dbs_tiki)) {
2430		$engineType = '';
2431		$query = 'SELECT ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = "tiki_schema" AND TABLE_SCHEMA = "' . $dbs_tiki . '";';
2432		$result = query($query, $connection);
2433		if (! empty($result[0]['ENGINE'])) {
2434			$engineType = $result[0]['ENGINE'];
2435		}
2436	}
2437	if (version_compare($tikiWikiVersion->getBaseVersion(), '18.0', '>=') && ! empty($dbs_tiki) && $engineType != 'InnoDB') {
2438		$smarty->assign('engineTypeNote', true);
2439	} else {
2440		$smarty->assign('engineTypeNote', false);
2441	}
2443	$smarty->assign('composer_available', $composerManager->composerIsAvailable());
2444	$smarty->assign('packages', $packagesToDisplay);
2447$sensitiveDataDetectedFiles = array();
2450if (! empty($sensitiveDataDetectedFiles)) {
2451	$files = ' (Files: ' . trim(implode(', ', $sensitiveDataDetectedFiles)) . ')';
2452	$tiki_security['Sensitive Data Exposure'] = array(
2453		'fitness' => tra('risky'),
2454		'message' => tra('Tiki detected that there are temporary files in the db folder that may expose credentials or other sensitive information.') . $files
2455	);
2456} else {
2457	$tiki_security['Sensitive Data Exposure'] = array(
2458		'fitness' => tra('safe'),
2459		'message' => tra('Tiki did not detect temporary files in the db folder that may expose credentials or other sensitive information.')
2460	);
2463if (isset($_REQUEST['benchmark'])) {
2464	$benchmark = BenchmarkPhp::run();
2465} else {
2466	$benchmark = '';
2470 * TRIM (Tiki Remote Instance Manager) Section
2471 **/
2472if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
2473	$trimCapable = false;
2474} else {
2475	$trimCapable = true;
2478if ($trimCapable) {
2479	$trimServerRequirements = array();
2480	$trimClientRequirements = array();
2482	$trimServerRequirements['Operating System Path'] = array(
2483		'fitness' => tra('info'),
2484		'message' => $_SERVER['PATH']
2485	);
2487	$trimClientRequirements['Operating System Path'] = array(
2488		'fitness' => tra('info'),
2489		'message' => $_SERVER['PATH']
2490	);
2492	$trimClientRequirements['SSH or FTP server'] = array(
2493		'fitness' => tra('info'),
2494		'message' => tra('To manage this instance from a remote server you need SSH or FTP access to this server')
2495	);
2497	$serverCommands = array(
2498		'make' => 'make',
2499		'php-cli' => 'php',
2500		'rsync' => 'rsync',
2501		'nice' => 'nice',
2502		'tar' => 'tar',
2503		'bzip2' => 'bzip2',
2504		'ssh' => 'ssh',
2505		'ssh-copy-id' => 'ssh-copy-id',
2506		'scp' => 'scp',
2507		'sqlite' => 'sqlite3'
2508	);
2510	$serverPHPExtensions = array(
2511		'php-sqlite' => 'sqlite3',
2512	);
2514	$clientCommands = array(
2515		'php-cli' => 'php',
2516		'mysql' => 'mysql',
2517		'mysqldump' => 'mysqldump',
2518		'gzip' => 'gzip',
2519	);
2521	foreach ($serverCommands as $key => $command) {
2522		if (commandIsAvailable($command)) {
2523			$trimServerRequirements[$key] = array(
2524				'fitness' => tra('good'),
2525				'message' => tra('Command found')
2526			);
2527		} else {
2528			$trimServerRequirements[$key] = array(
2529				'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
2530				'message' => tra('Command not found, check if it is installed and available in one of the paths above')
2531			);
2532		}
2533	}
2535	foreach ($serverPHPExtensions as $key => $extension) {
2536		if (extension_loaded($extension)) {
2537			$trimServerRequirements[$key] = array(
2538				'fitness' => tra('good'),
2539				'message' => tra('Extension loaded in PHP')
2540			);
2541		} else {
2542			$trimServerRequirements[$key] = array(
2543				'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
2544				'message' => tra('Extension not loaded in PHP')
2545			);
2546		}
2547	}
2549	foreach ($clientCommands as $key => $command) {
2550		if (commandIsAvailable($command)) {
2551			$trimClientRequirements[$key] = array(
2552				'fitness' => tra('good'),
2553				'message' => tra('Command found')
2554			);
2555		} else {
2556			$trimClientRequirements[$key] = array(
2557				'fitness' => tra('unsure'),
2558				'message' => tra('Command not found, check if it is installed and available in one of the paths above')
2559			);
2560		}
2561	}
2564if ($standalone && ! $nagios) {
2565	$render .= '<style type="text/css">td, th { border: 1px solid #000000; vertical-align: baseline; padding: .5em; }</style>';
2566//	$render .= '<h1>Tiki Server Compatibility</h1>';
2567	if (! $locked) {
2568		$render .= '<h2>MySQL or MariaDB Database Properties</h2>';
2569		renderTable($mysql_properties);
2570		$render .= '<h2>Test sending emails</h2>';
2571		if (isset($_REQUEST['email_test_to'])) {
2572			$email = filter_var($_POST['email_test_to'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
2573			$email_test_headers = 'From: noreply@tiki.org' . "\n";	// needs a valid sender
2574			$email_test_headers .= 'Reply-to: ' . $email . "\n";
2575			$email_test_headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n";
2576			$email_test_headers .= 'X-Mailer: Tiki-Check - PHP/' . phpversion() . "\n";
2577			$email_test_subject = tra('Test mail from Tiki Server Compatibility Test');
2578			$email_test_body = tra("Congratulations!\n\nThis server can send emails.\n\n");
2579			$email_test_body .= "\t" . tra('Server:') . ' ' . (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) . "\n";
2580			$email_test_body .= "\t" . tra('Sent:') . ' ' . date(DATE_RFC822) . "\n";
2582			$sentmail = mail($email, $email_test_subject, $email_test_body, $email_test_headers);
2583			if ($sentmail) {
2584				$mail['Sending mail'] = array(
2585					'setting' => 'Accepted',
2586					'fitness' => tra('good'),
2587					'message' => tra('It was possible to send an e-mail. This only means that a mail server accepted the mail for delivery. This check can\;t verify if that server actually delivered the mail. Please check the inbox of ' . htmlspecialchars($email) . ' to see if the mail was delivered.')
2588				);
2589			} else {
2590				$mail['Sending mail'] = array(
2591					'setting' => 'Not accepted',
2592					'fitness' => tra('bad'),
2593					'message' => tra('It was not possible to send an e-mail. It may be that there is no mail server installed on this machine or that it is incorrectly configured. If the local mail server cannot be made to work, a regular mail account can be set up and its SMTP settings configured in tiki-admin.php.')
2594				);
2595			}
2596			renderTable($mail);
2597		} else {
2598			$render .= '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '">';
2599			$render .= '<p><label for="e-mail">e-mail address to send test mail to</label>: <input type="text" id="email_test_to" name="email_test_to" /></p>';
2600			$render .= '<p><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" value=" Send e-mail " /></p>';
2601			$render .= '<p><input type="hidden" id="dbhost" name="dbhost" value="';
2602			if (isset($_POST['dbhost'])) {
2603				$render .= htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['dbhost']));
2604			};
2605				$render .= '" /></p>';
2606				$render .= '<p><input type="hidden" id="dbuser" name="dbuser" value="';
2607			if (isset($_POST['dbuser'])) {
2608				$render .= htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['dbuser']));
2609			};
2610				$render .= '"/></p>';
2611				$render .= '<p><input type="hidden" id="dbpass" name="dbpass" value="';
2612			if (isset($_POST['dbpass'])) {
2613				$render .= htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['dbpass']));
2614			};
2615				$render .= '"/></p>';
2616			$render .= '</form>';
2617		}
2618	}
2620	$render .= '<h2>Server Information</h2>';
2621	renderTable($server_information);
2622	$render .= '<h2>Server Properties</h2>';
2623	renderTable($server_properties);
2624	$render .= '<h2>Apache properties</h2>';
2625	if ($apache_properties) {
2626		renderTable($apache_properties);
2627		if ($apache_server_info != 'nocurl' && $apache_server_info != false) {
2628			if (isset($_REQUEST['apacheinfo']) && $_REQUEST['apacheinfo'] == 'y') {
2629				$render .= $apache_server_info;
2630			} else {
2631				$render .= '<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?apacheinfo=y">Append Apache /server-info;</a>';
2632			}
2633		} elseif ($apache_server_info == 'nocurl') {
2634			$render .= 'You don\'t have the Curl extension in PHP, so we can\'t append Apache\'s server-info.';
2635		} else {
2636			$render .= 'Apparently you have not enabled mod_info in your Apache, so we can\'t append more verbose information to this output.';
2637		}
2638	} else {
2639		$render .= 'You are either not running the preferred Apache web server or you are running PHP with a SAPI that does not allow checking Apache properties (for example, CGI or FPM).';
2640	}
2641	$render .= '<h2>IIS properties</h2>';
2642	if ($iis_properties) {
2643		renderTable($iis_properties);
2644	} else {
2645		$render .= "You are not running IIS web server.";
2646	}
2647	$render .= '<h2>PHP scripting language properties</h2>';
2648	renderTable($php_properties);
2650	$render_sapi_info = '';
2651	if (! empty($php_sapi_info)) {
2652		if (! empty($php_sapi_info['message'])) {
2653			$render_sapi_info .= $php_sapi_info['message'];
2654		}
2655		if (! empty($php_sapi_info['link'])) {
2656			$render_sapi_info .= '<a href="' . $php_sapi_info['link'] . '"> ' . $php_sapi_info['link'] . '</a>';
2657		}
2658		$render_sapi_info = '<p>' . $render_sapi_info . '</p>';
2659	}
2661	$render .= '<p><a name="php_conf_info"></a>Change PHP configuration values:' . $render_sapi_info . ' You can check the full documentation on how to change the configurations values in <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/configuration.php">http://www.php.net/manual/en/configuration.php</a></p>';
2662	$render .= '<h2>PHP security properties</h2>';
2663	renderTable($security);
2664	$render .= '<h2>Tiki Security</h2>';
2665	renderTable($tiki_security);
2666	$render .= '<h2>MySQL Variables</h2>';
2667	renderTable($mysql_variables, 'wrap');
2669	$render .= '<h2>File Gallery Search Indexing</h2>';
2670	$render .= '<em>More info <a href="https://doc.tiki.org/Search+within+files">here</a></em>
2671	';
2672	renderTable($file_handlers);
2674	$render .= '<h2>PHP Info</h2>';
2675	if (isset($_REQUEST['phpinfo']) && $_REQUEST['phpinfo'] == 'y') {
2676		ob_start();
2677		phpinfo();
2678		$info = ob_get_contents();
2679		ob_end_clean();
2680		$info = preg_replace('%^.*<body>(.*)</body>.*$%ms', '$1', $info);
2681		$render .= $info;
2682	} else {
2683		$render .= '<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?phpinfo=y">Append phpinfo();</a>';
2684	}
2686	$render .= '<a name="benchmark"></a><h2>Benchmark PHP/MySQL</h2>';
2687	$render .= '<a href="tiki-check.php?benchmark=run&ts=' . time() . '#benchmark" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Check</a>';
2688	if (! empty($benchmark)) {
2689		renderTable($benchmark);
2690	}
2692	$render .= '<h2>TRIM</h2>';
2693	$render .= '<em>For more detailed information about Tiki Remote Instance Manager please check <a href="https://doc.tiki.org/TRIM">doc.tiki.org</a></em>.';
2694	if ($trimCapable) {
2695		$render .= '<h3>Server Instance</h3>';
2696		renderTable($trimServerRequirements);
2697		$render .= '<h3>Client Instance</h3>';
2698		renderTable($trimClientRequirements);
2699	} else {
2700		$render .= '<p>Apparently Tiki is running on a Windows based server. This feature is not supported natively.</p>';
2701	}
2703	createPage('Tiki Server Compatibility', $render);
2704} elseif ($nagios) {
2705//  0	OK
2706//  1	WARNING
2707//  2	CRITICAL
2708//  3	UNKNOWN
2709	$monitoring_info = array( 'state' => 0,
2710			 'message' => '');
2712	function update_overall_status($check_group, $check_group_name)
2713	{
2714		global $monitoring_info;
2715		$state = 0;
2716		$message = '';
2718		foreach ($check_group as $property => $values) {
2719			if (! isset($values['ack']) || $values['ack'] != true) {
2720				switch ($values['fitness']) {
2721					case 'unsure':
2722						$state = max($state, 1);
2723						$message .= "$property" . "->unsure, ";
2724						break;
2725					case 'risky':
2726						$state = max($state, 1);
2727						$message .= "$property" . "->risky, ";
2728						break;
2729					case 'bad':
2730						$state = max($state, 2);
2731						$message .= "$property" . "->BAD, ";
2732						break;
2733					case 'info':
2734						$state = max($state, 3);
2735						$message .= "$property" . "->info, ";
2736						break;
2737					case 'good':
2738					case 'safe':
2739						break;
2740				}
2741			}
2742		}
2743		$monitoring_info['state'] = max($monitoring_info['state'], $state);
2744		if ($state != 0) {
2745			$monitoring_info['message'] .= $check_group_name . ": " . trim($message, ' ,') . " -- ";
2746		}
2747	}
2749	// Might not be set, i.e. in standalone mode
2750	if ($mysql_properties) {
2751		update_overall_status($mysql_properties, "MySQL");
2752	}
2753	update_overall_status($server_properties, "Server");
2754	if ($apache_properties) {
2755		update_overall_status($apache_properties, "Apache");
2756	}
2757	if ($iis_properties) {
2758		update_overall_status($iis_properties, "IIS");
2759	}
2760	update_overall_status($php_properties, "PHP");
2761	update_overall_status($security, "PHP Security");
2762	update_overall_status($tiki_security, "Tiki Security");
2763	$return = json_encode($monitoring_info);
2764	echo $return;
2765} else {	// not stand-alone
2766	if (isset($_REQUEST['acknowledge']) || empty($last_state)) {
2767		$tiki_check_status = array();
2768		function process_acks(&$check_group, $check_group_name)
2769		{
2770			global $tiki_check_status;
2771			foreach ($check_group as $key => $value) {
2772				$formkey = str_replace(array('.',' '), '_', $key);
2773				if (isset($check_group["$key"]['fitness']) && ($check_group["$key"]['fitness'] === 'good' || $check_group["$key"]['fitness'] === 'safe') ||
2774					(isset($_REQUEST["$formkey"]) && $_REQUEST["$formkey"] === "on")) {
2775					$check_group["$key"]['ack'] = true;
2776				} else {
2777					$check_group["$key"]['ack'] = false;
2778				}
2779			}
2780			$tiki_check_status["$check_group_name"] = $check_group;
2781		}
2782		process_acks($mysql_properties, 'MySQL');
2783		process_acks($server_properties, 'Server');
2784		if ($apache_properties) {
2785			process_acks($apache_properties, "Apache");
2786		}
2787		if ($iis_properties) {
2788			process_acks($iis_properties, "IIS");
2789		}
2790		process_acks($php_properties, "PHP");
2791		process_acks($security, "PHP Security");
2792		$json_tiki_check_status = json_encode($tiki_check_status);
2793		$query = "INSERT INTO tiki_preferences (`name`, `value`) values('tiki_check_status', ? ) on duplicate key update `value`=values(`value`)";
2794		$bindvars = array($json_tiki_check_status);
2795		$result = $tikilib->query($query, $bindvars);
2796	}
2797	$smarty->assign_by_ref('server_information', $server_information);
2798	$smarty->assign_by_ref('server_properties', $server_properties);
2799	$smarty->assign_by_ref('mysql_properties', $mysql_properties);
2800	$smarty->assign_by_ref('php_properties', $php_properties);
2801	$smarty->assign_by_ref('php_sapi_info', $php_sapi_info);
2802	if ($apache_properties) {
2803		$smarty->assign_by_ref('apache_properties', $apache_properties);
2804	} else {
2805		$smarty->assign('no_apache_properties', 'You are either not running the preferred Apache web server or you are running PHP with a SAPI that does not allow checking Apache properties (e.g. CGI or FPM).');
2806	}
2807	if ($iis_properties) {
2808		$smarty->assign_by_ref('iis_properties', $iis_properties);
2809	} else {
2810		$smarty->assign('no_iis_properties', 'You are not running IIS web server.');
2811	}
2812	$smarty->assign_by_ref('security', $security);
2813	$smarty->assign_by_ref('mysql_variables', $mysql_variables);
2814	$smarty->assign_by_ref('mysql_crashed_tables', $mysql_crashed_tables);
2815	if ($prefs['fgal_enable_auto_indexing'] === 'y') {
2816		$smarty->assign_by_ref('file_handlers', $file_handlers);
2817	}
2818	// disallow robots to index page:
2820	$fmap = array(
2821		'good' => array('icon' => 'ok', 'class' => 'success'),
2822		'safe' => array('icon' => 'ok', 'class' => 'success'),
2823		'bad' => array('icon' => 'ban', 'class' => 'danger'),
2824		'unsafe' => array('icon' => 'ban', 'class' => 'danger'),
2825		'risky' => array('icon' => 'warning', 'class' => 'warning'),
2826		'unsure' => array('icon' => 'warning', 'class' => 'warning'),
2827		'info' => array('icon' => 'information', 'class' => 'info'),
2828		'unknown' => array('icon' => 'help', 'class' => 'muted'),
2829	);
2830	$smarty->assign('fmap', $fmap);
2832	if (isset($_REQUEST['bomscanner']) && class_exists('BOMChecker_Scanner')) {
2833		$timeoutLimit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
2834		if ($timeoutLimit < 120) {
2835			set_time_limit(120);
2836		}
2838		$BOMScanner = new BOMChecker_Scanner();
2839		$BOMFiles = $BOMScanner->scan();
2840		$BOMTotalScannedFiles = $BOMScanner->getScannedFiles();
2842		$smarty->assign('bom_total_files_scanned', $BOMTotalScannedFiles);
2843		$smarty->assign('bom_detected_files', $BOMFiles);
2844		$smarty->assign('bomscanner', true);
2845	}
2847	$smarty->assign('trim_capable', $trimCapable);
2848	if ($trimCapable) {
2849		$smarty->assign('trim_server_requirements', $trimServerRequirements);
2850		$smarty->assign('trim_client_requirements', $trimClientRequirements);
2851	}
2853	$smarty->assign('sensitive_data_detected_files', $sensitiveDataDetectedFiles);
2855	$smarty->assign('benchmark', $benchmark);
2856	$smarty->assign('users_with_mcrypt_data', $usersWithMCrypt);
2857	$smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW');
2858	$smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-check.tpl');
2859	$smarty->display('tiki.tpl');
2863 * Check package warnings based on specific nuances of each package
2864 * @param $warnings
2865 * @param $package
2866 */
2867function checkPackageWarnings(&$warnings, $package)
2869	switch ($package['name']) {
2870		case 'media-alchemyst/media-alchemyst':
2871			if (! AlchemyLib::hasReadWritePolicies()) {
2872				$warnings[] = tr(
2873					'Alchemy requires "Read" and "Write" policy rights. More info: <a href="%0" target="_blank">%1</a>',
2874					'https://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Media+Alchemyst#Document_to_Image_issues',
2875					'Media Alchemyst - Document to Image issues'
2876				);
2877			}
2879			break;
2880	}
2884 * Check if paths set in preferences exist in the system, or if classes exist in project/system
2885 *
2886 * @param array $preferences An array with preference key and preference info
2887 *
2888 * @return array An array with warning messages.
2889 */
2890function checkPreferences(array $preferences)
2892	global $prefs;
2894	$warnings = array();
2896	foreach ($preferences as $prefKey => $pref) {
2897		if ($pref['type'] == 'path') {
2898			if (isset($prefs[$prefKey]) && ! file_exists($prefs[$prefKey])) {
2899				$warnings[] = tr("The path '%0' on preference '%1' does not exist", $prefs[$prefKey], $pref['name']);
2900			}
2901		} elseif ($pref['type'] == 'classOptions') {
2902			if (isset($prefs[$prefKey])) {
2903				$options = $pref['options'][$prefs[$prefKey]];
2905				if (! empty($options['classLib']) && ! class_exists($options['classLib'])) {
2906					$warnings[] = tr("The lib '%0' on preference '%1', option '%2' does not exist", $options['classLib'], $pref['name'], $options['name']);
2907				}
2909				if (! empty($options['className']) && ! class_exists($options['className'])) {
2910					$warnings[] = tr("The class '%0' needed for preference '%1', with option '%2' selected, does not exist", $options['className'], $pref['name'], $options['name']);
2911				}
2913				if (! empty($options['extension']) && ! extension_loaded($options['extension'])) {
2914					$warnings[] = tr("The extension '%0' on preference '%1', with option '%2' selected, is not loaded", $options['extension'], $pref['name'], $options['name']);
2915				}
2916			}
2917		}
2918	}
2920	return $warnings;
2924 * Check if a given command can be located in the system
2925 *
2926 * @param $command
2927 * @return bool true if available, false if not.
2928 */
2929function commandIsAvailable($command)
2931	if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
2932		$template = "where %s";
2933	} else {
2934		$template = "command -v %s 2>/dev/null";
2935	}
2937	$returnCode = '';
2938	if (function_exists('exec')) {
2939		exec(sprintf($template, escapeshellarg($command)), $output, $returnCode);
2940	}
2942	return $returnCode === 0 ? true : false;
2946 * Script to benchmark PHP and MySQL
2947 * @see https://github.com/odan/benchmark-php
2948 */
2949class BenchmarkPhp
2951	/**
2952	 * Executes the benchmark and returns an array in the format expected by renderTable
2953	 * @return array Benchmark results
2954	 */
2955	public static function run()
2956	{
2957		set_time_limit(120); // 2 minutes
2959		global $host_tiki, $dbs_tiki, $user_tiki, $pass_tiki;
2961		$options = array();
2963		$options['db.host'] = $host_tiki;
2964		$options['db.user'] = $user_tiki;
2965		$options['db.pw'] = $pass_tiki;
2966		$options['db.name'] = $dbs_tiki;
2968		$benchmarkResult = self::test_benchmark($options);
2970		$benchmark = $benchmarkResult['benchmark'];
2971		if (isset($benchmark['mysql'])) {
2972			foreach ($benchmark['mysql'] as $k => $v) {
2973				$benchmark['mysql.' . $k] = $v;
2974			}
2975			unset($benchmark['mysql']);
2976		}
2977		$benchmark['total'] = $benchmarkResult['total'];
2978		$benchmark = array_map(
2979			function ($v) {
2980				return array('value' => $v);
2981			},
2982			$benchmark
2983		);
2985		return $benchmark;
2986	}
2988	/**
2989	 * Execute the benchmark
2990	 * @param $settings database connection settings
2991	 * @return array Benchmark results
2992	 */
2993	protected static function test_benchmark($settings)
2994	{
2995		$timeStart = microtime(true);
2997		$result = array();
2998		$result['version'] = '1.1';
2999		$result['sysinfo']['time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
3000		$result['sysinfo']['php_version'] = PHP_VERSION;
3001		$result['sysinfo']['platform'] = PHP_OS;
3002		$result['sysinfo']['server_name'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
3003		$result['sysinfo']['server_addr'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
3005		self::test_math($result);
3006		self::test_string($result);
3007		self::test_loops($result);
3008		self::test_ifelse($result);
3009		if (isset($settings['db.host']) && function_exists('mysqli_connect')) {
3010			self::test_mysql($result, $settings);
3011		}
3013		$result['total'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3014		return $result;
3015	}
3017	/**
3018	 * Benchmark the execution of multiple math functions
3019	 * @param $result Benchmark results
3020	 * @param int $count Number of iterations
3021	 */
3022	protected static function test_math(&$result, $count = 99999)
3023	{
3024		$timeStart = microtime(true);
3026		$mathFunctions = array(
3027			"abs",
3028			"acos",
3029			"asin",
3030			"atan",
3031			"bindec",
3032			"floor",
3033			"exp",
3034			"sin",
3035			"tan",
3036			"pi",
3037			"is_finite",
3038			"is_nan",
3039			"sqrt",
3040		);
3041		for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
3042			foreach ($mathFunctions as $function) {
3043				call_user_func_array($function, array($i));
3044			}
3045		}
3046		$result['benchmark']['math'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3047	}
3049	/**
3050	 * Benchmark the execution of multiple string functions
3051	 * @param $result Benchmark results
3052	 * @param int $count Number of iterations
3053	 */
3054	protected static function test_string(&$result, $count = 99999)
3055	{
3056		$timeStart = microtime(true);
3057		$stringFunctions = array(
3058			"addslashes",
3059			"chunk_split",
3060			"metaphone",
3061			"strip_tags",
3062			"md5",
3063			"sha1",
3064			"strtoupper",
3065			"strtolower",
3066			"strrev",
3067			"strlen",
3068			"soundex",
3069			"ord",
3070		);
3072		$string = 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
3073		for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
3074			foreach ($stringFunctions as $function) {
3075				call_user_func_array($function, array($string));
3076			}
3077		}
3078		$result['benchmark']['string'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3079	}
3081	/**
3082	 * Benchmark the execution of loops
3083	 * @param $result Benchmark results
3084	 * @param int $count Number of iterations
3085	 */
3086	protected static function test_loops(&$result, $count = 999999)
3087	{
3088		$timeStart = microtime(true);
3089		for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
3090		}
3091		$i = 0;
3092		while ($i < $count) {
3093			++$i;
3094		}
3095		$result['benchmark']['loops'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3096	}
3098	/**
3099	 * Benchmark the execution of conditional operators
3100	 * @param $result Benchmark results
3101	 * @param int $count Number of iterations
3102	 */
3103	protected static function test_ifelse(&$result, $count = 999999)
3104	{
3105		$timeStart = microtime(true);
3106		for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
3107			if ($i == -1) {
3108			} elseif ($i == -2) {
3109			} else {
3110				if ($i == -3) {
3111				}
3112			}
3113		}
3114		$result['benchmark']['ifelse'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3115	}
3117	/**
3118	 * Benchmark MySQL operations
3119	 * @param $result Benchmark results
3120	 * @param $settings MySQL connection information
3121	 * @return array
3122	 */
3123	protected static function test_mysql(&$result, $settings)
3124	{
3125		$timeStart = microtime(true);
3127		$link = mysqli_connect($settings['db.host'], $settings['db.user'], $settings['db.pw']);
3128		$result['benchmark']['mysql']['connect'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3130		mysqli_select_db($link, $settings['db.name']);
3131		$result['benchmark']['mysql']['select_db'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3133		$dbResult = mysqli_query($link, 'SELECT VERSION() as version;');
3134		$arr_row = mysqli_fetch_array($dbResult);
3135		$result['sysinfo']['mysql_version'] = $arr_row['version'];
3136		$result['benchmark']['mysql']['query_version'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3138		$query = "SELECT BENCHMARK(1000000,ENCODE('hello',RAND()));";
3139		$dbResult = mysqli_query($link, $query);
3140		$result['benchmark']['mysql']['query_benchmark'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3142		mysqli_close($link);
3144		$result['benchmark']['mysql']['total'] = self::timer_diff($timeStart);
3145		return $result;
3146	}
3148	/**
3149	 * Helper to calculate time elapsed
3150	 * @param $timeStart time to compare against now
3151	 * @return string time elapsed
3152	 */
3153	protected static function timer_diff($timeStart)
3154	{
3155		return number_format(microtime(true) - $timeStart, 3);
3156	}
3160 * Identify files, like backup copies made by editors, or manual copies of the local.php files,
3161 * that may be accessed remotely and, because they are not interpreted as PHP, may expose the source,
3162 * which might contain credentials or other sensitive information.
3163 * Ref: http://feross.org/cmsploit/
3164 *
3165 * @param array $files Array of filenames. Suspicious files will be added to this array.
3166 * @param string $sourceDir Path of the directory to check
3167 */
3168function check_for_remote_readable_files(array &$files, $sourceDir = 'db')
3170	//fix dir slash
3171	$sourceDir = str_replace('\\', '/', $sourceDir);
3173	if (substr($sourceDir, -1, 1) != '/') {
3174		$sourceDir .= '/';
3175	}
3177	if (! is_dir($sourceDir)) {
3178		return;
3179	}
3181	$sourceDirHandler = opendir($sourceDir);
3183	if ($sourceDirHandler === false) {
3184		return;
3185	}
3187	while ($file = readdir($sourceDirHandler)) {
3188		// Skip ".", ".."
3189		if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
3190			continue;
3191		}
3193		$sourceFilePath = $sourceDir . $file;
3195		if (is_dir($sourceFilePath)) {
3196			check_for_remote_readable_files($files, $sourceFilePath);
3197		}
3199		if (! is_file($sourceFilePath)) {
3200			continue;
3201		}
3203		$pattern = '/(^#.*#|~|.sw[op])$/';
3204		preg_match($pattern, $file, $matches);
3206		if (! empty($matches[1])) {
3207			$files[] = $file;
3208			continue;
3209		}
3211		// Match "local.php.bak", "local.php.bck", "local.php.save", "local.php." or "local.txt", for example
3212		$pattern = '/local(?!.*[.]php$).*$/'; // The negative lookahead prevents local.php and other files which will be interpreted as PHP from matching.
3213		preg_match($pattern, $file, $matches);
3215		if (! empty($matches[0])) {
3216			$files[] = $file;
3217			continue;
3218		}
3219	}
3222function check_isIIS()
3224	static $IIS;
3225	// Sample value Microsoft-IIS/7.5
3226	if (! isset($IIS) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) {
3227		$IIS = substr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 0, 13) == 'Microsoft-IIS';
3228	}
3229	return $IIS;
3232function check_hasIIS_UrlRewriteModule()
3234	return isset($_SERVER['IIS_UrlRewriteModule']) == true;
3238 * Returns the number of users with data preferences encrypted with mcrypt
3239 * @return bool|int|mixed
3240 */
3241function check_userPreferencesMCrypt()
3243	global $tikilib;
3245	$query = 'SELECT count(DISTINCT user) FROM `tiki_user_preferences` WHERE `prefName` like \'dp.%\'';
3246	return $tikilib->getOne($query);
3249function get_content_from_url($url)
3251	if (function_exists('curl_init') && function_exists('curl_exec')) {
3252		$curl = curl_init();
3253		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
3254		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
3255		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
3256		if (isset($_SERVER) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
3257			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ":" . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']);
3258		}
3259		$content = curl_exec($curl);
3260		$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
3261		if ($http_code != 200) {
3262			$content = "fail-http-" . $http_code;
3263		}
3264		curl_close($curl);
3265	} else {
3266		$content = "fail-no-request-done";
3267	}
3268	return $content;
3271function createPage($title, $content)
3273	echo <<<END
3274<!DOCTYPE html>
3276	<head>
3277		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
3278		<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//dev.tiki.org/vendor/twitter/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css" />
3279		<title>$title</title>
3280		<style type="text/css">
3281			table { border-collapse: collapse;}
3282			#middle {  margin: 0 auto; }
3283			.button {
3284				border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
3285				font-size: 12.05px;
3286				font-weight: bold;
3287				padding: 2px 4px 3px;
3288				text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
3289				color: #FFF;
3290				text-transform: uppercase;
3291			}
3292			.unsure {background: #f89406;}
3293			.bad, .risky { background-color: #bd362f;}
3294			.good, .safe { background-color: #5bb75b;}
3295			.info {background-color: #2f96b4;}
3296//			h1 { border-bottom: 1px solid #DADADA; color: #7e7363; }
3297		</style>
3298	</head>
3299	<body class="tiki_wiki ">
3300	<div id="fixedwidth" >
3301		<div class="header_outer">
3302			<div class="header_container">
3303				<div class="clearfix ">
3304					<header id="header" class="header">
3305					<div class="content clearfix modules" id="top_modules" style="min-height: 168px;">
3306						<div class="sitelogo" style="float: left">
3308	echo tikiLogo();
3309							echo <<< END
3310						</div>
3311						<div class="sitetitles" style="float: left;">
3312							<div class="sitetitle" style="font-size: 42px;">$title</div>
3313						</div>
3314					</div>
3315					</header>
3316				</div>
3317			</div>
3318		</div>
3319		<div class="middle_outer">
3320			<div id="middle" >
3321				<div class="topbar clearfix">
3322					<h1 style="font-size: 30px; line-height: 30px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 3px 2px 0 #781437; margin: 8px 0 0 10px; padding: 0;">
3323					</h1>
3324				</div>
3325			</div>
3326			<div id="middle" >
3327				$content
3328			</div>
3329		</div>
3330	</div>
3331	<footer id="footer" class="footer" style="margin-top: 50px;">
3332	<div class="footer_liner">
3333		<div class="footerbgtrap" style="padding: 10px 0;">
3334			<a href="http://tiki.org" target="_blank" title="Powered by Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware">
3336	echo tikiButton();
3337	echo <<< END
3338				<img src="img/tiki/tikibutton.png" alt="Powered by Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware" />
3339			</a>
3340		</div>
3341	</div>
3344	</body>
3347	die;
3350function tikiLogo()
3352	return '<img alt="Tiki Logo" src="%3D" />';
3355function tikiButton()
3357	return '<img alt="tikibutton" src="%3D%3D"';
3360function no_cache_found()
3362	global $php_properties;
3364	if (check_isIIS()) {
3365		$php_properties['ByteCode Cache'] = array(
3366			'fitness' => tra('info'),
3367			'setting' => 'N/A',
3368			'message' => tra('Neither APC, WinCache nor xCache is being used as the ByteCode Cache; if one of these were used and correctly configured, performance would be increased. See Admin->Performance in the Tiki for more details.')
3369		);
3370	} else {
3371		$php_properties['ByteCode Cache'] = array(
3372			'fitness' => tra('info'),
3373			'setting' => 'N/A',
3374			'message' => tra('Neither APC, xCache, nor OPcache is being used as the ByteCode Cache; if one of these were used and correctly configured, performance would be increased. See Admin->Performance in the Tiki for more details.')
3375		);
3376	}