1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Copyright (C) 2009 by Andrey Afletdinov <fheroes2@gmail.com>          *
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   Part of the Free Heroes2 Engine:                                      *
5  *   http://sourceforge.net/projects/fheroes2                              *
6  *                                                                         *
7  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
8  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
9  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
10  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
11  *                                                                         *
12  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
13  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
15  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
16  *                                                                         *
17  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
18  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
19  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
20  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
21  ***************************************************************************/
22 #ifndef H2MP2_H
23 #define H2MP2_H
25 #include <cstddef>
27 #include "types.h"
29 namespace MP2
30 {
31     enum MP2Info
32     {
33         MP2OFFSETDATA = 428,
34         SIZEOFMP2TILE = 20,
35         SIZEOFMP2ADDON = 15,
36         SIZEOFMP2CASTLE = 70,
37         SIZEOFMP2HEROES = 76,
38         SIZEOFMP2SIGN = 10,
39         SIZEOFMP2RUMOR = 9,
40         SIZEOFMP2EVENT = 50,
41         SIZEOFMP2RIDDLE = 138
42     };
44     // origin mp2 tile
45     struct mp2tile_t
46     {
47         uint16_t surfaceType; // Tile index representing a type of surface: ocean, grass, snow, swamp, lava, desert, dirt, wasteland, beach.
49         uint8_t objectName1; // Ground (bottom) level object type (first 2 bits) and object tile set (6 bits). Tile set refers to ICN ID.
50         uint8_t level1IcnImageIndex; // ICN image index (image index for corresponding ICN Id) for ground (bottom) object. 255 means it's an empty object.
51         uint8_t quantity1; // Bitfield, first 3 bits are flags, rest is used as quantity
52         uint8_t quantity2; // Used as a part of quantity, field size is actually 13 bits. Has most significant bits
53         uint8_t objectName2; // Top level object type (first 2 bits) and object tile set (6 bits). Tile set refers to ICN ID.
54         uint8_t level2IcnImageIndex; // ICN image index (image index for corresponding ICN Id) for top level object. 255 means it's an empty object.
56         // First 2 bits responsible for tile shape (0 - 3). Subsequent 3 bits are still unknown. Possible values are 1 and 5. They are set only for tiles with transition
57         // between land and sea. They can be related to passabilities.
58         uint8_t flags;
60         uint8_t mapObjectType; // Object type. Please refer to MapObjectType enumeration.
62         uint16_t nextAddonIndex; // Next add-on index. Zero value means it's the last addon chunk.
64         // Ground (bottom) level object UID. An object can allocate more than 1 tile. Each tile could have multiple objects pieces.
65         // UID is used to find all pieces/addons which belong to the same object.
66         // In Editor first object will have UID as 0. Then second object placed on the map will have UID 0 + number of pieces / tiles per previous object and etc.
67         uint32_t level1ObjectUID;
69         // Top level object UID. An object can allocate more than 1 tile. Each tile could have multiple objects pieces.
70         // UID is used to find all pieces/addons which belong to the same object.
71         // In Editor first object will have UID as 0. Then second object placed on the map will have UID 0 + number of pieces / tiles per previous object and etc.
72         uint32_t level2ObjectUID;
73     };
75     // origin mp2 addons tile
76     struct mp2addon_t
77     {
78         uint16_t nextAddonIndex; // Next add-on index. Zero value means it's the last addon chunk.
80         uint8_t objectNameN1; // level 1.N. Last bit indicates if object is animated. Second-last controls overlay
81         uint8_t indexNameN1; // level 1.N or 0xFF
82         uint8_t quantityN; // Bitfield containing metadata
83         uint8_t objectNameN2; // level 2.N
84         uint8_t indexNameN2; // level 1.N or 0xFF
86         // Ground (bottom) level object UID. An object can allocate more than 1 tile. Each tile could have multiple objects pieces.
87         // UID is used to find all pieces/addons which belong to the same object.
88         // In Editor first object will have UID as 0. Then second object placed on the map will have UID 0 + number of pieces / tiles per previous object and etc.
89         uint32_t level1ObjectUID;
91         // Top level object UID. An object can allocate more than 1 tile. Each tile could have multiple objects pieces.
92         // UID is used to find all pieces/addons which belong to the same object.
93         // In Editor first object will have UID as 0. Then second object placed on the map will have UID 0 + number of pieces / tiles per previous object and etc.
94         uint32_t level2ObjectUID;
95     };
97     // origin mp2 castle
98     // 0x0046 - size
99     struct mp2castle_t
100     {
101         u8 color; // 00 blue, 01 green, 02 red, 03 yellow, 04 orange, 05 purpl, ff unknown
102         bool customBuilding;
103         u16 building;
104         /*
105         0000 0000 0000 0010 Thieve's Guild
106         0000 0000 0000 0100 Tavern
107         0000 0000 0000 1000 Shipyard
108         0000 0000 0001 0000 Well
109         0000 0000 1000 0000 Statue
110         0000 0001 0000 0000 Left Turret
111         0000 0010 0000 0000 Right Turret
112         0000 0100 0000 0000 Marketplace
113         0000 1000 0000 0000 Farm, Garbage He, Crystal Gar, Waterfall, Orchard, Skull Pile
114         0001 0000 0000 0000 Moat
115         0010 0000 0000 0000 Fortification, Coliseum, Rainbow, Dungeon, Library, Storm
116         */
117         u16 dwelling;
118         /*
119         0000 0000 0000 1000 dweling1
120         0000 0000 0001 0000 dweling2
121         0000 0000 0010 0000 dweling3
122         0000 0000 0100 0000 dweling4
123         0000 0000 1000 0000 dweling5
124         0000 0001 0000 0000 dweling6
125         0000 0010 0000 0000 upgDweling2
126         0000 0100 0000 0000 upgDweling3
127         0000 1000 0000 0000 upgDweling4
128         0001 0000 0000 0000 upgDweling5
129         0010 0000 0000 0000 upgDweling6
130         */
131         u8 magicTower;
132         bool customTroops;
133         u8 monster1;
134         u8 monster2;
135         u8 monster3;
136         u8 monster4;
137         u8 monster5;
138         u16 count1;
139         u16 count2;
140         u16 count3;
141         u16 count4;
142         u16 count5;
143         bool capitan;
144         bool customCastleName;
145         char castleName[13]; // name + '\0'
146         u8 type; // 00 knight, 01 barb, 02 sorc, 03 warl, 04 wiz, 05 necr, 06 rnd
147         bool castle;
148         u8 allowCastle; // 00 TRUE, 01 FALSE
149         u8 unknown[29];
150     };
152     // origin mp2 heroes
153     // 0x004c - size
154     struct mp2heroes_t
155     {
156         u8 unknown;
157         bool customTroops;
158         u8 monster1; // 0xff none
159         u8 monster2; // 0xff none
160         u8 monster3; // 0xff none
161         u8 monster4; // 0xff none
162         u8 monster5; // 0xff none
163         u16 countMonter1;
164         u16 countMonter2;
165         u16 countMonter3;
166         u16 countMonter4;
167         u16 countMonter5;
168         u8 customPortrate;
169         u8 portrate;
170         u8 artifact1; // 0xff none
171         u8 artifact2; // 0xff none
172         u8 artifact3; // 0xff none
173         u8 unknown2; // 0
174         u32 exerience;
175         bool customSkill;
176         u8 skill1; // 0xff none
177         u8 skill2; // pathfinding, archery, logistic, scouting,
178         u8 skill3; // diplomacy, navigation, leadership, wisdom,
179         u8 skill4; // mysticism, luck, ballistics, eagle, necromance, estate
180         u8 skill5;
181         u8 skill6;
182         u8 skill7;
183         u8 skill8;
184         u8 skillLevel1;
185         u8 skillLevel2;
186         u8 skillLevel3;
187         u8 skillLevel4;
188         u8 skillLevel5;
189         u8 skillLevel6;
190         u8 skillLevel7;
191         u8 skillLevel8;
192         u8 unknown3; // 0
193         u8 customName;
194         char name[13]; // name + '\0'
195         bool patrol;
196         u8 countSquare; // for patrol
197         u8 unknown4[15]; // 0
198     };
200     // origin mp2 sign or bottle
201     struct mp2info_t
202     {
203         u8 id; // 0x01
204         u8 zero[8]; // 8 byte 0x00
205         char text; // message  + '/0'
206     };
208     // origin mp2 event for coord
209     struct mp2eventcoord_t
210     {
211         u8 id; // 0x01
212         u32 wood;
213         u32 mercury;
214         u32 ore;
215         u32 sulfur;
216         u32 crystal;
217         u32 gems;
218         u32 golds;
219         u16 artifact; // 0xffff - none
220         bool computer; // allow events for computer
221         bool cancel; // cancel event after first visit
222         u8 zero[10]; // 10 byte 0x00
223         bool blue;
224         bool green;
225         bool red;
226         bool yellow;
227         bool orange;
228         bool purple;
229         char text; // message + '/0'
230     };
232     // origin mp2 event for day
233     struct mp2eventday_t
234     {
235         u8 id; // 0x00
236         u32 wood;
237         u32 mercury;
238         u32 ore;
239         u32 sulfur;
240         u32 crystal;
241         u32 gems;
242         u32 golds;
243         u16 artifact; // always 0xffff - none
244         u16 computer; // allow events for computer
245         u16 first; // day of first occurent
246         u16 subsequent; // subsequent occurrences
247         u8 zero[6]; // 6 byte 0x00 and end 0x01
248         bool blue;
249         bool green;
250         bool red;
251         bool yellow;
252         bool orange;
253         bool purple;
254         char text; // message + '/0'
255     };
257     // origin mp2 rumor
258     struct mp2rumor_t
259     {
260         u8 id; // 0x00
261         u8 zero[7]; // 7 byte 0x00
262         char text; // message + '/0'
263     };
265     // origin mp2 riddle sphinx
266     struct mp2riddle_t
267     {
268         u8 id; // 0x00
269         u32 wood;
270         u32 mercury;
271         u32 ore;
272         u32 sulfur;
273         u32 crystal;
274         u32 gems;
275         u32 golds;
276         u16 artifact; // 0xffff - none
277         u8 count; // count answers (1, 8)
278         char answer1[13];
279         char answer2[13];
280         char answer3[13];
281         char answer4[13];
282         char answer5[13];
283         char answer6[13];
284         char answer7[13];
285         char answer8[13];
286         char text; // message + '/0'
287     };
289     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
290     // First bit indicates if you can interact with object
291     enum MapObjectType
292     {
293         OBJ_ZERO = 0x00,
294         OBJN_ALCHEMYLAB = 0x01,
295         OBJ_UNKNW_02 = 0x02,
296         OBJ_UNKNW_03 = 0x03,
297         OBJN_SKELETON = 0x04,
298         OBJN_DAEMONCAVE = 0x05,
299         OBJ_UNKNW_06 = 0x06,
300         OBJN_FAERIERING = 0x07,
301         OBJ_UNKNW_08 = 0x08,
302         OBJ_UNKNW_09 = 0x09,
303         OBJN_GAZEBO = 0x0A,
304         OBJ_UNKNW_0B = 0x0B,
305         OBJN_GRAVEYARD = 0x0C,
306         OBJN_ARCHERHOUSE = 0x0D,
307         OBJ_UNKNW_0E = 0x0E,
308         OBJN_DWARFCOTT = 0x0F,
310         OBJN_PEASANTHUT = 0x10,
311         OBJ_UNKNW_11 = 0x11,
312         OBJ_UNKNW_12 = 0x12,
313         OBJ_UNKNW_13 = 0x13,
314         OBJN_DRAGONCITY = 0x14,
315         OBJN_LIGHTHOUSE = 0x15,
316         OBJN_WATERWHEEL = 0x16,
317         OBJN_MINES = 0x17,
318         OBJ_UNKNW_18 = 0x18,
319         OBJN_OBELISK = 0x19,
320         OBJN_OASIS = 0x1A,
321         OBJ_UNKNW_1B = 0x1B,
322         OBJ_COAST = 0x1C,
323         OBJN_SAWMILL = 0x1D,
324         OBJN_ORACLE = 0x1E,
325         OBJ_UNKNW_1F = 0x1F,
327         OBJN_SHIPWRECK = 0x20,
328         OBJ_UNKNW_21 = 0x21,
329         OBJN_DESERTTENT = 0x22,
330         OBJN_CASTLE = 0x23,
331         OBJN_STONELITHS = 0x24,
332         OBJN_WAGONCAMP = 0x25,
333         OBJ_UNKNW_26 = 0x26,
334         OBJ_UNKNW_27 = 0x27,
335         OBJN_WINDMILL = 0x28,
336         OBJ_UNKNW_29 = 0x29,
337         OBJ_UNKNW_2A = 0x2A,
338         OBJ_UNKNW_2B = 0x2B,
339         OBJ_UNKNW_2C = 0x2C,
340         OBJ_UNKNW_2D = 0x2D,
341         OBJ_UNKNW_2E = 0x2E,
342         OBJ_UNKNW_2F = 0x2F,
344         OBJN_RNDTOWN = 0x30,
345         OBJN_RNDCASTLE = 0x31,
346         OBJ_UNKNW_32 = 0x32,
347         OBJ_UNKNW_33 = 0x33,
348         OBJ_UNKNW_34 = 0x34,
349         OBJ_UNKNW_35 = 0x35,
350         OBJ_UNKNW_36 = 0x36,
351         OBJ_UNKNW_37 = 0x37,
352         OBJ_NOTHINGSPECIAL = 0x38,
353         OBJ_NOTHINGSPECIAL2 = 0x39,
354         OBJN_WATCHTOWER = 0x3A,
355         OBJN_TREEHOUSE = 0x3B,
356         OBJN_TREECITY = 0x3C,
357         OBJN_RUINS = 0x3D,
358         OBJN_FORT = 0x3E,
359         OBJN_TRADINGPOST = 0x3F,
361         OBJN_ABANDONEDMINE = 0x40,
362         OBJ_UNKNW_41 = 0x41,
363         OBJ_UNKNW_42 = 0x42,
364         OBJ_UNKNW_43 = 0x43,
365         OBJN_TREEKNOWLEDGE = 0x44,
366         OBJN_DOCTORHUT = 0x45,
367         OBJN_TEMPLE = 0x46,
368         OBJN_HILLFORT = 0x47,
369         OBJN_HALFLINGHOLE = 0x48,
370         OBJN_MERCENARYCAMP = 0x49,
371         OBJ_UNKNW_4A = 0x4A,
372         OBJ_UNKNW_4B = 0x4B,
373         OBJN_PYRAMID = 0x4C,
374         OBJN_CITYDEAD = 0x4D,
375         OBJN_EXCAVATION = 0x4E,
376         OBJN_SPHINX = 0x4F,
378         OBJ_UNKNW_50 = 0x50,
379         OBJ_TARPIT = 0x51,
380         OBJN_ARTESIANSPRING = 0x52,
381         OBJN_TROLLBRIDGE = 0x53,
382         OBJN_WATERINGHOLE = 0x54,
383         OBJN_WITCHSHUT = 0x55,
384         OBJN_XANADU = 0x56,
385         OBJN_CAVE = 0x57,
386         OBJ_UNKNW_58 = 0x58,
387         OBJN_MAGELLANMAPS = 0x59,
388         OBJ_UNKNW_5A = 0x5A,
389         OBJN_DERELICTSHIP = 0x5B,
390         OBJ_UNKNW_5C = 0x5C,
391         OBJ_UNKNW_5D = 0x5D,
392         OBJN_MAGICWELL = 0x5E,
393         OBJ_UNKNW_5F = 0x5F,
395         OBJN_OBSERVATIONTOWER = 0x60,
396         OBJN_FREEMANFOUNDRY = 0x61,
397         OBJ_UNKNW_62 = 0x62,
398         OBJ_TREES = 0x63,
399         OBJ_MOUNTS = 0x64,
400         OBJ_VOLCANO = 0x65,
401         OBJ_FLOWERS = 0x66,
402         OBJ_STONES = 0x67,
403         OBJ_WATERLAKE = 0x68,
404         OBJ_MANDRAKE = 0x69,
405         OBJ_DEADTREE = 0x6A,
406         OBJ_STUMP = 0x6B,
407         OBJ_CRATER = 0x6C,
408         OBJ_CACTUS = 0x6D,
409         OBJ_MOUND = 0x6E,
410         OBJ_DUNE = 0x6F,
412         OBJ_LAVAPOOL = 0x70,
413         OBJ_SHRUB = 0x71,
414         OBJN_ARENA = 0x72,
415         OBJN_BARROWMOUNDS = 0x73,
416         OBJN_MERMAID = 0x74,
417         OBJN_SIRENS = 0x75,
418         OBJN_HUTMAGI = 0x76,
419         OBJN_EYEMAGI = 0x77,
420         OBJN_TRAVELLERTENT = 0x78,
421         OBJ_UNKNW_79 = 0x79,
422         OBJ_UNKNW_7A = 0x7A,
423         OBJN_JAIL = 0x7B,
424         OBJN_FIREALTAR = 0x7C,
425         OBJN_AIRALTAR = 0x7D,
426         OBJN_EARTHALTAR = 0x7E,
427         OBJN_WATERALTAR = 0x7F,
429         OBJ_WATERCHEST = 0x80,
430         OBJ_ALCHEMYLAB = 0x81,
431         OBJ_SIGN = 0x82,
432         OBJ_BUOY = 0x83,
433         OBJ_SKELETON = 0x84,
434         OBJ_DAEMONCAVE = 0x85,
435         OBJ_TREASURECHEST = 0x86,
436         OBJ_FAERIERING = 0x87,
437         OBJ_CAMPFIRE = 0x88,
438         OBJ_FOUNTAIN = 0x89,
439         OBJ_GAZEBO = 0x8A,
440         OBJ_ANCIENTLAMP = 0x8B,
441         OBJ_GRAVEYARD = 0x8C,
442         OBJ_ARCHERHOUSE = 0x8D,
443         OBJ_GOBLINHUT = 0x8E,
444         OBJ_DWARFCOTT = 0x8F,
446         OBJ_PEASANTHUT = 0x90,
447         OBJ_UNKNW_91 = 0x91,
448         OBJ_UNKNW_92 = 0x92,
449         OBJ_EVENT = 0x93,
450         OBJ_DRAGONCITY = 0x94,
451         OBJ_LIGHTHOUSE = 0x95,
452         OBJ_WATERWHEEL = 0x96,
453         OBJ_MINES = 0x97,
454         OBJ_MONSTER = 0x98,
455         OBJ_OBELISK = 0x99,
456         OBJ_OASIS = 0x9A,
457         OBJ_RESOURCE = 0x9B,
458         OBJ_UNKNW_9C = 0x9C,
459         OBJ_SAWMILL = 0x9D,
460         OBJ_ORACLE = 0x9E,
461         OBJ_SHRINE1 = 0x9F,
463         OBJ_SHIPWRECK = 0xA0,
464         OBJ_UNKNW_A1 = 0xA1,
465         OBJ_DESERTTENT = 0xA2,
466         OBJ_CASTLE = 0xA3,
467         OBJ_STONELITHS = 0xA4,
468         OBJ_WAGONCAMP = 0xA5,
469         OBJ_UNKNW_A6 = 0xA6,
470         OBJ_WHIRLPOOL = 0xA7,
471         OBJ_WINDMILL = 0xA8,
472         OBJ_ARTIFACT = 0xA9,
473         OBJ_UNKNW_AA = 0xAA,
474         OBJ_BOAT = 0xAB,
476         OBJ_RNDARTIFACT = 0xAD,
477         OBJ_RNDRESOURCE = 0xAE,
478         OBJ_RNDMONSTER = 0xAF,
480         OBJ_RNDTOWN = 0xB0,
481         OBJ_RNDCASTLE = 0xB1,
482         OBJ_UNKNW_B2 = 0xB2,
483         OBJ_RNDMONSTER1 = 0xB3,
484         OBJ_RNDMONSTER2 = 0xB4,
485         OBJ_RNDMONSTER3 = 0xB5,
486         OBJ_RNDMONSTER4 = 0xB6,
487         OBJ_HEROES = 0xB7,
488         OBJ_UNKNW_B8 = 0xB8,
489         OBJ_UNKNW_B9 = 0xB9,
490         OBJ_WATCHTOWER = 0xBA,
491         OBJ_TREEHOUSE = 0xBB,
492         OBJ_TREECITY = 0xBC,
493         OBJ_RUINS = 0xBD,
494         OBJ_FORT = 0xBE,
495         OBJ_TRADINGPOST = 0xBF,
497         OBJ_ABANDONEDMINE = 0xC0,
498         OBJ_THATCHEDHUT = 0xC1,
499         OBJ_STANDINGSTONES = 0xC2,
500         OBJ_IDOL = 0xC3,
501         OBJ_TREEKNOWLEDGE = 0xC4,
502         OBJ_DOCTORHUT = 0xC5,
503         OBJ_TEMPLE = 0xC6,
504         OBJ_HILLFORT = 0xC7,
505         OBJ_HALFLINGHOLE = 0xC8,
506         OBJ_MERCENARYCAMP = 0xC9,
507         OBJ_SHRINE2 = 0xCA,
508         OBJ_SHRINE3 = 0xCB,
509         OBJ_PYRAMID = 0xCC,
510         OBJ_CITYDEAD = 0xCD,
511         OBJ_EXCAVATION = 0xCE,
512         OBJ_SPHINX = 0xCF,
514         OBJ_WAGON = 0xD0,
515         OBJ_UNKNW_D1 = 0xD1,
516         OBJ_ARTESIANSPRING = 0xD2,
517         OBJ_TROLLBRIDGE = 0xD3,
518         OBJ_WATERINGHOLE = 0xD4,
519         OBJ_WITCHSHUT = 0xD5,
520         OBJ_XANADU = 0xD6,
521         OBJ_CAVE = 0xD7,
522         OBJ_LEANTO = 0xD8,
523         OBJ_MAGELLANMAPS = 0xD9,
524         OBJ_FLOTSAM = 0xDA,
525         OBJ_DERELICTSHIP = 0xDB,
527         OBJ_BOTTLE = 0xDD,
528         OBJ_MAGICWELL = 0xDE,
529         OBJ_MAGICGARDEN = 0xDF,
531         OBJ_OBSERVATIONTOWER = 0xE0,
532         OBJ_FREEMANFOUNDRY = 0xE1,
533         OBJ_UNKNW_E2 = 0xE2,
534         OBJ_UNKNW_E3 = 0xE3,
535         OBJ_UNKNW_E4 = 0xE4,
536         OBJ_UNKNW_E5 = 0xE5,
537         OBJ_UNKNW_E6 = 0xE6,
538         OBJ_UNKNW_E7 = 0xE7,
539         OBJ_UNKNW_E8 = 0xE8,
540         OBJ_REEFS = 0xE9,
541         OBJN_ALCHEMYTOWER = 0xEA,
542         OBJN_STABLES = 0xEB,
543         OBJ_MERMAID = 0xEC,
544         OBJ_SIRENS = 0xED,
545         OBJ_HUTMAGI = 0xEE,
546         OBJ_EYEMAGI = 0xEF,
548         OBJ_ALCHEMYTOWER = 0xF0,
549         OBJ_STABLES = 0xF1,
550         OBJ_ARENA = 0xF2,
551         OBJ_BARROWMOUNDS = 0xF3,
552         OBJ_RNDARTIFACT1 = 0xF4,
553         OBJ_RNDARTIFACT2 = 0xF5,
554         OBJ_RNDARTIFACT3 = 0xF6,
555         OBJ_BARRIER = 0xF7,
556         OBJ_TRAVELLERTENT = 0xF8,
557         OBJ_UNKNW_F9 = 0xF9,
558         OBJ_UNKNW_FA = 0xFA,
559         OBJ_JAIL = 0xFB,
560         OBJ_FIREALTAR = 0xFC,
561         OBJ_AIRALTAR = 0xFD,
562         OBJ_EARTHALTAR = 0xFE,
563         OBJ_WATERALTAR = 0xFF
564     };
566     // Return Icn ID related to this tileset value.
567     int GetICNObject( const uint8_t tileset );
569     const char * StringObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
571     // This function returns plural forms only for certain object types.
572     const char * getPluralObjectName( const MapObjectType objectType, const size_t count );
574     bool isHiddenForPuzzle( uint8_t tileset, uint8_t index );
576     // The method check whether the object is an action object depending on its location. For example, castle can't be located on water.
577     bool isActionObject( const MapObjectType objectType, const bool locatesOnWater );
579     // The method checks if the object is an action independent form its location.
580     bool isActionObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
582     // Returns proper object type if the object is an action object. Otherwise it returns the object type itself.
583     MapObjectType getBaseActionObjectType( const MapObjectType objectType );
585     bool isWaterActionObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
587     bool isQuantityObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
588     bool isCaptureObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
589     bool isPickupObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
590     bool isArtifactObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
591     bool isHeroUpgradeObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
592     bool isMonsterDwelling( const MapObjectType objectType );
593     bool isRemoveObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
594     bool isAbandonedMine( const MapObjectType objectType );
595     bool isProtectedObject( const MapObjectType objectType );
597     bool isNeedStayFront( const MapObjectType objectType );
599     bool isAccessibleFromBeach( const MapObjectType objectType );
601     bool isDayLife( const MapObjectType objectType );
602     bool isWeekLife( const MapObjectType objectType );
603     bool isMonthLife( const MapObjectType objectType );
604     bool isBattleLife( const MapObjectType objectType );
606     // Make sure that you pass a valid action object.
607     int getActionObjectDirection( const MapObjectType objectType );
608 }
610 #endif