1 /*
2     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2020 Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <umbrello-devel@kde.org>
4 */
6 // own header
7 #include "umlviewimageexporterall.h"
9 // application specific includes
10 #include "diagramprintpage.h"
11 #include "exportallviewsdialog.h"
12 #include "umlviewimageexportermodel.h"
13 #include "uml.h"
14 #include "umldoc.h"
16 // kde include files
17 #include <KComboBox>
18 #include <KLocalizedString>
19 #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
20 #include <kfilefiltercombo.h>
21 #include <kurl.h>
22 #endif
23 #include <kurlrequester.h>
24 #include <KMessageBox>
26 // Qt include files
27 #include <QString>
28 #include <QStringList>
29 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
30 #include <QUrl>
31 #endif
33 /**
34  * Constructor for UMLViewImageExporterAll
35  */
UMLViewImageExporterAll()36 UMLViewImageExporterAll::UMLViewImageExporterAll()
37 {
38     m_dialog = new ExportAllViewsDialog(0, "exportAllViewsDialog");
39 }
41 /**
42  * Destructor for UMLViewImageExporterAll
43  */
~UMLViewImageExporterAll()44 UMLViewImageExporterAll::~UMLViewImageExporterAll()
45 {
46     delete m_dialog;
47 }
49 /**
50  * Export views selected by the DiagramPrintPage instance.
51  *
52  * See @ref exportViews(const UMLViewList &views) for more details.
53  *
54  * @param selectPage instance of DiagramPrintPage
55  */
exportViews(DiagramPrintPage * selectPage)56 void UMLViewImageExporterAll::exportViews(DiagramPrintPage *selectPage)
57 {
58     UMLViewList views;
59     int count = selectPage->printUmlCount();
60     for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
61         QString sID = selectPage->printUmlDiagram(i);
62         Uml::ID::Type id = Uml::ID::fromString(sID);
63         UMLView *v = UMLApp::app()->document()->findView(id);
64         if (v)
65             views.append(v);
66     }
67     exportViews(views);
68 }
70 /**
71  * Shows a dialog to the user to get the needed parameters and then exports
72  * the views.
73  * The dialog remembers values between calls (in the same application instance,
74  * although it's not persistent between Umbrello executions).
75  *
76  * Once the export begins, it can't be stopped until it ends itself. The status
77  * bar shows an information message until the export finishes.
78  *
79  * If something went wrong while exporting, an error dialog is shown to the
80  * user with the error messages explaining the problems occurred.
81  */
exportViews(const UMLViewList & views)82 void UMLViewImageExporterAll::exportViews(const UMLViewList &views)
83 {
84     UMLApp* app = UMLApp::app();
85     UMLDoc* umlDoc = app->document();
87     // default url can't be set when creating the action because the
88     // document wasn't loaded
89     if (m_dialog->m_kURL->url().isEmpty()) {
90 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
91         QUrl directory(umlDoc->url());
92         m_dialog->m_kURL->setUrl(directory.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename));
93 #else
94         m_dialog->m_kURL->setUrl(umlDoc->url().directory());
95 #endif
96     }
98     if (m_dialog->exec() == QDialog::Rejected) {
99         return;
100     }
102     app->setImageMimeType(m_dialog->m_imageType->currentType());
103     float resolution = m_dialog->m_imageResolution->currentResolution();
104     // export all views
105     umlDoc->writeToStatusBar(i18n("Exporting all views..."));
106     QStringList errors = UMLViewImageExporterModel(resolution).exportViews(views,
107 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
108                                 UMLViewImageExporterModel::mimeTypeToImageType(m_dialog->m_imageType->currentType()),
109                                 QUrl(m_dialog->m_kURL->url()),
110 #else
111                                 UMLViewImageExporterModel::mimeTypeToImageType(m_dialog->m_imageType->currentType()),
112                                 KUrl(m_dialog->m_kURL->url()),
113 #endif
114                                 m_dialog->m_useFolders->isChecked());
115     if (!errors.empty()) {
116         KMessageBox::errorList(app, i18n("Some errors happened when exporting the images:"), errors);
117     }
118     umlDoc->writeToStatusBar(i18nc("reset status bar", "Ready."));
119 }