tr-TR.rc (96228ccc) | tr-TR.rc (7249b8b7) |
1/* TRANSLATOR: 2013, 2014, 2016 Erdem Ersoy (eersoy93) (erdemersoy [at] erdemersoy [dot] net) */ 2 3LANGUAGE LANG_TURKISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT 4 5IDD_FIRSTPAGE DIALOGEX 0, 0, 380, 228 6STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION 7CAPTION "Bağlantı Oluştur" 8FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x0 --- 73 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 82 IDS_INVALID_SHA "İndirilen kütüğün sağlama toplamı beklenmeyen. Bozuk kütüğün kurulumu iptal ediliyor." 83 IDS_NEW_INTERNET_SHORTCUT "New Internet Shortcut" 84 IDS_DWL_FAILED "Failed to download the Gecko package. Make sure you have an internet connection in order to download it. The setup will proceed without installing Gecko." 85 IDS_CANTMAKEINETSHORTCUT "Failed to create internet shortcut." 86 IDS_CANTMAKESHORTCUT "Failed to create shortcut." 87 IDS_NO_MEMORY "No memory could be allocated!" 88 IDS_NO_DIRECTORY "No directory given!" 89 IDS_INVALID_PATH "The given path is invalid!" | 1/* TRANSLATOR: 2013, 2014, 2016 Erdem Ersoy (eersoy93) (erdemersoy [at] erdemersoy [dot] net) */ 2 3LANGUAGE LANG_TURKISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT 4 5IDD_FIRSTPAGE DIALOGEX 0, 0, 380, 228 6STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION 7CAPTION "Bağlantı Oluştur" 8FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x0 --- 73 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 82 IDS_INVALID_SHA "İndirilen kütüğün sağlama toplamı beklenmeyen. Bozuk kütüğün kurulumu iptal ediliyor." 83 IDS_NEW_INTERNET_SHORTCUT "New Internet Shortcut" 84 IDS_DWL_FAILED "Failed to download the Gecko package. Make sure you have an internet connection in order to download it. The setup will proceed without installing Gecko." 85 IDS_CANTMAKEINETSHORTCUT "Failed to create internet shortcut." 86 IDS_CANTMAKESHORTCUT "Failed to create shortcut." 87 IDS_NO_MEMORY "No memory could be allocated!" 88 IDS_NO_DIRECTORY "No directory given!" 89 IDS_INVALID_PATH "The given path is invalid!" |
90 IDS_INVALID_NAME "The shortcut name you entered either contained characters that are invalid for file names or was too long." |
90END | 91END |