1 _________________________________________________________________
2/								  \
3| yaze.ktt							  |
4|								  |
5| This key translation table was generated from sample.ktt by	  |
6| stripping all the experimental stuff from the end of that file. |
7|								  |
8| This file contains only about 30 active lines; the rest are	  |
9| comments which could be removed.  There is no real benefit in	  |
10| doing so because the plethora of comments has no effect on	  |
11| performance.							  |
16;  Notes on keyboard translation
17;  -----------------------------
19;  Modern keyboards typically generate scan codes which are interpreted
20;  by an operating system and translated into something more traditional.
22;  In the environments which support yaze-ag, the operating system
23;  translates the scan codes for keys such as Home, Page Up, Insert
24;  and the arrow keys into multi-byte sequences which are not undersood
25;  by CP/M.
27;  The primary purpose of the keyboard translation module in yaze-ag is
28;  to apply a secondary translation, converting the multi-byte sequences
29;  into something more useful to CP/M and its applications.
31;  However there is a secondary purpose which is almost as important as
32;  the first, namely to prevent an untranslated multi-byte sequence from
33;  being passed to CP/M in the first place.  For example, on the 64-bit
34;  ubuntu on which I am writing these notes, pressing the up arrow key
35;  generates <esc>[A and F12 yields <esc>[24~ either of which could
36;  make a mess of a CP/M text editor.
38;  The keyboard translation facility introduced in yaze-ag 2.3 allows
39;  a user to specify a set of key translations and to pass just those
40;  translated sequences to CP/M.
42;  In the absence of a defined translation, yaze-ag 2.3 still works as
43;  always, except that no multi-byte sequences will get through.
45;  You may treat this document as a sample keyboard translation.  Make
46;  a copy called yaze.ktt and edit it to contain just the key defin-
47;  itions that are useful to you.
51;  Format of the key translation file (yaze.ktt)
52;  ---------------------------------------------
54;  Any line which does not start with an alphabetic character is considered
55;  to be a comment.  Leading and trailing spaces are ignored.
57;  The general format is:
59;	<key_description> = <character_sequence>
61;  When the key described on the left is pressed, the sequence of characters
62;  listed on the right is sent to CP/M.
64;  Key description
65;  ---------------
67;  The key description comprises a single character or a key name which
68;  serves to identify the key.  This key descriptor may be accompanied by
69;  zero or more modifiers (control, alt, shift).  The order is not relevant
70;  and for key names case is ignored so that
72;	Ctrl Shift PageUp
74;  is the same as
76;	shift pgUp CTL
78;  Also, as seen in the foregoing example, some keys and modifiers have
79;  multiple spellings.
81;  When using a single character key descriptor, case is preserved so that
83;	Alt e		and		Alt E
85;  are different, just as e and E are different.
87;  Note that the = character cannot be used as a single character key
88;  descriptor.  Althougy you can say
89;	Alt / = ¨something¨
90;  you cannot say:
91;	Alt = = "something"
92;  but there is a way to express that via a key name:
93;	Alt eq = "something"
94;  or
95;	alt equals = ¨something¨
96;  (eq and equals are synonyms).
98;  Keyboards other than US English can generate characters which do not fall
99;  into the range 0x00 to 0x7F.  In typical yaze-ag environments those keys
100;  yield UTF-8 sequences.  These are quite different from the ESC prefix
101;  sequences for function keys and cursor keys but the keyboard translator
102;  recognises UTF-8 sequences and converts them to the corresponding Unicode.
103;  So to translate a non-ASCII character to something usable in CP/M, just
104;  give the Unicode description
105;	U+nnnn
106;  where nnnn is the code point in hexadecimal notation.  (It doesn't have to
107;  be four digits long.)  Shift codes are meaningless in a Unicode context and
108;  they will be ignored.  Examples:
110;  1.	u+20ac = "~"
111;  2.	U+E9 = 02
112;  3.	u+3a0 = "pi"
113;  4.   ctrl U+03A0 = "pi"
115;  1 translates a Euro symbol to a tilde.
116;  2 translates a lower case e with an acute accent to a ^B
117;  3 translates the upper case pi character to a string "pi"
118;  4 is the same as 3.  The "ctrl" is ignored.
120;  Character sequences
121;  ------------------
123;  The character sequence sent to CP/M can be a string in "quote"
124;  marks, a control character name, a two-digit hexadecimal number
125;  or any combination thereof.  Strings are sent as coded.  Control
126;  character names and hexadecimal numbers are not case-sensitive.
128;	F12 = "3dir" cr
130;  will send all five characters to CP/M when F12 is pressed.
132;  Further notes
133;  -------------
135;  Certain keys and combinations of keys may be intercepted by the host
136;  operating system and not even passed into the translation engine. (SysRq
137;  and PrtSc are two examples.)
139;  Some keyboard configurations distinguish between left and right Alt keys.
140;  This may mean that one of the Alt keys does not work the way you expect.
141;  It is probably not worth the trouble to try making the distinction in
142;  this system,  Just use the one that works.
144;  If your CP/M session locks up it is most likely because some program is in
145;  a tight loop or (CP/M) memory has been scrambled.  Under such conditions it
146;  is useful to be able to interrupt CP/M no matter what it is doing.
148;  Given that you cannot use the SysRq key to send anything meaningful to
149;  CP/M (because as mentioned above, SysReq is never seen by yaze-ag) choose a
150;  different key to interrupt CP/M at any time.  Pressing this key (or com-
151;  bination) will exit to the "sys" monitor.
153;  Examples might be:
154;	ctl alt bs
155;	ctl alt \
156;  but anything you fancy that shows up with the keytest program will be
157;  satisfactory.
161;	00 NUL	01 SOH	02 STX 	03 ETX	04 EOT	05 ENQ	06 ACK 	07 BEL
162;	  ^@	  ^A	  ^B	  ^C	  ^D	  ^E	  ^F	  ^G
164;	08 BS 	09 HT 	0A LF 	0B VT 	0C FF 	0D CR 	0E SO 	0F SI
165;	  ^H	  ^I	  ^J	  ^K	  ^L	  ^M	  ^N	  ^O
167;	10 DLE	11 DC1	12 DC2	13 DC3	14 DC4	15 NAK	16 SYN	17 ETB
168;	  ^P	  ^Q	  ^R	  ^S	  ^T	  ^U	  ^V	  ^W
170;	18 CAN	19 EM	1A SUB	1B ESC	1C FS	1D GS	1E RS	1F US
171;	  ^X	  ^Y	  ^Z	  ^[	  ^\	  ^]	  ^^	  ^_
173;	7F DEL	FF SRQ
177; A minimal set of key translations suitable for CP/M+ command editing
178; and basic WordStar use.
180; Word processors and editors do their own keyboard input handling but
181; the CCP is just another application program (albeit a rather special
182; and important one) which gets input a line at a time calling BDOS
183; function 10.  To any program which does line input via bdos(10) ZPM3
184; presents a history of such inputs to the user for possible recall and
185; editing.  To the user entering commands to the CCP this means a history
186; of the past several commands.
188; Unfortunately there are a few fundamental incompatibilities between
189; bdos(10) and the WordStar class of editors.  There is a modified ZPM3
190; available which corrects these incompatibilities and this sample key
191; translation file assumes that the modified ZPM3 is in use.  ZPM3 is
192; just Simeon Cran's BDOS clone; it is not sacrosanct and there is no
193; reason to refrain from fixing it.
197; In the descriptions which follow, WS means WordStar or similar editor
198; and CCP refers to any program which uses bdos(10) for line input.
199; Of course the CCP itself is one such program.
203; Arrow keys
204; ----------
206; Up arrow key is mapped to ^E (05 ENQ)
207; WS:	Move cursor up one line.
208; CCP:	Returns the previously entered line.  Each successive Up keypress
209;	steps one line further back in the history.
210Up = ^E
212; Down arrow is mapped to ^X (18 CAN)
213; WS:	Move cursor down one line unless at end of file
214: CCP:	Return the next line in the history unless already at the most
215;	recent line.
216Down = ^X
218; Left arrow is mapped to ^S (13 DC3)
219; WS:	Move cursor one character to the left.  If at the beginning of a
220;	line then wrap backwards to the end of the previous line.
221: CCP:	Move cursor one character left unless at the beginning of the line.
222Left = ^S
224; Right arrow is mapped to ^D (06 ACK)
225; WS:	Move cursor one character to the right.  If at the end of a line
226;	then wrap to the beginnng of the next.
227; CCP:	Move cursor one character to the right unless already at the end
228;	of the line.
229Right = ^D
231; Control + left arrow is mapped to ^A (01 SOH)
232; WS:	Move cursor one word to the left, wrapping to previous line if
233;	necessary.
234; CCP:	Move cursor one word to the left, stopping at the beginning of
235;	the line.
236Ctrl left = ^A
238; Control + right arrow is mapped to ^F (06 ACK)
239; WS:	Move cursor one word to the right, wrapping to next line if
240;	necessary.
241: CCP:	Move cursor one word to the right, stopping at end of line.
242Ctrl right = ^F
244; Alt + up arrow is mapped to ^W (17 ETB)
245; WS:	Scroll the screen up one line.  Cursor remains fixed with respect
246;	to the text unless it is at the bottom of the screen in which case
247;	it remains at the bottom of the screen, effectively moving up one
248;	line in the text.
249; CCP:	Delete everything to the right of the cursor.
250ctrl Up = ^W
252; Alt + down arrow is mapped to ^Z (1A SUB)
253; WS:	Scroll the screen up one line.  Cursor remains fixed with respect
254;	to the text unless it is at the top of the screen in which case it
255;	remains at the top of the screen, effectively moving down one line
256;	in the text.
257ctrl Down = ^Z
259: Dealing with the Home and End keys presented a bit of a challenge.  First
260: we must decide what we expect that the Home and End keys should do.
262: The weight of experience suggests that in most contexts (not limited to
263: CP/M) the End key should move the cursor to the end of the current line
264: and that the Home key should move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
265: This is common behaviour in text editors (UNIX, Windows) and in command
266: editing (Windows, linux [gnome]).
268; Recall that the objective here is to construct a set of key translations
269; which are useful in two primary CP/M contexts:
270;  1.	Text editors which follow the WordStar input model
271;  2.	Line-at-a-time input via BDOS function 10 such as used by application
272;	programs (such as the CCP)
273; The difficulties we face in this endeavour arise from the observation that
274; the control sequences needed to move the cursor to the end or beginning of
275; the current line in the BDOS(10) context are very different from those which
276; perform the same operation in the WordStar class of text editors.
278;				bdos(10)		WordStar
279; Cursor to start of line	  ^B			  ^Q S
280; Cursor to end of line		  ^B			  ^Q D
282; Presenting those sequenes in the wrong context may have nasty effects.  ^B
283; in WordStar reformats the current paragraph.  That is probably not what a
284; user would expect of Home or End.  Similarly, in a bdos(10) context, ^Q S
285; and ^Q D are unlikely to do anything that could be expected of Home or End.
286; ^Q would be ignored and the S or D would be inserted into the text.
288; It gets even more complex because some shift keys don't work as expected
289; when chorded with Home, End, Insert and Delete.
291; In the hope of at least partially resolving these issues, we do not trans-
292; late the unshifted Home and End keys at all because it is too easy to forget
293; the consequences and press Home or End in an inappropriate context.  It is
294; hoped that making the user choose the correct shift key will force him/her
295; to select the one which offers the desired effect.
296;	bdos(10)	Chord with Control
297;	editors		Chord with Alt
298; Using the shift key instead of control or alt is not an option but beyond
299; that there is no particular reason for choosing these pairings; it was an
300; arbitrary decision and anyone is free to change it.
302; Control Home
303; WS:	Reformat a couple of paragraphs, possibly making a mess.
304; CCP:	Move cursor to the beginning of the line.
305;Control Home = ^B ^B
307; Control End
308; WS:	Reformat the current paragraph, a potentiall useful action so long
309;	as the user knows what he/she is doing.
310; CCP:	Move the cursor to the end of the input line.
311;control end  = ^B
313; Interestingly, the effect of ^B in WordMaster, a precursor to WordStar, is
314; to move the cursor to the beginning of the line unless it is already there
315; in which case move it to the end.  Quite similar to the bdos(10) operation.
317; Home
318; WS:	Move cursor to the beginning of the current line
319; CCP:	Inserts an S into the input line.
320Home = ^Q ^S
322; End
323; WS:	Move cursor to the end of the current line
324; CCP:	Inserts a D into the input line
325End  = ^Q ^D
327: In one particular scenario, namely 64-bit cygwin, the untranslated byte
328: sequences generated by the Home and End keys are:
329:	home		<esc>[H
330:	end		<esc>[F
331:	alt home	<esc>[1;3H
332:	alt end		<esc>[1;3F
333:	control home	<esc>[1;5H
334:	control end	<esc>[1;5F
337; Page up is mapped to 12 DC2 ^R
338; WS:	Display the previous page of text.
339; CCP:	Ignore
340PgUp = DC2
342; Page down is mapped to ^C (03 ETX)
343; WS:	Display the next page of text.
344; CCP:	Do a warm boot if at start of line, otherwise do nothing.
345PgDn = ^C
347; Control PageUp and Control PageDown are set up for WordStar to move to
348; the beginning & the end of the document
349Ctl PageUp = ^Q ^R
350Ctl PageDown = ^Q ^C
352; Delete is mapped to ^G (07 BEL)
353; Works for bdos(10) calls and in WordStar-like applicatons to
354; delete the character at the cursor.
355Delete = bel
357; Control Delete is mapped to ^Y (19 EM)
358; WS:	Delete line. (Also WordMaster)
359; CCP:	Clear entire line
360ctl del = ^Y
362; Shift Insert is mapped to ^O (0F SI)
363; This is for WordMaster rather than WordStar and it toggles insert mode.
364; HOWEVER: Some xterm implementations deliver CR for Shift-Insert so
365; to cater for that we also map Alt-Insert to ^O even though that may
366; be hard to remember ...
367;Shift Ins = ^O
368;Alt Ins = ^O
370; Insert is mapped to ^V (16 SYN)
371; WS:	Toggle insert mode
372; CCP:	Clear line and delete from history
373Ins = ^V
374Alt Ins = ^N
376; The 5 key in the centre of the number pad is mapped to ^Q which
377; makes a convenient modifier for the surrounding keys when using
378; WordStar controls.
379NP5 = DC1
381; In many UNIX-like environments the backspace key generates DEL.
382; CP/M software normally expects a BS.  (Note, here DEL refers to
383; a character, not the Del/Delete key so I use the Unicode point
384; to refer to it.)
386; Some advice:  Map keys by function, not by what is generated.  For
387; example, in this case the key is labelled Backspace and CP/M wants
388; a BS so we make the keypress deliver a BS.  To do that we translate
389; 7F to 08.
390;U+7F = bs
392; There may be an occasion where some CP/M program really wants to see
393; a DEL character.  We've already made the Del(ete) key generate a ^G
394; which is what WordStar and BDOS(10) treat as meaning "delete the
395; character at the cursor" (a fine example of mapping keys by function)
396; so to satisfy this particular need we'll make Shift-Del generate DEL
397; and for uniformity with the Insert key treatment we'll do the same
398; with alt-del
399shift del = 7F
400alt del = 7F
402; Enable a fast interrupt when CP/M is locked, perhaps because it is
403; in a tight loop or memory is corrupt or a program accessed the BIOS
404; via the jump vector or for some other indeterminate reason.
405;alt | = SysRq
407F2 = "ws p:bootsys.z80"
408F7 = "i" cr