1 /*
2  * Copyright 2006-2008 The FLWOR Foundation.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #pragma once
17 #ifndef ZORBA_STL_UTIL_H
18 #define ZORBA_STL_UTIL_H
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <cassert>
22 #include <cstring>
23 #include <functional>
24 #include <iterator>
25 #include <limits>
26 #include <set>
27 #include <stack>
29 #include <zorba/config.h>
30 #include <zorba/internal/ztd.h>
32 #include "cxx_util.h"
34 namespace zorba {
35 namespace ztd {
37 using internal::ztd::destroy_delete;
38 using internal::ztd::has_insertion_operator;
39 using internal::ztd::less;
41 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43 /**
44  * A less-verbose way to iterate over a constant sequence.
45  */
46 #define FOR_EACH(TYPE,IT,SEQ) \
47   for ( TYPE::const_iterator IT = (SEQ).begin(); IT != (SEQ).end(); ++IT )
49 /**
50  * A less-verbose way to iterate over a mutable sequence.
51  */
53   for ( TYPE::iterator IT = (SEQ).begin(); IT != (SEQ).end(); ++IT )
55 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
57 /**
58  * A version of std::back_insert_iterator that's suitable as a base-class (the
59  * standard one is not).
60  *
61  * @tparam ContainerType The type of the container to insert into.
62  * @tparam DerivedType The type of the class deriving from this.
63  */
64 template<class ContainerType,class DerivedType>
65 class back_insert_iterator_base :
66   public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag,void,void,void,void> {
67 public:
68   typedef ContainerType container_type;
70   DerivedType& operator*() {
71     return *static_cast<DerivedType*>( this );
72   }
74   DerivedType& operator++() {
75     return *static_cast<DerivedType*>( this );
76   }
78   DerivedType& operator++(int) {
79     return *static_cast<DerivedType*>( this );
80   }
82 protected:
back_insert_iterator_base(ContainerType & c)83   back_insert_iterator_base( ContainerType &c ) : container( &c ) {
84   }
86   /**
87    * A pointer is used (rather than a reference) so this class can be copy
88    * constructed.
89    */
90   ContainerType *container;
91 };
93 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
95 /**
96  * Implementation of SGI's %identity extension.
97  * See: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/identity.html
98  */
99 template<typename T>
100 struct identity : std::unary_function<T,T> {
operatoridentity101   T const& operator()( T const &a ) const {
102     return a;
103   }
104 };
106 /**
107  * Implementation of SGI's %select1st extension.
108  * See: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/select1st.html
109  */
110 template<typename PairType>
111 struct select1st : std::unary_function<PairType,typename PairType::first_type> {
operatorselect1st112   typename PairType::first_type const& operator()( PairType const &a ) const {
113     return a.first;
114   }
115 };
117 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
119 /**
120  * Determines whether the given type \c T is efficiently passed by value.
121  */
122 template<typename T>
123 struct is_passable_by_value {
124   static bool const value =
125         ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_arithmetic<T>::value
126     ||  ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_enum<T>::value
127     ||  ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_pointer<T>::value
128     ||  ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_reference<T>::value
129     ||  ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_member_function_pointer<T>::value;
130 };
132 /**
133  * Useful traits when declaring functions.
134  * This class is similar to boost::call_traits.
135  *
136  * @tparam T A type that is used for a function formal argument or return type.
137  */
138 template<typename T,bool = is_passable_by_value<T>::value>
139 struct call_traits {
140   /**
141    * A type that is guaranteed to be the most efficient to use as a formal
142    * argument.
143    */
144   typedef T const arg_type;
145 };
147 /**
148  * Partial specialization for when \c T is not efficiently passed by value.
149  */
150 template<typename T>
151 struct call_traits<T,false> {
152   typedef T const& arg_type;
153 };
155 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
157 /**
158  * A less-verbose way to determine whether the given map or set contains a
159  * particular element.
160  */
161 template<class ContainerType> inline
162 bool contains(
163     ContainerType const &s,
164     typename call_traits<typename ContainerType::key_type>::arg_type v ) {
165   return s.find( v ) != s.end();
166 }
168 /**
169  * Like std::copy(), but copy at most N elements.
170  */
171 template<typename InputIterator, typename SizeType, typename OutputIterator>
172 inline OutputIterator copy_n( InputIterator first, SizeType count,
173                               OutputIterator result ) {
174   for ( SizeType i = 0; i < count; ++i, *result++ = *first++ )
175     ;
176   return result;
177 }
179 /**
180  * A less-verbose way to copy the given sequence.
181  */
182 template<class FromSequenceType,class ToSequenceType> inline
183 void copy_seq( FromSequenceType const &from, ToSequenceType &to ) {
184   std::copy( from.begin(), from.end(), std::back_inserter( to ) );
185 }
187 /**
188  * A less-verbose way to copy the given set.
189  */
190 template<class FromSequenceType,class ToSequenceType> inline
191 void copy_set( FromSequenceType const &from, ToSequenceType &to ) {
192   std::copy( from.begin(), from.end(), std::inserter( to, to.begin() ) );
193 }
195 /**
196  * Given a seq<T*>, deletes all the elements.
197  */
198 template<class SequenceType> inline
199 void delete_ptr_seq( SequenceType &seq ) {
200   MUTATE_EACH( typename SequenceType, i, seq )
201     delete *i;
202 }
204 /**
205  * Erases all elements in the given container for which the given predicate is
206  * \c true.
207  *
208  * @tparam SequenceType The sequence type.
209  * @tparam PredicateType The predicate type.
210  * @param seq The sequence to modify.
211  * @param pred The predicate to use.
212  * @return Returns the number of elements erased.
213  */
214 template<class SequenceType,class PredicateType> inline
215 typename SequenceType::size_type erase_if( SequenceType &seq,
216                                            PredicateType pred ) {
217   typename SequenceType::size_type erased = 0;
218   for ( typename SequenceType::iterator i = seq.begin(); i != seq.end(); ) {
219     if ( pred( *i ) ) {
220       i = seq.erase( i );
221       ++erased;
222     } else
223       ++i;
224   }
225   return erased;
226 }
228 /**
229  * Erases only the first element in the given sequence for which the given
230  * predicate is \c true.
231  *
232  * @tparam SequenceType The sequence type.
233  * @tparam PredicateType The predicate type.
234  * @param seq The sequence to modify.
235  * @param pred The predicate to use.
236  * @return Returns \c true only if an element was erased; \c false otherwise.
237  */
238 template<class SequenceType,class PredicateType> inline
239 bool erase_1st_if( SequenceType &seq, PredicateType pred ) {
240   MUTATE_EACH( typename SequenceType, i, seq ) {
241     if ( pred( *i ) ) {
242       seq.erase( i );
243       return true;
244     }
245   }
246   return false;
247 }
249 /**
250  * Moves the first element of the first sequence to the back of the second.
251  */
252 template<class FromSequenceType,class ToSequenceType> inline
253 void move_front_to_back( FromSequenceType &from, ToSequenceType &to ) {
254   to.push_back( from.front() );
255   from.pop_front();
256 }
258 /**
259  * Same as std::strdup(3) except it uses C++'s \c new[] rather than malloc(3).
260  *
261  * @param s The C string to duplicate.
262  * @return Returns a copy of \a s.  Deallocation via \c delete[] is the
263  * responsibility of the caller.
264  */
265 inline char* new_strdup( char const *s ) {
266   return std::strcpy( new char[ std::strlen( s ) + 1 ], s );
267 }
269 /**
270  * A less-verbose way to pop the first element from a sequence.
271  */
272 template<class SequenceType> inline
273 typename SequenceType::value_type pop_front( SequenceType &seq ) {
274   assert( !seq.empty() );
275   typename SequenceType::value_type const value( seq.front() );
276   seq.pop_front();
277   return value;
278 }
280 /**
281  * A less-verbose way to pop an element from a stack.
282  */
283 template<class StackType> inline
284 typename StackType::value_type pop_stack( StackType &s ) {
285   assert( !s.empty() );
286   typename StackType::value_type const value( s.top() );
287   s.pop();
288   return value;
289 }
291 /**
292  * A less verbose way to compare the top value of a stack for equality with a
293  * given value.
294  */
295 template<class StackType> inline
296 bool top_stack_equals(
297     StackType const &s,
298     typename call_traits<typename StackType::value_type>::arg_type v ) {
299   return !s.empty() && s.top() == v;
300 }
302 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
304 template<typename NumericType> inline
305 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_arithmetic<NumericType>::value,
306                         bool>::type
307 gt0( NumericType n ) {                  // for completeness
308   return n > 0;
309 }
311 template<typename NumericType> inline
312 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<NumericType>::value,bool>::type
313 ge0( NumericType n ) {
314   return n >= 0;
315 }
317 template<typename IntType> inline
318 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<IntType>::value,bool>::type
319 ge0( IntType ) {
320   return true;
321 }
323 template<typename NumericType> inline
324 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<NumericType>::value,bool>::type
325 lt0( NumericType n ) {
326   return n < 0;
327 }
329 template<typename IntType> inline
330 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<IntType>::value,bool>::type
331 lt0( IntType ) {
332   return false;
333 }
335 template<typename NumericType> inline
336 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<NumericType>::value,bool>::type
337 le0( NumericType n ) {
338   return n <= 0;
339 }
341 template<typename IntType> inline
342 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<IntType>::value,bool>::type
343 le0( IntType n ) {
344   return n == 0;
345 }
347 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
349 //
350 // These functions are used to test whether a value of numeric type N1 is
351 // within the range of another numeric type N2.  It correctly handles the
352 // cases where the "signed-ness" of N1 and N2 differ such that the code is
353 // warning-free.
354 //
355 // Note: the use of "!!" is to work around a compiler problem on Windows;
356 // see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9285657/sfinae-differentiation-between-signed-and-unsigned
357 //
359 template<typename N1,typename N2> inline
360 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<N1>::value
361                      && ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<N2>::value,bool>::type
362 ge_min( N1 n1, N2 ) {
363   return n1 >= std::numeric_limits<N2>::min();
364 }
366 template<typename N1,typename N2> inline
367 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<N1>::value
368                      && !!ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<N2>::value,bool>::type
369 ge_min( N1 n1, N2 ) {
370   return n1 >= 0;
371 }
373 template<typename N1,typename N2> inline
374 typename std::enable_if<!!ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<N1>::value
375                      && ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<N2>::value,bool>::type
376 ge_min( N1, N2 ) {
377   return true;
378 }
380 template<typename N1,typename N2> inline
381 typename std::enable_if<!!ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<N1>::value
382                      && !!ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<N2>::value,bool>::type
383 ge_min( N1, N2 ) {
384   return true;
385 }
387 template<typename N1,typename N2> inline
388 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<N1>::value
389                      && ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<N2>::value,bool>::type
390 le_max( N1 n1, N2 ) {
391   return n1 <= std::numeric_limits<N2>::max();
392 }
394 template<typename N1,typename N2> inline
395 typename std::enable_if<ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<N1>::value
396                      && !!ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<N2>::value,bool>::type
397 le_max( N1 n1, N2 ) {
398   return n1 <= 0 || static_cast<N2>( n1 ) <= std::numeric_limits<N2>::max();
399 }
401 template<typename N1,typename N2> inline
402 typename std::enable_if<!!ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<N1>::value
403                      && ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_signed<N2>::value,bool>::type
404 le_max( N1 n1, N2 ) {
405   return n1 <= static_cast<N1>( std::numeric_limits<N2>::max() );
406 }
408 template<typename N1,typename N2> inline
409 typename std::enable_if<!!ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<N1>::value
410                      && !!ZORBA_TR1_NS::is_unsigned<N2>::value,bool>::type
411 le_max( N1 n1, N2 ) {
412   return n1 <= std::numeric_limits<N2>::max();
413 }
415 #define ZORBA_GE_MIN(N,T) \
416   ::zorba::ztd::ge_min( N, static_cast<T>(0) )
418 #define ZORBA_LE_MAX(N,T) \
419   ::zorba::ztd::le_max( N, static_cast<T>(0) )
421 #define ZORBA_IN_RANGE(N,T) \
422   ( ZORBA_GE_MIN(N,T) && ZORBA_LE_MAX(N,T) )
424 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
426 template<typename T> class stack_generator {
427   std::stack<T> &stk;
428 public:
429   stack_generator (std::stack<T> &stk_) : stk (stk_) { }
430   T operator()() {
431     assert( !stk.empty() );
432     T const x = stk.top();
433     stk.pop();
434     return x;
435   }
436 };
438 template<typename T> inline
439 stack_generator<T> stack_to_generator(std::stack<T> &stk) {
440   return stack_generator<T>( stk );
441 }
443 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
445 } // namespace ztd
446 } // namespace zorba
447 #endif  /* ZORBA_STL_UTIL_H */
448 /* vim:set et sw=2 ts=2: */