2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8      module writewave
10      USE precision, only : dp
11      use alloc,     only : re_alloc, de_alloc
12      use sys, only: die, message
13      implicit none
15      private
16      character(len=192), save, public :: wfs_filename
18      integer,    save :: nwf = 1
19      logical,    save :: wwf = .false.
20      logical,    save :: scf_set = .false.
21      logical,    save :: debug = .false.
24      integer, save, dimension(:), pointer   :: nwflist => null()
25      integer, save, dimension(:,:), pointer :: iwf => null()
27      integer, public, save           :: nwk
28      real(dp), public, pointer, save :: wfk(:,:) => null()
29      logical, public, save           :: gamma_wavefunctions
31      real(dp),   save :: wfs_energy_min = -huge(1.0_dp)
32      real(dp),   save :: wfs_energy_max =  huge(1.0_dp)
33      logical,    save :: wfs_energy_window  = .true.
35      public :: setup_wfs_list, setup_wf_kpoints, wwave, writew
37      CONTAINS
39      subroutine setup_wf_kpoints()
40      USE alloc, only: re_alloc
41      USE sys, only: die
42      USE atomlist, only: no_u
43      USE m_spin, only: spin
45      implicit none
47      integer :: max_n_states
49      ! Find number of k-points for wavefunction printout
51      nullify(wfk)
53      nwk = 0
54      if ( spin%Grid == 4 ) then
55        max_n_states = 2 * no_u
56      else
57        max_n_states = no_u
58      end if
59      call initwave( max_n_states, nwk, wfk )
61      if (nwk .eq. 0) then
62         gamma_wavefunctions = .true.
63      else if (nwk .eq. 1) then
64         if (dot_product(wfk(:,1),wfk(:,1)) < 1.0e-20_dp) then
65            gamma_wavefunctions = .true.
66         else
67            gamma_wavefunctions = .false.
68         endif
69      else
70         gamma_wavefunctions = .false.
71      endif
73      end subroutine setup_wf_kpoints
75      subroutine setup_wfs_list(nk,norb,wfs_band_min,wfs_band_max,
76     $                          use_scf_weights,use_energy_window)
77      use fdf
78      !
79      ! Initialize structures if the number of bands
80      ! to output is the same for all k-points
81      ! (e.g., for the SCF k-point set, or for the new 'bands' option
83      integer, intent(in) :: nk, norb
84      integer, intent(in) :: wfs_band_min, wfs_band_max  ! Band range
85      logical, intent(in) :: use_scf_weights
86      logical, intent(in) :: use_energy_window
88      integer :: j, nwfs
90      call re_alloc(nwflist, 1, nk, name="nwflist",
91     $     routine="setup_wfs_list")
92      call re_alloc(iwf, 1, nk, 1, norb, name="iwf",
93     $     routine="setup_wfs_list")
95      scf_set = use_scf_weights
96      wfs_energy_window = use_energy_window
98      debug = fdf_get("WriteWaveDebug", .false.)
100!     Here we request output of all the eigenstates in a k-point
101!     except if the user selects a band or energy range.
103      if (wfs_band_min < 1) then
104         call die("WFS.BandMin < 1")
105      endif
106      if (wfs_band_max > norb) then
107         call die("WFS.BandMax > maximum number of states")
108      endif
109      if (wfs_band_max < wfs_band_min) then
110         call message("WARNING","WFS.BandMax < WFS.BandMin." //
111     $        " Nothing written to file")
112      endif
114      nwfs = max(0,wfs_band_max - wfs_band_min + 1)
115      nwflist(1:nk) = nwfs
116      do j=1, nwfs
117         iwf(1:nk,j) = wfs_band_min - 1 + j
118      enddo
120!     The energy window, if allowed, will take effect inside the routine
121!     that writes to file, as the energies are not yet known
123      wfs_energy_min = fdf_get("WFS.EnergyMin",
124     $                                -huge(1.0_dp),"Ry")
125      wfs_energy_max = fdf_get("WFS.EnergyMax",
126     $                                 huge(1.0_dp),"Ry")
128      end subroutine setup_wfs_list
131      subroutine initwave( norb, nk, kpoint )
132C *********************************************************************
133C Finds k-points for wavefunction printout
134C Based on initband routine by J.Soler
135C Written by P. Ordejon, June 2003
136C **************************** INPUT **********************************
137C integer norb           : Number of orbitals (actually max number of bands)
138C *************************** OUTPUT **********************************
139C integer nk             : Number k points to compute wavefunctions
140C real*8  kpoint(3,maxk) : k point vectors
141C *************************** UNITS ***********************************
142C Lengths in atomic units (Bohr).
143C k vectors in reciprocal atomic units.
144C ***************** BEHAVIOUR *****************************************
145C - If nk=0 on input, k-points are read from labels WaveFuncKPoints and
146C   WaveFuncKPointsScale from the input fdf data file. If these labels
147C   are not present, it returns with nk=0.
148C - Allowed values for WaveFuncKPointsScale are ReciprocalLatticeVectors
149C   and pi/a (default). If another value is given, it returns with nk=0
150C   after printing a warning.
151C - If nk>maxk, k-points and wavefunctions are not calculated and no
152C   warning is printed before return
153C ***************** USAGE *********************************************
154C Example of fdf wavefunction k-points specification for an FCC lattice.
156C     WaveFuncKPointsScale  pi/a
157C     %block WaveFuncKPoints              # These are comments
158C     0.000  0.000  0.000  from 1 to 10   # eigenstates 1-10 of Gamma
159C     2.000  0.000  0.000  1 3 5          # eigenstates 1,3,5 of X
160C     1.500  1.500  1.500                 # all eigenstates of K
161C     %endblock WaveFuncKPoints
163C If only given points (not lines) are desired, simply specify 1 as
164C the number of points along the line.
165C *********************************************************************
167C  Modules
169      use precision
170      use parallel,     only : Node
171      use fdf
172      use sys,          only : die
173      use alloc,        only : re_alloc
174      use m_get_kpoints_scale, only: get_kpoints_scale
176      implicit          none
178      integer           :: norb, nk
179      real(dp), pointer :: kpoint(:,:)
180      external          :: memory
181C *********************************************************************
183      character
184     .  name1*10, name2*10, name3*10,
185     .  msg*120
187      logical       :: outlng
188      logical       :: WaveFuncPresent
190      integer
191     .  i, ix, iw, iw1, iw2, iw3, ierr,
192     .  ni, nn, nr, nv
194      real(dp)
195     .  caux(3,3),
196     .  rcell(3,3)
198      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
199      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
201      wfs_energy_window = .true.
202C Find if there are k-points data
203      outlng = fdf_boolean('LongOutput', .false.)
204      wwf = fdf_boolean('WriteWaveFunctions',outlng)
206C Find if there are k-points data
207      WaveFuncPresent = fdf_block('WaveFuncKPoints',bfdf)
208      if ( WaveFuncPresent ) then
210         call get_kpoints_scale('WaveFuncKPointsScale',rcell,ierr)
212         if (ierr /= 0) then
213            nk = 0
214            RETURN
215         endif
217C Find max number of k points and max number of bands per k-point
218C Loop on data lines
219        nk = 0
220        nwf = 0
221        do while(fdf_bline(bfdf,pline))
222C Read and parse data line
223          nn = fdf_bnnames(pline)
224          nv = fdf_bnvalues(pline)
225          ni = fdf_bnintegers(pline)
226          nr = fdf_bnreals(pline)
228C Check if syntax line is correct
229          if (nv .ge. 3) then
231C Check syntax
232            if (nr .ne. 3) then
233              write(msg,'(a,/,a)')
234     .          'writewave: syntax ERROR in %block WaveFuncKPoints:',
235     .          trim(fdf_getline(bfdf%mark))
236              call die(msg)
237            endif
239C Add this point to total number of k points
240            nk = nk + 1
242C Find which eigenvectors should be printed
243C Store indexes of wave functions to printout
245C #X.XXX #Y.YYY #Z.ZZZ from #start to #end [step] #step
246            if (nn .ge. 1) then
248C Check that line contains 'from', 'to' and maybe 'step'
249              if ((nn .ne. 2) .and. (nn .ne. 3)) then
250                write(msg,'(a,/,a)')
251     .            'writewave: syntax ERROR in %block WaveFuncKPoints:',
252     .            trim(fdf_getline(bfdf%mark))
253                call die(msg)
254              endif
255              name1 = fdf_bnames(pline,1)
256              name2 = fdf_bnames(pline,2)
257              if (nn .eq. 3) name3 = fdf_bnames(pline,3)
258              if (name1 .ne. 'from' .or. name2 .ne. 'to') then
259                write(msg,'(a,/,a)')
260     .            'writewave: syntax ERROR in %block WaveFuncKPoints:',
261     .            trim(fdf_getline(bfdf%mark))
262                call die(msg)
263              endif
264              if (nn .eq. 3) then
265                if (name3 .ne. 'step') then
266                  write(msg,'(a,/,a)')
267     .             'writewave: syntax ERROR in %block WaveFuncKPoints:',
268     .             trim(fdf_getline(bfdf%mark))
269                  call die(msg)
270                endif
271              endif
273              iw1 = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
274              iw2 = fdf_bintegers(pline,2)
275              if (iw1 .lt. 0) iw1 = norb + iw1 + 1
276              if (iw2 .lt. 0) iw2 = norb + iw2 + 1
277              if (nn .eq. 3) then
278                iw3 = abs(fdf_bintegers(pline,3))
279              else
280                iw3 = 1
281              endif
282              ni = 0
283              do iw = min(iw1,iw2), max(iw1,iw2), iw3
284                ni = ni + 1
285              enddo
286              nwf = max(nwf,ni)
288C #X.XXX #Y.YYY #Z.ZZZ #eigen1 [#eigen2 ...]
289            elseif (ni .ne. 0) then
290              nwf = max(nwf,ni)
293            elseif (ni .eq. 0) then
294              nwf = max(nwf,norb)
295            endif
296          else
297C Bad syntax
298            write(msg,'(a,/,a)')
299     .        'writewave: syntax ERROR in %block WaveFuncKPoints:',
300     .        trim(fdf_getline(bfdf%mark))
301            call die(msg)
302          endif
303        enddo
305        ! Minimize to the maximum number of eigenvalues
306        nwf = min(nwf, norb)
308C Allocate nwflist, iwf and kpoints structures according to nk and nwf
309        call re_alloc( nwflist, 1, nk, 'nwflist', 'initwave' )
310        call re_alloc( iwf, 1, nk, 1, nwf, 'iwf', 'initwave' )
312        call re_alloc( kpoint, 1, 3, 1, nk, 'kpoint', 'initwave' )
314C Fill nwflist, iwf and kpoints structures
315C Loop on data lines
316        nk = 0
317        call fdf_brewind(bfdf)
318        do while(fdf_bline(bfdf,pline))
319C Read and parse data line
320          nn = fdf_bnnames(pline)
321          nv = fdf_bnvalues(pline)
322          ni = fdf_bnintegers(pline)
323          nr = fdf_bnreals(pline)
325C Add this point to total number of k points
326          nk = nk + 1
328C Find coordinates of k point
330            do ix = 1,3
331              kpoint(ix,nk) = rcell(ix,1) * fdf_bvalues(pline,1) +
332     .                        rcell(ix,2) * fdf_bvalues(pline,2) +
333     .                        rcell(ix,3) * fdf_bvalues(pline,3)
334            enddo
336C Find which eigenvectors should be printed
337C Store indexes of wave functions to printout
339C #X.XXX #Y.YYY #Z.ZZZ from #start to #end [step] #step
340          if (nn .ge. 2) then
342            name1 = fdf_bnames(pline,1)
343            name2 = fdf_bnames(pline,2)
344            if (nn .eq. 3) name3 = fdf_bnames(pline,3)
346            iw1 = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
347            iw2 = fdf_bintegers(pline,2)
348            if (iw1 .lt. 0) iw1 = norb + iw1 + 1
349            if (iw2 .lt. 0) iw2 = norb + iw2 + 1
350            ! Reduce to maximally the number of orbitals
351            iw2 = min(iw2, norb)
352            if (nn .eq. 3) then
353              iw3 = abs(fdf_bintegers(pline,3))
354            else
355              iw3 = 1
356            endif
357            ni = 0
358            do iw = min(iw1,iw2), max(iw1,iw2), iw3
359              ni = ni + 1
360              if (iw .lt. 0) then
361                iwf(nk,ni) = norb + iw + 1
362              else
363                iwf(nk,ni) = iw
364              endif
365            enddo
367C #X.XXX #Y.YYY #Z.ZZZ #eigen1 [#eigen2 ...]
368          elseif (ni .ne. 0) then
369            do i= 1, ni
370              iw = fdf_bintegers(pline,i)
371              if (iw .lt. 0) then
372                iw = norb + iw + 1
373              endif
374              if ( iw <= norb ) then
375                iwf(nk,i) = iw
376              end if
377            enddo
380          elseif (ni .eq. 0) then
381            ni = norb
382            do i= 1, ni
383              iwf(nk,i) = i
384            enddo
385          endif
387          nwflist(nk) = ni
388        enddo
390      endif
392      end subroutine initwave
394      subroutine wwave( no, spin, maxo, maxuo, maxnh,
395     .                  maxk,
396     .                  numh, listhptr, listh, H, S, ef, xij, indxuo,
397     .                  gamma, nk, kpoint, nuotot, occtol)
398C *********************************************************************
399C Finds wavefunctions at selected k-points.
400C Written by P. Ordejon, June 2003
401C from routine 'bands' written by J.M.Soler
402C Changed to use tSpin, N. Papior, August 2019
403C **************************** INPUT **********************************
404C integer no                  : Number of basis orbitals
405C tSpin spin                  : Contains spin information
406C integer maxo                : First dimension of ek
407C integer maxuo               : Second dimension of H and S
408C integer maxnh               : Maximum number of orbitals interacting
409C                               with any orbital
410C integer maxk                : Last dimension of kpoint and ek
411C integer numh(nuo)           : Number of nonzero elements of each row
412C                               of hamiltonian matrix
413C integer listhptr(nuo)       : Pointer to start of each row of the
414C                               hamiltonian matrix
415C integer listh(maxlh)        : Nonzero hamiltonian-matrix element
416C                               column indexes for each matrix row
417C real*8  H(maxnh,spin%H)     : Hamiltonian in sparse form
418C real*8  S(maxnh)            : Overlap in sparse form
419C real*8  ef                  : Fermi energy
420C real*8  xij(3,maxnh)        : Vectors between orbital centers (sparse)
421C                               (not used if only gamma point)
422C integer indxuo(no)          : Index of equivalent orbital in unit cell
423C                               Unit cell orbitals must be the first in
424C                               orbital lists, i.e. indxuo.le.nuo, with
425C                               nuo the number of orbitals in unit cell
426C logical Gamma               : whether only the Gamma-point is sampled
427C integer nk                  : Number of band k points
428C real*8  kpoint(3,maxk)      : k point vectors
429C integer nuotot              : Total number of orbitals in unit cell
430C real*8  occtol              : Occupancy threshold for DM build
431C *************************** OUTPUT **********************************
432C None; output is dumped to wave functions file SystemLabel.WFSX
433C *************************** UNITS ***********************************
434C Lengths in atomic units (Bohr).
435C k vectors in reciprocal atomic units.
436C Energies in Rydbergs.
438C  Modules
440      use precision
441      use parallel,    only : Node, Nodes
442      use fdf
443      use densematrix, only : allocDenseMatrix, resetDenseMatrix
444      use densematrix, only : Haux, Saux, psi
445      use alloc
446      use atmfuncs,     only : symfio, cnfigfio, labelfis, nofis
447      use atomlist,     only : iaorb, iphorb
448      use siesta_geom,  only : isa
449      use t_spin, only: tSpin
450      use units, only : eV
452#ifdef MPI
453      use parallelsubs, only : GetNodeOrbs
455      use m_diag_option, only: Serial, ParallelOverK
456      use m_diag, only: diag_init
458      implicit          none
460      type(tSpin), intent(in) :: spin
461      logical, intent(in) :: Gamma
462      integer           maxk, maxnh, maxo, maxuo, nk, no,
463     .                  nuotot, indxuo(no), listh(maxnh), numh(*),
464     .                  listhptr(*)
465      real(dp)          ef, H(maxnh,spin%H), kpoint(3,maxk),
466     .                  S(maxnh), xij(3,maxnh), occtol
468      external          io_assign, io_close, memory
469C *********************************************************************
471      logical
472     .  fixspin
474      integer
475     .  io, iu, iuo, naux, nuo, j, nhs
477      real(dp)
478     .  Dnew, qs(2), e1, e2, efs(2), Enew, qk, qtot,
479     .  temp, wk, Entropy
481C Dynamic arrays
482      logical, parameter :: getD = .false.
483      logical, parameter :: getPSI = .true.
484      real(dp), allocatable :: aux(:)
485      real(dp), allocatable :: ek(:,:,:)
487      save Dnew, Enew, e1, e2, qk, qtot, temp, wk
488      data Dnew, Enew, e1, e2, qk, qtot, temp, wk /8*0.d0/
490      logical :: SaveParallelOverK
493C Get local number of orbitals
494#ifdef MPI
495      call GetNodeOrbs(nuotot,Node,Nodes,nuo)
497      nuo = nuotot
500C Start time counter
501      call timer( 'writewave', 1 )
503C Check parameter maxk
504      if (nk .gt. maxk) then
505        if (Node.eq.0) then
506          write(6,'(/,a,/,a)')
507     .       'writewave: WARNING: parameter maxk too small',
508     .       'writewave: No wavefunction calculation performed'
509        endif
510        goto 999
511      endif
513C Check spin
515C Allocate local arrays - only aux is relevant here
516      if ( spin%Grid == 4 ) then
517         nhs = 2 * (2*nuotot) * (2*nuo)
518      else
519         nhs = 2 * nuotot * nuo
520      endif
521      call allocDenseMatrix(nhs, nhs, nhs)
523      allocate(ek(nuotot,spin%spinor,nk))
524      call memory('A','D',nuotot*spin%spinor*nk,'writewave')
525      naux = 2*nuotot*5
526      allocate(aux(naux))
527      call memory('A','D',naux,'writewave')
529C Open file
531      if (Node.eq.0) then
533        call io_assign( iu )
534        open(iu, file=wfs_filename,form="unformatted",status='unknown')
536        rewind (iu)
538        if (wwf) then
539          write(6,*)
540          write(6,'(a)') 'writewave: Wave Functions Coefficients'
541          write(6,*)
542          write(6,'(a26,2x,i6)') 'Number of k-points = ', nk
543          write(6,'(a26,2x,i6)') 'Number of Spins = ', spin%H
544          write(6,'(a26,2x,i6)') 'Number of basis orbs = ',nuotot
545          write(6,*)
546        endif
547        write(iu) nk, gamma
548        write(iu) spin%H   ! This will be 1, 2, 4 or 8 (to tell NC from SOC)
549        write(iu) nuotot
550        write(iu) (iaorb(j),labelfis(isa(iaorb(j))),
551     .            iphorb(j), cnfigfio(isa(iaorb(j)),iphorb(j)),
552     .            symfio(isa(iaorb(j)),iphorb(j)), j=1,nuotot)
554        call io_close(iu)
556      endif
558C Find the eigenvectors
559c fixspin and qs are not used in diagk, since getD=.false. ...
560      fixspin = .false.
561      qs(1) = 0.0d0
562      qs(2) = 0.0d0
564C Handle parallel over K points option which is not allowed for here
565      SaveParallelOverK = ParallelOverK
566      if ( ParallelOverK ) then
567        if ( Node .eq. 0 ) then
568          write(*,"(a)")
569     $        "*** Note: ParallelOverK option not used for "//
570     &        "WF info generation"
571        end if
572        ParallelOverK = .false.
573        Serial = (Nodes == 1)
574        call diag_init()
575      end if
577C Call appropriate diagonalization routine
579      if ( spin%none .or. spin%Col ) then
580       if (gamma) then
581         call diagg( spin%H, nuo, maxuo, maxnh, maxnh,
582     .               maxo, numh, listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr,
583     .               listh, H, S, getD, getPSI,
584     .               fixspin, qtot, qs, temp,
585     .               e1, e2, ek, qk, Dnew, Enew, ef, efs, Entropy,
586     .               Haux, Saux, psi, nuotot, occtol, 1, nuotot )
587       else
588         call diagk( spin%H, nuo, no, spin%spinor, maxnh, maxnh,
589     .               maxo, numh, listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr,
590     .               listh, H, S, getD, getPSI,
591     .               fixspin, qtot, qs, temp,
592     .               e1, e2, xij, indxuo, nk, kpoint, wk,
593     .               ek, qk, Dnew, Enew, ef, efs, Entropy,
594     .               Haux, Saux, psi, Haux, Saux, aux, nuotot,
595     .               occtol, 1, nuotot )
596       endif
598      elseif ( spin%NCol) then
599        if (gamma) then
600          call diag2g( nuo, no, maxnh, maxnh, maxo, numh,
601     .                 listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr, listh,
602     .                 H, S, getD, getPSI, qtot, temp, e1, e2, ek, qk,
603     .                 Dnew, Enew, ef, Entropy,
604     .                 Haux, Saux, psi, aux,
605     .                 nuotot, occtol, 1, nuotot )
606        else
607          call diag2k( nuo, no, maxnh, maxnh, maxo, numh,
608     .                 listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr, listh,
609     .                 H, S, getD, getPSI, qtot, temp, e1, e2, xij,
610     .                 indxuo, nk, kpoint, wk, ek, qk, Dnew,
611     .                 Enew, ef, Entropy,
612     .                 Haux, Saux, psi, Haux, Saux, aux,
613     .                 nuotot, occtol, 1, nuotot )
614        endif
615      elseif ( spin%SO ) then
616        if (gamma) then
617          call diag3g( nuo, no, maxnh, maxnh, maxo, numh,
618     .                 listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr, listh,
619     .                 H, S, getD, getPSI, qtot, temp, e1, e2, ek, qk,
620     .                 Dnew, Enew, ef, Entropy,
621     .                 Haux, Saux, psi, aux,
622     .                 nuotot, occtol, 1, nuotot )
623        else
624          call diag3k( nuo, no, maxnh, maxnh, maxo, numh,
625     .                 listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr, listh,
626     .                 H, S, getD, getPsi, qtot, temp, e1, e2, xij,
627     .                 indxuo, nk, kpoint, wk, ek, qk, Dnew,
628     .                 Enew, ef, Entropy,
629     .                 Haux, Saux, psi, Haux, Saux, aux,
630     .                 nuotot, occtol, 1, nuotot )
631        endif
632      endif
634      ! Restore ParallelOverK
635      ParallelOverK = SaveParallelOverK
636      if ( ParallelOverK ) Serial = .true.
638      call resetDenseMatrix()
639C Free local arrays
640      call memory('D','D',size(aux),'writewave')
641      deallocate(aux)
642      call memory('D','D',size(ek),'writewave')
643      deallocate(ek)
645C This is the only exit point
646  999 continue
647      call timer( 'writewave', 2 )
649      end subroutine wwave
652      subroutine writew(nuotot,nuo,ik,k,ispin,eo,psi,
653     $                  gamma,non_coll,blocksize)
655      use precision
656      use sys
657      use parallel,     only : Node, Nodes
658      use parallel,     only : Module_Blocksize=>BlockSize
659      use parallelsubs, only : GlobalToLocalOrb, WhichNodeOrb
660      use units,        only : eV
661      use kpoint_grid,  only : kweight
662#ifdef MPI
663      use mpi_siesta
666      implicit          none
668#ifdef MPI
669      integer  MPIerror, mpistatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), tag
672      integer, intent(in)  ::  nuotot, nuo, ispin, ik
673      logical, intent(in)  ::  non_coll, gamma
674      real(dp), intent(in) ::  eo(*), k(3)
675      real(dp), intent(in) ::  psi(:)
676      integer, intent(in)  ::  blocksize
679C  Internal variables .............................................
680      integer  BNode, iie, iw, indwf, j, ind, iu
681      integer  :: blocksize_saved
682      integer number_of_wfns
683      integer, allocatable  :: ind_wfn(:)
684      real(dp)  :: kpoint_weight
685      real(SP), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: aux   !! NOTE SP
687      external io_assign, io_close
689C ...................
691C Allocate auxiliary arrays
693      if (non_coll) then
694         allocate(aux(4,nuotot))
695         call memory('A','D',4*nuotot,'writewave')
696      else
697         if (gamma) then
698            allocate(aux(1,nuotot))
699            call memory('A','D',nuotot,'writewave')
700         else
701            allocate(aux(2,nuotot))
702            call memory('A','D',2*nuotot,'writewave')
703         endif
704      endif
706C Find file name, and open for Node 0
708      if (Node .eq. 0) then
709        call io_assign( iu )
710        open(iu,file=wfs_filename,form="unformatted",position='append',
711     .        status='old')
712      endif
714      if (wfs_energy_window) then
715         allocate(ind_wfn(nwflist(ik)))
716         number_of_wfns = 0
717         do iw = 1,nwflist(ik)
718            indwf = iwf(ik,iw)
719            if (eo(indwf) >= wfs_energy_min .AND.
720     $          eo(indwf) <= wfs_energy_max ) then
721               number_of_wfns = number_of_wfns + 1
722               ind_wfn(number_of_wfns) = indwf
723            endif
724         enddo
725         ! Replace indexes with new values
726         nwflist(ik) = number_of_wfns
727         do iw = 1, nwflist(ik)
728            iwf(ik,iw) = ind_wfn(iw)
729         enddo
730         deallocate(ind_wfn)
731      endif
733C First print the index and value of k-point
735      if (Node .eq. 0) then
736        if (wwf) then
737          write(6,*)
738          write(6,'(a22,2x,i6,2x,3f10.6)') 'k-point = ',ik, k(1:3)
739          if (non_coll) then
740             write(6,'(a22,2x)') 'Spinors have mixed spins'
741          else
742             write(6,'(a22,2x,i6)') 'Spin component = ',ispin
743          endif
744          write(6,'(a22,2x,i6)') 'Num. wavefunctions = ',nwflist(ik)
745          write(6,'(a)') 'Use readwfsx utility to print '
746     $                   // "wavefunction coefficients from WFSX file"
747        endif
748        if (scf_set) then
749           kpoint_weight = kweight(ik)
750        else
751           kpoint_weight = 1.0_dp
752        endif
753        write(iu) ik, k(1:3), kpoint_weight
754        write(iu) ispin
755        write(iu) nwflist(ik)
756      endif
758      ! Loop over wavefunctions that should be stored
760      ! The effective blocksize to use is passed as an argument.
761      ! Module_blocksize is the variable in the 'parallel' module that
762      ! holds the value that all the helper functions (WhichNodeOrb,
763      ! GetNodeOrb, etc) see.  Hence, we must temporarily set
764      ! Module_blocksize to the passed blocksize.
766      ! Examples: non-collinear calculations need a wf blocksize double
767      ! the 'orbital' one
769      blocksize_saved = Module_blocksize
770      Module_blocksize = blocksize
772      if (Node .eq. 0 .and. debug) then
773         print *, " -*- Will print ", nwflist(ik), " wfns."
774         print *, " -*- ", iwf(ik,1:nwflist(ik))
775      endif
776      do iw = 1,nwflist(ik)
777         indwf = iwf(ik,iw)
779        ! Determine which node handles this wavefunction
780        ! Note that the distribution is block cyclic,
781        ! so the same 'orbital' helper functions apply
783        call WhichNodeOrb(indwf,Nodes,BNode)
785        if (Node .eq. 0 .and. debug) then
786           print *, " -*- About to print wfn ", indwf,
787     $                    "from node ", Bnode
788        endif
790        if (Node.eq.BNode) then
792          ! Determine the index of the wavefunction in the local node
793          call GlobalToLocalOrb( indwf, BNode, Nodes, iie)
795          ! Save wavefunction in aux array
797          ! Despite being passed as a one-dimensional array, psi has
798          ! different underlying structures for different cases, so the
799          ! indexing must be handled differently
801          if (.not. non_coll) then
802             if (gamma) then
803                ! Real functions
804                do j = 1,nuotot
805                   ind = j + (iie-1)*nuotot
806                   aux(1,j) = real(psi(ind),kind=sp)
807                enddo
808             else
809                ! Complex functions: two reals per orbital coefficient
810                do j = 1,nuotot
811                   ind = 1+(j-1)*2+(iie-1)*2*nuotot
812                   aux(1,j) = real(psi(ind),kind=sp)
813                   aux(2,j) = real(psi(ind+1),kind=sp)
814                enddo
815             endif
816          else                  ! non-collinear case, including SOC
817             ! Each 'orbital' coefficient is actually four reals: complex up/down
818             ! (spinor)
819             do j = 1,nuotot
820                ind = 1 + (j-1)*4 + (iie-1)*4*nuotot
821                aux(1,j) = real(psi(ind),kind=sp)
822                aux(2,j) = real(psi(ind+1),kind=sp)
823                aux(3,j) = real(psi(ind+2),kind=sp)
824                aux(4,j) = real(psi(ind+3),kind=sp)
825             enddo
826          endif  !  non-coll or not
828       endif          ! Node == BNode
830#ifdef MPI
831C Pass the wf to the master node
832        if (BNode.ne.0) then
833           tag = indwf
834           if (Node .eq. BNode) then
835              call MPI_Send(aux(1,1),size(aux),MPI_real,
836     .             0,tag,MPI_Comm_World,MPIerror)
837              if (debug) print *, Node, " sent msg to 0 with tag ",tag
838           elseif (Node .eq. 0) then
839              call MPI_Recv(aux(1,1),size(aux),MPI_real,
840     .             BNode,tag,MPI_Comm_World,MPIStatus,MPIerror)
841              if (debug) print *, "Got msg with tag ",tag,
842     $             " from node ", BNode, ". status: ", mpistatus
843           endif
844           call MPI_Barrier(MPI_Comm_World, MPIError) ! Just to be safe
845        endif
848C eigenvector is now stored in aux in Node 0, and can be printed
850        if (Node .eq. 0) then
851           write(iu) indwf
852           write(iu) eo(indwf)/eV
853           write(iu) (aux(1:,j), j=1,nuotot)
854        endif
856      enddo
858C Close output file
860      if (Node .eq. 0) then
861        call io_close(iu)
862      endif
864      ! Restore blocksize value in module
865      Module_blocksize = blocksize_saved
867C Deallocate auxiliary arrays
869      call memory('D','D',size(aux),'writewave')
870      deallocate(aux)
872      end subroutine writew
874      end module writewave