1 // This is core/vil1/vil1_load.h
2 #ifndef vil1_load_h_
3 #define vil1_load_h_
4 //:
5 // \file
6 // \brief read an image from a file
7 //
8 // vil1_load() returns a vil1_image which will "read an image from a file". In practice
9 // it may or may not read the image on creation, but a disk read will take place at
10 // some point before get_section() returns.
11 //
12 // vil1_load() ensures image semantics with regard to vertical orientation:
13 // the first image row is always the top pixel row of the image.
14 // The disk-stored file could have a different convention, in which case
15 // row swapping is performed.
16 //
17 // To avoid this possible row swapping, use the vil1_load_raw() functions.
18 //
19 // \author awf@robots.ox.ac.uk
20 //
21 // \verbatim
22 //  Modifications
23 //     011002 Peter Vanroose - vil1_load now respects top-is-first; vil1_load_raw not
24 //\endverbatim
26 #include "vil1_fwd.h"
27 #include "vil1_image.h"
29 //: Load an image from a file, possibly performing expected conversions.
30 vil1_image vil1_load(char const* filename);
32 //: Load raw from stream.
33 vil1_image vil1_load_raw(vil1_stream *);
35 //: Load raw from file (convenience).
36 vil1_image vil1_load_raw(char const *);
38 #endif // vil1_load_h_