2!  Dalton, a molecular electronic structure program
3!  Copyright (C) by the authors of Dalton.
5!  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6!  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7!  License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12!  Lesser General Public License for more details.
14!  If a copy of the GNU LGPL v2.1 was not distributed with this
15!  code, you can obtain one at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html.
20     *                WRK,LFREE)
22CBS LUAMFI_INP:  Input file, to be replaced by direct reading from DALTON arrays..
23CBS LUPROP: Unit for writing the atomic integrals
24CBS BREIT: FLAG to switch to Breit-Pauli (Douglas-Kroll is the default)
25CBS FINITE: flag whether to use a finite nucleus or not ...
26CB  EXP_FIN: the finite nucleus exponent (if required)
27CBS WRK, KFREE,LFREE standard work-array parameters in DALTON
30#include "implicit.h"
33c          A M F I
35c    Atomic Mean-Field Spin-Orbit Integral Program
37c Integral-code to generate the one- and two-electron spin-orbit integrals
38c in the no-pair approximation for an atom.
40c basis set is built by atomic functions of the form:
42c     f(r,Omega)= r**l Y_(lm) (Omega)
44c Allthough the code is created with a lot of care and love for
45c the details, the author doesn't give any warranty for it's
46c correctness.
48c B.Schimmelpfennig  Fysikum/Stockholm Summer 1996
50c If you use this code, please honour the authors work
51c by citing this work properly.
53c The author would like to thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
54c for financing this project by a Forschungsstipendium.
57c   The spatial integrals are expected to be used with a spin part
58c   expressed in Paulis spin-matrices rather than with the Spin-operator
59c   itself. So if a factor of two is somehow missing, check whether the
60c   same form of the operator is used.
65c   when writing spin-same-orbit and spin-other-oribt with sigma_i:
67c   For the spin-other-orbit-integrals particle 1 and 2 are exchanged
68c   on the arrays carteXOO,carteYOO,carteZOO!!!!!!!!!
70c   The reason is to use most of the same-orbit part again and to
71c   have the same symmetry for the integrals on the arrays.
74c   if the spin-other-orbit-part is used in the formulation with
75c   sigma_j, the particles are of cause not interchanged.
79c   (i|HSO_mean|j) = (ij) + 1/2 * sum_M  occ(M) {
80c                   2(ij|MM)_same - (iM|jM)_same -2(iM|jM)_other
81c                   + (jM|iM)_same +2(jM|iM)_other }
83c   in the subroutines some signs are changed  to reorder indices
84c   in the integrals to (iM|jM) or (Mi|Mj) accoding to the way they
85c   were calculated before.
89c   one-particle integrals (really one-particle or mean-field)
90c   are written to files in CONTANDMULT. Look there for information on
91c   the format of files.
94c  BUGS:  There is still a strange sign-error in the two-electron-integrals
95c  if one applies straight-forward the formulae of the documentation.
96c  This problem has been solved by the the cheater...
98c  Everybody is welcome to find the problem in the formulas ........
100c  First reasonable results on Thallium (SD with frozen 5D) 14.10.96
106c  Connection to MOLCAS:
107c  How wonderful, they normalize the functions exactly as I do, which
108c  means they use the correct linear combinations.
110c  Exponents and coefficients are expected in the MOLCAS-Format
111c  first exponents
112c  coefficients afterwards
114c                                           8.5.97
116c  New version for DALTON canibalized from the MOLCAS version september 2000
119#include "para.h"
120      logical keep    ! parameter to decide about keeping angular
121cbs                     ! integrals in memory
122      logical keepcart    ! parameter to decide about keeping cartesian
123cbs                         ! integrals in memory
124      logical makemean   ! parameter to decide about generating a meanfield
125      logical bonn       ! if bonn is set, Bonn-approach for spin-other orbit
126      logical breit      ! if breit is set, BREIT-PAULI only
127      logical SAMEORB    ! parameter for same-orbit only
128      logical AIMP       ! parameter to delete CORE for AIMP
129      logical oneonly    ! parameter to use only oneelectron integrals
130      logical FINITE
131      character*4  symmetry
132#include "datapow.h"
133      common ipowxyz(3,-Lmax:Lmax,0:Lmax)
134      dimension WRK(LFREE)
136cbs  #####################################################################
137cbs         version with all angular integrals in memory
138c         keep=.true.
139cbs  #####################################################################
140cbs         version without  all angular integrals in memory
141          keep=.false.
142cbs  #####################################################################
143cbs         version without  all cartesian integrals in memory
144          keepcart=.false.
145cbs  #####################################################################
146cbs         version with all cartesian integrals in memory
147c         keepcart=.true.
148cbs  #####################################################################
149cbs   initialize tables with double facultatives...
150      call inidf
151cbs   move some powers of x,y,z to the right place   BEGIN
152cbs   check if Lpowmax is high enough..
153      if (Lpowmax.lt.Lmax) then
154      CALL QUIT('AMFI: increase lpowmax and edit ixyzpow')
155      endif
156      jrun=1
157      do irun=0,Lmax
158      do Mval=-irun,irun
159      ipowxyz(1,Mval,irun)=ixyzpow(jrun)
160      ipowxyz(2,Mval,irun)=ixyzpow(jrun+1)
161      ipowxyz(3,Mval,irun)=ixyzpow(jrun+2)
162      jrun=jrun+3
163      enddo
164      enddo
165cbs   move some powers of x,y,z to the right place   END
166      if (FINITE) then
167        ifinite=1
168      else
169        ifinite=0
170      endif
171cbs   read the input
172      call readbas(Lhigh,makemean,bonn,breit,
173     *symmetry,sameorb,AIMP,oneonly,ncont4,numballcart,LUAMFI_INP,
174     *ifinite,EXP_FIN)
177 123  if (ifinite.eq.2) call finsub
180! Lhigh is the highest l-value in the basis set
181      if (makemean.and.(.not.oneonly).and.ifinite.le.1)
182     *call getAOs(Lhigh)
183      call genpowers(Lhigh) !generate powers of exponents and overlaps
184cbs   start generating modified contraction coefficients
185cbs   generate starting adresses of contraction coefficients  on
186cbs   contrarray
187      call genstar(Lhigh)
188cbs   generate ovlp of normalized primitives
189      call genovlp(Lhigh)
190      do lrun=0,Lhigh
191cbs   cont(L) arranges all the contraction coefficients for a given L-value
192cbs   and renormalizes them
193      call cont(lrun,breit,ifinite)
194      enddo
196cbs        beginning the angular part
197      if (.not.oneonly) then
198CBS   write(6,*) '***************************************************'
199CBS   write(6,*) '********   beginning the 2e-part ******************'
200CBS   write(6,*) '***************************************************'
202cbs  #####################################################################################
203cbs  #####################################################################################
204cbs  #####################################################################################
207      call angular(Lhigh,keep,keepcart,makemean,bonn,breit,
208     *sameorb,ifinite,WRK,LFREE) ! subroutine for angular part
209      endif
210      if (ifinite.eq.1) then ! redo everything for finite core
211CBS   write(6,*) 'once more the two-electron integrals'
212      ifinite=2
213      goto 123
214      endif
215cbs ########################################################################################
216cbs ########################################################################################
217cbs ########################################################################################
218CBS   write(6,*) '***************************************************'
219CBS   write(6,*) '*******   beginning the 1-electron-part  **********'
220CBS   write(6,*) '***************************************************'
221cbs    the one-electron spin-orbit integrals
222      call gen1overR3(Lhigh)   ! generates the 1/r**3 integrals  for normalized functions
223      call contandmult(Lhigh,makemean,AIMP,oneonly,numballcart,LUPROP,
224     *ifinite,WRK,LFREE) ! multiplies radial integrals with l,m-dependent
225cbs                             factors and contraction coefficients
226CBS   write(6,*) '***************************************************'
227CBS   write(6,*) '*******   end of  the 1-electron-part    **********'
228CBS   write(6,*) '***************************************************'
229cbs ########################################################################################
230cbs ########################################################################################
231cbs ########################################################################################
232      Return
233      end
234      subroutine finsub
236cbs   subroutine to set up parameters for finite nucleus. The s-functions are replaced
237cbs   by just one exponent which models the nucleus.
239#include "implicit.h"
240#include "para.h"
241#include "amfi_param.h"
242      common /nucleus/ charge,Exp_finite
243      noccorb(0)=1
244      do l=1,lmax_occ
245      noccorb(l)=0
246      enddo
247      occup(1,0)=-charge
248      nprimit_keep=nprimit(0)
249      ncontrac_keep=ncontrac(0)
250      nprimit(0)=1
251      ncontrac(0)=1
252      exponents(1,0)=0.5d0*Exp_finite
253      return
254      end
257      subroutine angular(Lhigh,keep,keepcart,makemean,bonn,
258     *breit,sameorb,ifinite,WRK,LFREE)
262cbs   if keep=.true. then
263cbs   all the integrals will be kept in memory.
264cbs   Perhaps, there will be the option to make the
265cbs   transformation to the cartesian basis-sets
266cbs   everytime, they are required.
267cbs   Therefore, the integrals are kept in memory and
268cbs   can be further transformed, whenever required.
269cbs   in order not to waste to much memory, the atomic
270cbs   integrals are thrown away after each l,l,l,l-block
271#include "implicit.h"
272#include "priunit.h"
273#include "para.h"
274#include "amfi_param.h"
275      logical keep,keepcart,icheck,mcheckxy,mcheckz,makemean,bonn,
276     *breiT,sameorb,cleaner,NFINI
277cbs   NFINI means not finite nucleus
278      dimension l2block(0:Lmax,0:Lmax,0:Lmax,0:Lmax)
279      dimension WRK(LFREE)
280cbs #####################################################################
281cbs   some preparation of factors needed later on..                     #
282cbs ######################################################################
283      ipnt(i,j)=(max(i,j)*max(i,j)-max(i,j))/2+min(i,j)
284      roottwo=dsqrt(2d0)
285cbs   calculate some prefactors that will be needed quite often
286      call prefac(Lmax,preroots,clebsch)
287        if (ifinite.ne.2) then
288cbs     clean array for one electron integrals
289        iprod=MxcontL*MxcontL*(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1)*Lmax
290        call dzero(onecartX,iprod)
291        call dzero(onecartY,iprod)
292        call dzero(onecartZ,iprod)
293        NFINI=.true.
294        else
295        NFINI=.false.
296        endif
297cbs   generate an array with sign for (even/odd) m-values
298      isignM(0)=1
299      do I=2,Lmax,2
300      isignM(I)=1
301      isignM(-I)=1
302      enddo
303      do I=1,Lmax,2
304      isignM(I)=-1
305      isignM(-I)=-1
306      enddo
307cbs #####################################################################
308cbs   prefactors preXZ und preY include the factors 1/root(2)
309cbs   for the +/- linear combinations of spherical harmonics
310cbs #####################################################################
311      do M4=-Lmax,Lmax
312      do M3=-Lmax,Lmax
313      do M2=-Lmax,Lmax
314      do M1=-Lmax,Lmax
315             preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)=0.25d0
316      enddo
317      enddo
318      enddo
319      enddo
320      do M3=-Lmax,Lmax
321      do M2=-Lmax,Lmax
322      do M1=-Lmax,Lmax
323             preXZ(m1,m2,m3,0)=preXZ(m1,m2,m3,0)*roottwo
324      enddo
325      enddo
326      enddo
327      do M3=-Lmax,Lmax
328      do M2=-Lmax,Lmax
329      do M1=-Lmax,Lmax
330             preXZ(m1,m2,0,m3)=preXZ(m1,m2,0,m3)*roottwo
331      enddo
332      enddo
333      enddo
334      do M3=-Lmax,Lmax
335      do M2=-Lmax,Lmax
336      do M1=-Lmax,Lmax
337             preXZ(m1,0,m2,m3)=preXZ(m1,0,m2,m3)*roottwo
338      enddo
339      enddo
340      enddo
341      do M3=-Lmax,Lmax
342      do M2=-Lmax,Lmax
343      do M1=-Lmax,Lmax
344             preXZ(0,m1,m2,m3)=preXZ(0,m1,m2,m3)*roottwo
345      enddo
346      enddo
347      enddo
348      do M4=-Lmax,Lmax
349      do M3=-Lmax,Lmax
350      do M2=-Lmax,Lmax
351      do M1=-Lmax,Lmax
352             preY(m1,m2,m3,m4)=preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)
353      enddo
354      enddo
355      enddo
356      enddo
357cbs #####################################################################
358cbs   additional (-) signs from the (-i) factors  in the
359cbs   (-) linear combinations   (see tosigX(Y,Z).f)
360cbs #####################################################################
361cbs   + - - -   =>   minus
362      do M4=-Lmax,-1
363      do M3=-Lmax,-1
364         do M2=-Lmax,-1
365         do M1= 0,Lmax
366            preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)=-preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)
367         enddo
368         enddo
369cbs   - + - -   =>   minus
370         do M2= 0,Lmax
371         do M1=-Lmax,-1
372            preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)=-preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)
373         enddo
374         enddo
375      enddo
376      enddo
377      do M2= 0,Lmax
378      do M1= 0,Lmax
379cbs   + + + -   =>   minus
380         do M4=-Lmax,-1
381         do M3= 0,Lmax
382            preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)=-preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)
383         enddo
384         enddo
385cbs   + + - +   =>   minus
386         do M4= 0,Lmax
387         do M3=-Lmax,-1
388            preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)=-preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)
389         enddo
390         enddo
391      enddo
392      enddo
393cbs   + +  - -  >   -
394      do M4=-Lmax,-1
395      do M3=-Lmax,-1
396      do M2=0,Lmax
397      do M1=0,Lmax
398             preY(m1,m2,m3,m4)=-preY(m1,m2,m3,m4)
399      enddo
400      enddo
401      enddo
402      enddo
403cbs   - -  + +  >   -
404      do M4=0,Lmax
405      do M3=0,Lmax
406      do M2=-Lmax,-1
407      do M1=-Lmax,-1
408             preY(m1,m2,m3,m4)=-preY(m1,m2,m3,m4)
409      enddo
410      enddo
411      enddo
412      enddo
413cbs #####################################################################
414cbs   some quick decision for interaction
415cbs #####################################################################
416      do M4=0,Lmax
417      do M3=0,Lmax
418      do M2=0,Lmax
419      do M1=0,Lmax
420             icheck=mcheckxy(m1,m2,m3,m4)
421             icheckxy(m1,m2,m3,m4)=icheck
422             icheckxy(m1,m2,m3,-m4)=icheck
423             icheckxy(m1,m2,-m3,m4)=icheck
424             icheckxy(m1,-m2,m3,m4)=icheck
425             icheckxy(-m1,m2,m3,m4)=icheck
426             icheckxy(m1,m2,-m3,-m4)=icheck
427             icheckxy(m1,-m2,m3,-m4)=icheck
428             icheckxy(m1,-m2,-m3,m4)=icheck
429             icheckxy(m1,-m2,-m3,-m4)=icheck
430             icheckxy(-m1,m2,m3,-m4)=icheck
431             icheckxy(-m1,m2,-m3,m4)=icheck
432             icheckxy(-m1,m2,-m3,-m4)=icheck
433             icheckxy(-m1,-m2,m3,m4)=icheck
434             icheckxy(-m1,-m2,m3,-m4)=icheck
435             icheckxy(-m1,-m2,-m3,m4)=icheck
436             icheckxy(-m1,-m2,-m3,-m4)=icheck
437      enddo
438      enddo
439      enddo
440      enddo
441      do M4=0,Lmax
442      do M3=0,Lmax
443      do M2=0,Lmax
444      do M1=0,Lmax
445             icheck=mcheckz(m1,m2,m3,m4)
446             icheckz(m1,m2,m3,m4)=icheck
447             icheckz(m1,m2,m3,-m4)=icheck
448             icheckz(m1,m2,-m3,m4)=icheck
449             icheckz(m1,m2,-m3,-m4)=icheck
450             icheckz(m1,-m2,m3,m4)=icheck
451             icheckz(m1,-m2,m3,-m4)=icheck
452             icheckz(m1,-m2,-m3,m4)=icheck
453             icheckz(m1,-m2,-m3,-m4)=icheck
454             icheckz(-m1,m2,m3,m4)=icheck
455             icheckz(-m1,m2,m3,-m4)=icheck
456             icheckz(-m1,m2,-m3,m4)=icheck
457             icheckz(-m1,m2,-m3,-m4)=icheck
458             icheckz(-m1,-m2,m3,m4)=icheck
459             icheckz(-m1,-m2,m3,-m4)=icheck
460             icheckz(-m1,-m2,-m3,m4)=icheck
461             icheckz(-m1,-m2,-m3,-m4)=icheck
462      enddo
463      enddo
464      enddo
465      enddo
466cbs #####################################################################
467cbs   there are at most 16 possible combinations of signs ( 2**4)
468cbs #####################################################################
469      do M4=0,Lmax
470      do M3=0,Lmax
471      do M2=0,Lmax
472      do M1=0,Lmax
473      do irun=1,16
474      interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=0
475      enddo
476      enddo
477      enddo
478      enddo
479      enddo
480cbs   the following M values are the ones from the cartesian
481cbs   linear combinations. interxyz gives the sign sequence
482cbs   for interacting spherical functions, starting with
483cbs   type 1 (++++) and ending with type 16 (-++-)
484      do M4=0,Lmax
485      do M3=0,Lmax
486      do M2=0,Lmax
487      do M1=0,Lmax
488      if (icheckxy(m1,m2,m3,m4).or.icheckz(m1,m2,m3,m4)) then
489          irun=0
490          if (iabs(m1+m2-m3-m4).le.1) then
491          irun=irun+1
492          interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=1          ! + + + +
493                 if (m1.gt.0.and.m2.gt.0.and.
494     *            m3.gt.0.and.m4.gt.0) then
495                  irun=irun+1
496                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=2  ! - - - -
497                 endif
498          endif
499          if (iabs(m1+m2-m3+m4).le.1) then
500                 if (m4.gt.0) then
501                  irun=irun+1
502                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=3  ! + + + -
503                 endif
504                 if (m1.gt.0.and.m2.gt.0.and.
505     *            m3.gt.0) then
506                  irun=irun+1
507                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=4  ! - - - +
508                 endif
509          endif
510          if (iabs(m1+m2+m3-m4).le.1) then
511                 if (m3.gt.0) then
512                  irun=irun+1
513                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=5  ! + + - +
514                 endif
515                 if (m1.gt.0.and.m2.gt.0.and.
516     *            m4.gt.0) then
517                  irun=irun+1
518                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=6  ! - - + -
519                 endif
520          endif
521          if (iabs(m1-m2-m3-m4).le.1) then
522                 if (m2.gt.0) then
523                  irun=irun+1
524                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=7  ! + - + +
525                 endif
526                 if (m1.gt.0.and.m3.gt.0.and.
527     *            m4.gt.0) then
528                  irun=irun+1
529                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=8  ! - + - -
530                 endif
531          endif
532          if (iabs(-m1+m2-m3-m4).le.1) then
533                 if (m1.gt.0) then
534                  irun=irun+1
535                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=9  ! - + + +
536                 endif
537                 if (m2.gt.0.and.m3.gt.0.and.
538     *            m4.gt.0) then
539                  irun=irun+1
540                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=10 ! + - - -
541                 endif
542          endif
543          if (iabs(m1+m2+m3+m4).le.1) then
544                 if (m3.gt.0.and.m4.gt.0) then
545                  irun=irun+1
546                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=11 ! + + - -
547                 endif
548                 if (m1.gt.0.and.m2.gt.0) then
549                  irun=irun+1
550                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=12 ! - - + +
551                 endif
552          endif
553          if (iabs(m1-m2-m3+m4).le.1) then
554                 if (m2.gt.0.and.m4.gt.0) then
555                  irun=irun+1
556                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=13 ! + - + -
557                 endif
558                 if (m1.gt.0.and.m3.gt.0) then
559                  irun=irun+1
560                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=14 ! - + - +
561                 endif
562          endif
563          if (iabs(m1-m2+m3-m4).le.1) then
564                 if (m2.gt.0.and.m3.gt.0) then
565                  irun=irun+1
566                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=15 ! + - - +
567                 endif
568                 if (m1.gt.0.and.m4.gt.0) then
569                  irun=irun+1
570                  interxyz(irun,m1,m2,m3,m4)=16 ! - + + -
571                 endif
572          endif
573      endif
574      enddo
575      enddo
576      enddo
577      enddo
578cbs #####################################################################
579cbs   isgnprod gives the sign due to powers (-1)**M  this are again
580cbs   angular m-values
581cbs #####################################################################
582      do M4=-Lmax,Lmax
583      if (M4.gt.0) then
584      inter4=isignM(M4)
585      else
586      inter4=1
587      endif
588      do M3=-Lmax,Lmax
589      if (M3.gt.0) then
590      inter3=inter4*isignM(M3)
591      else
592      inter3=inter4
593      endif
594      do M2=-Lmax,Lmax
595      if (M2.gt.0) then
596      inter2=inter3*isignM(M2)
597      else
598      inter2=inter3
599      endif
600      do M1=-Lmax,Lmax
601      if (M1.gt.0) then
602      isgnprod(m1,m2,m3,m4)=inter2*isignM(M1)
603      else
604      isgnprod(m1,m2,m3,m4)=inter2
605      endif
606      enddo
607      enddo
608      enddo
609      enddo
610cbs #####################################################################
611cbs   some preparation of factors needed later on..  finished           #
612cbs #####################################################################
616cbs   counter for total number of cartesian integrals                   !  set some counters
617      numbcart=0                                                        !
618cbs   same orbit integrals integrals  on carteXSO carteYSO and carteSO
619cbs   other orbit integrals  on carteXOO carteYOO and carteOO
620      iangfirst=0 ! first block of angular integrals
621cbs #####################################################################
622cbs   loop over all (l,l,l,l) blocks generated in the radial part       #
623cbs #####################################################################
624      do lrun4=0,Lmax
625      do lrun3=0,Lmax
626      do lrun2=0,Lmax
627      do lrun1=0,Lmax
628      l2block(lrun1,lrun2,lrun3,lrun4)=0
629      enddo
630      enddo
631      enddo
632      enddo
633cbs   loop over all possible < l1 l2, l3 l4 > blocks
634CBS   write(6,'(A)') '   L1   L2   L3   L4'
635      do l1=0,Lhigh   ! improving is probably possible...
636      do l2=0,Lhigh
637      do l3=0,l1
638      do l4=0,l2
639cbs   check parity
640      if (mod(l1+l2+l3+l4,2).eq.0) then
641cbs   check that Lleft and Lright do not always differ by more than one
642cbs   a difference of two means two spin flips and is therefore not allowed
643      Lleftmax=l1+l2
644      Lrightmax=l3+l4
645      Lleftmin=iabs(l1-l2)
646      Lrightmin=iabs(l3-l4)
647      if ((Lrightmin-Lleftmax.le.1.and.Lrightmax-Lleftmin.gt.-1).or.
648     *(Lleftmin-Lrightmax.le.1.and.Lleftmax-Lrightmin.gt.-1)) then
649cbs   additional check for mean-field
650      if ((l1.eq.l3.and.l2.eq.l4).or.(l1.eq.l2.and.l3.eq.l4)) then
651      if (l1+l3.ne.0) then
652CBS   write(6,'(4I5)') l1,l2,l3,l4
653CBS   now I determine the size of the angular integral arrays
654        jblock=0
655        do m1=-l1,l1
656        do m2=-l2,l2
657        do m3=-l3,l3
658        m4=m1+m2-m3+1
659        if (iabs(m4).le.l4) then
660        if ((.not.makemean).or.
661     *  (l1.eq.l3.and.l2.eq.l4.and.iabs(m2).eq.iabs(m4)).or.
662     *  (l1.eq.l2.and.l3.eq.l4.and.
663     *  (iabs(m1).eq.iabs(m2).or.iabs(m3).eq.iabs(m4)))) then
664        jblock=jblock+1
665        endif
666        endif
667        enddo
668        enddo
669        enddo
670        do m1=  0,l1
671        do m2=-l2,l2
672        do m3=-l3,l3
673        m4=m1+m2-m3
674        if ((.not.makemean).or.
675     *  (l1.eq.l3.and.l2.eq.l4.and.iabs(m2).eq.iabs(m4)).or.
676     *  (l1.eq.l2.and.l3.eq.l4.and.
677     *  (iabs(m1).eq.iabs(m2).or.iabs(m3).eq.iabs(m4)))) then
678        if (m1.ne.0.or.m2.ne.0.or.m3.ne.0) then !  all m eqal 0 make no sense....
679        if (iabs(m4).le.l4)  then
680        jblock=jblock+1
681        endif
682        endif
683        endif
684        enddo
685        enddo
686        enddo
687CBS   done !!
688cbs     number of contracted integrals for each block
689        ncont=ncontrac(l1)*ncontrac(l2)*
690     *  ncontrac(l3)*ncontrac(l4)
691      mxangint=jblock*ncont
692cbs   determine the size icont4 for the radial integrals
693      call gencoulDIM(l1,l2,l3,l4,makemean,bonn,breit,
694     *sameorb,icont4)
695      IANGSO = 1
696      iangOO=iangSO+mxangint
697      icartSO=iangOO+mxangint
698      icartOO=icartSO+ncont
699      iconSO=icartOO+ncont
700      iconOO=iconSO+icont4
701      KLAST = ICONOO + ICONT4
703      LLEFT = LFREE - KLAST + 1
704      call gencoul(l1,l2,l3,l4,makemean,bonn,breit,
705     *sameorb,WRK(iconSO),WRK(iconOO),icont4,
706     *WRK(KLAST),LLEFT) ! generates and transforms integrals
707        l2block(l1,l2,l3,l4)=1  ! can be used for getting the
708cbs   local counter for integral adresses
709        mblock=0 ! counter of (m,m,m,m)-blocks for (l1,l2,l3,l4)
710cbs     if keep is set to false, the angular integrals are
711cbs     thrown away after each block of l-values
712cbs     which means integrals start at address 0
713        if (.not.keep) iangfirst=0
714        locstar=iangfirst ! local starting adress counter
715        do m1=-l1,l1
716        do m2=-l2,l2
717        do m3=-l3,l3
718        do m4=-l4,l4
719        mcombina(1,m1,m2,m3,m4)=0  ! will hold type of integrals (1,2,3)
720        mcombina(2,m1,m2,m3,m4)=0  ! will hold number of block
721        enddo
722        enddo
723        enddo
724        enddo
725        do m1=-l1,l1
726        do m2=-l2,l2
727        do m3=-l3,l3
728cbs     m4 is more or less fixed by m1-3
731c########## the L- -type block to be combined with sigma+ ###########################
734        m4=m1+m2-m3+1
735        if (iabs(m4).le.l4) then !the  L- -block to be combined with sigma+
736cbs     not all m-combinations are needed for the mean-field
737        if ((.not.makemean).or.
738     *  (l1.eq.l3.and.l2.eq.l4.and.iabs(m2).eq.iabs(m4)).or.
739     *  (l1.eq.l2.and.l3.eq.l4.and.
740     *  (iabs(m1).eq.iabs(m2).or.iabs(m3).eq.iabs(m4)))) then
741        mcombina(1,m1,m2,m3,m4)=1
742        mblock=mblock+1
743        if (locstar+ncont.gt.mxangint) then
744        write(LUPRI,*)'not enough space allocated for angular integrals'
745        write(LUPRI,*) 'increase mxangint to at least ',
746     *  locstar+ncont
747        CALL QUIT('Out of dimensional bounds in AMFI')
748        endif
749cbs mkangLmin = make_angular_integrals_for_L- type operator
750cbs really generates  the angular prefactors and combines them with
751cbs the radial integrals
752        call mkangLmin(Lmax,l1,l2,l3,l4,m1,m2,m3,m4,
753     *       WRK(iangSO+locstar),
754     *       WRK(iangOO+locstar),
755     *       Lfirst(1),Llast(1),Lblocks(1),
756     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l4),
757     *       WRK(iconSO+Lstarter(1)-1),
758     *       WRK(iconSO+Lstarter(2)-1),
759     *       WRK(iconSO+Lstarter(3)-1),
760     *       WRK(iconSO+Lstarter(4)-1),
761     *       WRK(iconOO+Lstarter(1)-1),
762     *       WRK(iconOO+Lstarter(2)-1),
763     *       WRK(iconOO+Lstarter(3)-1),
764     *       WRK(iconOO+Lstarter(4)-1),
765     *       preroots,clebsch,scratch4,bonn,breit,
766     *       sameorb)
767        locstar=locstar+ncont ! increase starting address
768        mcombina(2,m1,m2,m3,m4)=mblock  ! set the block number
771c########## the L+ -type block to be combined with sigma- ###########################
775c   these integrals are obtained by changing the signs of the m-values.
776c   As the integrals are the same, the pointer points to the same integrals...
779        mcombina(1,-m1,-m2,-m3,-m4)=3
780        mcombina(2,-m1,-m2,-m3,-m4)=mblock
781        endif
782        Endif
783        enddo
784        enddo
785        enddo
788c########## the L0 -type block to be combined with sigma0 ###########################
791        do m1=  0,l1
792        do m2=-l2,l2
793        do m3=-l3,l3
794cbs     m4 is more or less fixed by m1-3
795        m4=m1+m2-m3 ! the L0-block to be combined with sigma0
796cbs     not all m-combinations are needed for the mean-field
797        if ((.not.makemean).or.
798     *  (l1.eq.l3.and.l2.eq.l4.and.iabs(m2).eq.iabs(m4)).or.
799     *  (l1.eq.l2.and.l3.eq.l4.and.
800     *  (iabs(m1).eq.iabs(m2).or.iabs(m3).eq.iabs(m4)))) then
802        if (m1.ne.0.or.m2.ne.0.or.m3.ne.0) then !  all m eqal 0 make no sense....
803        if (iabs(m4).le.l4)  then
804        mcombina(1,m1,m2,m3,m4)=2
805        mblock=mblock+1
806        if (locstar+ncont.gt.mxangint) then
807        write(LUPRI,*)'not enough space allocated for angular integrals'
808        write(LUPRI,*) 'increase mxangint to at least ',
809     *  locstar+ncont
810        CALL QUIT('Out of dimensional bounds in AMFI')
811        endif
812        call mkangL0(Lmax,l1,l2,l3,l4,m1,m2,m3,m4,
813     *       WRK(iangSO+locstar),
814     *       WRK(iangOO+locstar),
815     *       Lfirst(1),Llast(1),Lblocks(1),
816     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l4),
817     *       WRK(iconSO+Lstarter(1)-1),
818     *       WRK(iconSO+Lstarter(2)-1),
819     *       WRK(iconSO+Lstarter(3)-1),
820     *       WRK(iconSO+Lstarter(4)-1),
821     *       WRK(iconOO+Lstarter(1)-1),
822     *       WRK(iconOO+Lstarter(2)-1),
823     *       WRK(iconOO+Lstarter(3)-1),
824     *       WRK(iconOO+Lstarter(4)-1),
825     *       preroots,clebsch,scratch4,bonn,breit,
826     *       sameorb)
827        locstar=locstar+ncont
828        mcombina(2,m1,m2,m3,m4)=mblock
829        endif
830        endif
831        endif
832        enddo
833        enddo
834        enddo
835cbs  ##################################################################################
836cbs  ##################################################################################
837cbs     transformation to l,m dependent integrals is finished
838cbs  ##################################################################################
843cbs  ##################################################################################
844cbs     begin transformation to cartesian integrals
845cbs  ##################################################################################
846cbs  ##################################################################################
847cbs     check out, which combinations of m-values will
848cbs     contribute to cartesian integrals
849        do m1=-l1,l1       !
850        do m2=-l2,l2       ! these indices now run over the real harmonics
851        do m3=-l3,l3       !
852        do m4=-l4,l4       !
853        mcombcart(1,m1,m2,m3,m4)=0     ! will hold the type  x=1 y=2 z=3
854        mcombcart(2,m1,m2,m3,m4)=0     ! will hold the block number
855        enddo
856        enddo
857        enddo
858        enddo
859        mblockx=0
860        mblocky=0
861        mblockz=0
862        do m3=-l3,l3
863        do m4=-l4,l4
864cbs     if the l-values are the same : triangular matrix over m-values is sufficient
865        if (l1.eq.l3) then
866        m1upper=m3
867        else
868        m1upper=l1
869        endif
870        if (makemean) m1upper=l1
871cbs     if the l-values are the same : triangular matrix over m-values is sufficient
872        if (l2.eq.l4) then
873        m2upper=m4
874        else
875        m2upper=l2
876        endif
877        if (makemean) m2upper=l2
878        do m1=-l1,m1upper
879        If (l1.eq.l3.and.m1.eq.m3) then ! clean real zeros by symmetry to be exactly zero
880cbs     this a problem of the spin-other-orbit integrals, as they are by formula
881cbs     not antisymmetric in the indices for particle 1.
882        cleaner=.true.
883        else
884        cleaner=.false.
885        endif
886        do m2=-l2,m2upper
887cbs     not all m-combinations are needed for the mean-field
888        if ((.not.makemean).or.
889     *  (l1.eq.l3.and.l2.eq.l4.and.m2.eq.m4).or.
890     *  (l1.eq.l2.and.l3.eq.l4.and.(m1.eq.m2.or.m3.eq.m4))) then
892        indx=ipowxyz(1,m1,l1)+ipowxyz(1,m2,l2)+
893     *  ipowxyz(1,m3,l3)+ipowxyz(1,m4,l4)
894        indy=ipowxyz(2,m1,l1)+ipowxyz(2,m2,l2)+
895     *  ipowxyz(2,m3,l3)+ipowxyz(2,m4,l4)
896        indz=ipowxyz(3,m1,l1)+ipowxyz(3,m2,l2)+
897     *  ipowxyz(3,m3,l3)+ipowxyz(3,m4,l4)
898        indx=mod(indx,2)
899        indy=mod(indy,2)
900        indz=mod(indz,2)
903C++++++++++++++++      SIGMA X      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
906        if (indx.eq.0.and.indy.eq.1.and.indz.eq.1.and.
907     *  icheckxy(m1,m2,m3,m4)) then  ! Y*Z ->  transforms like  L_x (B1)
908cbs     integrals for sigma_x
909        mblockx=mblockx+1
910        mcombcart(1,m1,m2,m3,m4)=1
911        mcombcart(2,m1,m2,m3,m4)=mblockx
912        call tosigX(m1,m2,m3,m4,WRK(iangSO+iangfirst),
913     *  mcombina,ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),ncontrac(l3),
914     *  ncontrac(l4),WRK(icartSO),preXZ,
915     *  interxyz(1,iabs(m1),iabs(m2),iabs(m3),iabs(m4)),isgnprod,
916     *  cleaner)
918        if (.not.bonn.and.(.not.breiT))
919     *  call tosigX(m1,m2,m3,m4,WRK(iangOO+iangfirst),
920     *  mcombina,ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),ncontrac(l3),
921     *  ncontrac(l4),WRK(icartOO),preXZ,
922     *  interxyz(1,iabs(m1),iabs(m2),iabs(m3),iabs(m4)),isgnprod,
923     *  cleaner)
924        if (makemean) then ! generate mean-field-contributions
926c############  mean-field-part ############################################
928             if (l1.eq.l3.and.l2.eq.l4) then
929             if (m2.eq.m4.and.m1.lt.m3.and.
930     *       iabs(m1+m3).eq.1.and.l1.ne.0) then
931             call two2mean13(WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l2),
932     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l2),onecartx(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m3+l3+1),l1),
933     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),noccorb(l2))
934             endif
935             endif
936             if (l1.eq.l2.and.l3.eq.l4) then
937             if (m1.eq.m2.and.l3.ne.0.and.l3.ne.l1) then
938             if (m3.lt.m4.and.iabs(m4+m3).eq.1) then
939cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange cartexOO by cartexSO
940             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
941             if (NFINI) call two2mean34a(WRK(icartSO),
942     *       WRK(icartSO),
943     *       occup(1,l1),
944     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartx(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
945     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
946             else
947             if(NFINI) call two2mean34a(WRK(icartSO),
948     *       WRK(icartOO),
949     *       occup(1,l1),
950     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartx(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
951     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
952             endif
953             endif
954             if (m3.gt.m4.and.iabs(m4+m3).eq.1) then
955cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange cartexOO by cartexSO
956             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
957             if (NFINI) call two2mean34b(WRK(icartSO),
958     *       WRK(icartSO),
959     *       occup(1,l1),
960     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartx(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
961     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
962             else
963             if (NFINI) call two2mean34b(WRK(icartSO),
964     *       WRK(icartOO),
965     *       occup(1,l1),
966     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartx(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
967     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
968             endif
969             endif
970             elseif(m3.eq.m4.and.l1.ne.0) then
971             if (m1.lt.m2.and.iabs(m1+m2).eq.1) then
972cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange cartexOO by cartexSO
973             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
974             if (NFINI) call two2mean12a(WRK(icartSO),
975     *       WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l3),
976     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartx(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
977     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
978             else
979             if (NFINI) call two2mean12a(WRK(icartSO),
980     *       WRK(icartOO),occup(1,l3),
981     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartx(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
982     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
983             endif
984             endif
985             if (m1.gt.m2.and.iabs(m1+m2).eq.1) then
986cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange cartexOO by cartexSO
987             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
988             if (NFINI) call two2mean12b(WRK(icartSO),
989     *       WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l3),
990     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartx(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
991     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
992             else
993             if (NFINI) call two2mean12b(WRK(icartSO),
994     *       WRK(icartOO),occup(1,l3),
995     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartx(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
996     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
997             endif
998             endif
999             endif
1000             endif
1002c############  mean-field-part ############################################
1004        endif
1007C++++++++++++++++      SIGMA Y      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1010        elseif (indx.eq.1.and.indy.eq.0.and.indz.eq.1.and.
1011     *  icheckxy(m1,m2,m3,m4)) then  ! X*Z transforms like L_y  (B2)
1012cbs     integrals for sigma_y
1013        mblocky=mblocky+1
1014        mcombcart(1,m1,m2,m3,m4)=2
1015        mcombcart(2,m1,m2,m3,m4)=mblocky
1016        call tosigY(m1,m2,m3,m4,WRK(iangSO+iangfirst),
1017     *  mcombina,ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),ncontrac(l3),
1018     *  ncontrac(l4),WRK(icartSO),preY,
1019     *  interxyz(1,iabs(m1),iabs(m2),iabs(m3),iabs(m4)),isgnprod,
1020     *  cleaner)
1022        if (.not.bonn.and.(.not.breit))
1023     *  call tosigY(m1,m2,m3,m4,WRK(iangOO+iangfirst),
1024     *  mcombina,ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),ncontrac(l3),
1025     *  ncontrac(l4),WRK(icartOO),preY,
1026     *  interxyz(1,iabs(m1),iabs(m2),iabs(m3),iabs(m4)),isgnprod,
1027     *  cleaner)
1028        if (makemean) then ! generate mean-field-contributions
1030c############  mean-field-part ############################################
1032             if (l1.eq.l3.and.l2.eq.l4) then
1033             if (m2.eq.m4.and.m1.lt.m3.
1034     *       and.iabs(m3-m1).eq.1.and.l1.ne.0) then
1035             call two2mean13(WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l2),
1036     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l2),onecartY(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m3+l3+1),l1),
1037     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),noccorb(l2))
1038             endif
1039             endif
1040             if (l1.eq.l2.and.l3.eq.l4) then
1041             if (m1.eq.m2.and.l3.ne.0.and.l3.ne.l1) then
1042             if (m3.lt.m4.and.iabs(m3-m4).eq.1) then
1043cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange carteYOO by carteYSO
1044             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
1045             if (NFINI) call two2mean34a(WRK(icartSO),
1046     *       WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l1),
1047     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartY(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
1048     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
1049             else
1050             if (NFINI) call two2mean34a(WRK(icartSO),
1051     *       WRK(icartOO),occup(1,l1),
1052     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartY(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
1053     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
1054             endif
1055             endif
1056             if (m3.gt.m4.and.iabs(m3-m4).eq.1) then
1057cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange carteYOO by carteYSO
1058             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
1059             if (NFINI) call two2mean34b(WRK(icartSO),
1060     *       WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l1),
1061     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartY(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
1062     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
1063             else
1064             if (NFINI) call two2mean34b(WRK(icartSO),
1065     *       WRK(icartOO),occup(1,l1),
1066     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartY(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
1067     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
1068             endif
1069             endif
1070             elseif(m3.eq.m4.and.l1.ne.0) then
1071             if (m1.lt.m2.and.iabs(m1-m2).eq.1) then
1072cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange carteOO by carteSO
1073             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
1074             if (NFINI) call two2mean12a(WRK(icartSO),
1075     *       WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l3),
1076     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartY(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
1077     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
1078             else
1079             if (NFINI) call two2mean12a(WRK(icartSO),
1080     *       WRK(icartOO),occup(1,l3),
1081     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartY(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
1082     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
1083             endif
1084             endif
1085             if (m1.gt.m2.anD.Iabs(m1-m2).eq.1) then
1086cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange carteYOO by carteYSO
1087             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
1088             if (NFINI) call two2mean12b(WRK(icartSO),
1089     *       WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l3),
1090     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartY(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
1091     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
1092             else
1093             if (NFINI) call two2mean12b(WRK(icartSO),
1094     *       WRK(icartOO),occup(1,l3),
1095     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartY(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
1096     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
1097             endif
1098             endif
1099             endif
1100             endif
1102c############  mean-field-part ############################################
1104        endif
1107C++++++++++++++++      SIGMA Z      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1110        elseif (indx.eq.1.and.indy.eq.1.and.indz.eq.0.and.
1111     *  icheckz(m1,m2,m3,m4)) then ! X*Y transforms like L_z  (A2)
1112cbs     integrals for sigma_z
1113        mblockz=mblockz+1
1114        mcombcart(1,m1,m2,m3,m4)=3
1115        mcombcart(2,m1,m2,m3,m4)=mblockz
1116        call tosigZ(m1,m2,m3,m4,WRK(iangSO+iangfirst),
1117     *  mcombina,ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),ncontrac(l3),
1118     *  ncontrac(l4),WRK(icartSO),preXZ,
1119     *  interxyz(1,iabs(m1),iabs(m2),iabs(m3),iabs(m4)),isgnprod,
1120     *  cleaner)
1122        if (.not.bonn.and.(.not.breit))
1123     *  call tosigZ(m1,m2,m3,m4,WRK(iangOO+iangfirst),
1124     *  mcombina,ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),ncontrac(l3),
1125     *  ncontrac(l4),WRK(icartOO),preXZ,
1126     *  interxyz(1,iabs(m1),iabs(m2),iabs(m3),iabs(m4)),isgnprod,
1127     *  cleaner)
1128        if (makemean) then ! generate mean-field-contributions
1130c############  mean-field-part ############################################
1132             if (l1.eq.l3.and.l2.eq.l4) then
1133             if (m2.eq.m4.and.m1.lt.m3.
1134     *       and.m1.eq.-m3.and.l1.ne.0) then
1135             call two2mean13(WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l2),
1136     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l2),onecartz(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m3+l3+1),l1),
1137     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l2),noccorb(l2))
1138             endif
1139             endif
1140             if (l1.eq.l2.and.l3.eq.l4) then
1141             if (m1.eq.m2.and.l3.ne.0.and.l3.ne.l1) then
1142             if (m3.lt.m4.and.m3.eq.-m4) then
1143cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange carteOO by carteSO
1144             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
1145             if (NFINI) call two2mean34a(WRK(icartSO),
1146     *       WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l1),
1147     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartz(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
1148     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
1149             else
1150             if (NFINI) call two2mean34a(WRK(icartSO),
1151     *       WRK(icartOO),occup(1,l1),
1152     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartz(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
1153     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
1154             endif
1155             endif
1156             if (m3.gt.m4.and.m3.eq.-m4) then
1157cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange carteOO by carteSO
1158             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
1159             if (NFINI) call two2mean34b(WRK(icartSO),
1160     *       WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l1),
1161     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartz(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
1162     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
1163             else
1164             if (NFINI) call two2mean34b(WRK(icartSO),
1165     *       WRK(icartOO),
1166     *       occup(1,l1),
1167     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l1),onecartz(1,1,ipnt(m3+l3+1,m4+l4+1),l3),
1168     *       ncontrac(l3),ncontrac(l1),noccorb(l2),sameorb)
1169             endif
1170             endif
1171             elseif(m3.eq.m4.and.l1.ne.0) then
1172             if (m1.lt.m2.and.m1.eq.-m2) then
1173cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange carteOO by carteSO
1174             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
1175             if (NFINI) call two2mean12a(WRK(icartSO),
1176     *       WRK(icartSO),occup(1,l3),
1177     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartz(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
1178     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
1179             else
1180             if (NFINI) call two2mean12a(WRK(icartSO),
1181     *       WRK(icartOO),
1182     *       occup(1,l3),
1183     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartz(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
1184     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
1185             endif
1186             endif
1187             if (m1.gt.m2.and.m1.eq.-m2) then
1188cbs   for the "Bonn-approach"   exchange carteOO by carteSO
1189             if (bonn.or.breiT) then
1190             if (NFINI) call two2mean12b(WRK(icartSO),
1191     *       WRK(icartSO),
1192     *       occup(1,l3),
1193     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartz(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
1194     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
1195             else
1196             if (NFINI) call two2mean12b(WRK(icartSO),
1197     *       WRK(icartOO),
1198     *       occup(1,l3),
1199     *       AOcoeffs(1,1,l3),onecartz(1,1,ipnt(m1+l1+1,m2+l2+1),l1),
1200     *       ncontrac(l1),ncontrac(l3),noccorb(l3),sameorb)
1201             endif
1202             endif
1203             endif
1204             endif
1206c############  mean-field-part ############################################
1208        endif
1209        endif
1214        endif ! for check of significance for meanfield.
1215        enddo
1216        enddo
1217        enddo
1218        enddo
1219        numbcart=numbcart+(mblockx+mblocky+mblockz)*ncont
1220cbs   just controlling if x and y integrals have the same number of blocks
1221      if (mblockx.ne.mblocky) then
1222      write(LUPRI,*)
1223     *'numbers of integrals for sigma_x and sigma_y not equal!'
1224      write(LUPRI,'(A12,4I3,2(A3,I5))')
1225     *'l1,l2,l3,l4 ',l1,l2,l3,l4,' X:',mblockx,' Y:',mblocky
1226      write(LUPRI,*) ' check the ipowxyz-array'
1227      CALL QUIT('Problems with IPOWXYA array in AMFI')
1228      endif
1229cbs   start adresses for the next <ll|ll> block of integrals
1230      endif
1231      endif
1232      endif
1233      endif
1234      enddo
1235      enddo
1236      enddo
1237      enddo
1238      return
1239      end
1240      subroutine buildcoul(l1,l2,l3,l4,! angular momenta of primitives
1241     *incl1,incl3, ! shifts for different radial integrals
1242     *Lrun, ! L-value for coulomb integrals
1243     *prmints,
1244     *nprim1,nprim2,nprim3,nprim4,  ! number of primitives
1245     *expo1,expo2,expo3,expo4, ! arrays with the exponents
1246     *power13,
1247     *power24,
1248     *quotpow1,quotpow2
1249     *)
1250cbs ##################################################################
1252cbs  purpose: builds up the coulomb integrals
1253cbs  inbetween primitives and multiplies
1254cbs  with extra factors to correct the
1255cbs  normalization
1257cbs ##################################################################
1258#include "implicit.h"
1259#include "para.h"
1260#include "amfi_param.h"
1261#include "dofuc.h"
1262#include "pi.h"
1263      dimension expo1(nprim1),
1264     *expo2(nprim2),
1265     *expo3(nprim3),
1266     *expo4(nprim4), ! the exponents
1267     *prmints(nprim1,nprim2,nprim3,nprim4), ! scratch array for integrals over primitives
1268     *power13(MxprimL,MxprimL),
1269     *power24(MxprimL,MxprimL),
1270     *quotpow1(nprim1,nprim2,nprim3,nprim4),
1271     *quotpow2(nprim1,nprim2,nprim3,nprim4),
1272     *fraclist1(0:Lmax+3),fraclist2(0:Lmax+3),fact(MxprimL),
1273     *frac(MxprimL),cfunctx1(MxprimL),cfunctx2(MxprimL)
1274      root8ovpi=dsqrt(8d0/pi)
1275cbs ##################################################################
1276cbs        prepare indices for coulint
1277cbs ##################################################################
1278      n1=l1+incl1+1
1279      n2=l2+1
1280      n3=l3+incl3+1
1281      n4=l4+1
1282      n13=n1+n3
1283      n24=n2+n4
1284      index1=N13-Lrun-1
1285      index2=n24+Lrun
1286      index3=N24-Lrun-1
1287      index4=n13+Lrun
1288      do krun=0,(index1-1)/2
1289      fraclist1(krun)=dffrac(krun+krun+index2-1,krun+krun)*
1290     *dffrac(1,index2-1)
1291      enddo
1292      do krun=0,(index3-1)/2
1293      fraclist2(krun)=dffrac(krun+krun+index4-1,krun+krun)*
1294     *dffrac(1,index4-1)
1295      enddo
1296cbs ##################################################################
1297cbs   common factors including double factorials
1298cbs ##################################################################
1299      doff1=dffrac(index1-1,n13-1)*dffrac(n24+Lrun-1,n24-1)
1300      doff2=dffrac(index3-1,n24-1)*dffrac(n13+Lrun-1,n13-1)
1301      if (index1.eq.1) then
1302                do irun4=1,nprim4
1303                do irun3=1,nprim3
1304                if (l2.eq.l4) then
1305                limit2=irun4
1306                else
1307                limit2=nprim2
1308                endif
1309                do irun2=1,limit2
1310                pow24inv=doff1/power24(irun4,irun2)
1311                if (l1.eq.l3) then
1312                limit1=irun3
1313                else
1314                limit1=nprim1
1315                endif
1316                do irun1=1,limit1
1317                prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1318     *          quotpow1(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)*
1319     *          dsqrt(0.5d0*(expo1(irun1)+expo3(irun3)))*
1320     *          power13(irun3,irun1)*pow24inv
1321                enddo
1322                enddo
1323                enddo
1324                enddo
1325      else
1326                do irun4=1,nprim4
1327                do irun3=1,nprim3
1328                if (l2.eq.l4) then
1329                limit2=irun4
1330                else
1331                limit2=nprim2
1332                endif
1333                do irun2=1,limit2
1334                alpha24inv=1d0/(expo2(irun2)+expo4(irun4))
1335                pow24inv=doff1/power24(irun4,irun2)
1336                if (l1.eq.l3) then
1337                limit1=irun3
1338                else
1339                limit1=nprim1
1340                endif
1341                do irun1=1,limit1
1342                a1324= alpha24inv*(expo1(irun1)+expo3(irun3))
1343                   Cfunctx1(irun1)=fraclist1(0)
1344                   frac(irun1)=a1324/(1d0+a1324)
1345                   fact(irun1)=frac(irun1)
1346                enddo
1347*vocl    loop,repeat(Lmax+3)
1348                   do k=1,(index1-1)/2
1349                   do irun1=1,limit1
1350                   Cfunctx1(irun1)=Cfunctx1(irun1)+fraclist1(k)
1351     *            *fact(irun1)
1352                   enddo
1353                   do irun1=1,limit1
1354                   fact(irun1)=fact(irun1)*frac(irun1)
1355                   enddo
1356                   enddo
1357                do irun1=1,limit1
1358                alpha13=0.5d0*(expo1(irun1)+expo3(irun3))
1359                prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1360     *          quotpow1(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)*
1361     *          dsqrt(alpha13)*power13(irun3,irun1)*pow24inv*
1362     *          Cfunctx1(irun1)
1363                enddo
1364                enddo
1365                enddo
1366                enddo
1367      endif
1368      if (index3.eq.1) then
1369                do irun4=1,nprim4
1370                do irun3=1,nprim3
1371                if (l2.eq.l4) then
1372                limit2=irun4
1373                else
1374                limit2=nprim2
1375                endif
1376                do irun2=1,limit2
1377                pow24=doff2*power24(irun4,irun2)*
1378     *          dsqrt(0.5d0*(expo2(irun2)+expo4(irun4)))
1379                if (l1.eq.l3) then
1380                limit1=irun3
1381                else
1382                limit1=nprim1
1383                endif
1384                do irun1=1,limit1
1385                prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1386     *          prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)+
1387     *          pow24*quotpow2(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)/
1388     *          power13(irun3,irun1)
1389                enddo
1390                enddo
1391                enddo
1392                enddo
1393      else
1394                do irun4=1,nprim4
1395                do irun3=1,nprim3
1396                if (l2.eq.l4) then
1397                limit2=irun4
1398                else
1399                limit2=nprim2
1400                endif
1401                do irun2=1,limit2
1402                alpha24=expo2(irun2)+expo4(irun4)
1403                pow24=doff2*power24(irun4,irun2)*
1404     *          dsqrt(0.5d0*alpha24)
1405                if (l1.eq.l3) then
1406                limit1=irun3
1407                else
1408                limit1=nprim1
1409                endif
1410                do irun1=1,limit1
1411                a2413= alpha24/(expo1(irun1)+expo3(irun3))
1412                   Cfunctx2(irun1)=fraclist2(0)
1413                   frac(irun1)=a2413/(1d0+a2413)
1414                   fact(irun1)=frac(irun1)
1415                enddo
1416*vocl    loop,repeat(Lmax+3)
1417                   do k=1,(index3-1)/2
1418                   do irun1=1,limit1
1419                   Cfunctx2(irun1)=Cfunctx2(irun1)+
1420     *             fraclist2(k)*fact(irun1)
1421                   enddo
1422                   do irun1=1,limit1
1423                   fact(irun1)=fact(irun1)*frac(irun1)
1424                   enddo
1425                   enddo
1426                do irun1=1,limit1
1427                prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1428     *          prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)+
1429     *          quotpow2(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)*
1430     *          Cfunctx2(irun1)*
1431     *          pow24/power13(irun3,irun1)
1432                enddo
1433                enddo
1434                enddo
1435                enddo
1436      endif
1437cbs   make some mirroring for identical l-values
1438cbs   for the case that l1=l3
1439      if (l1.eq.l3) then
1440      do irun4=1,nprim4
1441      do irun3=1,nprim3
1442      do irun2=1,nprim2
1443      do irun1=irun3+1,nprim1
1444      prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1445     *prmints(irun3,irun2,irun1,irun4)
1446      enddo
1447      enddo
1448      enddo
1449      enddo
1450      endif
1451cbs   for the case that l2=l4
1452      if (l2.eq.l4) then
1453      do irun4=1,nprim4
1454      do irun3=1,nprim3
1455      do irun2=irun4+1,nprim2
1456      do irun1=1,nprim1
1457      prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1458     *prmints(irun1,irun4,irun3,irun2)
1459      enddo
1460      enddo
1461      enddo
1462      enddo
1463      endif
1464cbs   some factors which are the same for all cases
1465      do irun4=1,nprim4
1466      do irun3=1,nprim3
1467      do irun2=1,nprim2
1468      do irun1=1,nprim1
1469      prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1470     *prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)*
1471     *coulovlp(irun4,irun2,0,0,l4,l2)*
1472     *coulovlp(irun3,irun1,incl3,incl1,l3,l1)*
1473     *root8ovpi
1474      enddo
1475      enddo
1476      enddo
1477      enddo
1479cbs  look for additional factors, as the
1480cbs  coulomb integrals are calculated
1481cbs  for normalized functions with that
1482cbs  specific l
1484cbs  if l was increased by one, the factor is
1485cbs  0.5*dsqrt((2l+3)/(exponent))
1486cbs  if l was decreased by one, the factor is
1487cbs  2d0*dsqrt(exponent/(2l+1))
1490cbs   check for first function
1493      if (incl1.eq.1) then
1494      fact1=0.5d0*dsqrt(dfloat(l1+l1+3))
1495      do irun4=1,nprim4
1496      do irun3=1,nprim3
1497      do irun2=1,nprim2
1498      do irun1=1,nprim1
1499      factor=fact1/dsqrt(expo1(irun1))
1500      prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1501     *prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)*factor
1502      enddo
1503      enddo
1504      enddo
1505      enddo
1506      elseif (incl1.eq.-1) then
1507      fact1=2d0/dsqrt(dfloat(l1+l1+1))
1508      do irun4=1,nprim4
1509      do irun3=1,nprim3
1510      do irun2=1,nprim2
1511      do irun1=1,nprim1
1512      factor=fact1*dsqrt(expo1(irun1))
1513      prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1514     *prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)*factor
1515      enddo
1516      enddo
1517      enddo
1518      enddo
1519      endif
1522cbs   check for third function
1525      if (incl3.eq.1) then
1526      fact1=0.5d0*dsqrt(dfloat(l3+l3+3))
1527      do irun4=1,nprim4
1528      do irun3=1,nprim3
1529      do irun2=1,nprim2
1530      do irun1=1,nprim1
1531      factor=fact1/dsqrt(expo3(irun3))
1532      prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1533     *prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)*factor
1534      enddo
1535      enddo
1536      enddo
1537      enddo
1538      elseif (incl3.eq.-1) then
1539      fact1=2d0/dsqrt(dfloat(l3+l3+1))
1540      do irun4=1,nprim4
1541      do irun3=1,nprim3
1542      do irun2=1,nprim2
1543      do irun1=1,nprim1
1544      factor=fact1*dsqrt(expo3(irun3))
1545      prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
1546     *prmints(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)*factor
1547      enddo
1548      enddo
1549      enddo
1550      enddo
1551      endif
1552      return
1553      end
1554      subroutine cartoneX(L,Lmax,onecontr,ncontrac,
1555     *MxcontL,onecartX)
1556#include "implicit.h"
1557      dimension onecontr(MxcontL,MxcontL,-Lmax:Lmax,3),
1558     *onecartX(MxcontL,MxcontL,(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1))
1559cbs   arranges the cartesian one-elctron-integrals for X  on a
1560cbs   quadratic matrix
1561      ipnt(I,J)=(max(i,j)*(max(i,j)-1))/2+min(i,j)
1562cbs   - + Integrals    m || mprime     mprime=m+1
1563      do Mprime=2,L
1564      M=mprime-1
1565      iaddr=ipnt(Mprime+L+1,-M+L+1)
1566      do jcont=1,ncontrac
1567      do icont=1,ncontrac
1568      onecartX(icont,jcont,iaddr)=
1569     *onecartX(icont,jcont,iaddr)
1570     *-0.25d0*(
1571     *onecontr(icont,jcont,Mprime,1)+
1572     *onecontr(icont,jcont,-Mprime,3))
1573      enddo
1574      enddo
1575      enddo
1576cbs   - + Integrals    m || mprime     mprime=m-1
1577      do Mprime=1,L-1
1578      M=mprime+1
1579      iaddr=ipnt(Mprime+L+1,-M+L+1)
1580      do jcont=1,ncontrac
1581      do icont=1,ncontrac
1582      onecartX(icont,jcont,iaddr)=
1583     *onecartX(icont,jcont,iaddr)
1584     *-0.25d0*(
1585     *onecontr(icont,jcont,Mprime,3)+
1586     *onecontr(icont,jcont,-Mprime,1))
1587      enddo
1588      enddo
1589      enddo
1590cbs   -1 || 0 integrals
1591      pre=dsqrt(0.125d0)
1592      iaddr=ipnt(L,L+1)
1593      do jcont=1,ncontrac
1594      do icont=1,ncontrac
1595      onecartX(icont,jcont,iaddr)=
1596     *onecartX(icont,jcont,iaddr)
1597     *-pre* (onecontr(icont,jcont,0,3)+
1598     *onecontr(icont,jcont,0,1) )
1599      enddo
1600      enddo
1601      return
1602      end
1603      subroutine cartoneY(L,Lmax,onecontr,ncontrac,
1604     *MxcontL,onecartY)
1605#include "implicit.h"
1606      dimension onecontr(MxcontL,MxcontL,-Lmax:Lmax,3),
1607     *onecartY(MxcontL,MxcontL,(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1))
1608cbs   arranges the cartesian one-electron integrals for Y
1609cbs   on a quadratic matrix
1610      ipnt(I,J)=(max(i,j)*(max(i,j)-1))/2+min(i,j)
1611cbs   + + Integrals    m || mprime     mprime=m+1
1612      do Mprime=2,L
1613      M=mprime-1
1614      iaddr=ipnt(Mprime+L+1,M+L+1)
1615      do jcont=1,ncontrac
1616      do icont=1,ncontrac
1617      onecartY(icont,jcont,iaddr)=
1618     *onecartY(icont,jcont,iaddr)
1619     *-0.25d0*(
1620     *onecontr(icont,jcont,Mprime,1)+
1621     *onecontr(icont,jcont,-Mprime,3))
1622      enddo
1623      enddo
1624      enddo
1625cbs   - - Integrals    m || mprime     mprime=m-1
1626      do Mprime=1,L-1
1627      M=mprime+1
1628      iaddr=ipnt(-Mprime+L+1,-M+L+1)
1629      do jcont=1,ncontrac
1630      do icont=1,ncontrac
1631      onecartY(icont,jcont,iaddr)=
1632     *onecartY(icont,jcont,iaddr)
1633     *+0.25d0*(
1634     *onecontr(icont,jcont,Mprime,3)+
1635     *onecontr(icont,jcont,-Mprime,1))
1636      enddo
1637      enddo
1638      enddo
1639cbs    0 || 1 integrals
1640      pre=-dsqrt(0.125d0)
1641      iaddr=ipnt(L+1,L+2)
1642      do jcont=1,ncontrac
1643      do icont=1,ncontrac
1644      onecartY(icont,jcont,iaddr)=
1645     *onecartY(icont,jcont,iaddr)
1646     *+pre*
1647     *(onecontr(icont,jcont,1,1)+
1648     *onecontr(icont,jcont,-1,3))
1649      enddo
1650      enddo
1651      return
1652      end
1653      subroutine cartoneZ(L,Lmax,onecontr,ncontrac,
1654     *MxcontL,onecartZ)
1655#include "implicit.h"
1656      dimension onecontr(MxcontL,MxcontL,-Lmax:Lmax,3),
1657     *onecartZ(MxcontL,MxcontL,(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1))
1658cbs   arranges the cartesian one-electron integrals for Z
1659cbs   on a quadratic matrix
1660      ipnt(I,J)=(max(i,j)*(max(i,j)-1))/2+min(i,j)
1661cbs   - + Integrals    m || mprime     mprime=m
1662      do Mprime=1,L
1663      iaddr=ipnt(Mprime+L+1,-mprime+L+1)
1664      do jcont=1,ncontrac
1665      do icont=1,ncontrac
1666      onecartZ(icont,jcont,iaddr)=
1667     *onecartZ(icont,jcont,iaddr)+
1668     *0.5d0*(
1669     *onecontr(icont,jcont,Mprime,2)-
1670     *onecontr(icont,jcont,-Mprime,2))
1671      enddo
1672      enddo
1673      enddo
1674      return
1675      end
1676      subroutine chngcont(coeffs,coeffst1,coeffst1a,coeffst2,
1677     *coeffst2a,ncont,nprims,evec,
1678     *type1,type2,work,work2,work3,MxprimL,
1679     *rootOVLP,OVLPinv,exponents)
1681cbs   purpose: makes out of old contraction coefficients(in normalized functions)
1682cbs   new coefficients including the kinematical factors
1683cbs   using the diagonal matrices on type1 and type2 (see subroutine kinemat)
1684cbs   coeffst1a and coeffst2a additionally include the exponents alpha
1685cbs   (that is why ....a). So the exponents in the integrals are moved
1686cbs   to the contraction coefficients and not in some way into the primitive
1687cbs   integrals.
1689cbs   the different cases for contracted integrals differ later on in the
1690cbs   choice of different sets of contraction coefficients.
1693#include "implicit.h"
1694      dimension coeffs(nprims,ncont),    ! original contraction coefficients
1695     *coeffst1(nprims,ncont),            ! A * contraction coefficients
1696     *coeffst1a(nprims,ncont),           ! A * alpha*contraction coefficients
1697     *coeffst2a(nprims,ncont),           ! c*A/(E+m) * contraction coefficients
1698     *coeffst2(nprims,ncont),            ! c*A/(E+m) * alpha *contraction coefficients
1699     *evec(nprims,nprims),
1700     *work(nprims,nprims) ,
1701     *work2(nprims,nprims) ,
1702     *work3(nprims,nprims) ,
1703     *rootOVLP(MxprimL,*),
1704     *OVLPinv(MxprimL,*),
1705     *type1(*),type2(*),
1706     *exponents(*)
1708cbs   first new coefficients for type1 (A)
1709cbs   generate a transformation matrix on work
1711      do J=1,nprims
1712      do I=1,nprims
1713      work(I,J)=0d0
1714      work2(I,J)=0d0
1715      work3(I,J)=0d0
1716      enddo
1717      enddo
1718cbs   build up the transformation matrix
1719      do K=1,nprims
1720      do J=1,nprims
1721      do I=1,nprims
1722      work(I,J)=work(I,J)+evec(I,K)*type1(K)*evec(J,K)
1723      enddo
1724      enddo
1725      enddo
1726      do K=1,nprims
1727      do J=1,nprims
1728      do I=1,nprims
1729      work2(I,J)=work2(I,J)+work(I,K)*rootOVLP(K,J)
1730      enddo
1731      enddo
1732      enddo
1733      do K=1,nprims
1734      do J=1,nprims
1735      do I=1,nprims
1736      work3(I,J)=work3(I,J)+rootOVLP(I,K)*work2(K,J)
1737      enddo
1738      enddo
1739      enddo
1740      do J=1,nprims
1741      do I=1,nprims
1742      work(I,J)=0d0
1743      enddo
1744      enddo
1745      do K=1,nprims
1746      do J=1,nprims
1747      do I=1,nprims
1748      work(J,I)=work(J,I)+OVLPinv(I,K)*work3(K,J)
1749      enddo
1750      enddo
1751      enddo
1752      do K=1,ncont
1753      do I=1,nprims
1754      coeffst1(I,K)=0d0
1755      enddo
1756      enddo
1757cbs   now transform the vectors
1758      do K=1,ncont
1759      do J=1,nprims
1760      do I=1,nprims
1761      coeffst1(I,K)=coeffst1(I,K)+work(J,I)*coeffs(J,K)
1762      enddo
1763      enddo
1764      enddo
1766cbs   now with exponent
1768      do K=1,ncont
1769      do I=1,nprims
1770      coeffst1a(I,K)=exponents(I)*coeffst1(I,K)
1771      enddo
1772      enddo
1774cbs   and now the same for the other type  A/(E+m)
1776      do J=1,nprims
1777      do I=1,nprims
1778      work(I,J)=0d0
1779      work2(I,J)=0d0
1780      work3(I,J)=0d0
1781      enddo
1782      enddo
1783cbs   build up the transformation matrix
1784      do K=1,nprims
1785      do J=1,nprims
1786      do I=1,nprims
1787      work(I,J)=work(I,J)+evec(I,K)*type2(K)*evec(J,K)
1788      enddo
1789      enddo
1790      enddo
1791      do K=1,nprims
1792      do J=1,nprims
1793      do I=1,nprims
1794      work2(I,J)=work2(I,J)+work(I,K)*rootOVLP(K,J)
1795      enddo
1796      enddo
1797      enddo
1798      do K=1,nprims
1799      do J=1,nprims
1800      do I=1,nprims
1801      work3(I,J)=work3(I,J)+rootOVLP(I,K)*work2(K,J)
1802      enddo
1803      enddo
1804      enddo
1805      do J=1,nprims
1806      do I=1,nprims
1807      work(I,J)=0d0
1808      enddo
1809      enddo
1810      do K=1,nprims
1811      do J=1,nprims
1812      do I=1,nprims
1813      work(J,I)=work(J,I)+OVLPinv(I,K)*work3(K,J)
1814      enddo
1815      enddo
1816      enddo
1817      do K=1,ncont
1818      do I=1,nprims
1819      coeffst2(I,K)=0d0
1820      enddo
1821      enddo
1822cbs   now transform the vectors
1823      do K=1,ncont
1824      do J=1,nprims
1825      do I=1,nprims
1826      coeffst2(I,K)=coeffst2(I,K)+work(J,I)*coeffs(J,K)
1827      enddo
1828      enddo
1829      enddo
1831cbs   now with exponent
1833      do K=1,ncont
1834      do I=1,nprims
1835      coeffst2a(I,K)=exponents(I)*coeffst2(I,K)
1836      enddo
1837      enddo
1838      return
1839      end
1840      subroutine cont(L,breit,ifinite)
1842cbs   cont prepares all required contraction coefficients for functions
1843cbs   with angular momentum L
1845#include "implicit.h"
1846#include "para.h"
1847#include "amfi_param.h"
1848      dimension tkintria((MxprimL*MxprimL+MxprimL)/2)
1849      logical breit,breit_finite
1850      breit_finite=.true.
1851cbs   transcon transfers and normalizes contracted functions
1852cbs   ore more precizely the coefficients
1853      call transcon(cntscrtch(1,1,L),MxprimL,
1854     *MxcontL,normovlp(1,1,L),
1855     *contrarray(iaddori(L)),nprimit(L),ncontrac(L))
1856cbs   gentkin generates the matrix of kinetic energy  TKIN
1857      call gentkin(L,TKIN,nprimit(L),exponents(1,L),rootOVLPinv(1,1,L))
1858cbs   kindiag diagonalizes TKIN
1859cbs   for finite nucleus
1860      if (ifinite.eq.2.and.L.eq.0) then
1861      call kindiag(TKIN,TKINTRIA,nprimit(L),evec,eval,breit_finite)
1862      else
1863      call kindiag(TKIN,TKINTRIA,nprimit(L),evec,eval,breit)
1864      endif
1865cbs   kinemat generates kinematic factors in
1866cbs   the basis of eigenvectors
1867      call kinemat(L,nprimit(L),eval,type1,type2,Energy)
1868      incr=nprimit(L)*ncontrac(L)
1869cbs   chngcont= changecont generates the contraction coeffs
1870cbs   including kinematic factors and even exponents as factors
1871      call chngcont(
1872     *contrarray(iaddori(L)),
1873     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(L)),
1874     *contrarray(iaddtyp2(L)),
1875     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(L)),
1876     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(L)),
1877     *ncontrac(L),nprimit(L),evec,
1878     *type1,type2,scratch4,scratch4(nprimit(L)*nprimit(L)+1),
1879     *scratch4(2*nprimit(L)*nprimit(L)+1),MxprimL,
1880     *rootOVLP(1,1,L),OVLPinv(1,1,L),
1881     *exponents(1,L))
1882      return
1883      end
1884      Subroutine contandmult(Lhigh,makemean,AIMP,oneonly,numballcart,
1885     *LUPROP,ifinite,WRK,LWRK)
1886#include "implicit.h"
1887#include "para.h"
1888#include "amfi_param.h"
1889#include "ired.h"
1890      logical makemean,AIMP,oneonly
1891      character*8 xa,ya,za
1892      dimension xa(4),ya(4),za(4)
1894      common /nucleus/ charge,Exp_Finite
1895      double precision normasHERMIT(-Lmax:Lmax,0:Lmax)
1896      data ((normasHERMIT(ml,l),ml=-lmax,lmax),l=0,lmax)
1897     &     /0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,1.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,
1898     &     0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,1.0d0,1.0d0,1.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,
1899     &     0.0d0,0.0d0,1.0d0,1.0d0,3.46410162d0,
1900     &     1.0d0,2.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,
1901     &     0.0d0,4.8989795d0,1.0d0,6.3245553d0,-2.5819889d0,6.3245553d0,
1902     &     2.0d0,-1.6329932d0,0.0d0,
1903     &     3.4641016d0,4.89897949d0,9.16515139d0,4.3204938d0,
1904     &   -3.4156503d0,4.3204938d0,18.330303d0,-1.6329932d0,-6.9282032d0/
1905cbs   get back the real number of functions for the finite nucleus
1906      if (ifinite.eq.2) ncontrac(0)=ncontrac_keep
1908cbs   subroutine to contract radial one-electron integrals
1909cbs   and multiply them with angular factors
1911      xa(1)='********'
1912      ya(1)='********'
1913      za(1)='********'
1914      xa(2)='        '
1915      ya(2)='        '
1916      Za(2)='        '
1917      xa(3)='ANTISYMM'
1918      ya(3)='ANTISYMM'
1919      Za(3)='ANTISYMM'
1920      xa(4)='X1MNF-SO'
1921      ya(4)='Y1MNF-SO'
1922      ZA(4)='Z1MNF-SO'
1924cbs   clean the arrays for cartesian integrals
1926      length3=(numbalLcart*numbalLcart+numbalLcart)/2
1927      iloca=length3
1928CBS   print *, 'iloca',iloca
1929      IOCAX = 1
1930      iocay=iocax+iloca
1931      iocaz=iocay+iloca
1932      iocax2=iocaz+iloca
1933      iocay2=iocax2+iloca
1934      iocaz2=iocay2+iloca
1935      KLAST = IOCAZ2 + ILOCA
1937      call dzero(WRK(iocax),6*length3)
1942cbs   one-electron-integrals:
1943cbs   1. index: number of first contracted function
1944cbs   2. index: number of second contracted function
1945cbs   3. index: pointer(m1,m2)    m1< m2 otherwise change sign of integral
1946cbs   4. index: L-value
1947cbs    onecartX(mxcontL,MxcontL,(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1),Lmax),
1948cbs    onecartY(mxcontL,MxcontL,(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1),Lmax),
1949cbs    onecartZ(mxcontL,MxcontL,(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1),Lmax)
1953cbs   generate one-electron integrals for all L greater/equal 1
1954      if (ifinite.eq.2) charge=0d0 ! nuclear integrals are modelled for finite nucleus somewhere else
1955      do L=1,Lhigh
1956        call contone(L,oneoverr3(1,L),onecontr(1,1,-Lmax,1,L),
1957     *  Lmax,contrarray(iaddtyp3(L)),nprimit(L),ncontrac(L),
1958     *  MxcontL,dummyone,
1959     *  onecartx(1,1,1,L),onecartY(1,1,1,L),onecartZ(1,1,1,L),
1960     *  charge,oneonly)
1961      Enddo
1963cbs   ***********************************************************************
1964cbs   now move all integrals to one big arrays for X,Y,Z
1965cbs   ***********************************************************************
1966      do Lrun=1,Lhigh  !loop over L-values (integrals are diagonal in L)
1967      mrun=0
1968      do Msec=-Lrun,Lrun    ! cartesian M-values  (Mfirst,Msec) with
1969      do Mfirst=-Lrun,Msec  ! Mfirst <= Msec (actually '=' does never appear
1971cbs   determine  if L_X L_Y or L_Z
1972        ipowx=ipowxyz(1,mfirst,Lrun)+ipowxyz(1,msec,Lrun)
1973        ipowy=ipowxyz(2,mfirst,Lrun)+ipowxyz(2,msec,Lrun)
1974        ipowz=ipowxyz(3,mfirst,Lrun)+ipowxyz(3,msec,Lrun)
1976        mrun=mrun+1
1977cbs     now determine the irreducable representations
1978        iredfirst=iredLM(Mfirst,Lrun)
1979        iredsec=iredLM(Msec,Lrun)
1980cbs     check out which IR is the lower one.
1981        if (iredfirst.le.iredsec) then
1982cbs     calculate shift to get to the beginning of the block
1983           iredired=shiftIRIR((iredsec*iredsec-iredsec)/2+iredfirst)
1984     *       +incrlm(Mfirst,Lrun)*itotalperIR(iredsec)+
1985     *        incrLM(Msec,Lrun)
1986       if (mod(ipowx,2).eq.0.and.mod(ipowy,2).eq.1.and.
1987     * mod(ipowz,2).eq.1) then
1988            do icartfirst=1,ncontrac(Lrun) ! loop over functions first index
1989            do icartsec=1,ncontrac(Lrun)   ! loop over functions second index
1990CBS                print *, 'iocax',iocax,iredired,icartsec
1991                WRK(iocax+iredired+(icartsec-1))=
1992     *          WRK(iocax+iredired+(icartsec-1))
1993     *          +onecartx(icartfirst,icartsec,mrun,Lrun)
1994                enddo
1995cbs             shift pointer by number of functions in IR
1996                iredired=iredired+itotalperIR(iredsec)
1997                enddo
1998        endif
1999       if (mod(ipowx,2).eq.1.and.mod(ipowy,2).eq.0.and.
2000     * mod(ipowz,2).eq.1) then
2001                do icartfirst=1,ncontrac(Lrun) ! loop over functions first index
2002                do icartsec=1,ncontrac(Lrun)   ! loop over functions second index
2003                WRK(iocay+iredired+(icartsec-1))=
2004     *          WRK(iocay+iredired+(icartsec-1))
2005     *          +onecarty(icartfirst,icartsec,mrun,Lrun)
2006                enddo
2007cbs             shift pointer by number of functions in IR
2008                iredired=iredired+itotalperIR(iredsec)
2009                enddo
2010        endif
2011       if (mod(ipowx,2).eq.1.and.mod(ipowy,2).eq.1.and.
2012     * mod(ipowz,2).eq.0) then
2013                do icartfirst=1,ncontrac(Lrun) ! loop over functions first index
2014                do icartsec=1,ncontrac(Lrun)   ! loop over functions second index
2015                WRK(iocaz+iredired+(icartsec-1))=
2016     *          WRK(iocaz+iredired+(icartsec-1))
2017     *          +onecartz(icartfirst,icartsec,mrun,Lrun)
2018                enddo
2019cbs             shift pointer by number of functions in IR
2020                iredired=iredired+itotalperIR(iredsec)
2021                enddo
2022        endif
2023        elseif (iredfirst.gt.iredsec) then
2024cbs     In this case, indices are exchanged with respect to former
2025cbs     symmetry of blocks. Therefore, there will be a minus sign
2027cbs     calculate shift to get to the beginning of the block
2028                iredired=shiftIRIR((iredfirst*iredfirst-iredfirst)/2+
2029     *          iredsec)+
2030     *          incrLM(Msec,Lrun)*itotalperIR(iredfirst)+
2031     *          incrLM(Mfirst,Lrun)
2032       if (mod(ipowx,2).eq.0.and.mod(ipowy,2).eq.1.and.
2033     * mod(ipowz,2).eq.1) then
2034                do icartsec=1,ncontrac(Lrun) !loop over functions second index
2035                do icartfirst=1,ncontrac(Lrun) !loop over functions first index
2036                WRK(iocax+iredired+(icartfirst-1))=
2037     *          WRK(iocax+iredired+(icartfirst-1))
2038     *         -onecartx(icartsec,icartfirst,mrun,Lrun)
2039                enddo
2040cbs             shift pointer by number of functions in IR
2041                iredired=iredired+itotalperIR(iredfirst)
2042                enddo
2043        endif
2044       if (mod(ipowx,2).eq.1.and.mod(ipowy,2).eq.0.and.
2045     * mod(ipowz,2).eq.1) then
2046                do icartsec=1,ncontrac(Lrun) !loop over functions second index
2047                do icartfirst=1,ncontrac(Lrun) !loop over functions first index
2048                WRK(iocay+iredired+(icartfirst-1))=
2049     *          WRK(iocay+iredired+(icartfirst-1))
2050     *         -onecarty(icartsec,icartfirst,mrun,Lrun)
2051                enddo
2052cbs             shift pointer by number of functions in IR
2053                iredired=iredired+itotalperIR(iredfirst)
2054                enddo
2055        endif
2056       if (mod(ipowx,2).eq.1.and.mod(ipowy,2).eq.1.and.
2057     * mod(ipowz,2).eq.0) then
2058                do icartsec=1,ncontrac(Lrun) !loop over functions second index
2059                do icartfirst=1,ncontrac(Lrun) !loop over functions first index
2060                WRK(iocaz+iredired+(icartfirst-1))=
2061     *          WRK(iocaz+iredired+(icartfirst-1))
2062     *         -onecartz(icartsec,icartfirst,mrun,Lrun)
2063                enddo
2064                iredired=iredired+itotalperIR(iredfirst)
2065                enddo
2066        endif
2067      endif
2068      enddo
2069      enddo
2070      enddo
2073cbs   copy integrals on arrays with no symmetry blocking at all
2074cbs   which means huge triangular matrices
2075      irun=0
2076      do norb2=1,numballcarT
2077      ired2=iredoffunctnew(norb2)
2078      norbsh2=norb2-shiftIRED(ired2)
2079      do norb1=1,norb2
2080      ired1=iredoffunctnew(norb1)
2081      norbsh1=noRb1-shiftIRED(ired1)
2082      irun=irun+1
2083      iredirEd=shiftIRIR((ired2*ired2-ired2)/2+
2084     *          ired1)
2085      if (ired1.ne.ired2) then
2086        WRK(iocax2+irun-1)=WRK(iocax-1+iredired+norbsh2+
2087     * (norbsH1-1)*itotalperIR(IREd2))
2088        WRK(iocay2+irun-1)=WRK(iocay-1+iredired+norbsh2+
2089     * (norbsH1-1)*itotalperIR(IREd2))
2090        WRK(iocaz2+irun-1)=WRK(iocaz-1+iredired+norbsh2+
2091     * (norbsH1-1)*itotalperIR(IREd2))
2092      else
2093       WRK(iocax2+irun-1)=WRK(iocax-1+iredired+norbsh2*
2094     * (norbsH2-1)/2+norbsh1)
2095       WRK(iocay2+irun-1)=WRK(iocay-1+iredired+norbsh2*
2096     * (norbsH2-1)/2+norbsh1)
2097       WRK(iocaz2+irun-1)=WRK(iocaz-1+iredired+norbsh2*
2098     * (norbsH2-1)/2+norbsh1)
2099      endif
2100      Enddo
2101      enddo
2102c     write a hermit-like file   b.s. 4.10.96
2103CBS   write(6,*) 'number of orbitals ',numbalLcarT
2104CBS   write(6,*) 'length of triangular matrix ', length3
2105              write(LUPROP)  xa,numbofsym,(nrtofiperIR(I),
2106     *        i=1,numbofsym),
2107     *        numballcart,(Loffunction(I),I=1,numballcart),
2108     *        (Moffunction(I),I=1,numballcart),
2109     *        Lhigh,(ncontrac(I),I=0,Lhigh)
2110              write(LUPROP) (WRK(iocax2+irun),irun=0,length3-1)
2111              write(LUPROP)  Ya
2112              write(LUPROP) (WRK(iocay2+irun),irun=0,length3-1)
2113              write(LUPROP)  Za
2114              write(LUPROP) (WRK(iocaz2+irun),irun=0,length3-1)
2116cbs   that is it!!
2118      return
2119      end
2120      subroutine contcasaOO(l1,l2,l3,l4,nstart,primints,
2121     *scratch1,scratch2,cont4OO)
2122cbs   contraction for powers (+2)  with alpha1*alpha3
2123cbs   other-orbit term
2124cbs   use averaged integrals by interchanging kinematic factors
2125cbs   this is case a in the documentation
2126#include "implicit.h"
2127#include "para.h"
2128#include "amfi_param.h"
2129      dimension ncont(4),nprim(4),primints(*),scratch1(*),scratch2(*)
2130     *,cont4OO(*)
2131      ncont(1)=ncontrac(l1)
2132      ncont(2)=ncontrac(l2)
2133      ncont(3)=ncontrac(l3)
2134      ncont(4)=ncontrac(l4)
2135      nprim(1)=nprimit(l1)
2136      nprim(2)=nprimit(l2)
2137      nprim(3)=nprimit(l3)
2138      nprim(4)=nprimit(l4)
2139      ilength=nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4)
2140      nprod=ncont(1)*ncont(2)*ncont(3)*ncont(4)
2144cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2145      do IRUN=1,ilength
2146      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2147      enddo
2148      call contract(
2149     *contrarray(iaddtyp2(l1)), !A *alpha
2150     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l2)), !A/E+m
2151     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l3)), !A/E+m *alpha
2152     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)), !A
2153     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2154     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2155     *scratch1,scratch2)
2156      do irun=1,nprod
2157      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2158      enddo
2162cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2163      do IRUN=1,ilength
2164      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2165      enddo
2166      call contract(
2167     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l1)),
2168     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l2)),
2169     *contrarray(iaddtyp2(l3)),
2170     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2171     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2172     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2173     *scratch1,scratch2)
2174      do irun=1,nprod
2175      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+0.25d0*
2176     *scratch1(irun)
2177      enddo
2181cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2182      do IRUN=1,ilength
2183      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2184      enddo
2185      call contract(
2186     *contrarray(iaddtyp2(l1)),
2187     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2188     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l3)),
2189     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l4)),
2190     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2191     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2192     *scratch1,scratch2)
2193      do irun=1,nprod
2194      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+0.25d0*
2195     *scratch1(irun)
2196      enddo
2200cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2201      do IRUN=1,ilength
2202      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2203      enddo
2204      call contract(
2205     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l1)),
2206     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2207     *contrarray(iaddtyp2(l3)),
2208     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l4)),
2209     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2210     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2211     *scratch1,scratch2)
2212      do irun=1,nprod
2213      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+0.25d0*
2214     *scratch1(irun)
2215      enddo
2216      return
2217      end
2218      subroutine contcasaSO(l1,l2,l3,l4,nstart,primints,
2219     *scratch1,scratch2,cont4SO)
2220cbs   contraction for powers (+2)  with alpha1*alpha3
2221cbs   same orbit term
2222cbs   this is case a in the documentation
2223#include "implicit.h"
2224#include "para.h"
2225#include "amfi_param.h"
2226      dimension ncont(4),nprim(4),primints(*),scratch1(*),scratch2(*),
2227     *cont4SO(*)
2228      ncont(1)=ncontrac(l1)
2229      ncont(2)=ncontrac(l2)
2230      ncont(3)=ncontrac(l3)
2231      ncont(4)=ncontrac(l4)
2232      nprim(1)=nprimit(l1)
2233      nprim(2)=nprimit(l2)
2234      nprim(3)=nprimit(l3)
2235      nprim(4)=nprimit(l4)
2236      ilength=nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4)
2237      nprod=ncont(1)*ncont(2)*ncont(3)*ncont(4)
2238cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2239      do IRUN=1,ilength
2240      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2241      enddo
2242c     write(6,*) 'scratch1 ',(scratch1(I),I=1,ilength)
2243c     write(6,*) 'contraction coeff'
2244c     write(6,*) (contrarray(iaddtyp4(l1)+I),I=0,nprim(1)-1)
2245c     write(6,*) (contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)+I),I=0,nprim(2)-1)
2246c     write(6,*) (contrarray(iaddtyp4(l3)+I),I=0,nprim(3)-1)
2247c     write(6,*) (contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)+I),I=0,nprim(4)-1)
2248      call contract(
2249     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l1)),
2250     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2251     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l3)),
2252     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2253     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2254     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2255     *scratch1,scratch2)
2256c     write(6,*) 'nstart ',nstart
2257      do irun=1,nprod
2258      cont4SO(nstart+irun-1)=scratch1(irun)
2259      enddo
2260      return
2261      end
2262      subroutine contcasb1OO(l1,l2,l3,l4,nstart,primints,
2263     *scratch1,scratch2,cont4OO)
2264cbs   contraction for powers (0)  with alpha1
2265cbs   this is one of the cases b in the documentation
2266cbs   use averaged integrals by interchanging kinematic factors
2267#include "implicit.h"
2268#include "para.h"
2269#include "amfi_param.h"
2270      dimension ncont(4),nprim(4),primints(*),scratch1(*),scratch2(*)
2271     *,cont4OO(*)
2272      ncont(1)=ncontrac(l1)
2273      ncont(2)=ncontrac(l2)
2274      ncont(3)=ncontrac(l3)
2275      ncont(4)=ncontrac(l4)
2276      nprod=ncont(1)*ncont(2)*ncont(3)*ncont(4)
2277      nprim(1)=nprimit(l1)
2278      nprim(2)=nprimit(l2)
2279      nprim(3)=nprimit(l3)
2280      nprim(4)=nprimit(l4)
2284cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2285      ilength=nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4)
2286      do IRUN=1,ilength
2287      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2288      enddo
2289      call contract(
2290     *contrarray(iaddtyp2(l1)),
2291     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l2)),
2292     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l3)),
2293     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2294     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2295     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2296     *scratch1,scratch2)
2297      do irun=1,nprod
2298      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2299      enddo
2303cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2304      do IRUN=1,ilength
2305      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2306      enddo
2307      call contract(
2308     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l1)),
2309     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l2)),
2310     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l3)),
2311     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2312     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2313     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2314     *scratch1,scratch2)
2315      do irun=1,nprod
2316      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+
2317     *0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2318      enddo
2322cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2323      do IRUN=1,ilength
2324      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2325      enddo
2326      call contract(
2327     *contrarray(iaddtyp2(l1)),
2328     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2329     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l3)),
2330     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l4)),
2331     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2332     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2333     *scratch1,scratch2)
2334      do irun=1,nprod
2335      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+
2336     *0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2337      enddo
2341cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2342      do IRUN=1,ilength
2343      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2344      enddo
2345      call contract(
2346     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l1)),
2347     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2348     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l3)),
2349     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l4)),
2350     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2351     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2352     *scratch1,scratch2)
2353      do irun=1,nprod
2354      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+
2355     *0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2356      enddo
2357      return
2358      end
2359      subroutine contcasb1SO(l1,l2,l3,l4,nstart,primints,
2360     *scratch1,scratch2,cont4SO)
2361cbs   contraction for powers (0)  with alpha1
2362cbs   this is one of the cases b in the documentation
2363#include "implicit.h"
2364#include "para.h"
2365#include "amfi_param.h"
2366      dimension ncont(4),nprim(4),primints(*),scratch1(*),scratch2(*),
2367     *cont4SO(*)
2368      ncont(1)=ncontrac(l1)
2369      ncont(2)=ncontrac(l2)
2370      ncont(3)=ncontrac(l3)
2371      ncont(4)=ncontrac(l4)
2372      nprod=ncont(1)*ncont(2)*ncont(3)*ncont(4)
2373      nprim(1)=nprimit(l1)
2374      nprim(2)=nprimit(l2)
2375      nprim(3)=nprimit(l3)
2376      nprim(4)=nprimit(l4)
2377cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2378      ilength=nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4)
2379      do IRUN=1,ilength
2380      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2381      enddo
2382      call contract(
2383     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l1)),
2384     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2385     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l3)),
2386     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2387     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2388     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2389     *scratch1,scratch2)
2390      call dcopy(nprod,scratch1(1),1,cont4SO(nstart),1)
2391      return
2392      end
2393      subroutine contcasb2OO(l1,l2,l3,l4,nstart,primints,
2394     *scratch1,scratch2,cont4OO)
2395cbs   contraction for powers (0)  with alpha3
2396cbs   this is one of the cases b in the documentation
2397cbs   use averaged integrals by interchanging kinematic factors
2398#include "implicit.h"
2399#include "para.h"
2400#include "amfi_param.h"
2401      dimension ncont(4),nprim(4),primints(*),scratch1(*),scratch2(*)
2402     *,cont4OO(*)
2403      ncont(1)=ncontrac(l1)
2404      ncont(2)=ncontrac(l2)
2405      ncont(3)=ncontrac(l3)
2406      ncont(4)=ncontrac(l4)
2407      nprod=ncont(1)*ncont(2)*ncont(3)*ncont(4)
2408      nprim(1)=nprimit(l1)
2409      nprim(2)=nprimit(l2)
2410      nprim(3)=nprimit(l3)
2411      nprim(4)=nprimit(l4)
2412      ilength=nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4)
2416cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2417      do IRUN=1,ilength
2418      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2419      enddo
2420      call contract(
2421     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l1)),
2422     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l2)),
2423     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l3)),
2424     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2425     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2426     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2427     *scratch1,scratch2)
2428      do irun=1,nprod
2429      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2430      enddo
2434cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2435      do IRUN=1,ilength
2436      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2437      enddo
2438      call contract(
2439     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l1)),
2440     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l2)),
2441     *contrarray(iaddtyp2(l3)),
2442     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2443     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2444     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2445     *scratch1,scratch2)
2446      do irun=1,nprod
2447      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+
2448     *0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2449      enddo
2453cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2454      do IRUN=1,ilength
2455      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2456      enddo
2457      call contract(
2458     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l1)),
2459     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2460     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l3)),
2461     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l4)),
2462     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2463     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2464     *scratch1,scratch2)
2465      do irun=1,nprod
2466      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+
2467     *0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2468      enddo
2472cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2473      do IRUN=1,ilength
2474      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2475      enddo
2476      call contract(
2477     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l1)),
2478     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2479     *contrarray(iaddtyp2(l3)),
2480     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l4)),
2481     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2482     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2483     *scratch1,scratch2)
2484      do irun=1,nprod
2485      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+
2486     *0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2487      enddo
2488      return
2489      end
2490      subroutine contcasb2SO(l1,l2,l3,l4,nstart,primints,
2491     *scratch1,scratch2,cont4SO)
2492cbs   contraction for powers (0)  with alpha3
2493cbs   this is one of the cases b in the documentation
2494#include "implicit.h"
2495#include "para.h"
2496#include "amfi_param.h"
2497      dimension ncont(4),nprim(4),primints(*),scratch1(*),scratch2(*),
2498     *cont4SO(*)
2499      ncont(1)=ncontrac(l1)
2500      ncont(2)=ncontrac(l2)
2501      ncont(3)=ncontrac(l3)
2502      ncont(4)=ncontrac(l4)
2503      nprod=ncont(1)*ncont(2)*ncont(3)*ncont(4)
2504      nprim(1)=nprimit(l1)
2505      nprim(2)=nprimit(l2)
2506      nprim(3)=nprimit(l3)
2507      nprim(4)=nprimit(l4)
2508      ilength=nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4)
2509cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2510      do IRUN=1,ilength
2511      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2512      enddo
2513      call contract(
2514     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l1)),
2515     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2516     *contrarray(iaddtyp4(l3)),
2517     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2518     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2519     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2520     *scratch1,scratch2)
2521      call dcopy(nprod,scratch1(1),1,cont4SO(nstart),1)
2522      return
2523      end
2524      SUBroutine contcascOO(l1,l2,l3,l4,nstart,primints,
2525     *scratch1,scratch2,cont4OO)
2526cbs   contraction for powers (-2)  with factor 1
2527cbs   this is case c in the documentation
2528cbs   use averaged integrals by interchanging kinematic factors
2529#include "implicit.h"
2530#include "para.h"
2531#include "amfi_param.h"
2532      dimension ncont(4),nprim(4),primints(*),scratch1(*),scratch2(*)
2533     *,cont4OO(*)
2534      ncont(1)=ncontrac(l1)
2535      ncont(2)=ncontrac(l2)
2536      ncont(3)=ncontrac(l3)
2537      ncont(4)=ncontrac(l4)
2538      nprod=ncont(1)*ncont(2)*ncont(3)*ncont(4)
2539      nprim(1)=nprimit(l1)
2540      nprim(2)=nprimit(l2)
2541      nprim(3)=nprimit(l3)
2542      nprim(4)=nprimit(l4)
2543      ilength=nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4)
2547cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2548      do IRUN=1,ilength
2549      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2550      enddo
2551      call contract(
2552     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l1)),
2553     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l2)),
2554     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l3)),
2555     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2556     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2557     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2558     *scratch1,scratch2)
2559      do irun=1,nprod
2560      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2561      enddo
2565cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2566      do IRUN=1,ilength
2567      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2568      enddo
2569      call contract(
2570     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l1)),
2571     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l2)),
2572     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l3)),
2573     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2574     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2575     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2576     *scratch1,scratch2)
2577      do irun=1,nprod
2578      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+
2579     *0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2580      enddo
2584cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2585      do IRUN=1,ilength
2586      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2587      enddo
2588      call contract(
2589     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l1)),
2590     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2591     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l3)),
2592     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l4)),
2593     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2594     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2595     *scratch1,scratch2)
2596      do irun=1,nprod
2597      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+
2598     *0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2599      enddo
2603cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2604      do IRUN=1,ilength
2605      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2606      enddo
2607      call contract(
2608     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l1)),
2609     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2610     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l3)),
2611     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l4)),
2612     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2613     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2614     *scratch1,scratch2)
2615      do irun=1,nprod
2616      cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)=cont4OO(nstart+irun-1)+
2617     *0.25d0*scratch1(irun)
2618      enddo
2619      return
2620      end
2621      subroutine contcascSO(l1,l2,l3,l4,nstart,primints,
2622     *scratch1,scratch2,cont4SO)
2623cbs   contraction for powers (-2)  with factor 1
2624cbs   this is case c in the documentation
2625#include "implicit.h"
2626#include "para.h"
2627#include "amfi_param.h"
2628      dimension ncont(4),nprim(4),primints(*),scratch1(*),scratch2(*),
2629     *cont4SO(*)
2630      ncont(1)=ncontrac(l1)
2631      ncont(2)=ncontrac(l2)
2632      ncont(3)=ncontrac(l3)
2633      ncont(4)=ncontrac(l4)
2634      nprod=ncont(1)*ncont(2)*ncont(3)*ncont(4)
2635      nprim(1)=nprimit(l1)
2636      nprim(2)=nprimit(l2)
2637      nprim(3)=nprimit(l3)
2638      nprim(4)=nprimit(l4)
2639      ilength=nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4)
2640cbs   copy primitive integrals to scratch1
2641      do IRUN=1,ilength
2642      scratch1(IRUN)=primints(IRUN)
2643      enddo
2644      call contract(
2645     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l1)),
2646     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l2)),
2647     *contrarray(iaddtyp3(l3)),
2648     *contrarray(iaddtyp1(l4)),
2649     *ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2650     *nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2651     *scratch1,scratch2)
2652      call dcopy(nprod,scratch1(1),1,cont4SO(nstart),1)
2653      return
2654      end
2655      subroutine contone(L,oneoverr3,onecontr,Lmax,
2656     *contcoeff,nprim,ncont,MxcontL,dummy,
2657     *onecartx,onecartY,onecartZ,charge,oneonly)
2658cbs   contracts one-electron integrals and multiplies with l,m-dependent
2659cbs   factors for L-,L0,L+
2660#include "implicit.h"
2661      dimension oneoverR3(*),
2662     *onecontr(MxcontL,MxcontL,-Lmax:Lmax,3),
2663     *contcoeff(nprim,ncont),dummy(ncont,ncont),
2664     *onecartx(MxcontL,MxcontL,
2665     *(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1)),
2666     *onecarty(MxcontL,MxcontL,
2667     *(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1)),
2668     *onecartz(MxcontL,MxcontL,
2669     *(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1))
2670      logical oneonly
2671      ipnt(I,J)=(max(i,j)*(max(i,j)-1))/2+min(i,j)
2672cbs   first of all cleaning dummy and onecontr
2673      do jrun=1,ncont
2674      do irun=1,ncont
2675      dummy(irun,jrun)=0d0
2676      enddo
2677      enddo
2678      if (oneonly) then
2679      iprod=MxcontL*MxcontL*(Lmax+Lmax+1)*(Lmax+1)
2680      call dzero(onecartx,iprod)
2681      call dzero(onecarty,iprod)
2682      call dzero(onecartz,iprod)
2683      endif
2684      iprod=3*(Lmax+lmax+1)*MxcontL*MxcontL
2685      call dzero(onecontr,iprod)
2686cbs   contract onto dummy
2687      do icont2=1,ncont
2688      do icont1=1,ncont
2689      do iprim2=1,nprim
2690      do iprim1=1,nprim
2691      dummy(icont1,icont2)=dummy(icont1,icont2)+
2692     *contcoeff(iprim1,icont1)*contcoeff(iprim2,icont2)*
2693     *oneoverR3(ipnt(iprim1,iprim2))
2694      enddo
2695      enddo
2696      enddo
2697      enddo
2698      do icont2=1,ncont
2699      do icont1=1,ncont
2700      dummy(icont1,icont2)=dummy(icont1,icont2)*charge
2701      enddo
2702      enddo
2703cbs   start to add l,m dependent factors
2704      do M=-L,L
2705      factormin=dsqrt(dfloat(L*L-M*M+L+M))
2706      factor0=dfloat(M)
2707      factorplus=dsqrt(dfloat(L*L-M*M+L-M))
2708      do irun=1,ncont
2709      do jrun=1,ncont
2710      onecontr(irun,jrun,M,1)=dummy(jrun,irun)*factormin  ! L-minus
2711      enddo
2712      enddo
2713      do irun=1,ncont
2714      do jrun=1,ncont
2715      onecontr(irun,jrun,M,2)=dummy(jrun,irun)*factor0    ! L-0
2716      enddo
2717      enddo
2718      do irun=1,ncont
2719      do jrun=1,ncont
2720      onecontr(irun,jrun,M,3)=dummy(jrun,irun)*factorplus ! L-plus
2721      enddo
2722      enddo
2723      enddo
2724cbs   make the final cartesian integrals
2725      call cartoneX(L,Lmax,onecontr,ncont,
2726     *MxcontL,onecartX(1,1,1))
2727      call cartoneY(L,Lmax,onecontr,ncont,
2728     *MxcontL,onecartY(1,1,1))
2729      call cartoneZ(L,Lmax,onecontr,ncont,
2730     *MxcontL,onecartZ(1,1,1))
2731      return
2732      end
2733      subroutine contract( coeffs1, coeffs2, coeffs3, coeffs4,
2734     *  ncont, nprim, arr1, arr2 )
2735c coeffs1, !(nprim(1),ncont(1)) modified contraction coefficients
2736c coeffs2, !(nprim(2),ncont(2)) modified contraction coefficients
2737c coeffs3, !(nprim(3),ncont(3)) modified contraction coefficients
2738c coeffs4, !(nprim(4),ncont(4)) modified contraction coefficients
2739c ncont,   ! i-th element is number of contracted functions i. index
2740c nprim,   ! i-th element is number of primitive functions  i. index
2741cbs  array one contains at the beginning the uncontracted integrals
2742c arr1,  ! array of size (nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4))
2743c arr2   ! array of size (nprim(1)*nprim(2)*nprim(3)*nprim(4))
2744#include "implicit.h"
2745      dimension coeffs1(*),coeffs2(*),coeffs3(*),coeffs4(*),
2746     *arr1(*),arr2(*),ncont(4),nprim(4),nolds(4),nnew(4)
2748cbs   makes four indextransformations in a row....
2749cbs   try to find out, which indices should be transformed first...
2751      ratio1=dfloat(nprim(1))/dfloat(ncont(1))
2752      ratio2=dfloat(nprim(2))/dfloat(ncont(2))
2753      ratio3=dfloat(nprim(3))/dfloat(ncont(3))
2754      ratio4=dfloat(nprim(4))/dfloat(ncont(4))
2755      do IBM=1,4
2756      nolds(IBM)=nprim(IBM)
2757      nnew(IBM)=nprim(IBM)
2758      enddo
2759cbs   determine first, second,third and last index
2760cbs   determine the first
2761      xmax=max(ratio1,ratio2,ratio3,ratio4)
2762      if (xmax.eq.ratio1) then
2763      ifirst=1
2764      ratio1=0
2765      nnew(ifirst)=ncont(ifirst)
2766      call trans(coeffs1,nprim(1),ncont(1),1,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2767     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr1,arr2)
2768      else if (xmax.eq.ratio2) then
2769      ifirst=2
2770      ratio2=0
2771      nnew(ifirst)=ncont(ifirst)
2772      call trans(coeffs2,nprim(2),ncont(2),2,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2773     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr1,arr2)
2774      else if (xmax.eq.ratio3) then
2775      ifirst=3
2776      ratio3=0
2777      nnew(ifirst)=ncont(ifirst)
2778      call trans(coeffs3,nprim(3),ncont(3),3,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2779     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr1,arr2)
2780      else if (xmax.eq.ratio4) then
2781      ifirst=4
2782      ratio4=0
2783      nnew(ifirst)=ncont(ifirst)
2784      call trans(coeffs4,nprim(4),ncont(4),4,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2785     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr1,arr2)
2786      endif
2787      nolds(ifirst)=nnew(ifirst)
2788cbs   determine the second
2789      xmax=max(ratio1,ratio2,ratio3,ratio4)
2790      if (xmax.eq.ratio1) then
2791      isec=1
2792      ratio1=0
2793      nnew(isec)=ncont(isec)
2794      call trans(coeffs1,nprim(1),ncont(1),1,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2795     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr2,arr1)
2796      else if (xmax.eq.ratio2) then
2797      isec=2
2798      ratio2=0
2799      nnew(isec)=ncont(isec)
2800      call trans(coeffs2,nprim(2),ncont(2),2,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2801     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr2,arr1)
2802      else if (xmax.eq.ratio3) then
2803      isec=3
2804      ratio3=0
2805      nnew(isec)=ncont(isec)
2806      call trans(coeffs3,nprim(3),ncont(3),3,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2807     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr2,arr1)
2808      else if (xmax.eq.ratio4) then
2809      isec=4
2810      ratio4=0
2811      nnew(isec)=ncont(isec)
2812      call trans(coeffs4,nprim(4),ncont(4),4,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2813     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr2,arr1)
2814      endif
2815      nolds(isec)=nnew(isec)
2816cbs   determine the third
2817      xmax=max(ratio1,ratio2,ratio3,ratio4)
2818      if (xmax.eq.ratio1) then
2819      ithird=1
2820      ratio1=0
2821      nnew(ithird)=ncont(ithird)
2822      call trans(coeffs1,nprim(1),ncont(1),1,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2823     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr1,arr2)
2824      else if (xmax.eq.ratio2) then
2825      ithird=2
2826      ratio2=0
2827      nnew(ithird)=ncont(ithird)
2828      call trans(coeffs2,nprim(2),ncont(2),2,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2829     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr1,arr2)
2830      else if (xmax.eq.ratio3) then
2831      ithird=3
2832      ratio3=0
2833      nnew(ithird)=ncont(ithird)
2834      call trans(coeffs3,nprim(3),ncont(3),3,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2835     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr1,arr2)
2836      else if (xmax.eq.ratio4) then
2837      ithird=4
2838      ratio4=0
2839      nnew(ithird)=ncont(ithird)
2840      call trans(coeffs4,nprim(4),ncont(4),4,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2841     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr1,arr2)
2842      endif
2843      nolds(ithird)=nnew(ithird)
2844cbs   determine the last
2845      xmax=max(ratio1,ratio2,ratio3,ratio4)
2846      if (xmax.eq.ratio1) then
2847      ifourth=1
2848      ratio1=0
2849      nnew(ifourth)=ncont(ifourth)
2850      call trans(coeffs1,nprim(1),ncont(1),1,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2851     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr2,arr1)
2852      else if (xmax.eq.ratio2) then
2853      ifourth=2
2854      ratio2=0
2855      nnew(ifourth)=ncont(ifourth)
2856      call trans(coeffs2,nprim(2),ncont(2),2,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2857     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr2,arr1)
2858      else if (xmax.eq.ratio3) then
2859      ifourth=3
2860      ratio3=0
2861      nnew(ifourth)=ncont(ifourth)
2862      call trans(coeffs3,nprim(3),ncont(3),3,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2863     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr2,arr1)
2864      else if (xmax.eq.ratio4) then
2865      ifourth=4
2866      ratio4=0
2867      nnew(ifourth)=ncont(ifourth)
2868      call trans(coeffs4,nprim(4),ncont(4),4,nolds(1),nolds(2),
2869     *nolds(3),nolds(4),nnew(1),nnew(2),nnew(3),nnew(4),arr2,arr1)
2870      endif
2871cbs   contracted integrals are now on
2872cbs   arr1(ncont1,ncont2,ncont3,ncont4)
2873      return
2874      end
2875      double precision function  couple3J(
2876     *l1, l2, l3, m1, m2, m3)
2877cbs this routine calculates the coupling of three angular momenta to  zero
2880cbs   Int dOmega i^(l1+l2+l3) Y^l1_m1 (Omega) Y^l2_m2 (Omega) Y^l3_m3 (Omega) =
2881cbs   sqrt( (2l1+1)(2l2+1)(2l2+3)/ 4Pi)  * 3J(l1,l2,l3,0,0,0) *
2882cbs   3J(l1,l2,l3,m1,m2,m3)
2885#include "implicit.h"
2886#include "pi.h"
2887      double precision inv4pi
2888cbs   (4*PI)**-1
2889      inv4pi=0.25d0/pi
2890cbs   initialize couple3J-coefficient
2891      couple3J=0d0
2892cbs   quick check
2893      if (m1+m2+m3.ne.0) return
2894cbs   double all values for regge3j
2895      l1d=l1+l1
2896      l2d=l2+l2
2897      l3d=l3+l3
2898      m1d=m1+m1
2899      m2d=m2+m2
2900      m3d=m3+m3
2901      fac1=dsqrt(dfloat(l1d+1)*dfloat(l2d+1)*dfloat(l3d+1)*inv4pi)
2902      fac2=regge3j(l1d,l2d,l3d,0,0,0)
2903      fac3=regge3j(l1d,l2d,l3d,m1d,m2d,m3d)
2904      couple3J=fac1*fac2*fac3
2905      return
2906      end
2907      subroutine daxpint(from,to,fact,ndim1,ndim2,ndim3,ndim4)
2908#include "implicit.h"
2909cbs   subroutine similar to daxpy with interchange of two indices
2910cbs   change from physicists notation to chemists notaion
2911cbs   to(i,j,k,l)=to(i,j,k,l)+fact*from(i,k,j,l)
2912      dimension from(ndim1,ndim2,ndim3,ndim4),
2913     *to(ndim1,ndim3,ndim2,ndim4)
2914      if (fact.eq.0d0) return
2915      do irun4=1,ndim4
2916      do irun3=1,ndim3
2917      do irun2=1,ndim2
2918      do irun1=1,ndim1
2919      to(irun1,irun3,irun2,irun4)=to(irun1,irun3,irun2,irun4)+
2920     *fact*from(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)
2921      enddo
2922      enddo
2923      enddo
2924      enddo
2925      return
2926      end
2927      subroutine gen1overR3(Lhigh)
2928#include "implicit.h"
2929cbs   generates the radial integrals  for the one electron spin orbit integrals
2930cbs   taken the 1/r**3 formula from the documentation and included additional
2931cbs   factors for normalization
2932#include "para.h"
2933#include "amfi_param.h"
2934#include "dofuc.h"
2935#include "pi.h"
2936      do L=1,Lhigh
2937      icount=0
2938      do iprim2=1,nprimit(L)
2939      alpha2=exponents(iprim2,L)
2940      do iprim1=1,iprim2
2941      alpha1=exponents(iprim1,L)
2942      icount=icount+1
2943      oneoverR3(icount,L)=dsqrt(2d0/pi)*
2944     *(df(L+L-2)*2**(L+3)*
2945     *(alpha1*alpha2)**(0.25d0*
2946     *(L+L+3)))/((alpha1+alpha2)**L*df(L+L+1))
2947      enddo
2948      enddo
2949      enddo
2950      return
2951      end
2952      subroutine gencoul(l1,l2,l3,l4,makemean,
2953     *bonn,breit,sameorb,cont4SO,cont4OO,icont4,
2954     *WRK,LFREE)
2955#include "implicit.h"
2956cbs   SUBROUTINE to generate all required radial
2957cbs   integrals for the four angular momenta l1-l4
2958#include "priunit.h"
2959#include "para.h"
2960#include "amfi_param.h"
2961      logical makemean,bonn,breit,sameorb
2962      dimension cont4SO(*),cont4OO(*),WRK(LFREE)
2963      max1=1  !starting values for limits of precalculated
2964c             ! powers of function Cfunct(X)
2965      max2=1
2966cbs   first of all, this routine determines, for which L
2967cbs   values the radial integrals have to be solved
2968cbs   initialize the number of blocks for the different
2969cbs   l-combinations
2970cbs   no (ss|ss) contributions
2971      if (l1.eq.0.and.l2.eq.0.and.l3.eq.0.and.l4.eq.0) return  ! no integrals for <ss|ss>
2972      if (makemean) then
2973                nblock=1  ! sp sp are the first, so the first block
2974                Lstarter(1)=1
2975      else
2976      CALL QUIT('only mean-field with this version')
2977      endif
2978cbs   keep track of L-values for later purposes
2979      Lvalues(1)=l1
2980      Lvalues(2)=l2
2981      Lvalues(3)=l3
2982      Lvalues(4)=l4
2983cbs   now nanz is given the new value
2984      nanz=ncontrac(l1)*ncontrac(l2)*ncontrac(l3)*ncontrac(l4)
2985      nprimprod=nprimit(l1)*nprimit(l2)*nprimit(l3)*nprimit(l4)
2986      IQUOT1 = 1
2987      iquot2=iquot1+nprimprod
2988      iquotp1=iquot2+nprimprod
2989      iquotp2=iquotp1+nprimprod
2990      iprim=iquotp2+nprimprod
2991      iscr1=iprim+nprimprod
2992      iscr2=iscr1+nprimprod
2996      call initfrac(nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),nprimit(l4),
2997     *WRK(iquot1),WRK(iquot2),exponents(1,l1),exponents(1,l2),
2998     *exponents(1,l3),exponents(1,l4))
2999cbs   prepare the powers needed for cfunctx
3002c     There are seven different CASES of integrals following
3003c       (   A  --  C)
3005c     The structure is the same for all cases, therefore comments can be found only on case A
3009cbs   ###########################################################################################################
3010cbs   the (+2) cases          CASE A
3011cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3012      incl1=1  !  Those increments define the case
3013      incl3=1
3014cbs   determine the possible L-values for the integrals by checking for triangular equation
3016      call getlimit(l1+incl1,l2,l3+incl3,l4,Lanf,Lend)
3018cbs   returns first and last L-values (Lanf,Lend), for which
3019cbs   radial integrals have to be calculated
3020      if(Lend-Lanf.ge.0) then
3021cbs   if there are blocks
3022        Lblocks(1)=(Lend-Lanf)/2+1 ! L increases in steps of 2,
3023cbs                                       due to parity conservation
3024        Lfirst(1)=Lanf
3025        Llast(1)=Lend
3026      else
3027        Lblocks(1)=0
3028      endif
3029      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then    ! integrals have to be calculated
3030cbs### check, whether integrals fit on array ################
3031      if  (Lstarter(1)+nanz*Lblocks(1).gt.icont4) then
3032      write(LUPRI,*) 'end at: ',Lstarter(1)+nanz*Lblocks(1)
3033      CALL QUIT('increase icont4 in amfi.F')
3034      endif
3035cbs### check, whether integrals fit on array ################
3036      istart=Lstarter(1) ! gives the address, where to write the contracted integrals
3037cbs   ipow1 and ipow2 are the the numbers of powers in the prefactor
3038cbs   of the function Cfunct
3039cbs   now loop over possible L-values
3040      do Lrun= Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
3041                ipow1=2+(l2+l4+Lrun)/2
3042                ipow2=2+(l1+l3+incl1+incl3+Lrun)/2
3043cbs   those powers have to be generated...
3044      call getpow(ipow1,WRK(iquot1),WRK(iquotp1),
3045     *nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),nprimit(l4))
3046cbs   those powers have to be generated...
3047      call getpow(ipow2,WRK(iquot2),WRK(iquotp2),
3048     *nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),nprimit(l4))
3049c     in buildcoul the radial integrals are calculated
3050                call buildcoul(l1,l2,l3,l4,incl1,incl3,
3051     *          Lrun,WRK(iprim),nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),
3052     *          nprimit(l4),
3053     *          exponents(1,l1),exponents(1,l2),
3054     *          exponents(1,l3),exponents(1,l4),
3055     *          powexp(1,1,l3,l1,lrun),powexp(1,1,l4,l2,lrun),
3056     *          WRK(iquotp1),WRK(iquotp2))
3057cbs   in the contcas_ routines the integrals are contracted, including exponents as prefactors...
3058                if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
3059                call contcasASO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart,WRK(iprim),
3060     *           WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4SO)
3061                else
3062                call contcasASO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart,WRK(iprim),
3063     *           WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4SO)
3064                call contcasAOO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart,WRK(iprim),
3065     *           WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4OO)
3066                endif
3067                istart=istart+nanz  ! start-address for the next block of contracted integrals
3068      enddo
3069      endif
3070cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3071cbs   the (0) cases         CASE  B
3072cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3073      incl1=0
3074      incl3=0
3075      call getlimit(l1+incl1,l2,l3+incl3,l4,Lanf,Lend)
3076      if(Lend-Lanf.ge.0) then
3077      Lblocks(2)=(Lend-Lanf)/2+1
3078      Lfirst(2)=Lanf
3079      Llast(2)=Lend
3080      Lblocks(3)=(Lend-Lanf)/2+1
3081      Lfirst(3)=Lanf
3082      Llast(3)=Lend
3083      else
3084      Lblocks(2)=0
3085      Lblocks(3)=0
3086      endif
3087      Lstarter(2)=Lstarter(1)+
3088     *nanz*Lblocks(1)
3089      Lstarter(3)=Lstarter(2)+
3090     *nanz*Lblocks(2)
3091cbs   primitive integrals are the same for type 2 and 3  !!!!!
3092      if (Lblocks(2).gt.0) then
3093cbs### check, whether integrals fit on array ################
3094      if  (Lstarter(2)+2*nanz*Lblocks(2).gt.icont4) then
3095      write(LUPRI,*) 'end at: ',Lstarter(2)+2*nanz*Lblocks(2)
3096      CALL QUIT('increase icont4 in amfi.F')
3097      endif
3098cbs### check, whether integrals fit on array ################
3099      istart=Lstarter(2)
3100      istart2=Lstarter(3)
3101      do Lrun= Lfirst(2),Llast(2),2
3102      ipow1=2+(l2+l4+Lrun)/2
3103      ipow2=2+(l1+l3+incl1+incl3+Lrun)/2
3104      call getpow(ipow1,WRK(iquot1),WRK(iquotp1),
3105     *nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),nprimit(l4))
3106      call getpow(ipow2,WRK(iquot2),WRK(iquotp2),
3107     *nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),nprimit(l4))
3108      call buildcoul(l1,l2,l3,l4,incl1,incl3,
3109     *Lrun,WRK(iprim),nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),
3110     *nprimit(l4),
3111     *exponents(1,l1),exponents(1,l2),
3112     *exponents(1,l3),exponents(1,l4),
3113     *powexp(1,1,l3,l1,lrun),powexp(1,1,l4,l2,lrun),
3114     *WRK(iquotp1),WRK(iquotp2))
3115      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
3116      call contcasB1SO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart,WRK(iprim),
3117     *WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4SO)
3118      call contcasB2SO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart2,WRK(iprim),
3119     *WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4SO)
3120      else
3121      call contcasB1SO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart,WRK(iprim),
3122     *WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4SO)
3123      call contcasB2SO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart2,WRK(iprim),
3124     *WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4SO)
3125      Call contcasB1OO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart,WRK(iprim),
3126     *WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4OO)
3127      Call contcasB2OO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart2,WRK(iprim),
3128     *WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4OO)
3129      endif
3130      istart=istart+nanz
3131      istart2=istart2+nanz
3132      enddo
3133      endif
3134cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3135cbs   the (-2) cases      CASE C
3136cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3137      if (l1.eq.0.or.l3.eq.0) then
3138      Lblocks(4)=0
3139      else
3140      incl1=-1
3141      incl3=-1
3142      call getlimit(l1+incl1,l2,l3+incl3,l4,Lanf,Lend)
3143      if(Lend-Lanf.ge.0) then
3144      Lblocks(4)=(Lend-Lanf)/2+1
3145      Lfirst(4)=Lanf
3146      Llast(4)=Lend
3147      else
3148      Lblocks(4)=0
3149      endif
3150      endif
3151      Lstarter(4)=Lstarter(3)+
3152     *nanz*Lblocks(3)
3153      if (Lblocks(4).gt.0) then
3154cbs### check, whether integrals fit on array ################
3155      if  (Lstarter(4)+nanz*Lblocks(4).gt.icont4) then
3156      write(LUPRI,*) 'end at: ',Lstarter(4)+nanz*Lblocks(4)
3157      CALL QUIT('increase icont4 in amfi.F')
3158      endif
3159cbs### check, whether integrals fit on array ################
3160      istart=Lstarter(4)
3161      do Lrun= Lfirst(4),Llast(4),2
3162      ipow1=2+(l2+l4+Lrun)/2
3163      ipow2=2+(l1+l3+incl1+incl3+Lrun)/2
3164      call getpow(ipow1,WRK(iquot1),WRK(iquotp1),
3165     *nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),nprimit(l4))
3166      call getpow(ipow2,WRK(iquot2),WRK(iquotp2),
3167     *nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),nprimit(l4))
3168      call buildcoul(l1,l2,l3,l4,incl1,incl3,
3169     *Lrun,WRK(iprim),nprimit(l1),nprimit(l2),nprimit(l3),
3170     *nprimit(l4),
3171     *exponents(1,l1),exponents(1,l2),
3172     *exponents(1,l3),exponents(1,l4),
3173     *powexp(1,1,l3,l1,lrun),powexp(1,1,l4,l2,lrun),
3174     *WRK(iquotp1),WRK(iquotp2))
3175      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
3176      call contcasCSO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart,WRK(iprim),
3177     *WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4SO)
3178      else
3179      call contcasCSO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart,WRK(iprim),
3180     *WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4SO)
3181      call contcasCOO(l1,l2,l3,l4,istart,WRK(iprim),
3182     *WRK(iscr1),WRK(iscr2),cont4OO)
3183      endif
3184      istart=istart+nanz
3185      enddo
3186      endif
3187      return
3188      end
3189      subroutine gencoulDIM(l1,l2,l3,l4,makemean,
3190     *bonn,breit,sameorb,icont4)
3191#include "implicit.h"
3192#include "priunit.h"
3193#include "para.h"
3194#include "amfi_param.h"
3195cbs   SUBROUTINE to calculate the dimemsion of the radial integral
3197cbs   integrals for the four angular momenta l1-l4
3198      logical makemean,bonn,breit,sameorb
3199      max1=1  !starting values for limits of precalculated
3200c             ! powers of function Cfunct(X)
3201      max2=1
3203      incont4=0
3205cbs   first of all, this routine determines, for which L
3206cbs   values the radial integrals have to be solved
3207cbs   initialize the number of blocks for the different
3208cbs   l-combinations
3209cbs   no (ss|ss) contributions
3210      if (l1.eq.0.and.l2.eq.0.and.l3.eq.0.and.l4.eq.0) return  ! no integrals for <ss|ss>
3211      if (makemean) then
3212                nblock=1  ! sp sp are the first, so the first block
3213                Lstarter(1)=1
3214      else
3215      CALL QUIT('only mean-field with this version')
3216      endif
3217cbs   keep track of L-values for later purposes
3218      Lvalues(1)=l1
3219      Lvalues(2)=l2
3220      Lvalues(3)=l3
3221      Lvalues(4)=l4
3222cbs   now nanz is given the new value
3223      nanz=ncontrac(l1)*ncontrac(l2)*ncontrac(l3)*ncontrac(l4)
3224      nprimprod=nprimit(l1)*nprimit(l2)*nprimit(l3)*nprimit(l4)
3226cbs   prepare the powers needed for cfunctx
3229c     There are seven different CASES of integrals following
3230c       (   A  --  C)
3232c     The structure is the same for all cases, therefore comments can be found only on case A
3236cbs   ###########################################################################################################
3237cbs   the (+2) cases          CASE A
3238cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3239      incl1=1  !  Those increments define the case
3240      incl3=1
3241cbs   determine the possible L-values for the integrals by checking for triangular equation
3243      call getlimit(l1+incl1,l2,l3+incl3,l4,Lanf,Lend)
3245cbs   returns first and last L-values (Lanf,Lend), for which
3246cbs   radial integrals have to be calculated
3247      if(Lend-Lanf.ge.0) then
3248cbs   if there are blocks
3249        Lblocks(1)=(Lend-Lanf)/2+1 ! L increases in steps of 2,
3250cbs                                       due to parity conservation
3251        Lfirst(1)=Lanf
3252        Llast(1)=Lend
3253      else
3254        Lblocks(1)=0
3255      endif
3256cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3257cbs   the (0) cases         CASE  B
3258cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3259      incl1=0
3260      incl3=0
3261      call getlimit(l1+incl1,l2,l3+incl3,l4,Lanf,Lend)
3262      if(Lend-Lanf.ge.0) then
3263      Lblocks(2)=(Lend-Lanf)/2+1
3264      Lfirst(2)=Lanf
3265      Llast(2)=Lend
3266      Lblocks(3)=(Lend-Lanf)/2+1
3267      Lfirst(3)=Lanf
3268      Llast(3)=Lend
3269      else
3270      Lblocks(2)=0
3271      Lblocks(3)=0
3272      endif
3273      Lstarter(2)=Lstarter(1)+
3274     *nanz*Lblocks(1)
3275      Lstarter(3)=Lstarter(2)+
3276     *nanz*Lblocks(2)
3277cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3278cbs   the (-2) cases      CASE C
3279cbs   ##########################################################################################################
3280      if (l1.eq.0.or.l3.eq.0) then
3281      Lblocks(4)=0
3282      else
3283      incl1=-1
3284      incl3=-1
3285      call getlimit(l1+incl1,l2,l3+incl3,l4,Lanf,Lend)
3286      if(Lend-Lanf.ge.0) then
3287      Lblocks(4)=(Lend-Lanf)/2+1
3288      Lfirst(4)=Lanf
3289      Llast(4)=Lend
3290      else
3291      Lblocks(4)=0
3292      endif
3293      endif
3294      Lstarter(4)=Lstarter(3)+
3295     *nanz*Lblocks(3)
3297CBS   now the hole purpose of this routine
3299      icont4=Lstarter(4)+nanz*Lblocks(4)
3300      return
3301      end
3302      subroutine genovlp(Lhigh)
3303#include "implicit.h"
3304#include "para.h"
3305#include "amfi_param.h"
3306cbs   generates overlap of normalized  primitives.
3307      dimension evecinv(MxprimL,MxprimL)
3308      do L=0,Lhigh
3309        do Jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3310        do Irun=1,nprimit(L)
3311        normovlp(Irun,Jrun,L)=coulovlp(irun,jrun,0,0,
3312     *  L,L)
3313        enddo
3314        enddo
3315cbs   invert the matrix, not very elegant, but sufficient
3316      ipnt=0
3317      do jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3318      do irun=1,jrun
3319      ipnt=ipnt+1
3320      scratchinv(ipnt)=normovlp(irun,jrun,L)
3321      enddo
3322      enddo
3323      do Jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3324      do Irun=1,nprimit(L)
3325      evecinv(Irun,Jrun)=0d0
3326      enddo
3327      enddo
3328      do Jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3329      evecinv(jrun,jrun)=1d0
3330      enddo
3331      call jacobi(scratchinv,evecinv,nprimit(L),MxprimL)
3332      do irun=1,nprimit(L)
3333      eval(irun)=dsqrt(scratchinv((irun*irun+irun)/2))
3334      enddo
3335cbs   ensure normalization of the vectors.
3336      do IRUN=1,nprimit(L)
3337      fact=0d0
3338      do JRUN=1,nprimit(L)
3339      fact=fact+evecinv(JRUN,IRUN)*evecinv(JRUN,IRUN)
3340      enddo
3341      fact=1d0/dsqrt(fact)
3342      do JRUN=1,nprimit(L)
3343      evecinv(JRUN,IRUN)=fact*evecinv(JRUN,IRUN)
3344      enddo
3345      enddo
3346cbs   now generate rootOVLP
3347      do irun=1,nprimit(L)
3348      do jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3349      rootOVLP(irun,jrun,l)=0d0
3350      enddo
3351      enddo
3352      do jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3353      do irun=1,nprimit(L)
3354      do krun=1,nprimit(L)
3355      rootOVLP(irun,jrun,L)=rootOVLP(irun,jrun,L)+
3356     *evecinv(irun,krun)*evecinv(jrun,krun)*eval(krun)
3357      enddo
3358      enddo
3359      enddo
3360cbs   now generate rootOVLPinv
3361      do irun=1,nprimit(L)
3362      eval(irun)=1d0/eval(irun)
3363      enddo
3364      do irun=1,nprimit(L)
3365      do jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3366      rootOVLPinv(irun,jrun,l)=0d0
3367      enddo
3368      enddo
3369      do jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3370      do irun=1,nprimit(L)
3371      do krun=1,nprimit(L)
3372      rootOVLPinv(irun,jrun,L)=rootOVLPinv(irun,jrun,L)+
3373     *evecinv(irun,krun)*evecinv(jrun,krun)*eval(krun)
3374      enddo
3375      enddo
3376      enddo
3377cbs   now generate OVLPinv
3378      do irun=1,nprimit(L)
3379      eval(irun)=eval(irun)*eval(irun)
3380      enddo
3381      do irun=1,nprimit(L)
3382      do jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3383      OVLPinv(irun,jrun,l)=0d0
3384      enddo
3385      enddo
3386      do jrun=1,nprimit(L)
3387      do irun=1,nprimit(L)
3388      do krun=1,nprimit(L)
3389      OVLPinv(irun,jrun,L)=OVLPinv(irun,jrun,L)+
3390     *evecinv(irun,krun)*evecinv(jrun,krun)*eval(krun)
3391      enddo
3392      enddo
3393      enddo
3394      enddo
3395      return
3396      end
3397      subroutine genpowers(Lhigh)
3398#include "implicit.h"
3399#include "para.h"
3400#include "amfi_param.h"
3401#include "dofuc.h"
3402cbs   set some often used powers of exponents
3403      do L2=0,Lhigh
3404      do L1=0,L2
3405      do irun1=1,nprimit(L1)
3406      do irun2=1,nprimit(L2)
3407      powexp(irun1,irun2,L1,L2,0)=1d0
3408      enddo
3409      enddo
3410      enddo
3411      enddo
3412      do L2=0,Lhigh
3413      do L1=0,L2
3414      do Lrun=1,(L1+L2+5)
3415      do irun2=1,nprimit(L2)
3416      do irun1=1,nprimit(L1)
3417      fact=dsqrt(0.5d0*(exponents(irun1,L1)+exponents(irun2,L2)))
3418      powexp(irun1,irun2,L1,L2,Lrun)= powexp(irun1,irun2,L1,L2,Lrun-1)*
3419     *fact
3420      enddo
3421      enddo
3422      enddo
3423      enddo
3424      enddo
3425cbs   generate coulovlp = overlap for normalized functions, but sometimes
3426cbs   with shifted l-values
3427      do l2=0,lhigh
3428      do incl2=-1,1
3429         if (l2+incl2.ge.0) then  ! do not lower l for s-functions
3430         n2=l2+incl2+1
3431         df2=1d0/dsqrt(df(n2+n2-1))
3432         do l1=0,l2
3433         do incl1=-1,1
3434         if (l1+incl1.ge.0) then ! do not lower l for s-functions
3435         n1=l1+incl1+1
3436         df1=1d0/dsqrt(df(n1+n1-1))
3437         df12=df(n1+n2-1)
3438         do iprim2=1,nprimit(l2)
3439         fact2=dsqrt(powexp(iprim2,iprim2,l2,l2,n2+n2+1))
3440         factor=fact2*df1*df2*df12
3441         do iprim1=1,nprimit(l1)
3442         fact1=dsqrt(powexp(iprim1,iprim1,l1,l1,n1+n1+1))
3443         coulovlp(iprim1,iprim2,incl1,incl2,l1,l2)=
3444     *   fact1*factor/powexp(iprim1,iprim2,l1,l2,n1+n2+1)
3445         enddo
3446         enddo
3447         endif
3448         enddo
3449         enddo
3450         endif
3451      enddo
3452      enddo
3453      return
3454      end
3457      subroutine genstar(Lhigh)
3458#include "implicit.h"
3459#include "para.h"
3460#include "amfi_param.h"
3461cbs   purpose: generate start adresses of contraction coeffs on
3462cbs   contrarray for the different L-Blocks
3463      istart=1
3464      do L=0,Lhigh
3465      inc=nprimit(L)*ncontrac(L)
3466      iaddori(L)=istart
3467      istart=istart+inc
3468      iaddtyp1(L)=istart
3469      istart=istart+inc
3470      iaddtyp2(L)=istart
3471      istart=istart+inc
3472      iaddtyp3(L)=istart
3473      istart=istart+inc
3474      iaddtyp4(L)=istart
3475      istart=istart+inc
3476      enddo
3477      return
3478      end
3479      subroutine gentkin(L,TKIN,nprims,exponents,rootOVLPinv)
3480#include "implicit.h"
3481#include "para.h"
3482cbs   subroutine to generate the kinetic energy
3483      dimension TKIN(nprims,nprims),exponents(*),
3484     *dummy(MxprimL,MxprimL),dummy2(MxprimL,MxprimL),
3485     *rootOVLPinv(MxprimL,MxprimL)
3486cbs   one triangular part of the matrix
3487      do irun2=1,nprims
3488      do irun1=1,irun2
3489        dummy(irun1,irun2)=
3490     *  Tkinet(l,exponents(irun1),
3491     *  exponents(irun2))
3492      enddo
3493      enddo
3494cbs   copy to the other triangular part....
3495      do irun2=1,nprims-1
3496      do irun1=irun2+1,nprims
3497        dummy(irun1,irun2)=dummy(irun2,irun1)
3498      enddo
3499      enddo
3500cbs   now transform by rootovlp*dummy*rootovlp
3501      do jrun=1,nprims
3502      do irun=1,nprims
3503        TKIN(irun,jrun)=0d0
3504        dummy2(irun,jrun)=0d0
3505      enddo
3506      enddo
3507      do irun=1,nprims
3508      do jrun=1,nprims
3509      do krun=1,nprims
3510        dummy2(irun,jrun)=dummy2(irun,jrun)+
3511     *  dummy(irun,krun)*rootovlpinv(krun,jrun)
3512      enddo
3513      enddo
3514      enddo
3515      do irun=1,nprims
3516      do jrun=1,nprims
3517      do krun=1,nprims
3518        Tkin(irun,jrun)=Tkin(irun,jrun)+
3519     *  dummy2(krun,jrun)*rootovlpinv(irun,krun)
3520      enddo
3521      enddo
3522      enddo
3523      return
3524      end
3525      subroutine getAOs(lhigh)
3526#include "implicit.h"
3527#include "dummy.h"
3528#include "priunit.h"
3529#include "para.h"
3530#include "amfi_param.h"
3531cbs   get expansions of atomic orbitals in contracted functions
3532      character*12    occtext,occread
3533      character*18  textnorbmf,textnorbmf2
3534      logical EX
3535      occtext='OCCUPATION: '
3536      textnorbmf='Number of orbitals'
3537      Inquire(File='AO-expansion',exist=EX)
3538      if (.not.EX)  then
3539CBS   write(6,*) 'get occupations from DATA-block'
3540      call getAOs2(lhigh)
3541      return
3542      endif
3543      LUAOEX = -1
3544      CALL GPOPEN(LUAOEX,'AO-expansion','UNKNOWN',' ','FORMATTED',
3545     &            IDUMMY,.FALSE.)
3546      write(LUPRI,*) 'Orbitals for mean-field'
3547      do lrun=0,lhigh
3548      write(LUPRI,'(A3,I3)') 'L= ',lrun
3549      read(LUAOEX,'(A18,I3)') textnorbmf2,noccorb(lrun)
3550      if (textnorbmf.ne.textnorbmf2)
3551     *CALL QUIT('wrong keyword for number of orbitals in getAOs')
3552      write(LUPRI,*) 'number of orbitals ',noccorb(lrun)
3553      do iorbital=1,noccorb(lrun)
3554      read(LUAOEX,'(A12,F6.3)')  occread,occup(iorbital,lrun)
3555      write(LUPRI,'(A,F8.4)') occtext,occup(iorbital,lrun)
3556      if (occread.ne.occtext) CALL QUIT('error reading AOs')
3557      read(LUAOEX,*) (AOcoeffs(icont,iorbital,lrun),
3558     *icont=1,ncontrac(lrun))
3559      write(LUPRI,'(8F10.4)') (AOcoeffs(icont,iorbital,lrun),
3560     *icont=1,ncontrac(lrun))
3561      write(LUPRI,*) ' '
3562      read(LUAOEX,*)
3563      enddo
3564      enddo
3565      call gpclose(LUAOEX,'KEEP')
3566      return
3567      end
3568      subroutine getAOs2(lhigh)
3569#include "implicit.h"
3570#include "para.h"
3571#include "amfi_param.h"
3572cbs   get expansions of atomic orbitals in contracted functions
3573      common /nucleus/ charge,Exp_finite
3574      character*12    occtext
3575      integer closedshells(0:LMAX),openshells(0:LMAX)
3576      call getocc_ao(int(charge),closedshells,openshells)
3577      occtext='OCCUPATION: '
3578      do lrun=0,lhigh
3579      do irun=1,MxcontL
3580      do jrun=1,MxcontL
3581      AOcoeffs(jrun,irun,lrun)=0d0
3582      enddo
3583      enddo
3584      enddo
3585CBS   write(6,*) 'Orbitals for mean-field'
3586      do lrun=0,lhigh
3587CBS   write(6,'(A3,I3)') 'L= ',lrun
3588      do i=1,closedshells(lrun)
3589      occup(i,lrun)=2.0
3590      AOcoeffs(i,i,lrun)=1d0
3591      enddo
3592      noccorb(lrun)=closedshells(lrun)
3593      if (openshells(lrun).gt.0) then
3594      i=closedshells(lrun)+1
3595      occup(i,lrun)=1d0*openshells(lrun)/dfloat(lrun+lrun+1)
3596      AOcoeffs(i,i,lrun)=1d0
3597      noccorb(lrun)=i
3598      endif
3599      if (noccorb(lrun).gt.0) then
3600CBS   write(6,'(A,I3)') 'number of orbitals ',noccorb(lrun)
3601CBS   do iorbital=1,noccorb(lrun)
3602CBS   write(6,'(A,8F8.4)') occtext,(occup(iorbital,lrun),
3603CBS  *iorbital=1,noccorb(lrun))
3604CBS   enddo
3605      endif
3606      enddo
3607      return
3608      end
3610      subroutine getocc_ao(icharge,iclosed,iopen)
3611#include "implicit.h"
3612#include "priunit.h"
3613#include "para.h"
3614      parameter (ichargemax=96)
3615      dimension iclocc(0:Lmax_occ,0:ichargemax)
3616      dimension iopocc(0:Lmax_occ,0:ichargemax)
3617      character*30 occtxt(0:96)
3618      character*32 txt
3619      data txt/'SO-integrals are calculated for '/
3620      dimension iclosed(0:LMAX),iopen(0:LMAX)
3621      data (occtxt(i),i=0,96) /
3622     *'dummy atom (no integrals)     ',
3623     *' H: no mean-field             ',
3624     *'He: 1s^2                      ',
3625     *'Li: [He]2s^1                  ',
3626     *'Be: [He]2s^2                  ',
3627     *' B: [He]2s^2 2p^1             ',
3628     *' C: [He]2s^2 2p^2             ',
3629     *' N: [He]2s^2 2p^3             ',
3630     *' O: [He]2s^2 2p^4             ',
3631     *' F: [He]2s^2 2p^5             ',
3632     *'Ne: [He]2s^2 2p^6             ',
3633     *'Na: [Ne]3s^1                  ',
3634     *'Mg: [Ne]3s^2                  ',
3635     *'Al: [Ne]3s^2 3p^1             ',
3636     *'Si: [Ne]3s^2 3p^2             ',
3637     *' P: [Ne]3s^2 3p^3             ',
3638     *' S: [Ne]3s^2 3p^4             ',
3639     *'Cl: [Ne]3s^2 3p^5             ',
3640     *'Ar: [Ne]3s^2 3p^6             ',
3641     *' K: [Ar]4s^1                  ',
3642     *'Ca: [Ar]4s^2                  ',
3643     *'Sc: [Ar]4s^2 3d^1             ',
3644     *'Ti: [Ar]4s^2 3d^2             ',
3645     *' V: [Ar]4s^2 3d^3             ',
3646     *'Cr: [Ar]4s^2 3d^4             ',
3647     *'Mn: [Ar]4s^2 3d^5             ',
3648     *'Fe: [Ar]4s^2 3d^6             ',
3649     *'Co: [Ar]4s^2 3d^7             ',
3650     *'Ni: [Ar]4s^2 3d^8             ',
3651     *'Cu: [Ar]4s^1 3d^10            ',
3652     *'Zn: [Ar]4s^2 3d^10            ',
3653     *'Ga: [Ar]4s^2 3d^10 4p^1       ',
3654     *'Ge: [Ar]4s^2 3d^10 4p^2       ',
3655     *'As: [Ar]4s^2 3d^10 4p^3       ',
3656     *'Se: [Ar]4s^2 3d^10 4p^4       ',
3657     *'Br: [Ar]4s^2 3d^10 4p^5       ',
3658     *'Kr: [Ar]4s^2 3d^10 4p^6       ',
3659     *'Rb: [Kr]5s^1                  ',
3660     *'Sr: [Kr]5s^2                  ',
3661     *' Y: [Kr]5s^2 4d^1             ',
3662     *'Zr: [Kr]5s^2 4d^2             ',
3663     *'Nb: [Kr]5s^2 4d^3             ',
3664     *'Mo: [Kr]5s^2 4d^4             ',
3665     *'Tc: [Kr]5s^2 4d^5             ',
3666     *'Ru: [Kr]5s^2 4d^6             ',
3667     *'Rh: [Kr]5s^2 4d^7             ',
3668     *'Pd: [Kr]5s^2 4d^8             ',
3669     *'Ag: [Kr]5s^1 4d^10            ',
3670     *'Cd: [Kr]5s^2 4d^10            ',
3671     *'In: [Kr]5s^2 4d^10 5p^1       ',
3672     *'Sn: [Kr]5s^2 4d^10 5p^2       ',
3673     *'Sb: [Kr]5s^2 4d^10 5p^3       ',
3674     *'Te: [Kr]5s^2 4d^10 5p^4       ',
3675     *' I: [Kr]5s^2 4d^10 5p^5       ',
3676     *'Xe: [Kr]5s^2 4d^10 5p^6       ',
3677     *'Cs: [Xe]6s^1                  ',
3678     *'Ba: [Xe]6s^2                  ',
3679     *'La: [Xe]6s^2 5d^1             ',
3680     *'Ce: [Xe]6s^2 4f^2             ',
3681     *'Pr: [Xe]6s^2 4f^3             ',
3682     *'Nd: [Xe]6s^2 4f^4             ',
3683     *'Pm: [Xe]6s^2 4f^5             ',
3684     *'Sm: [Xe]6s^2 4f^6             ',
3685     *'Eu: [Xe]6s^2 4f^7             ',
3686     *'Gd: [Xe]6s^2 4f^8             ',
3687     *'Tb: [Xe]6s^2 4f^9             ',
3688     *'Dy: [Xe]6s^2 4f^10            ',
3689     *'Ho: [Xe]6s^2 4f^11            ',
3690     *'Er: [Xe]6s^2 4f^12            ',
3691     *'Tm: [Xe]6s^2 4f^13            ',
3692     *'Yb: [Xe]6s^2 4f^14            ',
3693     *'Lu: [Xe+4f^14]6s^2 5d^1       ',
3694     *'Hf: [Xe+4f^14]6s^2 5d^2       ',
3695     *'Ta: [Xe+4f^14]6s^2 5d^3       ',
3696     *' W: [Xe+4f^14]6s^2 5d^4       ',
3697     *'Re: [Xe+4f^14]6s^2 5d^5       ',
3698     *'Os: [Xe+4f^14]6s^2 5d^6       ',
3699     *'Ir: [Xe+4f^14]6s^2 5d^7       ',
3700     *'Pt: [Xe+4f^14]6s^1 5d^9       ',
3701     *'Au: [Xe+4f^14]6s^1 5d^10      ',
3702     *'Hg: [Xe+4f^14]6s^2 5d^10      ',
3703     *'Tl: [Xe+4f^14+5d^10]6s^2 6p^1 ',
3704     *'Pb: [Xe+4f^14+5d^10]6s^2 6p^2 ',
3705     *'Bi: [Xe+4f^14+5d^10]6s^2 6p^3 ',
3706     *'Po: [Xe+4f^14+5d^10]6s^2 6p^4 ',
3707     *'At: [Xe+4f^14+5d^10]6s^2 6p^5 ',
3708     *'Rn: [Xe+4f^14+5d^10]6s^2 6p^6 ',
3709     *'Fr: [Rn]7s^1                  ',
3710     *'Ra: [Rn]7s^2                  ',
3711     *'Ac: [Rn]7s^2 6d^1             ',
3712     *'Th: [Rn]7s^2 6d^2             ',
3713     *'Pa: [Rn]7s^2 6d^1 5f^2        ',
3714     *' U: [Rn]7s^2 6d^1 5f^3        ',
3715     *'Np: [Rn]7s^2 6d^1 5f^4        ',
3716     *'Pu: [Rn]7s^2 6d^0 5f^6        ',
3717     *'Am: [Rn]7s^2 6d^0 5f^7        ',
3718     *'Cm: [Rn]7s^2 6d^0 5f^8        '/
3719      data ((iclocc(i,j),i=0,LMAX_occ),j=0,ichargemax) /
3720     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,       !0
3721     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,       !1
3722     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,       !2
3723     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,       !3
3724     & 2 , 0, 0, 0,       !4
3725     & 2 , 0, 0, 0,       !5
3726     & 2 , 0, 0, 0,       !6
3727     & 2 , 0, 0, 0,       !7
3728     & 2 , 0, 0, 0,       !8
3729     & 2 , 0, 0, 0,       !9
3730     & 2 , 1, 0, 0,       !10
3732     & 2 , 1, 0, 0,       !11
3733     & 3 , 1, 0, 0,       !12
3734     & 3 , 1, 0, 0,       !13
3735     & 3 , 1, 0, 0,       !14
3736     & 3 , 1, 0, 0,       !15
3737     & 3 , 1, 0, 0,       !16
3738     & 3 , 1, 0, 0,       !17
3739     & 3 , 2, 0, 0,       !18
3740     & 3 , 2, 0, 0,       !19
3741     & 4 , 2, 0, 0,       !20
3743     & 4 , 2, 0, 0,       !21
3744     & 4 , 2, 0, 0,       !22
3745     & 4 , 2, 0, 0,       !23
3746     & 4 , 2, 0, 0,       !24
3747     & 4 , 2, 0, 0,       !25
3748     & 4 , 2, 0, 0,       !26
3749     & 4 , 2, 0, 0,       !27
3750     & 4 , 2, 0, 0,       !28
3751     & 3 , 2, 1, 0,       !29
3752     & 4 , 2, 1, 0,       !30
3754     & 4 , 2, 1, 0,       !31
3755     & 4 , 2, 1, 0,       !32
3756     & 4 , 2, 1, 0,       !33
3757     & 4 , 2, 1, 0,       !34
3758     & 4 , 2, 1, 0,       !35
3759     & 4 , 3, 1, 0,       !36
3760     & 4 , 3, 1, 0,       !37
3761     & 5 , 3, 1, 0,       !38
3762     & 5 , 3, 1, 0,       !39
3763     & 5 , 3, 1, 0,       !40
3765     & 5 , 3, 1, 0,       !41
3766     & 5 , 3, 1, 0,       !42
3767     & 5 , 3, 1, 0,       !43
3768     & 5 , 3, 1, 0,       !44
3769     & 5 , 3, 1, 0,       !45
3770     & 5 , 3, 1, 0,       !46
3771     & 4 , 3, 2, 0,       !47
3772     & 5 , 3, 2, 0,       !48
3774     & 5 , 3, 2, 0,       !49
3775     & 5 , 3, 2, 0,       !50
3776     & 5 , 3, 2, 0,       !51
3777     & 5 , 3, 2, 0,       !52
3778     & 5 , 3, 2, 0,       !53
3779     & 5 , 4, 2, 0,       !54
3780     & 5 , 4, 2, 0,       !55
3781     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !56
3782     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !57
3783     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !58
3784     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !59
3785     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !60
3787     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !61
3788     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !62
3789     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !63
3790     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !64
3791     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !65
3792     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !66
3793     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !67
3794     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !68
3795     & 6 , 4, 2, 0,       !69
3796     & 6 , 4, 2, 1,       !70
3798     & 6 , 4, 2, 1,       !71
3799     & 6 , 4, 2, 1,       !72
3800     & 6 , 4, 2, 1,       !73
3801     & 6 , 4, 2, 1,       !74
3802     & 6 , 4, 2, 1,       !75
3803     & 6 , 4, 2, 1,       !76
3804     & 6 , 4, 2, 1,       !77
3805     & 5 , 4, 2, 1,       !78
3806     & 5 , 4, 3, 1,       !79
3807     & 6 , 4, 3, 1,       !80
3809     & 6 , 4, 3, 1,       !81
3810     & 6 , 4, 3, 1,       !82
3811     & 6 , 4, 3, 1,       !83
3812     & 6 , 4, 3, 1,       !84
3813     & 6 , 4, 3, 1,       !85
3814     & 6 , 5, 3, 1,       !86
3815     & 6 , 5, 3, 1,       !87
3816     & 7 , 5, 3, 1,       !88
3817     & 7 , 5, 3, 1,       !89
3818     & 7 , 5, 3, 1,       !90
3820     & 7 , 5, 3, 1,       !91
3821     & 7 , 5, 3, 1,       !92
3822     & 7 , 5, 3, 1,       !93
3823     & 7 , 5, 3, 1,       !94
3824     & 7 , 5, 3, 1,       !95
3825     & 7 , 5, 3, 1/       !96
3827      data ((iopocc(i,j),i=0,LMAX_occ),j=0,ichargemax) /
3828     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    !0
3830     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 1
3831     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 2
3832     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 3
3833     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 4
3834     & 0 , 1, 0, 0,    ! 5
3835     & 0 , 2, 0, 0,    ! 6
3836     & 0 , 3, 0, 0,    ! 7
3837     & 0 , 4, 0, 0,    ! 8
3838     & 0 , 5, 0, 0,    ! 9
3839     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 10
3841     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 11
3842     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 12
3843     & 0 , 1, 0, 0,    ! 13
3844     & 0 , 2, 0, 0,    ! 14
3845     & 0 , 3, 0, 0,    ! 15
3846     & 0 , 4, 0, 0,    ! 16
3847     & 0 , 5, 0, 0,    ! 17
3848     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 18
3849     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 19
3850     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 20
3852     & 0 , 0, 1, 0,    ! 21
3853     & 0 , 0, 2, 0,    ! 22
3854     & 0 , 0, 3, 0,    ! 23
3855     & 0 , 0, 4, 0,    ! 24
3856     & 0 , 0, 5, 0,    ! 25
3857     & 0 , 0, 6, 0,    ! 26
3858     & 0 , 0, 7, 0,    ! 27
3859     & 0 , 0, 8, 0,    ! 28
3860     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 29
3861     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 30
3863     & 0 , 1, 0, 0,    ! 31
3864     & 0 , 2, 0, 0,    ! 32
3865     & 0 , 3, 0, 0,    ! 33
3866     & 0 , 4, 0, 0,    ! 34
3867     & 0 , 5, 0, 0,    ! 35
3868     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 36
3869     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 37
3870     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 38
3871     & 0 , 0, 1, 0,    ! 39
3872     & 0 , 0, 2, 0,    ! 40
3874     & 0 , 0, 3, 0,    ! 41
3875     & 0 , 0, 4, 0,    ! 42
3876     & 0 , 0, 5, 0,    ! 43
3877     & 0 , 0, 6, 0,    ! 44
3878     & 0 , 0, 7, 0,    ! 45
3879     & 0 , 0, 8, 0,    ! 46
3880     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 47
3881     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 48
3882     & 0 , 1, 0, 0,    ! 49
3883     & 0 , 2, 0, 0,    ! 50
3885     & 0 , 3, 0, 0,    ! 51
3886     & 0 , 4, 0, 0,    ! 52
3887     & 0 , 5, 0, 0,    ! 53
3888     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 54
3889     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 55
3890     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 56
3891     & 0 , 0, 1, 0,    ! 57
3892     & 0 , 0, 0, 2,    ! 58
3893     & 0 , 0, 0, 3,    ! 59
3894     & 0 , 0, 0, 4,    ! 60
3896     & 0 , 0, 0, 5,    ! 61
3897     & 0 , 0, 0, 6,    ! 62
3898     & 0 , 0, 0, 7,    ! 63
3899     & 0 , 0, 0, 8,    ! 64
3900     & 0 , 0, 0, 9,    ! 65
3901     & 0 , 0, 0, 10,    ! 66
3902     & 0 , 0, 0, 11,    ! 67
3903     & 0 , 0, 0, 12,    ! 68
3904     & 0 , 0, 0, 13,    ! 69
3905     & 0 , 0, 0,  0,    ! 70
3907     & 0 , 0, 1, 0,    ! 71
3908     & 0 , 0, 2, 0,    ! 72
3909     & 0 , 0, 3, 0,    ! 73
3910     & 0 , 0, 4, 0,    ! 74
3911     & 0 , 0, 5, 0,    ! 75
3912     & 0 , 0, 6, 0,    ! 76
3913     & 0 , 0, 7, 0,    ! 77
3914     & 1 , 0, 9, 0,    ! 78
3915     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 79
3916     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 80
3918     & 0 , 1, 0, 0,    ! 81
3919     & 0 , 2, 0, 0,    ! 82
3920     & 0 , 3, 0, 0,    ! 83
3921     & 0 , 4, 0, 0,    ! 84
3922     & 0 , 5, 0, 0,    ! 85
3923     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 86
3924     & 1 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 87
3925     & 0 , 0, 0, 0,    ! 88
3926     & 0 , 0, 1, 0,    ! 89
3927     & 0 , 0, 2, 0,    ! 90
3929     & 0 , 0, 1, 2,    ! 91
3930     & 0 , 0, 1, 3,    ! 92
3931     & 0 , 0, 1, 4,    ! 93
3932     & 0 , 0, 0, 6,    ! 94
3933     & 0 , 0, 0, 7,    ! 95
3934     & 0 , 0, 0, 8/    ! 96
3936      if (icharge.gt.ichargemax) then
3937         CALL QUIT('occupations not implemented')
3938      endif
3939      write(LUPRI,'(A32,A30)') txt,occtxt(icharge)
3940      do irun=0,min(lmax,lmax_occ)
3941         iclosed(irun)=iclocc(irun,icharge)
3942         iopen(irun)=iopocc(irun,icharge)
3943      end do
3944      do irun=min(lmax,lmax_occ)+1,lmax
3945         iclosed(irun)=0
3946         iopen(irun)=0
3947      end do
3948      return
3949      end
3950      double precision function  getCG(
3951     *j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3)
3952c    *j1,     ! integer  2*j1
3953c    *j2,     ! integer  2*j2
3954c    *j3,     ! integer  2*j3
3955c    *m1,     ! integer  2*m1
3956c    *m2,     ! integer  2*m2
3957c    *m3)     ! integer  2*m2
3958cbs this routine calculates the Clebsch-Gordon-coefficients
3959cbs by actually calculating the 3j-symbol
3960cbs  ---                 ---
3961cbs  |  j1   j2    |   j3   |         j1+m1+j2-m2
3962cbs  |             |        |  =  (-)                 sqrt (2  j3+1) *
3963cbs  |  m1   m2    |   m3   |
3964cbs  ---                 ---
3966cbs                             ---             ---
3967cbs                             |  j1   j2   j3   |
3968cbs                             |                 |
3969cbs                             |  m1   m2  -m3   |
3970cbs                              ---            ---
3971#include "implicit.h"
3972cbs   initialize CG-coefficient
3973      getCG=0d0
3974cbs   quick check
3975      if (m1+m2.ne.m3) return
3976      if (j1.lt.0.or.j2.lt.0.or.j3.lt.0) return
3977cbs   check the correct sign    beginning
3978      idummy=(j1+j2+m1-m2)/2
3979      if (mod(idummy,2).eq.0) then
3980      isign=1
3981      else
3982      isign=-1
3983      endif
3984cbs   check the correct sign    end
3985      fac1=dsqrt(dfloat(j3+1))
3986      fac2=regge3j(j1,j2,j3,m1,m2,-m3)
3987      getCG=isign*fac1*fac2
3988      return
3989      end
3999      subroutine getLIMIT(l1,l2,l3,l4,Lanf,Lend)
4000#include "implicit.h"
4001#include "priunit.h"
4002cbs   get the minimum and maximum L-values
4003cbs   of the the coulomb-potential to interact
4004cbs   with l1-l4
4005      lower1=iabs(l1-l3)
4006      lower2=iabs(l2-l4)
4007      lupper1=l1+l3
4008      lupper2=l2+l4
4009      Lanf=max(lower1,lower2)
4010      Lend=min(lupper1,lupper2)
4011cbs     check for parity
4012      lsum=Lanf+l1+l3
4013      if (mod(lsum,2).eq.1) Lanf=Lanf+1
4014      lsum=Lend+l1+l3
4015      if (mod(lsum,2).eq.1) Lend=Lend-1
4016cbs   check the other parity
4017      lsum=Lanf+l2+l4
4018      if (mod(lsum,2).eq.1) then
4019      write(LUPRI,*) ' error in getLIMIT: '
4020      write(LUPRI,*) ' parity inconsistency for '
4021      write(LUPRI,*) 'l1,l2,l3,l4= ',l1,l2,l3,l4
4022      CALL QUIT('Inconsistency error in getLIMIT')
4023      endif
4024      return
4025      end
4026      subroutine getpow(max,quot,quotpow,
4027     *nprim1,nprim2,nprim3,nprim4)
4028cbs   generates some powers of for the prefactors of cfunct(X)
4029cbs   look out for details there and in initfrac
4030#include "implicit.h"
4031#include "para.h"
4032      dimension quotpow(nprim1,nprim2,
4033     *nprim3,nprim4),
4034     *quot(nprim1,nprim2,nprim3,nprim4)
4035      do irun4=1,nprim4
4036      do irun3=1,nprim3
4037      do irun2=1,nprim2
4038      do irun1=1,nprim1
4039      quotpow(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
4040     *dsqrt(quot(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4))
4041      enddo
4042      enddo
4043      enddo
4044      enddo
4045      if (max.eq.1) return
4047      do irun=2,max
4048      do irun4=1,nprim4
4049      do irun3=1,nprim3
4050      do irun2=1,nprim2
4051      do irun1=1,nprim1
4052      quotpow(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
4053     *quotpow(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)*
4054     *quot(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)
4055      enddo
4056      enddo
4057      enddo
4058      enddo
4059      enddo
4060      return
4061      end
4062      subroutine inidf
4063cbs   initializes the df on common block  with double facultatives
4064#include "implicit.h"
4065#include "para.h"
4066#include "amfi_param.h"
4067#include "dofuc.h"
4068      df(0)=1.d0
4069      df(1)=1.d0
4070      do irun=2,ndfmx
4071      df(irun)=dfloat(irun)*df(irun-2)
4072      enddo
4073      do jbm=0,ndfmx-1
4074      do ibm=jbm,ndfmx
4075      dffrac(ibm,jbm)=df(ibm)/df(jbm)
4076      enddo
4077      enddo
4078      do jbm=1,ndfmx
4079      do ibm=0,jbm-1
4080      dffrac(ibm,jbm)=1d0/dffrac(jbm,ibm)
4081      enddo
4082      enddo
4083      return
4084      end
4085      subroutine initfrac(nprimit1,nprimit2,
4086     *nprimit3,nprimit4,
4087     *quot1,quot2,expo1,expo2,
4088     *expo3,expo4)
4089cbs   initialize some arrays with factors  needed for cfunct(x)
4090#include "implicit.h"
4091      dimension expo1(*),expo2(*),expo3(*),expo4(*),
4092     *quot1(nprimit1,nprimit2,nprimit3,nprimit4),
4093     *quot2(nprimit1,nprimit2,nprimit3,nprimit4)
4094      do irun4=1,nprimit4
4095      do irun3=1,nprimit3
4096      do irun2=1,nprimit2
4097        sum24=expo2(irun2)+expo4(irun4)
4098                do irun1=1,nprimit1
4099                quot1(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
4100     *          1d0/(1d0+(expo1(irun1)+expo3(irun3))/
4101     *          sum24)
4102                enddo
4103      enddo
4104      enddo
4105      enddo
4106      do irun4=1,nprimit4
4107      do irun3=1,nprimit3
4108      do irun2=1,nprimit2
4109        sum24=expo2(irun2)+expo4(irun4)
4110                do irun1=1,nprimit1
4111                quot2(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
4112     *          1d0/(1d0+sum24/
4113     *          (expo1(irun1)+expo3(irun3)))
4114                enddo
4115      enddo
4116      enddo
4117      enddo
4118      return
4119      end
4120      subroutine initired
4121#include "implicit.h"
4122cbs   initialize all information for ireducible representations
4123cbs   later on, it might be useful to have a switch for
4124cbs    changing to other orders of IREDs like e.g. in TURBOMOLE
4127c   HOW2ADD another symmetry:
4129c   1. add it in readbas.f to be accepted. Add the number of IRs
4131c   2. copy one of the symmetry-blocks in this subroutine and
4132c      edit the multiplication-table for the group
4134c   3. assign the right IRs to L_X, L_Y and L_Z
4136c   that is  all. Good luck!!!
4138#include "priunit.h"
4139#include "para.h"
4140#include "ired.h"
4141      character*3 symmetry
4142      symmetry='D2H'  ! MOLCAS-Version
4143      if (symmetry.eq.'D2H') then
4144      mult(2,1)=2
4145      mult(3,1)=3
4146      mult(4,1)=4
4147      mult(5,1)=5
4148      mult(6,1)=6
4149      mult(7,1)=7
4150      mult(8,1)=8
4152      mult(3,2)=4
4153      mult(4,2)=3
4154      mult(5,2)=6
4155      mult(6,2)=5
4156      mult(7,2)=8
4157      mult(8,2)=7
4159      mult(4,3)=2
4160      mult(5,3)=7
4161      mult(6,3)=8
4162      mult(7,3)=5
4163      mult(8,3)=6
4165      mult(5,4)=8
4166      mult(6,4)=7
4167      mult(7,4)=6
4168      mult(8,4)=5
4170      mult(6,5)=2
4171      mult(7,5)=3
4172      mult(8,5)=4
4174      mult(7,6)=4
4175      mult(8,6)=3
4177      mult(8,7)=2
4180      do ired=1,8
4181      mult(ired,ired)=1
4182      enddo
4183      do irun=2,8
4184      do jrun=1,irun-1
4185      mult(jrun,irun)=mult(irun,jrun)
4186      enddo
4187      enddo
4188CBS   write(6,*)
4189CBS   write(6,*)
4190CBS  *'multiplicitation table (atkins,child and phillips)'
4191CBS   write(6,*)
4192CBS   do ired=1,8
4193CBS   write(6,'(8I5)') (mult(jred,ired),jred=1,8)
4194CBS   write(6,*)
4195CBS   enddo
4198      IRLX=4
4199      IRLY=3
4200      IRLZ=2
4201cbs   assume same order of ireds as Atkins Child and Phillips use..
4202cbs   would lead to an order with 1 to 1, 2 to 2 ...
4203cbs   however, this is the molecule/ seward order.
4204      iredorder(1)=1
4205      iredorder(2)=4
4206      iredorder(3)=6
4207      iredorder(4)=7
4208      iredorder(5)=8
4209      iredorder(6)=5
4210      iredorder(7)=3
4211      iredorder(8)=2
4212      do ired=1,8
4213      iredorderinv(iredorder(ired))=ired
4214      enddo
4215      ipow2ired(0,0,0)=iredorder(1)
4216      ipow2ired(1,1,0)=iredorder(2)
4217      ipow2ired(1,0,1)=iredorder(3)
4218      ipow2ired(0,1,1)=iredorder(4)
4219      ipow2ired(1,1,1)=iredorder(5)
4220      ipow2ired(0,0,1)=iredorder(6)
4221      ipow2ired(0,1,0)=iredorder(7)
4222      ipow2ired(1,0,0)=iredorder(8)
4223c     write(6,*) 'interacting IRs '
4224      do ired=1,8
4225      IRwithLX(ired)=
4226     *iredorder(mult(IRLX,iredorderinv(ired)))
4227      IRwithLY(ired)=
4228     *iredorder(mult(IRLY,iredorderinv(ired)))
4229      IRwithLZ(ired)=
4230     *iredorder(mult(IRLZ,iredorderinv(ired)))
4231c     write(6,*) IRwithLX(ired),IRwithLY(ired),
4232c    *IRwithLZ(ired)
4233      enddo
4234      elseif(symmetry.eq.'C2V') then
4235cbs   1. A1 2. A2 3. B1 4. B2
4236      mult(2,1)=2
4237      mult(3,1)=3
4238      mult(4,1)=4
4240      mult(3,2)=4
4241      mult(4,2)=3
4243      mult(4,3)=2
4245      do ired=1,4
4246      mult(ired,ired)=1
4247      enddo
4248      do irun=2,4
4249      do jrun=1,irun-1
4250      mult(jrun,irun)=mult(irun,jrun)
4251      enddo
4252      enddo
4253      write(LUPRI,*)
4254      write(LUPRI,*)
4255     *'multiplicitation table '
4256      write(LUPRI,*)
4257      do ired=1,4
4258      write(LUPRI,'(4I5)') (mult(jred,ired),jred=1,4)
4259      write(LUPRI,*)
4260      enddo
4263      IRLX=4
4264      IRLY=3
4265      IRLZ=2
4266cbs   this is the molecule/ seward order.
4267      iredorder(1)=1
4268      iredorder(2)=4
4269      iredorder(3)=2
4270      iredorder(4)=3
4271      do ired=1,4
4272      iredorderinv(iredorder(ired))=ired
4273      enddo
4274      ipow2ired(0,0,0)=iredorder(1)
4275      ipow2ired(1,1,0)=iredorder(2)
4276      ipow2ired(1,0,1)=iredorder(3)
4277      ipow2ired(0,1,1)=iredorder(4)
4278      ipow2ired(1,1,1)=iredorder(2)
4279      ipow2ired(0,0,1)=iredorder(1)
4280      ipow2ired(0,1,0)=iredorder(4)
4281      ipow2ired(1,0,0)=iredorder(3)
4282c     write(6,*) 'interacting IRs '
4283      do ired=1,4
4284      IRwithLX(ired)=
4285     *iredorder(mult(IRLX,iredorderinv(ired)))
4286      IRwithLY(ired)=
4287     *iredorder(mult(IRLY,iredorderinv(ired)))
4288      IRwithLZ(ired)=
4289     *iredorder(mult(IRLZ,iredorderinv(ired)))
4290c     write(6,*) IRwithLX(ired),IRwithLY(ired),
4291c    *IRwithLZ(ired)
4292      enddo
4293      elseif(symmetry.eq.'D2 ') then
4294cbs   1. A1 2. B1 3. B2 4. B3
4295      mult(2,1)=2
4296      mult(3,1)=3
4297      mult(4,1)=4
4299      mult(3,2)=4
4300      mult(4,2)=3
4301      mult(4,3)=2
4303      do ired=1,4
4304      mult(ired,ired)=1
4305      enddo
4306      do irun=2,4
4307      do jrun=1,irun-1
4308      mult(jrun,irun)=mult(irun,jrun)
4309      enddo
4310      enddo
4311      write(LUPRI,*)
4312      write(LUPRI,*)
4313     *'multiplicitation table '
4314      write(LUPRI,*)
4315      do ired=1,4
4316      write(LUPRI,'(4I5)') (mult(jred,ired),jred=1,4)
4317      write(LUPRI,*)
4318      enddo
4321      IRLX=4
4322      IRLY=3
4323      IRLZ=2
4324      iredorder(1)=1
4325      iredorder(2)=2
4326      iredorder(3)=3
4327      iredorder(4)=4
4328      do ired=1,4
4329      iredorderinv(iredorder(ired))=ired
4330      enddo
4331      ipow2ired(0,0,0)=iredorder(1)
4332      ipow2ired(1,1,0)=iredorder(2)
4333      ipow2ired(1,0,1)=iredorder(3)
4334      ipow2ired(0,1,1)=iredorder(4)
4335      ipow2ired(1,1,1)=iredorder(1)
4336      ipow2ired(0,0,1)=iredorder(2)
4337      ipow2ired(0,1,0)=iredorder(3)
4338      ipow2ired(1,0,0)=iredorder(4)
4339c     write(6,*) 'interacting IRs '
4340      do ired=1,4
4341      IRwithLX(ired)=
4342     *iredorder(mult(IRLX,iredorderinv(ired)))
4343      IRwithLY(ired)=
4344     *iredorder(mult(IRLY,iredorderinv(ired)))
4345      IRwithLZ(ired)=
4346     *iredorder(mult(IRLZ,iredorderinv(ired)))
4347c     write(6,*) IRwithLX(ired),IRwithLY(ired),
4348c    *IRwithLZ(ired)
4349      enddo
4350      elseif(symmetry.eq.'C2H') then
4351cbs   assume 1.Ag 2.Au 3.Bg 4.Bu
4352      mult(2,1)=2
4353      mult(3,1)=3
4354      mult(4,1)=4
4356      mult(3,2)=4
4357      mult(4,2)=3
4359      mult(4,3)=2
4361      do ired=1,4
4362      mult(ired,ired)=1
4363      enddo
4364      do irun=2,4
4365      do jrun=1,irun-1
4366      mult(jrun,irun)=mult(irun,jrun)
4367      enddo
4368      enddo
4369      write(LUPRI,*)
4370      write(LUPRI,*)
4371     *'multiplicitation table '
4372      write(LUPRI,*)
4373      do ired=1,4
4374      write(LUPRI,'(4I5)') (mult(jred,ired),jred=1,4)
4375      write(LUPRI,*)
4376      enddo
4379      IRLX=3
4380      IRLY=3
4381      IRLZ=1
4382      iredorder(1)=1
4383      iredorder(2)=2
4384      iredorder(3)=3
4385      iredorder(4)=4
4386      do ired=1,4
4387      iredorderinv(iredorder(ired))=ired
4388      enddo
4389      ipow2ired(0,0,0)=iredorder(1)
4390      ipow2ired(1,1,0)=iredorder(1)
4391      ipow2ired(1,0,1)=iredorder(3)
4392      ipow2ired(0,1,1)=iredorder(3)
4393      ipow2ired(1,1,1)=iredorder(2)
4394      ipow2ired(0,0,1)=iredorder(2)
4395      ipow2ired(0,1,0)=iredorder(4)
4396      ipow2ired(1,0,0)=iredorder(4)
4397c     write(6,*) 'interacting IRs '
4398      do ired=1,4
4399      IRwithLX(ired)=
4400     *iredorder(mult(IRLX,iredorderinv(ired)))
4401      IRwithLY(ired)=
4402     *iredorder(mult(IRLY,iredorderinv(ired)))
4403      IRwithLZ(ired)=
4404     *iredorder(mult(IRLZ,iredorderinv(ired)))
4405c     write(6,*) IRwithLX(ired),IRwithLY(ired),
4406c    *IRwithLZ(ired)
4407      enddo
4408      elseif(symmetry.eq.'CS ') then
4409      write(LUPRI,*) 'CS in initired '
4410cbs   assume 1.A' 2.A'
4411      mult(2,1)=2
4413      do ired=1,2
4414      mult(ired,ired)=1
4415      enddo
4416      do irun=2,2
4417      do jrun=1,irun-1
4418      mult(jrun,irun)=mult(irun,jrun)
4419      enddo
4420      enddo
4421      write(LUPRI,*)
4422      write(LUPRI,*)
4423     *'multiplicitation table '
4424      write(LUPRI,*)
4425      do ired=1,2
4426      write(LUPRI,'(2I5)') (mult(jred,ired),jred=1,2)
4427      write(LUPRI,*)
4428      enddo
4431      IRLX=2
4432      IRLY=2
4433      IRLZ=1
4434      iredorder(1)=1
4435      iredorder(2)=2
4436      do ired=1,2
4437      iredorderinv(iredorder(ired))=ired
4438      enddo
4439      ipow2ired(0,0,0)=iredorder(1)
4440      ipow2ired(1,1,0)=iredorder(1)
4441      ipow2ired(1,0,1)=iredorder(2)
4442      ipow2ired(0,1,1)=iredorder(2)
4443      ipow2ired(1,1,1)=iredorder(2)
4444      ipow2ired(0,0,1)=iredorder(2)
4445      ipow2ired(0,1,0)=iredorder(1)
4446      ipow2ired(1,0,0)=iredorder(1)
4447c     write(6,*) 'interacting IRs '
4448      do ired=1,2
4449      IRwithLX(ired)=
4450     *iredorder(mult(IRLX,iredorderinv(ired)))
4451      IRwithLY(ired)=
4452     *iredorder(mult(IRLY,iredorderinv(ired)))
4453      IRwithLZ(ired)=
4454     *iredorder(mult(IRLZ,iredorderinv(ired)))
4455c     write(6,*) IRwithLX(ired),IRwithLY(ired),
4456c    *IRwithLZ(ired)
4457      enddo
4458      endif
4459      return
4460      end
4461      subroutine kindiag(TKIN,TKINTRIA,ndim,evec,eval,breit)
4462#include "implicit.h"
4463cbs   determines eigenvectors and -values of TKIN
4464      dimension tkin(ndim,ndim),
4465     *TKINTRIA((ndim*ndim+ndim)/2),eval(ndim),evec(ndim,ndim)
4466      logical breit
4467cbs   move symmetric matrix to triangular matrix
4468      itria=1
4469      do irun2=1,ndim
4470      do irun1=1,irun2
4471      TKINTRIA(itria)=TKIN(irun1,irun2)
4472      itria=itria+1
4473      enddo
4474      enddo
4475      do irun2=1,ndim
4476      do irun1=1,ndim
4477      evec(irun1,irun2)=0d0
4478      enddo
4479      enddo
4480      do irun1=1,ndim
4481      evec(irun1,irun1)=1d0
4482      enddo
4483cbs   now diagonalize
4484            CALL jacobi(TKINTRIA,evec,ndim,ndim)
4485cbs   get the eigenvalues
4486      do irun=1,ndim
4487      eval(irun)=TKINTRIA((irun*irun+irun)/2)
4488      enddo
4489      if (breit) then
4490      do irun=1,ndim
4491      eval(irun)=0d0
4492      enddo
4493      endif
4494cbs   ensure normalization of the vectors.
4495      do IRUN=1,ndim
4496      fact=0d0
4497      do JRUN=1,ndim
4498      fact=fact+evec(JRUN,IRUN)*evec(JRUN,IRUN)
4499      enddo
4500      fact=1d0/dsqrt(fact)
4501      do JRUN=1,ndim
4502      evec(JRUN,IRUN)=fact*evec(JRUN,IRUN)
4503      enddo
4504      enddo
4505      return
4506      end
4507      Subroutine kinemat(L,ndim,evtkin,type1,type2,Energy)
4508#include "implicit.h"
4509#include "codata.h"
4510cbs   at least it's identical with Odd's valuE
4511      parameter (speed2=CVEL*CVEL)
4512      parameter (speed4=speed2*speed2)
4513cbs   this routine generates the kinematic A-factors=dsqrt((E+mc^2)/(2E))
4514cbs   (type1) and   c*A/(E+mc^2) (type2)
4515cbs   The c in the second kinematic factor comes from Jan Almloef and
4516cbs   Odd Gropen in Rev in Comp.Chem. 8(1996)
4517      dimension evtkin(*),type1(*),type2(*),Energy(*)
4518c     E= dsqrt(p**2 c**2 + m**2 c**4)
4519c     p**2= 2*m*TKIN
4520c     with m = 1
4521      do Irun=1,ndim
4522      if (evtkin(Irun).lt.0) CALL QUIT('strange kinetic energy ')
4523      Energy(Irun)=(evtkin(Irun)+evtkin(Irun))*speed2+speed4
4524      enddo
4525      do Irun=1,ndim
4526      Energy(Irun)=dsqrt(energy(irun))
4527      enddo
4528      do Irun=1,ndim
4529!     dsqrt((E+mc^2)/(2E)):
4530      type1(Irun)=dsqrt(0.5d0*(1d0+speed2/Energy(Irun)))
4531      enddo
4532!      c*A/(E+mc^2)
4533      do Irun=1,ndim
4534      type2(Irun)=CVEL*type1(Irun)/(Energy(Irun)+speed2)
4535      enddo
4536              do Irun=1,ndim
4537              type2(Irun)=2*CVEL*type2(Irun)
4538              enddo
4539      return
4540      end
4541      Double precision function LMdepang(
4542     *L,M,l1,l2,l3,l4,m1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
4543cbs   l1-l4 and m1-m4 are already shifted !!
4544cbs   purpose: calculates the angular part of the
4545cbs   coulomb-type integrals. See documentation for details...
4546cbs   LMdepang= LM dependent angular factors
4547cbs   cheater included for a correcting signs, as there were some
4548cbs   signs (only signs!!!!) missing when compared to HERMIT
4549cbs                                        B.S.  08.10.96
4550#include "implicit.h"
4551#include "priunit.h"
4552#include "pi.h"
4553      LMdepang=0d0
4554cbs   some quick checks
4555      if (L.lt.abs(M)) return
4556      if (l1.lt.abs(m1)) return
4557      if (l2.lt.abs(m2)) return
4558      if (l3.lt.abs(m3)) return
4559      if (l4.lt.abs(m4)) return
4560cbs   prefactor
4561      fact1=4d0*pi/dfloat(L+L+1)
4562cbs   determining the sign
4563      isum=-l3-l1-l4-l2+2*(M+m3+m4)   !???? I am not sure
4564      if (mod(isum,4).eq.0) then
4565      isign=1
4566      elseif (iabs(mod(isum,4)).eq.2) then
4567      isign=-1
4568      else
4569      write(LUPRI,*) 'L,l1,l2,l3,l4,M,m1,m2,m3,m4'
4570      write(LUPRI,'(10I3)') L,l1,l2,l3,l4,M,m1,m2,m3,m4
4571      write(LUPRI,*) 'isum= ',isum,' mod = ',mod(isum,4)
4572      CALL QUIT('error in lmdepang')
4573      endif
4574      fact2=couple3J(L,l3,l1,-M,m3,-m1)
4575      fact3=couple3J(L,l4,l2,M,m4,-m2)
4576C     write(6,*) 'fact2,fact3 ',fact2,fact3
4577      LMdepang=cheater*dfloat(isign)*fact1*fact2*fact3
4578      return
4579      end
4580      logical function mcheckxy(m1,m2,m3,m4)
4581      integer m1,m2,m3,m4,int12a,int12b,
4582     *int34a,int34b
4583cbs   makes a check, if there is an interaction inbetween cartesian functions
4584cbs   with m-values m1-m4
4585      mcheckxy=.true.
4586      int12a=m1+m2
4587      int12b=-m1+m2
4588      int34a=m3+m4
4589      int34b=-m3+m4
4590cbs   lots of checks
4591      if (iabs(int12a+int34a).eq.1) return
4592      if (iabs(int12a-int34a).eq.1) return
4593      if (iabs(int12b+int34b).eq.1) return
4594      if (iabs(int12b-int34b).eq.1) return
4595      if (iabs(int12a+int34b).eq.1) return
4596      if (iabs(int12a-int34b).eq.1) return
4597      if (iabs(int12b+int34a).eq.1) return
4598      if (iabs(int12b-int34a).eq.1) return
4599      mcheckxy=.false.
4600      return
4601      end
4602      logical function mcheckz(m1,m2,m3,m4)
4603cbs   makes a check, if there is an interaction inbetween cartesian functions
4604cbs   with m-values m1-m4
4605      integer m1,m2,m3,m4,int12a,int12b,
4606     *int34a,int34b
4607      mcheckz=.true.
4608      int12a=m1+m2
4609      int12b=-m1+m2
4610      int34a=m3+m4
4611      int34b=-m3+m4
4612cbs   lots of checks
4613      if (iabs(int12a+int34a).eq.0) return
4614      if (iabs(int12a-int34a).eq.0) return
4615      if (iabs(int12b+int34b).eq.0) return
4616      if (iabs(int12b-int34b).eq.0) return
4617      if (iabs(int12a+int34b).eq.0) return
4618      if (iabs(int12a-int34b).eq.0) return
4619      if (iabs(int12b+int34a).eq.0) return
4620      if (iabs(int12b-int34a).eq.0) return
4621      mcheckz=.false.
4622      return
4623      end
4624      subroutine mkangL0(Lmax,l1,l2,l3,l4,m1,m2,m3,m4,
4625     *angintSO,angintOO,
4626     *Lfirst,Llast,Lblocks,
4627     *ncont1,ncont2,ncont3,
4628     *ncont4,
4629     *caseaSO,caseb1SO,caseb2SO,casecSO,
4630     *caseaOO,caseb1OO,caseb2OO,casecOO,
4631     *preroots,clebsch,dummy,bonn,breit,
4632     *sameorb)
4633#include "implicit.h"
4634cbs   subroutine for combining radial integrals with angular
4635cbs   factors for the block with l1,l2,l3,l4,m1,m2,m3m,m4
4636cbs   this routine mkangL0 = make angular factors for the L0-part
4637cbs   includes both, spin-same and spin-other-orbit parts.
4638      double precision LMdepang
4639      dimension
4640     *angintSO(ncont1,ncont2,ncont3,ncont4),
4641     *angintOO(ncont1,ncont2,ncont3,ncont4),
4642     *Lfirst(*),Llast(*),Lblocks(*),
4643cbs   all the arrays with the radial integrals for
4644cbs   this combination of l-values
4645     *caseaSO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*),  ! (2,0)   integrals with alpha1*alpha3
4646     *caseb1SO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*), ! (0,0)   integrals with alpha1
4647     *caseb2SO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*), ! (0,0)   integrals with alpha3
4648     *casecSO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*),  ! (-2,0)  integrals with factor 1
4649     *caseaOO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*),  ! (2,0)   integrals with alpha1*alpha3
4650     *caseb1OO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*), ! (0,0)   integrals with alpha1
4651     *caseb2OO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*), ! (0,0)   integrals with alpha3
4652     *casecOO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*),  ! (-2,0)  integrals with factor 1
4653     *preroots(2,0:Lmax),                    ! some prefactors: dsqrt( (l(+1))/(2l+1))
4654     *clebsch(3,2,-Lmax:Lmax,0:Lmax)         ! some clebsch gordans, that appear regulary
4655      dimension dummy(0:*)
4656      logical bonn,breiT,sameorb
4657c     write(6,*) 'begin mkangL0 ',
4658c    *l1,l2,l3,l4,m1,m2,m3,m4
4660      ncontall=ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4
4661cbs   cheater introduced to correct signs, because they were different from HERMIT
4662      if (mod(l1+l2+l3+l4,4).eq.2) then
4663      cheater=1d0
4664      else
4665      cheater=-1d0
4666      endif
4667cbs   cleaning up
4668      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4669      call dzero(angintSO,ncontall)
4670      else
4671      call dzero(angintSO,ncontall)
4672      call dzero(angintOO,ncontall)
4673      endif
4674cbs  starting with the same-orbit-contributions
4675cbs  first term: ###########################################################################
4676      factor=-preroots(2,l1)*preroots(2,l3)*
4677     *clebsch(1,2,m1,l1)*
4678     *clebsch(1,2,m3,l3)
4679      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
4680cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
4681      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
4682      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
4683      dummy(I)=0d0
4684      enddo
4685      M=m2-m4
4686      Lrun=1
4687      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
4688      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1-1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
4689      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
4690      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4691         Call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
4692     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4693      else
4694         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
4695     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4696         call daxpy(ncontall,
4697     *   4*factor*dummy(L),CaseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
4698      endif
4699      endif
4700      Lrun=Lrun+1
4701      enddo
4702      endif
4703      endif
4704cbs   second term: ###########################################################################
4705      factor=-preroots(1,l1)*preroots(2,l3)*
4706     *clebsch(1,1,m1,l1)*
4707     *clebsch(1,2,m3,l3)
4708      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
4709      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
4710      dummy(I)=0d0
4711      enddo
4712      Klast=0
4713      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
4714cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
4715      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
4716      M=m2-m4
4717      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
4718      Klast=Llast(1)
4719      Lrun=1
4720      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
4721      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1-1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
4722      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
4723      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4724         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,
4725     *   angintSO,1)
4726      else
4727         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,
4728     *   angintSO,1)
4729         call daxpy(ncontall,
4730     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,AngintOO,1)
4731      endif
4732      endif
4733      Lrun=Lrun+1
4734      enddo
4735      endif
4736      if (Lblocks(3).gt.0) then
4737      M=m2-m4
4738        if (Lfirst(3).lt.Kfirst) then
4739        do L=Lfirst(3),Kfirst,2
4740        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4741     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4742        enddo
4743        Kfirst=Lfirst(3)
4744        endif
4745        if (Llast(3).gt.Klast) then
4746        do L=Klast,Llast(3),2
4747        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4748     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4749        enddo
4750        Klast=Llast(3)
4751        endif
4752      Lrun=1
4753      do L=Lfirst(3),Llast(3),2
4754      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
4755      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4756         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
4757     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4758      else
4759         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
4760     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4761         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*
4762     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb2OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
4763      endif
4764      endif
4765      Lrun=Lrun+1
4766      enddo
4767      endif
4768      endif
4769cbs   third term: ###########################################################################
4770      factor=-preroots(2,l1)*preroots(1,l3)*
4771     *clebsch(1,2,m1,l1)*
4772     *clebsch(1,1,m3,l3)
4773      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
4774      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
4775      dummy(I)=0d0
4776      enddo
4777      Klast=0
4778      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
4779cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
4780      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
4781      M=m2-m4
4782      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
4783      Klast=Llast(1)
4784      Lrun=1
4785      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
4786      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4787     *m3-1,m4,cheater)
4788      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
4789      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4790         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
4791     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4792      else
4793         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
4794     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4795         call daxpy(ncontall,
4796     *   4*factor*dummy(L),CaseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
4797      endif
4798      endif
4799      Lrun=Lrun+1
4800      enddo
4801      endif
4802      if (Lblocks(2).gt.0) then
4803      M=m2-m4
4804        if (Lfirst(2).lt.Kfirst) then
4805        do L=Lfirst(2),Kfirst,2
4806        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4807     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4808        enddo
4809        Kfirst=Lfirst(2)
4810        endif
4811        if (Llast(2).gt.Klast) then
4812        do L=Klast,Llast(2),2
4813        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4814     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4815        enddo
4816        Klast=Llast(2)
4817        endif
4818      Lrun=1
4819      do L=Lfirst(2),Llast(2),2
4820      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
4821      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4822         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
4823     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4824      else
4825         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
4826     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4827         call daxpy(ncontall,
4828     *   -(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),caseb1OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
4829      endif
4830      endif
4831      Lrun=Lrun+1
4832      enddo
4833      endif
4834      endif
4835cbs   fourth term: ###########################################################################
4836      factor=-preroots(1,l1)*preroots(1,l3)*
4837     *clebsch(1,1,m1,l1)*
4838     *clebsch(1,1,m3,l3)
4839      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
4840      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
4841      dummy(I)=0d0
4842      enddo
4843      Klast=0
4844      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
4845cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
4846      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
4847      M=m2-m4
4848      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
4849      Klast=Llast(1)
4850      Lrun=1
4851      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
4852      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
4853      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
4854      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4855         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,
4856     *   angintSO,1)
4857      else
4858         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,
4859     *   angintSO,1)
4860         call daxpy(ncontall,
4861     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,AngintOO,1)
4862      endif
4863      endif
4864      Lrun=Lrun+1
4865      enddo
4866      endif
4867      if (Lblocks(2).gt.0) then
4868      M=m2-m4
4869        if (Lfirst(2).lt.Kfirst) then
4870        do L=Lfirst(2),Kfirst,2
4871        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4872     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4873        enddo
4874        Kfirst=Lfirst(2)
4875        endif
4876        if (Llast(2).gt.Klast) then
4877        do L=Klast,Llast(2),2
4878        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4879     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4880        enddo
4881        Klast=Llast(2)
4882        endif
4883      Lrun=1
4884      do L=Lfirst(2),Llast(2),2
4885      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
4886      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4887         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
4888     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4889      else
4890         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
4891     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4892         call daxpy(ncontall,
4893     *   -(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),caseb1OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
4894      endif
4895      endif
4896      Lrun=Lrun+1
4897      enddo
4898      endif
4899      if (Lblocks(3).gt.0) then
4900      M=m2-m4
4901        if (Lfirst(3).lt.Kfirst) then
4902        do L=Lfirst(3),Kfirst,2
4903        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4904     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4905        enddo
4906        Kfirst=Lfirst(3)
4907        endif
4908        if (Llast(3).gt.Klast) then
4909        do L=Klast,Llast(3),2
4910        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4911     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4912        enddo
4913        Klast=Llast(3)
4914        endif
4915      Lrun=1
4916      do L=Lfirst(3),Llast(3),2
4917      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
4918      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4919         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
4920     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4921      else
4922         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
4923     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4924         call daxpy(ncontall,
4925     *   -(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),caseb2OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
4926      endif
4927      endif
4928      Lrun=Lrun+1
4929      enddo
4930      endif
4931      if (Lblocks(4).gt.0) then
4932      M=m2-m4
4933        if (Lfirst(4).lt.Kfirst) then
4934        do L=Lfirst(4),Kfirst,2
4935        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4936     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4937        enddo
4938        Kfirst=Lfirst(4)
4939        endif
4940        if (Llast(4).gt.Klast) then
4941        do L=Klast,Llast(4),2
4942        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1-1,m2,
4943     *        m3-1,m4,cheater)
4944        enddo
4945        Klast=Llast(4)
4946        endif
4947      Lrun=1
4948      do L=Lfirst(4),Llast(4),2
4949      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
4950      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4951         call daxpy(ncontall,(4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*factor*dummy(L),
4952     *   casecSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4953      else
4954         call daxpy(ncontall,(4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*factor*dummy(L),
4955     *   casecSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
4956         call daxpy(ncontall,
4957     *   (4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*factor*dummy(L),
4958     *   casecOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
4959      endif
4960      endif
4961      Lrun=Lrun+1
4962      enddo
4963      endif
4964      endif
4965cbs  fifth term: ###########################################################################
4966      factor=preroots(2,l1)*preroots(2,l3)*
4967     *clebsch(3,2,m1,l1)*
4968     *clebsch(3,2,m3,l3)
4969      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
4970      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
4971      dummy(I)=0d0
4972      enddo
4973cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
4974      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
4975      M=m2-m4
4976      Lrun=1
4977      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
4978      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3+1,m4,cheater)
4979      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
4980      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
4981         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,
4982     *   angintSO,1)
4983      else
4984         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,
4985     *   angintSO,1)
4986         call daxpy(ncontall,
4987     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
4988      endif
4989      endif
4990      Lrun=Lrun+1
4991      enddo
4992      endif
4993      endif
4994cbs   sixth  term: ###########################################################################
4995      factor=preroots(1,l1)*preroots(2,l3)*
4996     *clebsch(3,1,m1,l1)*
4997     *clebsch(3,2,m3,l3)
4998      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
4999      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5000      dummy(I)=0d0
5001      enddo
5002      Klast=0
5003      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
5004cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5005      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5006      M=m2-m4
5007      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
5008      Klast=Llast(1)
5009      Lrun=1
5010      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5011      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3+1,m4,cheater)
5012      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5013      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5014         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5015     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5016      else
5017         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5018     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5019         call daxpy(ncontall,
5020     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5021      endif
5022      endif
5023      Lrun=Lrun+1
5024      enddo
5025      endif
5026      if (Lblocks(3).gt.0) then
5027      M=m2-m4
5028        if (Lfirst(3).lt.Kfirst) then
5029        do L=Lfirst(3),Kfirst,2
5030        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5031     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5032        enddo
5033        Kfirst=Lfirst(3)
5034        endif
5035        if (Llast(3).gt.Klast) then
5036        do L=Klast,Llast(3),2
5037        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5038     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5039        enddo
5040        Klast=Llast(3)
5041        endif
5042      Lrun=1
5043      do L=Lfirst(3),Llast(3),2
5044      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5045      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5046         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5047     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5048      else
5049         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5050     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5051         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*
5052     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb2OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5053      endif
5054      endif
5055      Lrun=Lrun+1
5056      enddo
5057      endif
5058      endif
5059cbs   seventh term: ###########################################################################
5060      factor=preroots(2,l1)*preroots(1,l3)*
5061     *clebsch(3,2,m1,l1)*
5062     *clebsch(3,1,m3,l3)
5063      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5064      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5065      dummy(I)=0d0
5066      enddo
5067      Klast=0
5068      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
5069cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5070      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5071      M=m2-m4
5072      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
5073      Klast=Llast(1)
5074      Lrun=1
5075      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5076      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3+1,m4,cheater)
5077      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5078      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5079         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5080     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5081      else
5082         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5083     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5084         Call daxpy(ncontall,
5085     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5086      endif
5087      endif
5088      Lrun=Lrun+1
5089      enddo
5090      endif
5091      if (Lblocks(2).gt.0) then
5092      M=m2-m4
5093        if (Lfirst(2).lt.Kfirst) then
5094        do L=Lfirst(2),Kfirst,2
5095        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5096     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5097        enddo
5098        Kfirst=Lfirst(2)
5099        endif
5100        if (Llast(2).gt.Klast) then
5101        do L=Klast,Llast(2),2
5102        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5103     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5104        enddo
5105        Klast=Llast(2)
5106        endif
5107      Lrun=1
5108      do L=Lfirst(2),Llast(2),2
5109      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5110      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5111         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5112     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5113      else
5114         Call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5115     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5116         Call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*
5117     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb1OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5118      endif
5119      endif
5120      Lrun=Lrun+1
5121      enddo
5122      endif
5123      endif
5124cbs   eigth term: ###########################################################################
5125      factor=preroots(1,l1)*preroots(1,l3)*
5126     *clebsch(3,1,m1,l1)*
5127     *clebsch(3,1,m3,l3)
5128      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5129      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5130      dummy(I)=0d0
5131      enddo
5132      Klast=0
5133      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
5134cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5135      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5136      M=m2-m4
5137      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
5138      Klast=Llast(1)
5139      Lrun=1
5140      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5141      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3+1,m4,cheater)
5142      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5143      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5144         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5145     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5146      else
5147         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5148     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5149         call daxpy(ncontall,
5150     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5151      endif
5152      endif
5153      Lrun=Lrun+1
5154      enddo
5155      endif
5156      if (Lblocks(2).gt.0) then
5157      M=m2-m4
5158        if (Lfirst(2).lt.Kfirst) then
5159        do L=Lfirst(2),Kfirst,2
5160        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5161     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5162        enddo
5163        Kfirst=Lfirst(2)
5164        endif
5165        if (Llast(2).gt.Klast) then
5166        do L=Klast,Llast(2),2
5167        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5168     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5169        enddo
5170        Klast=Llast(2)
5171        endif
5172      Lrun=1
5173      do L=Lfirst(2),Llast(2),2
5174      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5175      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5176         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5177     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5178      else
5179         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5180     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5181         call daxpy(ncontall,
5182     *   -(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),caseb1OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5183      endif
5184      endif
5185      Lrun=Lrun+1
5186      enddo
5187      endif
5188      if (Lblocks(3).gt.0) then
5189      M=m2-m4
5190        if (Lfirst(3).lt.Kfirst) then
5191        do L=Lfirst(3),Kfirst,2
5192        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5193     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5194        enddo
5195        Kfirst=Lfirst(3)
5196        endif
5197        if (Llast(3).gt.Klast) then
5198        do L=Klast,Llast(3),2
5199        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5200     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5201        enddo
5202        Klast=Llast(3)
5203        endif
5204      Lrun=1
5205      do L=Lfirst(3),Llast(3),2
5206      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5207      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5208         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5209     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5210      else
5211         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5212     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5213         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*
5214     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb2OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5215      endif
5216      endif
5217      Lrun=Lrun+1
5218      enddo
5219      endif
5220      if (Lblocks(4).gt.0) then
5221      M=m2-m4
5222        if (Lfirst(4).lt.Kfirst) then
5223        do L=Lfirst(4),Kfirst,2
5224        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5225     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5226        enddo
5227        Kfirst=Lfirst(4)
5228        endif
5229        if (Llast(4).gt.Klast) then
5230        do L=Klast,Llast(4),2
5231        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5232     *        m3+1,m4,cheater)
5233        enddo
5234        Klast=Llast(4)
5235        endif
5236      Lrun=1
5237      do L=Lfirst(4),Llast(4),2
5238      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5239      If (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5240         call daxpy(ncontall,(4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*
5241     *   factor*dummy(L),
5242     *   casecSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5243      else
5244         call daxpy(ncontall,(4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*
5245     *   factor*dummy(L),
5246     *   casecSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5247         call daxpy(ncontall,
5248     *   (4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*factor*dummy(L),
5249     *   casecOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5250      endif
5251      endif
5252      Lrun=Lrun+1
5253      enddo
5254      endif
5255      endif
5256      return
5257      end
5258      subroutine mkangLmin(Lmax,l1,l2,l3,l4,m1,m2,m3,m4,
5259     *angintSO,angintOO,
5260     *Lfirst,Llast,Lblocks,
5261     *ncont1,ncont2,ncont3,
5262     *ncont4,
5263     *caseaSO,caseb1SO,caseb2SO,casecSO,
5264     *caseaOO,caseb1OO,caseb2OO,casecOO,
5265     *preroots,clebsch,dummy,bonn,breit,
5266     *sameorb)
5267#include "implicit.h"
5268cbs   subroutine for combining radial intgrls with angular
5269cbs   factors for the block with l1,l2,l3,l4,m1,m2,m3m,m4
5270cbs   this routine mkangLmin = make angular factors for the L- -part
5271cbs   includes both, spin-same and spin-other-orbit parts.
5272      double precision LMdepang
5273      dimension
5274     *angintSO(ncont1,ncont2,ncont3,ncont4),
5275     *angintOO(ncont1,ncont2,ncont3,ncont4),
5276     *Lfirst(*),Llast(*),Lblocks(*),
5277cbs   all the arrays with the radial intgrls for
5278cbs   this combination of l-values
5279     *caseaSO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*),  ! (2,0)   intgrls with alpha1*alpha3
5280     *caseb1SO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*), ! (0,0)   intgrls with alpha1
5281     *caseb2SO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*), ! (0,0)   intgrls with alpha3
5282     *casecSO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*),  ! (-2,0)  intgrls with factor 1
5283     *caseaOO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*),  ! (2,0)   intgrls with alpha1*alpha3
5284     *caseb1OO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*), ! (0,0)   intgrls with alpha1
5285     *caseb2OO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*), ! (0,0)   intgrls with alpha3
5286     *casecOO(ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4,*),  ! (-2,0)  intgrls with factor 1
5287     *preroots(2,0:Lmax),                    ! some prefactors: dsqrt( (l(+1))/(2l+1))
5288     *clebsch(3,2,-Lmax:Lmax,0:Lmax)         ! some clebsch gordans, that appear regulary
5289      dimension dummy(0:*)
5290      logical bonn,breiT,sameorb
5291      root2=dsqrt(2.0d0)
5292      root2inv=1d0/root2
5293c     write(6,*) 'begin mkangL- ',
5294c    *l1,l2,l3,l4,m1,m2,m3,m4
5296      ncontall=ncont1*ncont2*ncont3*ncont4
5297cbs   cheater introduced to correct signs, because they were different from HERMIT
5298      if (mod(l1+l2+l3+l4,4).eq.2) then
5299      cheater=1d0
5300      else
5301      cheater=-1d0
5302      endiF
5303cbs   cleaning up
5304      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5305      call dzero(angintSO,ncontall)
5306      else
5307      call dzero(angintSO,ncontall)
5308      call dzero(angintOO,ncontall)
5309      endif
5310cbs  starting with the same-orbit-contributions
5311cbs  first term: ###########################################################################
5312      factor=-root2inv*preroots(2,l1)*preroots(2,l3)*
5313     *clebsch(3,2,m1,l1)*
5314     *clebsch(2,2,m3,l3)
5315      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5316      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5317      dummy(I)=0d0
5318      enddo
5319cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5320      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5321      M=m2-m4
5322      Lrun=1
5323      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5324      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5325      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5326      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5327         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5328     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5329      else
5330         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5331     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5332         call daxpy(ncontall,
5333     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5334      endif
5335      Endif
5336      Lrun=Lrun+1
5337      enddo
5338      endif
5339      endif
5340cbs   second term: ###########################################################################
5341      factor=-root2inv*preroots(1,l1)*preroots(2,l3)*
5342     *clebsch(3,1,m1,l1)*
5343     *clebsch(2,2,m3,l3)
5344      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5345      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5346      dummy(I)=0d0
5347      enddo
5348      Klast=0
5349      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
5350cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5351      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5352      M=m2-m4
5353      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
5354      Klast=Llast(1)
5355      Lrun=1
5356      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5357      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5358      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5359      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5360         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5361     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5362      else
5363         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5364     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5365         call daxpy(ncontall,
5366     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5367      endif
5368      endif
5369      Lrun=Lrun+1
5370      enddo
5371      endif
5372      if (Lblocks(3).gt.0) then
5373      M=m2-m4
5374        if (Lfirst(3).lt.Kfirst) then
5375        do L=Lfirst(3),Kfirst,2
5376        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5377        enddo
5378        Kfirst=Lfirst(3)
5379        endif
5380        if (Llast(3).gt.Klast) then
5381        do L=Klast,Llast(3),2
5382        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5383        enddo
5384        Klast=Llast(3)
5385        endif
5386      Lrun=1
5387      do L=Lfirst(3),Llast(3),2
5388      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5389      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5390         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5391     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5392      else
5393         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5394     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5395         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*
5396     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb2OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5397      endif
5398      endif
5399      Lrun=Lrun+1
5400      enddo
5401      endif
5402      endif
5403cbs   third term: ###########################################################################
5404      factor=-root2inv*preroots(2,l1)*preroots(1,l3)*
5405     *clebsch(3,2,m1,l1)*
5406     *clebsch(2,1,m3,l3)
5407      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5408      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5409      dummy(I)=0d0
5410      enddo
5411      Klast=0
5412      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
5413cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5414      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5415      M=m2-m4
5416      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
5417      Klast=Llast(1)
5418      Lrun=1
5419      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5420      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5421      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5422      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5423         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5424     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5425      else
5426         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5427     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5428         call daxpy(ncontall,
5429     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5430      endif
5431      endif
5432      Lrun=Lrun+1
5433      enddo
5434      endif
5435      if (Lblocks(2).gt.0) then
5436      M=m2-m4
5437        if (Lfirst(2).lt.Kfirst) then
5438        do L=Lfirst(2),Kfirst,2
5439        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,
5440     *                 m3,m4,Cheater)
5441        enddo
5442        Kfirst=Lfirst(2)
5443        endif
5444        if (Llast(2).gt.Klast) then
5445        do L=Klast,Llast(2),2
5446        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5447        enddo
5448        Klast=Llast(2)
5449        endif
5450      Lrun=1
5451      do L=Lfirst(2),Llast(2),2
5452      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5453      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5454         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5455     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5456      else
5457         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5458     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5459         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*
5460     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb1OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5461      endif
5462      endif
5463      Lrun=Lrun+1
5464      enddo
5465      endif
5466      endif
5467cbs   fourth term: ###########################################################################
5468      factor=-root2inv*preroots(1,l1)*preroots(1,l3)*
5469     *clebsch(3,1,m1,l1)*
5470     *clebsch(2,1,m3,l3)
5471      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5472      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5473      dummy(I)=0d0
5474      enddo
5475      Klast=0
5476      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
5477cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5478      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5479      M=m2-m4
5480      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
5481      Klast=Llast(1)
5482      Lrun=1
5483      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5484      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5485      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5486      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5487         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5488     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5489      else
5490         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5491     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5492         call daxpy(ncontall,
5493     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5494      endif
5495      endif
5496      Lrun=Lrun+1
5497      enddo
5498      endif
5499      if (Lblocks(2).gt.0) then
5500      M=m2-m4
5501        if (Lfirst(2).lt.Kfirst) then
5502        do L=Lfirst(2),Kfirst,2
5503        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5504        enddo
5505        Kfirst=Lfirst(2)
5506        endif
5507        if (Llast(2).gt.Klast) then
5508        do L=Klast,Llast(2),2
5509        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5510        enddo
5511        Klast=Llast(2)
5512        endif
5513      Lrun=1
5514      do L=Lfirst(2),Llast(2),2
5515      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5516      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5517         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5518     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5519      else
5520         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5521     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5522         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*
5523     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb1OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5524      endif
5525      endif
5526      Lrun=Lrun+1
5527      enddo
5528      endif
5529      if (Lblocks(3).gt.0) then
5530      M=m2-m4
5531        if (Lfirst(3).lt.Kfirst) then
5532        do L=Lfirst(3),Kfirst,2
5533        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5534        enddo
5535        Kfirst=Lfirst(3)
5536        endif
5537        if (Llast(3).gt.Klast) then
5538        do L=Klast,Llast(3),2
5539        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5540        enddo
5541        Klast=Llast(3)
5542        endif
5543      Lrun=1
5544      do L=Lfirst(3),Llast(3),2
5545      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5546      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5547         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5548     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5549      else
5550         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5551     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5552         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*
5553     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb2OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5554      endif
5555      endif
5556      Lrun=Lrun+1
5557      enddo
5558      endif
5559      if (Lblocks(4).gt.0) then
5560      M=m2-m4
5561        if (Lfirst(4).lt.Kfirst) then
5562        do L=Lfirst(4),Kfirst,2
5563        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5564        enddo
5565        Kfirst=Lfirst(4)
5566        endif
5567        if (Llast(4).gt.Klast) then
5568        do L=Klast,Llast(4),2
5569        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1+1,m2,m3,m4,cheater)
5570        enddo
5571        Klast=Llast(4)
5572        endif
5573      Lrun=1
5574      do L=Lfirst(4),Llast(4),2
5575      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5576      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5577         call daxpy(ncontall,(4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*factor*dummy(L),
5578     *   casecSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5579      else
5580         call daxpy(ncontall,(4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*factor*dummy(L),
5581     *   casecSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5582         call daxpy(ncontall,
5583     *   (4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*factor*dummy(L),
5584     *   casecOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5585      endif
5586      endif
5587      Lrun=Lrun+1
5588      enddo
5589      endif
5590      endif
5591cbs  fifth term: ###########################################################################
5592      factor=-root2inv*preroots(2,l1)*preroots(2,l3)*
5593     *clebsch(2,2,m1,l1)*
5594     *clebsch(1,2,m3,l3)
5595      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5596      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5597      dummy(I)=0d0
5598      enddo
5599cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5600      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5601      M=m2-m4
5602      Lrun=1
5603      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5604      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5605      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5606      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5607         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5608     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5609      else
5610         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5611     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5612         call daxpy(ncontall,
5613     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5614      endif
5615      endif
5616      Lrun=Lrun+1
5617      enddo
5618      endif
5619      endif
5620cbs   sixth  term: ###########################################################################
5621      factor=-root2inv*preroots(1,l1)*preroots(2,l3)*
5622     *clebsch(2,1,m1,l1)*
5623     *clebsch(1,2,m3,l3)
5624      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5625      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5626      dummy(I)=0d0
5627      enddo
5628      Klast=0
5629      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
5630cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5631      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5632      M=m2-m4
5633      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
5634      Klast=Llast(1)
5635      Lrun=1
5636      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5637      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5638      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5639      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5640         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5641     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5642      else
5643         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5644     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5645         call daxpy(ncontall,4*
5646     *   factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5647      endif
5648      endif
5649      Lrun=Lrun+1
5650      enddo
5651      endif
5652      if (Lblocks(3).gt.0) then
5653      M=m2-m4
5654        if (Lfirst(3).lt.Kfirst) then
5655        do L=Lfirst(3),Kfirst,2
5656        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5657        enddo
5658        Kfirst=Lfirst(3)
5659        endif
5660        if (Llast(3).gt.Klast) then
5661        do L=Klast,Llast(3),2
5662        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3+1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5663        enddo
5664        Klast=Llast(3)
5665        endif
5666      Lrun=1
5667      do L=Lfirst(3),Llast(3),2
5668      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5669      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5670         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5671     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5672      else
5673         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5674     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5675         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*
5676     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb2OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5677      endif
5678      endif
5679      Lrun=Lrun+1
5680      enddo
5681      endif
5682      endif
5683cbs   seventh term: ###########################################################################
5684      factor=-root2inv*preroots(2,l1)*preroots(1,l3)*
5685     *clebsch(2,2,m1,l1)*
5686     *clebsch(1,1,m3,l3)
5687      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5688      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5689      dummy(I)=0d0
5690      enddo
5691      Klast=0
5692      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
5693cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5694      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5695      M=m2-m4
5696      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
5697      Klast=Llast(1)
5698      Lrun=1
5699      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5700      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5701      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5702      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5703         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5704     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5705      else
5706         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5707     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5708         call daxpy(ncontall,
5709     *   4*factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5710      endif
5711      endif
5712      Lrun=Lrun+1
5713      enddo
5714      endif
5715      if (Lblocks(2).gt.0) then
5716      M=m2-m4
5717        if (Lfirst(2).lt.Kfirst) then
5718        do L=Lfirst(2),Kfirst,2
5719        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5720        enddo
5721        Kfirst=Lfirst(2)
5722        endif
5723        if (Llast(2).gt.Klast) then
5724        do L=Klast,Llast(2),2
5725        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1+1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5726        enddo
5727        Klast=Llast(2)
5728        endif
5729      Lrun=1
5730      do L=Lfirst(2),Llast(2),2
5731      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5732      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5733         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5734     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5735      else
5736         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5737     *   caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5738         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*
5739     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb1OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5740      endif
5741      endif
5742      Lrun=Lrun+1
5743      enddo
5744      endif
5745      endif
5746cbs   eigth term: ###########################################################################
5747      factor=-root2inv*preroots(1,l1)*preroots(1,l3)*
5748     *clebsch(2,1,m1,l1)*
5749     *clebsch(1,1,m3,l3)
5750      if (factor.ne.0d0) then
5751      do I=0,Lmax+Lmax+1
5752      dummy(I)=0d0
5753      enddo
5754      Klast=0
5755      Kfirst=Lmax+Lmax+1 ! just to be sure ..
5756cbs   get the L,M dependent coefficients
5757      if (Lblocks(1).gt.0) then
5758      M=m2-m4
5759      Kfirst=Lfirst(1)
5760      Klast=Llast(1)
5761      Lrun=1
5762      do L=Lfirst(1),Llast(1),2
5763      dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5764      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5765      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5766         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5767     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5768      else
5769         call daxpy(ncontall,4*factor*dummy(L),
5770     *   caseaSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5771         call daxpy(ncontall,4*
5772     *   factor*dummy(L),caseaOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5773      endif
5774      endif
5775      Lrun=Lrun+1
5776      enddo
5777      endif
5778      if (Lblocks(2).gt.0) then
5779      M=m2-m4
5780        if (Lfirst(2).lt.Kfirst) then
5781        do L=Lfirst(2),Kfirst,2
5782        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5783        enddo
5784        Kfirst=Lfirst(2)
5785        endif
5786        if (Llast(2).gt.Klast) then
5787        do L=Klast,Llast(2),2
5788        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5789        enddo
5790        Klast=Llast(2)
5791        endif
5792      Lrun=1
5793      do L=Lfirst(2),Llast(2),2
5794      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5795      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5796        call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5797     *  caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5798      else
5799        call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*factor*dummy(L),
5800     *  caseb1SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5801        call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l3)*
5802     *factor*dummy(L),caseb1OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5803      endif
5804      endif
5805      Lrun=Lrun+1
5806      enddo
5807      endif
5808      if (Lblocks(3).gt.0) then
5809      M=m2-m4
5810        if (Lfirst(3).lt.Kfirst) then
5811        do L=Lfirst(3),Kfirst,2
5812        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5813        enddo
5814        Kfirst=Lfirst(3)
5815        endif
5816        if (Llast(3).gt.Klast) then
5817        do L=Klast,Llast(3),2
5818        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5819        enddo
5820        Klast=Llast(3)
5821        endif
5822      Lrun=1
5823      do L=Lfirst(3),Llast(3),2
5824      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0)  then
5825      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5826         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5827     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5828      else
5829         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*factor*dummy(L),
5830     *   caseb2SO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5831         call daxpy(ncontall,-(2+4*l1)*
5832     *   factor*dummy(L),caseb2OO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5833      endif
5834      endif
5835      Lrun=Lrun+1
5836      enddo
5837      endif
5838      if (Lblocks(4).gt.0) then
5839      M=m2-m4
5840        if (Lfirst(4).lt.Kfirst) then
5841        do L=Lfirst(4),Kfirst,2
5842        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5843        enddo
5844        Kfirst=Lfirst(4)
5845        endif
5846        if (Llast(4).gt.Klast) then
5847        do L=Klast,Llast(4),2
5848        dummy(L)=LMdepang(L,M,l1-1,l2,l3-1,l4,m1,m2,m3-1,m4,cheater)
5849        enddo
5850        Klast=Llast(4)
5851        endif
5852      Lrun=1
5853      do L=Lfirst(4),Llast(4),2
5854      if (dummy(L).ne.0d0) then
5855      if (bonn.or.breit.or.sameorb) then
5856         call daxpy(ncontall,(4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*
5857     *   factor*dummy(L),
5858     *   casecSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5859      else
5860         call daxpy(ncontall,(4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*
5861     *   factor*dummy(L),
5862     *   casecSO(1,Lrun),1,angintSO,1)
5863         call daxpy(ncontall,
5864     *   (4*l1*l3+2*l1+2*l3+1)*factor*dummy(L),
5865     *   casecOO(1,Lrun),1,angintOO,1)
5866      endif
5867      endif
5868      Lrun=Lrun+1
5869      enddo
5870      endif
5871      endif
5872      return
5873      end
5875      subroutine prefac(Lmax,preroots,clebsch)
5876#include "implicit.h"
5877      dimension preroots(2,0:Lmax),
5878     *clebsch(3,2,-Lmax:Lmax,0:Lmax)
5879cbs   the roots appearing in front of all
5880cbs   the contributions
5881c     write(6,*) 'begin of prefac'
5882      do L=0,Lmax
5883      fact=1d0/dsqrt(dfloat(L+L+1))
5884      preroots(1,L)=dsqrt(dfloat(L))*fact
5885      preroots(2,L)=dsqrt(dfloat(L+1))*fact
5886      enddo
5887cbs   there are Clebsch-Gordon-Coefficients
5888cbs   which always appear:
5890cbs   -----                       ------
5891cbs  |                                 |
5892cbs  |  l +/- 1     1        |      l  |
5893cbs  |                       |         |
5894cbs  |                       |         |
5895cbs  |  m+/-1,0   -1,1,0     |      m  |
5896cbs  |                       |         |
5897cbs  |                                 |
5898cbs   -----                       -----
5901cbs  array clebsch (3,2,-Lmax:Lmax,0:Lmax)
5902cbs  first index    1:  m-1
5903cbs                 2:  m
5904cbs                 3:  m+1
5905cbs  second index   1:  l-1
5906cbs                 2:  l+1
5907cbs  third index        m
5908cbs  fourth index       l
5910c     write(6,*),'start to generate CGs'
5911      do L=0,Lmax
5912      L2=L+L
5913      do M=-L,L
5914c     write(6,*) 'L,M: ',L,M
5915      M2=M+M
5916cbs   getCG calculates CG-coeffecients. In order to avoid fractions,
5917cbs   e.g. for spins, arguments are doubled values...
5918      clebsch(1,1,M,L)=
5919     *getCG(L2-2,2,L2,M2-2,2,M2)
5920      clebsch(2,1,M,L)=
5921     *getCG(L2-2,2,L2,M2,0,M2)
5922      clebsch(3,1,M,L)=
5923     *getCG(L2-2,2,L2,M2+2,-2,M2)
5924      clebsch(1,2,M,L)=
5925     *getCG(L2+2,2,L2,M2-2,2,M2)
5926      clebsch(2,2,M,L)=
5927     *getCG(L2+2,2,L2,M2,0,M2)
5928      clebsch(3,2,M,L)=
5929     *getCG(L2+2,2,L2,M2+2,-2,M2)
5930      enddo
5931      enddo
5932      return
5933      end
5936      subroutine readbas(Lhigh,makemean,bonn,breit,
5937     *symmetry,sameorb,AIMP,oneonly,ncont4,numballcart,LUAMFI_INP,
5938     *ifinite,EXP_FIN)
5939cbs   suposed to read the maximum of l-values, the number of primitive and contracted
5940cbs   functions, the exponents and contraction coefficients
5941#include "implicit.h"
5942#include "priunit.h"
5943#include "para.h"
5944#include "amfi_param.h"
5945#include "ired.h"
5946      character*4 WORD
5947      character*4 symmetry
5948      character*13 Llimit
5949      character*19 chcharge
5950      character*30 Nofprim
5951      character*28 addtext
5952      character*32 Nofcont
5953      character*76 Stars
5954      logical makemean,bonn,breit,
5955     *sameorb,AIMP,oneonly
5956      common /nucleus/ charge,Exp_finite
5957      Integer ibeginIRED(8),idelpersym(8)
5958      dimension INOFT(Mxcart),INOFF(MxCart)
5959      stars='********************************************************'//
5960     * '********************'
5961      Llimit='MAX. L-VALUE:'
5962      chcharge=' CHARGE OF NUCLEUS:'
5965      addtext='ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS in IRS:'
5966CBS   write(LUPRI,*)
5967CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'ATOMIC NO-PAIR SO-MF CODE starts'
5968CBS   write(LUPRI,*)
5969      bonn=.false.
5970      sameorb=.false.
5971      aimp=.false.
5972      oneonly=.false.
5973      makemean=.true.
5974CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
5975CBS   write(LUPRI,*) '2e-integrals for the mean-field only'
5976CBS   write(LUPRI,*) '    mean-field will be generated         '
5977CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
5978        do i=0,Lmax
5979        icore(i)=0
5980        enddo
5981       if (ifinite.eq.1) Exp_finite=EXP_FIN
5982      if (BONN) then
5983CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'Bonn-approach for spin-other-orbit part'
5984      endif
5985      if (BREIT) then
5986CBS   write(LUPRI,*) ' Breit-Pauli-Approximation'
5987      else
5988CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'Douglas-Kroll type operators '
5989      endif
5990      if (ifinite.eq.0) then
5991CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'Point-nucleus '
5992      else
5993CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'Finite Nucleus'
5994      endif
5995CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
5996CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'write out one-electron integrals in MOLCAS-style'
5997CBS   write(LUPRI,*) '   and with MOLCAS normalization '
5998CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
5999CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6000CBS   write(LUPRI,*)
6001      symmetry='D2H'
6002CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'Symmetry is D2H'
6003CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'check whether order of IRs is correct!!!'
6004      numbofsym=8
6005      if (SAMEORB) then
6006CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'SAME-ORBIT only'
6007      else
6008CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'OTHER-ORBIT included'
6009      endif
6010      if (AIMP) then
6011CBS   write(LUPRI,*) 'CORE removed for use with AIMP'
6012      endif
6013      read(LUAMFI_INP,*) charge,Lhigh
6014      if (Lhigh.gt.Lmax) then
6015      write(LUPRI,*) 'Sorry, so far the AMFI code deals only ',
6016     *'with maximum l-values of ',Lmax
6017      CALL QUIT('Too high angular momentum values in AMFI')
6018      endif
6019CBS   write(LUPRI,*) ' Functions will go up to an L-value of : ',Lhigh
6020CBS   write(LUPRI,'(A19,F5.2)') chcharge,charge
6021      call initired
6022      Do iredrun=1,numbofsym
6023      do Lrun=0,Lhigh
6024      nmbMperIRL(iredrun,Lrun)=0
6025      enddo
6026      enddo
6027      do Lrun=0,Lhigh
6029         read(LUAMFI_INP,*) nprimit(Lrun),ncontrac(Lrun)
6030CBS   write(LUPRI,'(I3,I3)') nprimit(Lrun),ncontrac(Lrun)
6031cbs   check keywords
6032cbs   check maximum numbers
6033         if (nprimit(Lrun).gt.MxprimL) then
6034            write(LUPRI,*) 'Too many primitives for L=',Lrun,
6035     *           ' increase MxprimL in para.h or reduce ',
6036     *           'the number of primitives to at least ',MxprimL
6037            CALL QUIT('Too many primitive functions in AMFI')
6038         endif
6039         if (ncontrac(Lrun).gt.MxcontL) then
6040            write(LUPRI,*) 'Too many contracted fncts for L=',Lrun,
6041     *           ' increase MxcontL in para.h or ',
6042     *           'reduce the number of contracted functions',
6043     *           'to at most ',MxcontL
6044            CALL QUIT('Too many contracted functions in AMFI')
6045         endif
6046         if (ncontrac(Lrun).gt.nprimit(Lrun)) then
6047            write(LUPRI,*) 'You have more contracted than ',
6048     *           'uncontracted functions, I don''t believe ',
6049     *           'that. Sorry!! '
6050            CALL QUIT('Inconsistent input detected in AMFI')
6051         endif
6052C     write(LUPRI,'(A7,I3,A15,I3,A33,I3,A24)') 'For L= ',Lrun,
6053C    *' there will be ',
6054C    *ncontrac(Lrun),' contracted functions, built from ',
6055C    *nprimit(Lrun),
6056C    *' uncontracted functions.'
6057         do ILINE=1,nprimit(Lrun)
6058            read(LUAMFI_INP,*) exponents(ILINE,Lrun),
6059     *           (cntscrtch(ILINE,JRUN,Lrun),
6060     *           Jrun=1,ncontrac(Lrun))
6061         enddo
6062ckr         read(LUAMFI_INP,'(A76)') header
6065cbs   end of reading for the current L-value
6067c     do  Irun=1,ncontrac(Lrun)
6068c     writE(LUPRI,*) 'orbital : ',irun
6069c     write(LUPRI,'(6(X,E13.6))')
6070c    *(cntscrtch(I,Irun,Lrun),I=1,nprimit(Lrun))
6071c     enddo
6072c     write(LUPRI,*) ' '
6073cbs   setting the numbers of cartesians per IR
6074         do iredrun=1,numbofsym
6075            nfunctions(iredrun,Lrun)=0
6076         enddo
6077         do mrun=-Lrun,Lrun
6078            nfunctions(ipow2ired(ipowxyz(1,mrun,Lrun),
6079     *           ipowxyz(2,mrun,Lrun),Ipowxyz(3,mrun,Lrun)),Lrun)=
6080     *           nfunctions(ipow2ired(ipowxyz(1,mrun,Lrun),
6081     *           ipowxyz(2,mrun,Lrun),
6082     *           ipowxyz(3,mrun,Lrun)),Lrun)+ncontrac(Lrun)
6083         enddo
6084         do mrun=-Lrun,Lrun
6085            nmbMperIRL(ipow2ired(ipowxyz(1,mrun,Lrun),
6086     *           ipowxyz(2,mrun,Lrun),Ipowxyz(3,mrun,Lrun)),lruN)=
6087     *           nmbMperIRL(ipOw2ired(ipowxyz(1,mrun,Lrun),
6088     *           ipowxyz(2,mrun,Lrun),IpowxYz(3,mrun,Lrun)),lruN)+1
6089         enddo
6090CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6091CBS   write(LUPRI,'(A,8I4)')
6092CBS  *'Number of functions per IR: ',(nfunctions(iredrun,Lrun),
6093CBS  *iredrun=1,numbofsym)
6094CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6095      enddo                     ! enddo for loop over L-values
6096C     write(LUPRI,*) 'distribution of M-values'
6097c     do Lrun=0,Lhigh
6098c     write(LUPRI,*) (nmbMperIRL(nsym,Lrun),nsym=1,numbofsym)
6099c     endDo
6100      numbofcart=0
6101      do lrun=0,Lhigh
6102      numbofcart=numbofcart+(Lrun+Lrun+1)*
6103     *ncontrac(Lrun)
6104      enddo
6105      do iredrun=1,numbofsym
6106      nfunctperIRED(iredrun)=0
6107      enddo
6108      do Lrun=0,Lhigh
6109      do iredrun=1,numbofsym
6110      nfunctperIRED(iredrun)=nfunctperIRED(iredrun)+
6111     *nfunctions(iredrun,Lrun)
6112      enddo
6113      enddo
6114CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6115CBS   write(LUPRI,'(A,8I3)') 'total number of atomic functions per IRED ',
6116CBS  *(nfunctperIRED(iredrun),iredrun=1,numbofsym)
6117CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6118      isum=0
6119      do iredrun=1,numbofsym
6120      itotalperIR(iredrun)=nfunctperIRED(iredrun)
6121      isum=isum+itotalperIR(iredrun)
6122      enddo
6123      numballcart=isum
6124      iorbrun=0
6125      do iredrun=1,numbofsym
6126      do inired=1,itotalperIR(iredrun)
6127      iorbrun=iorbrun+1
6128      IREDoffunctnew(Iorbrun)=iredrun
6129      enddo
6130      enddo
6131CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6132CBS   write(LUPRI,'(A,8I3)') 'including additional functions per IRED ',
6133CBS  *(itotalperIR(iredrun),iredrun=1,numbofsym)
6134CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6135      do iredrun=1,numbofsym
6136      ibeginIRED(iredrun)=0
6137      enddo
6138      do lrun=0,Lhigh
6139      do mrun=-lrun,lrun
6140      iredLM(mrun,lrun)=ipow2ired(ipowxyz(1,mrun,Lrun),
6141     *ipowxyz(2,mrun,Lrun),
6142     *ipowxyz(3,mrun,Lrun))
6143      incrLM(mrun,lrun)=ibeginIRED(iredLM(mrun,lrun))
6144      ibeginIRED(iredLM(mrun,lrUn))=
6145     *ibeginIRED(iredLM(mrun,lrun))+ncontrac(lrun)
6146      enddo
6147      enddo
6148c     do lrun=0,Lhigh
6149c     write(LUPRI,'(A,I4,A,21I3)') 'L= ',lrun,
6150c    *' shifts inside the IRED',
6151c    *(incrLM(mrun,lrun),mrun=-lrun,lrun)
6152c     enddo
6153      shiftIRED(1)=0
6154      do iredrun=2,numbofsym
6155      shiftIRED(iredrun)=shiftIRED(iredrun-1)
6156     *                   +itotalperIR(iredrun-1)
6157      enddo
6158c     write(LUPRI,'(A,8I4)') 'shifts for the IREDs ',
6159c    *(shiftIRED(iredrun),iredrun=1,numbofsym)
6160cbs   test all orbital numbers
6161c     do lrun=0,Lhigh
6162c     do mrun=-Lrun,Lrun
6163c     do irun=1,ncontrac(lrun)
6164c     write(LUPRI,*) 'L,M,contr funct, absolute number ',
6165c    *lrun,mrun,irun,shiftired(iredLM(mrun,lrun))+
6166c    *incrLM(mrun,Lrun)+irun
6167c     enddo
6168c     enddo
6169c     enddo
6170      shiftIRIR(1)=0
6171      irun=1
6172      do ired1=2,numbofsym
6173      do ired2=1,ired1
6174      irun=irun+1
6175      if (ired2.eq.1) then
6176      shiftIRIR(irun)=shiftIRIR(irun-1)+
6177     *(itotalperIR(ired1-1)*itotalperIR(ired1-1)+
6178     *itotalperIR(ired1-1))/2
6179      else
6180      shiftIRIR(irun)=shiftIRIR(irun-1)+
6181     *itotalperIR(ired1)*itotalperIR(ired2-1)
6182      endif
6183c     write(LUPRI,*) 'ired1,ired2 ',ired1,ired2,
6184c    *irun,shiftIRIR(irun)
6185      enddo
6186      enddo
6188      do lrun=0,Lhigh
6189      do Mrun=-Lrun,Lrun
6190      ired=iredLM(Mrun,Lrun)
6191      ishifter=shiftIRED(ired)+incrLM(mrun,lrun)
6192      do icart=1,ncontrac(Lrun)
6193      moffunction(ishifter+icart)=Mrun
6194      Loffunction(ishifter+icart)=Lrun
6195      IREDoffunction(ishifter+Icart)=ired
6196      INOFT(ishifter+Icart)=icart
6197      enddo
6198      enddo
6199      enddo
6200CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6202CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6203      do irun = 1, numbofcart
6204CBS   write(LUPRI,'(4(A,I3))') 'Number of function: ',
6205CBS  *irun,
6206CBS  *' IR of function: ',IREDoffunction(irun),
6207CBS  *' L-value: ',Loffunction(irun),
6208CBS  *' M-value: ',Moffunction(irun)
6209CBS   numboffunct(irun)=irun
6210      INOFF(irun)=irun
6211CBS   if (IREDoffunction(irun).ne.IREDoffunction(irun+1))
6212CBS  *write(LUPRI,*)
6213      enddo
6214      do nsymrun=1,numbofsym
6215      idelpersym(nsymrun)=0
6216      enddo
6217      do nsymrun=1,numbofsym
6218      nrtofiperIR(nsymrun)=itotalperIR(nsymrun)
6219      enddo
6220      if (AIMP) then
6221cbs   generate list of orbitals to be removed
6222      ikeeporb=0
6223      numbprev=0
6224      do irun=1,numbofcart
62254712  if (irun.eq.1.or.(irun.ge.2.and.INOFF(irun).eq.
6226     *numbprev+1)) then
6227      Lval=Loffunction(irun)
6228      number=INOFF(irun)
6229      itype=INOFT(irun)
6230      if (itype.le.icore(lval)) then
6231      write(LUPRI,777) number,itype,lval
6232      idelpersym(IREDoffunction(irun))=
6233     *               idelpersym(IREDoffunction(irun))+1
6234      numbprev=number
6235      else
6236      ikeeporb=ikeeporb+1
6237      ikeeplist(ikeeporb)=number
6238      numbprev=number
6239      endif
6240      else
6241      ikeeporb=ikeeporb+1
6242      ikeeplist(ikeeporb)=numbprev+1
6243      numbprev=numbprev+1
6244      goto 4712
6245      endif
6246      enddo
6247      ikeeporb=0
6248      do nsymrun=1,numbofsym
6249      nrtofiperIR(nsymrun)=itotalperIR(nsymrun)-idelpersym(nsymrun)
6250      enddo
6251      do nsymrun=1,numbofsym
6252      ikeeporb=ikeeporb+nrtofiperIR(nsymrun)
6253      enddo
6254CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6255      write(LUPRI,'(A,8I3)')'# of funct. per IRED after removing core ',
6256     *(nrtofiperIR(iredrun),iredrun=1,numbofsym)
6257      write(LUPRI,*) ikeeporb,' orbitals left after deleting core'
6258      endif
6259CBS   write(LUPRI,*) stars
6260      nmax=max(6,ncontrac(0))
6261      do lrun=1,Lhigh
6262      nmax=max(nmax,ncontrac(lrun))
6263      enddo
6264      ncont4=nmax*nmax*nmax*nmax
6265      return
6266777   format('ORBITAL NUMBER ',I4,' IS THE ',I3,'TH of L-value ',I3,
6267     *' IT WILL BE REMOVED !!!')
6268      end
6269      double precision function  regge3j(
6270     *j1,     ! integer  2*j1
6271     *j2,     ! integer  2*j2
6272     *j3,     ! integer  2*j3
6273     *m1,     ! integer  2*m1
6274     *m2,     ! integer  2*m2
6275     *m3)     ! integer  2*m3
6276cbs   uses magic square of regge (see Lindner pp. 38-39)
6278cbs    ---                                            ---
6279cbs   |                                                  |
6280cbs   | -j1+j2+j3     j1-j2+j3         j1+j2-j3          |
6281cbs   |                                                  |
6282cbs   |                                                  |
6283cbs   |  j1-m1        j2-m2            j3-m3             |
6284cbs   |                                                  |
6285cbs   |                                                  |
6286cbs   |  j1+m1        j2+m2            j3+m3             |
6287cbs   |                                                  |
6288cbs    ---                                            ---
6290#include "implicit.h"
6291      dimension MAT(3,3)
6292      logical testup,testdown
6293#include "Regge.h"
6294cbs  facul,   integer array (nprim,0:mxLinRE) prime-expansion of factorials
6295cbs  mxLinRE,    integer max. number for facul is given
6296cbs  nprim,   number of primes for expansion of factorials
6297cbs  prim,    integer array with the first nprim prime numbers
6298cbs  iwork)   integer array of size nprim
6299      regge3j=0d0
6300c     write(6,'(A24,6I3)') '3J to be calculated for ',
6301c    *j1,j2,j3,m1,m2,m3
6302cbs   quick check  if =/= 0 at all
6303      icheck=m1+m2+m3
6304      if (icheck.ne.0) then
6305c     write(6,*) 'sum over m =/= 0'
6306      return
6307      endif
6308cbs   check triangular relation (|j1-j2|<= j3 <= j1+j2 )
6309      imini=iabs(j1-j2)
6310      imaxi=j1+j2
6311      if (j3.lt.imini.or.j3.gt.imaxi) then
6312c     write(6,*) 'triangular relation not fulfilled'
6313      return
6314      endif
6315cbs   quick check  if =/= 0 at all  end
6317cbs   3J-symbol is not zero by simple rules
6319cbs   initialize MAT
6320      MAT(1,1) =-j1+j2+j3
6321      MAT(2,1) =j1-m1
6322      MAT(3,1) =j1+m1
6323      MAT(1,2) =j1-j2+j3
6324      MAT(2,2) =j2-m2
6325      MAT(3,2) =j2+m2
6326      MAT(1,3) =j1+j2-j3
6327      MAT(2,3) =j3-m3
6328      MAT(3,3) =j3+m3
6329      do I=1,3
6330      do J=1,3
6331cbs   check for even numbers (2*integer) and positive or zero
6332      if (mod(MAT(J,I),2).ne.0.or.MAT(J,I).lt.0)  then
6333c     write(6,*) 'J,I,MAT(J,I): ',J,I,MAT(J,I)
6334      return
6335      endif
6336      MAT(J,I)=MAT(J,I)/2
6337      if (Mat(j,i).gt.mxLinRE)
6338     *CALL QUIT('increase mxLinRE for regge3j')
6339      enddo
6340      enddo
6341      Isigma=(j1+j2+j3)/2
6342cbs   check the magic sums
6343      do I=1,3
6344      IROW=0
6345      ICOL=0
6346      do J=1,3
6347      IROW=IROW+MAT(I,J)
6348      ICOL=ICOL+MAT(J,I)
6349      enddo
6350      if (IROW.ne.Isigma.or.ICOL.ne.Isigma) then
6351c     write(6,*) 'I,IROW,ICOL ',I,IROW,ICOL
6352      return
6353      endif
6354      enddo
6355cbs   if j1+j2+j3 is odd: check for equal rows or columns
6356      Isign=1
6357      if (iabs(mod(Isigma,2)).eq.1) then
6358      isign=-1
6359         do I=1,3
6360         do J=I+1,3
6361            if (MAT(1,I).eq.MAT(1,J).and.
6362     *         MAT(2,I).eq.MAT(2,J).and.
6363     *         MAT(3,I).eq.MAT(3,J)) return
6364            if (MAT(I,1).eq.MAT(J,1).and.
6365     *         MAT(I,2).eq.MAT(J,2).and.
6366     *         MAT(I,3).eq.MAT(J,3)) return
6367         enddo
6368         enddo
6369      endif
6370cbs   look for the lowest element indices: IFIRST,ISECOND
6371      imini=MAT(1,1)
6372      IFIRST=1
6373      ISECOND=1
6374      do I=1,3
6375      do J=1,3
6376      if (MAT(J,I).lt.imini) then
6377      IFIRST=J
6378      ISECOND=I
6379      imini=MAT(J,I)
6380      endif
6381      enddo
6382      enddo
6383c     write(6,*) 'Matrix before commuting vectors'
6384      do ibm=1,3
6385c     write(6,'(3I5)') (Mat(ibm,j),j=1,3)
6386      enddo
6387      if (IFIRST.ne.1) then  !interchange rows
6388c     write(6,*) 'IFIRST = ',ifirst
6389      do I=1,3
6390      IDUMMY=MAT(1,I)
6391      MAT(1,I)=MAT(IFIRST,I)
6393      enddo
6394      endif
6395      if (ISECOND.ne.1) then  !interchange columns
6396c     write(6,*) 'ISECOND = ',isecond
6397      do I=1,3
6398      IDUMMY=MAT(I,1)
6399      MAT(I,1)=MAT(I,ISECOND)
6401      enddo
6402      endif
6403cbs   lowest element is now on (1,1)
6404c     write(6,*) 'Matrix after commuting vectors'
6405c     do ibm=1,3
6406c     write(6,'(3I5)') (Mat(ibm,j),j=1,3)
6407c     enddo
6408cbs   begin to calculate Sum over s_n
6409cbs   first the simple cases
6410      if (Mat(1,1).eq.0) then
6411      isum=1
6412      elseif (Mat(1,1).eq.1) then
6413      isum=Mat(2,3)*Mat(3,2)-Mat(2,2)*Mat(3,3)
6414      elseif (Mat(1,1).eq.2) then
6415      isum=Mat(2,3)*(Mat(2,3)-1)*Mat(3,2)*(Mat(3,2)-1)-
6416     *2*Mat(2,3)*Mat(3,2)*Mat(2,2)*Mat(3,3)+
6417     *Mat(2,2)*(Mat(2,2)-1)*Mat(3,3)*(Mat(3,3)-1)
6418      else !  all the cases with Mat(1,1) >= 3
6419        Icoeff=1
6420        do Ibm=Mat(3,2)-Mat(1,1)+1,Mat(3,2)
6421          icoeff=icoeff*ibm
6422        enddo
6423        do Ibm=Mat(2,3)-Mat(1,1)+1,Mat(2,3)
6424          icoeff=icoeff*ibm
6425        enddo
6426        isum=icoeff
6427        do Icount=1,MAT(1,1)
6428           icoeff=-icoeff*(Mat(1,1)+1-icount)*(Mat(2,2)+1-icount)*
6429     *           (Mat(3,3)+1-icount)
6430           Idenom=icount*(Mat(2,3)-Mat(1,1)+icount)*
6431     *           (Mat(3,2)-Mat(1,1)+icount)
6432           icoeff=icoeff/Idenom
6433           isum=isum+icoeff
6434        enddo
6435      endif
6436cbs  additional sign from interchanging rows or columns
6437      if (ifirst.ne.1) isum=isum*isign
6438      if (isecond.ne.1) isum=isum*isign
6439c     write(6,*) 'isum = ',isum
6440cbs       Mat(2,3)+Mat(3,2)
6441cbs    (-)
6442      if (iabs(mod((Mat(2,3)+Mat(3,2)),2)).eq.1) isum=-isum
6443cbs   final factor
6444      LIMIT=ihigh(max(Mat(1,1),Mat(1,2),Mat(1,3),
6445     *Mat(2,1),Mat(2,2),Mat(2,3),Mat(3,1),Mat(3,2),
6446     *Mat(3,3),(Isigma+1)))
6447      do I=1,LIMIT
6448      iwork(I)=facul(I,Mat(1,2))+facul(I,Mat(2,1))+
6449     *facul(I,Mat(3,1))+facul(I,Mat(1,3))-
6450     *facul(I,Mat(1,1))-facul(I,Mat(2,2))-
6451     *facul(I,Mat(3,3))-facul(I,(Isigma+1))-
6452     *facul(I,Mat(2,3))-facul(I,Mat(3,2))
6453      enddo
6454c     write(6,*) 'Iwork: ',(iwork(i),i=1,LIMIT)
6455      factor=1d0
6456      iup=1
6457      idown=1
6458      testup=.true.
6459      testdown=.true.
6460      do I=1,LIMIT
6461      do J=1,iwork(I)
6462      iup=iup*prim(i)
6463      if (iup.lt.0) testup=.false. !check for Integer overflow
6464      enddo
6465      Enddo
6466      up=dfloat(iup)
6467      if(.not.testup) then ! if the integers did not run correctly
6468        up=1d0
6469        do I=1,LIMIT
6470              do J=1,iwork(I)
6471              up=up*dfloat(prim(i))
6472              enddo
6473        enddo
6474      endif
6475      do I=1,LIMIT
6476      do J=1,-iwork(I)
6477      idown=idown*prim(i)
6478      if (idown.lt.0) testdown=.false.
6479      enddo
6480      enddo
6481      down=dfloat(idown)
6482      if(.not.testdown) then
6483        down=1d0
6484        do I=1,LIMIT
6485              do J=1,-iwork(I)
6486              down=down*dfloat(prim(i))
6487              enddo
6488        enddo
6489      endif
6490c     if (.not.(testup.and.testdown)) then
6491c     write(6,*) 'j1,j2,j3,m1,m2,m3 ',j1,j2,j3,m1,m2,m3
6492c     write(6,*) 'iup,idown ',iup,idown,'up,down ',up,down
6493c     endif
6494      factor=factor*up/down
6495cbs   final result
6496      regge3j=dsqrt(factor)*dfloat(isum)
6497      return
6498      end
6499      double precision function Tkinet(l,alpha1,alpha2)
6500cbs   calculates the matrix element of kinetic energy
6501cbs   for primitive normalized functions with the same angular momentum l
6502cbs   and exponents alpha1 and alpha2
6503cbs   works only, if r**l is assumed for an l-value
6504cbs   formular obtained from the symmetric expression (d/dr's to (')
6505cbs   the left and to the right.
6506cbs   Overlaps of the different powers are partially crossed out
6507cbs   with  the overlap of functions with angular momentum l
6508cbs   final formula:
6509cbs   Tkinet=0.5*alpha12 (2l+3) (alpha1*alpha2/alpha12*alpha12)**((2L+7)/4)
6510cbs   with alpha12=0.5*(alpha1+alpha2)
6511cbs   as alpha12 has the dimensions 1/length**2, this can not be that bad...
6512      Implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
6513Cbs   alpha12 is the effective exponent
6514      Alpha12=0.5d0*(alpha1+alpha2)
6515      alphpro=alpha1*alpha2
6516      ll3=l+l+3
6517      ll7=l+l+7
6518      Tkinet=0.5d0*alpha12*ll3*(alphpro/
6519     *(alpha12*alpha12))**(0.25*dfloat(ll7))
6520      return
6521      end
6522      subroutine   tosigX(m1,m2,m3,m4,angint,
6523     *mcombina,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,
6524     *ncontl4,carteX,preXZ,interxyz,isgnprod,
6525     *cleaner)
6526cbs   this subroutine combines the angular integrals
6527cbs   to the integrals for the real-valued linear
6528cbs   combinations for the sigma_X part
6529cbs   definition of the real-valued linear combinations:
6532cbs   M=0  is the same as   Y(L,0)
6535cbs   M > 0
6537cbs   | L,M,+> = 2**(-0.5) ( (-1)**M Y(L,M) + Y(L,-M))
6539cbs   | L,M,-> = -i 2**(-0.5) ( (-1)**M Y(L,M) - Y(L,-M))  ($$$$)
6542cbs   due to symmetry, there can be only integrals
6543cbs   with indices one or three  (sigma_+ and sigma_-)- combinations
6545#include "implicit.h"
6546#include "para.h"
6547#include "priunit.h"
6548      logical cleaner
6549      dimension mcombina(2,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax),
6550     *angint(ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4,*),
6551cbs  !!!!!!!!!!!changing now to the order of chemists notation!!!!!!!!!!
6552     *carteX(ncontl1,ncontl3,ncontl2,ncontl4),
6553     *preXZ(-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax),
6554     *interxyz(*),
6555     *isgnprod(-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax),
6556     *isgnM(-1:1,-1:1,-1:1,-1:1)
6557c     write(6,*) ' begin tosigx'
6558cbs   cleaning up the integral-array
6559      irun=ncontl1*ncontl2*ncontl3*ncontl4
6560      call dzero(cartex,irun)
6561cbs   set some signs
6562cbs   isgnM will give an additonal minus-sign if both m-values
6563cbs   (cartesian and angular) are negative  see $$$$
6564      do irun4=-1,1
6565      do irun3=-1,1
6566      do irun2=-1,1
6567      do irun1=-1,1
6568      isgnM(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=1
6569      enddo
6570      enddo
6571      enddo
6572      enddo
6573      if (m1.lt.0) then
6574      do irun4=-1,1
6575      do irun3=-1,1
6576      do irun2=-1,1
6577      isgnM(-1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
6578     *-isgnM(-1,irun2,irun3,irun4)
6579      enddo
6580      enddo
6581      enddo
6582      endif
6583      if (m2.lt.0) then
6584      do irun4=-1,1
6585      do irun3=-1,1
6586      do irun1=-1,1
6587      isgnM(irun1,-1,irun3,irun4)=
6588     *-isgnM(irun1,-1,irun3,irun4)
6589      enddo
6590      enddo
6591      enddo
6592      endif
6593      if (m3.lt.0) then
6594      do irun4=-1,1
6595      do irun2=-1,1
6596      do irun1=-1,1
6597      isgnM(irun1,irun2,-1,irun4)=
6598     *-isgnM(irun1,irun2,-1,irun4)
6599      enddo
6600      enddo
6601      enddo
6602      endif
6603      if (m4.lt.0) then
6604      do irun3=-1,1
6605      do irun2=-1,1
6606      do irun1=-1,1
6607      isgnM(irun1,irun2,irun3,-1)=
6608     *-isgnM(irun1,irun2,irun3,-1)
6609      enddo
6610      enddo
6611      enddo
6612      endif
6613cbs   define absolute m-values
6614      Mabs1=iabs(m1)
6615      Mabs2=iabs(m2)
6616      Mabs3=iabs(m3)
6617      Mabs4=iabs(m4)
6618      irun=0
6619      if (interxyz(1).eq.0) then
6620      write(LUPRI,*) 'tosigx: no interaction: ',m1,m2,m3,m4
6621      CALL QUIT('Error in TOSIGX in AMFI')
6622      endif
6623      prexz1234=preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)
6624      do while (interxyz(irun+1).gt.0)
6625      irun=irun+1
6626c     write(6,*) 'tosigx: ',irun,interxyz(irun)
6630cbs   This could be done with gotos, but I am biased to hate those..
6633         if (interxyz(irun).eq.1) then
6634         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6635         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6636         factor=isgnM(1,1,1,1)*prexz1234*
6637     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
6638         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6639     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6641         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.2) then
6642         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6643         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6644         factor=isgnM(-1,-1,-1,-1)*prexz1234*
6645     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6646         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6647     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6649         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.3) then
6650         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6651         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6652         factor=isgnM(1,1,1,-1)*prexz1234*
6653     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6654         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6655     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6657         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.4) then
6658         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6659         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6660         factor=isgnM(-1,-1,-1,1)*prexz1234*
6661     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
6662         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6663     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6665         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.5) then
6666         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6667         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6668         factor=isgnM(1,1,-1,1)*prexz1234*
6669     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
6670         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6671     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6673         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.6) then
6674         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6675         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6676         factor=isgnM(-1,-1,1,-1)*prexz1234*
6677     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6678         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6679     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6681         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.7) then
6682         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6683         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6684         factor=isgnM(1,-1,1,1)*prexz1234*
6685     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
6686         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6687     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6689         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.8) then
6690         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6691         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6692         factor=isgnM(-1,1,-1,-1)*prexz1234*
6693     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6694         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6695     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6697         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.9) then
6698         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6699         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6700         factor=isgnM(-1,1,1,1)*prexz1234*
6701     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
6702         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6703     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6705         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.10) then
6706         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6707         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6708         factor=isgnM(1,-1,-1,-1)*prexz1234*
6709     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6710         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6711     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6713         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.11) then
6714         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6715         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6716         factor=isgnM(1,1,-1,-1)*prexz1234*
6717     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6718         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6719     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6721         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.12) then
6722         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6723         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6724         factor=isgnM(-1,-1,1,1)*prexz1234*
6725     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
6726         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6727     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6729         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.13) then
6730         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6731         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6732         factor=isgnM(1,-1,1,-1)*prexz1234*
6733     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6734         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6735     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6737         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.14) then
6738         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6739         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6740         factor=isgnM(-1,1,-1,1)*prexz1234*
6741     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
6742         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6743     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6745         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.15) then
6746         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6747         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6748         factor=isgnM(1,-1,-1,1)*prexz1234*
6749     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
6750         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6751     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6753         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.16) then
6754         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6755         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6756         factor=isgnM(-1,1,1,-1)*prexz1234*
6757     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6758         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteX,
6759     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6760         endif
6761       enddo
6762        if (cleaner) then
6763        do irun4=1,ncontl4
6764        do irun2=1,ncontl2
6765        do irun1=1,ncontl1
6766        cartex(irun1,irun1,irun2,irun4)=0d0
6767        enddo
6768        enddo
6769        enddo
6770        endif
6771      return
6772      end
6773      subroutine   tosigY(m1,m2,m3,m4,angint,
6774     *mcombina,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,
6775     *ncontl4,carteY,preY,interxyz,isgnprod,
6776     *cleaner)
6777cbs   this subroutine combines the angular integrals
6778cbs   to the integrals for the real-valued linear
6779cbs   combinations for the sigma_X part
6780cbs   definition of the real-valued linear combinations:
6783cbs   M=0  is the same as   Y(L,0)
6786cbs   M > 0
6788cbs   | L,M,+> = 2**(-0.5) ( (-1)**M Y(L,M) + Y(L,-M))
6790cbs   | L,M,-> = -i 2**(-0.5) ( (-1)**M Y(L,M) - Y(L,-M)) ($$$$)
6793cbs   due to symmetry, there can be only integrals
6794cbs   with one or three (sigma_+ and sigma_-)  - combinations
6796#include "implicit.h"
6797#include "priunit.h"
6798#include "para.h"
6799      dimension mcombina(2,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax),
6800     *angint(ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4,*),
6801cbs  !!!!!!!!!!!changing now to the order of chemists notation!!!!!!!!!!
6802     *carteY(ncontl1,ncontl3,ncontl2,ncontl4),
6803     *preY(-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax),
6804     *interxyz(*),
6805     *isgnprod(-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax),
6806     *isgnM(-1:1,-1:1,-1:1,-1:1)
6807      logical cleaner
6808c     write(6,*) 'begin tosigy '
6809cbs   cleaning up the integral-array
6810      irun=ncontl4*ncontl2*ncontl3*ncontl1
6811      call dzero(carteY,irun)
6812cbs   set some signs
6813cbs   isgnM will give an additonal minus-sign if both m-values
6814cbs   (cartesian and angular) are negative  see $$$$
6815      do irun4=-1,1
6816      do irun3=-1,1
6817      do irun2=-1,1
6818      do irun1=-1,1
6819      isgnM(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=1
6820      enddo
6821      enddo
6822      enddo
6823      enddo
6824      if (m1.lt.0) then
6825      do irun4=-1,1
6826      do irun3=-1,1
6827      do irun2=-1,1
6828      isgnM(-1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
6829     *-isgnM(-1,irun2,irun3,irun4)
6830      enddo
6831      enddo
6832      enddo
6833      endif
6834      if (m2.lt.0) then
6835      do irun4=-1,1
6836      do irun3=-1,1
6837      do irun1=-1,1
6838      isgnM(irun1,-1,irun3,irun4)=
6839     *-isgnM(irun1,-1,irun3,irun4)
6840      enddo
6841      enddo
6842      enddo
6843      endif
6844      if (m3.lt.0) then
6845      do irun4=-1,1
6846      do irun2=-1,1
6847      do irun1=-1,1
6848      isgnM(irun1,irun2,-1,irun4)=
6849     *-isgnM(irun1,irun2,-1,irun4)
6850      enddo
6851      enddo
6852      enddo
6853      endif
6854      if (m4.lt.0) then
6855      do irun3=-1,1
6856      do irun2=-1,1
6857      do irun1=-1,1
6858      isgnM(irun1,irun2,irun3,-1)=
6859     *-isgnM(irun1,irun2,irun3,-1)
6860      enddo
6861      enddo
6862      enddo
6863      endif
6864cbs   define absolute m-values
6865      Mabs1=iabs(m1)
6866      Mabs2=iabs(m2)
6867      Mabs3=iabs(m3)
6868      Mabs4=iabs(m4)
6869      irun=0
6870      if (interxyz(1).eq.0) then
6871      write(LUPRI,*) 'tosigy: no interaction: ',m1,m2,m3,m4
6872      CALL QUIT('Error in TOSIGY in AMFI')
6873      endif
6874      prey1234=preY(m1,m2,m3,m4)
6875c     write(6,*) 'prey ',prey1234
6876      do while (interxyz(irun+1).gt.0)
6877      irun=irun+1
6878c     write(6,*) 'tosigy: ',irun,interxyz(irun)
6882cbs   This could be done with gotos, but I am biased to hate those..
6885         if (interxyz(irun).eq.1) then
6886         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6887         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6888         factor=isgnM(1,1,1,1)*prey1234*
6889     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
6890         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6891         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6892     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6894         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.2) then
6895         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6896         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6897         factor=isgnM(-1,-1,-1,-1)*prey1234*
6898     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6899         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6900         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6901     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6903         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.3) then
6904         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6905         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6906         factor=isgnM(1,1,1,-1)*prey1234*
6907     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6908         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6909         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6910     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6912         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.4) then
6913         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6914         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6915         factor=isgnM(-1,-1,-1,1)*prey1234*
6916     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
6917         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6918         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6919     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6921         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.5) then
6922         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6923         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
6924         factor=isgnM(1,1,-1,1)*prey1234*
6925     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
6926         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6927         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6928     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6930         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.6) then
6931         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6932         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6933         factor=isgnM(-1,-1,1,-1)*prey1234*
6934     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6935         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6936         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6937     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6939         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.7) then
6940         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6941         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6942         factor=isgnM(1,-1,1,1)*prey1234*
6943     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
6944         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6945         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6946     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6948         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.8) then
6949         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6950         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6951         factor=isgnM(-1,1,-1,-1)*prey1234*
6952     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6953         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6954         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6955     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6957         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.9) then
6958         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6959         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6960         factor=isgnM(-1,1,1,1)*prey1234*
6961     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
6962         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6963         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6964     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6966         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.10) then
6967         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6968         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6969         factor=isgnM(1,-1,-1,-1)*prey1234*
6970     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6971         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6972         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6973     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6975         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.11) then
6976         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6977         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6978         factor=isgnM(1,1,-1,-1)*prey1234*
6979     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6980         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6981         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6982     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6984         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.12) then
6985         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6986         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
6987         factor=isgnM(-1,-1,1,1)*prey1234*
6988     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
6989         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6990         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
6991     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
6993         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.13) then
6994         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6995         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
6996         factor=isgnM(1,-1,1,-1)*prey1234*
6997     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
6998         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
6999         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
7000     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7002         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.14) then
7003         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7004         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7005         factor=isgnM(-1,1,-1,1)*prey1234*
7006     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
7007         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
7008         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
7009     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7011         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.15) then
7012         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7013         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7014         factor=isgnM(1,-1,-1,1)*prey1234*
7015     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
7016         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
7017         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
7018     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7020         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.16) then
7021         ityp=mcombina(1,-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7022         iblock=mcombina(2,-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7023         factor=isgnM(-1,1,1,-1)*prey1234*
7024     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
7025         if (ityp.eq.3) factor=-factor
7026         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteY,
7027     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7029         endif
7030      Enddo
7031        if (cleaner) then
7032        do irun4=1,ncontl4
7033        do irun2=1,ncontl2
7034        do irun1=1,ncontl1
7035        cartey(irun1,irun1,irun2,irun4)=0d0
7036        enddo
7037        enddo
7038        enddo
7039        endif
7040      return
7041      end
7042      subroutine   tosigZ(m1,m2,m3,m4,angint,
7043     *mcombina,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,
7044     *ncontl4,carteZ,preXZ,interxyz,isgnprod,
7045     *cleaner)
7046cbs   this subroutine combines the angular integrals
7047cbs   to the integrals for the real-valued linear
7048cbs   combinations for the sigma_Z part
7049cbs   definition of the real-valued linear combinations:
7052cbs   M=0  is the same as   Y(L,0)
7055cbs   M > 0
7057cbs   | L,M,+> = 2**(-0.5) ( (-1)**M Y(L,M) + Y(L,-M))
7059cbs   | L,M,-> = -i 2**(-0.5) ( (-1)**M Y(L,M) - Y(L,-M)) ($$$$)
7061cbs   only angular integrals of type 2 (sigma_0) contribute
7063#include "implicit.h"
7064#include "priunit.h"
7065#include "para.h"
7066      dimension mcombina(2,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,
7067     *-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax),
7068     *angint(ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4,*),
7069cbs  !!!!!!!!!!!changing now to the order of chemists notation!!!!!!!!!!
7070     *carteZ(ncontl1,ncontl3,ncontl2,ncontl4),
7071     *preXZ(-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax),
7072     *interxyz(*),
7073     *isgnprod(-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax,-Lmax:Lmax),
7074     *isgnM(-1:1,-1:1,-1:1,-1:1)
7075      logical cleaner
7076cbs   cleaning up the integral-array
7077      irun=ncontl4*ncontl2*ncontl3*ncontl1
7078      call dzero(carteZ,irun)
7079c     write(6,*) 'begin tosigz'
7080cbs   set some signs
7081cbs   isgnM will give an additonal minus-sign if both m-values
7082cbs   (cartesian and angular) are negative  see $$$$
7083      do irun4=-1,1
7084      do irun3=-1,1
7085      do irun2=-1,1
7086      do irun1=-1,1
7087      isgnM(irun1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=1
7088      enddo
7089      enddo
7090      enddo
7091      enddo
7092      if (m1.lt.0) then
7093      do irun4=-1,1
7094      do irun3=-1,1
7095      do irun2=-1,1
7096      isgnM(-1,irun2,irun3,irun4)=
7097     *-isgnM(-1,irun2,irun3,irun4)
7098      enddo
7099      enddo
7100      enddo
7101      endif
7102      if (m2.lt.0) then
7103      do irun4=-1,1
7104      do irun3=-1,1
7105      do irun1=-1,1
7106      isgnM(irun1,-1,irun3,irun4)=
7107     *-isgnM(irun1,-1,irun3,irun4)
7108      enddo
7109      enddo
7110      enddo
7111      endif
7112      if (m3.lt.0) then
7113      do irun4=-1,1
7114      do irun2=-1,1
7115      do irun1=-1,1
7116      isgnM(irun1,irun2,-1,irun4)=
7117     *-isgnM(irun1,irun2,-1,irun4)
7118      enddo
7119      enddo
7120      enddo
7121      endif
7122      if (m4.lt.0) then
7123      do irun3=-1,1
7124      do irun2=-1,1
7125      do irun1=-1,1
7126      isgnM(irun1,irun2,irun3,-1)=
7127     *-isgnM(irun1,irun2,irun3,-1)
7128      enddo
7129      enddo
7130      enddo
7131      endif
7132cbs   define absolute m-values
7133      Mabs1=iabs(m1)
7134      Mabs2=iabs(m2)
7135      Mabs3=iabs(m3)
7136      Mabs4=iabs(m4)
7137      irun=0
7138      if (interxyz(1).eq.0) then
7139      write(LUPRI,*) 'tosigz: no interaction: ',m1,m2,m3,m4
7140      CALL QUIT('Error in TOSIGZ in AMFI')
7141      endif
7142      prexz1234=preXZ(m1,m2,m3,m4)
7143      do while (interxyz(irun+1).gt.0)
7144      irun=irun+1
7148cbs   This could be done with gotos, but I am biased to hate those..
7151         if (interxyz(irun).eq.1) then
7152         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
7153         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
7154         factor=isgnM(1,1,1,1)*prexz1234*
7155     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
7156         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7157     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7159         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.2) then
7160         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
7161         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
7162         factor=-isgnM(-1,-1,-1,-1)*prexz1234*
7163     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
7164         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7165     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7167         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.3) then
7168         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7169         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7170         factor=isgnM(1,1,1,-1)*prexz1234*
7171     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
7172         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7173     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7175         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.4) then
7176         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7177         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7178         factor=-isgnM(-1,-1,-1,1)*prexz1234*
7179     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
7180         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7181     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7183         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.5) then
7184         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7185         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7186         factor=isgnM(1,1,-1,1)*prexz1234*
7187     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
7188         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7189     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7191         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.6) then
7192         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7193         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7194         factor=-isgnM(-1,-1,1,-1)*prexz1234*
7195     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
7196         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7197     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7199         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.7) then
7200         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
7201         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
7202         factor=isgnM(1,-1,1,1)*prexz1234*
7203     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
7204         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7205     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7207         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.8) then
7208         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
7209         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4)
7210         factor=-isgnM(-1,1,-1,-1)*prexz1234*
7211     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
7212         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7213     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7215         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.9) then
7216         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7217         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7218         factor=-isgnM(-1,1,1,1)*prexz1234*
7219     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
7220         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7221     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7223         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.10) then
7224         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7225         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7226         factor=isgnM(1,-1,-1,-1)*prexz1234*
7227     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
7228         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7229     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7231         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.11) then
7232         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7233         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7234         factor=isgnM(1,1,-1,-1)*prexz1234*
7235     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4))
7236         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7237     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7239         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.12) then
7240         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7241         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7242         factor=-isgnM(-1,-1,1,1)*prexz1234*
7243     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,Mabs4))
7244         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7245     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7247         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.13) then
7248         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7249         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7250         factor=isgnM(1,-1,1,-1)*prexz1234*
7251     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
7252         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7253     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7255         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.14) then
7256         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7257         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4)
7258         factor=-isgnM(-1,1,-1,1)*prexz1234*
7259     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
7260         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7261     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7263         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.15) then
7264         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7265         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7266         factor=isgnM(1,-1,-1,1)*prexz1234*
7267     *   dfloat(isgnprod(Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4))
7268         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7269     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7271         elseif (interxyz(irun).eq.16) then
7272         ityp=mcombina(1,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7273         iblock=mcombina(2,Mabs1,-Mabs2,-Mabs3,Mabs4)
7274         factor=-isgnM(-1,1,1,-1)*prexz1234*
7275     *   dfloat(isgnprod(-Mabs1,Mabs2,Mabs3,-Mabs4))
7276         call daxpint(angint(1,1,1,1,iblock),carteZ,
7277     *   factor,ncontl1,ncontl2,ncontl3,ncontl4)
7279         endif
7280      enddo
7281        if (cleaner) then
7282        do irun4=1,ncontl4
7283        do irun2=1,ncontl2
7284        do irun1=1,ncontl1
7285        cartez(irun1,irun1,irun2,irun4)=0d0
7286        enddo
7287        enddo
7288        enddo
7289        endif
7290      return
7291      end
7292      subroutine trans(
7293cbs   makes the transformation for the ich-th index
7294     *coeffs, !(nolds(ith),nnew(ith)) modified contraction coefficients
7295     *idim1,  !  first dimension
7296     *idim2,  !  second dimension
7297     *ich,    ! index to be changed
7298     *nolds1,nolds2,nolds3,nolds4,  ! old dimensions
7299     *nnew1,nnew2,nnew3,nnew4, ! new dimensions
7300     *array1, ! array of size (nolds1,nolds2,nolds3,nolds4)
7301     *array2  ! array of size (nnew1,nnew2,nnew3,nnew4)
7302     *)
7303#include "implicit.h"
7304      dimension coeffs(idim1,idim2),
7305     *array1(nolds1,nolds2,nolds3,nolds4),
7306     *array2(nnew1,nnew2,nnew3,nnew4)
7307c     write(6,*) 'begin trans ' ,ich
7308c     write(6,'(8I5)') nolds1,nolds2,nolds3,nolds4,
7309c    *nnew1,nnew2,nnew3,nnew4
7310      do ind4=1,nnew4
7311      do ind3=1,nnew3
7312      do ind2=1,nnew2
7313      do ind1=1,nnew1
7314      array2(ind1,ind2,ind3,ind4)=0d0
7315      enddo
7316      enddo
7317      enddo
7318      enddo
7319      if (ich.eq.1) then
7320      do ind4=1,nnew4
7321      do ind3=1,nnew3
7322      do ind2=1,nnew2
7323      do ind5=1,nnew1
7324      do ind1=1,nolds1
7325      array2(ind5,ind2,ind3,ind4)=array2(ind5,ind2,ind3,ind4)+
7326     *coeffs(ind1,ind5)*array1(ind1,ind2,ind3,ind4)
7327      enddo
7328      enddo
7329      enddo
7330      enddo
7331      enddo
7332      elseif (ich.eq.2) then
7333c     write(6,*) 'transform second index '
7334      do ind4=1,nnew4
7335      do ind3=1,nnew3
7336      do ind5=1,nnew2
7337      do ind2=1,nolds2
7338      coeff=coeffs(ind2,ind5)
7339      do ind1=1,nnew1
7340      array2(ind1,ind5,ind3,ind4)=array2(ind1,ind5,ind3,ind4)+
7341     *coeff*array1(ind1,ind2,ind3,ind4)
7342      enddo
7343      enddo
7344      enddo
7345      enddo
7346      enddo
7347c     write(6,*) 'end  to transform second index '
7348      elseif (ich.eq.3) then
7349      do ind4=1,nnew4
7350      do ind5=1,nnew3
7351      do ind3=1,nolds3
7352      coeff=coeffs(ind3,ind5)
7353      do ind2=1,nnew2
7354      do ind1=1,nnew1
7355      array2(ind1,ind2,ind5,ind4)=array2(ind1,ind2,ind5,ind4)+
7356     *coeff*array1(ind1,ind2,ind3,ind4)
7357      enddo
7358      enddo
7359      enddo
7360      enddo
7361      enddo
7362      elseif (ich.eq.4) then
7363      do ind5=1,nnew4
7364      do ind4=1,nolds4
7365      coeff=coeffs(ind4,ind5)
7366      do ind3=1,nnew3
7367      do ind2=1,nnew2
7368      do ind1=1,nnew1
7369      array2(ind1,ind2,ind3,ind5)=array2(ind1,ind2,ind3,ind5)+
7370     *coeff*array1(ind1,ind2,ind3,ind4)
7371      enddo
7372      enddo
7373      enddo
7374      enddo
7375      enddo
7376      endif
7377c     write(6,*) 'end  trans '
7378      return
7379      end
7380      subroutine transcon(contold,idim1,idim2,ovlp,contnew,nprim,ncont)
7381#include "implicit.h"
7382      dimension contold(idim1,idim2),contnew(nprim,ncont),
7383     *ovlp(idim1,idim1)
7384c     write(6,*) 'begin transcon nprim,ncont ',nprim,ncont
7385cbs   copy old contraction coefficients in dense form to common block
7386      do Jrun=1,ncont
7387      do Irun=1,nprim
7388      contnew(Irun,Jrun)=contold(Irun,Jrun)
7389      enddo
7390      enddo
7391cbs   ensure normalization
7392      do ICONT=1,ncont
7393        xnorm=0d0
7394        do Jrun=1,nprim
7395        do Irun=1,nprim
7396        xnorm=xnorm+contnew(Irun,ICONT)*contnew(Jrun,ICONT)
7397     *  *ovlp(Irun,Jrun)
7398c       write(6,*) 'Icont,jrun,irun,xnorm ',
7399c    *  icont,jrun,irun,xnorm
7400        enddo
7401        enddo
7402c       write(6,*) 'ICONT ',ICONT,xnorm
7403        xnorm=1d0/dsqrt(xnorm)
7404cbs   scale with normalization factor
7405        do Irun=1,nprim
7406        contnew(Irun,ICONT)=xnorm*contnew(Irun,ICONT)
7407        enddo
7408      enddo
7409c     write(6,*) 'end transcon nprim,ncont ',nprim,ncont
7410      return
7411      end
7412      subroutine two2mean12a(carteSO,carteOO,occup,AOcoeffs,onecart,
7413     *ncontmf,norbsum,noccorb,sameorb)
7414#include "implicit.h"
7415#include "para.h"
7416      logical sameorb
7417      dimension
7418     *carteSO(ncontmf,norbsum,ncontmf,norbsum),
7419     *carteOO(ncontmf,norbsum,ncontmf,norbsum),
7420     *occup(*),AOcoeffs(MxcontL,*),onecart(MxcontL,MxcontL)
7421      if (sameorb) THEN
7422      do icartleft=1,norbsum
7423      do icartright=1,norbsum
7424      coeff=0d0
7425      do Mrun=1,noccorb
7426      coeff=coeff+occup(Mrun)*AOcoeffs(icartleft,Mrun)*
7427     *      AOcoeffs(icartright,Mrun)
7428      enddo
7429      coeff=0.5d0*coeff
7430      do irun=1,ncontmf
7431      do jrun=1,ncontmf
7432      onecart(irun,jrun)=onecart(irun,jrun)-coeff*
7433     *carteSO(irun,icartleft,jrun,icartright)
7434      enddo
7435      enddo
7436      enddo
7437      enddo
7438      else
7439      do icartleft=1,norbsum
7440      do icartright=1,norbsum
7441      coeff=0d0
7442      do Mrun=1,noccorb
7443      coeff=coeff+occup(Mrun)*AOcoeffs(icartleft,Mrun)*
7444     *      AOcoeffs(icartright,Mrun)
7445      enddo
7446      coeff=0.5d0*coeff
7447      do irun=1,ncontmf
7448      do jrun=1,ncontmf
7449      onecart(irun,jrun)=onecart(irun,jrun)-coeff*
7450     *(carteSO(irun,icartleft,jrun,icartright)+
7451     *2d0*carteOO(irun,icartleft,jrun,icartright))
7452      enddo
7453      enddo
7454      enddo
7455      enddo
7456      endif
7457      return
7458      end
7460      subroutine two2mean12b(carteSO,carteOO,occup,AOcoeffs,onecart,
7461     *ncontmf,norbsum,noccorb,sameorb)
7462#include "implicit.h"
7463#include "para.h"
7464      logical sameorb
7465      dimension
7466     *carteSO(ncontmf,norbsum,ncontmf,norbsum),
7467     *carteOO(ncontmf,norbsum,ncontmf,norbsum),
7468     *occup(*),AOcoeffs(MxcontL,*),onecart(MxcontL,MxcontL)
7469      if (sameorb) then
7470      do icartleft=1,norbsum
7471      do icartright=1,norbsum
7472      coeff=0d0
7473      do Mrun=1,noccorb
7474      coeff=coeff+occup(Mrun)*AOcoeffs(icartleft,Mrun)*
7475     *      AOcoeffs(icartright,Mrun)
7476      enddo
7477      coeff=0.5d0*coeff
7478      do irun=1,ncontmf
7479      do jrun=1,ncontmf
7480      onecart(irun,jrun)=onecart(irun,jrun)+coeff*
7481     *carteSO(jrun,icartleft,irun,icartright)
7482      enddo
7483      enddo
7484      enddo
7485      enddo
7486      else
7487      do icartleft=1,norbsum
7488      do icartright=1,norbsum
7489      coeff=0d0
7490      do Mrun=1,noccorb
7491      coeff=coeff+occup(Mrun)*AOcoeffs(icartleft,Mrun)*
7492     *      AOcoeffs(icartright,Mrun)
7493      enddo
7494      coeff=0.5d0*coeff
7495      do irun=1,ncontmf
7496      do jrun=1,ncontmf
7497      onecart(irun,jrun)=onecart(irun,jrun)+coeff*
7498     *(carteSO(jrun,icartleft,irun,icartright)+
7499     *2d0*carteOO(jrun,icartleft,irun,icartright))
7500      enddo
7501      enddo
7502      enddo
7503      enddo
7504      endif
7505      return
7506      end
7508      subroutine two2mean13(carteSO,occup,AOcoeffs,onecart,
7509     *ncontmf,norbsum,noccorb)
7510cbs   gives the two first contributions
7511cbs   < i M | j M >  with Malpha  and Mbeta
7512cbs   the other orbit parts cancel
7513#include "implicit.h"
7514#include "para.h"
7515      dimension carteSO(ncontmf,ncontmf,norbsum,norbsum),
7516     *occup(*),AOcoeffs(MxcontL,*),onecart(MxcontL,MxcontL)
7517      do icartleft=1,norbsum
7518      do icartright=1,norbsum
7519      coeff=0d0
7520      do Mrun=1,noccorb
7521      coeff=coeff+occup(Mrun)*AOcoeffs(icartleft,Mrun)*
7522     *      AOcoeffs(icartright,Mrun)
7523      enddo
7524      do irun=1,ncontmf
7525      do jrun=1,ncontmf
7526      onecart(irun,jrun)=onecart(irun,jrun)+coeff*
7527     *carteSO(irun,jrun,icartleft,icartright)
7528      enddo
7529      enddo
7530      enddo
7531      enddo
7532c     write(6,*) 'effective integrals'
7533c     do jrun=1,ncontmf
7534c     write(6,'(4E21.14)') (onecart(irun,jrun),irun=1,ncontmf)
7535c     enddo
7536      return
7537      end
7539      subroutine two2mean34a(carteSO,carteOO,occup,AOcoeffs,onecart,
7540     *ncontmf,norbsum,noccorb,sameorb)
7541#include "implicit.h"
7542#include "para.h"
7543      logical sameorb
7544      dimension
7545     *carteSO(norbsum,ncontmf,norbsum,ncontmf),
7546     *carteOO(norbsum,ncontmf,norbsum,ncontmf),
7547     *occup(*),AOcoeffs(MxcontL,*),onecart(MxcontL,MxcontL)
7548      if (sameorb) then
7549      do icartleft=1,norbsum
7550      do icartright=1,norbsum
7551      coeff=0d0
7552      do Mrun=1,noccorb
7553      coeff=coeff+occup(Mrun)*AOcoeffs(icartleft,Mrun)*
7554     *      AOcoeffs(icartright,Mrun)
7555      enddo
7556      coeff=0.5d0*coeff
7557      do irun=1,ncontmf
7558      do jrun=1,ncontmf
7559      onecart(irun,jrun)=onecart(irun,jrun)+coeff*
7560     *carteSO(icartleft,irun,icartright,jrun)
7561      enddo
7562      enddo
7563      enddo
7564      enddo
7565      else
7566      do icartleft=1,norbsum
7567      do icartright=1,norbsum
7568      coeff=0d0
7569      do Mrun=1,noccorb
7570      coeff=coeff+occup(Mrun)*AOcoeffs(icartleft,Mrun)*
7571     *      AOcoeffs(icartright,Mrun)
7572      enddo
7573      coeff=0.5d0*coeff
7574      do irun=1,ncontmf
7575      do jrun=1,ncontmf
7576      onecart(irun,jrun)=onecart(irun,jrun)+coeff*
7577     *(carteSO(icartleft,irun,icartright,jrun)+
7578     *2d0*carteOO(icartleft,irun,icartright,jrun))
7579      enddo
7580      enddo
7581      enddo
7582      enddo
7583      endif
7584      return
7585      end
7587      subroutine two2mean34b(carteSO,carteOO,occup,AOcoeffs,onecart,
7588     *ncontmf,norbsum,noccorb,sameorb)
7589#include "implicit.h"
7590#include "para.h"
7591      logical sameorb
7592      dimension
7593     *carteSO(norbsum,ncontmf,norbsum,ncontmf),
7594     *carteOO(norbsum,ncontmf,norbsum,ncontmf),
7595     *occup(*),AOcoeffs(MxcontL,*),onecart(MxcontL,MxcontL)
7596      if (sameorb) then
7597      do icartleft=1,norbsum
7598      do icartright=1,norbsum
7599      coeff=0d0
7600      do Mrun=1,noccorb
7601      coeff=coeff+occup(Mrun)*AOcoeffs(icartleft,Mrun)*
7602     *      AOcoeffs(icartright,Mrun)
7603      enddo
7604      coeff=0.5D0*coeff
7605      do irun=1,ncontmf
7606      do jrun=1,ncontmf
7607      onecart(irun,jrun)=onecart(irun,jrun)-coeff*
7608     *carteSO(icartleft,jrun,icartright,irun)
7609      enddo
7610      enddo
7611      enddo
7612      enddo
7613      else
7614      do icartleft=1,norbsum
7615      do icartright=1,norbsum
7616      coeff=0d0
7617      do Mrun=1,noccorb
7618      coeff=coeff+occup(Mrun)*AOcoeffs(icartleft,Mrun)*
7619     *      AOcoeffs(icartright,Mrun)
7620      enddo
7621      coeff=0.5D0*coeff
7622      do irun=1,ncontmf
7623      do jrun=1,ncontmf
7624      onecart(irun,jrun)=onecart(irun,jrun)-coeff*
7625     *(carteSO(icartleft,jrun,icartright,irun)+
7626     *2d0*carteOO(icartleft,jrun,icartright,irun))
7627      enddo
7628      enddo
7629      enddo
7630      enddo
7631      endif
7632      return
7633      end
7634! --- end of amfi/amfi.F ---