/dports/games/scummvm/scummvm-2.5.1/engines/icb/common/ |
H A D | px_route_barriers.h | 100 PXfloat lpx, lpz; // Main barrier 101 PXfloat alpx, alpz; // End A. 102 PXfloat blpx, blpz; // End B. 123 PXfloat m_alpx, m_alpz; // End A. 124 PXfloat m_blpx, m_blpz; // End B. 134 inline PXfloat lpx() { return m_lpx; } in lpx() 135 inline PXfloat lpz() { return m_lpz; } in lpz() 137 inline PXfloat alpx() { in alpx() 142 inline PXfloat alpz() { in alpz() 147 inline PXfloat blpx() { in blpx() [all …]
H A D | px_2drealline.cpp | 34 typedef float PXfloat; typedef 41 PXfloat fAX, fBX, fCX, fAY, fBY, fCY; in Intersects() 42 PXfloat fX1Low, fX1High, fY1Low, fY1High; in Intersects() 43 PXfloat fD, fE, fF; in Intersects() 122 PXfloat fNum, fOffset; in Intersects()
H A D | px_floor_map.h | 37 typedef float PXfloat; typedef 93 …PXfloat direction; // A direction (0-360?) for the waypoint. Might be used to face a mega a certa…
H A D | px_features.h | 59 PXfloat direction; // 0 - 99 (maybe use -1 to indicate no direction).
/dports/games/scummvm/scummvm-2.5.1/engines/icb/ |
H A D | general_interaction.cpp | 117 PXfloat tpan; in Compute_target_interaction_coordinate() 136 PXfloat ang = tpan * TWO_PI; in Compute_target_interaction_coordinate() 137 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Compute_target_interaction_coordinate() 138 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Compute_target_interaction_coordinate() 151 PXfloat tpan; in Snap_to_ladder() 155 PXfloat ang = tpan * TWO_PI; in Snap_to_ladder() 156 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Snap_to_ladder() 157 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Snap_to_ladder() 161 M->actor_xyz.x = lad->x + PXfloat2PXreal((PXfloat)(dist)*sang); in Snap_to_ladder() 162 M->actor_xyz.z = lad->z + PXfloat2PXreal((PXfloat)(dist)*cang); in Snap_to_ladder()
H A D | p4_generic.h | 36 inline PXfloat remainder(const PXfloat value, const PXfloat divisor, const PXfloat half_divisor) { in remainder() 37 PXfloat mod = (PXfloat)PXfmod(value, divisor); in remainder()
H A D | general_npc_animation.cpp | 93 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Easy_frame_motion_and_pan() 94 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Easy_frame_motion_and_pan() 145 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Easy_frame_and_motion() 146 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Easy_frame_and_motion() 226 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Core_advance() 227 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Core_advance() 339 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Core_reverse() 340 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Core_reverse() 378 PXfloat this_pan_change; in Animate_turn_to_pan() 505 PXfloat new_pan, diff; in Calc_target_pan() [all …]
H A D | player.h | 303 PXfloat lastCameraPan; 304 PXfloat deltaCameraPan; 305 PXfloat scrnPan; 307 PXfloat aim_turn_amount; // ANGLE_UNITS_PER_GAME_CYCLE 308 PXfloat stood_turn_amount; // ANGLE_UNITS_PER_GAME_CYCLE 309 PXfloat stood_fast_turn_amount; // ANGLE_UNITS_PER_GAME_CYCLE 310 PXfloat walk_turn_amount; // ANGLE_UNITS_PER_GAME_CYCLE 311 PXfloat run_turn_amount; // ANGLE_UNITS_PER_GAME_CYCLE 312 PXfloat crouch_turn_amount; // ANGLE_UNITS_PER_GAME_CYCLE
H A D | object_structs.h | 220 PXfloat target_pan; // actual relative distance to turn 221 PXfloat actual_target_pan; // actual target pan to clip to if necessary 223 PXfloat auto_target_pan; // target pan for auto engine pans - i.e. when routing\bumping 225 PXfloat looking_pan; 309 PXfloat stair_pan; 405 PXfloat prop_interact_pan; 406 PXfloat pan; // engine pan 407 …PXfloat pan_adjust; // pan neutraliser for frames that include a pan from the grab - i.e. turn on … 411 PXfloat auto_display_pan;
H A D | p4_generic_pc.h | 85 inline bool8 FloatsEqual(PXfloat fA, PXfloat fB, PXfloat tolerance = FLOAT_COMPARE_TOLERANCE) { ret…
H A D | barriers.cpp | 86 PXfloat diff; in Check_barrier_bump_and_bounce() 212 PXfloat delta2 = delta; in Check_barrier_bump_and_bounce() 218 PXfloat fd = (PXfloat)PXfabs(delta2); in Check_barrier_bump_and_bounce() 226 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Check_barrier_bump_and_bounce() 227 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Check_barrier_bump_and_bounce() 285 PXfloat destx = FLOAT_ZERO; in Check_barrier_bump_and_bounce() 286 PXfloat destz = FLOAT_ZERO; in Check_barrier_bump_and_bounce() 294 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Check_barrier_bump_and_bounce() 295 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Check_barrier_bump_and_bounce() 424 PXfloat delta; in Check_this_barrier() [all …]
H A D | line_of_sight.cpp | 166 PXfloat fObserverDirection; in ObjectToObject() 361 m_pfHeightOfView[nID] = (PXfloat)nHeight; in SetSightHeight() 503 bool8 _line_of_sight::InFieldOfView(PXreal fLookingX, PXreal fLookingZ, PXfloat fLookingDirection, … in InFieldOfView() 504 PXfloat fDirection; in InFieldOfView() 507 PXfloat fDotProduct; in InFieldOfView() 509 PXfloat fBoundLeft, fBoundRight; in InFieldOfView() 510 PXfloat fBoundLeftDotProduct, fBoundRightDotProduct; in InFieldOfView() 511 PXfloat fFieldOfView; in InFieldOfView() 544 fFieldOfView = (PXfloat)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(nFieldOfView); in InFieldOfView()
H A D | tracer.cpp | 342 fFraction = (PXfloat)PXfabs(PXreal2PXfloat(fWallDistance) / fXDistance); in CalculateRayIntersectionWithCubeWall() 355 fFraction = (PXfloat)PXfabs(PXreal2PXfloat(fWallDistance) / fXDistance); in CalculateRayIntersectionWithCubeWall() 368 fFraction = (PXfloat)PXfabs(PXreal2PXfloat(fWallDistance) / fZDistance); in CalculateRayIntersectionWithCubeWall() 381 fFraction = (PXfloat)PXfabs(PXreal2PXfloat(fWallDistance) / fZDistance); in CalculateRayIntersectionWithCubeWall() 394 fFraction = (PXfloat)PXfabs(PXreal2PXfloat(fWallDistance) / fYDistance); in CalculateRayIntersectionWithCubeWall() 407 fFraction = (PXfloat)PXfabs(PXreal2PXfloat(fWallDistance) / fYDistance); in CalculateRayIntersectionWithCubeWall() 424 PXfloat fImpactDistance; in CheckRayHeightAgainstBarrier() 432 fImpactDistance = (PXfloat)PXsqrt(l_fXDiff * l_fXDiff + l_fZDiff * l_fZDiff); in CheckRayHeightAgainstBarrier()
H A D | prim_route_builder.cpp | 333 branch_len = (PXfloat)PXsqrt((sub1 * sub1) + (sub2 * sub2)); in Find_connects() 408 PXfloat _prim_route_builder::m_fabs(PXfloat val) { in m_fabs() 416 PXfloat fAX, fBX, fCX, fAY, fBY, fCY; in Get_intersect() 417 PXfloat fX1Low, fX1High, fY1Low, fY1High; in Get_intersect() 418 PXfloat fD, fE, fF; in Get_intersect()
H A D | prim_route_builder.h | 95 PXfloat m_fabs(PXfloat val); // abs
H A D | debug.cpp | 151 pos.x = (PXfloat)plampstate->pos.vx; in Show_lit_unlit_diagnostics() 152 pos.y = (PXfloat)plampstate->pos.vy; in Show_lit_unlit_diagnostics() 153 pos.z = (PXfloat)plampstate->pos.vz; in Show_lit_unlit_diagnostics()
H A D | route_manager.cpp | 1069 PXfloat ang = L->pan * TWO_PI; in Animate_points() 1070 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Animate_points() 1071 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Animate_points() 1116 PXfloat turn; in Advance_auto_pan() 1130 M->target_pan = M->target_pan - (PXfloat)PXfabs(turn); // distance left to travel in Advance_auto_pan() 1156 PXfloat new_pan, diff; in Calc_dist_and_pan() 1180 M->target_pan = (PXfloat)PXfabs(diff); // save positive pan distance in Calc_dist_and_pan()
H A D | bone.cpp | 152 PXfloat px, py, pz, ox, oy, oz; in SetPlayerShotBone() 158 PXfloat dx, dz; in SetPlayerShotBone() 165 PXfloat player_pan; in SetPlayerShotBone() 257 PXfloat player_pan; in UpdatePlayerLook() 327 b->boneTarget.vx = (int16)(4096.0 * PXAngleOfVector((PXfloat)PXsqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz), dy)); in UpdatePlayerLook()
H A D | map_marker.h | 47 PXfloat pan; // 0 - 99 (maybe use -1 to indicate no direction)
H A D | player.cpp | 1388 PXfloat ang = log->pan * TWO_PI; in Process_strike() 1389 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Process_strike() 1390 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Process_strike() 2758 PXfloat ang = (log->pan - log->pan_adjust) * TWO_PI; in Advance_frame_motion_and_pan() 2759 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Advance_frame_motion_and_pan() 2760 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Advance_frame_motion_and_pan() 2766 PXfloat safe_pan = log->pan; // save the pan in Advance_frame_motion_and_pan() 2854 PXfloat ang = (log->pan - log->pan_adjust) * TWO_PI; in Reverse_frame_motion_and_pan() 2855 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Reverse_frame_motion_and_pan() 2856 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Reverse_frame_motion_and_pan() [all …]
H A D | light_pc.cpp | 387 int32 r = (int32)PXsqrt((PXfloat)rr); in prepareLightsPC() 388 int32 P = (r * (int32)PXsqrt((PXfloat)(4096 * 4096 - cosa * cosa))) >> 12; in prepareLightsPC() 423 int32 r = (int32)PXsqrt((PXfloat)rr); in prepareLightsPC() 593 …lampWidth[i] = (ONE * pLampInfo->width) / (pLampInfo->width + (int32)PXsqrt((PXfloat)pLampInfo->rr… in prepareLightsPC()
H A D | logic.cpp | 906 PXfloat ss, cc; in AddDynamicLight() 907 PXfloat angle = -log->pan * TWO_PI; in AddDynamicLight() 909 ss = (PXfloat)PXsin(angle); in AddDynamicLight() 910 cc = (PXfloat)PXcos(angle); in AddDynamicLight()
H A D | fn_interact.cpp | 150 PXfloat new_pan, diff; in fn_sony_door_interact() 253 PXfloat diff; in Core_prop_interact() 416 M->target_pan = (PXfloat)PXfabs(diff); // save positive pan distance in Core_prop_interact()
H A D | function.cpp | 987 logic_structs[cur_id]->mega->actor_xyz.x += (PXfloat)params[1]; in fn_teleport() 991 logic_structs[cur_id]->mega->actor_xyz.x = (PXfloat)params[1]; in fn_teleport() 992 logic_structs[cur_id]->mega->actor_xyz.z = (PXfloat)params[2]; in fn_teleport() 2498 PXfloat ang = nico->direction * TWO_PI; in fn_changed_sessions() 2499 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in fn_changed_sessions() 2500 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in fn_changed_sessions() 2975 PXfloat ang = stair->direction * TWO_PI; in Register_stair_or_ladder() 2976 PXfloat cang = (PXfloat)PXcos(ang); in Register_stair_or_ladder() 2977 PXfloat sang = (PXfloat)PXsin(ang); in Register_stair_or_ladder() 2978 PXreal dx = PXfloat2PXreal((PXfloat)length * cang); in Register_stair_or_ladder() [all …]
/dports/games/scummvm/scummvm-2.5.1/engines/icb/gfx/ |
H A D | psx_anims.h | 48 static inline void psxMatrixToAngles(PXorient_PSX &orient, PXfloat &pan, PXfloat &tilt, PXfloat &ca… in psxMatrixToAngles()