1 {
2      File:       CarbonCore/PLStringFuncs.h
4      Contains:   Pascal string manipulation routines that parallel ANSI C string.h
5                  The contents of this header file are deprecated.
7      Copyright:  � 1999-2011 by Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
8 }
9 {
10     Modified for use with Free Pascal
11     Version 308
12     Please report any bugs to <gpc@microbizz.nl>
13 }
15 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
16 {$mode macpas}
17 {$modeswitch cblocks}
18 {$packenum 1}
19 {$macro on}
20 {$inline on}
21 {$calling mwpascal}
23 unit PLStringFuncs;
24 interface
26 {$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0308}
28 {$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
30 {$endc}
32 {$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
33 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
34 {$endc}
35 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
36 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
37 {$endc}
39 {$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC32}
40 	{$setc __ppc__ := 1}
41 {$elsec}
42 	{$setc __ppc__ := 0}
43 {$endc}
44 {$ifc not defined __ppc64__ and defined CPUPOWERPC64}
45 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 1}
46 {$elsec}
47 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 0}
48 {$endc}
49 {$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
50 	{$setc __i386__ := 1}
51 {$elsec}
52 	{$setc __i386__ := 0}
53 {$endc}
54 {$ifc not defined __x86_64__ and defined CPUX86_64}
55 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 1}
56 {$elsec}
57 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 0}
58 {$endc}
59 {$ifc not defined __arm__ and defined CPUARM}
60 	{$setc __arm__ := 1}
61 {$elsec}
62 	{$setc __arm__ := 0}
63 {$endc}
64 {$ifc not defined __arm64__ and defined CPUAARCH64}
65   {$setc __arm64__ := 1}
66 {$elsec}
67   {$setc __arm64__ := 0}
68 {$endc}
70 {$ifc defined cpu64}
71   {$setc __LP64__ := 1}
72 {$elsec}
73   {$setc __LP64__ := 0}
74 {$endc}
77 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
78 	{$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
79 {$endc}
81 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
82 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
83 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
84 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
85 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
86 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
87 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
88 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
92 {$elifc defined __ppc64__ and __ppc64__}
93 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
94 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := TRUE}
95 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
96 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
97 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
98 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
99 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
100 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
103 {$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
104 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
105 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
106 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
107 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
108 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
109 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
110 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
111  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
112 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
114 {$elsec}
115 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
116 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
118 {$endc}
120 {$elifc defined __x86_64__ and __x86_64__}
121 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
122 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
123 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
124 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := TRUE}
125 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
126 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
127 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
128  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
129 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
131 {$elsec}
132 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
133 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
135 {$endc}
137 {$elifc defined __arm__ and __arm__}
138 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
139 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
140 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
141 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
142 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := TRUE}
143 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
144 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
145 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
148 {$elifc defined __arm64__ and __arm64__}
149 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
150 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
151 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
152 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
153 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
154 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := TRUE}
155 {$ifc defined ios}
156 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
157 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
159 {$elsec}
160 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
161 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
163 {$endc}
165 {$elsec}
166 	{$error __ppc__ nor __ppc64__ nor __i386__ nor __x86_64__ nor __arm__ nor __arm64__ is defined.}
167 {$endc}
169 {$ifc defined __LP64__ and __LP64__ }
170   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := TRUE}
171 {$elsec}
172   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := FALSE}
173 {$endc}
175 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
178 {$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
181 {$elsec}
182 	{$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
183 {$endc}
188 {$setc OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES := TRUE}
190 {$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
193 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 := FALSE}
194 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OSX := TRUE}
195 {$setc TARGET_CARBON := TRUE}
196 {$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
197 {$setc TARGET_CPU_MIPS := FALSE}
199 {$setc TARGET_OS_UNIX := FALSE}
200 {$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
201 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
202 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM := FALSE}
205 {$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
206 {$setc TYPE_EXTENDED := FALSE}
207 {$setc TYPE_LONGLONG := TRUE}
208 uses MacTypes;
209 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
212 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
214 {
215  *  PLstrcmp()   *** DEPRECATED ***
216  *
217  *  Deprecated:
218  *    use CFString instead.
219  *
220  *  Summary:
221  *    Compare two pascal strings
222  *
223  *  Discussion:
224  *    This function compares two pascal strings, and returns a value <
225  *    0 if the first string is lexicographically less than the second
226  *    string, or 0 if the two strings are identical, or a value > 0 if
227  *    the first string is lexicographically greater than the second.
228  *    This function should be deprecated since pascal strings are
229  *    obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should be used instead.
230  *
231  *  Mac OS X threading:
232  *    Thread safe
233  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str1 or str2.
234  *
235  *  Parameters:
236  *
237  *    str1:
238  *      the first pascal string
239  *
240  *    str2:
241  *      the second pascal string
242  *
243  *  Result:
244  *    This function returns an integer greater than, equal to, or less
245  *    than 0, according as the string str1 is greater than, equal to,
246  *    or less than the string str2.  The comparison is done using
247  *    unsigned characters, so that `\200' is greater than `\0'.
248  *
249  *  Availability:
250  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
251  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
252  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
253  }
PLstrcmpnull254 function PLstrcmp( const (*var*) str1: Str255; const (*var*) str2: Str255 ): SInt16; external name '_PLstrcmp';
258 {
259  *  PLstrncmp()   *** DEPRECATED ***
260  *
261  *  Deprecated:
262  *    use CFString instead.
263  *
264  *  Summary:
265  *    Compare two pascal strings
266  *
267  *  Discussion:
268  *    This function compares two pascal strings, and returns a value <
269  *    0 if the first string is lexicographically less than the second
270  *    string, or 0 if the two strings are identical, or a value > 0 if
271  *    the first string is lexicographically greater than the second.
272  *    This function compares not more than num characters of either
273  *    string, even if their lengths are greater than num.  Two strings
274  *    whose first num characters are identical will return 0 when
275  *    compared. This function should be deprecated since pascal strings
276  *    are obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should be used instead.
277  *
278  *  Mac OS X threading:
279  *    Thread safe
280  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str1 or str2.
281  *
282  *  Parameters:
283  *
284  *    str1:
285  *      the first pascal string
286  *
287  *    str2:
288  *      the second pascal string
289  *
290  *    num:
291  *      the maximum number of characters to compare
292  *
293  *  Result:
294  *    This function returns an integer greater than, equal to, or less
295  *    than 0, according as the string str1 is greater than, equal to,
296  *    or less than the string str2.  The comparison is done using
297  *    unsigned characters, so that `\200' is greater than `\0'.
298  *
299  *  Availability:
300  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
301  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
302  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
303  }
PLstrncmpnull304 function PLstrncmp( const (*var*) str1: Str255; const (*var*) str2: Str255; num: SInt16 ): SInt16; external name '_PLstrncmp';
308 {
309  *  PLstrcpy()   *** DEPRECATED ***
310  *
311  *  Deprecated:
312  *    use CFString instead.
313  *
314  *  Summary:
315  *    Copy a pascal string
316  *
317  *  Discussion:
318  *    This function copies the string source to dest (including the
319  *    initial length byte ). The caller must ensure that neither source
320  *    or dest are NULL, and that dest is large enough to hold the
321  *    entire contents of source. This function should be deprecated
322  *    since pascal strings are obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should
323  *    be used instead.
324  *
325  *  Mac OS X threading:
326  *    Thread safe
327  *
328  *  Parameters:
329  *
330  *    dest:
331  *      the destination pascal string
332  *
333  *    source:
334  *      the source pascal string
335  *
336  *  Result:
337  *    This function returns dest.
338  *
339  *  Availability:
340  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
341  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
342  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
343  }
PLstrcpynull344 function PLstrcpy( dest: StringPtr; const (*var*) source: Str255 ): StringPtr; external name '_PLstrcpy';
348 {
349  *  PLstrncpy()   *** DEPRECATED ***
350  *
351  *  Deprecated:
352  *    use CFString instead.
353  *
354  *  Summary:
355  *    Copy a pascal string
356  *
357  *  Discussion:
358  *    This function copies the string source to dest (including the
359  *    initial length byte ), provided the length of source is <= num.
360  *    If the length of source is > num, then the first num characters
361  *    of source are copied into dest, and the length of dest is set to
362  *    num.  The caller must ensure that neither source or dest are
363  *    NULL, and that dest is large enough to hold the entire contents
364  *    of source. This function should be deprecated since pascal
365  *    strings are obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should be used
366  *    instead.
367  *
368  *  Mac OS X threading:
369  *    Thread safe
370  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying source.
371  *
372  *  Parameters:
373  *
374  *    dest:
375  *      the destination pascal string
376  *
377  *    source:
378  *      the source pascal string
379  *
380  *    num:
381  *      the maximum number of bytes to copy
382  *
383  *  Result:
384  *    This function returns dest.
385  *
386  *  Availability:
387  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
388  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
389  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
390  }
PLstrncpynull391 function PLstrncpy( dest: StringPtr; const (*var*) source: Str255; num: SInt16 ): StringPtr; external name '_PLstrncpy';
395 {
396  *  PLstrcat()   *** DEPRECATED ***
397  *
398  *  Deprecated:
399  *    use CFString instead.
400  *
401  *  Summary:
402  *    Append a pascal string to another pascal string
403  *
404  *  Discussion:
405  *    This function append a copy of the pascal string append to the
406  *    end of the pascal string str.  If the length of str plus the
407  *    length of append is greater than 255 ( the maximum size of a
408  *    pascal string ) then only enough characters are copied to str to
409  *    reach the 255 character limit, and the length of str is set to
410  *    255.  The caller must ensure that neither str nor append are
411  *    NULL, and that str is large enough to hold the entire contents of
412  *    append. This function should be deprecated since pascal strings
413  *    are obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should be used instead.
414  *
415  *  Mac OS X threading:
416  *    Thread safe
417  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str or append.
418  *
419  *  Parameters:
420  *
421  *    str:
422  *      the destination pascal string
423  *
424  *    append:
425  *      the pascal string to append
426  *
427  *  Result:
428  *    This function returns s.
429  *
430  *  Availability:
431  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
432  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
433  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
434  }
PLstrcatnull435 function PLstrcat( str: StringPtr; const (*var*) append: Str255 ): StringPtr; external name '_PLstrcat';
439 {
440  *  PLstrncat()   *** DEPRECATED ***
441  *
442  *  Deprecated:
443  *    use CFString instead.
444  *
445  *  Summary:
446  *    Append up to num bytes of a pascal string to another pascal string
447  *
448  *  Discussion:
449  *    This function append up to the first num bytes of the pascal
450  *    string append to the end of the pascal string s.  If the length
451  *    of str plus the length of append is greater than 255 ( the
452  *    maximum size of a pascal string ) then only enough characters are
453  *    copied to str to reach the 255 character limit, and the length of
454  *    str is set to 255.  The caller must ensure that neither str nor
455  *    append are NULL, and that str is large enough to hold the entire
456  *    contents of append. This function should be deprecated since
457  *    pascal strings are obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should be used
458  *    instead.
459  *
460  *  Mac OS X threading:
461  *    Thread safe
462  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str1 or append.
463  *
464  *  Parameters:
465  *
466  *    str1:
467  *      the destination pascal string
468  *
469  *    append:
470  *      the pascal string to append
471  *
472  *    num:
473  *      the maximum number of bytes of append to append onto s
474  *
475  *  Result:
476  *    This function returns str.
477  *
478  *  Availability:
479  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
480  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
481  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
482  }
PLstrncatnull483 function PLstrncat( str1: StringPtr; const (*var*) append: Str255; num: SInt16 ): StringPtr; external name '_PLstrncat';
487 {
488  *  PLstrchr()   *** DEPRECATED ***
489  *
490  *  Deprecated:
491  *    use CFString instead.
492  *
493  *  Summary:
494  *    Return a pointer to the first occurrence of ch1 in str.
495  *
496  *  Discussion:
497  *    The PLstrrchr() function locates the first occurrence of ch1
498  *    (converted to an unsigned char) in the string s.  If ch1 does not
499  *    occur in the string, this returns NULL. This function should be
500  *    deprecated since pascal strings are obsolete on MacOSX and
501  *    CFString should be used instead.
502  *
503  *  Mac OS X threading:
504  *    Thread safe
505  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str1.
506  *
507  *  Parameters:
508  *
509  *    str1:
510  *      the pascal string
511  *
512  *    ch1:
513  *      the character to find
514  *
515  *  Result:
516  *    A pointer to the first occurrence of ch1 in str1, or NULL.
517  *
518  *  Availability:
519  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
520  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
521  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
522  }
PLstrchrnull523 function PLstrchr( const (*var*) str1: Str255; ch1: SInt16 ): Ptr; external name '_PLstrchr';
527 {
528  *  PLstrrchr()   *** DEPRECATED ***
529  *
530  *  Deprecated:
531  *    use CFString instead.
532  *
533  *  Summary:
534  *    Return a pointer to the last occurrence of ch1 in str.
535  *
536  *  Discussion:
537  *    The PLstrrchr() function locates the last occurrence of ch1
538  *    (converted to an unsigned char) in the string s.  If ch1 does not
539  *    occur in the string, this returns NULL. This function should be
540  *    deprecated since pascal strings are obsolete on MacOSX and
541  *    CFString should be used instead.
542  *
543  *  Mac OS X threading:
544  *    Thread safe
545  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str1.
546  *
547  *  Parameters:
548  *
549  *    str1:
550  *      the pascal string
551  *
552  *    ch1:
553  *      the character to find
554  *
555  *  Result:
556  *    A pointer to the last occurrence of ch1 in str1, or NULL.
557  *
558  *  Availability:
559  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
560  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
561  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
562  }
PLstrrchrnull563 function PLstrrchr( const (*var*) str1: Str255; ch1: SInt16 ): Ptr; external name '_PLstrrchr';
567 {
568  *  PLstrpbrk()   *** DEPRECATED ***
569  *
570  *  Deprecated:
571  *    use CFString instead.
572  *
573  *  Summary:
574  *    Return a pointer to the first occurrence in str of any character
575  *    in charSet.
576  *
577  *  Discussion:
578  *    The PLstrpbrk() function returns a pointer to the first
579  *    occurrence in str of any character in searchStr.  If none of the
580  *    characters in searchStr can be found in str, then NULL is
581  *    returned. This function should be deprecated since pascal strings
582  *    are obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should be used instead.
583  *
584  *  Mac OS X threading:
585  *    Thread safe
586  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str1 or charSet.
587  *
588  *  Parameters:
589  *
590  *    str1:
591  *      the pascal string
592  *
593  *    charSet:
594  *      the character to find
595  *
596  *  Result:
597  *    A pointer to the first occurrence of any character in charSet in
598  *    str1, or NULL.
599  *
600  *  Availability:
601  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
602  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
603  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
604  }
PLstrpbrknull605 function PLstrpbrk( const (*var*) str1: Str255; const (*var*) charSet: Str255 ): Ptr; external name '_PLstrpbrk';
609 {
610  *  PLstrspn()   *** DEPRECATED ***
611  *
612  *  Deprecated:
613  *    use CFString instead.
614  *
615  *  Summary:
616  *    Spans the initial part of str1 as long as the characters from
617  *    str1 occur in string charset
618  *
619  *  Discussion:
620  *    The PLstrspn() function spans the initial part of the pascal
621  *    string str1 as long as the characters from s occur in string
622  *    charset. In effect, this returns a count of the number of
623  *    characters at the beginning of the pascal string str1 which are
624  *    in charset. This function should be deprecated since pascal
625  *    strings are obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should be used
626  *    instead.
627  *
628  *  Mac OS X threading:
629  *    Thread safe
630  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str1 or charSet.
631  *
632  *  Parameters:
633  *
634  *    str1:
635  *      the pascal string
636  *
637  *    charSet:
638  *      the character to find
639  *
640  *  Result:
641  *    The count of characters at the beginning of str1 which are in
642  *    charSet.
643  *
644  *  Availability:
645  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
646  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
647  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
648  }
PLstrspnnull649 function PLstrspn( const (*var*) str1: Str255; const (*var*) charSet: Str255 ): SInt16; external name '_PLstrspn';
653 {
654  *  PLstrstr()   *** DEPRECATED ***
655  *
656  *  Deprecated:
657  *    use CFString instead.
658  *
659  *  Summary:
660  *    Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of searchStr in str1
661  *
662  *  Discussion:
663  *    The PLstrstr() function returns a pointer to the first occurrence
664  *    of searchStr in str1, or NULL if searchStr does not exist in
665  *    str1. This function should be deprecated since pascal strings are
666  *    obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should be used instead.
667  *
668  *  Mac OS X threading:
669  *    Thread safe
670  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str1 or
671  *    searchStr.
672  *
673  *  Parameters:
674  *
675  *    str1:
676  *      the pascal string
677  *
678  *    searchStr:
679  *      the string to find
680  *
681  *  Result:
682  *    The count of characters at the beginning of str1 which are in
683  *    charSet.
684  *
685  *  Availability:
686  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
687  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
688  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
689  }
PLstrstrnull690 function PLstrstr( const (*var*) str1: Str255; const (*var*) searchStr: Str255 ): Ptr; external name '_PLstrstr';
694 {
695  *  PLstrlen()   *** DEPRECATED ***
696  *
697  *  Deprecated:
698  *    use CFString instead.
699  *
700  *  Summary:
701  *    Returns the length of the pascal string
702  *
703  *  Discussion:
704  *    The PLstrlen() function returns the length of the pascal string
705  *    str. This function should be deprecated since pascal strings are
706  *    obsolete on MacOSX and CFString should be used instead.
707  *
708  *  Mac OS X threading:
709  *    Thread safe
710  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str.
711  *
712  *  Parameters:
713  *
714  *    str:
715  *      the pascal string
716  *
717  *  Result:
718  *    The length of the pascal string str.
719  *
720  *  Availability:
721  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
722  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
723  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
724  }
PLstrlennull725 function PLstrlen( const (*var*) str: Str255 ): SInt16; external name '_PLstrlen';
729 {
730  *  PLpos()   *** DEPRECATED ***
731  *
732  *  Deprecated:
733  *    use CFString instead.
734  *
735  *  Summary:
736  *    Returns the offset to the first occurrence of searchStr in str1
737  *
738  *  Discussion:
739  *    The PLpos() function returns the offset of the string searchStr
740  *    in str1, or 0 if searchStr does not occur in str1.  For example,
741  *    if str1 is "\pHello World" and searchStr is "\pWorld", then this
742  *    function will return the value 7. This function should be
743  *    deprecated since pascal strings are obsolete on MacOSX and
744  *    CFString should be used instead.
745  *
746  *  Mac OS X threading:
747  *    Thread safe
748  *    Thread safe provided no other thread is modifying str1 or
749  *    searchStr.
750  *
751  *  Parameters:
752  *
753  *    str1:
754  *      the pascal string
755  *
756  *    searchStr:
757  *      the string to find
758  *
759  *  Result:
760  *    The count of characters at the beginning of str1 which are in
761  *    charSet.
762  *
763  *  Availability:
764  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework but deprecated in 10.4
765  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
766  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
767  }
PLposnull768 function PLpos( const (*var*) str1: Str255; const (*var*) searchStr: Str255 ): SInt16; external name '_PLpos';
771 {$endc} {TARGET_OS_MAC}
772 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
774 end.
775 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}