4 #include "wally_core.h"
6 #ifdef __cplusplus
7 extern "C" {
8 #endif
10 /**
11  * Derive a pseudorandom key from inputs using an expensive application
12  * of HMAC SHA-256.
13  *
14  * :param pass: Password to derive from.
15  * :param pass_len: Length of ``pass`` in bytes.
16  * :param salt: Salt to derive from.
17  * :param salt_len: Length of ``salt`` in bytes.
18  * :param cost: The cost of the function. The larger this number, the
19  *|     longer the key will take to derive.
20  * :param block_size: The size of memory blocks required.
21  * :param parallelism: Parallelism factor.
22  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the derived pseudorandom key.
23  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes.
24  */
25 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_scrypt(
26     const unsigned char *pass,
27     size_t pass_len,
28     const unsigned char *salt,
29     size_t salt_len,
30     uint32_t cost,
31     uint32_t block_size,
32     uint32_t parallelism,
33     unsigned char *bytes_out,
34     size_t len);
37 #define AES_BLOCK_LEN   16 /** Length of AES encrypted blocks */
39 #define AES_KEY_LEN_128 16 /** AES-128 Key length */
40 #define AES_KEY_LEN_192 24 /** AES-192 Key length */
41 #define AES_KEY_LEN_256 32 /** AES-256 Key length */
43 #define AES_FLAG_ENCRYPT  1 /** Encrypt */
44 #define AES_FLAG_DECRYPT  2 /** Decrypt */
46 /**
47  * Encrypt/decrypt data using AES (ECB mode, no padding).
48  *
49  * :param key: Key material for initialisation.
50  * :param key_len: Length of ``key`` in bytes. Must be an AES_KEY_LEN_ constant.
51  * :param bytes: Bytes to encrypt/decrypt.
52  * :param bytes_len: Length of ``bytes`` in bytes. Must be a multiple of ``AES_BLOCK_LEN``.
53  * :param flags: AES_FLAG_ constants indicating the desired behavior.
54  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the encrypted/decrypted data.
55  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be a multiple of ``AES_BLOCK_LEN``.
56  */
57 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_aes(
58     const unsigned char *key,
59     size_t key_len,
60     const unsigned char *bytes,
61     size_t bytes_len,
62     uint32_t flags,
63     unsigned char *bytes_out,
64     size_t len);
66 /**
67  * Encrypt/decrypt data using AES (CBC mode, PKCS#7 padding).
68  *
69  * :param key: Key material for initialisation.
70  * :param key_len: Length of ``key`` in bytes. Must be an AES_KEY_LEN_ constant.
71  * :param iv: Initialisation vector.
72  * :param iv_len: Length of ``iv`` in bytes. Must be ``AES_BLOCK_LEN``.
73  * :param bytes: Bytes to encrypt/decrypt.
74  * :param bytes_len: Length of ``bytes`` in bytes. Must be a multiple of ``AES_BLOCK_LEN``.
75  * :param flags: AES_FLAG_ constants indicating the desired behavior.
76  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the encrypted/decrypted data.
77  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be a multiple of ``AES_BLOCK_LEN``.
78  * :param written: Destination for the number of bytes written to ``bytes_out``.
79  */
80 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_aes_cbc(
81     const unsigned char *key,
82     size_t key_len,
83     const unsigned char *iv,
84     size_t iv_len,
85     const unsigned char *bytes,
86     size_t bytes_len,
87     uint32_t flags,
88     unsigned char *bytes_out,
89     size_t len,
90     size_t *written);
93 /** Output length for `wally_sha256` */
94 #define SHA256_LEN 32
96 /** Output length for `wally_sha512` */
97 #define SHA512_LEN 64
99 /**
100  * SHA-256(m)
101  *
102  * :param bytes: The message to hash
103  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes.
104  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting hash.
105  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``SHA256_LEN``.
106  */
107 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_sha256(
108     const unsigned char *bytes,
109     size_t bytes_len,
110     unsigned char *bytes_out,
111     size_t len);
113 /**
114  * SHA-256(m) midstate
115  *
116  * :param bytes: The message to hash
117  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes.
118  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting hash.
119  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``SHA256_LEN``.
120  */
121 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_sha256_midstate(
122     const unsigned char *bytes,
123     size_t bytes_len,
124     unsigned char *bytes_out,
125     size_t len);
127 /**
128  * SHA-256(SHA-256(m)) (double SHA-256)
129  *
130  * :param bytes: The message to hash
131  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes.
132  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting hash.
133  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``SHA256_LEN``.
134  */
135 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_sha256d(
136     const unsigned char *bytes,
137     size_t bytes_len,
138     unsigned char *bytes_out,
139     size_t len);
141 /**
142  * SHA-512(m)
143  *
144  * :param bytes: The message to hash
145  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes.
146  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting hash.
147  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``SHA512_LEN``.
148  */
149 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_sha512(
150     const unsigned char *bytes,
151     size_t bytes_len,
152     unsigned char *bytes_out,
153     size_t len);
155 /** Output length for `wally_hash160` */
156 #define HASH160_LEN 20
158 /**
159  * RIPEMD-160(SHA-256(m))
160  *
161  * :param bytes: The message to hash
162  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes.
163  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting hash.
164  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``HASH160_LEN``.
165  */
166 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_hash160(
167     const unsigned char *bytes,
168     size_t bytes_len,
169     unsigned char *bytes_out,
170     size_t len);
173 /** Output length for `wally_hmac_sha256` */
174 #define HMAC_SHA256_LEN 32
176 /** Output length for `wally_hmac_sha512` */
177 #define HMAC_SHA512_LEN 64
179 /**
180  * Compute an HMAC using SHA-256
181  *
182  * :param key: The key for the hash
183  * :param key_len: The length of ``key`` in bytes.
184  * :param bytes: The message to hash
185  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes.
186  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting HMAC.
187  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``HMAC_SHA256_LEN``.
188  */
189 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_hmac_sha256(
190     const unsigned char *key,
191     size_t key_len,
192     const unsigned char *bytes,
193     size_t bytes_len,
194     unsigned char *bytes_out,
195     size_t len);
197 /**
198  * Compute an HMAC using SHA-512
199  *
200  * :param key: The key for the hash
201  * :param key_len: The length of ``key`` in bytes.
202  * :param bytes: The message to hash
203  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes.
204  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting HMAC.
205  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``HMAC_SHA512_LEN``.
206  */
207 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_hmac_sha512(
208     const unsigned char *key,
209     size_t key_len,
210     const unsigned char *bytes,
211     size_t bytes_len,
212     unsigned char *bytes_out,
213     size_t len);
216 /** Output length for `wally_pbkdf2_hmac_sha256` */
217 #define PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256_LEN 32
219 /** Output length for `wally_pbkdf2_hmac_sha512` */
220 #define PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA512_LEN 64
222 /**
223  * Derive a pseudorandom key from inputs using HMAC SHA-256.
224  *
225  * :param pass: Password to derive from.
226  * :param pass_len: Length of ``pass`` in bytes.
227  * :param salt: Salt to derive from.
228  * :param salt_len: Length of ``salt`` in bytes.
229  * :param flags: Reserved, must be 0.
230  * :param cost: The cost of the function. The larger this number, the
231  *|     longer the key will take to derive.
232  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the derived pseudorandom key.
233  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. This must be a multiple
234  *|     of ``PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256_LEN``.
235  */
236 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_pbkdf2_hmac_sha256(
237     const unsigned char *pass,
238     size_t pass_len,
239     const unsigned char *salt,
240     size_t salt_len,
241     uint32_t flags,
242     uint32_t cost,
243     unsigned char *bytes_out,
244     size_t len);
246 /**
247  * Derive a pseudorandom key from inputs using HMAC SHA-512.
248  *
249  * :param pass: Password to derive from.
250  * :param pass_len: Length of ``pass`` in bytes.
251  * :param salt: Salt to derive from.
252  * :param salt_len: Length of ``salt`` in bytes.
253  * :param flags: Reserved, must be 0.
254  * :param cost: The cost of the function. The larger this number, the
255  *|     longer the key will take to derive.
256  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the derived pseudorandom key.
257  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. This must be a multiple
258  *|    of ``PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA512_LEN``.
259  */
260 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_pbkdf2_hmac_sha512(
261     const unsigned char *pass,
262     size_t pass_len,
263     const unsigned char *salt,
264     size_t salt_len,
265     uint32_t flags,
266     uint32_t cost,
267     unsigned char *bytes_out,
268     size_t len);
270 /** The length of a private key used for EC signing */
271 #define EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN 32
272 /** The length of a public key used for EC signing */
273 #define EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN 33
274 /** The length of an uncompressed public key */
276 /** The length of a message hash to EC sign */
277 #define EC_MESSAGE_HASH_LEN 32
278 /** The length of a compact signature produced by EC signing */
279 #define EC_SIGNATURE_LEN 64
280 /** The length of a compact recoverable signature produced by EC signing */
282 /** The maximum encoded length of a DER encoded signature */
284 /** The maximum encoded length of a DER encoded signature created with EC_FLAG_GRIND_R */
287 /** Indicates that a signature using ECDSA/secp256k1 is required */
288 #define EC_FLAG_ECDSA 0x1
289 /** Indicates that a signature using EC-Schnorr-SHA256 is required */
290 #define EC_FLAG_SCHNORR 0x2
291 /** Indicates that the signature nonce should be incremented until the signature is low-R */
292 #define EC_FLAG_GRIND_R 0x4
293 /** Indicates that the signature is recoverable */
294 #define EC_FLAG_RECOVERABLE 0x8
296 /* All defined flags */
297 #define EC_FLAGS_ALL (0x1 | 0x2 | 0x4 | 0x8)
299 /**
300  * Verify that a private key is valid.
301  *
302  * :param priv_key: The private key to validate.
303  * :param priv_key_len: The length of ``priv_key`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN``.
304  */
305 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_private_key_verify(
306     const unsigned char *priv_key,
307     size_t priv_key_len);
309 /**
310  * Verify that a public key is valid.
311  *
312  * :param pub_key: The public key to validate.
313  * :param pub_key_len: The length of ``pub_key`` in bytes. Must be
315  */
316 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_public_key_verify(
317     const unsigned char *pub_key,
318     size_t pub_key_len);
320 /**
321  * Create a public key from a private key.
322  *
323  * :param priv_key: The private key to create a public key from.
324  * :param priv_key_len: The length of ``priv_key`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN``.
325  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting public key.
326  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN``.
327  */
328 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_public_key_from_private_key(
329     const unsigned char *priv_key,
330     size_t priv_key_len,
331     unsigned char *bytes_out,
332     size_t len);
334 /**
335  * Create an uncompressed public key from a compressed public key.
336  *
337  * :param pub_key: The public key to decompress.
338  * :param pub_key_len: The length of ``pub_key`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN``.
339  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting public key.
340  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PUBLIC_KEY_UNCOMPRESSED_LEN``.
341  */
342 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_public_key_decompress(
343     const unsigned char *pub_key,
344     size_t pub_key_len,
345     unsigned char *bytes_out,
346     size_t len);
348 /**
349  * Negates a public key.
350  *
351  * :param pub_key: The public key to negate.
352  * :param pub_key_len: The length of ``pub_key`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN``.
353  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting public key.
354  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN``.
355  */
356 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_public_key_negate(
357     const unsigned char *pub_key,
358     size_t pub_key_len,
359     unsigned char *bytes_out,
360     size_t len);
362 /**
363  * Sign a message hash with a private key, producing a compact signature.
364  *
365  * :param priv_key: The private key to sign with.
366  * :param priv_key_len: The length of ``priv_key`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN``.
367  * :param bytes: The message hash to sign.
368  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_MESSAGE_HASH_LEN``.
369  * :param flags: EC_FLAG_ flag values indicating desired behavior.
370  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting compact signature.
371  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be
372  *|    ``EC_SIGNATURE_LEN`` if EC_FLAG_RECOVERABLE is not set, otherwise must
374  */
375 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_sig_from_bytes(
376     const unsigned char *priv_key,
377     size_t priv_key_len,
378     const unsigned char *bytes,
379     size_t bytes_len,
380     uint32_t flags,
381     unsigned char *bytes_out,
382     size_t len);
384 /**
385  * Convert a signature to low-s form.
386  *
387  * :param sig: The compact signature to convert.
388  * :param sig_len: The length of ``sig`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_SIGNATURE_LEN``.
389  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting low-s signature.
390  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_SIGNATURE_LEN``.
391  */
392 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_sig_normalize(
393     const unsigned char *sig,
394     size_t sig_len,
395     unsigned char *bytes_out,
396     size_t len);
398 /**
399  * Convert a compact signature to DER encoding.
400  *
401  * :param sig: The compact signature to convert.
402  * :param sig_len: The length of ``sig`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_SIGNATURE_LEN``.
403  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting DER encoded signature.
404  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_SIGNATURE_DER_MAX_LEN``.
405  * :param written: Destination for the number of bytes written to ``bytes_out``.
406  */
407 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_sig_to_der(
408     const unsigned char *sig,
409     size_t sig_len,
410     unsigned char *bytes_out,
411     size_t len,
412     size_t *written);
414 /**
415  * Convert a DER encoded signature to a compact signature.
416  *
417  * :param bytes: The DER encoded signature to convert.
418  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``sig`` in bytes.
419  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting compact signature.
420  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_SIGNATURE_LEN``.
421  */
422 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_sig_from_der(
423     const unsigned char *bytes,
424     size_t bytes_len,
425     unsigned char *bytes_out,
426     size_t len);
428 /**
429  * Verify a signed message hash.
430  *
431  * :param pub_key: The public key to verify with.
432  * :param pub_key_len: The length of ``pub_key`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN``.
433  * :param bytes: The message hash to verify.
434  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_MESSAGE_HASH_LEN``.
435  * :param flags: EC_FLAG_ flag values indicating desired behavior.
436  * :param sig: The compact signature of the message in ``bytes``.
437  * :param sig_len: The length of ``sig`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_SIGNATURE_LEN``.
438  */
439 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_sig_verify(
440     const unsigned char *pub_key,
441     size_t pub_key_len,
442     const unsigned char *bytes,
443     size_t bytes_len,
444     uint32_t flags,
445     const unsigned char *sig,
446     size_t sig_len);
448 /**
449  * Recover compressed public key from a recoverable signature.
450  *
451  * :param bytes: The message hash signed.
452  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_MESSAGE_HASH_LEN``.
453  * :param sig: The recoverable compact signature of the message in ``bytes``.
454  * :param sig_len: The length of ``sig`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_SIGNATURE_RECOVERABLE_LEN``.
455  * :param bytes_out: Destination for recovered public key.
456  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN``.
457  * .. note:: The successful recovery of the public key guarantees the correctness of the signature.
458  */
459 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ec_sig_to_public_key(
460     const unsigned char *bytes,
461     size_t bytes_len,
462     const unsigned char *sig,
463     size_t sig_len,
464     unsigned char *bytes_out,
465     size_t len);
467 /** The maximum size of input message that can be formatted */
468 #define BITCOIN_MESSAGE_MAX_LEN (64 * 1024 - 64)
470 /** Indicates that SHA256D(message) should be returned */
473 /**
474  * Format a message for use as a bitcoin signed message.
475  *
476  * :param bytes: The message string to sign.
477  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes. Must be less than
478  *|    or equal to BITCOIN_MESSAGE_MAX_LEN.
479  * :param flags: BITCOIN_MESSAGE_FLAG_ flags indicating the desired output.
480  *|    if BITCOIN_MESSAGE_FLAG_HASH is passed, the double SHA256 hash
481  *|    of the message is placed in ``bytes_out`` instead of the formatted
482  *|    message. In this case ``len`` must be at least ``SHA256_LEN``.
483  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the formatted message or message hash.
484  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes.
485  * :param written: Destination for the number of bytes written to ``bytes_out``.
486  */
487 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_format_bitcoin_message(
488     const unsigned char *bytes,
489     size_t bytes_len,
490     uint32_t flags,
491     unsigned char *bytes_out,
492     size_t len,
493     size_t *written);
495 /**
496  *
497  * Compute an EC Diffie-Hellman secret in constant time
498  *
499  * :param pub_key: The public key.
500  * :param pub_key_len: The length of ``pub_key`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN``.
501  * :param priv_key: The private key.
502  * :param priv_key_len: The length of ``priv_key`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN``.
503  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the shared secret.
504  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``SHA256_LEN``.
505  */
506 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_ecdh(
507     const unsigned char *pub_key,
508     size_t pub_key_len,
509     const unsigned char *priv_key,
510     size_t priv_key_len,
511     unsigned char *bytes_out,
512     size_t len);
514 /** The length of a data committed using sign-to-contract (s2c) */
515 #define WALLY_S2C_DATA_LEN 32
516 /** The length of a sign-to-contract (s2c) opening */
517 #define WALLY_S2C_OPENING_LEN 33
519 /**
520  * Sign a message hash with a private key, producing a compact signature which
521  * commits to additional data using sign-to-contract (s2c).
522  *
523  * :param priv_key: The private key to sign with.
524  * :param priv_key_len: The length of ``priv_key`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN``.
525  * :param bytes: The message hash to sign.
526  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_MESSAGE_HASH_LEN``.
527  * :param s2c_data: The data to commit to.
528  * :param s2c_data_len: The length of ``s2c_data`` in bytes. Must be ``WALLY_S2C_DATA_LEN``.
529  * :param flags: Must be ``EC_FLAG_ECDSA``.
530  * :param s2c_opening_out: Destination for the resulting opening information.
531  * :param s2c_opening_out_len: The length of ``s2c_opening_out`` in bytes. Must be
532  *|    ``WALLY_S2C_OPENING_LEN``.
533  * :param bytes_out: Destination for the resulting compact signature.
534  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_SIGNATURE_LEN``.
535  */
536 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_s2c_sig_from_bytes(
537     const unsigned char *priv_key,
538     size_t priv_key_len,
539     const unsigned char *bytes,
540     size_t bytes_len,
541     const unsigned char *s2c_data,
542     size_t s2c_data_len,
543     uint32_t flags,
544     unsigned char *s2c_opening_out,
545     size_t s2c_opening_out_len,
546     unsigned char *bytes_out,
547     size_t len);
549 /**
550  * Verify a sign-to-contract (s2c) commitment.
551  *
552  * :param sig: The compact signature.
553  * :param sig_len: The length of ``sig`` in bytes. Must be ``EC_SIGNATURE_LEN``.
554  * :param s2c_data: The data that was committed to.
555  * :param s2c_data_len: The length of ``s2c_data`` in bytes. Must be ``WALLY_S2C_DATA_LEN``.
556  * :param s2c_opening: The opening information produced during signing.
557  * :param s2c_opening_len: The length of ``s2c_opening`` in bytes. Must be
558  *|    ``WALLY_S2C_OPENING_LEN``.
559  * :param flags: Must be ``EC_FLAG_ECDSA``.
560  */
561 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_s2c_commitment_verify(
562     const unsigned char *sig,
563     size_t sig_len,
564     const unsigned char *s2c_data,
565     size_t s2c_data_len,
566     const unsigned char *s2c_opening,
567     size_t s2c_opening_len,
568     uint32_t flags);
570 #ifdef __cplusplus
571 }
572 #endif
574 #endif /* LIBWALLY_CORE_CRYPTO_H */