#!/bin/sh # Little Utility Application to get the OpenZwave Build Configuration # # You can use it in Makefiles etc as: # gcc `ozw_config --Libs` `ozw_config --Cflags` test.c -o test echoerr() { echo "$@" 1>&2; } function getValue { IFS="=: " while read -r name value do if [ "--"$name == $1 ] then echo "${value//\"/}" | tr -d '\r\n' fi done <<< $inputfile } pcfile=@pkgconfigfile@ key=$1 if [ "$key" == "--with-pc" ] then pcfile=$2 key=$3 fi if [ ! -f $pcfile ] then echoerr "$pcfile does not exist" exit 128 fi inputfile=`cat $pcfile | grep -vE '^(\s*$|#)'` if [ ! -z $key ] || [ "$key" == "--help" ] then if [ "$key" == "--Libs" ] then value="-L$(getValue "--libdir") -lopenzwave" elif [ "$key" == "--Cflags" ] then value="-I$(getValue "--includedir")" else value=$(getValue $key) fi if [ ! -z "$value" ] then echo $value else exit 128 fi else echo "OpenZWave Build Configuration Utility" echo "" echo "Options Available:" echo "--with-pc - Use a Alternative pc file" echo "" echo "Get Build Variables:" IFS="=: " while read -r name value do echo "--${name//\"/}" done <<< $inputfile fi