1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<component type="inputmethod">
3  <id>org.freedesktop.ibus.engine.typing_booster</id>
4  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
5  <name>Typing Booster</name>
6  <summary>Predictive input method</summary>
7  <description>
8    <p>
9      Ibus-typing-booster is a predictive input method and predicts
10      complete words based on context and partial input.  One can then
11      simply select the desired word from a list of suggestions and
12      improve one’s typing speed and spelling.
13    </p>
14  </description>
15  <project_license>GPL-3.0+</project_license>
16  <developer_name>Mike FABIAN</developer_name>
17  <update_contact>mfabian@redhat.com</update_contact>
18  <url type="homepage">https://mike-fabian.github.io/ibus-typing-booster/</url>
19  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues</url>
20  <url type="help">https://mike-fabian.github.io/ibus-typing-booster/documentation.html</url>
21  <releases>
22    <release version="2.15.11" date="2021-11-29" urgency="medium">
23      <description>
24        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
25      </description>
26      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.15.11</url>
27      <issues>
28        <issue>
29          Use @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) decorator for
30          remove_accents (Makes everything 30%-40% faster)
31        </issue>
32        <issue>
33          Add sorting option to tabstatistics
34        </issue>
35      </issues>
36    </release>
37    <release version="2.15.7" date="2021-11-23" urgency="medium">
38      <description>
39        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
40      </description>
41      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.15.7</url>
42      <issues>
43        <issue>
44           Convert user database context to lower case and accents
45           removed while reading training data
46        </issue>
47        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/256">
48          github-issues#256: Make the context in the database case
49          insensitive and accent insensitive
50        </issue>
51        <issue>
52          Test cases for the sqlite database
53        </issue>
54        <issue>
55          Allow cleanup_database() to cleanup an in memory database
56          when doing unit tests
57        </issue>
58        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/255">
59          github-issues#255: Allow only lower case user shortcuts
60        </issue>
61        <issue>
62          Add function to return number of rows in the database for debugging and testing
63        </issue>
64        <issue>
65          Allow to read training data from file when database is
66          empty, allow reading from .gz files
67        </issue>
68      </issues>
69    </release>
70    <release version="2.15.3" date="2021-11-19" urgency="medium">
71      <description>
72        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
73      </description>
74      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.15.3</url>
75      <issues>
76        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/253">
77          github-issues#253: Title case all candidates if input_phrase
78          is in title case
79        </issue>
80      </issues>
81    </release>
82    <release version="2.15.0" date="2021-11-16" urgency="medium">
83      <description>
84        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
85      </description>
86      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.15.0</url>
87      <issues>
88        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/251">
89          github-issues#251: Make matching in the database case
90          insensitive
91        </issue>
92        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/252">
93          github-issues#252: Remove accents for “input_phrase” when
94          learning from a text file
95        </issue>
96        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/251">
97          github-issues#251: Make matching in dictionaries case
98          insensitive.
99        </issue>
100        <issue>
101          When learning data from a text file, don’t put timestamp to
102          “now” for changed and new rows: For new entries use a
103          timestamp in the time range of the existing database. Don’t
104          change the timestamp of existing entries at all
105        </issue>
106        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/239">
107          github-issues#239: Cleanup user database when Typing Booster starts.
108          Also use the sqlite3 “VACUUM” command to rebuild the database
109          file, repacking it into a minimal amount of disk space
110        </issue>
111        <issue>
112          Add tabstatistics.py, command line tool to display some
113          information about the database contents
114        </issue>
115        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/250">
116          github-issues#250: Use python3-pycountry as a fallback to
117          langtable
118        </issue>
119      </issues>
120    </release>
121    <release version="2.14.13" date="2021-09-29" urgency="medium">
122      <description>
123        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
124      </description>
125      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.14.13</url>
126      <issues>
127        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/244">
128          github-issues#244: Skip emoji tests which rely on the
129          enchant results if enchants results changed
130        </issue>
131        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/245">
132          Make it possible to remove unwanted compose sequences by
133          using an empty replacement text
134        </issue>
135        <issue>
136          The ��‍☠️ “pirate flag” needs a U+FE0F after the final
137          character to be fully qualified
138        </issue>
139        <issue>
140          Update data files for Unicode 14.0.0
141        </issue>
142      </issues>
143    </release>
144    <release version="2.14.12" date="2021-09-14" urgency="medium">
145      <description>
146        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
147      </description>
148      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.14.12</url>
149      <issues>
150        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/243">
151          github-issues#243: Add 'G-_' to 'G- ' as exceptions which
152          must not trigger commits but insert into the preedit
153        </issue>
154        <issue>
155          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
156        </issue>
157      </issues>
158    </release>
159    <release version="2.14.10" date="2021-09-02" urgency="medium">
160      <description>
161        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
162      </description>
163      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.14.10</url>
164      <issues>
165        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/238">
166          github-issues#238: Fix “Inconsistency when typing digits in Compose”
167        </issue>
168        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/237">
169          github-issues#237: Fix “Toggling input mode on/off does not
170          work when a compose sequence is in progress”
171        </issue>
172        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/236">
173          github-issues#236: Toggling input mode off should not throw
174          away the current input
175        </issue>
176      </issues>
177    </release>
178    <release version="2.14.8" date="2021-08-30" urgency="medium">
179      <description>
180        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
181      </description>
182      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.14.8</url>
183      <issues>
184        <issue>
185          Translation update from Weblate (ca, es, it updated)
186        </issue>
187        <issue>
188           Update emoji annotations from CLDR
189        </issue>
190        <issue>
191          Add IBus.KEY_KP_Decimal and IBus.KEY_period as a
192          normal/keypad equivalence pair
193        </issue>
194        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/234">
195          get_string_from_lookup_table_cursor_pos() should return the
196          string in NFC
197        </issue>
198        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1995955">
199          If an exception happens when trying to play a sound, catch it.
200        </issue>
201        <issue>
202          Change default input method for pa from “pa-inscript2” to
203          “pa-inscript2-guru” (Has been changed that way from
204          m17n-db-1.8.0-20.fc34.noarch to
205          m17n-db-1.8.0-21.fc34.noarch, inscript2-20210812.tar.gz to
206          inscript2-20210820.tar.gz, because the icon file was not
207          found.
208        </issue>
209        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/230">
210          github-issues#230: Make appearance tab narrower if possible
211          (helps especially for the French translations)
212        </issue>
213        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/229">
214          github-issues#229: Spellchecking the preëdit should only
215          spellcheck the part of the preedit which is a word
216        </issue>
217      </issues>
218    </release>
219    <release version="2.14.4" date="2021-08-22" urgency="medium">
220      <description>
221        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
222      </description>
223      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.14.4</url>
224      <issues>
225        <issue>
226          Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, sv, tr, uk updated to 100%, si new)
227        </issue>
228        <issue>
229          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
230        </issue>
231        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/223">
232          github-issues#223: Treat typing space within a preedit
233          similar to typing Return within a preedit
234        </issue>
235        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/227">
236          github-issues#227: When a key triggers a commit while no
237          candidate is selected, the cursor should **always** be
238          corrected leftwards
239        </issue>
240        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/226">
241          github-issues#226: When committing with Return inside a
242          preedit, database recording and pushed context is wrong
243        </issue>
244        <issue>
245          Fix a typo which caused “\n” to be committed where “\t”
246          should have been committed.
247        </issue>
248        <issue>
249          Remove spaces in lookup representation of compose
250          completions
251        </issue>
252        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/224">
253          github-issues#224: If a keypad key makes compose sequence
254          invalid, try sequence with regular keys instead (And the
255          other way round)
256        </issue>
257        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/222">
258          github-issues#222: Make typing Return or KP_Enter inside a
259          preedit more reliable
260        </issue>
261        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/213">
262          github-issues#213: Show input method icons in the setup tool
263          if an icon is available
264        </issue>
265        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/212">
266          github-issues#212: Rename option “Arrow keys can reopen a
267          preedit” to “Enable reopening preedits”
268        </issue>
269      </issues>
270    </release>
271    <release version="2.14.0" date="2021-08-12" urgency="medium">
272      <description>
273        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
274      </description>
275      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.14.0</url>
276      <issues>
277        <issue>
278          Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, sv, tr, uk updated to 100%)
279        </issue>
280        <issue>
281          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
282        </issue>
283        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/209">
284          github-issues#209: Improve code to determine the default
285          dictionaries and input methods for the current locale
286        </issue>
287        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/210">
288          github-issues#210: Improve behaviour of key combinations
289          which normally select text when a preëdit is open
290        </issue>
291        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/208">
292          github-issues#208: Show possible compose completions on
293          request
294        </issue>
295        <issue>
296          When setting self._input_mode to False (direct input), set
297          self._hide_input to False as well
298        </issue>
299        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/204">
300          github-issues#204: Never mix context from surrounding text
301          with remembered context
302        </issue>
303        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/200">
304          github-issues#200: Rename the option “Use a workaround for a bug in Qt im
305          module” to “Avoid using the forward_key_event() function”
306        </issue>
307        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/199">
308          github-issues#199: Handle End, Home, KP_End, KP_Home also as
309          commit trigger keys. For normal preedits *and* for compose
310          preedits.
311        </issue>
312        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/198">
313          github-issues#198: Improve typing space or Tab when the
314          cursor is not at the end of the preedit
315        </issue>
316        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/196">
317          github-issues#196: Completly new implementation of reopening
318          the preedit on arrow-keys, BackSpace and Delete. Should be
319          much more reliable.
320        </issue>
321        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/178">
322          github-issues#178: Special handling of Left and BackSpace
323          when a candidate is manually selected
324        </issue>
325      </issues>
326    </release>
327    <release version="2.13.1" date="2021-08-02" urgency="medium">
328      <description>
329        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
330      </description>
331      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.13.1</url>
332      <issues>
333        <issue>
334          Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, tr, uk updated to 100%)
335        </issue>
336        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/178">
337          github-issues#178: Don’t skip reopening a preëdit when NumLock is on
338        </issue>
339        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/190">
340          github-issues#190: Make searching for the “Others” input
341          methods possible in the language of the current locale.
342        </issue>
343        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/189">
344          github-issues#189: Don’t loop over the missing dictionaries
345          when installing, install all in one go
346        </issue>
347        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/188">
348          github-issues#188: When adding an input method, searching
349          for localized language names, endonyms, and English language
350          names should work
351        </issue>
352        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/187">
353          github-issues#187: When adding a dictionary, searching for
354          the language endonym should always work
355        </issue>
356      </issues>
357    </release>
358    <release version="2.13.0" date="2021-07-31" urgency="medium">
359      <description>
360        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
361      </description>
362      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.13.0</url>
363      <issues>
364        <issue>
365          Translation update from Weblate (de, tr, uk updated to 100%)
366        </issue>
367        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/182">
368          Use colour for the compose part of preedit
369        </issue>
370        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/180">
371          When a compose sequence becomes invalid, don’t throw it away
372        </issue>
373        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/179">
374          Cancelling a compose sequence should not beep
375        </issue>
376        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/181">
377          Don’t spell check the preedit while a compose sequence is in progress
378        </issue>
379      </issues>
380    </release>
381    <release version="2.12.1" date="2021-07-28" urgency="medium">
382      <description>
383        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
384      </description>
385      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.12.1</url>
386      <issues>
387        <issue>
388          Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, tr, uk all
389          updated to 100%)
390        </issue>
391        <issue>
392          Fix typo in translatable message (Thanks to Yuri Chornoivan)
393        </issue>
394        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/175">
395          github-issues#175: Starting a compose sequence while a
396          candidate is selected should append to the selection
397        </issue>
398        <issue>
399          Add a few more combining chars for dead keys to the list
400          (Thanks to Matthias Clasen)
401        </issue>
402        <issue>
403          Reduce grid row spacing from 10 to 5 in the setup tool
404        </issue>
405      </issues>
406    </release>
407    <release version="2.12.0" date="2021-07-27" urgency="medium">
408      <description>
409        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
410      </description>
411      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.12.0</url>
412      <issues>
413        <issue>
414          Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, tr, uk all
415          updated to 100%)
416        </issue>
417        <issue url="https://github.com/ibus/ibus/commit/3e2609e68c9107ce7c65e2d5876bfdc9f0f8c854">
418          Use the dead keys added recently to ibus as soon as they
419          become available by an ibus update
420        </issue>
421        <issue>
422          Make Compose preedit less intrusive, show compose key only
423          in the middle of the sequence or when it is the only key so
424          far
425        </issue>
426        <issue>
427          Use · U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT instead of ⎄ U+2384 COMPOSITION
428          SYMBOL to display Multi_key in pre-edit.
429        </issue>
430        <issue>
431          Add an option to play a sound on error (for example invalid
432          compose sequence)
433        </issue>
434        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/170">
435          github-issues#170: Don’t include the system compose files unconditionally if a
436          user compose file exists
437        </issue>
438        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/169">
439          github-issues#169: Add option to choose whether to start up
440          in direct input mode
441        </issue>
442        <issue url="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Enhanced_Inscript_as_default_Indic_IM">
443          Change default input methods for Indian locales to inscript2
444        </issue>
445      </issues>
446    </release>
447    <release version="2.11.5" date="2021-06-21" urgency="medium">
448      <description>
449        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
450      </description>
451      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.11.5</url>
452      <issues>
453        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1970626">
454          Ensure enum.Flag's obj._value_ is an integer (Makes it work
455          for Python 3.10, thanks to Miro Hrončok)
456        </issue>
457        <issue url="https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0632/">
458          Use version.parse from packaging instead of LooseVersion
459          from distutils.version (Fixes “DeprecationWarning: The
460          distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in
461          Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential
462          alternatives”)
463        </issue>
464        <issue>
465          Update py-compile to the version from automake-1.16 (To fix
466          DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour
467          of importlib and slated for removal in Python 3.12;)
468        </issue>
469      </issues>
470    </release>
471    <release version="2.11.4" date="2021-04-29" urgency="medium">
472      <description>
473        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
474      </description>
475      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.11.4</url>
476      <issues>
477        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1711646">
478          In main.py “import factory” only when the --xml option is not used
479        </issue>
480        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/167">
481          Limit the “capitalize” case mode used in auto-capitalization
482          to the first index in a string
483        </issue>
484      </issues>
485    </release>
486    <release version="2.11.2" date="2021-03-14" urgency="medium">
487      <description>
488        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
489      </description>
490      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.11.2</url>
491      <issues>
492        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/164">
493          Improve the handling of typing digits into the preedit
494        </issue>
495        <issue>
496          Make the keybindings treeview also sortable by clicking the
497          column headers
498        </issue>
499        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/163">
500          Make custom shortcut treeview sortable by clicking on the
501          column headers
502        </issue>
503        <issue>
504          Don’t use surrounding text if InputPurpose.TERMINAL is set
505        </issue>
506      </issues>
507    </release>
508    <release version="2.11.0" date="2021-03-11" urgency="medium">
509      <description>
510        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
511      </description>
512      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.11.0</url>
513      <issues>
514        <issue>
515          Use sensitivity feature of buttons in the setup tool tab
516          where shortcuts are defined
517        </issue>
518        <issue>
519          Don’t let dialog action area of setup tool expand.
520        </issue>
521        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/158">
522          Improve the setup tool to make it possible to enter
523          multi-line expansions of shortcuts
524        </issue>
525        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/158">
526          Elide extremely long candidates in the lookup table in the
527          middle
528        </issue>
529        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/158">
530          If a candidate contains newlines, replace the newlines with
531          arrows in the lookup table
532        </issue>
533        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/158#issuecomment-794233274">
534          If a commit string contains new-lines, commit it in several
535          chunks and forward Return between the chunks.
536        </issue>
537        <issue>
538          Remove deprecated bind_textdomain_codeset(DOMAINNAME,
539          "UTF-8")
540        </issue>
541        <issue>
542          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
543        </issue>
544        <issue>
545          Put the remote icon back in emoji-picker.appdata.xml, it was
546          a false positive by appstreamcli
547        </issue>
548        <issue>
549          Translation update from Weblate (pt_PT updated, 100%
550          complete now)
551        </issue>
552        <issue>
553          Skip the inscript2 test cases if these transliterations are
554          not available.
555        </issue>
556      </issues>
557    </release>
558    <release version="2.10.5" date="2021-02-17" urgency="medium">
559      <description>
560        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
561      </description>
562      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.10.5</url>
563      <issues>
564        <issue>
565          Run the voikko tests only for libvoikko version >= 4.3
566        </issue>
567        <issue>
568          Adapt voikko test cases to the newest voikko version
569          libvoikko-4.3-3, python3-libvoikko-4.3-3, voikko-fi-2.4-3
570        </issue>
571        <issue>
572          Log a warning when language is “fi” and “import libvoikko”
573          failed
574        </issue>
575        <issue>
576          Return an empty list [] in spellcheck_suggest_voikko() when
577          libvoikko was not imported
578        </issue>
579        <issue>
580          Remove icon in emoji-picker.appdata.xml (to avoid warnings
581          from appstream-util and appstreamcli).
582        </issue>
583        <issue url="https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/CLDR-2698">
584          Update emoji annotations from CLDR, switching “no” and “nb”.
585        </issue>
586      </issues>
587    </release>
588    <release version="2.10.4" date="2021-02-02" urgency="medium">
589      <description>
590        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
591      </description>
592      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.10.4</url>
593      <issues>
594        <issue>
595          Use “from unittest import mock” instead of just “import mock”.
596        </issue>
597        <issue>
598          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
599        </issue>
600        <issue>
601          Translation update from Weblate for zh_CN (still 100% complete)
602        </issue>
603      </issues>
604    </release>
605    <release version="2.10.3" date="2021-01-24" urgency="medium">
606      <description>
607        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
608      </description>
609      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.10.3</url>
610      <issues>
611        <issue>
612          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
613        </issue>
614        <issue>
615          Translation update from Weblate for ja, zh_CN (zh_CN is 100% complete now)
616        </issue>
617      </issues>
618    </release>
619    <release version="2.10.2" date="2020-12-17" urgency="medium">
620      <description>
621        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
622      </description>
623      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.10.2</url>
624      <issues>
625        <issue>
626          Add vi-telex to the default input methods for vi_VN locale
627        </issue>
628        <issue>
629          Enable Unicode 13.1 Emoji in emoji-picker by default
630        </issue>
631        <issue>
632          Update emoji data to Unicode 13.1
633        </issue>
634        <issue>
635          Translation update from Weblate for zh_CN
636        </issue>
637      </issues>
638    </release>
639    <release version="2.10.1" date="2020-11-10" urgency="medium">
640      <description>
641        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
642      </description>
643      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.10.1</url>
644      <issues>
645        <issue>
647        </issue>
648        <issue>
649          Add utility to manually test input purpose and input
650        </issue>
651        <issue>
652          Improve handling of input purpose and input hints
653        </issue>
654        <issue>
655          Add compatibility enum classes InputPurpose and InputHints
656        </issue>
657        <issue>
658          Add type hints
659        </issue>
660        <issue>
661          Change default for emoji_unicode_min to 0.0 (fixes emoji
662          omitted from browsing in emoji-picker)
663        </issue>
664      </issues>
665    </release>
666    <release version="2.10.0" date="2020-10-19" urgency="medium">
667      <description>
668        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
669      </description>
670      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.10.0</url>
671      <issues>
672        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/96">
673          github-issues#96: Add option to automatically capitalize after punctuation
674        </issue>
675        <issue>
676          Don't record in user database when stripped_input_phrase or
677          stripped_commit_phrase are emty
678        </issue>
679        <issue>
680          When interactively deleting a candidate from the user
681          database, remove all case modes
682        </issue>
683        <issue>
684          Add 4 more characters ÞĦŊŦ to get special treatment in
685          remove_accents()
686        </issue>
687        <issue>
688          Translation update form Weblate for ca, es, fr, it, ja, nl, sv
689        </issue>
690      </issues>
691    </release>
692    <release version="2.9.9" date="2020-10-08" urgency="medium">
693      <description>
694        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
695      </description>
696      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.9</url>
697      <issues>
698        <issue>
699          Fix typo in variable name in do_reset()
700        </issue>
701        <issue>
702          KP_Delete should be handled the same way as Delete
703        </issue>
704        <issue>
705          Translation update form Weblate for de, he, pl, tr, uk
706        </issue>
707      </issues>
708    </release>
709    <release version="2.9.8" date="2020-10-06" urgency="medium">
710      <description>
711        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
712      </description>
713      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.8</url>
714      <issues>
715        <issue>
716          Prevent also Delete from reopening a preedit when the option
717          “Arrow keys can reopen a preedit” is off
718        </issue>
719        <issue>
720          When the input is empty, Escape should be passed through,
721          not inserted into the preedit
722        </issue>
723        <issue>
724          Fix itb_util.tokenize(): if the input is only whitespace,
725          the return should be an empty list
726        </issue>
727        <issue>
728          Don’t clear context after typing Return, KP_Enter, ISO_Enter
729        </issue>
730        <issue>
731          Improve behaviour of case modes
732        </issue>
733        <issue>
734          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
735        </issue>
736      </issues>
737    </release>
738    <release version="2.9.7" date="2020-09-04" urgency="medium">
739      <description>
740        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
741      </description>
742      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.7</url>
743      <issues>
744        <issue>
745          Add commands “next_case_mode” and “previous_case_mode” with
746          configurable key bindings
747        </issue>
748        <issue>
749          Better hot key handling for modifier keys like Shift_L, …
750        </issue>
751        <issue>
752          Use labels 1, 2, 3, … for the lookup table instead of 1., 2., 3., …
753        </issue>
754        <issue>
755          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
756        </issue>
757      </issues>
758    </release>
759    <release version="2.9.6" date="2020-08-27" urgency="medium">
760      <description>
761        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
762      </description>
763      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.6</url>
764      <issues>
765        <issue>
766          Make translations of 'Edit key bindings for command “%s”' work
767        </issue>
768        <issue>
769          Don't hide emoji-picker.desktop from AppStream (by Gunnar
770          Hjalmarsson)
771        </issue>
772        <issue>
773          Translation update from Weblate for pt_BR, sv (100%)
774        </issue>
775      </issues>
776    </release>
777    <release version="2.9.5" date="2020-08-05" urgency="medium">
778      <description>
779        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
780      </description>
781      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.5</url>
782      <issues>
783        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/126">
784          github-issues#126: Treat characters 'ÅåÄäÖö' as special when
785          matching in the Swedish dictionary
786        </issue>
787        <issue>
788          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
789        </issue>
790        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/122">
791          github-issues#122: AppStream tweaks by Gunnar Hjalmarsson
792        </issue>
793        <issue>
794          Translation update from Weblate for ca, de, es, sv
795        </issue>
796      </issues>
797    </release>
798    <release version="2.9.4" date="2020-07-14" urgency="medium">
799      <description>
800        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
801      </description>
802      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.4</url>
803      <issues>
804        <issue>
805          Add emoji-picker.appdata.xml
806        </issue>
807        <issue>
808          Fix warnings and errors in typing-booster.appdata.xml
809        </issue>
810        <issue>
811          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
812        </issue>
813        <issue>
814          Support %S expansion in include statements in compose files
815        </issue>
816        <issue>
817          Translation update from Weblate for fr, he, hu, zh_CN
818        </issue>
819      </issues>
820    </release>
821    <release version="2.9.3" date="2020-06-22" urgency="medium">
822      <description>
823        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
824      </description>
825      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.3</url>
826      <issues>
827        <issue>
828          Translation updates from Weblate for he
829        </issue>
830        <issue>
831          Fix wrong indentation of push_context() in _commit_string()
832        </issue>
833      </issues>
834    </release>
835    <release version="2.9.2" date="2020-06-07" urgency="medium">
836      <description>
837        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
838      </description>
839      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.2</url>
840      <issues>
841        <issue>
842          Translation updates from Weblate for es
843        </issue>
844        <issue>
845          Ignore invalid compose sequences when reading compose files
846        </issue>
847        <issue>
848          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
849        </issue>
850      </issues>
851    </release>
852    <release version="2.9.1" date="2020-05-27" urgency="medium">
853      <description>
854        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
855      </description>
856      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.1</url>
857      <issues>
858        <issue>
859          Translation updates from Weblate for fr, nl, zh_TW
860        </issue>
861        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/107">
862          github-issue#107: Make keyboard shortcuts like Control+a work on
863          non-ASCII keyboard layouts
864        </issue>
865        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/109">
866          github-issue#109: Fix broken adding of key bindings
867        </issue>
868      </issues>
869    </release>
870    <release version="2.9.0" date="2020-05-20" urgency="medium">
871      <description>
872        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
873      </description>
874      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.9.0</url>
875      <issues>
876        <issue>
877          Translation updates from Weblate for de, ja, pl, tr, uk, zh_CN
878        </issue>
879        <issue>
880          Update ibus-typing-booster.pot (Some new translatable
881          strings, tooltips for 2 new buttons)
882        </issue>
883        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/94">
884          github-issue#94: Improve matching of keybindings, consider
885          IBus.ModifierType.MODIFIER_MASK
886        </issue>
887        <issue>
888          Show the list of dictionaries in the setup tool only if it
889          is more than just ['None']
890        </issue>
891        <issue>
892          If a real dictionary is added in the setup tool, remove
893          dummy dictionary 'None'.
894        </issue>
895        <issue>
896          Add black flag for the special dummy dictionary 'None'
897        </issue>
898        <issue>
899          Add doctests to check that the special dictionary 'None'
900          is handled correctly
901        </issue>
902        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/98">
903          github-issue#98: When the list of imes or dictionaries is emptied by the
904          user, set it to 'NoIME' or 'None'
905        </issue>
906        <issue>
907          Add "Set to default" buttons for the list of input methods
908          and dictionaries
909        </issue>
910        <issue>
911          Remove the special candidate which is shown when a
912          dictionary is missing
913        </issue>
914      </issues>
915    </release>
916    <release version="2.8.3" date="2020-05-14" urgency="medium">
917      <description>
918        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
919      </description>
920      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.8.3</url>
921      <issues>
922        <issue>
923          Save default dictionaries and input methods when making
924          the lists empty in the setup tool
925        </issue>
926        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/93">
927          github-issue#93: Fix reading “include” instructions in Compose files and
928          observe XCOMPOSEFILE
929        </issue>
930        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/97">
931          github-issue#97: Fix right-to-left detection for LC_MESSAGES=C
932        </issue>
933        <issue>
934          GUI tests added thanks to Takao Fujiwara
935        </issue>
936        <issue>
937          Update UnicodeData.txt to Unicode 13.0.0
938        </issue>
939        <issue>
940          Translation updates from Weblate for it, hu, tr, pt_BR
941        </issue>
942      </issues>
943    </release>
944    <release version="2.8.2" date="2020-03-31" urgency="medium">
945      <description>
946        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
947      </description>
948      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.8.2</url>
949      <issues>
950        <issue>
951          Translation updates from Weblate for ar, tr
952        </issue>
953        <issue>
954          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
955        </issue>
956      </issues>
957    </release>
958    <release version="2.8.1" date="2020-02-27" urgency="medium">
959      <description>
960        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
961      </description>
962      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.8.1</url>
963      <issues>
964        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/87">
965          github-issue#87: Prevent also BackSpace from reopening a preedit when the
966          option “Arrow keys can reopen a p reedit” is off
967        </issue>
968        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1637647">
969          rhbz#1637647: Prevent also BackSpace from reopening a preedit when the
970          option “Arrow keys can reopen a p reedit” is off
971        </issue>
972        <issue>
973          Translation updates from Weblate for es, tr, he
974        </issue>
975        <issue>
976          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
977        </issue>
978      </issues>
979    </release>
980    <release version="2.8.0" date="2020-02-04" urgency="medium">
981      <description>
982        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
983      </description>
984      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.8.0</url>
985      <issues>
986        <issue>
987          Translation updates from Weblate for ca, de, es, fr, nl, pl, uk
988        </issue>
989        <issue>
990          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
991        </issue>
992        <issue>
993          Update emoji data to Unicode 13.0 final
994        </issue>
995        <issue>
996          New option to choose whether spellchecking is done on the
997          preedit and which colour to use
998        </issue>
999        <issue>
1000          Spellcheck typed string in preedit and colour it if it is
1001          likely to be misspelled
1002        </issue>
1003        <issue>
1004          More test cases for spellchecking and spellchecking
1005          suggestions
1006        </issue>
1007        <issue>
1008          Restructure code for spellchecking and spellchecking
1009          suggestions
1010        </issue>
1011      </issues>
1012    </release>
1013    <release version="2.7.7" date="2020-01-24" urgency="medium">
1014      <description>
1015        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1016      </description>
1017      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.7.7</url>
1018      <issues>
1019        <issue>
1020          Translation updates from Weblate for es, de, pl, he, fr,
1021          uk, tr, nl
1022        </issue>
1023        <issue>
1024          Generate README.html and README from README.md
1025        </issue>
1026        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/pull/74">
1027          github-pull#74: A thorough upgrade to README.md
1028        </issue>
1029        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1793460">
1030          rhbz#1793460: Set button label of google application
1031          credentials button correctly
1032        </issue>
1033        <issue>
1034          Add another test case for libvoikko spellchecking together
1035          with en_GB spellchecking
1036        </issue>
1037      </issues>
1038    </release>
1039    <release version="2.7.6" date="2020-01-14" urgency="medium">
1040      <description>
1041        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1042      </description>
1043      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.7.6</url>
1044      <issues>
1045        <issue>
1046          Use included fi_FI.dic for Finnish word suggestions
1047        </issue>
1048        <issue>
1049          Add Finnish ispell dictionary fi_FI.dic
1050        </issue>
1051        <issue>
1052          Minor translation updates from Weblate for pl, tr, zh_CN
1053        </issue>
1054      </issues>
1055    </release>
1056    <release version="2.7.5" date="2019-12-18" urgency="medium">
1057      <description>
1058        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1059      </description>
1060      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.7.5</url>
1061      <issues>
1062        <issue>
1063          Add libvoikko support for Finnish
1064        </issue>
1065        <issue>
1066          Add support for (almost) arbitrary dead key sequences
1067          (suggested by Marko Myllynen)
1068        </issue>
1069      </issues>
1070    </release>
1071    <release version="2.7.4" date="2019-12-14" urgency="medium">
1072      <description>
1073        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1074      </description>
1075      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.7.4</url>
1076      <issues>
1077        <issue>
1078          Updated Portuguese (Brazil) translations from Weblate
1079          (100.0% translated)
1080        </issue>
1081        <issue>
1082          Updated Turkish translations from Weblate (100.0% translated)
1083        </issue>
1084        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/62">
1085          github-issue#62: Remove weird spelling “preëdit” from messageid
1086        </issue>
1087        <issue>
1088          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1089        </issue>
1090      </issues>
1091    </release>
1092    <release version="2.7.3" date="2019-11-25" urgency="medium">
1093      <description>
1094        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1095      </description>
1096      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.7.3</url>
1097      <issues>
1098        <issue>
1099          Correct release dates of Unicode 12.0.0 and 12.1.0 in
1100          emoji_picker.py
1101        </issue>
1102        <issue>
1103          Add workaround if key codes cannot be found for key values
1104          (workaround for big endian platforms)
1105        </issue>
1106        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1770072">
1107          rhbz#1770072, rhbz#1713963, rhbz#1764520, rhbz#1768016: Fix
1108          race condition in itb_util.xdg_save_data_path()
1109        </issue>
1110        <issue>
1111          Another fix for right-to-left languages: fix wrong order
1112          of globe emoji
1113        </issue>
1114        <issue>
1115          Small fix in parsing emoji-test.txt which slightly changes
1116          the emoji sorting order
1117        </issue>
1118        <issue>
1119          Adapt parsing of the emoji data files to the changes in
1120          Unicode 13.0
1121        </issue>
1122        <issue>
1123          Fix emoji test cases for new emoji data files for Unicode
1124          13.0
1125        </issue>
1126        <issue>
1127          Update emoji data to current Unicode 13.0 draft
1128        </issue>
1129        <issue>
1130          Add fa, it, tr to LINGUAS
1131        </issue>
1132        <issue>
1133          Updated Odia translations from Weblate (53.4% translated)
1134        </issue>
1135        <issue>
1136          Updated Czech translations from Weblate (100.0% translated)
1137        </issue>
1138        <issue>
1139          Updated Catalan translations from Weblate (17.1% translated)
1140        </issue>
1141        <issue>
1142          Added Turkish translations from Weblate (100.0% translated)
1143        </issue>
1144        <issue>
1145          Added Italian translations from  Weblate (5.2% translated)
1146        </issue>
1147        <issue>
1148          Portuguese (Portugal) translations moved from pt_PT to pt (23.8% translated)
1149        </issue>
1150        <issue>
1151          Update French translations from Weblate (100.0% translated)
1152        </issue>
1153        <issue>
1154          Added Persian translations from Weblate (0% translated)
1155        </issue>
1156      </issues>
1157    </release>
1158    <release version="2.7.2" date="2019-11-06" urgency="medium">
1159      <description>
1160        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1161      </description>
1162      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.7.2</url>
1163      <issues>
1164        <issue>
1165          Fix display for right-to-left languages in the
1166          dictionaries and input methods tab in the setup tool
1167        </issue>
1168        <issue>
1169          Added Swahili translations from Weblate (30.1% translated)
1170        </issue>
1171        <issue>
1172          Added Traditional Chinese translations from Weblate (0.5% translated)
1173        </issue>
1174        <issue>
1175          Added Portuguese (Portugal) translations from Weblate (23.8% translated)
1176        </issue>
1177        <issue>
1178          Update Hebrew translations from Weblate (100% translated)
1179        </issue>
1180        <issue>
1181          Update Arabic translations from Weblate (100% translated)
1182        </issue>
1183        <issue>
1184          Update Spanisch translations from Weblate (93.3% translated)
1185        </issue>
1186      </issues>
1187    </release>
1188    <release version="2.7.1" date="2019-10-31" urgency="medium">
1189      <description>
1190        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1191      </description>
1192      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.7.1</url>
1193      <issues>
1194        <issue>
1195          Update Chinese translations from Weblate (13.5% translated)
1196        </issue>
1197        <issue>
1198          Update Spanish translations from Weblate (92.2% translated)
1199        </issue>
1200        <issue>
1201          Update Catalan translations from Weblate (12.4% translated)
1202        </issue>
1203        <issue>
1204          Add Hebrew translation from Weblate (67.4% translated)
1205        </issue>
1206        <issue>
1207          Add Arabic translation from Weblate (28.0% translated)
1208        </issue>
1209        <issue>
1210          Update Ukrainian translations from Weblate (100.0% translated)
1211        </issue>
1212        <issue>
1213          Update German translations from Weblate (100.0% translated)
1214        </issue>
1215        <issue>
1216          Update Japanese translations from Weblate (35.2% translated)
1217        </issue>
1218        <issue>
1219          Update French translations from Weblate (93.8% translated)
1220        </issue>
1221        <issue>
1222          Add Hungarian translation from Weblate (58.0% translated)
1223        </issue>
1224        <issue>
1225          Add Odia translations from Weblate (2.6% translated)
1226        </issue>
1227        <issue>
1228          Improve compose file parsing to get results containing \"
1229          correct
1230        </issue>
1231        <issue>
1232          More test cases for compose sequences
1233        </issue>
1234        <issue>
1235          Change README.md to refer to Weblate for translations
1236          instead of Zanata
1237        </issue>
1238        <issue>
1239          Fix display of code points in emoji-picker when running in
1240          or_IN.UTF-8 locale
1241        </issue>
1242      </issues>
1243    </release>
1244    <release version="2.7.0" date="2019-10-18" urgency="medium">
1245      <description>
1246        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1247      </description>
1248      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.7.0</url>
1249      <issues>
1250        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/47">
1251          github-issue#47: Add support for compose sequences
1252        </issue>
1253        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/36">
1254          github-issue#36: Add support for compose sequences
1255        </issue>
1256        <issue>
1257          Test cases for compose support
1258        </issue>
1259        <issue>
1260          When using doctest: log to stderr and set logging level to
1261          DEBUG
1262        </issue>
1263        <issue>
1264          Properly close file handles when loading hunspell
1265          dictionaries
1266        </issue>
1267      </issues>
1268    </release>
1269    <release version="2.6.8" date="2019-10-11" urgency="medium">
1270      <description>
1271        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1272      </description>
1273      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.6.8</url>
1274      <issues>
1275        <issue>
1276          Quote the tables for the key and mouse bindings in the
1277          README.md as code
1278        </issue>
1279        <issue>
1280          Do not hardcode the list of useful m17n input methods
1281        </issue>
1282        <issue>
1283          Use LOGGER.exeption() in exception handlers
1284        </issue>
1285        <issue>
1286          Use python logging module with log file rotation instead
1287          of writing to stdout/stderr
1288        </issue>
1289        <issue>
1290          Fix set_preedit_underline() with parameter
1291          update_gsettings=True
1292        </issue>
1293      </issues>
1294    </release>
1295    <release version="2.6.7" date="2019-09-30" urgency="medium">
1296      <description>
1297        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1298      </description>
1299      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.6.7</url>
1300      <issues>
1301        <issue>
1302          If the first candidate is exactly the same as the typed
1303          string prefer longer candidates (Extends inline
1304          completions automatically)
1305        </issue>
1306        <issue>
1307          Move README to README.md and use some markdown to make it
1308          look better on github
1309        </issue>
1310        <issue>
1311          When showing similar emoji in the lookup table, show the
1312          list of keywords which matched only when debugging is on
1313        </issue>
1314        <issue>
1315          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1316        </issue>
1317        <issue>
1318          More unittests, restructure test files, move some doctests
1319          to unittests
1320        </issue>
1321        <issue>
1322          Add a utility class KeyvalsToKeycodes to find ibus key
1323          codes instead of hardcoding them
1324        </issue>
1325        <issue>
1326          Add ceb to CLDR_ANNOTATION_FILES
1327        </issue>
1328      </issues>
1329    </release>
1330    <release version="2.6.6" date="2019-09-11" urgency="medium">
1331      <description>
1332        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1333      </description>
1334      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.6.6</url>
1335      <issues>
1336        <issue>
1337          When checking whether to show inline completion, normalize
1338          the first candidate as well
1339        </issue>
1340        <issue>
1341          Two more test cases in hunspell_suggest.py
1342        </issue>
1343        <issue>
1344          Make it work correctly with newer French hunspell
1345          dictionaries
1346        </issue>
1347        <issue>
1348          Skip some unittests when dictionaries or python modules
1349          needed are not installed
1350        </issue>
1351        <issue>
1352          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1353        </issue>
1354        <issue>
1355          Add more test cases to m17n_translit_test.py for
1356          si-sayura.mim
1357        </issue>
1358      </issues>
1359    </release>
1360    <release version="2.6.5" date="2019-08-28" urgency="medium">
1361      <description>
1362        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1363      </description>
1364      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.6.5</url>
1365      <issues>
1366        <issue>
1367          Added Dutch translation (Thanks to Heimen Stoffels)
1368        </issue>
1369        <issue>
1370          Add si-sayura to the list of M17N input methods
1371        </issue>
1372        <issue>
1373          Add more test cases for m17n_translit.py, especially for si-sayura.mim
1374        </issue>
1375      </issues>
1376    </release>
1377    <release version="2.6.4" date="2019-07-17" urgency="medium">
1378      <description>
1379        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1380      </description>
1381      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.6.4</url>
1382      <issues>
1383        <issue>
1384          Update translations from zanata (cs updated, now 100%
1385          complete)
1386        </issue>
1387        <issue>
1388          Do not crash if initializing enchant or pyhunspell fails,
1389          continue without spellchecking
1390        </issue>
1391        <issue>
1392          Try to install myspell-xx_YY packages instead of
1393          hunspell-xx package on SUSE
1394        </issue>
1395        <issue>
1396          Fix loading of cldr annotations when the .xml files are
1397          zipped
1398        </issue>
1399        <issue>
1400          Add JoyPixels to good_emoji_fonts list
1401        </issue>
1402      </issues>
1403    </release>
1404    <release version="2.6.3" date="2019-06-19" urgency="medium">
1405      <description>
1406        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1407      </description>
1408      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.6.3</url>
1409      <issues>
1410        <issue>
1411          Performance improvement of around 30% in EmojiMatcher._match()
1412        </issue>
1413        <issue>
1414          Tiny performance improvement in itb_emoji.py _set_seq1()
1415        </issue>
1416      </issues>
1417    </release>
1418    <release version="2.6.2" date="2019-06-05" urgency="medium">
1419      <description>
1420        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1421      </description>
1422      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.6.2</url>
1423      <issues>
1424        <issue>
1425          Emoji ZWJSequence “people holding hands” is 12.0, not 10.0
1426        </issue>
1427        <issue>
1428          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1429        </issue>
1430        <issue>
1431          icons: Regenerate with proper transparency (Thanks to FeRD (Frank Dana))
1432        </issue>
1433        <issue>
1434          Remove enable-background from icon SVG (Thanks to FeRD (Frank Dana))
1435        </issue>
1436        <issue>
1437          Update UnicodeData.txt to current Unicode 12.1.0
1438        </issue>
1439      </issues>
1440    </release>
1441    <release version="2.6.1" date="2019-05-06" urgency="medium">
1442      <description>
1443        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1444      </description>
1445      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.6.1</url>
1446      <issues>
1447        <issue>
1448          Support emoji presentation and text presentation in
1449          emoji-picker
1450        </issue>
1451        <issue>
1452          Improve itb_emoji.py to also support text presentation of
1453          emoji
1454        </issue>
1455        <issue>
1456          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1457        </issue>
1458      </issues>
1459    </release>
1460    <release version="2.6.0" date="2019-03-01" urgency="medium">
1461      <description>
1462        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1463      </description>
1464      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.6.0</url>
1465      <issues>
1466        <issue>
1467          Update translations from zanata (de, es, fr, pl, uk updated)
1468        </issue>
1469        <issue>
1470          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1471        </issue>
1472        <issue>
1473          When Left or BackSpace trigger a commit, forward Left
1474          events only when no candidate was selected (i.e. the
1475          preëdit was committed)
1476        </issue>
1477        <issue>
1478          If a candidate is shown inline and *manually* selected,
1479          show the caret at the end of the candidate
1480        </issue>
1481        <issue>
1482          Right, Left, BackSpace, and Delete edit the preëdit only
1483          if no candidate is *manually* selected
1484        </issue>
1485        <issue>
1486          If an input char is typed while a candidate is *manually*
1487          selected, add that input to the candidate
1488        </issue>
1489        <issue>
1490          Change option name 'Add a space when committing by label
1491          or mouse' in setup tool
1492        </issue>
1493        <issue>
1494          Remove option “Use digits as select keys”
1495        </issue>
1496        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/48)">
1497          github-issue#48: Make key bindings to commit or remove candidates via label
1498          configurable
1499        </issue>
1500        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/49">
1501          github-issue#49: Multi word suggestions: Commit the current commit phrase
1502          and the previous phrase as a single unit as well
1503        </issue>
1504        <issue>
1505          Fix wrong tooltip for “Automatically select the best
1506          candidate” option
1507        </issue>
1508      </issues>
1509    </release>
1510    <release version="2.5.3" date="2019-02-11" urgency="medium">
1511      <description>
1512        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1513      </description>
1514      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.5.3</url>
1515      <issues>
1516        <issue>
1517          Update translations from zanata (ja, pl updated)
1518        </issue>
1519        <issue>
1520          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1521        </issue>
1522        <issue>
1523          Use “NoIME” instead of “NoIme” as the internal name of the
1524          dummy input method
1525        </issue>
1526      </issues>
1527    </release>
1528    <release version="2.5.2" date="2019-02-06" urgency="medium">
1529      <description>
1530        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1531      </description>
1532      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.5.2</url>
1533      <issues>
1534        <issue>
1535          Fix test case for selecting non existing candidates for
1536          Fedora rawhide
1537        </issue>
1538        <issue>
1539          Update UnicodeData.txt to current Unicode 12.0 draft
1540        </issue>
1541        <issue>
1542          Update emoji data to Unicode 12.0 final for 2019
1543        </issue>
1544        <issue>
1545          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1546        </issue>
1547        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/46">
1548          github-issue#46: Initialize self.dictionary_sub_properties_prop_list = []
1549          in self._init_properties()
1550        </issue>
1551        <issue>
1552          Fix test case for case mode change
1553        </issue>
1554        <issue>
1555          Improve filter for dictionary selection if langtable available
1556        </issue>
1557      </issues>
1558    </release>
1559    <release version="2.5.1" date="2019-01-29" urgency="medium">
1560      <description>
1561        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1562      </description>
1563      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.5.1</url>
1564      <issues>
1565        <issue>
1566          Update translations from zanata (de, ja, fr, pl updated)
1567        </issue>
1568        <issue>
1569          Show also dictionary when “Show status in auxiliary text” is on
1570        </issue>
1571        <issue>
1572          Set notebook in setup tool to scrollable
1573        </issue>
1574        <issue>
1575          Make filter for dictionary selection work for language
1576          descriptions if langtable available
1577        </issue>
1578        <issue>
1579          Show names of languages and territories in setup tool if
1580          langtable is available
1581        </issue>
1582        <issue>
1583          Add option to automatically select the best candidate
1584        </issue>
1585        <issue>
1586          Pressing Shift should not immediately change the case mode
1587          of the candidates
1588        </issue>
1589      </issues>
1590    </release>
1591    <release version="2.5.0" date="2019-01-16" urgency="medium">
1592      <description>
1593        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1594      </description>
1595      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.5.0</url>
1596      <issues>
1597        <issue>
1598          Update translations from zanata (de, ja, uk updated)
1599        </issue>
1600        <issue>
1601          Add a property menu for the highest priority dictonary
1602        </issue>
1603        <issue>
1604          Add a missing _update_preedit()
1605        </issue>
1606        <issue>
1607          When lookup is enabled by tab but the lookup table is
1608          empty, the first cancel should clear the input
1609        </issue>
1610        <issue>
1611          Reset self.is_lookup_table_enabled_by_tab and
1612          self.is_lookup_table_enabled_by_min_char_complete when
1613          input is cleared
1614        </issue>
1615        <issue>
1616          Get suggestions from hunspell dictionaries only for input
1617          which does not contain spaces
1618        </issue>
1619        <issue>
1620          Don’t reinitialize the dictionaries if only the order of
1621          the dictionaries has changed
1622        </issue>
1623        <issue>
1624          Add key bindings to change the priority of dictionaries
1625        </issue>
1626        <issue>
1627          Speech recognition input using Google speech-to-text
1628        </issue>
1629        <issue>
1630          Change the default input methods for as_IN, kn_IN, and
1631          ta_IN
1632        </issue>
1633        <issue>
1634          Make ur-phonetic the default input method for ur_IN and
1635          add en_GB dictionary to default
1636        </issue>
1637        <issue>
1638          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1639        </issue>
1640      </issues>
1641    </release>
1642    <release version="2.4.1" date="2018-12-27" urgency="medium">
1643      <description>
1644        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1645      </description>
1646      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.4.1</url>
1647      <issues>
1648        <issue>
1649          Update translations from zanata (pl updated)
1650        </issue>
1651        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/25">
1652          github-issue#25: Add direct input mode
1653        </issue>
1654        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/42">
1655          github-issue#42: Fix start of setup tool when libexedir is not
1656          /usr/libexec/
1657        </issue>
1658      </issues>
1659    </release>
1660    <release version="2.4.0" date="2018-12-19" urgency="medium">
1661      <description>
1662        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1663      </description>
1664      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.4.0</url>
1665      <issues>
1666        <issue>
1667          Update translations from zanata (de, es, fr, ja, pl, uk updated)
1668        </issue>
1669        <issue>
1670          Add new command 'toggle_hide_input' to hide the preëdit,
1671          lookup table, and auxiliary text
1672        </issue>
1673        <issue>
1674          Add an option to use preedit style only if lookup is enabled
1675        </issue>
1676        <issue>
1677          Add an option to choose the style of underlining the preedit
1678        </issue>
1679        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1659128">
1680          rhbz#1659128: Don’t try to record the first candidate when there is none
1681          after an automatic commit on focus out or reset
1682        </issue>
1683        <issue>
1684          Add an option in the setup tool to set the debug level
1685        </issue>
1686        <issue>
1687          Move appearance related options to the new “Appearance” tab
1688        </issue>
1689        <issue>
1690          Add settings for colour and other appearance stuff
1691        </issue>
1692        <issue>
1693          Move “Dictionaries and input methods” Tab in the setup
1694          tool to the first position
1695        </issue>
1696        <issue>
1697          Update the shortcut hints in the tooltips when keybindings
1698          change
1699        </issue>
1700        <issue>
1701          Only show the label in the panel menus for emoji-mode and
1702          off-the-record-mode
1703        </issue>
1704        <issue>
1705          Don’t show the shortcut hints in the menu labels, takes
1706          too much space there.
1707        </issue>
1708        <issue>
1709          Update README because of the recent change to make
1710          keybindings configurable.
1711        </issue>
1712      </issues>
1713    </release>
1714    <release version="2.3.3" date="2018-12-13" urgency="medium">
1715      <description>
1716        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1717      </description>
1718      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.3.3</url>
1719      <issues>
1720        <issue>
1721          Toggle candidates between 'title', 'upper', and 'lower'
1722          case when Shift is typed.
1723        </issue>
1724        <issue>
1725          Improve Spanish translation
1726          (Thanks to Ismael Venegas Castelló)
1727        </issue>
1728      </issues>
1729    </release>
1730    <release version="2.3.2" date="2018-12-11" urgency="medium">
1731      <description>
1732        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1733      </description>
1734      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.3.2</url>
1735      <issues>
1736        <issue>
1737          Key bindings should match independent of whether Num Lock
1738          or Caps Lock are on or off.
1739        </issue>
1740      </issues>
1741    </release>
1742    <release version="2.3.1" date="2018-12-08" urgency="medium">
1743      <description>
1744        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1745      </description>
1746      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.3.1</url>
1747      <issues>
1748        <issue>
1749          Update translations from zanata (cs, de, es, fr, ja, pl,
1750          pt_BR, uk, zh_CN updated)
1751        </issue>
1752        <issue>
1753          Avoid some PyGTKDeprecationWarnings
1754        </issue>
1755        <issue>
1756          Don’t show Unicode 12.0 draft emoji by default in
1757          emoji-picker
1758        </issue>
1759        <issue>
1760          Update emoji data to Unicode 12.0 draft
1761        </issue>
1762        <issue>
1763          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1764        </issue>
1765      </issues>
1766    </release>
1767    <release version="2.3.0" date="2018-12-05" urgency="medium">
1768      <description>
1769        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1770      </description>
1771      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.3.0</url>
1772      <issues>
1773        <issue>
1774          Update translations from zanata (de, ja updated)
1775        </issue>
1776        <issue>
1777          Commit the current preëdit when the focus changes
1778        </issue>
1779        <issue>
1780          When preëdit empty or lookup table not enabled by key:
1781          clear the lookup table
1782        </issue>
1783        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/15">
1784          github-issue#15: Make key bindings configurable
1785        </issue>
1786        <issue>
1787          Correct tooltips for the “up” and “down” buttons for input
1788          methods dictionaries
1789        </issue>
1790      </issues>
1791    </release>
1792    <release version="2.2.1" date="2018-11-28" urgency="medium">
1793      <description>
1794        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1795      </description>
1796      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.2.1</url>
1797      <issues>
1798        <issue>
1799          Update translations from zanata (pl, uk updated)
1800        </issue>
1801      </issues>
1802    </release>
1803    <release version="2.2.0" date="2018-11-21" urgency="medium">
1804      <description>
1805        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1806      </description>
1807      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.2.0</url>
1808      <issues>
1809        <issue>
1810          Update translations from zanata (de updated)
1811        </issue>
1812        <issue>
1813          Save some screen space in the setup tool
1814        </issue>
1815        <issue>
1816          Add inline completion feature
1817        </issue>
1818        <issue>
1819          Tab should force a lookup when the minimum number of
1820          characters is not yet reached
1821        </issue>
1822      </issues>
1823    </release>
1824    <release version="2.1.3" date="2018-10-08" urgency="medium">
1825      <description>
1826        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1827      </description>
1828      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.1.3</url>
1829      <issues>
1830        <issue>
1831          Update translations from zanata (uk updated)
1832        </issue>
1833      </issues>
1834    </release>
1835    <release version="2.1.2" date="2018-09-21" urgency="medium">
1836      <description>
1837        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1838      </description>
1839      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.1.2</url>
1840      <issues>
1841        <issue>
1842          Update translations from zanata (de, pl updated)
1843        </issue>
1844        <issue>
1845          Add typing-booster.its and typing-booster.loc to avoid
1846          making the release descriptions and developer name in
1847          typing-booster.appdata.xml translatable.
1848        </issue>
1849        <issue>
1850          Remove code to check whether another instance of the setup
1851          tool is running.
1852        </issue>
1853        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/39">
1854          github-issue#39: Add new option to avoid adding a space when committing by
1855          label or mouse
1856        </issue>
1857        <issue>
1858          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1859        </issue>
1860        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1630349">
1861          rhbz#1630349: Do not try to commit if index is >= the
1862          current number of candidates
1863        </issue>
1864      </issues>
1865    </release>
1866    <release version="2.1.1" date="2018-09-04" urgency="medium">
1867      <description>
1868        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1869      </description>
1870      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.1.1</url>
1871      <issues>
1872        <issue>
1873          Update translations from zanata (es updated, 100% complete now)
1874        </issue>
1875      </issues>
1876    </release>
1877    <release version="2.1.0" date="2018-07-18" urgency="medium">
1878      <description>
1879        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1880      </description>
1881      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.1.0</url>
1882      <issues>
1883        <issue>
1884          emoji-picker: Show a concise description of a selected
1885          emoji in the header bar
1886        </issue>
1887        <issue>
1888          Update the setup UI when settings are changed outside of
1889          the setup UI
1890        </issue>
1891        <issue>
1892          Migrate IBusConfig to GSettings (The old settings are
1893          unfortunately lost, so one has to open the setup tool
1894          and recreate ones favourite settings).
1895        </issue>
1896        <issue>
1897          Read emoji data files always in UTF-8
1898        </issue>
1899      </issues>
1900    </release>
1901    <release version="2.0.2" date="2018-06-27" urgency="medium">
1902      <description>
1903        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1904      </description>
1905      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.0.2</url>
1906      <issues>
1907        <issue>
1908          Better Tab handling, use Tab to switch to the next
1909          candidate, not to commit
1910        </issue>
1911      </issues>
1912    </release>
1913    <release version="2.0.1" date="2018-06-21" urgency="medium">
1914      <description>
1915        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1916      </description>
1917      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.0.1</url>
1918      <issues>
1919        <issue>
1920          Update translations from zanata (ja updated)
1921        </issue>
1922        <issue>
1923          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1924        </issue>
1925        <issue>
1926          Fix some bugs in the usage of “prefix” for prefixes other
1927          than “/usr” (For FreeBSD)
1928        </issue>
1929        <issue>
1930          Make itb_util.get_ime_help() work on FreeBS
1931        </issue>
1932        <issue>
1933          Update UnicodeData.txt to Unicode 11.0.0
1934        </issue>
1935        <issue>
1936          Remove useless 't-nil vi-base': 'vi-base.mim', from
1937          M17N_INPUT_METHODS
1938        </issue>
1939        <issue>
1940          Remove extra space in entry for sa-IAST input method to
1941          make it work
1942        </issue>
1943        <issue>
1944          Show in the setup tool in the input listbox whether
1945          minput_open_im() succeeded.
1946        </issue>
1947        <issue>
1948          Use the rocket icon emoji_u1f680.svg from the “Noto Color
1949          Emoji” font
1950        </issue>
1951      </issues>
1952    </release>
1953    <release version="2.0.0" date="2018-05-28" urgency="medium">
1954      <description>
1955        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1956      </description>
1957      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/2.0.0</url>
1958      <issues>
1959        <issue>
1960          Update translations because of the merge of the engines
1961          (de, pl, uk updated)
1962        </issue>
1963        <issue>
1964          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
1965        </issue>
1966        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/17">
1967          github-issue#17: Do not hardcode icon names in desktop files
1968        </issue>
1969        <issue>
1970          Change the default for “Unicode symbols and emoji
1971          predictions” to “False”
1972        </issue>
1973        <issue>
1974          Merge all typing-booster engines into one
1975        </issue>
1976        <issue>
1977          Change the UI of the setup tool to make it possible to
1978          select multiple input methods and dictionaries
1979        </issue>
1980        <issue>
1981          Move the buttons to learn from a file and to delete
1982          learned data to the options tab
1983        </issue>
1984        <issue>
1985          Use the same “About” dialog in the setup tool as in emoji-picker
1986        </issue>
1987      </issues>
1988    </release>
1989    <release version="1.5.38" date="2018-05-22" urgency="medium">
1990      <description>
1991        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
1992      </description>
1993      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.38</url>
1994      <issues>
1995        <issue>
1996          Refresh french translation (thanks to Thierry Thomas)
1997        </issue>
1998        <issue>
1999          Mark comments in the emoji-picker about dialog as translatable
2000        </issue>
2001      </issues>
2002    </release>
2003    <release version="1.5.37" date="2018-05-14" urgency="medium">
2004      <description>
2005        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2006      </description>
2007      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.37</url>
2008      <issues>
2009        <issue>
2010          Update translations from Zanata (pl and uk updated)
2011        </issue>
2012        <issue>
2013          Make “Add direct input” option work correctly when
2014          “Remember last preedit input method” option is off
2015        </issue>
2016        <issue>
2017          Fix test case for Korean
2018        </issue>
2019        <issue>
2020          Rewrite setup UI completely in Python, without using Glade
2021        </issue>
2022        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1575659">
2023          rhbz#1575659: Fix format string in debug message when a dictionary .aff
2024          file has no encoding
2025        </issue>
2026        <issue>
2027          Return False in read_training_data_from_file() if file
2028          cannot be opened
2029        </issue>
2030      </issues>
2031    </release>
2032    <release version="1.5.36" date="2018-04-10" urgency="medium">
2033      <description>
2034        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2035      </description>
2036      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.36</url>
2037      <issues>
2038        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1564354">
2039          rhbz#1564354: Make the default for
2040          self.show_status_info_in_auxiliary_text False
2041        </issue>
2042        <issue>
2043          Adapt hunspell_suggest.py to work with pyhunspell 0.5.4
2044        </issue>
2045      </issues>
2046    </release>
2047    <release version="1.5.35" date="2018-03-07" urgency="medium">
2048      <description>
2049        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2050      </description>
2051      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.35</url>
2052      <issues>
2053        <issue>
2054          Update translations from zanata (es, pl, and uk updated)
2055        </issue>
2056        <issue>
2057          Update UnicodeData.txt to UnicodeData-11.0.0d13.txt
2058        </issue>
2059        <issue>
2060          Read also the emoji names from the emoji-test.txt file
2061        </issue>
2062        <issue>
2063          Update Unicode emoji data to a prerelease of Unicode Emoji Data 11.
2064        </issue>
2065        <issue>
2066          Fix PyGTKDeprecationWarning: Using positional arguments
2067          with the GObject constructor has been deprecated.
2068        </issue>
2069        <issue>
2070          Add “Twemoji” as a good colour emoji font to the emoji-picker font list
2071        </issue>
2072        <issue>
2073          Don’t show the languages en_001 and  es_419 in the browsing treeview
2074        </issue>
2075        <issue>
2076          Use romaji=True by default in EmojiMatcher
2077        </issue>
2078        <issue>
2079          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
2080        </issue>
2081      </issues>
2082    </release>
2083    <release version="1.5.34" date="2017-10-04" urgency="medium">
2084      <description>
2085        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2086      </description>
2087      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.34</url>
2088      <issues>
2089        <issue>
2090          Update translations from zanata (cs new, de updated)
2091        </issue>
2092        <issue>
2093          Add some tooltips
2094        </issue>
2095        <issue>
2096          Add an option whether to use pango font fallback to
2097          emoji-picker
2098        </issue>
2099        <issue>
2100          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
2101        </issue>
2102      </issues>
2103    </release>
2104    <release version="1.5.33" date="2017-09-11" urgency="medium">
2105      <description>
2106        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2107      </description>
2108      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.33</url>
2109      <issues>
2110        <issue>
2111          Update translations from zanata (es new)
2112        </issue>
2113        <issue>
2114          Install appstream metadata to /usr/share/metainfo/
2115        </issue>
2116        <issue>
2117          Update UnicodeData.txt to Unicode 10.0.0
2118        </issue>
2119        <issue>
2120          Fix test cases and kakasi support for the update of the
2121          emoji annotations from CLDR
2122        </issue>
2123        <issue>
2124          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
2125        </issue>
2126        <issue>
2127          Skip the emoji which already have skin tone modifiers in
2128          itb_emoji.emoji_by_label()
2129        </issue>
2130        <issue>
2131          Never load characters of Unicode categories “Cc”, “Co”,
2132          and “Cs” into the emoji dictionary
2133        </issue>
2134        <issue>
2135          Update emoji-data.txt to 5.0
2136        </issue>
2137      </issues>
2138    </release>
2139    <release version="1.5.32" date="2017-04-24" urgency="medium">
2140      <description>
2141        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2142      </description>
2143      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.32</url>
2144      <issues>
2145        <issue>
2146          Fix error when starting emoji-picker when the
2147          “recently-used” does not yet exist
2148        </issue>
2149        <issue>
2150          Update emojione.json to version 3.0
2151        </issue>
2152        <issue>
2153          Add the data from CLDR common/annotationsDerived
2154        </issue>
2155        <issue>
2156          Load also the CLDR annotations from “annotationsDerived”
2157        </issue>
2158      </issues>
2159    </release>
2160    <release version="1.5.31" date="2017-04-18" urgency="medium">
2161      <description>
2162        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2163      </description>
2164      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.31</url>
2165      <issues>
2166        <issue>
2167          Rename option --use_vs16 to --non_fully_qualified
2168          (effectivly reversing the default)
2169        </issue>
2170        <issue>
2171          Make description labels in info popover selectable to be
2172          able to copy and paste their contents
2173        </issue>
2174        <issue>
2175          Sort similar emoji with the same number of matching labels
2176          by cldr_order distance
2177        </issue>
2178        <issue>
2179          Map cldr subgroup 'person-sport' to emojione category
2180          'activity'
2181        </issue>
2182        <issue>
2183          Make the categorie listings and the search work right when
2184          using --use_vs16
2185        </issue>
2186        <issue>
2187          Always store only non-fully-qualified emoji or
2188          emoji-sequences in the internal dictionary
2189        </issue>
2190        <issue>
2191          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
2192        </issue>
2193      </issues>
2194    </release>
2195    <release version="1.5.30" date="2017-03-29" urgency="medium">
2196      <description>
2197        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2198      </description>
2199      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.30</url>
2200      <issues>
2201        <issue>
2202          Update translations from zanata (de, pl, uk updated)
2203        </issue>
2204        <issue>
2205          Use string order as a fallback to cldr_order in category listings
2206        </issue>
2207        <issue>
2208          The rainbow flag should be a zwj sequence
2209        </issue>
2210        <issue>
2211          Also display the Unicode version in the emoji info popover
2212        </issue>
2213        <issue>
2214          When looking up emoji or other characters via Unicode
2215          codepoint, ignore surrogates and private use characters
2216        </issue>
2217        <issue>
2218          Show the fonts really used to render an emoji in the info
2219          popover for the emoji
2220        </issue>
2221        <issue>
2222          Fix typo in translatable string
2223        </issue>
2224        <issue>
2225          itb_emoji.py: Use CLDR order to sort the candidates and
2226          the similar emoji if score is the same
2227        </issue>
2228      </issues>
2229    </release>
2230    <release version="1.5.29" date="2017-03-21" urgency="medium">
2231      <description>
2232        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2233      </description>
2234      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.29</url>
2235      <issues>
2236        <issue>
2237          Update translations from zanata (de, pl updated)
2238        </issue>
2239        <issue>
2240          Add a “--version” command line option to emoji-picker
2241        </issue>
2242        <issue>
2243          itb_emoji.py: Also read emoji-test.txt (from unicode.org)
2244        </issue>
2245        <issue>
2246          emoji-picker: Set default font to first available in ['Noto Color Emoji', 'Emoji One', 'Symbola']
2247        </issue>
2248        <issue>
2249          Small parsing improvement of emoji-sequences.txt
2250        </issue>
2251        <issue>
2252          Add support to either use U+FE0F VARIATION SELECTOR-16 in
2253          emoji sequences or not
2254        </issue>
2255        <issue>
2256          emoji-picker: Show “∅ Search produced empty result.” when
2257          nothing matches in a search
2258        </issue>
2259      </issues>
2260    </release>
2261    <release version="1.5.28" date="2017-03-18" urgency="medium">
2262      <description>
2263        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2264      </description>
2265      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.28</url>
2266      <issues>
2267        <issue>
2268          Allow query by code point even if Python’s
2269          unicodedata.name() does not know the character
2270        </issue>
2271        <issue>
2272          Also read names from emoji-sequences.txt and
2273          emoji-zwj-sequences.txt
2274        </issue>
2275        <issue>
2276          itb_emoji.py: Also read emoji-sequences.txt (from unicode.org)
2277        </issue>
2278        <issue>
2279          Fix positioning of info popover (fix a typo in an “if”
2280          statement)
2281        </issue>
2282        <issue>
2283          Show emoji properties from unicode.org when debugging is on
2284        </issue>
2285        <issue>
2286          itb_emoji.py: Also read emoji-zwj-sequences.txt (from
2287          unicode.org)
2288        </issue>
2289        <issue>
2290          Also use the emoji properties from unicode.org to decide
2291          whether to offer a lookup on emojipedia
2292        </issue>
2293        <issue>
2294          Use property “Emoji_Modifier_Base” from emoji-data.txt to
2295          check whether an emoji supports skin tones
2296        </issue>
2297        <issue>
2298          itb_emoji.py: Also read emoji-data.txt (from unicode.org)
2299        </issue>
2300        <issue>
2301          Tentative skin tone support for families
2302        </issue>
2303        <issue>
2304          Improve skin tone support: make it work for professions
2305          (roles) as well
2306        </issue>
2307        <issue>
2308          Make skin tone popover scrollable and limit its maximum
2309          size
2310        </issue>
2311      </issues>
2312    </release>
2313    <release version="1.5.27" date="2017-03-17" urgency="medium">
2314      <description>
2315        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2316      </description>
2317      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.27</url>
2318      <issues>
2319        <issue>
2320          Update translations from zanata (pl, uk updated)
2321        </issue>
2322        <issue>
2323          emoji-picker: make skin tone selection work for gendered emoji
2324        </issue>
2325      </issues>
2326    </release>
2327    <release version="1.5.26" date="2017-03-16" urgency="medium">
2328      <description>
2329        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2330      </description>
2331      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.26</url>
2332      <issues>
2333        <issue>
2334          Update translations from zanata (de updated)
2335        </issue>
2336        <issue>
2337          Fix display of warning message when a dictionary is not installed.
2338        </issue>
2339        <issue>
2340          Emulate xdg.BaseDirectory.save_data_path() on systems
2341          which lack pyxdg
2342        </issue>
2343        <issue>
2344          Show the skin tone popover also on a long press gesture
2345        </issue>
2346        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/5#issuecomment-286251818">
2347          github-issue#5: issuecomment-286251818: Fix pyhunspell support
2348        </issue>
2349      </issues>
2350    </release>
2351    <release version="1.5.25" date="2017-03-13" urgency="medium">
2352      <description>
2353        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2354      </description>
2355      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.25</url>
2356      <issues>
2357        <issue>
2358          Update translations from zanata (de, pl, uk updated, zh_CN new)
2359        </issue>
2360        <issue>
2361          Show the categories as well on right mouse click in
2362          emoji-picker
2363        </issue>
2364        <issue>
2365          Improve information displayed on right mouse click in
2366          emoji-picker
2367        </issue>
2368        <issue>
2369          html.unescape() the strings parsed from the cldr annotations
2370        </issue>
2371        <issue>
2372          Fix fontsize change for invisible emoji in browse flowbox
2373        </issue>
2374        <issue>
2375          Add an option whether the arrow keys are allowed to reopen
2376          a preëdit
2377        </issue>
2378        <issue>
2379          Add an option to work around the broken
2380          forward_key_event() in the Qt 4/5 im module
2381        </issue>
2382        <issue>
2383          Use xdg.BaseDirectory to add a USER_DATADIR to the search
2384          path for data for itb_emoji.py
2385        </issue>
2386        <issue>
2387          emoji_picker.py: Speedup: Fix wrong indentation of block
2388          in _fill_flowbox_browse()
2389        </issue>
2390        <issue>
2391          emoji-picker: Do not override the decoration layout of the
2392          header bar
2393        </issue>
2394        <issue>
2395          When an emoji with a different skin tone is selected,
2396          replace the original emoji immediately
2397        </issue>
2398        <issue>
2399          Make emoji-picker work on dark themes like Adwaita-dark as well
2400        </issue>
2401      </issues>
2402    </release>
2403    <release version="1.5.24" date="2017-03-06" urgency="medium">
2404      <description>
2405        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2406      </description>
2407      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.24</url>
2408      <issues>
2409        <issue>
2410          Update translations from zanata (de updated)
2411        </issue>
2412        <issue>
2413          The spin button to change the fontsize should grab focus
2414          without selecting
2415        </issue>
2416        <issue>
2417          emoji-picker: Don’t check if ibus is running, ibus does
2418          not need to run for emoji-picker
2419        </issue>
2420        <issue>
2421          Load .desktop files for emoji-picker and
2422          ibus-setup-typing-booster correctly under Gnome Wayland
2423        </issue>
2424        <issue>
2425          Show the most recently used skin tone by default
2426        </issue>
2427        <issue>
2428          Use Popovers for skin tones
2429        </issue>
2430        <issue>
2431          Don’t use HeaderBar with the default widget titlebar
2432        </issue>
2433        <issue>
2434          Display the detailed information of an emoji as a popover,
2435          not as a tooltip
2436        </issue>
2437        <issue>
2438          Use CSS to show light gray borders around flowbox and
2439          listbox children
2440        </issue>
2441      </issues>
2442    </release>
2443    <release version="1.5.23" date="2017-02-27" urgency="medium">
2444      <description>
2445        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2446      </description>
2447      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.23</url>
2448      <issues>
2449        <issue>
2450          Update translations from zanata (de, ja, pl, uk updated)
2451        </issue>
2452        <issue>
2453          emoji_picker.py: Add a menu button to change the font for
2454          the emoji
2455        </issue>
2456        <issue>
2457          emoji-picker: Make background colour of the flowbox
2458          listing the emoji white
2459        </issue>
2460        <issue>
2461          emoji-picker: Use “Symbola” as the default font
2462        </issue>
2463        <issue>
2464          Remember the font and the fontsize in a config file
2465        </issue>
2466        <issue>
2467          emoji_picker.py: Add a spin button to change the font size
2468          of the emoji
2469        </issue>
2470        <issue>
2471          Add option to the emoji-picker to load *all* Unicode
2472          characters
2473        </issue>
2474        <issue>
2475          UI redesign of the emoji-picker
2476        </issue>
2477        <issue>
2478          Return an empty list immediately if candidates() is called
2479          with an empty search string
2480        </issue>
2481        <issue>
2482          Make the fontsize for the names of the emoji in the search
2483          results smaller
2484        </issue>
2485        <issue>
2486          Make the search in emoji-picker a bit more responsive by
2487          using GLib.idle_add()
2488        </issue>
2489        <issue>
2490          Save the recently used emoji immediately, not only when
2491          the program quits
2492        </issue>
2493        <issue>
2494          Set default font size of emoji-picker to 24 instead of 16
2495        </issue>
2496        <issue>
2497          Set the emoji font only for the emoji, not for its name in
2498          the search results
2499        </issue>
2500        <issue>
2501          Set WM_CLASS of emoji-picker and ibus-setup-typing-booster
2502          correctly
2503        </issue>
2504        <issue>
2505          Add “Icon” and “Categories” to emoji-picker.desktop
2506        </issue>
2507      </issues>
2508    </release>
2509    <release version="1.5.22" date="2017-02-21" urgency="medium">
2510      <description>
2511        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2512      </description>
2513      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.22</url>
2514      <issues>
2515        <issue>
2516          Update translations from zanata (de, fr, pl, uk updated)
2517        </issue>
2518        <issue>
2519          Add an emoji-picker
2520        </issue>
2521        <issue>
2522          Update of en.xml from CLDR’s emoji annotations
2523        </issue>
2524        <issue>
2525          Fix skipping of the Korean test case when no Korean dictionary can be found
2526        </issue>
2527        <issue>
2528          Fix invalid xml in typing-booster.appdata.xml
2529        </issue>
2530      </issues>
2531    </release>
2532    <release version="1.5.21" date="2017-02-07" urgency="medium">
2533      <description>
2534        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2535      </description>
2536      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.21</url>
2537      <issues>
2538        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1418313">
2539          rhbz#1418313: Handle Return and Enter correctly when the cursor is not
2540          at the end of the preëdit
2541        </issue>
2542        <issue>
2543          Values of spin buttons should not be translatable
2544        </issue>
2545        <issue>
2546          Make the categories from emojione translatable
2547        </issue>
2548        <issue>
2549          Make emoji matching accent insensitive
2550        </issue>
2551        <issue>
2552          If available use pykakasi to convert Japanese emoji
2553          category names to hiragana
2554        </issue>
2555        <issue>
2556          Add some Japanese translations as a test case for pykakasi
2557        </issue>
2558        <issue>
2559          If available use the “pinyin” Python module to add pinyin
2560          to the Chinese names and keywords
2561        </issue>
2562        <issue>
2563          Don’t fallback to “zh” from “zh_TW”, “zh_HK”, “zh_MO” and
2564          “zh_Hant”
2565        </issue>
2566        <issue>
2567          Don’t sort the labels when listing similar emoji
2568        </issue>
2569        <issue>
2570          Don’t change Unicode categories to lowercase when loading,
2571          use the original case
2572        </issue>
2573        <issue>
2574          Also treat categories 'Zl' and 'Zp' as invisible and add
2575          Unicode code point
2576        </issue>
2577        <issue>
2578          When searching for similar emoji, the original emoji
2579          should be most similar to itself
2580        </issue>
2581        <issue>
2582          Fix duplicate listing of labels when looking up similar
2583          emoji
2584        </issue>
2585        <issue>
2586          Make it optionally possible to match emoji in Japanese using romaji
2587        </issue>
2588        <issue>
2589          itb_emoji.py: Add the code point to the name of invisible
2590          characters also when looking up similar characters
2591        </issue>
2592        <issue>
2593          Better matching of the Unicode categories
2594        </issue>
2595        <issue>
2596          Small performance optimization in EmojiMatcher.similar()
2597        </issue>
2598        <issue>
2599          Remove any U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR and U+2029 PARAGRAPH
2600          SEPARATOR characters from the lookup table
2601        </issue>
2602        <issue>
2603          Nicer display of the matching labels when looking up
2604          similar emoji
2605        </issue>
2606        <issue>
2607          Don’t strip mathematical symbols (category 'Sm') from
2608          tokens
2609        </issue>
2610        <issue>
2611          Update of en.xml from CLDR’s emoji annotations
2612        </issue>
2613        <issue>
2614          Update translations from zanata (de, pl updated)
2615        </issue>
2616      </issues>
2617    </release>
2618    <release version="1.5.20" date="2017-01-25" urgency="medium">
2619      <description>
2620        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2621      </description>
2622      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.20</url>
2623      <issues>
2624        <issue>
2625          Calculate the maximum word length for each dictionary
2626          individually
2627        </issue>
2628        <issue>
2629          Use .startswith instead of regexp matching when matching
2630          in hunspell dictionaries (speed optimization)
2631        </issue>
2632        <issue>
2633          Improve accent insensitive matching (“filosofičtějš”
2634          should also match “filosofičtější”)
2635        </issue>
2636        <issue>
2637          Some updates for the emoji annotations in en.xml from CLDR
2638        </issue>
2639      </issues>
2640    </release>
2641    <release version="1.5.19" date="2017-01-19" urgency="medium">
2642      <description>
2643        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2644      </description>
2645      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.19</url>
2646      <issues>
2647        <issue>
2648          Improve setup layout (thanks to Trinh Anh Ngoc &lt;atw1990@gmail.com&gt;)
2649        </issue>
2650        <issue>
2651          Add some more directories to search for dictionaries (for FreeBSD)
2652        </issue>
2653        <issue>
2654          Wrong variable “page_size” was used in set_lookup_table_orientation()
2655        </issue>
2656        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1414642">
2657          rhbz#1414642: Do not try to reopen the preëdit when any modifier except
2658          CapsLock is on
2659        </issue>
2660      </issues>
2661    </release>
2662    <release version="1.5.18" date="2017-01-17" urgency="medium">
2663      <description>
2664        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2665      </description>
2666      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.18</url>
2667      <issues>
2668        <issue>
2669          Fix typo in the “Unbreak sqlite on Python 3.6” patch
2670        </issue>
2671        <issue>
2672          Fix the fallback to use pyhunspell-python3 when
2673          python3-enchant is not available
2674        </issue>
2675        <issue>
2676          Remove useless ibus-typing-booster.pc
2677        </issue>
2678      </issues>
2679    </release>
2680    <release version="1.5.17" date="2017-01-13" urgency="medium">
2681      <description>
2682        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2683      </description>
2684      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.17</url>
2685      <issues>
2686        <issue>
2687          Update py-compile to current upstream version
2688        </issue>
2689        <issue>
2690          Also use _ U+FF3F FULLWIDTH LOW LINE as a separator for
2691          emoji keywords
2692        </issue>
2693        <issue>
2694          Unbreak sqlite on Python 3.6 (thanks to Jan Alexander Steffens)
2695        </issue>
2696        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1413082">
2697          rhbz#1413082: Return immediately if _update_candidates() is called with
2698          empty input
2699        </issue>
2700      </issues>
2701    </release>
2702    <release version="1.5.16" date="2017-01-10" urgency="medium">
2703      <description>
2704        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2705      </description>
2706      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.16</url>
2707      <issues>
2708        <issue>
2709          Skip Korean test case also on Arch
2710        </issue>
2711        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1411659">
2712          rhbz#1411659: Remove everything following a tab (including the tab) from
2713          hunspell dictionary lines
2714        </issue>
2715        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1411676">
2716          rhbz#1411676: Delete a candidate correctly from the user database even
2717          if it starts with a prefix to be stripped from tokens
2718        </issue>
2719        <issue>
2720          Trigger emoji lookup when the input starts or ends with
2721          '_' or ' '
2722        </issue>
2723        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1411688">
2724          rhbz#1411688: Better handling of BackSpace and Delete when reaching the
2725          ends of the preëdit
2726        </issue>
2727        <issue url="https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/6">
2728          github-issue#6: Search for hunspell dictionaries in a list of directories
2729        </issue>
2730      </issues>
2731    </release>
2732    <release version="1.5.15" date="2016-12-08" urgency="medium">
2733      <description>
2734        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2735      </description>
2736      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.15</url>
2737      <issues>
2738        <issue>
2739          Default value for self._show_status_info_in_auxiliary_text
2740          should be True
2741        </issue>
2742        <issue>
2743          Don’t use keyword arguments when instantiating
2744          IBus.LookupTable()
2745        </issue>
2746        <issue>
2747          Add an option to choose the orientation of the lookup table
2748        </issue>
2749        <issue>
2750          Update translations from zanata (de, pl, and uk updated)
2751        </issue>
2752        <issue>
2753          Update emojione.json
2754        </issue>
2755      </issues>
2756    </release>
2757    <release version="1.5.14" date="2016-11-25" urgency="medium">
2758      <description>
2759        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2760      </description>
2761      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.14</url>
2762      <issues>
2763        <issue>
2764          Reopen preëdit not only on Backspace but also on Delete
2765          and arrow keys
2766        </issue>
2767        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1399192">
2768          rhbz#1399192: Fix "delete whitespace when committing punctuation"
2769          problem in firefox
2770        </issue>
2771        <issue>
2772          Add pt_BR translations from zanata. Update uk, pl, and de
2773          translations from zanata.
2774        </issue>
2775        <issue>
2776          Add an option to show/hide the status information in the
2777          auxiliary text
2778        </issue>
2779        <issue>
2780          Use ballot box characters in front of the mode indicators
2781          in the auxiliary text
2782        </issue>
2783      </issues>
2784    </release>
2785    <release version="1.5.13" date="2016-11-20" urgency="medium">
2786      <description>
2787        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2788      </description>
2789      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.13</url>
2790      <issues>
2791        <issue>
2792          Update French translation from zanata
2793        </issue>
2794      </issues>
2795    </release>
2796    <release version="1.5.12" date="2016-11-19" urgency="medium">
2797      <description>
2798        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2799      </description>
2800      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.12</url>
2801      <issues>
2802        <issue>
2803          Display existing shortcuts and make it possible to delete them
2804        </issue>
2805        <issue>
2806          Update translations from zanata (de, pl, uk)
2807        </issue>
2808      </issues>
2809    </release>
2810    <release version="1.5.11" date="2016-11-11" urgency="medium">
2811      <description>
2812        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2813      </description>
2814      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.11</url>
2815      <issues>
2816        <issue>
2817          Add feature to define custom shortcuts
2818        </issue>
2819        <issue>
2820          Merge editor and tabengine classes
2821        </issue>
2822      </issues>
2823    </release>
2824    <release version="1.5.10" date="2016-11-09" urgency="medium">
2825      <description>
2826        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2827      </description>
2828      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.10</url>
2829      <issues>
2830        <issue>
2831          Make accent insensitive matching also work in the user
2832          database
2833        </issue>
2834        <issue>
2835          Add test cases for accent insensitive matching
2836        </issue>
2837        <issue>
2838          Add 'No' (Number, Other) to VALID_CATEGORIES to be able to
2839          match ¹ U+00B9 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
2840        </issue>
2841      </issues>
2842    </release>
2843    <release version="1.5.9" date="2016-10-24" urgency="medium">
2844      <description>
2845        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2846      </description>
2847      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.9</url>
2848      <issues>
2849        <issue>
2850          Make it possible to use a database in different locations than the default
2851        </issue>
2852        <issue>
2853          Clear candidate list as well when clearing the lookup table
2854        </issue>
2855        <issue>
2856          Add missing CLDR xml files to tar ball
2857        </issue>
2858        <issue>
2859          Add unit tests
2860        </issue>
2861      </issues>
2862    </release>
2863    <release version="1.5.8" date="2016-10-10" urgency="medium">
2864      <description>
2865        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2866      </description>
2867      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.8</url>
2868      <issues>
2869        <issue>
2870          Pull translations from Zanata (uk and fr updated)
2871        </issue>
2872        <issue>
2873          Match many more Unicode characters in the emoji matcher
2874        </issue>
2875        <issue>
2876          Make it possible to match Unicode characters by typing the
2877          hexadecimal code point
2878        </issue>
2879        <issue>
2880          If one tries to set a non-existing input method, don’t
2881          crash, only print an error in the debug log
2882        </issue>
2883        <issue>
2884          Add key and mouse bindings for “Off the record” mode to README
2885        </issue>
2886      </issues>
2887    </release>
2888    <release version="1.5.7" date="2016-09-19" urgency="medium">
2889      <description>
2890        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2891      </description>
2892      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.7</url>
2893      <issues>
2894        <issue>
2895          Pull translations from Zanata (de, pl, uk updated)
2896        </issue>
2897        <issue>
2898          Make the list of characters to auto commit configurable
2899          (Empty list by default)
2900        </issue>
2901        <issue>
2902          Fix duplicates in the candidate list caused by overwriting
2903          input_phrase with NFC version
2904        </issue>
2905        <issue>
2906          Don’t show the special candidates for missing dictionaries
2907          for Japanese and Chinese
2908        </issue>
2909        <issue>
2910          Update emoji annotations from CLDR
2911        </issue>
2912        <issue>
2913          Implement do_cursor_up() and do_cursor_down() to make
2914          scrolling the lookup table with the mouse wheel work
2915          (Needs also a patch in ibus)
2916        </issue>
2917        <issue>
2918          Add an “Off the record mode” (also gets a property menu)
2919        </issue>
2920        <issue>
2921          Tooltips don’t seem to work on sub-properties, remove the
2922          tooltips there
2923        </issue>
2924        <issue>
2925          Add a property menu for the emoji prediction mode
2926        </issue>
2927        <issue>
2928          Make triggering a commit with “Left” or “Control+Left”
2929          work correctly in “Tab enable mode ” again
2930        </issue>
2931        <issue>
2932          Down, Up, Page_Down, and Page_Up should trigger a commit
2933          and be passed to the application if possible
2934        </issue>
2935        <issue>
2936          If “☑ Enable suggestions by Tab key” is on make it
2937          possible to close the lookup table with Escape but keep
2938          the preëdit
2939        </issue>
2940        <issue>
2941          If “☑ Enable suggestions by Tab key” is on, don’t
2942          autocommit digits
2943        </issue>
2944        <issue>
2945          Make autocommitting much more rare (for characters which
2946          are not the first typed character)
2947        </issue>
2948        <issue>
2949          Don’t autocommit the first typed character unless
2950          absolutely necessary
2951        </issue>
2952        <issue>
2953          Even when “☑ Enable suggestions by Tab key” is used, don’t
2954          complete empty strings
2955        </issue>
2956      </issues>
2957    </release>
2958    <release version="1.5.6" date="2016-09-12" urgency="medium">
2959      <description>
2960        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
2961      </description>
2962      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.6</url>
2963      <issues>
2964        <issue>
2965          Reduce the number of characters which cause immediate
2966          commits a lot (Make typing “Je t'aime” easier)
2967        </issue>
2968        <issue>
2969          Load CLDR data for *all* languages in the
2970          _expand_languages() list
2971        </issue>
2972        <issue>
2973          Currency symbols should neither be stripped from tokens
2974          nor trigger an immediate commit
2975        </issue>
2976        <issue>
2977          Fix bidi reordering problem in the candidate list for
2978          right-to-left candidates followed by comments
2979        </issue>
2980        <issue>
2981          Update emoji annotations from CLDR (de_CH and sr_Latn new,
2982          the others updated)
2983        </issue>
2984        <issue>
2985          Remove category 'Pc' from categories to commit immediately
2986          (allow _ to be typed into the preëdit always)
2987        </issue>
2988        <issue>
2989          Remove button to install pyhunspell from the setup tool
2990          (python3-enchant is preferred and even required by the
2991          Fedora rpm)
2992        </issue>
2993        <issue>
2994          Include more currency symbols and fullwidth symbols
2995        </issue>
2996        <issue>
2997          Add category from UnicodeData.txt to emoji dictionary (For
2998          better results when looking up related characters)
2999        </issue>
3000        <issue>
3001          Add 'Sc', # Symbol, Currency to VALID_CATEGORIES (to make
3002          the currency symbols work)
3003        </issue>
3004        <issue>
3005          Add list of valid characters (to include special
3006          characters manually)
3007        </issue>
3008        <issue>
3009          Add mouse binding Alt+Mouse3 anywhere in the candidate
3010          list to start the setup tool
3011        </issue>
3012      </issues>
3013    </release>
3014    <release version="1.5.5" date="2016-09-10" urgency="medium">
3015      <description>
3016        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3017      </description>
3018      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.5</url>
3019      <issues>
3020        <issue>
3021          Pull translations form Zanata (de, pl, and uk updated
3022          because of the new “About” tab)
3023        </issue>
3024        <issue>
3025          If “☑ Enable suggestions by Tab key” option is on, any
3026          preëdit change should hide the loo p table
3027        </issue>
3028        <issue>
3029          Make showing of similar emoji work even if emoji
3030          preditions are off
3031        </issue>
3032        <issue>
3033          Display whether emoji predictions are turned on in the
3034          auxiliary string
3035        </issue>
3036        <issue>
3037          Add key and mouse bindings to toggle the emoji predictions
3038          (AltGr+F6 and Control+Mouse3 anywhere in the candidate
3039          list)
3040        </issue>
3041        <issue>
3042          Add AltGr+F10 key binding to open the setup tool
3043        </issue>
3044        <issue>
3045          Allow any amount of white space and '_' characters to
3046          seperate words in an emoji query string
3047        </issue>
3048        <issue>
3049          Add an “About” tab to the setup tool and put links to home
3050          page and online documentation there.
3051        </issue>
3052        <issue>
3053          Update README with latest key binding and mouse binding
3054          documentation
3055        </issue>
3056      </issues>
3057    </release>
3058    <release version="1.5.4" date="2016-09-08" urgency="medium">
3059      <description>
3060        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3061      </description>
3062      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.4</url>
3063      <issues>
3064        <issue>
3065          Accent insensitive matching
3066        </issue>
3067        <issue>
3068          Update pl.po from zanata
3069        </issue>
3070        <issue>
3071          Add cache for the suggestions from the hunspell
3072          dictionaries
3073        </issue>
3074        <issue>
3075          Make Control+MouseButton1 remove the clicked candidate
3076          from the user database (was MouseButton2)
3077        </issue>
3078        <issue>
3079          Change key binding for looking up related candidates from
3080          Alt+F12 to AltGr+F12
3081        </issue>
3082        <issue>
3083          Change label of the emoji option to “☑ Unicode symbols and
3084          emoji predictions”
3085        </issue>
3086      </issues>
3087    </release>
3088    <release version="1.5.3" date="2016-09-03" urgency="medium">
3089      <description>
3090        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3091      </description>
3092      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.3</url>
3093      <issues>
3094        <issue>
3095          Pull translations from Zanata: updates for pl and uk.
3096        </issue>
3097        <issue>
3098          Fix behaviour of the option “Minimum number of chars for completion”
3099        </issue>
3100      </issues>
3101    </release>
3102    <release version="1.5.2" date="2016-09-02" urgency="medium">
3103      <description>
3104        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3105      </description>
3106      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.2</url>
3107      <issues>
3108        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1372660">
3109          rhbz#1372660: get_supported_imes(self) and def get_current_imes(self)
3110          should return copies not the lists directly
3111        </issue>
3112        <issue>
3113          Update emojione.json, version from 2016-07-16
3114        </issue>
3115        <issue>
3116          Change tooltip of the “Enable suggestions by Tab key” option
3117        </issue>
3118        <issue>
3119          Pull translations from Zanata: Fixes for fr and pl. New: uk
3120        </issue>
3121        <issue>
3122          Changes in itb_emoji.py necessary because of the update of
3123          the CLDR emoji annotations
3124        </issue>
3125        <issue>
3126          Update emoji annotations from CLDR (be, bs, cy, eu, gl, zu
3127          are new, the others updated)
3128        </issue>
3129        <issue>
3130          Shortcut keys which look up related candidates should
3131          enable the candidate list
3132        </issue>
3133        <issue>
3134          Show ⏳ HOURGLASS WITH FLOWING SAND in the auxiliary text
3135          when the lookup table is being updated
3136        </issue>
3137        <issue>
3138          Fix bug when committing the preëdit with Space when no
3139          candidates are available
3140        </issue>
3141        <issue>
3142          Improve the behaviour of the “Tab” key
3143        </issue>
3144        <issue>
3145          Improve the behaviour of the “Escape” key.
3146        </issue>
3147        <issue>
3148          Make mouse clicks in the candidate list behave differently
3149          depending on the mouse button
3150        </issue>
3151        <issue>
3152          Add hu-rovas-post.mim to hu_HU.conf
3153        </issue>
3154      </issues>
3155    </release>
3156    <release version="1.5.1" date="2016-08-29" urgency="medium">
3157      <description>
3158        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3159      </description>
3160      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.1</url>
3161      <issues>
3162        <issue>
3163          If the query string in EmojiMatcher.candidates() is an
3164          emoji itself, match similar ones.
3165        </issue>
3166        <issue>
3167          Data files should not be stored gzipped in the repository.
3168        </issue>
3169        <issue>
3170          Change displayed input method name from “Hunspell” to.
3171          “Typing Booster”
3172        </issue>
3173        <issue>
3174          French translations added (100% translated).
3175        </issue>
3176        <issue>
3177          Polish translations added (100% translated).
3178        </issue>
3179      </issues>
3180    </release>
3181    <release version="1.5.0" date="2016-08-10" urgency="medium">
3182      <description>
3183        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3184      </description>
3185      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.5.0</url>
3186      <issues>
3187        <issue>
3188          If the lookup table shows related words, “Escape” shows
3189          the original lookup table
3190        </issue>
3191        <issue>
3192          Use itb_nltk.py to find related words (synonyms,
3193          hypernyms, and hyponyms)
3194        </issue>
3195        <issue>
3196          Add a module to find related words using NLTK
3197        </issue>
3198        <issue>
3199          Add a feature to find similar emoji
3200        </issue>
3201        <issue>
3202          Add predictions for emoji (optional, on by default)
3203        </issue>
3204        <issue>
3205          Add a module to match emoji using Unicode, CLDR, and
3206          emojione data
3207        </issue>
3208        <issue>
3209          Make typing-booster.appdata.xml translatable
3210        </issue>
3211        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1365497">
3212          rhbz#1365497: When ignoring key release events, “False” should be
3213          returned, not “True”
3214        </issue>
3215        <issue>
3216          Make typing smoother by updating the candidates using
3217          GLib.idle_add()
3218        </issue>
3219        <issue>
3220          Make it possible to enter a space into the preëdit by
3221          typing “G- ” (AltGr+Space)
3222        </issue>
3223      </issues>
3224    </release>
3225    <release version="1.4.8" date="2016-07-17" urgency="medium">
3226      <description>
3227        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3228      </description>
3229      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.4.8</url>
3230      <issues>
3231        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1351748">
3232          rhbz#1351748: Commit preëdit if modifier keys without transliteration
3233          are typed and pass the key through.
3235          Solve this bug in a better way, for the modifier key
3236          combinations which do not have a transliteration, pass them
3237          through not only when the preëdit is empty, if the preëdit
3238          is non-empty, commit the preëdit and then pass the modifier
3239          key combination through.
3240        </issue>
3241      </issues>
3242    </release>
3243    <release version="1.4.7" date="2016-07-11" urgency="medium">
3244      <description>
3245        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3246      </description>
3247      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.4.7</url>
3248      <issues>
3249        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1353672">
3250          rhbz#1353672: Check if the commit key would change the transliteration
3251          if used as regular input.
3252        </issue>
3253      </issues>
3254    </release>
3255    <release version="1.4.6" date="2016-07-01" urgency="medium">
3256      <description>
3257        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3258      </description>
3259      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.4.6</url>
3260      <issues>
3261        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1351748">
3262          rhbz#1351748: Pass modifier key combinations through if there is no
3263          possible transliteration for that key combination
3264        </issue>
3265      </issues>
3266    </release>
3267    <release version="1.4.5" date="2016-05-11" urgency="medium">
3268      <description>
3269        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3270      </description>
3271      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.4.5</url>
3272      <issues>
3273        <issue>
3274          Do not colourize the preëdit dark blue, that is unreadable
3275          on dark backgrounds
3276        </issue>
3277        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1335021">
3278          rhbz#1335021: Set the size of the libm17n mconv conversion buffer
3279          correctly
3280        </issue>
3281      </issues>
3282    </release>
3283    <release version="1.4.4" date="2016-05-10" urgency="medium">
3284      <description>
3285        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3286      </description>
3287      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.4.4</url>
3288      <issues>
3289        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1334579">
3290          rhbz#1334579: self._current_imes needs to be updated before
3291          self.init_transliterators()
3292        </issue>
3293      </issues>
3294    </release>
3295    <release version="1.4.3" date="2016-04-28" urgency="medium">
3296      <description>
3297        <p>Bug fixes and enhancements</p>
3298      </description>
3299      <url>https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/releases/tag/1.4.3</url>
3300      <issues>
3301        <issue url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1331338">
3302          rhbz#1331338: Fix AttributeError: 'editor' object has no
3303          attribute 'trans'
3304        </issue>
3305      </issues>
3306    </release>
3307  </releases>