[pastebin] name=sprunge.us url=http://sprunge.us/ [format] sprunge=%contents% [parse] search=^[[:space:]]*(.+?)[[:space:]]*$ replace=\1?%language% # map GeanyFileType=PastebinFileType [languages] # Pygments supports quite a bunch of stuff and is pretty forgiving, so # basically just map 1:1 (but for a few things that either can't be used in # and HTML query string (like C#), or for which Geany doesn't use the most # common name (i.e. Conf)). # Additionally, Sprunge seems to require lowercase names, but is happy with # any lexer name, and just falls back to plain text if it can't find it, so we # can safely just list everything and hope it works or will in the future. None=text Abaqus=abaqus Abc=abc ActionScript=actionscript Ada=ada Asciidoc=asciidoc ASM=asm Batch=batch C=c C#=csharp C++=c++ CAML=caml Clojure=clojure CMake=cmake COBOL=cobol CoffeeScript=coffeescript Conf=conf CSS=css CUDA=cuda Cython=cython D=d Diff=diff Docbook=docbook Erlang=erlang F77=fortran Ferite=ferite Forth=forth Fortran=fortran FreeBasic=freebasic Genie=genie GLSL=glsl Go=go Graphviz=graphviz Haskell=haskell Haxe=haxe HTML=html Java=java Javascript=javascript JSON=json LaTeX=latex Lisp=lisp Lua=lua Make=make Markdown=markdown Matlab/Octave=octave NSIS=nsis Objective-C=objective-c Pascal=pascal Perl=perl PHP=php Po=po PowerShell=powershell Python=python R=r reStructuredText=restructuredtext Ruby=ruby Rust=rust Scala=scala Sh=sh SQL=sql Tcl=tcl Txt2tags=txt2tags Vala=vala Verilog=verilog VHDL=vhdl XML=xml YAML=yaml Zephir=zephir