1 /*
2  * (c) Copyright 1990-1996 OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC.
3  * (c) Copyright 1990-1996 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY
4  * (c) Copyright 1990-1996 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION
5  * (c) Copyright 1991, 1992 Siemens-Nixdorf Information Systems
6  * To anyone who acknowledges that this file is provided "AS IS" without
7  * any express or implied warranty: permission to use, copy, modify, and
8  * distribute this file for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
9  * provided that the above copyright notices and this notice appears in
10  * all source code copies, and that none of the names listed above be used
11  * in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
12  * without specific, written prior permission.  None of these organizations
13  * makes any representations about the suitability of this software for
14  * any purpose.
15  */
16 /*
17  *	TCB-related type definitions.
18  */
20 #ifndef CMA_TCB_DEFS
21 #define CMA_TCB_DEFS
23 /*
25  */
27 #  include <cma_thread_io.h>
28 # endif
29 #include <cma.h>
30 #include <cma_debug_client.h>
31 #include <cma_attr.h>
32 #include <cma_defs.h>
33 #include <cma_handle.h>
34 #include <cma_queue.h>
35 #if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__UNIX
36 # if defined(SNI_DCOSX)
37 #   include <sys/ucontext.h>
38 # endif
39 # include <signal.h>
40 #endif
41 #include <cma_sched.h>
43 /*
45  */
48 # define cma__c_ibmr2_ctx_stack_size	2048
49 # define cma__c_ibmr2_ctx_stack_top	(cma__c_ibmr2_ctx_stack_size - 1)
50 #endif
52 /*
54  */
56 #ifndef __STDC__
57 # if _CMA_HARDWARE_ != _CMA__HPPA
58 struct CMA__T_SEMAPHORE;
59 # endif
60 struct CMA__T_INT_CV;
61 struct CMA__T_INT_MUTEX;
62 struct CMA__T_INT_TCB;
63 #endif
65 typedef cma_t_address		*cma__t_context_list;
67 typedef struct CMA__T_TCB_PAD {
68     /*
69      * Adjust to align the tcb prolog at byte 32.
70      * 12 bytes are required as object header is currently
71      * 20 bytes long.
72      */
73     cma_t_integer	pad1;		/* pad bytes */
74     cma_t_integer	pad2;		/* pad bytes */
75     cma_t_integer	pad3;		/* pad bytes */
76     } cma__t_tcb_pad;
78 #if (_CMA_OS_ == _CMA__UNIX) && !_CMA_THREAD_SYNC_IO_
79 typedef struct CMA__T_TCB_SELECT {
80     cma__t_queue	queue;
81 #if (_CMA_UNIX_TYPE !=  _CMA__SVR4)
82 	cma__t_file_mask    *rfds;
83 	cma__t_file_mask    *wfds;
84 	cma__t_file_mask    *efds;
85 #else
86 	cma__t_poll_info 	poll_info;
87 #endif /* (_CMA_UNIX_TYPE !=  _CMA__SVR4) */
88     cma_t_integer	nfound;
89     } cma__t_tcb_select;
90 #endif
92 typedef struct CMA__T_TCB_TIME {
93     cma__t_queue	queue;		/* must be first entry! */
94     cma_t_integer	mode;
95     struct CMA__T_SEMAPHORE *semaphore;	/* used for timed semaphores */
96     cma_t_date_time	wakeup_time;
97     cma_t_integer	quanta_remaining;
98     } cma__t_tcb_time;
100 typedef enum CMA__T_DEBEVT {
101 	cma__c_debevt_activating = 1,	/* First transition to running */
102 	cma__c_debevt_running = 2,	/* Any transition to running */
103 	cma__c_debevt_preempting = 3,	/* Preemted (replaced) another thread */
104 	cma__c_debevt_blocking = 4,	/* Any transition to blocked */
105 	cma__c_debevt_terminating = 5,	/* Final state transition */
106 	cma__c_debevt_term_alert = 6,	/* Terminated due to alert/cancel */
107 	cma__c_debevt_term_exc = 7,	/* Terminated due to exception */
108 	cma__c_debevt_exc_handled = 8	/* Exception is being handled */
109 	} cma__t_debevt;
111 #define cma__c_debevt__first ((cma_t_integer)cma__c_debevt_activating)
112 #define cma__c_debevt__last  ((cma_t_integer)cma__c_debevt_exc_handled)
113 #define cma__c_debevt__dim (cma__c_debevt__last + 1)
115 /*
116  * Type defining thread substate, which is used by the debugger.
117  * If the state is blocked, substate indicates WHY the thread is blocked.
118  */
119 typedef enum CMA__T_SUBSTATE {
120     cma__c_substa_normal = 0,
121     cma__c_substa_mutex = 1,
122     cma__c_substa_cv = 2,
123     cma__c_substa_timed_cv = 3,
124     cma__c_substa_term_alt = 4,
125     cma__c_substa_term_exc = 5,
126     cma__c_substa_delay =6,
127     cma__c_substa_not_yet_run = 7
128     } cma__t_substate;
129 #define cma__c_substa__first ((cma_t_integer)cma__c_substa_normal)
130 #define cma__c_substa__last  ((cma_t_integer)cma__c_substa_not_yet_run)
131 #define cma__c_substa__dim (cma__c_substa__last + 1)
134 /*
135  * Per-thread state for the debugger
136  */
137 typedef struct CMA__T_TCB_DEBUG {
138     cma_t_boolean	on_hold;	/* Thread was put on hold by debugger */
139     cma_t_boolean	activated;	/* Activation event was reported */
140     cma_t_boolean	did_preempt;	/* Thread preempted prior one */
141     cma_t_address	start_pc;	/* Start routine address */
142     cma_t_address	object_addr;	/* Addr of thread object */
143     cma__t_substate	substate;	/* Reason blocked, terminated, etc.*/
144     cma_t_boolean	notify_debugger;/* Notify debugger thread is running */
145     cma_t_address	SPARE2;		/* SPARE */
146     cma_t_address	SPARE3;		/* SPARE */
147     struct CMA__T_INT_TCB
148 			*preempted_tcb;	/* TCB of thread that got preempted */
149     cma_t_boolean	flags[cma__c_debevt__dim];
150 					/* Events enabled for this thread */
151     } cma__t_tcb_debug;
153 typedef struct CMA__T_TCB_SCHED {
154     cma_t_integer	adj_time;	/* Abs. time in ticks of last prio adj */
155     cma_t_integer	tot_time;	/* Weighted ave in ticks (scaled) */
156     cma_t_integer	time_stamp;	/* Abs. time in ticks of last update */
157     cma_t_integer	cpu_time;	/* Weighted average in ticks */
158     cma_t_integer	cpu_ticks;	/* # of ticks while comp. (scaled) */
159     cma_t_integer	q_num;		/* Number of last ready queue on */
160     cma_t_priority	priority;	/* Thread priority */
161     cma_t_sched_policy  policy;         /* Scheduling policy of thread */
162     cma_t_boolean	rtb;		/* "Run 'Till Block" scheduling */
163     cma_t_boolean	spp;		/* "Strict Priority Preemption" sched */
164     cma_t_boolean	fixed_prio;	/* Fixed priority */
165     cma__t_sched_class	class;		/* Scheduling class */
166     struct CMA__T_VP	*processor;	/* Current processor (if running) */
167     } cma__t_tcb_sched;
169 typedef struct CMA__T_INT_ALERT {
170     cma_t_boolean	pending : 1;	/* alert_pending bit */
171     cma_t_boolean	g_enable : 1;	/* general delivery state */
172     cma_t_boolean	a_enable : 1;	/* asynchronous delivery state */
173     cma_t_integer	spare : 29;	/* Pad to longword */
174     cma_t_natural	count;		/* Alert scope nesting count */
175     } cma__t_int_alert;
177 typedef enum CMA__T_STATE {
178     cma__c_state_running = 0,		/* For consistency with initial TCB */
179     cma__c_state_ready	= 1,
180     cma__c_state_blocked = 2,
181     cma__c_state_terminated = 3
182     } cma__t_state;
183 #define cma__c_state__first ((cma_t_integer)cma__c_state_running)
184 #define cma__c_state__last  ((cma_t_integer)cma__c_state_terminated)
185 #define cma__c_state__dim (cma__c_state__last + 1)
187 typedef enum CMA__T_THKIND {
188     cma__c_thkind_initial = 0,		/* Initial thread */
189     cma__c_thkind_normal = 1,		/* Normal thread */
190     cma__c_thkind_null	= 2		/* A null thread */
191     } cma__t_thkind;
192 #define cma__c_thkind__first ((cma_t_integer)cma__c_thkind_initial)
193 #define cma__c_thkind__last  ((cma_t_integer)cma__c_thkind_null)
194 #define cma__c_thkind__dim (cma__c_thkind__last + 1)
196 typedef enum CMA__T_SYSCALL_STATE {
197 	cma__c_syscall_ok = 1,                      /* syscall was not interrupted */
198 	cma__c_syscall_intintrpt = 1,       /* syscall was interrupted by VTALRM */
199 	cma__c_syscall_extintrpt = 2        /* syscall was interrupted by external signal */
200 	} cma__t_syscall_state;
203 typedef struct CMA__T_INT_TCB {
204     /*
205      * Fixed part of TCB.
206      *   Modifications to the following three fields must be coordinated.
207      *   The object header must always be first, and the prolog must always
208      *   remain at the same offset (32) for all time. Thus the object header
209      *   must never grow beyond a maximum of 32 bytes.
210      */
211     cma__t_object	header;		/* Common object header */
212     cma__t_tcb_pad	pad1;		/* Pad required to align prolog */
213     cma_t_tcb_prolog	prolog;		/* Standard prolog for tasks, threads */
215     /*
216      * Floating part of TCB (fields here on are free to be moved and resized).
217      */
218     cma__t_queue	threads;	/* List of all known threads */
219     cma__t_int_attr	*attributes;	/* Backpointer to attr obj */
220     cma__t_state	state;		/* Current state of thread */
221     cma__t_thkind	kind;		/* Which kind of thread */
222     struct CMA__T_INT_MUTEX
223 			*mutex;		/* Mutex to control TCB access */
224     struct CMA__T_INT_CV
225 			*term_cv;	/* CV for join */
226     struct CMA__T_INT_MUTEX
227 			*tswait_mutex;	/* Mutex for thread-synchronous waits */
228     struct CMA__T_INT_CV
229 			*tswait_cv;	/* CV for thread-synchronous waits */
230     cma_t_start_routine	start_code;	/* Address of start routine */
231     cma_t_address	start_arg;	/* Argument to pass to start_code */
232     cma__t_queue	stack;		/* Queue header for stack descr. */
233     cma_t_natural	context_count;	/* Size of context array */
234     cma__t_context_list	contexts;	/* Context value array pointer */
235     cma_t_exit_status	exit_status;	/* Exit status of thread */
236     cma_t_address	return_value;	/* Thread's return value */
237     cma__t_async_ctx	async_ctx;	/* Asynchronous context switch info */
238     cma__t_static_ctx	static_ctx;	/* Static context switch information */
239     cma_t_integer	event_status;	/* Status of semaphore operation */
240     cma__t_tcb_time	timer;		/* Time info for dispatcher */
241     cma__t_tcb_sched	sched;		/* Scheduler info */
242     cma__t_tcb_debug	debug;		/* Debugger info */
243 #if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__UNIX
244 # if !_CMA_THREAD_SYNC_IO_
245     cma__t_tcb_select	select;		/* Select info for timed selects */
246 # endif
247     struct sigaction	sigaction_data[NSIG];
248 #endif
249     cma_t_natural       syscall_state; /* set if one of the cma wrapped syscalls was interrupted. */
250     cma_t_boolean	detached;	/* Set if already detached */
251     cma_t_boolean	terminated;	/* Set if terminated */
252     cma_t_integer	joiners;	/* Count of joiners, for zombie frees */
253     cma__t_int_alert	alert;		/* Current alert state info */
254     struct CMA__T_INT_CV
255 			*wait_cv;	/* CV thread is currently waiting on */
256     struct CMA__T_INT_MUTEX
257 			*wait_mutex;	/* Mutex thread is waiting on */
258     struct EXC_CONTEXT_T
259 			*exc_stack;	/* Top of exception stack */
261     char		ctx_stack[cma__c_ibmr2_ctx_stack_size];
262 #endif
263     cma_t_integer	thd_errno;	/* Per-thread errno value */
264 #if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__VMS
265     cma_t_integer	thd_vmserrno;	/* Per-thread VMS errno value */
266 #endif
267     } cma__t_int_tcb;
269 #endif