2-- The main program for the hpc-markup tool, part of HPC.
3-- Andy Gill and Colin Runciman, June 2006
6module HpcMarkup (markup_plugin) where
8import Trace.Hpc.Mix
9import Trace.Hpc.Tix
10import Trace.Hpc.Util (HpcPos, fromHpcPos, writeFileUtf8)
12import HpcFlags
13import HpcUtils
15import System.FilePath
16import Data.List
17import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
18import Data.Semigroup as Semi
19import Data.Array
20import Control.Monad
21import qualified Data.Set as Set
25markup_options :: FlagOptSeq
27        = excludeOpt
28        . includeOpt
29        . srcDirOpt
30        . hpcDirOpt
31        . resetHpcDirsOpt
32        . funTotalsOpt
33        . altHighlightOpt
34        . destDirOpt
35        . verbosityOpt
37markup_plugin :: Plugin
38markup_plugin = Plugin { name = "markup"
39                       , usage = "[OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> [<MODULE> [<MODULE> ..]]"
40                       , options = markup_options
41                       , summary = "Markup Haskell source with program coverage"
42                       , implementation = markup_main
43                       , init_flags = default_flags
44                       , final_flags = default_final_flags
45                       }
49markup_main :: Flags -> [String] -> IO ()
50markup_main flags (prog:modNames) = do
51  let hpcflags1 = flags
52                { includeMods = Set.fromList modNames
53                                   `Set.union`
54                                includeMods flags }
55  let Flags
56       { funTotals = theFunTotals
57       , altHighlight = invertOutput
58       , destDir = dest_dir
59       }  = hpcflags1
61  mtix <- readTix (getTixFileName prog)
62  Tix tixs <- case mtix of
63    Nothing -> hpcError markup_plugin $ "unable to find tix file for: " ++ prog
64    Just a -> return a
66  mods <-
67     sequence [ genHtmlFromMod dest_dir hpcflags1 tix theFunTotals invertOutput
68              | tix <- tixs
69              , allowModule hpcflags1 (tixModuleName tix)
70              ]
72  let index_name = "hpc_index"
73      index_fun  = "hpc_index_fun"
74      index_alt  = "hpc_index_alt"
75      index_exp  = "hpc_index_exp"
77  let writeSummary filename cmp = do
78        let mods' = sortBy cmp mods
80        unless (verbosity flags < Normal) $
81            putStrLn $ "Writing: " ++ (filename <.> "html")
83        writeFileUtf8 (dest_dir </> filename <.> "html") $
84            "<html>" ++
85            "<head>" ++
86            "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">" ++
87            "<style type=\"text/css\">" ++
88            "table.bar { background-color: #f25913; }\n" ++
89            "td.bar { background-color: #60de51;  }\n" ++
90            "td.invbar { background-color: #f25913;  }\n" ++
91            "table.dashboard { border-collapse: collapse  ; border: solid 1px black }\n" ++
92            ".dashboard td { border: solid 1px black }\n" ++
93            ".dashboard th { border: solid 1px black }\n" ++
94            "</style>\n" ++
95            "</head>" ++
96            "<body>" ++
97            "<table class=\"dashboard\" width=\"100%\" border=1>\n" ++
98            "<tr>" ++
99            "<th rowspan=2><a href=\"" ++ index_name ++ ".html\">module</a></th>" ++
100            "<th colspan=3><a href=\"" ++ index_fun ++ ".html\">Top Level Definitions</a></th>" ++
101            "<th colspan=3><a href=\"" ++ index_alt ++ ".html\">Alternatives</a></th>" ++
102            "<th colspan=3><a href=\"" ++ index_exp ++ ".html\">Expressions</a></th>" ++
103            "</tr>" ++
104            "<tr>" ++
105            "<th>%</th>" ++
106            "<th colspan=2>covered / total</th>" ++
107            "<th>%</th>" ++
108            "<th colspan=2>covered / total</th>" ++
109            "<th>%</th>" ++
110            "<th colspan=2>covered / total</th>" ++
111            "</tr>" ++
112            concat [ showModuleSummary (modName,fileName,modSummary)
113                   | (modName,fileName,modSummary) <- mods'
114                   ] ++
115            "<tr></tr>" ++
116            showTotalSummary (mconcat
117                                 [ modSummary
118                                 | (_,_,modSummary) <- mods'
119                                 ])
120                   ++ "</table></body></html>\n"
122  writeSummary index_name  $ \ (n1,_,_) (n2,_,_) -> compare n1 n2
124  writeSummary index_fun $ \ (_,_,s1) (_,_,s2) ->
125        compare (percent (topFunTicked s2) (topFunTotal s2))
126                (percent (topFunTicked s1) (topFunTotal s1))
128  writeSummary index_alt $ \ (_,_,s1) (_,_,s2) ->
129        compare (percent (altTicked s2) (altTotal s2))
130                (percent (altTicked s1) (altTotal s1))
132  writeSummary index_exp $ \ (_,_,s1) (_,_,s2) ->
133        compare (percent (expTicked s2) (expTotal s2))
134                (percent (expTicked s1) (expTotal s1))
137markup_main _ []
138    = hpcError markup_plugin $ "no .tix file or executable name specified"
140-- Add characters to the left of a string until it is at least as
141-- large as requested.
142padLeft :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
143padLeft n c str = go n str
144  where
145    -- If the string is already long enough, stop traversing it.
146    go 0 _       = str
147    go k []      = replicate k c ++ str
148    go k (_:xs)  = go (k-1) xs
151  :: String
152  -> Flags
153  -> TixModule
154  -> Bool
155  -> Bool
156  -> IO (String, [Char], ModuleSummary)
157genHtmlFromMod dest_dir flags tix theFunTotals invertOutput = do
158  let theHsPath = srcDirs flags
159  let modName0 = tixModuleName tix
161  (Mix origFile _ _ tabStop mix') <- readMixWithFlags flags (Right tix)
163  let arr_tix :: Array Int Integer
164      arr_tix = listArray (0,length (tixModuleTixs tix) - 1)
165              $ tixModuleTixs tix
167  let tickedWith :: Int -> Integer
168      tickedWith n = arr_tix ! n
170      isTicked n = tickedWith n /= 0
172  let info = [ (pos,theMarkup)
173             | (gid,(pos,boxLabel)) <- zip [0 ..] mix'
174             , let binBox = case (isTicked gid,isTicked (gid+1)) of
175                               (False,False) -> []
176                               (True,False)  -> [TickedOnlyTrue]
177                               (False,True)  -> [TickedOnlyFalse]
178                               (True,True)   -> []
179             , let tickBox = if isTicked gid
180                             then [IsTicked]
181                             else [NotTicked]
182             , theMarkup <- case boxLabel of
183                                  ExpBox {} -> tickBox
184                                  TopLevelBox {}
185                                            -> TopLevelDecl theFunTotals (tickedWith gid) : tickBox
186                                  LocalBox {}   -> tickBox
187                                  BinBox _ True -> binBox
188                                  _             -> []
189             ]
192  let modSummary = foldr (.) id
193             [ \ st ->
194               case boxLabel of
195                 ExpBox False
196                        -> st { expTicked = ticked (expTicked st)
197                              , expTotal = succ (expTotal st)
198                              }
199                 ExpBox True
200                        -> st { expTicked = ticked (expTicked st)
201                              , expTotal = succ (expTotal st)
202                              , altTicked = ticked (altTicked st)
203                              , altTotal = succ (altTotal st)
204                              }
205                 TopLevelBox _ ->
206                           st { topFunTicked = ticked (topFunTicked st)
207                              , topFunTotal = succ (topFunTotal st)
208                              }
209                 _ -> st
210             | (gid,(_pos,boxLabel)) <- zip [0 ..] mix'
211             , let ticked = if isTicked gid
212                            then succ
213                            else id
214             ] $ mempty
216  -- add prefix to modName argument
217  content <- readFileFromPath (hpcError markup_plugin) origFile theHsPath
219  let content' = markup tabStop info content
220  let addLine n xs = "<span class=\"lineno\">" ++ padLeft 5 ' ' (show n) ++ " </span>" ++ xs
221  let addLines = unlines . map (uncurry addLine) . zip [1 :: Int ..] . lines
222  let fileName = modName0 <.> "hs" <.> "html"
223  unless (verbosity flags < Normal) $
224            putStrLn $ "Writing: " ++ fileName
225  writeFileUtf8 (dest_dir </> fileName) $
226            unlines ["<html>",
227                     "<head>",
228                     "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">",
229                     "<style type=\"text/css\">",
230                     "span.lineno { color: white; background: #aaaaaa; border-right: solid white 12px }",
231                     if invertOutput
232                     then "span.nottickedoff { color: #404040; background: white; font-style: oblique }"
233                     else "span.nottickedoff { background: " ++ yellow ++ "}",
234                     if invertOutput
235                     then "span.istickedoff { color: black; background: #d0c0ff; font-style: normal; }"
236                     else "span.istickedoff { background: white }",
237                     "span.tickonlyfalse { margin: -1px; border: 1px solid " ++ red ++ "; background: " ++ red ++ " }",
238                     "span.tickonlytrue  { margin: -1px; border: 1px solid " ++ green ++ "; background: " ++ green ++ " }",
239                     "span.funcount { font-size: small; color: orange; z-index: 2; position: absolute; right: 20 }",
240                     if invertOutput
241                     then "span.decl { font-weight: bold; background: #d0c0ff }"
242                     else "span.decl { font-weight: bold }",
243                     "span.spaces    { background: white }",
244                     "</style>",
245                     "</head>",
246                     "<body>",
247                     "<pre>",
248                     concat [
249                         "<span class=\"decl\">",
250                         "<span class=\"nottickedoff\">never executed</span> ",
251                         "<span class=\"tickonlytrue\">always true</span> ",
252                         "<span class=\"tickonlyfalse\">always false</span></span>"],
253                     "</pre>",
254                     "<pre>"] ++ addLines content' ++ "\n</pre>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
257  modSummary `seq` return (modName0,fileName,modSummary)
259data Loc = Loc !Int !Int
260         deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
262data Markup
263     = NotTicked
264     | TickedOnlyTrue
265     | TickedOnlyFalse
266     | IsTicked
267     | TopLevelDecl
268           Bool     -- display entry totals
269           Integer
270     deriving (Eq,Show)
272markup    :: Int                -- ^tabStop
273          -> [(HpcPos,Markup)]  -- random list of tick location pairs
274          -> String             -- text to mark up
275          -> String
276markup tabStop mix str = addMarkup tabStop str (Loc 1 1) [] sortedTickLocs
277  where
278    tickLocs = [ (Loc ln1 c1,Loc ln2 c2,mark)
279               | (pos,mark) <- mix
280               , let (ln1,c1,ln2,c2) = fromHpcPos pos
281               ]
282    sortedTickLocs = sortBy (\(locA1,locZ1,_) (locA2,locZ2,_) ->
283                              (locA1,locZ2) `compare` (locA2,locZ1)) tickLocs
285addMarkup :: Int                -- tabStop
286          -> String             -- text to mark up
287          -> Loc                -- current location
288          -> [(Loc,Markup)]     -- stack of open ticks, with closing location
289          -> [(Loc,Loc,Markup)] -- sorted list of tick location pairs
290          -> String
292-- check the pre-condition.
293--addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks
294--   | not (isSorted (map fst os)) = error $ "addMarkup: bad closing ordering: " ++ show os
296--addMarkup tabStop cs loc os@(_:_) ticks
297--   | trace (show (loc,os,take 10 ticks)) False = undefined
299-- close all open ticks, if we have reached the end
300addMarkup _ [] _loc os [] =
301  concatMap (const closeTick) os
302addMarkup tabStop cs loc ((o,_):os) ticks | loc > o =
303  closeTick ++ addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks
305--addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ((t1,t2,tik@(TopLevelDecl {})):ticks) | loc == t1 =
306--   openTick tik ++ closeTick ++ addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks
308addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ((t1,t2,tik0):ticks) | loc == t1 =
309  case os of
310  ((_,tik'):_)
311    | not (allowNesting tik0 tik')
312    -> addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks -- already marked or bool within marked bool
313  _ -> openTick tik0 ++ addMarkup tabStop cs loc (addTo (t2,tik0) os) ticks
314 where
316  addTo (t,tik) []             = [(t,tik)]
317  addTo (t,tik) ((t',tik'):xs) | t <= t'   = (t,tik):(t',tik'):xs
318                               | otherwise = (t',tik):(t',tik'):xs
320addMarkup tabStop0 cs loc os ((t1,_t2,_tik):ticks) | loc > t1 =
321          -- throw away this tick, because it is from a previous place ??
322          addMarkup tabStop0 cs loc os ticks
324addMarkup tabStop0 ('\n':cs) loc@(Loc ln col) os@((Loc ln2 col2,_):_) ticks
325          | ln == ln2 && col < col2
326          = addMarkup tabStop0 (' ':'\n':cs) loc os ticks
327addMarkup tabStop0 (c0:cs) loc@(Loc _ p) os ticks =
328  if c0=='\n' && os/=[] then
329    concatMap (const closeTick) (downToTopLevel os) ++
330    c0 : "<span class=\"spaces\">" ++ expand 1 w ++ "</span>" ++
331    concatMap (openTick.snd) (reverse (downToTopLevel os)) ++
332    addMarkup tabStop0 cs' loc' os ticks
333  else if c0=='\t' then
334    expand p "\t" ++ addMarkup tabStop0 cs (incBy c0 loc) os ticks
335  else
336    escape c0 ++ addMarkup tabStop0 cs (incBy c0 loc) os ticks
337  where
338  (w,cs') = span (`elem` " \t") cs
339  loc' = foldl (flip incBy) loc (c0:w)
340  escape '>' = "&gt;"
341  escape '<' = "&lt;"
342  escape '"' = "&quot;"
343  escape '&' = "&amp;"
344  escape c  = [c]
346  expand :: Int -> String -> String
347  expand _ ""       = ""
348  expand c ('\t':s) = replicate (c' - c) ' ' ++ expand c' s
349    where
350    c' = tabStopAfter 8 c
351  expand c (' ':s)  = ' ' : expand (c+1) s
352  expand _ _        = error "bad character in string for expansion"
354  incBy :: Char -> Loc -> Loc
355  incBy '\n' (Loc ln _c) = Loc (succ ln) 1
356  incBy '\t' (Loc ln c) = Loc ln (tabStopAfter tabStop0 c)
357  incBy _    (Loc ln c) = Loc ln (succ c)
359  tabStopAfter :: Int -> Int -> Int
360  tabStopAfter tabStop c = fromJust (find (>c) [1,(tabStop + 1)..])
363addMarkup tabStop cs loc os ticks = "ERROR: " ++ show (take 10 cs,tabStop,loc,take 10 os,take 10 ticks)
365openTick :: Markup -> String
366openTick NotTicked       = "<span class=\"nottickedoff\">"
367openTick IsTicked        = "<span class=\"istickedoff\">"
368openTick TickedOnlyTrue  = "<span class=\"tickonlytrue\">"
369openTick TickedOnlyFalse = "<span class=\"tickonlyfalse\">"
370openTick (TopLevelDecl False _) = openTopDecl
371openTick (TopLevelDecl True 0)
372         = "<span class=\"funcount\">-- never entered</span>" ++
373           openTopDecl
374openTick (TopLevelDecl True 1)
375         = "<span class=\"funcount\">-- entered once</span>" ++
376           openTopDecl
377openTick (TopLevelDecl True n0)
378         = "<span class=\"funcount\">-- entered " ++ showBigNum n0 ++ " times</span>" ++ openTopDecl
379  where showBigNum n | n <= 9999 = show n
380                     | otherwise = case n `quotRem` 1000 of
381                                     (q, r) -> showBigNum' q ++ "," ++ showWith r
382        showBigNum' n | n <= 999 = show n
383                      | otherwise = case n `quotRem` 1000 of
384                                      (q, r) -> showBigNum' q ++ "," ++ showWith r
385        showWith n = padLeft 3 '0' $ show n
389closeTick :: String
390closeTick = "</span>"
392openTopDecl :: String
393openTopDecl = "<span class=\"decl\">"
395downToTopLevel :: [(Loc,Markup)] -> [(Loc,Markup)]
396downToTopLevel ((_,TopLevelDecl {}):_) = []
397downToTopLevel (o : os)               = o : downToTopLevel os
398downToTopLevel []                     = []
401-- build in logic for nesting bin boxes
403allowNesting :: Markup  -- innermost
404            -> Markup   -- outermost
405            -> Bool
406allowNesting n m               | n == m = False -- no need to double nest
407allowNesting IsTicked TickedOnlyFalse   = False
408allowNesting IsTicked TickedOnlyTrue    = False
409allowNesting _ _                        = True
413data ModuleSummary = ModuleSummary
414     { expTicked :: !Int
415     , expTotal  :: !Int
416     , topFunTicked :: !Int
417     , topFunTotal  :: !Int
418     , altTicked :: !Int
419     , altTotal  :: !Int
420     }
421     deriving (Show)
424showModuleSummary :: (String, String, ModuleSummary) -> String
425showModuleSummary (modName,fileName,modSummary) =
426  "<tr>\n" ++
427  "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>module <a href=\"" ++ fileName ++ "\">"
428                              ++ modName ++ "</a></tt></td>\n" ++
429   showSummary (topFunTicked modSummary) (topFunTotal modSummary) ++
430   showSummary (altTicked modSummary) (altTotal modSummary) ++
431   showSummary (expTicked modSummary) (expTotal modSummary) ++
432  "</tr>\n"
434showTotalSummary :: ModuleSummary -> String
435showTotalSummary modSummary =
436  "<tr style=\"background: #e0e0e0\">\n" ++
437  "<th align=left>&nbsp;&nbsp;Program Coverage Total</tt></th>\n" ++
438   showSummary (topFunTicked modSummary) (topFunTotal modSummary) ++
439   showSummary (altTicked modSummary) (altTotal modSummary) ++
440   showSummary (expTicked modSummary) (expTotal modSummary) ++
441  "</tr>\n"
443showSummary :: (Integral t, Show t) => t -> t -> String
444showSummary ticked total =
445                "<td align=\"right\">" ++ showP (percent ticked total) ++ "</td>" ++
446                "<td>" ++ show ticked ++ "/" ++ show total ++ "</td>" ++
447                "<td width=100>" ++
448                    (case percent ticked total of
449                       Nothing -> "&nbsp;"
450                       Just w -> bar w "bar"
451                     )  ++ "</td>"
452     where
453        showP Nothing = "-&nbsp;"
454        showP (Just x) = show x ++ "%"
455        bar 0 _     = bar 100 "invbar"
456        bar w inner = "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"100\" class=\"bar\">" ++
457                         "<tr><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"" ++ show w ++ "%\">" ++
458                              "<tr><td height=12 class=" ++ show inner ++ "></td></tr>" ++
459                              "</table></td></tr></table>"
461percent :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> Maybe a
462percent ticked total = if total == 0 then Nothing else Just (ticked * 100 `div` total)
464instance Semi.Semigroup ModuleSummary where
465  (ModuleSummary eTik1 eTot1 tTik1 tTot1 aTik1 aTot1) <> (ModuleSummary eTik2 eTot2 tTik2 tTot2 aTik2 aTot2)
466     = ModuleSummary (eTik1 + eTik2) (eTot1 + eTot2) (tTik1 + tTik2) (tTot1 + tTot2) (aTik1 + aTik2) (aTot1 + aTot2)
468instance Monoid ModuleSummary where
469  mempty = ModuleSummary
470                  { expTicked = 0
471                  , expTotal  = 0
472                  , topFunTicked = 0
473                  , topFunTotal  = 0
474                  , altTicked = 0
475                  , altTotal  = 0
476                  }
477  mappend = (<>)
480-- global color pallete
482red,green,yellow :: String
483red    = "#f20913"
484green  = "#60de51"
485yellow = "yellow"