1 //*******************************************************************
2 //
3 // License:  MIT
4 //
5 // See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
6 //
7 // Author: Ken Melero
8 //
9 // Description:  This class gives access to the User Header Label
10 //               (UHL) of a DTED Level 1 file.
11 //
12 //********************************************************************
13 // $Id: ossimDtedUhl.h 16104 2009-12-17 18:09:59Z gpotts $
14 #ifndef ossimDtedUhl_H
15 #define ossimDtedUhl_H
16 #include <iosfwd>
17 #include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
18 #include <ossim/base/ossimErrorStatusInterface.h>
19 #include <ossim/base/ossimFilename.h>
20 #include <ossim/base/ossimRefPtr.h>
21 #include <ossim/base/ossimIosFwd.h>
22 #include <memory>
24 class ossimProperty;
26 class OSSIM_DLL ossimDtedUhl : public ossimErrorStatusInterface
27 {
28 public:
29   ossimDtedUhl();
30   ossimDtedUhl(std::shared_ptr<ossim::istream>& str, ossim_int64 offset=0);
32    enum
33    {
34       UHL_LENGTH        = 80,
35       UHL_LON_ORIGIN    =  5,
36       UHL_LAT_ORIGIN    = 13,
37       UHL_LON_INTERVAL  = 21,
38       UHL_LAT_INTERVAL  = 25,
39       UHL_ABSOLUTE_LE   = 29,
40       UHL_SECURITY_CODE = 33,
41       UHL_REFERENCE_NUM = 33,
42       UHL_NUM_LON_LINES = 48,
43       UHL_NUM_LAT_LINES = 52,
44       UHL_MULTIPLE_ACC  = 56,
45       UHL_RESERVED      = 57,
46       FIELD1_SIZE       = 3,
47       FIELD2_SIZE       = 1,
48       FIELD3_SIZE       = 8,
49       FIELD4_SIZE       = 8,
50       FIELD5_SIZE       = 4,
51       FIELD6_SIZE       = 4,
52       FIELD7_SIZE       = 4,
53       FIELD8_SIZE       = 3,
54       FIELD9_SIZE       = 12,
55       FIELD10_SIZE      = 4,
56       FIELD11_SIZE      = 4,
57       FIELD12_SIZE      = 1,
58       FIELD13_SIZE      = 24
59    };
61    // The Recognition Sentinel signifies if the UHL record exists.
62    ossimString recognitionSentinel() const;
64    double      lonOrigin()        const;
65    double      latOrigin()        const;
66    double      lonInterval()      const;
67    double      latInterval()      const;
68    double      absoluteLE()       const;
69    ossimString securityCode()     const;
70    ossim_int32 numLonLines()      const;
71    ossim_int32 numLatPoints()     const;
72    ossim_int32 mulitpleAccuracy() const;
73    ossim_int32 startOffset()      const;
74    ossim_int32 stopOffset()       const;
76    friend OSSIM_DLL std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out,
77                                               const ossimDtedUhl& uhl);
79    /**
80     * @brief print method that outputs a key/value type format adding prefix
81     * to keys.
82     * @param out String to output to.
83     * @param prefix This will be prepended to key.
84     * e.g. Where prefix = "nitf." and key is "file_name" key becomes:
85     * "nitf.file_name:"
86     * @return output stream.
87     */
88    std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out,
89                        const std::string& prefix) const;
91    void parse(std::istream& in);
93    /**
94     * @brief Gets a property for name.
95     * @param name Property name to get.
96     * @return ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> Note that this can be empty if
97     * property for name was not found.
98     */
99    ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> getProperty(const ossimString& name)const;
101    /**
102     * @brief Adds this class's properties to list.
103     * @param propertyNames list to append to.
104     */
105    void getPropertyNames(std::vector<ossimString>& propertyNames)const;
107 private:
108    // Do not allow...
109    ossimDtedUhl(const ossimDtedUhl& source);
110    const ossimDtedUhl& operator=(const ossimDtedUhl& rhs);
112    double degreesFromString(const char* str) const;
113    double spacingFromString(const char* str) const;
115    char theRecSen[FIELD1_SIZE+1];
116    char theField2[FIELD2_SIZE+1];
117    char theLonOrigin[FIELD3_SIZE+1];
118    char theLatOrigin[FIELD4_SIZE+1];
119    char theLonInterval[FIELD5_SIZE+1];
120    char theLatInterval[FIELD6_SIZE+1];
121    char theAbsoluteLE[FIELD7_SIZE+1];
122    char theSecurityCode[FIELD8_SIZE+1];
123    char theField9[FIELD9_SIZE+1];
124    char theNumLonLines[FIELD10_SIZE+1];
125    char theNumLatPoints[FIELD11_SIZE+1];
126    char theMultipleAccuracy[FIELD12_SIZE+1];
128    ossim_int32 theStartOffset;
129    ossim_int32 theStopOffset;
130 };
132 #endif