1# distutils: include_dirs = LIB_DIR
2# distutils: libraries = STD_LIBS
4Particle Deposition onto Cells
12cimport numpy as np
14import numpy as np
16cimport cython
17from cython.view cimport memoryview as cymemview
18from libc.math cimport sqrt
19from libc.stdlib cimport free, malloc
20from oct_container cimport Oct, OctInfo, OctreeContainer
22from yt.utilities.lib.fp_utils cimport *
24from yt.utilities.lib.misc_utilities import OnceIndirect
27cdef append_axes(np.ndarray arr, int naxes):
28    if arr.ndim == naxes:
29        return arr
30    # Avoid copies
31    arr2 = arr.view()
32    arr2.shape = arr2.shape + (1,) * (naxes - arr2.ndim)
33    return arr2
35cdef class ParticleDepositOperation:
36    def __init__(self, nvals, kernel_name):
37        # nvals is a tuple containing the active dimensions of the
38        # grid to deposit onto and the number of grids,
39        # (nx, ny, nz, ngrids)
40        self.nvals = nvals
41        self.update_values = 0 # This is the default
42        self.sph_kernel = get_kernel_func(kernel_name)
44    def initialize(self, *args):
45        raise NotImplementedError
47    def finalize(self, *args):
48        raise NotImplementedError
50    @cython.boundscheck(False)
51    @cython.wraparound(False)
52    def process_octree(self, OctreeContainer octree,
53                     np.ndarray[np.int64_t, ndim=1] dom_ind,
54                     np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] positions,
55                     fields = None, int domain_id = -1,
56                     int domain_offset = 0, lvlmax = None):
57        cdef int nf, i, j
58        if fields is None:
59            fields = []
60        nf = len(fields)
61        cdef np.float64_t[::cython.view.indirect, ::1] field_pointers
62        if nf > 0: field_pointers = OnceIndirect(fields)
63        cdef np.float64_t pos[3]
64        cdef np.float64_t[:] field_vals = np.empty(nf, dtype="float64")
65        cdef int dims[3]
66        dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = (1 << octree.oref)
67        cdef int nz = dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2]
68        cdef OctInfo oi
69        cdef np.int64_t offset, moff
70        cdef Oct *oct
71        cdef np.int64_t numpart = positions.shape[0]
72        cdef np.int8_t use_lvlmax
73        moff = octree.get_domain_offset(domain_id + domain_offset)
74        if lvlmax is None:
75            use_lvlmax = False
76            lvlmax = []
77        else:
78            use_lvlmax = True
79        cdef np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] lvlmaxval = np.asarray(lvlmax, dtype=np.int32)
81        for i in range(positions.shape[0]):
82            # We should check if particle remains inside the Oct here
83            for j in range(nf):
84                field_vals[j] = field_pointers[j,i]
85            for j in range(3):
86                pos[j] = positions[i, j]
87            # This line should be modified to have it return the index into an
88            # array based on whatever cutting of the domain we have done.  This
89            # may or may not include the domain indices that we have
90            # previously generated.  This way we can support not knowing the
91            # full octree structure.  All we *really* care about is some
92            # arbitrary offset into a field value for deposition.
93            if not use_lvlmax:
94                oct = octree.get(pos, &oi)
95            else:
96                oct = octree.get(pos, &oi, max_level=lvlmaxval[i])
97            # This next line is unfortunate.  Basically it says, sometimes we
98            # might have particles that belong to octs outside our domain.
99            # For the distributed-memory octrees, this will manifest as a NULL
100            # oct.  For the non-distributed memory octrees, we'll simply see
101            # this as a domain_id that is not the current domain id.  Note that
102            # this relies on the idea that all the particles in a region are
103            # all fed to sequential domain subsets, which will not be true with
104            # RAMSES, where we *will* miss particles that live in ghost
105            # regions on other processors.  Addressing this is on the TODO
106            # list.
107            if oct == NULL or (domain_id > 0 and oct.domain != domain_id):
108                continue
109            # Note that this has to be our local index, not our in-file index.
110            offset = dom_ind[oct.domain_ind - moff]
111            if offset < 0: continue
112            # Check that we found the oct ...
113            self.process(dims, i, oi.left_edge, oi.dds,
114                         offset, pos, field_vals, oct.domain_ind)
115            if self.update_values == 1:
116                for j in range(nf):
117                    field_pointers[j][i] = field_vals[j]
119    @cython.boundscheck(False)
120    @cython.wraparound(False)
121    def process_grid(self, gobj,
122                     np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] positions,
123                     fields = None):
124        cdef int nf, i, j
125        if fields is None:
126            fields = []
127        nf = len(fields)
128        cdef np.float64_t[:] field_vals = np.empty(nf, dtype="float64")
129        cdef np.float64_t[::cython.view.indirect, ::1] field_pointers
130        if nf > 0: field_pointers = OnceIndirect(fields)
131        cdef np.float64_t pos[3]
132        cdef np.int64_t gid = getattr(gobj, "id", -1)
133        cdef np.float64_t dds[3]
134        cdef np.float64_t left_edge[3]
135        cdef np.float64_t right_edge[3]
136        cdef int dims[3]
137        for i in range(3):
138            dds[i] = gobj.dds[i]
139            left_edge[i] = gobj.LeftEdge[i]
140            right_edge[i] = gobj.RightEdge[i]
141            dims[i] = gobj.ActiveDimensions[i]
142        for i in range(positions.shape[0]):
143            # Now we process
144            for j in range(nf):
145                field_vals[j] = field_pointers[j,i]
146            for j in range(3):
147                pos[j] = positions[i, j]
148            continue_loop = False
149            for j in range(3):
150                if pos[j] < left_edge[j] or pos[j] > right_edge[j]:
151                    continue_loop = True
152            if continue_loop:
153                continue
154            self.process(dims, i, left_edge, dds, 0, pos, field_vals, gid)
155            if self.update_values == 1:
156                for j in range(nf):
157                    field_pointers[j][i] = field_vals[j]
159    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart, np.float64_t left_edge[3],
160                     np.float64_t dds[3], np.int64_t offset,
161                     np.float64_t ppos[3], np.float64_t[:] fields,
162                     np.int64_t domain_ind) nogil except -1:
163        with gil:
164            raise NotImplementedError
166cdef class CountParticles(ParticleDepositOperation):
167    cdef np.int64_t[:,:,:,:] count
168    def initialize(self):
169        # Create a numpy array accessible to python
170        self.count = append_axes(
171            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="int64", order='F'), 4)
173    @cython.cdivision(True)
174    @cython.boundscheck(False)
175    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart,
176                     np.float64_t left_edge[3],
177                     np.float64_t dds[3],
178                     np.int64_t offset, # offset into IO field
179                     np.float64_t ppos[3], # this particle's position
180                     np.float64_t[:] fields,
181                     np.int64_t domain_ind
182                     ) nogil except -1:
183        # here we do our thing; this is the kernel
184        cdef int ii[3]
185        cdef int i
186        for i in range(3):
187            ii[i] = <int>((ppos[i] - left_edge[i])/dds[i])
188        self.count[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset] += 1
189        return 0
191    def finalize(self):
192        arr = np.asarray(self.count)
193        arr.shape = self.nvals
194        return arr.astype("float64")
196deposit_count = CountParticles
198cdef class SimpleSmooth(ParticleDepositOperation):
199    # Note that this does nothing at the edges.  So it will give a poor
200    # estimate there, and since Octrees are mostly edges, this will be a very
201    # poor SPH kernel.
202    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] data
203    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] temp
205    def initialize(self):
206        self.data = append_axes(
207            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order='F'), 4)
208        self.temp = append_axes(
209            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order='F'), 4)
211    @cython.cdivision(True)
212    @cython.boundscheck(False)
213    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart,
214                     np.float64_t left_edge[3],
215                     np.float64_t dds[3],
216                     np.int64_t offset,
217                     np.float64_t ppos[3],
218                     np.float64_t[:] fields,
219                     np.int64_t domain_ind
220                     ) nogil except -1:
221        cdef int ii[3]
222        cdef int ib0[3]
223        cdef int ib1[3]
224        cdef int i, j, k, half_len
225        cdef np.float64_t idist[3]
226        cdef np.float64_t kernel_sum, dist
227        # Smoothing length is fields[0]
228        kernel_sum = 0.0
229        for i in range(3):
230            ii[i] = <int>((ppos[i] - left_edge[i])/dds[i])
231            half_len = <int>(fields[0]/dds[i]) + 1
232            ib0[i] = ii[i] - half_len
233            ib1[i] = ii[i] + half_len
234            if ib0[i] >= dim[i] or ib1[i] <0:
235                return 0
236            ib0[i] = iclip(ib0[i], 0, dim[i] - 1)
237            ib1[i] = iclip(ib1[i], 0, dim[i] - 1)
238        for i from ib0[0] <= i <= ib1[0]:
239            idist[0] = (ii[0] - i) * dds[0]
240            idist[0] *= idist[0]
241            for j from ib0[1] <= j <= ib1[1]:
242                idist[1] = (ii[1] - j) * dds[1]
243                idist[1] *= idist[1]
244                for k from ib0[2] <= k <= ib1[2]:
245                    idist[2] = (ii[2] - k) * dds[2]
246                    idist[2] *= idist[2]
247                    dist = idist[0] + idist[1] + idist[2]
248                    # Calculate distance in multiples of the smoothing length
249                    dist = sqrt(dist) / fields[0]
250                    with gil:
251                        self.temp[k,j,i,offset] = self.sph_kernel(dist)
252                    kernel_sum += self.temp[k,j,i,offset]
253        # Having found the kernel, deposit accordingly into gdata
254        for i from ib0[0] <= i <= ib1[0]:
255            for j from ib0[1] <= j <= ib1[1]:
256                for k from ib0[2] <= k <= ib1[2]:
257                    dist = self.temp[k,j,i,offset] / kernel_sum
258                    self.data[k,j,i,offset] += fields[1] * dist
259        return 0
261    def finalize(self):
262        return self.odata
264deposit_simple_smooth = SimpleSmooth
266cdef class SumParticleField(ParticleDepositOperation):
267    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] sum
268    def initialize(self):
269        self.sum = append_axes(
270            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order='F'), 4)
272    @cython.cdivision(True)
273    @cython.boundscheck(False)
274    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart,
275                     np.float64_t left_edge[3],
276                     np.float64_t dds[3],
277                     np.int64_t offset,
278                     np.float64_t ppos[3],
279                     np.float64_t[:] fields,
280                     np.int64_t domain_ind
281                     ) nogil except -1:
282        cdef int ii[3]
283        cdef int i
284        for i in range(3):
285            ii[i] = <int>((ppos[i] - left_edge[i]) / dds[i])
286        self.sum[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset] += fields[0]
287        return 0
289    def finalize(self):
290        sum = np.asarray(self.sum)
291        sum.shape = self.nvals
292        return sum
294deposit_sum = SumParticleField
296cdef class StdParticleField(ParticleDepositOperation):
297    # Thanks to Britton and MJ Turk for the link
298    # to a single-pass STD
299    # http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~mhoemmen/cs194/Tutorials/variance.pdf
300    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] mk
301    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] qk
302    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] i
303    def initialize(self):
304        # we do this in a single pass, but need two scalar
305        # per cell, M_k, and Q_k and also the number of particles
306        # deposited into each one
307        # the M_k term
308        self.mk = append_axes(
309            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order='F'), 4)
310        self.qk = append_axes(
311            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order='F'), 4)
312        self.i = append_axes(
313            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order='F'), 4)
315    @cython.cdivision(True)
316    @cython.boundscheck(False)
317    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart,
318                     np.float64_t left_edge[3],
319                     np.float64_t dds[3],
320                     np.int64_t offset,
321                     np.float64_t ppos[3],
322                     np.float64_t[:] fields,
323                     np.int64_t domain_ind
324                     ) nogil except -1:
325        cdef int ii[3]
326        cdef int i, cell_index
327        cdef float k, mk, qk
328        for i in range(3):
329            ii[i] = <int>((ppos[i] - left_edge[i])/dds[i])
330        k = self.i[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset]
331        mk = self.mk[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset]
332        qk = self.qk[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset]
333        if k == 0.0:
334            # Initialize cell values
335            self.mk[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset] = fields[0]
336        else:
337            self.mk[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset] = mk + (fields[0] - mk) / k
338            self.qk[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset] = \
339                qk + (k - 1.0) * (fields[0] - mk) * (fields[0] - mk) / k
340        self.i[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset] += 1
341        return 0
343    def finalize(self):
344        # This is the standard variance
345        # if we want sample variance divide by (self.oi - 1.0)
346        i = np.asarray(self.i)
347        std2 = np.asarray(self.qk) / i
348        std2[i == 0.0] = 0.0
349        std2.shape = self.nvals
350        return np.sqrt(std2)
352deposit_std = StdParticleField
354cdef class CICDeposit(ParticleDepositOperation):
355    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] field
356    cdef public object ofield
357    def initialize(self):
358        if not all(_ > 1 for _ in self.nvals[:-1]):
359            from yt.utilities.exceptions import YTBoundsDefinitionError
360            raise YTBoundsDefinitionError(
361                "CIC requires minimum of 2 zones in all spatial dimensions.",
362                self.nvals[:-1])
363        self.field = append_axes(
364            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order='F'), 4)
366    @cython.cdivision(True)
367    @cython.boundscheck(False)
368    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart,
369                     np.float64_t left_edge[3],
370                     np.float64_t dds[3],
371                     np.int64_t offset, # offset into IO field
372                     np.float64_t ppos[3], # this particle's position
373                     np.float64_t[:] fields,
374                     np.int64_t domain_ind
375                     ) nogil except -1:
377        cdef int i, j, k
378        cdef np.uint64_t ii
379        cdef int ind[3]
380        cdef np.float64_t rpos[3]
381        cdef np.float64_t rdds[3][2]
382        cdef np.float64_t fact, edge0, edge1, edge2
383        cdef np.float64_t le0, le1, le2
384        cdef np.float64_t dx, dy, dz, dx2, dy2, dz2
386        # Compute the position of the central cell
387        for i in range(3):
388            rpos[i] = (ppos[i]-left_edge[i])/dds[i]
389            rpos[i] = fclip(rpos[i], 0.5001, dim[i]-0.5001)
390            ind[i] = <int> (rpos[i] + 0.5)
391            # Note these are 1, then 0
392            rdds[i][1] = (<np.float64_t> ind[i]) + 0.5 - rpos[i]
393            rdds[i][0] = 1.0 - rdds[i][1]
395        for i in range(2):
396            for j in range(2):
397                for k in range(2):
398                    self.field[ind[2] - k, ind[1] - j, ind[0] - i, offset] += \
399                        fields[0]*rdds[0][i]*rdds[1][j]*rdds[2][k]
401        return 0
403    def finalize(self):
404        rv = np.asarray(self.field)
405        rv.shape = self.nvals
406        return rv
408deposit_cic = CICDeposit
410cdef class WeightedMeanParticleField(ParticleDepositOperation):
411    # Deposit both mass * field and mass into two scalars
412    # then in finalize divide mass * field / mass
413    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] wf
414    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] w
415    def initialize(self):
416        self.wf = append_axes(
417            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype='float64', order='F'), 4)
418        self.w = append_axes(
419            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype='float64', order='F'), 4)
421    @cython.cdivision(True)
422    @cython.boundscheck(False)
423    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart,
424                     np.float64_t left_edge[3],
425                     np.float64_t dds[3],
426                     np.int64_t offset,
427                     np.float64_t ppos[3],
428                     np.float64_t[:] fields,
429                     np.int64_t domain_ind
430                     ) nogil except -1:
431        cdef int ii[3]
432        cdef int i
433        for i in range(3):
434            ii[i] = <int>((ppos[i] - left_edge[i]) / dds[i])
435        self.w[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset] += fields[1]
436        self.wf[ii[2], ii[1], ii[0], offset] += fields[0] * fields[1]
437        return 0
439    def finalize(self):
440        wf = np.asarray(self.wf)
441        w = np.asarray(self.w)
442        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
443            rv = wf / w
444        rv.shape = self.nvals
445        return rv
447deposit_weighted_mean = WeightedMeanParticleField
449cdef class MeshIdentifier(ParticleDepositOperation):
450    # This is a tricky one!  What it does is put into the particle array the
451    # value of the oct or block (grids will always be zero) identifier that a
452    # given particle resides in
453    def initialize(self):
454        self.update_values = 1
456    @cython.cdivision(True)
457    @cython.boundscheck(False)
458    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart,
459                      np.float64_t left_edge[3],
460                      np.float64_t dds[3],
461                      np.int64_t offset,
462                      np.float64_t ppos[3],
463                      np.float64_t[:] fields,
464                      np.int64_t domain_ind
465                      ) nogil except -1:
466        fields[0] = domain_ind
467        return 0
469    def finalize(self):
470        return
472deposit_mesh_id = MeshIdentifier
474cdef class CellIdentifier(ParticleDepositOperation):
475    cdef np.int64_t[:] indexes, cell_index
476    # This method stores the offset of the grid containing each particle
477    # and compute the index of the cell in the oct.
478    def initialize(self, int npart):
479        self.indexes = np.zeros(npart, dtype=np.int64, order='F') - 1
480        self.cell_index = np.zeros(npart, dtype=np.int64, order='F') - 1
482    @cython.cdivision(True)
483    @cython.boundscheck(False)
484    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart,
485                      np.float64_t left_edge[3],
486                      np.float64_t dds[3],
487                      np.int64_t offset,
488                      np.float64_t ppos[3],
489                      np.float64_t[:] fields,
490                      np.int64_t domain_ind
491                      ) nogil except -1:
492        cdef int i, icell
493        self.indexes[ipart] = offset
495        icell = 0
496        for i in range(3):
497            if ppos[i] > left_edge[i] + dds[i]:
498                icell |= 4 >> i
500        # Compute cell index
501        self.cell_index[ipart] = icell
503        return 0
505    def finalize(self):
506        return np.asarray(self.indexes), np.asarray(self.cell_index)
508deposit_cell_id = CellIdentifier
510cdef class NNParticleField(ParticleDepositOperation):
511    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] nnfield
512    cdef np.float64_t[:,:,:,:] distfield
513    def initialize(self):
514        self.nnfield = append_axes(
515            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order='F'), 4)
516        self.distfield = append_axes(
517            np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order='F'), 4)
518        self.distfield[:] = np.inf
520    @cython.cdivision(True)
521    @cython.boundscheck(False)
522    cdef int process(self, int dim[3], int ipart,
523                     np.float64_t left_edge[3],
524                     np.float64_t dds[3],
525                     np.int64_t offset,
526                     np.float64_t ppos[3],
527                     np.float64_t[:] fields,
528                     np.int64_t domain_ind
529                     ) nogil except -1:
530        # This one is a bit slow.  Every grid cell is going to be iterated
531        # over, and we're going to deposit particles in it.
532        cdef int i, j, k
533        cdef int ii[3]
534        cdef np.float64_t r2
535        cdef np.float64_t gpos[3]
536        gpos[0] = left_edge[0] + 0.5 * dds[0]
537        for i in range(dim[0]):
538            gpos[1] = left_edge[1] + 0.5 * dds[1]
539            for j in range(dim[1]):
540                gpos[2] = left_edge[2] + 0.5 * dds[2]
541                for k in range(dim[2]):
542                    r2 = ((ppos[0] - gpos[0])*(ppos[0] - gpos[0]) +
543                          (ppos[1] - gpos[1])*(ppos[1] - gpos[1]) +
544                          (ppos[2] - gpos[2])*(ppos[2] - gpos[2]))
545                    if r2 < self.distfield[k,j,i,offset]:
546                        self.distfield[k,j,i,offset] = r2
547                        self.nnfield[k,j,i,offset] = fields[0]
548                    gpos[2] += dds[2]
549                gpos[1] += dds[1]
550            gpos[0] += dds[0]
551        return 0
553    def finalize(self):
554        nn = np.asarray(self.nnfield)
555        nn.shape = self.nvals
556        return nn
558deposit_nearest = NNParticleField