4 #include "storage/tar_fwd.hpp"
6 #include "util/bearing.hpp"
7 #include "util/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
8 #include "util/deallocating_vector.hpp"
9 #include "util/exception.hpp"
10 #include "util/hilbert_value.hpp"
11 #include "util/integer_range.hpp"
12 #include "util/mmap_file.hpp"
13 #include "util/rectangle.hpp"
14 #include "util/typedefs.hpp"
15 #include "util/vector_view.hpp"
16 #include "util/web_mercator.hpp"
18 #include "osrm/coordinate.hpp"
20 #include "storage/shared_memory_ownership.hpp"
22 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
23 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
24 #include <boost/format.hpp>
25 #include <boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp>
27 #include <tbb/blocked_range.h>
28 #include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
29 #include <tbb/parallel_sort.h>
31 #include <algorithm>
32 #include <array>
33 #include <limits>
34 #include <memory>
35 #include <queue>
36 #include <string>
37 #include <vector>
39 namespace osrm
40 {
41 namespace util
42 {
43 template <class EdgeDataT,
44           storage::Ownership Ownership = storage::Ownership::Container,
45           std::uint32_t BRANCHING_FACTOR = 64,
46           std::uint32_t LEAF_PAGE_SIZE = 4096>
47 class StaticRTree;
49 namespace serialization
50 {
51 template <class EdgeDataT,
52           storage::Ownership Ownership,
53           std::uint32_t BRANCHING_FACTOR,
54           std::uint32_t LEAF_PAGE_SIZE>
55 inline void read(storage::tar::FileReader &reader,
56                  const std::string &name,
57                  util::StaticRTree<EdgeDataT, Ownership, BRANCHING_FACTOR, LEAF_PAGE_SIZE> &rtree);
59 template <class EdgeDataT,
60           storage::Ownership Ownership,
61           std::uint32_t BRANCHING_FACTOR,
62           std::uint32_t LEAF_PAGE_SIZE>
63 inline void
64 write(storage::tar::FileWriter &writer,
65       const std::string &name,
66       const util::StaticRTree<EdgeDataT, Ownership, BRANCHING_FACTOR, LEAF_PAGE_SIZE> &rtree);
67 } // namespace serialization
69 /***
70  * Static RTree for serving nearest neighbour queries
71  * // All coordinates are pojected first to Web Mercator before the bounding boxes
72  * // are computed, this means the internal distance metric doesn not represent meters!
73  */
75 template <class EdgeDataT,
76           storage::Ownership Ownership,
77           std::uint32_t BRANCHING_FACTOR,
78           std::uint32_t LEAF_PAGE_SIZE>
79 class StaticRTree
80 {
81     /**********************************************************
82      * Example RTree construction:
83      *
84      * 30 elements (EdgeDataT objects)
85      * LEAF_NODE_SIZE = 3
86      * BRANCHING_FACTOR = 2
87      *
88      * 012 345 678 901 234 567 890 123 456 789  <- EdgeDataT objects in .fileIndex data, sorted by
89      * \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/     Hilbert Code of the centroid coordinate
90      * A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   <- Everything from here down is a Rectangle in
91      * \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /        .ramIndex
92      *  K       L       M       N       O
93      *   \     /         \     /       /
94      *    \   /           \   /       /
95      *     \ /             \ /       /
96      *      P               Q       R
97      *       \             /       /
98      *        \           /       /
99      *         \         /       /
100      *          \       /       /
101      *           \     /       /
102      *            \   /       /
103      *             \ /       /
104      *              U       V
105      *               \     /
106      *                \   /
107      *                 \ /
108      *                  W
109      *
110      * Step 1 - objects 01234567... are sorted by Hilbert code (these are the line
111      *          segments of the OSM roads)
112      * Step 2 - we grab LEAF_NODE_SIZE of them at a time and create TreeNode A with a
113      *          bounding-box that surrounds the first LEAF_NODE_SIZE objects
114      * Step 2a- continue grabbing LEAF_NODE_SIZE objects, creating TreeNodes B,C,D,E...J
115      *          until we run out of objects.  The last TreeNode J may not have
116      *          LEAF_NODE_SIZE entries.  Our math later on caters for this.
117      * Step 3 - Now start grabbing nodes from A..J in groups of BRANCHING_FACTOR,
118      *          and create K..O with bounding boxes surrounding the groups of
119      *          BRANCHING_FACTOR.  Again, O, the last entry, may have fewer than
120      *          BRANCHING_FACTOR entries.
121      * Step 3a- Repeat this process for each level, until you only create 1 TreeNode
122      *          to contain its children (in this case, W).
123      *
124      * As we create TreeNodes, we append them to the m_search_tree vector.
125      *
126      * After this part of the building process, m_search_tree will contain TreeNode
127      * objects in this order:
128      *
130      * 10         5     3   2  1  <- number of nodes in the level
131      *
132      * In order to make our math easy later on, we reverse the whole array,
133      * then reverse the nodes within each level:
134      *
135      *   Reversed:        W VU RQP ONMKL JIHGFEDCBA
136      *   Levels reversed: W UV PQR KLMNO ABCDEFGHIJ
137      *
138      * We also now have the following information:
139      *
140      *   level sizes = {1,2,3,5,10}
141      *
142      * and we can calculate the array position the nodes for each level
143      * start (based on the sum of the previous level sizes):
144      *
145      *   level starts = {0,1,3,6,11}
146      *
147      * Now, some basic math can be used to navigate around the tree.  See
148      * the body of the `child_indexes` function for the details.
149      *
150      ***********************************************/
151     template <typename T> using Vector = ViewOrVector<T, Ownership>;
153   public:
154     using Rectangle = RectangleInt2D;
155     using EdgeData = EdgeDataT;
156     using CoordinateList = Vector<util::Coordinate>;
158     static_assert(LEAF_PAGE_SIZE >= sizeof(EdgeDataT), "page size is too small");
159     static_assert(((LEAF_PAGE_SIZE - 1) & LEAF_PAGE_SIZE) == 0, "page size is not a power of 2");
160     static constexpr std::uint32_t LEAF_NODE_SIZE = (LEAF_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(EdgeDataT));
162     struct CandidateSegment
163     {
164         Coordinate fixed_projected_coordinate;
165         EdgeDataT data;
166     };
168     /**
169      * Represents a node position somewhere in our tree.  This is purely a navigation
170      * class used to find children of each node - the actual data for each node
171      * is in the m_search_tree vector of TreeNode objects.
172      */
173     struct TreeIndex
174     {
TreeIndexosrm::util::StaticRTree::TreeIndex175         TreeIndex() : level(0), offset(0) {}
TreeIndexosrm::util::StaticRTree::TreeIndex176         TreeIndex(std::uint32_t level_, std::uint32_t offset_) : level(level_), offset(offset_) {}
177         std::uint32_t level;  // Which level of the tree is this node in
178         std::uint32_t offset; // Which node on this level is this (0=leftmost)
179     };
181     /**
182      * An actual node in the tree.  It's pretty minimal, we use the TreeIndex
183      * classes to navigate around.  The TreeNode is packed into m_search_tree
184      * in a specific order so we can calculate positions of children
185      * (see the children_indexes function)
186      */
187     struct TreeNode
188     {
189         Rectangle minimum_bounding_rectangle;
190     };
192   private:
193     /**
194      * A lightweight wrapper for the Hilbert Code for each EdgeDataT object
195      * A vector of these is used to sort the EdgeDataT input onto the
196      * Hilbert Curve.
197      * The sorting doesn't modify the original array, so this struct
198      * maintains a pointer to the original index position (m_original_index)
199      * so we can fetch the original data from the sorted position.
200      */
201     struct WrappedInputElement
202     {
WrappedInputElementosrm::util::StaticRTree::WrappedInputElement203         explicit WrappedInputElement(const uint64_t _hilbert_value,
204                                      const std::uint32_t _original_index)
205             : m_hilbert_value(_hilbert_value), m_original_index(_original_index)
206         {
207         }
WrappedInputElementosrm::util::StaticRTree::WrappedInputElement209         WrappedInputElement() : m_hilbert_value(0), m_original_index(UINT_MAX) {}
211         uint64_t m_hilbert_value;
212         std::uint32_t m_original_index;
operator <osrm::util::StaticRTree::WrappedInputElement214         inline bool operator<(const WrappedInputElement &other) const
215         {
216             return m_hilbert_value < other.m_hilbert_value;
217         }
218     };
220     struct QueryCandidate
221     {
QueryCandidateosrm::util::StaticRTree::QueryCandidate222         QueryCandidate(std::uint64_t squared_min_dist, TreeIndex tree_index)
223             : squared_min_dist(squared_min_dist), tree_index(tree_index),
224               segment_index(std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max())
225         {
226         }
QueryCandidateosrm::util::StaticRTree::QueryCandidate228         QueryCandidate(std::uint64_t squared_min_dist,
229                        TreeIndex tree_index,
230                        std::uint32_t segment_index,
231                        const Coordinate &coordinate)
232             : squared_min_dist(squared_min_dist), tree_index(tree_index),
233               fixed_projected_coordinate(coordinate), segment_index(segment_index)
234         {
235         }
is_segmentosrm::util::StaticRTree::QueryCandidate237         inline bool is_segment() const
238         {
239             return segment_index != std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max();
240         }
operator <osrm::util::StaticRTree::QueryCandidate242         inline bool operator<(const QueryCandidate &other) const
243         {
244             // Attn: this is reversed order. std::priority_queue is a
245             // max pq (biggest item at the front)!
246             return other.squared_min_dist < squared_min_dist;
247         }
249         std::uint64_t squared_min_dist;
250         TreeIndex tree_index;
251         Coordinate fixed_projected_coordinate;
252         std::uint32_t segment_index;
253     };
255     // Representation of the in-memory search tree
256     Vector<TreeNode> m_search_tree;
257     // Reference to the actual lon/lat data we need for doing math
258     util::vector_view<const Coordinate> m_coordinate_list;
259     // Holds the start indexes of each level in m_search_tree
260     Vector<std::uint64_t> m_tree_level_starts;
261     // mmap'd .fileIndex file
262     boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source m_objects_region;
263     // This is a view of the EdgeDataT data mmap'd from the .fileIndex file
264     util::vector_view<const EdgeDataT> m_objects;
266   public:
267     StaticRTree() = default;
268     StaticRTree(const StaticRTree &) = delete;
269     StaticRTree &operator=(const StaticRTree &) = delete;
270     StaticRTree(StaticRTree &&) = default;
271     StaticRTree &operator=(StaticRTree &&) = default;
273     // Construct a packed Hilbert-R-Tree with Kamel-Faloutsos algorithm [1]
StaticRTree(const std::vector<EdgeDataT> & input_data_vector,const Vector<Coordinate> & coordinate_list,const boost::filesystem::path & on_disk_file_name)274     explicit StaticRTree(const std::vector<EdgeDataT> &input_data_vector,
275                          const Vector<Coordinate> &coordinate_list,
276                          const boost::filesystem::path &on_disk_file_name)
277         : m_coordinate_list(coordinate_list.data(), coordinate_list.size())
278     {
279         const auto element_count = input_data_vector.size();
280         std::vector<WrappedInputElement> input_wrapper_vector(element_count);
282         // Step 1 - create a vector of Hilbert Code/original position pairs
283         tbb::parallel_for(
284             tbb::blocked_range<uint64_t>(0, element_count),
285             [&input_data_vector, &input_wrapper_vector, this](
286                 const tbb::blocked_range<uint64_t> &range) {
287                 for (uint64_t element_counter = range.begin(), end = range.end();
288                      element_counter != end;
289                      ++element_counter)
290                 {
291                     WrappedInputElement &current_wrapper = input_wrapper_vector[element_counter];
292                     current_wrapper.m_original_index = element_counter;
294                     EdgeDataT const &current_element = input_data_vector[element_counter];
296                     // Get Hilbert-Value for centroid in mercartor projection
297                     BOOST_ASSERT(current_element.u < m_coordinate_list.size());
298                     BOOST_ASSERT(current_element.v < m_coordinate_list.size());
300                     Coordinate current_centroid = coordinate_calculation::centroid(
301                         m_coordinate_list[current_element.u], m_coordinate_list[current_element.v]);
302                     current_centroid.lat = FixedLatitude{static_cast<std::int32_t>(
303                         COORDINATE_PRECISION *
304                         web_mercator::latToY(toFloating(current_centroid.lat)))};
306                     current_wrapper.m_hilbert_value = GetHilbertCode(current_centroid);
307                 }
308             });
310         // sort the hilbert-value representatives
311         tbb::parallel_sort(input_wrapper_vector.begin(), input_wrapper_vector.end());
312         {
313             boost::iostreams::mapped_file out_objects_region;
314             auto out_objects = mmapFile<EdgeDataT>(on_disk_file_name,
315                                                    out_objects_region,
316                                                    input_data_vector.size() * sizeof(EdgeDataT));
318             // Note, we can't just write everything in one go, because the input_data_vector
319             // is not sorted by hilbert code, only the input_wrapper_vector is in the correct
320             // order.  Instead, we iterate over input_wrapper_vector, copy the hilbert-indexed
321             // entries from input_data_vector into a temporary contiguous array, then write
322             // that array to disk.
324             // Create the first level of TreeNodes - each bounding LEAF_NODE_COUNT EdgeDataT
325             // objects.
326             std::size_t wrapped_element_index = 0;
327             auto objects_iter = out_objects.begin();
329             while (wrapped_element_index < element_count)
330             {
331                 TreeNode current_node;
333                 // Loop over the next block of EdgeDataT, calculate the bounding box
334                 // for the block, and save the data to write to disk in the correct
335                 // order.
336                 for (std::uint32_t object_index = 0;
337                      object_index < LEAF_NODE_SIZE && wrapped_element_index < element_count;
338                      ++object_index, ++wrapped_element_index)
339                 {
340                     const std::uint32_t input_object_index =
341                         input_wrapper_vector[wrapped_element_index].m_original_index;
342                     const EdgeDataT &object = input_data_vector[input_object_index];
344                     *objects_iter++ = object;
346                     Coordinate projected_u{
347                         web_mercator::fromWGS84(Coordinate{m_coordinate_list[object.u]})};
348                     Coordinate projected_v{
349                         web_mercator::fromWGS84(Coordinate{m_coordinate_list[object.v]})};
351                     BOOST_ASSERT(std::abs(toFloating(projected_u.lon).operator double()) <= 180.);
352                     BOOST_ASSERT(std::abs(toFloating(projected_u.lat).operator double()) <= 180.);
353                     BOOST_ASSERT(std::abs(toFloating(projected_v.lon).operator double()) <= 180.);
354                     BOOST_ASSERT(std::abs(toFloating(projected_v.lat).operator double()) <= 180.);
356                     Rectangle rectangle;
357                     rectangle.min_lon =
358                         std::min(rectangle.min_lon, std::min(projected_u.lon, projected_v.lon));
359                     rectangle.max_lon =
360                         std::max(rectangle.max_lon, std::max(projected_u.lon, projected_v.lon));
362                     rectangle.min_lat =
363                         std::min(rectangle.min_lat, std::min(projected_u.lat, projected_v.lat));
364                     rectangle.max_lat =
365                         std::max(rectangle.max_lat, std::max(projected_u.lat, projected_v.lat));
367                     BOOST_ASSERT(rectangle.IsValid());
368                     current_node.minimum_bounding_rectangle.MergeBoundingBoxes(rectangle);
369                 }
371                 m_search_tree.emplace_back(current_node);
372             }
373         }
374         // mmap as read-only now
375         m_objects = mmapFile<EdgeDataT>(on_disk_file_name, m_objects_region);
377         // Should hold the number of nodes at the lowest level of the graph (closest
378         // to the data)
379         std::uint32_t nodes_in_previous_level = m_search_tree.size();
381         // Holds the number of TreeNodes in each level.
382         // We always start with the root node, so
383         // m_tree_level_sizes[0] should always be 1
384         std::vector<std::uint64_t> tree_level_sizes;
385         tree_level_sizes.push_back(nodes_in_previous_level);
387         // Now, repeatedly create levels of nodes that contain BRANCHING_FACTOR
388         // nodes from the previous level.
389         while (nodes_in_previous_level > 1)
390         {
391             auto previous_level_start_pos = m_search_tree.size() - nodes_in_previous_level;
393             // We can calculate how many nodes will be in this level, we divide by
394             // BRANCHING_FACTOR
395             // and round up
396             std::uint32_t nodes_in_current_level =
397                 std::ceil(static_cast<double>(nodes_in_previous_level) / BRANCHING_FACTOR);
399             for (auto current_node_idx : irange<std::size_t>(0, nodes_in_current_level))
400             {
401                 TreeNode parent_node;
402                 auto first_child_index =
403                     current_node_idx * BRANCHING_FACTOR + previous_level_start_pos;
404                 auto last_child_index =
405                     first_child_index +
406                     std::min<std::size_t>(BRANCHING_FACTOR,
407                                           nodes_in_previous_level -
408                                               current_node_idx * BRANCHING_FACTOR);
410                 // Calculate the bounding box for BRANCHING_FACTOR nodes in the previous
411                 // level, then save that box as a new TreeNode in the new level.
412                 for (auto child_node_idx : irange<std::size_t>(first_child_index, last_child_index))
413                 {
414                     parent_node.minimum_bounding_rectangle.MergeBoundingBoxes(
415                         m_search_tree[child_node_idx].minimum_bounding_rectangle);
416                 }
417                 m_search_tree.emplace_back(parent_node);
418             }
419             nodes_in_previous_level = nodes_in_current_level;
420             tree_level_sizes.push_back(nodes_in_previous_level);
421         }
422         // At this point, we've got our tree built, but the nodes are in a weird order.
423         // Next thing we'll do is flip it around so that we don't end up with a lot of
424         // `size - n` math later on.
426         // Flip the tree so that the root node is at 0.
427         // This just makes our math during search a bit more intuitive
428         std::reverse(m_search_tree.begin(), m_search_tree.end());
430         // Same for the level sizes - root node / base level is at 0
431         std::reverse(tree_level_sizes.begin(), tree_level_sizes.end());
433         // The first level starts at 0
434         m_tree_level_starts = {0};
435         // The remaining levels start at the partial sum of the preceeding level sizes
436         std::partial_sum(tree_level_sizes.begin(),
437                          tree_level_sizes.end(),
438                          std::back_inserter(m_tree_level_starts));
439         BOOST_ASSERT(m_tree_level_starts.size() >= 2);
441         // Now we have to flip the coordinates within each level so that math is easier
442         // later on.  The workflow here is:
443         // The initial order of tree nodes in the m_search_tree array is roughly:
444         // 6789 345 12 0   (each block here is a level of the tree)
445         // Then we reverse it and get:
446         // 0 21 543 9876
447         // Now the loop below reverses each level to give us the final result
448         // 0 12 345 6789
449         // This ordering keeps the position math easy to understand during later
450         // searches
451         for (auto i : irange<std::size_t>(0, tree_level_sizes.size()))
452         {
453             std::reverse(m_search_tree.begin() + m_tree_level_starts[i],
454                          m_search_tree.begin() + m_tree_level_starts[i] + tree_level_sizes[i]);
455         }
456     }
458     /**
459      * Constructs an empty RTree for de-serialization.
460      */
461     template <typename = std::enable_if<Ownership == storage::Ownership::Container>>
StaticRTree(const boost::filesystem::path & on_disk_file_name,const Vector<Coordinate> & coordinate_list)462     explicit StaticRTree(const boost::filesystem::path &on_disk_file_name,
463                          const Vector<Coordinate> &coordinate_list)
464         : m_coordinate_list(coordinate_list.data(), coordinate_list.size())
465     {
466         m_objects = mmapFile<EdgeDataT>(on_disk_file_name, m_objects_region);
467     }
469     /**
470      * Constructs an r-tree from blocks of memory loaded by someone else
471      * (usually a shared memory block created by osrm-datastore)
472      * These memory blocks basically just contain the files read into RAM,
473      * excep the .fileIndex file always stays on disk, and we mmap() it as usual
474      */
StaticRTree(Vector<TreeNode> search_tree_,Vector<std::uint64_t> tree_level_starts,const boost::filesystem::path & on_disk_file_name,const Vector<Coordinate> & coordinate_list)475     explicit StaticRTree(Vector<TreeNode> search_tree_,
476                          Vector<std::uint64_t> tree_level_starts,
477                          const boost::filesystem::path &on_disk_file_name,
478                          const Vector<Coordinate> &coordinate_list)
479         : m_search_tree(std::move(search_tree_)),
480           m_coordinate_list(coordinate_list.data(), coordinate_list.size()),
481           m_tree_level_starts(std::move(tree_level_starts))
482     {
483         BOOST_ASSERT(m_tree_level_starts.size() >= 2);
484         m_objects = mmapFile<EdgeDataT>(on_disk_file_name, m_objects_region);
485     }
487     /* Returns all features inside the bounding box.
488        Rectangle needs to be projected!*/
SearchInBox(const Rectangle & search_rectangle) const489     std::vector<EdgeDataT> SearchInBox(const Rectangle &search_rectangle) const
490     {
491         const Rectangle projected_rectangle{
492             search_rectangle.min_lon,
493             search_rectangle.max_lon,
494             toFixed(FloatLatitude{
495                 web_mercator::latToY(toFloating(FixedLatitude(search_rectangle.min_lat)))}),
496             toFixed(FloatLatitude{
497                 web_mercator::latToY(toFloating(FixedLatitude(search_rectangle.max_lat)))})};
498         std::vector<EdgeDataT> results;
500         std::queue<TreeIndex> traversal_queue;
501         traversal_queue.push(TreeIndex{});
503         while (!traversal_queue.empty())
504         {
505             auto const current_tree_index = traversal_queue.front();
506             traversal_queue.pop();
508             // If we're at the bottom of the tree, we need to explore the
509             // element array
510             if (is_leaf(current_tree_index))
511             {
513                 // Note: irange is [start,finish), so we need to +1 to make sure we visit the
514                 // last
515                 for (const auto current_child_index : child_indexes(current_tree_index))
516                 {
517                     const auto &current_edge = m_objects[current_child_index];
519                     // we don't need to project the coordinates here,
520                     // because we use the unprojected rectangle to test against
521                     const Rectangle bbox{std::min(m_coordinate_list[current_edge.u].lon,
522                                                   m_coordinate_list[current_edge.v].lon),
523                                          std::max(m_coordinate_list[current_edge.u].lon,
524                                                   m_coordinate_list[current_edge.v].lon),
525                                          std::min(m_coordinate_list[current_edge.u].lat,
526                                                   m_coordinate_list[current_edge.v].lat),
527                                          std::max(m_coordinate_list[current_edge.u].lat,
528                                                   m_coordinate_list[current_edge.v].lat)};
530                     // use the _unprojected_ input rectangle here
531                     if (bbox.Intersects(search_rectangle))
532                     {
533                         results.push_back(current_edge);
534                     }
535                 }
536             }
537             else
538             {
539                 BOOST_ASSERT(current_tree_index.level + 1 < m_tree_level_starts.size());
541                 for (const auto child_index : child_indexes(current_tree_index))
542                 {
543                     const auto &child_rectangle =
544                         m_search_tree[child_index].minimum_bounding_rectangle;
546                     if (child_rectangle.Intersects(projected_rectangle))
547                     {
548                         traversal_queue.push(TreeIndex(
549                             current_tree_index.level + 1,
550                             child_index - m_tree_level_starts[current_tree_index.level + 1]));
551                     }
552                 }
553             }
554         }
555         return results;
556     }
558     // Override filter and terminator for the desired behaviour.
Nearest(const Coordinate input_coordinate,const std::size_t max_results) const559     std::vector<EdgeDataT> Nearest(const Coordinate input_coordinate,
560                                    const std::size_t max_results) const
561     {
562         return Nearest(
563             input_coordinate,
564             [](const CandidateSegment &) { return std::make_pair(true, true); },
565             [max_results](const std::size_t num_results, const CandidateSegment &) {
566                 return num_results >= max_results;
567             });
568     }
570     // Override filter and terminator for the desired behaviour.
571     template <typename FilterT, typename TerminationT>
Nearest(const Coordinate input_coordinate,const FilterT filter,const TerminationT terminate) const572     std::vector<EdgeDataT> Nearest(const Coordinate input_coordinate,
573                                    const FilterT filter,
574                                    const TerminationT terminate) const
575     {
576         std::vector<EdgeDataT> results;
577         auto projected_coordinate = web_mercator::fromWGS84(input_coordinate);
578         Coordinate fixed_projected_coordinate{projected_coordinate};
579         // initialize queue with root element
580         std::priority_queue<QueryCandidate> traversal_queue;
581         traversal_queue.push(QueryCandidate{0, TreeIndex{}});
583         while (!traversal_queue.empty())
584         {
585             QueryCandidate current_query_node = traversal_queue.top();
586             traversal_queue.pop();
588             const TreeIndex &current_tree_index = current_query_node.tree_index;
589             if (!current_query_node.is_segment())
590             { // current object is a tree node
591                 if (is_leaf(current_tree_index))
592                 {
593                     ExploreLeafNode(current_tree_index,
594                                     fixed_projected_coordinate,
595                                     projected_coordinate,
596                                     traversal_queue);
597                 }
598                 else
599                 {
600                     ExploreTreeNode(
601                         current_tree_index, fixed_projected_coordinate, traversal_queue);
602                 }
603             }
604             else
605             { // current candidate is an actual road segment
606                 // We deliberatly make a copy here, we mutate the value below
607                 auto edge_data = m_objects[current_query_node.segment_index];
608                 const auto &current_candidate =
609                     CandidateSegment{current_query_node.fixed_projected_coordinate, edge_data};
611                 // to allow returns of no-results if too restrictive filtering, this needs to be
612                 // done here even though performance would indicate that we want to stop after
613                 // adding the first candidate
614                 if (terminate(results.size(), current_candidate))
615                 {
616                     break;
617                 }
619                 auto use_segment = filter(current_candidate);
620                 if (!use_segment.first && !use_segment.second)
621                 {
622                     continue;
623                 }
624                 edge_data.forward_segment_id.enabled &= use_segment.first;
625                 edge_data.reverse_segment_id.enabled &= use_segment.second;
627                 // store phantom node in result vector
628                 results.push_back(std::move(edge_data));
629             }
630         }
632         return results;
633     }
635   private:
636     /**
637      * Iterates over all the objects in a leaf node and inserts them into our
638      * search priority queue.  The speed of this function is very much governed
639      * by the value of LEAF_NODE_SIZE, as we'll calculate the euclidean distance
640      * for every child of each leaf node visited.
641      */
642     template <typename QueueT>
ExploreLeafNode(const TreeIndex & leaf_id,const Coordinate & projected_input_coordinate_fixed,const FloatCoordinate & projected_input_coordinate,QueueT & traversal_queue) const643     void ExploreLeafNode(const TreeIndex &leaf_id,
644                          const Coordinate &projected_input_coordinate_fixed,
645                          const FloatCoordinate &projected_input_coordinate,
646                          QueueT &traversal_queue) const
647     {
648         // Check that we're actually looking at the bottom level of the tree
649         BOOST_ASSERT(is_leaf(leaf_id));
651         for (const auto i : child_indexes(leaf_id))
652         {
653             const auto &current_edge = m_objects[i];
655             const auto projected_u = web_mercator::fromWGS84(m_coordinate_list[current_edge.u]);
656             const auto projected_v = web_mercator::fromWGS84(m_coordinate_list[current_edge.v]);
658             FloatCoordinate projected_nearest;
659             std::tie(std::ignore, projected_nearest) =
660                 coordinate_calculation::projectPointOnSegment(
661                     projected_u, projected_v, projected_input_coordinate);
663             const auto squared_distance = coordinate_calculation::squaredEuclideanDistance(
664                 projected_input_coordinate_fixed, projected_nearest);
665             // distance must be non-negative
666             BOOST_ASSERT(0. <= squared_distance);
667             BOOST_ASSERT(i < std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max());
668             traversal_queue.push(QueryCandidate{squared_distance,
669                                                 leaf_id,
670                                                 static_cast<std::uint32_t>(i),
671                                                 Coordinate{projected_nearest}});
672         }
673     }
675     /**
676      * Iterates over all the children of a TreeNode and inserts them into the search
677      * priority queue using their distance from the search coordinate as the
678      * priority metric.
679      * The closests distance to a box from our point is also the closest distance
680      * to the closest line in that box (assuming the boxes hug their contents).
681      */
682     template <class QueueT>
ExploreTreeNode(const TreeIndex & parent,const Coordinate & fixed_projected_input_coordinate,QueueT & traversal_queue) const683     void ExploreTreeNode(const TreeIndex &parent,
684                          const Coordinate &fixed_projected_input_coordinate,
685                          QueueT &traversal_queue) const
686     {
687         // Figure out which_id level the parent is on, and it's offset
688         // in that level.
689         // Check that we're actually looking at the bottom level of the tree
690         BOOST_ASSERT(!is_leaf(parent));
692         for (const auto child_index : child_indexes(parent))
693         {
694             const auto &child = m_search_tree[child_index];
696             const auto squared_lower_bound_to_element =
697                 child.minimum_bounding_rectangle.GetMinSquaredDist(
698                     fixed_projected_input_coordinate);
700             traversal_queue.push(QueryCandidate{
701                 squared_lower_bound_to_element,
702                 TreeIndex(parent.level + 1, child_index - m_tree_level_starts[parent.level + 1])});
703         }
704     }
GetLevelSize(const std::size_t level) const706     std::uint64_t GetLevelSize(const std::size_t level) const
707     {
708         BOOST_ASSERT(m_tree_level_starts.size() > level + 1);
709         BOOST_ASSERT(m_tree_level_starts[level + 1] >= m_tree_level_starts[level]);
710         return m_tree_level_starts[level + 1] - m_tree_level_starts[level];
711     }
713     /**
714      * Calculates the absolute position of child data in our packed data
715      * vectors.
716      *
717      * when given a TreeIndex that is a leaf node (i.e. at the bottom of the tree),
718      * this function returns indexes valid for `m_objects`
719      *
720      * otherwise, the indexes are to be used with m_search_tree to iterate over
721      * the children of `parent`
722      *
723      * This function assumes we pack nodes as described in the big comment
724      * at the top of this class.  All nodes are fully filled except for the last
725      * one in each level.
726      */
child_indexes(const TreeIndex & parent) const727     range<std::size_t> child_indexes(const TreeIndex &parent) const
728     {
729         // If we're looking at a leaf node, the index is from 0 to m_objects.size(),
730         // there is only 1 level of object data in the m_objects array
731         if (is_leaf(parent))
732         {
733             const std::uint64_t first_child_index = parent.offset * LEAF_NODE_SIZE;
734             const std::uint64_t end_child_index = std::min(
735                 first_child_index + LEAF_NODE_SIZE, static_cast<std::uint64_t>(m_objects.size()));
737             BOOST_ASSERT(first_child_index < std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max());
738             BOOST_ASSERT(end_child_index < std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max());
739             BOOST_ASSERT(end_child_index <= m_objects.size());
741             return irange<std::size_t>(first_child_index, end_child_index);
742         }
743         else
744         {
745             const std::uint64_t first_child_index =
746                 m_tree_level_starts[parent.level + 1] + parent.offset * BRANCHING_FACTOR;
748             const std::uint64_t end_child_index =
749                 std::min(first_child_index + BRANCHING_FACTOR,
750                          m_tree_level_starts[parent.level + 1] + GetLevelSize(parent.level + 1));
751             BOOST_ASSERT(first_child_index < std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max());
752             BOOST_ASSERT(end_child_index < std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max());
753             BOOST_ASSERT(end_child_index <= m_search_tree.size());
754             BOOST_ASSERT(end_child_index <=
755                          m_tree_level_starts[parent.level + 1] + GetLevelSize(parent.level + 1));
756             return irange<std::size_t>(first_child_index, end_child_index);
757         }
758     }
is_leaf(const TreeIndex & treeindex) const760     bool is_leaf(const TreeIndex &treeindex) const
761     {
762         BOOST_ASSERT(m_tree_level_starts.size() >= 2);
763         return treeindex.level == m_tree_level_starts.size() - 2;
764     }
766     friend void serialization::read<EdgeDataT, Ownership, BRANCHING_FACTOR, LEAF_PAGE_SIZE>(
767         storage::tar::FileReader &reader, const std::string &name, StaticRTree &rtree);
769     friend void serialization::write<EdgeDataT, Ownership, BRANCHING_FACTOR, LEAF_PAGE_SIZE>(
770         storage::tar::FileWriter &writer, const std::string &name, const StaticRTree &rtree);
771 };
773 //[1] "On Packing R-Trees"; I. Kamel, C. Faloutsos; 1993; DOI: 10.1145/170088.170403
774 //[2] "Nearest Neighbor Queries", N. Roussopulos et al; 1995; DOI: 10.1145/223784.223794
775 //[3] "Distance Browsing in Spatial Databases"; G. Hjaltason, H. Samet; 1999; ACM Trans. DB Sys
776 // Vol.24 No.2, pp.265-318
777 } // namespace util
778 } // namespace osrm
780 #endif // STATIC_RTREE_HPP