1""" Validate image API
3What is the image API?
5* ``img.dataobj``
7    * Returns ``np.ndarray`` from ``np.array(img.databj)``
8    * Has attribute ``shape``
10* ``img.header`` (image metadata) (changes in the image metadata should not
11  change any of ``dataobj``, ``affine``, ``shape``)
12* ``img.affine`` (4x4 float ``np.ndarray`` relating spatial voxel coordinates
13  to world space)
14* ``img.shape`` (shape of data as read with ``np.array(img.dataobj)``
15* ``img.get_fdata()`` (returns floating point data as read with
16  ``np.array(img.dataobj)`` and the cast to float);
17* ``img.uncache()`` (``img.get_fdata()`` (recommended) and ``img.get_data()``
18  (deprecated) are allowed to cache the result of the array creation.  If they
19  do, this call empties that cache.  Implement this as a no-op if
20  ``get_fdata()``, ``get_data()`` do not cache.)
21* ``img[something]`` generates an informative TypeError
22* ``img.in_memory`` is True for an array image, and for a proxy image that is
23  cached, but False otherwise.
26import warnings
27from functools import partial
28from itertools import product
29import pathlib
31import numpy as np
33from ..optpkg import optional_package
34_, have_scipy, _ = optional_package('scipy')
35from .._h5py_compat import have_h5py
37from .. import (AnalyzeImage, Spm99AnalyzeImage, Spm2AnalyzeImage,
38                Nifti1Pair, Nifti1Image, Nifti2Pair, Nifti2Image,
39                GiftiImage,
40                MGHImage, Minc1Image, Minc2Image, is_proxy)
41from ..spatialimages import SpatialImage
42from .. import minc1, minc2, parrec, brikhead
44import unittest
45import pytest
47from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_warns, assert_allclose
48from nibabel.testing import (bytesio_round_trip, bytesio_filemap, assert_data_similar,
49                             clear_and_catch_warnings, nullcontext)
50from ..tmpdirs import InTemporaryDirectory
51from ..deprecator import ExpiredDeprecationError
53from .test_api_validators import ValidateAPI
54from .test_minc1 import EXAMPLE_IMAGES as MINC1_EXAMPLE_IMAGES
55from .test_minc2 import EXAMPLE_IMAGES as MINC2_EXAMPLE_IMAGES
56from .test_parrec import EXAMPLE_IMAGES as PARREC_EXAMPLE_IMAGES
57from .test_brikhead import EXAMPLE_IMAGES as AFNI_EXAMPLE_IMAGES
60def maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
61    return pytest.deprecated_call() if meth_name == 'get_data' else nullcontext()
64class GenericImageAPI(ValidateAPI):
65    """ General image validation API """
66    # Whether this image type can do scaling of data
67    has_scaling = False
68    # Whether the image can be saved to disk / file objects
69    can_save = False
70    # Filename extension to which to save image; only used if `can_save` is
71    # True
72    standard_extension = '.img'
74    def obj_params(self):
75        """ Return generator returning (`img_creator`, `img_params`) tuples
77        ``img_creator`` is a function taking no arguments and returning a fresh
78        image.  We need to return this ``img_creator`` function rather than an
79        image instance so we can recreate the images fresh for each of multiple
80        tests run from the ``validate_xxx`` autogenerated test methods.  This
81        allows the tests to modify the image without having an effect on the
82        later tests in the same function, because each test will create a fresh
83        image with ``img_creator``.
85        Returns
86        -------
87        func_params_gen : generator
88            Generator returning tuples with:
90            * img_creator : callable
91              Callable returning a fresh image for testing
92            * img_params : mapping
93              Expected properties of image returned from ``img_creator``
94              callable.  Key, value pairs should include:
96              * ``data`` : array returned from ``get_fdata()`` on image - OR -
97                ``data_summary`` : dict with data ``min``, ``max``, ``mean``;
98              * ``shape`` : shape of image;
99              * ``affine`` : shape (4, 4) affine array for image;
100              * ``dtype`` : dtype of data returned from ``np.asarray(dataobj)``;
101              * ``is_proxy`` : bool, True if image data is proxied;
103        Notes
104        -----
105        Passing ``data_summary`` instead of ``data`` allows you gentle user to
106        avoid having to have a saved copy of the entire data array from example
107        images for testing.
108        """
109        raise NotImplementedError
111    def validate_header(self, imaker, params):
112        # Check header API
113        img = imaker()
114        hdr = img.header  # we can fetch it
115        # Read only
116        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
117            img.header = hdr
119    def validate_header_deprecated(self, imaker, params):
120        # Check deprecated header API
121        img = imaker()
122        with pytest.deprecated_call():
123            hdr = img.get_header()
124        assert hdr is img.header
126    def validate_filenames(self, imaker, params):
127        # Validate the filename, file_map interface
129        if not self.can_save:
130            raise unittest.SkipTest
131        img = imaker()
132        img.set_data_dtype(np.float32)  # to avoid rounding in load / save
133        # Make sure the object does not have a file_map
134        img.file_map = None
135        # The bytesio_round_trip helper tests bytesio load / save via file_map
136        rt_img = bytesio_round_trip(img)
137        assert_array_equal(img.shape, rt_img.shape)
138        assert_almost_equal(img.get_fdata(), rt_img.get_fdata())
139        assert_almost_equal(np.asanyarray(img.dataobj), np.asanyarray(rt_img.dataobj))
140        # Give the image a file map
141        klass = type(img)
142        rt_img.file_map = bytesio_filemap(klass)
143        # This object can now be saved and loaded from its own file_map
144        rt_img.to_file_map()
145        rt_rt_img = klass.from_file_map(rt_img.file_map)
146        assert_almost_equal(img.get_fdata(), rt_rt_img.get_fdata())
147        assert_almost_equal(np.asanyarray(img.dataobj), np.asanyarray(rt_img.dataobj))
148        # get_ / set_ filename
149        fname = 'an_image' + self.standard_extension
150        for path in (fname, pathlib.Path(fname)):
151            img.set_filename(path)
152            assert img.get_filename() == str(path)
153            assert img.file_map['image'].filename == str(path)
154        # to_ / from_ filename
155        fname = 'another_image' + self.standard_extension
156        for path in (fname, pathlib.Path(fname)):
157          with InTemporaryDirectory():
158              # Validate that saving or loading a file doesn't use deprecated methods internally
159              with clear_and_catch_warnings() as w:
160                  warnings.filterwarnings('error',
161                                          category=DeprecationWarning,
162                                          module=r"nibabel.*")
163                  img.to_filename(path)
164                  rt_img = img.__class__.from_filename(path)
165              assert_array_equal(img.shape, rt_img.shape)
166              assert_almost_equal(img.get_fdata(), rt_img.get_fdata())
167              assert_almost_equal(np.asanyarray(img.dataobj), np.asanyarray(rt_img.dataobj))
168              del rt_img  # to allow windows to delete the directory
170    def validate_no_slicing(self, imaker, params):
171        img = imaker()
172        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
173            img['string']
174        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
175            img[:]
177    def validate_get_data_deprecated(self, imaker, params):
178        # Check deprecated header API
179        img = imaker()
180        with pytest.deprecated_call():
181            data = img.get_data()
182        assert_array_equal(np.asanyarray(img.dataobj), data)
185class GetSetDtypeMixin(object):
186    """ Adds dtype tests
188    Add this one if your image has ``get_data_dtype`` and ``set_data_dtype``.
189    """
191    def validate_dtype(self, imaker, params):
192        # data / storage dtype
193        img = imaker()
194        # Need to rename this one
195        assert img.get_data_dtype().type == params['dtype']
196        # dtype survives round trip
197        if self.has_scaling and self.can_save:
198            with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
199                rt_img = bytesio_round_trip(img)
200            assert rt_img.get_data_dtype().type == params['dtype']
201        # Setting to a different dtype
202        img.set_data_dtype(np.float32)  # assumed supported for all formats
203        assert img.get_data_dtype().type == np.float32
204        # dtype survives round trip
205        if self.can_save:
206            rt_img = bytesio_round_trip(img)
207            assert rt_img.get_data_dtype().type == np.float32
210class DataInterfaceMixin(GetSetDtypeMixin):
211    """ Test dataobj interface for images with array backing
213    Use this mixin if your image has a ``dataobj`` property that contains an
214    array or an array-like thing.
215    """
216    meth_names = ('get_fdata', 'get_data')
218    def validate_data_interface(self, imaker, params):
219        # Check get data returns array, and caches
220        img = imaker()
221        assert img.shape == img.dataobj.shape
222        assert img.ndim == len(img.shape)
223        assert_data_similar(img.dataobj, params)
224        for meth_name in self.meth_names:
225            if params['is_proxy']:
226                self._check_proxy_interface(imaker, meth_name)
227            else:  # Array image
228                self._check_array_interface(imaker, meth_name)
229            method = getattr(img, meth_name)
230            # Data shape is same as image shape
231            with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
232                assert img.shape == method().shape
233            # Data ndim is same as image ndim
234            with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
235                assert img.ndim == method().ndim
236            # Values to get_data caching parameter must be 'fill' or
237            # 'unchanged'
238            with maybe_deprecated(meth_name), pytest.raises(ValueError):
239                method(caching='something')
240        # dataobj is read only
241        fake_data = np.zeros(img.shape).astype(img.get_data_dtype())
242        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
243            img.dataobj = fake_data
244        # So is in_memory
245        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
246            img.in_memory = False
248    def _check_proxy_interface(self, imaker, meth_name):
249        # Parameters assert this is an array proxy
250        img = imaker()
251        # Does is_proxy agree?
252        assert is_proxy(img.dataobj)
253        # Confirm it is not a numpy array
254        assert not isinstance(img.dataobj, np.ndarray)
255        # Confirm it can be converted to a numpy array with asarray
256        proxy_data = np.asarray(img.dataobj)
257        proxy_copy = proxy_data.copy()
258        # Not yet cached, proxy image: in_memory is False
259        assert not img.in_memory
260        # Load with caching='unchanged'
261        method = getattr(img, meth_name)
262        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
263            data = method(caching='unchanged')
264        # Still not cached
265        assert not img.in_memory
266        # Default load, does caching
267        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
268            data = method()
269        # Data now cached. in_memory is True if either of the get_data
270        # or get_fdata caches are not-None
271        assert img.in_memory
272        # We previously got proxy_data from disk, but data, which we
273        # have just fetched, is a fresh copy.
274        assert not proxy_data is data
275        # asarray on dataobj, applied above, returns same numerical
276        # values.  This might not be true get_fdata operating on huge
277        # integers, but lets assume that's not true here.
278        assert_array_equal(proxy_data, data)
279        # Now caching='unchanged' does nothing, returns cached version
280        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
281            data_again = method(caching='unchanged')
282        assert data is data_again
283        # caching='fill' does nothing because the cache is already full
284        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
285            data_yet_again = method(caching='fill')
286        assert data is data_yet_again
287        # changing array data does not change proxy data, or reloaded
288        # data
289        data[:] = 42
290        assert_array_equal(proxy_data, proxy_copy)
291        assert_array_equal(np.asarray(img.dataobj), proxy_copy)
292        # It does change the result of get_data
293        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
294            assert_array_equal(method(), 42)
295        # until we uncache
296        img.uncache()
297        # Which unsets in_memory
298        assert not img.in_memory
299        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
300            assert_array_equal(method(), proxy_copy)
301        # Check caching='fill' does cache data
302        img = imaker()
303        method = getattr(img, meth_name)
304        assert not img.in_memory
305        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
306            data = method(caching='fill')
307        assert img.in_memory
308        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
309            data_again = method()
310        assert data is data_again
311        # Check the interaction of caching with get_data, get_fdata.
312        # Caching for `get_data` should have no effect on caching for
313        # get_fdata, and vice versa.
314        # Modify the cached data
315        data[:] = 43
316        # Load using the other data fetch method
317        other_name = set(self.meth_names).difference({meth_name}).pop()
318        other_method = getattr(img, other_name)
319        with maybe_deprecated(other_name):
320            other_data = other_method()
321        # We get the original data, not the modified cache
322        assert_array_equal(proxy_data, other_data)
323        assert not np.all(data == other_data)
324        # We can modify the other cache, without affecting the first
325        other_data[:] = 44
326        with maybe_deprecated(other_name):
327            assert_array_equal(other_method(), 44)
328        with pytest.deprecated_call():
329            assert not np.all(method() == other_method())
330        if meth_name != 'get_fdata':
331            return
332        # Check that caching refreshes for new floating point type.
333        img.uncache()
334        fdata = img.get_fdata()
335        assert fdata.dtype == np.float64
336        fdata[:] = 42
337        fdata_back = img.get_fdata()
338        assert_array_equal(fdata_back, 42)
339        assert fdata_back.dtype == np.float64
340        # New data dtype, no caching, doesn't use or alter cache
341        fdata_new_dt = img.get_fdata(caching='unchanged', dtype='f4')
342        # We get back the original read, not the modified cache
343        # Allow for small rounding error when the data is scaled with 32-bit
344        # factors, rather than 64-bit factors and then cast to float-32
345        # Use rtol/atol from numpy.allclose
346        assert_allclose(fdata_new_dt, proxy_data.astype('f4'), rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)
347        assert fdata_new_dt.dtype == np.float32
348        # The original cache stays in place, for default float64
349        assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), 42)
350        # And for not-default float32, because we haven't cached
351        fdata_new_dt[:] = 43
352        fdata_new_dt = img.get_fdata(caching='unchanged', dtype='f4')
353        assert_allclose(fdata_new_dt, proxy_data.astype('f4'), rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)
354        # Until we reset with caching='fill', at which point we
355        # drop the original float64 cache, and have a float32 cache
356        fdata_new_dt = img.get_fdata(caching='fill', dtype='f4')
357        assert_allclose(fdata_new_dt, proxy_data.astype('f4'), rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)
358        # We're using the cache, for dtype='f4' reads
359        fdata_new_dt[:] = 43
360        assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(dtype='f4'), 43)
361        # We've lost the cache for float64 reads (no longer 42)
362        assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), proxy_data)
364    def _check_array_interface(self, imaker, meth_name):
365        for caching in (None, 'fill', 'unchanged'):
366            self._check_array_caching(imaker, meth_name, caching)
368    def _check_array_caching(self, imaker, meth_name, caching):
369        img = imaker()
370        method = getattr(img, meth_name)
371        get_data_func = (method if caching is None else
372                         partial(method, caching=caching))
373        assert isinstance(img.dataobj, np.ndarray)
374        assert img.in_memory
375        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
376            data = get_data_func()
377        # Returned data same object as underlying dataobj if using
378        # old ``get_data`` method, or using newer ``get_fdata``
379        # method, where original array was float64.
380        arr_dtype = img.dataobj.dtype
381        dataobj_is_data = arr_dtype == np.float64 or method == img.get_data
382        # Set something to the output array.
383        data[:] = 42
384        with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
385            get_result_changed = np.all(get_data_func() == 42)
386        assert get_result_changed == (dataobj_is_data or caching != 'unchanged')
387        if dataobj_is_data:
388            assert data is img.dataobj
389            # Changing array data changes
390            # data
391            assert_array_equal(np.asarray(img.dataobj), 42)
392            # Uncache has no effect
393            img.uncache()
394            with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
395                assert_array_equal(get_data_func(), 42)
396        else:
397            assert not data is img.dataobj
398            assert not np.all(np.asarray(img.dataobj) == 42)
399            # Uncache does have an effect
400            img.uncache()
401            with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
402                assert not np.all(get_data_func() == 42)
403        # in_memory is always true for array images, regardless of
404        # cache state.
405        img.uncache()
406        assert img.in_memory
407        if meth_name != 'get_fdata':
408            return
409        # Return original array from get_fdata only if the input array is the
410        # requested dtype.
411        float_types = np.sctypes['float']
412        if arr_dtype not in float_types:
413            return
414        for float_type in float_types:
415            with maybe_deprecated(meth_name):
416                data = get_data_func(dtype=float_type)
417            assert (data is img.dataobj) == (arr_dtype == float_type)
419    def validate_data_deprecated(self, imaker, params):
420        # Check _data property still exists, but raises warning
421        img = imaker()
422        with pytest.deprecated_call():
423            assert_data_similar(img._data, params)
424        # Check setting _data raises error
425        fake_data = np.zeros(img.shape).astype(img.get_data_dtype())
426        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
427            img._data = fake_data
429    def validate_shape(self, imaker, params):
430        # Validate shape
431        img = imaker()
432        # Same as expected shape
433        assert img.shape == params['shape']
434        # Same as array shape if passed
435        if 'data' in params:
436            assert img.shape == params['data'].shape
437        # Read only
438        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
439            img.shape = np.eye(4)
441    def validate_ndim(self, imaker, params):
442        # Validate shape
443        img = imaker()
444        # Same as expected ndim
445        assert img.ndim == len(params['shape'])
446        # Same as array ndim if passed
447        if 'data' in params:
448            assert img.ndim == params['data'].ndim
449        # Read only
450        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
451            img.ndim = 5
453    def validate_shape_deprecated(self, imaker, params):
454        # Check deprecated get_shape API
455        img = imaker()
456        with pytest.raises(ExpiredDeprecationError):
457            img.get_shape()
459    def validate_mmap_parameter(self, imaker, params):
460        img = imaker()
461        fname = img.get_filename()
462        with InTemporaryDirectory():
463            # Load test files with mmap parameters
464            # or
465            # Save a generated file so we can test it
466            if fname is None:
467                # Skip only formats we can't write
468                if not img.rw or not img.valid_exts:
469                    return
470                fname = 'image' + img.valid_exts[0]
471                img.to_filename(fname)
472            rt_img = img.__class__.from_filename(fname, mmap=True)
473            assert_almost_equal(img.get_fdata(), rt_img.get_fdata())
474            rt_img = img.__class__.from_filename(fname, mmap=False)
475            assert_almost_equal(img.get_fdata(), rt_img.get_fdata())
476            rt_img = img.__class__.from_filename(fname, mmap='c')
477            assert_almost_equal(img.get_fdata(), rt_img.get_fdata())
478            rt_img = img.__class__.from_filename(fname, mmap='r')
479            assert_almost_equal(img.get_fdata(), rt_img.get_fdata())
480            # r+ is specifically not valid for images
481            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
482                img.__class__.from_filename(fname, mmap='r+')
483            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
484                img.__class__.from_filename(fname, mmap='invalid')
485            del rt_img  # to allow windows to delete the directory
488class HeaderShapeMixin(object):
489    """ Tests that header shape can be set and got
491    Add this one of your header supports ``get_data_shape`` and
492    ``set_data_shape``.
493    """
495    def validate_header_shape(self, imaker, params):
496        # Change shape in header, check this changes img.header
497        img = imaker()
498        hdr = img.header
499        shape = hdr.get_data_shape()
500        new_shape = (shape[0] + 1,) + shape[1:]
501        hdr.set_data_shape(new_shape)
502        assert img.header is hdr
503        assert img.header.get_data_shape() == new_shape
506class AffineMixin(object):
507    """ Adds test of affine property, method
509    Add this one if your image has an ``affine`` property.  If so, it should
510    (for now) also have a ``get_affine`` method returning the same result.
511    """
513    def validate_affine(self, imaker, params):
514        # Check affine API
515        img = imaker()
516        assert_almost_equal(img.affine, params['affine'], 6)
517        assert img.affine.dtype == np.float64
518        img.affine[0, 0] = 1.5
519        assert img.affine[0, 0] == 1.5
520        # Read only
521        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
522            img.affine = np.eye(4)
524    def validate_affine_deprecated(self, imaker, params):
525        # Check deprecated affine API
526        img = imaker()
527        with pytest.deprecated_call():
528            assert_almost_equal(img.get_affine(), params['affine'], 6)
529            assert img.get_affine().dtype == np.float64
530            aff = img.get_affine()
531            aff[0, 0] = 1.5
532            assert aff is img.get_affine()
535class SerializeMixin(object):
536    def validate_to_bytes(self, imaker, params):
537        img = imaker()
538        serialized = img.to_bytes()
539        with InTemporaryDirectory():
540            fname = 'img' + self.standard_extension
541            img.to_filename(fname)
542            with open(fname, 'rb') as fobj:
543                file_contents = fobj.read()
544        assert serialized == file_contents
546    def validate_from_bytes(self, imaker, params):
547        img = imaker()
548        klass = getattr(self, 'klass', img.__class__)
549        with InTemporaryDirectory():
550            fname = 'img' + self.standard_extension
551            img.to_filename(fname)
553            all_images = list(getattr(self, 'example_images', [])) + [{'fname': fname}]
554            for img_params in all_images:
555                img_a = klass.from_filename(img_params['fname'])
556                with open(img_params['fname'], 'rb') as fobj:
557                    img_b = klass.from_bytes(fobj.read())
559                assert self._header_eq(img_a.header, img_b.header)
560                assert np.array_equal(img_a.get_fdata(), img_b.get_fdata())
561                del img_a
562                del img_b
564    def validate_to_from_bytes(self, imaker, params):
565        img = imaker()
566        klass = getattr(self, 'klass', img.__class__)
567        with InTemporaryDirectory():
568            fname = 'img' + self.standard_extension
569            img.to_filename(fname)
571            all_images = list(getattr(self, 'example_images', [])) + [{'fname': fname}]
572            for img_params in all_images:
573                img_a = klass.from_filename(img_params['fname'])
574                bytes_a = img_a.to_bytes()
576                img_b = klass.from_bytes(bytes_a)
578                assert img_b.to_bytes() == bytes_a
579                assert self._header_eq(img_a.header, img_b.header)
580                assert np.array_equal(img_a.get_fdata(), img_b.get_fdata())
581                del img_a
582                del img_b
584    @staticmethod
585    def _header_eq(header_a, header_b):
586        """ Header equality check that can be overridden by a subclass of this test
588        This allows us to retain the same tests above when testing an image that uses an
589        abstract class as a header, namely when testing the FileBasedImage API, which
590        raises a NotImplementedError for __eq__
591        """
592        return header_a == header_b
596class LoadImageAPI(GenericImageAPI,
597                   DataInterfaceMixin,
598                   AffineMixin,
599                   GetSetDtypeMixin,
600                   HeaderShapeMixin):
601    # Callable returning an image from a filename
602    loader = None
603    # Sequence of dictionaries, where dictionaries have keys
604    # 'fname" in addition to keys for ``params`` (see obj_params docstring)
605    example_images = ()
606    # Class of images to be tested
607    klass = None
609    def obj_params(self):
610        for img_params in self.example_images:
611            yield lambda: self.loader(img_params['fname']), img_params
613    def validate_path_maybe_image(self, imaker, params):
614        for img_params in self.example_images:
615            test, sniff = self.klass.path_maybe_image(img_params['fname'])
616            assert isinstance(test, bool)
617            if sniff is not None:
618                assert isinstance(sniff[0], bytes)
619                assert isinstance(sniff[1], str)
622class MakeImageAPI(LoadImageAPI):
623    """ Validation for images we can make with ``func(data, affine, header)``
624    """
625    # A callable returning an image from ``image_maker(data, affine, header)``
626    image_maker = None
627    # A callable returning a header from ``header_maker()``
628    header_maker = None
629    # Example shapes for created images
630    example_shapes = ((2,), (2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5))
631    # Supported dtypes for storing to disk
632    storable_dtypes = (np.uint8, np.int16, np.float32)
634    def obj_params(self):
635        # Return any obj_params from superclass
636        for func, params in super(MakeImageAPI, self).obj_params():
637            yield func, params
638        # Create new images
639        aff = np.diag([1, 2, 3, 1])
641        def make_imaker(arr, aff, header=None):
642            return lambda: self.image_maker(arr, aff, header)
644        def make_prox_imaker(arr, aff, hdr):
646            def prox_imaker():
647                img = self.image_maker(arr, aff, hdr)
648                rt_img = bytesio_round_trip(img)
649                return self.image_maker(rt_img.dataobj, aff, rt_img.header)
651            return prox_imaker
653        for shape, stored_dtype in product(self.example_shapes,
654                                           self.storable_dtypes):
655            # To make sure we do not trigger scaling, always use the
656            # stored_dtype for the input array.
657            arr = np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=stored_dtype).reshape(shape)
658            hdr = self.header_maker()
659            hdr.set_data_dtype(stored_dtype)
660            func = make_imaker(arr.copy(), aff, hdr)
661            params = dict(
662                dtype=stored_dtype,
663                affine=aff,
664                data=arr,
665                shape=shape,
666                is_proxy=False)
667            yield make_imaker(arr.copy(), aff, hdr), params
668            if not self.can_save:
669                continue
670            # Create proxy images from these array images, by storing via BytesIO.
671            # We assume that loading from a fileobj creates a proxy image.
672            params['is_proxy'] = True
673            yield make_prox_imaker(arr.copy(), aff, hdr), params
676class ImageHeaderAPI(MakeImageAPI):
677    """ When ``self.image_maker`` is an image class, make header from class
678    """
680    def header_maker(self):
681        return self.image_maker.header_class()
684class TestAnalyzeAPI(ImageHeaderAPI):
685    """ General image validation API instantiated for Analyze images
686    """
687    klass = image_maker = AnalyzeImage
688    has_scaling = False
689    can_save = True
690    standard_extension = '.img'
691    # Supported dtypes for storing to disk
692    storable_dtypes = (np.uint8, np.int16, np.int32, np.float32, np.float64)
695class TestSpatialImageAPI(TestAnalyzeAPI):
696    klass = image_maker = SpatialImage
697    can_save = False
700class TestSpm99AnalyzeAPI(TestAnalyzeAPI):
701    # SPM-type analyze need scipy for mat file IO
702    klass = image_maker = Spm99AnalyzeImage
703    has_scaling = True
704    can_save = have_scipy
707class TestSpm2AnalyzeAPI(TestSpm99AnalyzeAPI):
708    klass = image_maker = Spm2AnalyzeImage
711class TestNifti1PairAPI(TestSpm99AnalyzeAPI):
712    klass = image_maker = Nifti1Pair
713    can_save = True
716class TestNifti1API(TestNifti1PairAPI, SerializeMixin):
717    klass = image_maker = Nifti1Image
718    standard_extension = '.nii'
721class TestNifti2PairAPI(TestNifti1PairAPI):
722    klass = image_maker = Nifti2Pair
725class TestNifti2API(TestNifti1API):
726    klass = image_maker = Nifti2Image
729class TestMinc1API(ImageHeaderAPI):
730    klass = image_maker = Minc1Image
731    loader = minc1.load
732    example_images = MINC1_EXAMPLE_IMAGES
735class TestMinc2API(TestMinc1API):
737    def setup(self):
738        if not have_h5py:
739            raise unittest.SkipTest('Need h5py for these tests')
741    klass = image_maker = Minc2Image
742    loader = minc2.load
743    example_images = MINC2_EXAMPLE_IMAGES
746class TestPARRECAPI(LoadImageAPI):
748    def loader(self, fname):
749        return parrec.load(fname)
751    klass = parrec.PARRECImage
752    example_images = PARREC_EXAMPLE_IMAGES
755# ECAT is a special case and needs more thought
756# class TestEcatAPI(TestAnalyzeAPI):
757#     image_maker = ecat.EcatImage
758#     has_scaling = True
759#     can_save = True
760#    standard_extension = '.v'
763class TestMGHAPI(ImageHeaderAPI, SerializeMixin):
764    klass = image_maker = MGHImage
765    example_shapes = ((2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5))  # MGH can only do >= 3D
766    has_scaling = True
767    can_save = True
768    standard_extension = '.mgh'
771class TestGiftiAPI(LoadImageAPI, SerializeMixin):
772    klass = image_maker = GiftiImage
773    can_save = True
774    standard_extension = '.gii'
777class TestAFNIAPI(LoadImageAPI):
778    loader = brikhead.load
779    klass = image_maker = brikhead.AFNIImage
780    example_images = AFNI_EXAMPLE_IMAGES