/dports/science/openbabel/openbabel-3.1.1/include/openbabel/ |
H A D | oberror.h | 42 obInfo, //!< for informative messages (e.g., file is a non-standard format) enumerator 157 unsigned int GetInfoMessageCount() { return _messageCount[obInfo];} in GetInfoMessageCount() 211 obErrorLog.ThrowError("", str(), obInfo); in sync()
/dports/science/openbabel/openbabel-3.1.1/src/ |
H A D | oberror.cpp | 54 else if (_level == obInfo) in message() 245 if (_messageCount[obInfo] > 0) in GetMessageSummary() 246 summary << _messageCount[obInfo] << " info messages "; in GetMessageSummary()
H A D | phmodel.cpp | 80 …rorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse line in phmodel table from phmodel.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine() 89 …rorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse line in phmodel table from phmodel.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine() 101 …rorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse line in phmodel table from phmodel.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine() 110 …rorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse line in phmodel table from phmodel.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine()
H A D | typer.cpp | 80 …rowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse INTHYB line in atom type table from atomtyp.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine() 91 …rowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse INTHYB line in atom type table from atomtyp.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine() 100 …rowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse EXTTYP line in atom type table from atomtyp.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine() 110 …rowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse EXTTYP line in atom type table from atomtyp.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine() 261 …ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse RING line in ring type table from ringtyp.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine() 270 …ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse RING line in ring type table from ringtyp.txt", obInfo); in ParseLine()
H A D | RDKitConv.cpp | 55 OpenBabel::obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, msg, OpenBabel::obInfo); in OBMolToRWMol()
H A D | data.cpp | 278 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obInfo); in ParseLine() 299 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "Requested type column not found", obInfo); in SetFromType() 319 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "Requested type column not found", obInfo); in SetToType()
H A D | patty.cpp | 273 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obInfo); in type_to_int()
H A D | bondtyper.cpp | 79 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obInfo); in ParseLine()
H A D | obmolecformat.cpp | 167 obInfo); in WriteChemObjectImpl()
H A D | obutil.cpp | 57 obErrorLog.ThrowError("", str, obInfo); in ThrowError() 64 obErrorLog.ThrowError("", str, obInfo); in ThrowError()
H A D | builder.cpp | 141 …obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse SMARTS from contribution data file", obInfo); in LoadFragments() 1147 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse SMARTS from fragment", obInfo); in Build()
/dports/science/openbabel/openbabel-3.1.1/src/stereo/ |
H A D | cistrans.cpp | 258 …tereo::IsOnSameAtom : Atom with id2 doesn't exist anymore, must be a (deleted) hydrogen.", obInfo); in IsOnSameAtom() 271 …isTransStereo::IsOnSameAtom : Atom with id2 doesn't exist, must be a (deleted) hydrogen.", obInfo); in IsOnSameAtom() 292 …isTransStereo::IsOnSameAtom : Atom with id1 doesn't exist, must be a (deleted) hydrogen.", obInfo); in IsOnSameAtom() 305 …isTransStereo::IsOnSameAtom : Atom with id1 doesn't exist, must be a (deleted) hydrogen.", obInfo); in IsOnSameAtom() 332 …sStereo::IsOnSameAtom : Atoms with id1 & id2 don't exist, must be a (deleted) hydrogens.", obInfo); in IsOnSameAtom()
H A D | perception.cpp | 2121 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obInfo); in TetrahedralFrom3D() 2306 …rror(__FUNCTION__, "Could not determine cis/trans from 3D coordinates, using unspecified", obInfo); in CisTransFrom3D() 2318 …rror(__FUNCTION__, "Could not determine cis/trans from 3D coordinates, using unspecified", obInfo); in CisTransFrom3D() 2322 …rror(__FUNCTION__, "Could not determine cis/trans from 3D coordinates, using unspecified", obInfo); in CisTransFrom3D() 2433 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obInfo); in TetrahedralFrom2D()
/dports/science/openbabel/openbabel-3.1.1/test/ |
H A D | roundtrip.cpp | 88 obErrorLog.ThrowError("", "File format #1 isn't loaded", obInfo); in main() 93 obErrorLog.ThrowError("", "File format #2 isn't loaded", obInfo); in main()
H A D | cistranstest.cpp | 220 obErrorLog.SetOutputLevel(obInfo); in test_IsOnSameAtom2() 289 obErrorLog.SetOutputLevel(obInfo); in test_CisTrans1() 319 obErrorLog.SetOutputLevel(obInfo); in test_CisTrans2()
/dports/science/openbabel/openbabel-3.1.1/src/charges/ |
H A D | qeq.cpp | 294 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "QEq charges successfully assigned.", obInfo); in ComputeCharges() 352 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, msg_resid.str(), obInfo); in solver()
H A D | qtpie.cpp | 339 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "QTPIE charges successfully assigned.", obInfo); in ComputeCharges() 402 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, msg_resid.str(), obInfo); in solver()
H A D | eqeq.cpp | 204 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "EQEq charges successfully assigned.", obInfo); in ComputeCharges()
/dports/science/openbabel/openbabel-3.1.1/src/descriptors/ |
H A D | groupcontrib.cpp | 96 …obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse SMARTS from contribution data file", obInfo); in ParseFile()
/dports/science/openbabel/openbabel-3.1.1/src/formats/ |
H A D | PQSformat.cpp | 239 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obInfo); in ReadMolecule()
H A D | chem3dformat.cpp | 306 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, buffer, obInfo); in WriteChem3d()
H A D | MNAformat.cpp | 240 …g.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "MNA includes hydrogens by definition, just be aware of that.", obInfo); in WriteMolecule()
H A D | pdbformat.cpp | 350 obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str() , obInfo); in parseConectRecord()
/dports/science/openbabel/openbabel-3.1.1/src/forcefields/ |
H A D | forcefieldghemical.cpp | 986 … obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse atom type table from ghemical.prm", obInfo); in SetTypes()
H A D | forcefielduff.cpp | 1722 … obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse atom type table from UFF.prm", obInfo); in SetTypes()