1 /**
2  * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
4  */
6 #pragma once
7 #include <aws/mediaconvert/MediaConvert_EXPORTS.h>
8 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType.h>
9 #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSString.h>
10 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType.h>
11 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType.h>
12 #include <utility>
14 namespace Aws
15 {
16 namespace Utils
17 {
18 namespace Json
19 {
20   class JsonValue;
21   class JsonView;
22 } // namespace Json
23 } // namespace Utils
24 namespace MediaConvert
25 {
26 namespace Model
27 {
29   /**
30    * Ignore these settings unless you are using Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
31    * Specify the values that  MediaConvert uses to generate and place Nielsen
32    * watermarks in your output audio. In addition to  specifying these values, you
33    * also need to set up your cloud TIC server. These settings apply to  every output
34    * in your job. The MediaConvert implementation is currently with the following
35    * Nielsen versions: Nielsen Watermark SDK Version 5.2.1 Nielsen NLM Watermark
36    * Engine Version 1.2.7 Nielsen Watermark Authenticator [SID_TIC] Version
37    * [5.0.0]<p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
38    * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mediaconvert-2017-08-29/NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings">AWS
39    * API Reference</a></p>
40    */
41   class AWS_MEDIACONVERT_API NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings
42   {
43   public:
44     NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings();
45     NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
46     NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& operator=(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
47     Aws::Utils::Json::JsonValue Jsonize() const;
50     /**
51      * Choose the type of Nielsen watermarks that you want in your outputs. When you
52      * choose NAES 2 and NW (NAES2_AND_NW), you must provide a value for the setting
53      * SID (sourceId). When you choose CBET (CBET), you must provide a value for the
54      * setting CSID (cbetSourceId). When you choose NAES 2, NW, and CBET
55      * (NAES2_AND_NW_AND_CBET), you must provide values for both of these settings.
56      */
GetActiveWatermarkProcess()57     inline const NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType& GetActiveWatermarkProcess() const{ return m_activeWatermarkProcess; }
59     /**
60      * Choose the type of Nielsen watermarks that you want in your outputs. When you
61      * choose NAES 2 and NW (NAES2_AND_NW), you must provide a value for the setting
62      * SID (sourceId). When you choose CBET (CBET), you must provide a value for the
63      * setting CSID (cbetSourceId). When you choose NAES 2, NW, and CBET
64      * (NAES2_AND_NW_AND_CBET), you must provide values for both of these settings.
65      */
ActiveWatermarkProcessHasBeenSet()66     inline bool ActiveWatermarkProcessHasBeenSet() const { return m_activeWatermarkProcessHasBeenSet; }
68     /**
69      * Choose the type of Nielsen watermarks that you want in your outputs. When you
70      * choose NAES 2 and NW (NAES2_AND_NW), you must provide a value for the setting
71      * SID (sourceId). When you choose CBET (CBET), you must provide a value for the
72      * setting CSID (cbetSourceId). When you choose NAES 2, NW, and CBET
73      * (NAES2_AND_NW_AND_CBET), you must provide values for both of these settings.
74      */
SetActiveWatermarkProcess(const NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType & value)75     inline void SetActiveWatermarkProcess(const NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType& value) { m_activeWatermarkProcessHasBeenSet = true; m_activeWatermarkProcess = value; }
77     /**
78      * Choose the type of Nielsen watermarks that you want in your outputs. When you
79      * choose NAES 2 and NW (NAES2_AND_NW), you must provide a value for the setting
80      * SID (sourceId). When you choose CBET (CBET), you must provide a value for the
81      * setting CSID (cbetSourceId). When you choose NAES 2, NW, and CBET
82      * (NAES2_AND_NW_AND_CBET), you must provide values for both of these settings.
83      */
SetActiveWatermarkProcess(NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType && value)84     inline void SetActiveWatermarkProcess(NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType&& value) { m_activeWatermarkProcessHasBeenSet = true; m_activeWatermarkProcess = std::move(value); }
86     /**
87      * Choose the type of Nielsen watermarks that you want in your outputs. When you
88      * choose NAES 2 and NW (NAES2_AND_NW), you must provide a value for the setting
89      * SID (sourceId). When you choose CBET (CBET), you must provide a value for the
90      * setting CSID (cbetSourceId). When you choose NAES 2, NW, and CBET
91      * (NAES2_AND_NW_AND_CBET), you must provide values for both of these settings.
92      */
WithActiveWatermarkProcess(const NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType & value)93     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithActiveWatermarkProcess(const NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType& value) { SetActiveWatermarkProcess(value); return *this;}
95     /**
96      * Choose the type of Nielsen watermarks that you want in your outputs. When you
97      * choose NAES 2 and NW (NAES2_AND_NW), you must provide a value for the setting
98      * SID (sourceId). When you choose CBET (CBET), you must provide a value for the
99      * setting CSID (cbetSourceId). When you choose NAES 2, NW, and CBET
100      * (NAES2_AND_NW_AND_CBET), you must provide values for both of these settings.
101      */
WithActiveWatermarkProcess(NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType && value)102     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithActiveWatermarkProcess(NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType&& value) { SetActiveWatermarkProcess(std::move(value)); return *this;}
105     /**
106      * Optional. Use this setting when you want the service to include an ADI file in
107      * the Nielsen  metadata .zip file. To provide an ADI file, store it in Amazon S3
108      * and provide a URL to it  here. The URL should be in the following format:
109      * S3://bucket/path/ADI-file. For more information about the metadata .zip file,
110      * see the setting Metadata destination (metadataDestination).
111      */
GetAdiFilename()112     inline const Aws::String& GetAdiFilename() const{ return m_adiFilename; }
114     /**
115      * Optional. Use this setting when you want the service to include an ADI file in
116      * the Nielsen  metadata .zip file. To provide an ADI file, store it in Amazon S3
117      * and provide a URL to it  here. The URL should be in the following format:
118      * S3://bucket/path/ADI-file. For more information about the metadata .zip file,
119      * see the setting Metadata destination (metadataDestination).
120      */
AdiFilenameHasBeenSet()121     inline bool AdiFilenameHasBeenSet() const { return m_adiFilenameHasBeenSet; }
123     /**
124      * Optional. Use this setting when you want the service to include an ADI file in
125      * the Nielsen  metadata .zip file. To provide an ADI file, store it in Amazon S3
126      * and provide a URL to it  here. The URL should be in the following format:
127      * S3://bucket/path/ADI-file. For more information about the metadata .zip file,
128      * see the setting Metadata destination (metadataDestination).
129      */
SetAdiFilename(const Aws::String & value)130     inline void SetAdiFilename(const Aws::String& value) { m_adiFilenameHasBeenSet = true; m_adiFilename = value; }
132     /**
133      * Optional. Use this setting when you want the service to include an ADI file in
134      * the Nielsen  metadata .zip file. To provide an ADI file, store it in Amazon S3
135      * and provide a URL to it  here. The URL should be in the following format:
136      * S3://bucket/path/ADI-file. For more information about the metadata .zip file,
137      * see the setting Metadata destination (metadataDestination).
138      */
SetAdiFilename(Aws::String && value)139     inline void SetAdiFilename(Aws::String&& value) { m_adiFilenameHasBeenSet = true; m_adiFilename = std::move(value); }
141     /**
142      * Optional. Use this setting when you want the service to include an ADI file in
143      * the Nielsen  metadata .zip file. To provide an ADI file, store it in Amazon S3
144      * and provide a URL to it  here. The URL should be in the following format:
145      * S3://bucket/path/ADI-file. For more information about the metadata .zip file,
146      * see the setting Metadata destination (metadataDestination).
147      */
SetAdiFilename(const char * value)148     inline void SetAdiFilename(const char* value) { m_adiFilenameHasBeenSet = true; m_adiFilename.assign(value); }
150     /**
151      * Optional. Use this setting when you want the service to include an ADI file in
152      * the Nielsen  metadata .zip file. To provide an ADI file, store it in Amazon S3
153      * and provide a URL to it  here. The URL should be in the following format:
154      * S3://bucket/path/ADI-file. For more information about the metadata .zip file,
155      * see the setting Metadata destination (metadataDestination).
156      */
WithAdiFilename(const Aws::String & value)157     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithAdiFilename(const Aws::String& value) { SetAdiFilename(value); return *this;}
159     /**
160      * Optional. Use this setting when you want the service to include an ADI file in
161      * the Nielsen  metadata .zip file. To provide an ADI file, store it in Amazon S3
162      * and provide a URL to it  here. The URL should be in the following format:
163      * S3://bucket/path/ADI-file. For more information about the metadata .zip file,
164      * see the setting Metadata destination (metadataDestination).
165      */
WithAdiFilename(Aws::String && value)166     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithAdiFilename(Aws::String&& value) { SetAdiFilename(std::move(value)); return *this;}
168     /**
169      * Optional. Use this setting when you want the service to include an ADI file in
170      * the Nielsen  metadata .zip file. To provide an ADI file, store it in Amazon S3
171      * and provide a URL to it  here. The URL should be in the following format:
172      * S3://bucket/path/ADI-file. For more information about the metadata .zip file,
173      * see the setting Metadata destination (metadataDestination).
174      */
WithAdiFilename(const char * value)175     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithAdiFilename(const char* value) { SetAdiFilename(value); return *this;}
178     /**
179      * Use the asset ID that you provide to Nielsen to uniquely identify this asset.
180      * Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
181      */
GetAssetId()182     inline const Aws::String& GetAssetId() const{ return m_assetId; }
184     /**
185      * Use the asset ID that you provide to Nielsen to uniquely identify this asset.
186      * Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
187      */
AssetIdHasBeenSet()188     inline bool AssetIdHasBeenSet() const { return m_assetIdHasBeenSet; }
190     /**
191      * Use the asset ID that you provide to Nielsen to uniquely identify this asset.
192      * Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
193      */
SetAssetId(const Aws::String & value)194     inline void SetAssetId(const Aws::String& value) { m_assetIdHasBeenSet = true; m_assetId = value; }
196     /**
197      * Use the asset ID that you provide to Nielsen to uniquely identify this asset.
198      * Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
199      */
SetAssetId(Aws::String && value)200     inline void SetAssetId(Aws::String&& value) { m_assetIdHasBeenSet = true; m_assetId = std::move(value); }
202     /**
203      * Use the asset ID that you provide to Nielsen to uniquely identify this asset.
204      * Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
205      */
SetAssetId(const char * value)206     inline void SetAssetId(const char* value) { m_assetIdHasBeenSet = true; m_assetId.assign(value); }
208     /**
209      * Use the asset ID that you provide to Nielsen to uniquely identify this asset.
210      * Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
211      */
WithAssetId(const Aws::String & value)212     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithAssetId(const Aws::String& value) { SetAssetId(value); return *this;}
214     /**
215      * Use the asset ID that you provide to Nielsen to uniquely identify this asset.
216      * Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
217      */
WithAssetId(Aws::String && value)218     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithAssetId(Aws::String&& value) { SetAssetId(std::move(value)); return *this;}
220     /**
221      * Use the asset ID that you provide to Nielsen to uniquely identify this asset.
222      * Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
223      */
WithAssetId(const char * value)224     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithAssetId(const char* value) { SetAssetId(value); return *this;}
227     /**
228      * Use the asset name that you provide to Nielsen for this asset. Required for all
229      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
230      */
GetAssetName()231     inline const Aws::String& GetAssetName() const{ return m_assetName; }
233     /**
234      * Use the asset name that you provide to Nielsen for this asset. Required for all
235      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
236      */
AssetNameHasBeenSet()237     inline bool AssetNameHasBeenSet() const { return m_assetNameHasBeenSet; }
239     /**
240      * Use the asset name that you provide to Nielsen for this asset. Required for all
241      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
242      */
SetAssetName(const Aws::String & value)243     inline void SetAssetName(const Aws::String& value) { m_assetNameHasBeenSet = true; m_assetName = value; }
245     /**
246      * Use the asset name that you provide to Nielsen for this asset. Required for all
247      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
248      */
SetAssetName(Aws::String && value)249     inline void SetAssetName(Aws::String&& value) { m_assetNameHasBeenSet = true; m_assetName = std::move(value); }
251     /**
252      * Use the asset name that you provide to Nielsen for this asset. Required for all
253      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
254      */
SetAssetName(const char * value)255     inline void SetAssetName(const char* value) { m_assetNameHasBeenSet = true; m_assetName.assign(value); }
257     /**
258      * Use the asset name that you provide to Nielsen for this asset. Required for all
259      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
260      */
WithAssetName(const Aws::String & value)261     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithAssetName(const Aws::String& value) { SetAssetName(value); return *this;}
263     /**
264      * Use the asset name that you provide to Nielsen for this asset. Required for all
265      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
266      */
WithAssetName(Aws::String && value)267     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithAssetName(Aws::String&& value) { SetAssetName(std::move(value)); return *this;}
269     /**
270      * Use the asset name that you provide to Nielsen for this asset. Required for all
271      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking.
272      */
WithAssetName(const char * value)273     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithAssetName(const char* value) { SetAssetName(value); return *this;}
276     /**
277      * Use the CSID that Nielsen provides to you. This CBET source ID should be unique
278      * to your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets that have CBET
279      * watermarking. Required when you choose a value for the setting Watermark types
280      * (ActiveWatermarkProcess) that includes CBET.
281      */
GetCbetSourceId()282     inline const Aws::String& GetCbetSourceId() const{ return m_cbetSourceId; }
284     /**
285      * Use the CSID that Nielsen provides to you. This CBET source ID should be unique
286      * to your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets that have CBET
287      * watermarking. Required when you choose a value for the setting Watermark types
288      * (ActiveWatermarkProcess) that includes CBET.
289      */
CbetSourceIdHasBeenSet()290     inline bool CbetSourceIdHasBeenSet() const { return m_cbetSourceIdHasBeenSet; }
292     /**
293      * Use the CSID that Nielsen provides to you. This CBET source ID should be unique
294      * to your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets that have CBET
295      * watermarking. Required when you choose a value for the setting Watermark types
296      * (ActiveWatermarkProcess) that includes CBET.
297      */
SetCbetSourceId(const Aws::String & value)298     inline void SetCbetSourceId(const Aws::String& value) { m_cbetSourceIdHasBeenSet = true; m_cbetSourceId = value; }
300     /**
301      * Use the CSID that Nielsen provides to you. This CBET source ID should be unique
302      * to your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets that have CBET
303      * watermarking. Required when you choose a value for the setting Watermark types
304      * (ActiveWatermarkProcess) that includes CBET.
305      */
SetCbetSourceId(Aws::String && value)306     inline void SetCbetSourceId(Aws::String&& value) { m_cbetSourceIdHasBeenSet = true; m_cbetSourceId = std::move(value); }
308     /**
309      * Use the CSID that Nielsen provides to you. This CBET source ID should be unique
310      * to your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets that have CBET
311      * watermarking. Required when you choose a value for the setting Watermark types
312      * (ActiveWatermarkProcess) that includes CBET.
313      */
SetCbetSourceId(const char * value)314     inline void SetCbetSourceId(const char* value) { m_cbetSourceIdHasBeenSet = true; m_cbetSourceId.assign(value); }
316     /**
317      * Use the CSID that Nielsen provides to you. This CBET source ID should be unique
318      * to your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets that have CBET
319      * watermarking. Required when you choose a value for the setting Watermark types
320      * (ActiveWatermarkProcess) that includes CBET.
321      */
WithCbetSourceId(const Aws::String & value)322     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithCbetSourceId(const Aws::String& value) { SetCbetSourceId(value); return *this;}
324     /**
325      * Use the CSID that Nielsen provides to you. This CBET source ID should be unique
326      * to your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets that have CBET
327      * watermarking. Required when you choose a value for the setting Watermark types
328      * (ActiveWatermarkProcess) that includes CBET.
329      */
WithCbetSourceId(Aws::String && value)330     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithCbetSourceId(Aws::String&& value) { SetCbetSourceId(std::move(value)); return *this;}
332     /**
333      * Use the CSID that Nielsen provides to you. This CBET source ID should be unique
334      * to your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets that have CBET
335      * watermarking. Required when you choose a value for the setting Watermark types
336      * (ActiveWatermarkProcess) that includes CBET.
337      */
WithCbetSourceId(const char * value)338     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithCbetSourceId(const char* value) { SetCbetSourceId(value); return *this;}
341     /**
342      * Optional. If this asset uses an episode ID with Nielsen, provide it here.
343      */
GetEpisodeId()344     inline const Aws::String& GetEpisodeId() const{ return m_episodeId; }
346     /**
347      * Optional. If this asset uses an episode ID with Nielsen, provide it here.
348      */
EpisodeIdHasBeenSet()349     inline bool EpisodeIdHasBeenSet() const { return m_episodeIdHasBeenSet; }
351     /**
352      * Optional. If this asset uses an episode ID with Nielsen, provide it here.
353      */
SetEpisodeId(const Aws::String & value)354     inline void SetEpisodeId(const Aws::String& value) { m_episodeIdHasBeenSet = true; m_episodeId = value; }
356     /**
357      * Optional. If this asset uses an episode ID with Nielsen, provide it here.
358      */
SetEpisodeId(Aws::String && value)359     inline void SetEpisodeId(Aws::String&& value) { m_episodeIdHasBeenSet = true; m_episodeId = std::move(value); }
361     /**
362      * Optional. If this asset uses an episode ID with Nielsen, provide it here.
363      */
SetEpisodeId(const char * value)364     inline void SetEpisodeId(const char* value) { m_episodeIdHasBeenSet = true; m_episodeId.assign(value); }
366     /**
367      * Optional. If this asset uses an episode ID with Nielsen, provide it here.
368      */
WithEpisodeId(const Aws::String & value)369     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithEpisodeId(const Aws::String& value) { SetEpisodeId(value); return *this;}
371     /**
372      * Optional. If this asset uses an episode ID with Nielsen, provide it here.
373      */
WithEpisodeId(Aws::String && value)374     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithEpisodeId(Aws::String&& value) { SetEpisodeId(std::move(value)); return *this;}
376     /**
377      * Optional. If this asset uses an episode ID with Nielsen, provide it here.
378      */
WithEpisodeId(const char * value)379     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithEpisodeId(const char* value) { SetEpisodeId(value); return *this;}
382     /**
383      * Specify the Amazon S3 location where you want MediaConvert to save your Nielsen
384      * non-linear metadata .zip file. This Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same Region
385      * as the one where you do your MediaConvert transcoding. If you want to include an
386      * ADI file in this .zip file, use the setting ADI file (adiFilename) to specify
387      * it. MediaConvert delivers the Nielsen metadata .zip files only to your metadata
388      * destination Amazon S3 bucket. It doesn't deliver the .zip files to Nielsen. You
389      * are responsible for delivering the metadata .zip files to Nielsen.
390      */
GetMetadataDestination()391     inline const Aws::String& GetMetadataDestination() const{ return m_metadataDestination; }
393     /**
394      * Specify the Amazon S3 location where you want MediaConvert to save your Nielsen
395      * non-linear metadata .zip file. This Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same Region
396      * as the one where you do your MediaConvert transcoding. If you want to include an
397      * ADI file in this .zip file, use the setting ADI file (adiFilename) to specify
398      * it. MediaConvert delivers the Nielsen metadata .zip files only to your metadata
399      * destination Amazon S3 bucket. It doesn't deliver the .zip files to Nielsen. You
400      * are responsible for delivering the metadata .zip files to Nielsen.
401      */
MetadataDestinationHasBeenSet()402     inline bool MetadataDestinationHasBeenSet() const { return m_metadataDestinationHasBeenSet; }
404     /**
405      * Specify the Amazon S3 location where you want MediaConvert to save your Nielsen
406      * non-linear metadata .zip file. This Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same Region
407      * as the one where you do your MediaConvert transcoding. If you want to include an
408      * ADI file in this .zip file, use the setting ADI file (adiFilename) to specify
409      * it. MediaConvert delivers the Nielsen metadata .zip files only to your metadata
410      * destination Amazon S3 bucket. It doesn't deliver the .zip files to Nielsen. You
411      * are responsible for delivering the metadata .zip files to Nielsen.
412      */
SetMetadataDestination(const Aws::String & value)413     inline void SetMetadataDestination(const Aws::String& value) { m_metadataDestinationHasBeenSet = true; m_metadataDestination = value; }
415     /**
416      * Specify the Amazon S3 location where you want MediaConvert to save your Nielsen
417      * non-linear metadata .zip file. This Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same Region
418      * as the one where you do your MediaConvert transcoding. If you want to include an
419      * ADI file in this .zip file, use the setting ADI file (adiFilename) to specify
420      * it. MediaConvert delivers the Nielsen metadata .zip files only to your metadata
421      * destination Amazon S3 bucket. It doesn't deliver the .zip files to Nielsen. You
422      * are responsible for delivering the metadata .zip files to Nielsen.
423      */
SetMetadataDestination(Aws::String && value)424     inline void SetMetadataDestination(Aws::String&& value) { m_metadataDestinationHasBeenSet = true; m_metadataDestination = std::move(value); }
426     /**
427      * Specify the Amazon S3 location where you want MediaConvert to save your Nielsen
428      * non-linear metadata .zip file. This Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same Region
429      * as the one where you do your MediaConvert transcoding. If you want to include an
430      * ADI file in this .zip file, use the setting ADI file (adiFilename) to specify
431      * it. MediaConvert delivers the Nielsen metadata .zip files only to your metadata
432      * destination Amazon S3 bucket. It doesn't deliver the .zip files to Nielsen. You
433      * are responsible for delivering the metadata .zip files to Nielsen.
434      */
SetMetadataDestination(const char * value)435     inline void SetMetadataDestination(const char* value) { m_metadataDestinationHasBeenSet = true; m_metadataDestination.assign(value); }
437     /**
438      * Specify the Amazon S3 location where you want MediaConvert to save your Nielsen
439      * non-linear metadata .zip file. This Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same Region
440      * as the one where you do your MediaConvert transcoding. If you want to include an
441      * ADI file in this .zip file, use the setting ADI file (adiFilename) to specify
442      * it. MediaConvert delivers the Nielsen metadata .zip files only to your metadata
443      * destination Amazon S3 bucket. It doesn't deliver the .zip files to Nielsen. You
444      * are responsible for delivering the metadata .zip files to Nielsen.
445      */
WithMetadataDestination(const Aws::String & value)446     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithMetadataDestination(const Aws::String& value) { SetMetadataDestination(value); return *this;}
448     /**
449      * Specify the Amazon S3 location where you want MediaConvert to save your Nielsen
450      * non-linear metadata .zip file. This Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same Region
451      * as the one where you do your MediaConvert transcoding. If you want to include an
452      * ADI file in this .zip file, use the setting ADI file (adiFilename) to specify
453      * it. MediaConvert delivers the Nielsen metadata .zip files only to your metadata
454      * destination Amazon S3 bucket. It doesn't deliver the .zip files to Nielsen. You
455      * are responsible for delivering the metadata .zip files to Nielsen.
456      */
WithMetadataDestination(Aws::String && value)457     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithMetadataDestination(Aws::String&& value) { SetMetadataDestination(std::move(value)); return *this;}
459     /**
460      * Specify the Amazon S3 location where you want MediaConvert to save your Nielsen
461      * non-linear metadata .zip file. This Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same Region
462      * as the one where you do your MediaConvert transcoding. If you want to include an
463      * ADI file in this .zip file, use the setting ADI file (adiFilename) to specify
464      * it. MediaConvert delivers the Nielsen metadata .zip files only to your metadata
465      * destination Amazon S3 bucket. It doesn't deliver the .zip files to Nielsen. You
466      * are responsible for delivering the metadata .zip files to Nielsen.
467      */
WithMetadataDestination(const char * value)468     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithMetadataDestination(const char* value) { SetMetadataDestination(value); return *this;}
471     /**
472      * Use the SID that Nielsen provides to you. This source ID should be unique to
473      * your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets. Required for all
474      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking. This ID should be unique to your Nielsen
475      * account but common to all of your output assets. Required for all Nielsen
476      * non-linear watermarking.
477      */
GetSourceId()478     inline int GetSourceId() const{ return m_sourceId; }
480     /**
481      * Use the SID that Nielsen provides to you. This source ID should be unique to
482      * your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets. Required for all
483      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking. This ID should be unique to your Nielsen
484      * account but common to all of your output assets. Required for all Nielsen
485      * non-linear watermarking.
486      */
SourceIdHasBeenSet()487     inline bool SourceIdHasBeenSet() const { return m_sourceIdHasBeenSet; }
489     /**
490      * Use the SID that Nielsen provides to you. This source ID should be unique to
491      * your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets. Required for all
492      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking. This ID should be unique to your Nielsen
493      * account but common to all of your output assets. Required for all Nielsen
494      * non-linear watermarking.
495      */
SetSourceId(int value)496     inline void SetSourceId(int value) { m_sourceIdHasBeenSet = true; m_sourceId = value; }
498     /**
499      * Use the SID that Nielsen provides to you. This source ID should be unique to
500      * your Nielsen account but common to all of your output assets. Required for all
501      * Nielsen non-linear watermarking. This ID should be unique to your Nielsen
502      * account but common to all of your output assets. Required for all Nielsen
503      * non-linear watermarking.
504      */
WithSourceId(int value)505     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithSourceId(int value) { SetSourceId(value); return *this;}
508     /**
509      * Required. Specify whether your source content already contains Nielsen
510      * non-linear watermarks. When you set this value to Watermarked (WATERMARKED), the
511      * service fails the job. Nielsen requires that you add non-linear watermarking to
512      * only clean content that doesn't already  have non-linear Nielsen watermarks.
513      */
GetSourceWatermarkStatus()514     inline const NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType& GetSourceWatermarkStatus() const{ return m_sourceWatermarkStatus; }
516     /**
517      * Required. Specify whether your source content already contains Nielsen
518      * non-linear watermarks. When you set this value to Watermarked (WATERMARKED), the
519      * service fails the job. Nielsen requires that you add non-linear watermarking to
520      * only clean content that doesn't already  have non-linear Nielsen watermarks.
521      */
SourceWatermarkStatusHasBeenSet()522     inline bool SourceWatermarkStatusHasBeenSet() const { return m_sourceWatermarkStatusHasBeenSet; }
524     /**
525      * Required. Specify whether your source content already contains Nielsen
526      * non-linear watermarks. When you set this value to Watermarked (WATERMARKED), the
527      * service fails the job. Nielsen requires that you add non-linear watermarking to
528      * only clean content that doesn't already  have non-linear Nielsen watermarks.
529      */
SetSourceWatermarkStatus(const NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType & value)530     inline void SetSourceWatermarkStatus(const NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType& value) { m_sourceWatermarkStatusHasBeenSet = true; m_sourceWatermarkStatus = value; }
532     /**
533      * Required. Specify whether your source content already contains Nielsen
534      * non-linear watermarks. When you set this value to Watermarked (WATERMARKED), the
535      * service fails the job. Nielsen requires that you add non-linear watermarking to
536      * only clean content that doesn't already  have non-linear Nielsen watermarks.
537      */
SetSourceWatermarkStatus(NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType && value)538     inline void SetSourceWatermarkStatus(NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType&& value) { m_sourceWatermarkStatusHasBeenSet = true; m_sourceWatermarkStatus = std::move(value); }
540     /**
541      * Required. Specify whether your source content already contains Nielsen
542      * non-linear watermarks. When you set this value to Watermarked (WATERMARKED), the
543      * service fails the job. Nielsen requires that you add non-linear watermarking to
544      * only clean content that doesn't already  have non-linear Nielsen watermarks.
545      */
WithSourceWatermarkStatus(const NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType & value)546     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithSourceWatermarkStatus(const NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType& value) { SetSourceWatermarkStatus(value); return *this;}
548     /**
549      * Required. Specify whether your source content already contains Nielsen
550      * non-linear watermarks. When you set this value to Watermarked (WATERMARKED), the
551      * service fails the job. Nielsen requires that you add non-linear watermarking to
552      * only clean content that doesn't already  have non-linear Nielsen watermarks.
553      */
WithSourceWatermarkStatus(NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType && value)554     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithSourceWatermarkStatus(NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType&& value) { SetSourceWatermarkStatus(std::move(value)); return *this;}
557     /**
558      * Specify the endpoint for the TIC server that you have deployed and configured in
559      * the AWS Cloud. Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking. MediaConvert
560      * can't connect directly to a TIC server. Instead, you must use API Gateway to
561      * provide a RESTful interface between MediaConvert and a TIC server that you
562      * deploy in your AWS account. For more information on deploying a TIC server in
563      * your AWS account and the required API Gateway, contact Nielsen support.
564      */
GetTicServerUrl()565     inline const Aws::String& GetTicServerUrl() const{ return m_ticServerUrl; }
567     /**
568      * Specify the endpoint for the TIC server that you have deployed and configured in
569      * the AWS Cloud. Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking. MediaConvert
570      * can't connect directly to a TIC server. Instead, you must use API Gateway to
571      * provide a RESTful interface between MediaConvert and a TIC server that you
572      * deploy in your AWS account. For more information on deploying a TIC server in
573      * your AWS account and the required API Gateway, contact Nielsen support.
574      */
TicServerUrlHasBeenSet()575     inline bool TicServerUrlHasBeenSet() const { return m_ticServerUrlHasBeenSet; }
577     /**
578      * Specify the endpoint for the TIC server that you have deployed and configured in
579      * the AWS Cloud. Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking. MediaConvert
580      * can't connect directly to a TIC server. Instead, you must use API Gateway to
581      * provide a RESTful interface between MediaConvert and a TIC server that you
582      * deploy in your AWS account. For more information on deploying a TIC server in
583      * your AWS account and the required API Gateway, contact Nielsen support.
584      */
SetTicServerUrl(const Aws::String & value)585     inline void SetTicServerUrl(const Aws::String& value) { m_ticServerUrlHasBeenSet = true; m_ticServerUrl = value; }
587     /**
588      * Specify the endpoint for the TIC server that you have deployed and configured in
589      * the AWS Cloud. Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking. MediaConvert
590      * can't connect directly to a TIC server. Instead, you must use API Gateway to
591      * provide a RESTful interface between MediaConvert and a TIC server that you
592      * deploy in your AWS account. For more information on deploying a TIC server in
593      * your AWS account and the required API Gateway, contact Nielsen support.
594      */
SetTicServerUrl(Aws::String && value)595     inline void SetTicServerUrl(Aws::String&& value) { m_ticServerUrlHasBeenSet = true; m_ticServerUrl = std::move(value); }
597     /**
598      * Specify the endpoint for the TIC server that you have deployed and configured in
599      * the AWS Cloud. Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking. MediaConvert
600      * can't connect directly to a TIC server. Instead, you must use API Gateway to
601      * provide a RESTful interface between MediaConvert and a TIC server that you
602      * deploy in your AWS account. For more information on deploying a TIC server in
603      * your AWS account and the required API Gateway, contact Nielsen support.
604      */
SetTicServerUrl(const char * value)605     inline void SetTicServerUrl(const char* value) { m_ticServerUrlHasBeenSet = true; m_ticServerUrl.assign(value); }
607     /**
608      * Specify the endpoint for the TIC server that you have deployed and configured in
609      * the AWS Cloud. Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking. MediaConvert
610      * can't connect directly to a TIC server. Instead, you must use API Gateway to
611      * provide a RESTful interface between MediaConvert and a TIC server that you
612      * deploy in your AWS account. For more information on deploying a TIC server in
613      * your AWS account and the required API Gateway, contact Nielsen support.
614      */
WithTicServerUrl(const Aws::String & value)615     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithTicServerUrl(const Aws::String& value) { SetTicServerUrl(value); return *this;}
617     /**
618      * Specify the endpoint for the TIC server that you have deployed and configured in
619      * the AWS Cloud. Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking. MediaConvert
620      * can't connect directly to a TIC server. Instead, you must use API Gateway to
621      * provide a RESTful interface between MediaConvert and a TIC server that you
622      * deploy in your AWS account. For more information on deploying a TIC server in
623      * your AWS account and the required API Gateway, contact Nielsen support.
624      */
WithTicServerUrl(Aws::String && value)625     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithTicServerUrl(Aws::String&& value) { SetTicServerUrl(std::move(value)); return *this;}
627     /**
628      * Specify the endpoint for the TIC server that you have deployed and configured in
629      * the AWS Cloud. Required for all Nielsen non-linear watermarking. MediaConvert
630      * can't connect directly to a TIC server. Instead, you must use API Gateway to
631      * provide a RESTful interface between MediaConvert and a TIC server that you
632      * deploy in your AWS account. For more information on deploying a TIC server in
633      * your AWS account and the required API Gateway, contact Nielsen support.
634      */
WithTicServerUrl(const char * value)635     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithTicServerUrl(const char* value) { SetTicServerUrl(value); return *this;}
638     /**
639      * To create assets that have the same TIC values in each audio track, keep the
640      * default value Share TICs (SAME_TICS_PER_TRACK). To create assets that have
641      * unique TIC values for each audio track, choose Use unique TICs
643      */
GetUniqueTicPerAudioTrack()644     inline const NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType& GetUniqueTicPerAudioTrack() const{ return m_uniqueTicPerAudioTrack; }
646     /**
647      * To create assets that have the same TIC values in each audio track, keep the
648      * default value Share TICs (SAME_TICS_PER_TRACK). To create assets that have
649      * unique TIC values for each audio track, choose Use unique TICs
651      */
UniqueTicPerAudioTrackHasBeenSet()652     inline bool UniqueTicPerAudioTrackHasBeenSet() const { return m_uniqueTicPerAudioTrackHasBeenSet; }
654     /**
655      * To create assets that have the same TIC values in each audio track, keep the
656      * default value Share TICs (SAME_TICS_PER_TRACK). To create assets that have
657      * unique TIC values for each audio track, choose Use unique TICs
659      */
SetUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(const NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType & value)660     inline void SetUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(const NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType& value) { m_uniqueTicPerAudioTrackHasBeenSet = true; m_uniqueTicPerAudioTrack = value; }
662     /**
663      * To create assets that have the same TIC values in each audio track, keep the
664      * default value Share TICs (SAME_TICS_PER_TRACK). To create assets that have
665      * unique TIC values for each audio track, choose Use unique TICs
667      */
SetUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType && value)668     inline void SetUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType&& value) { m_uniqueTicPerAudioTrackHasBeenSet = true; m_uniqueTicPerAudioTrack = std::move(value); }
670     /**
671      * To create assets that have the same TIC values in each audio track, keep the
672      * default value Share TICs (SAME_TICS_PER_TRACK). To create assets that have
673      * unique TIC values for each audio track, choose Use unique TICs
675      */
WithUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(const NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType & value)676     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(const NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType& value) { SetUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(value); return *this;}
678     /**
679      * To create assets that have the same TIC values in each audio track, keep the
680      * default value Share TICs (SAME_TICS_PER_TRACK). To create assets that have
681      * unique TIC values for each audio track, choose Use unique TICs
683      */
WithUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType && value)684     inline NielsenNonLinearWatermarkSettings& WithUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType&& value) { SetUniqueTicPerAudioTrack(std::move(value)); return *this;}
686   private:
688     NielsenActiveWatermarkProcessType m_activeWatermarkProcess;
689     bool m_activeWatermarkProcessHasBeenSet;
691     Aws::String m_adiFilename;
692     bool m_adiFilenameHasBeenSet;
694     Aws::String m_assetId;
695     bool m_assetIdHasBeenSet;
697     Aws::String m_assetName;
698     bool m_assetNameHasBeenSet;
700     Aws::String m_cbetSourceId;
701     bool m_cbetSourceIdHasBeenSet;
703     Aws::String m_episodeId;
704     bool m_episodeIdHasBeenSet;
706     Aws::String m_metadataDestination;
707     bool m_metadataDestinationHasBeenSet;
709     int m_sourceId;
710     bool m_sourceIdHasBeenSet;
712     NielsenSourceWatermarkStatusType m_sourceWatermarkStatus;
713     bool m_sourceWatermarkStatusHasBeenSet;
715     Aws::String m_ticServerUrl;
716     bool m_ticServerUrlHasBeenSet;
718     NielsenUniqueTicPerAudioTrackType m_uniqueTicPerAudioTrack;
719     bool m_uniqueTicPerAudioTrackHasBeenSet;
720   };
722 } // namespace Model
723 } // namespace MediaConvert
724 } // namespace Aws